Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Write an Investment Prospectus

23 Mar 2023
31 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a prospectus can be daunting and it is essential for investors and companies to ensure that it is accurate and compliant with applicable laws. A prospectus is a document provided by a company which outlines the offering of a security to potential investors; containing information about the firm’s past performance, current financial standing and future plans. It provides all the necessary details for investors to make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in said company, as well as safeguarding their investment by ensuring that the business is abiding by relevant regulations.

The prospectus also serves another purpose - to attract investors. By providing thorough information, it builds trust between them and the business while creating confidence in its legitimacy. This can be particularly beneficial for start-up organisations who may not have an established track record yet. For companies, having this document demonstrates their commitment to transparency and accountability which both increases credibility with stakeholders as well as establishing trust amongst them.

At Genie AI, we are here to help you make this process easier - providing detailed step-by-step guidance on how to create a secure legal template library without paying a lawyer fee along with access our free template library today! Our millions of datapoints teach AI what constitutes market-standard language for such documents; so whether you’re an experienced attorney or just starting out in writing your first draft – we’ve got you covered! With us, you can avoid any legal pitfalls whilst ensuring that you protect both yourself and your investors from potential risks down the line; no matter what stage your company is at. Read on below for more advice from Genie AI on how best to create an effective prospectus today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Executive Summary - A summary of the main points of a document that is typically located at the beginning of the document.
Prospectus - A document that provides detailed information about an investment opportunity, including an overview of the investment, the management team, and the financial plan.
Target Audience - The specific group of people that a document or message is intended for.


  • Understanding the Basics of Investment Prospectus Writing
  • Researching common prospectus formats
  • Gaining an understanding of the basics of prospectus writing
  • Defining Your Audience and Goals
  • Identifying who will be reading the prospectus
  • Outlining the primary goal of the document
  • Developing an Outline and Writing Plan
  • Brainstorming key points to include
  • Organizing the points into a logical outline
  • Establishing a timeline for writing the prospectus
  • Crafting an Effective Executive Summary
  • Summarizing the main points of the document
  • Highlighting the investment opportunity and its benefits
  • Outlining the management team and operating structure
  • Presenting the Investment Opportunity and Its Benefits
  • Describing the investment opportunity in detail
  • Explaining the potential benefits of the investment
  • Presenting potential returns and ROI
  • Analyzing the Market and the Competition
  • Researching the relevant market
  • Identifying the competition
  • Explaining the potential advantages of the investment
  • Describing the Management Team
  • Outlining the qualifications of key team members
  • Describing the skills and experience of the management team
  • Explaining the Operating Structure and Financial Plan
  • Presenting the operating structure of the investment
  • Outlining the financial plan for the investment
  • Explaining the sources of funding
  • Outlining the Risk Factors
  • Identifying potential risks associated with the investment
  • Explaining the strategies for mitigating those risks
  • Finalizing and Distributing the Prospectus
  • Proofreading and editing the document
  • Formatting the document for printing or digital distribution
  • Distributing the prospectus to the intended audience

Get started

Understanding the Basics of Investment Prospectus Writing

  • Learn about the purpose of an investment prospectus
  • Review the SEC requirements for writing a prospectus
  • Familiarize yourself with the key components of a prospectus, such as risks, fees, and performance
  • Understand who the intended audience is for the prospectus
  • Research different types of prospectus writing

Once you have a good understanding of the basics of investment prospectus writing, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Researching common prospectus formats

  • Gather samples of investment prospectuses from various sources such as the SEC, investment banks, and other institutions
  • Read through the samples to get an idea of the common format and structure
  • Note the language and tone used in the prospectuses
  • Identify the common topics and sections included in the prospectus
  • Once you have a thorough understanding of the common prospectus formats, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Gaining an understanding of the basics of prospectus writing

  • Read up on the basics of investment prospectus writing, such as what should be included, how to structure it and what the various sections are
  • Understand the purpose of a prospectus, which is to provide potential investors with information about a company’s financial situation and future plans
  • Familiarize yourself with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and regulations for creating a prospectus
  • Research and analyze the competition to determine what other companies in the same industry are doing and how to make your prospectus stand out
  • Know the different types of prospectuses (e.g. private placement memorandum, offering circular, private-placement letter)

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have a good understanding of the basics of prospectus writing, the purpose of a prospectus, SEC regulations, the competition, and the different types of prospectuses.

Defining Your Audience and Goals

  • Identify who is likely to read the prospectus (e.g. potential investors, investment analysts, etc.)
  • Consider what the primary goals of the prospectus are (e.g. to inform, to persuade, etc.)
  • Make sure the language used in the prospectus is suitable for the audience
  • Tailor the content of the prospectus to the target audience
  • Define the key message that you want to communicate to the reader
  • When you are satisfied that the prospectus is written for the intended audience, with the goals in mind, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying who will be reading the prospectus

  • Identify the specific individuals or organizations who will be reading the prospectus.
  • Research the background and interests of the readers to ensure that the correct tone and level of detail is used.
  • Decide whether the prospectus should be tailored for each reader or sent out in a single version.
  • When you have identified the readers and their needs, you can move on to the next step of outlining the primary goal of the document.

Outlining the primary goal of the document

  • Determine the primary goal of the document and state it clearly
  • Outline the supporting information that will be included in the document
  • Ensure the primary goal is clearly communicated and that the information is relevant and useful to the reader
  • Review the outline and verify that it accurately reflects the goal of the document
  • When the outline is finalized, the next step can begin

Developing an Outline and Writing Plan

  • Create a timeline for when each section needs to be completed
  • Develop an outline for the document, including a list of topics to be covered in each section
  • Consider the target audience when outlining the document
  • Make a list of the information and research materials you will need to complete each section of the document
  • Outline the structure of the document - what information will go at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end
  • When you have an outline and writing plan in place, you will have a solid foundation for creating your investment prospectus

Brainstorming key points to include

  • Identify the purpose of the investment prospectus
  • Look at the investor’s goals and needs
  • Research the target market
  • Identify key points of the investment
  • Determine what financial data needs to be included
  • Determine other information that should be included in the prospectus
  • Research comparable investments in the same sector
  • When you have a list of key points to include in the prospectus, check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Organizing the points into a logical outline

  • Create an outline that includes all the key points you brainstormed
  • Decide on a flow that works best for the prospectus
  • Group related points together in the outline
  • Prioritize the points and determine which should be included in the introduction, body, and conclusion
  • Check that the outline is organized in a logical and clear way
  • When the outline is complete, you can move on to the next step of writing the prospectus.

Establishing a timeline for writing the prospectus

  • Gather the necessary information from the team and potential investors
  • Decide on a timeline for the project and document it
  • Set a schedule for each step of the process
  • Assign tasks to project members and allocate sufficient time for each task
  • Determine when the prospectus will be completed and when it will be shared with potential investors
  • Track project progress to ensure completion on time

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all tasks associated with the prospectus are complete and the timeline is properly documented.

Crafting an Effective Executive Summary

  • Define the target audience of the executive summary
  • Consider what information should be included in the summary
  • Keep the summary concise and direct
  • Highlight the most important points of the prospectus
  • Focus on the benefits of investing
  • Describe the company and its products or services
  • Explain the unique value proposition of the company
  • Include any competitive advantages
  • Summarize the key financial and operational objectives
  • Provide a conclusion that ties all the elements together

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have incorporated all the key elements of an executive summary into your prospectus.

Summarizing the main points of the document

  • Understand the purpose of the document and outline the main points you want to include
  • Create a summary of the main points that is clear and concise
  • Keep the summary short and straightforward
  • Check for any information that is essential to understanding the document and make sure to include it in the summary
  • Check for accuracy, clarity, and relevance
  • Once you are satisfied with the summary, you can consider this step complete and move on to the next step.

Highlighting the investment opportunity and its benefits

  • Describe the project in detail and explain why it’s a good investment opportunity
  • Highlight the main points of the project, such as expected returns, potential risks, timeline, and any other relevant information
  • Explain how the project will benefit investors, such as tax incentives, potential for growth, etc
  • Include any other relevant details that make this project a viable option for investors
  • You can check this off your list when you have all the necessary information included in the document and it is written in a clear and concise way.

Outlining the management team and operating structure

  • Create an executive summary of the investment opportunity and its benefits
  • Identify the management team and what roles they will play
  • Explain the structure of the business and how it will operate
  • Detail the experience and qualifications of the management team
  • Outline the organizational structure and how it will be managed
  • Describe any relevant industry experience of the management team
  • Provide a timeline of the activities needed to launch the business

Once you have outlined the management team and operating structure, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Presenting the Investment Opportunity and Its Benefits

  • Provide a brief overview of the investment opportunity and the benefits it offers
  • Explain why this investment opportunity is attractive and why investors should pursue it
  • Identify the potential returns of the investment, including any potential risks
  • Describe the competitive advantage the investment has over other opportunities
  • Summarize the key points of the investment opportunity to create a compelling case

When you have provided an overview of the investment opportunity and its benefits, you will know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Describing the investment opportunity in detail

  • Research the company, including its history, finances, management, competitive landscape, and other relevant factors
  • Outline the potential for returns and risks associated with the investment
  • Describe the investment opportunity in detail, including an overview of the company, its potential markets, products or services, and its competitive advantage
  • Provide an analysis of the potential for return on investment
  • Explain the potential risks associated with the investment

When this step is complete, you should have a clear and comprehensive description of the investment opportunity and its potential risks and rewards.

Explaining the potential benefits of the investment

  • Outline the long-term benefits of the investment, including how it is likely to increase in value over time
  • Discuss the different types of returns that investors can expect to receive
  • Explain the tax benefits associated with the investment, if any
  • Describe the potential social, environmental, or economic benefits of the investment
  • Highlight any other potential benefits that the investment could bring

You will know you are finished with this step when you have included all potential benefits of the investment in your prospectus.

Presenting potential returns and ROI

  • Gather all of the necessary information about the investment including past performance, current market trends, and future projections
  • Determine the expected return on investment (ROI) for the investment and present it in the prospectus
  • Calculate the potential risk associated with the investment
  • Present a realistic timeline for when the investor can expect to see returns
  • Explain the potential tax implications and the investor’s responsibility to pay taxes

When you have completed this step, you will have presented realistic potential returns and ROI, as well as the associated risks and timeline.

Analyzing the Market and the Competition

  • Research the current market trends for the investment category, as well as competitors in the space
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the competition in relation to the investment you are offering
  • Research the overall environment of the target market you have identified, including any external factors that may influence the success of the investment
  • Use surveys, focus groups, interviews, etc. to gather insights on how the market perceives the investment you are offering
  • Analyze the data you have collected to identify any potential opportunities or threats to the success of the investment
  • When you have completed your analysis, you should have a good understanding of the current market situation and how your investment will fit into it.

Researching the relevant market

  • Gather data on the industry, such as market size, growth rate, potential customers, and potential competitors
  • Research the current competitive landscape and identify possible opportunities or threats
  • Analyze the industry and market to determine any potential trends
  • Identify any external factors that could influence the market
  • When you have a thorough understanding of the industry and its dynamics, you will be ready to move on to the next step.

Identifying the competition

  • Research the competition in the target market to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and potential threats
  • Make note of any potential obstacles or challenges posed by the competition
  • Analyze the strategies of the competition to identify any potential opportunities
  • Note any industry trends, pricing strategies, and customer service approaches of the competition
  • When you’ve identified the competition, their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as industry trends, pricing strategies, and customer service approaches, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Explaining the potential advantages of the investment

  • List the potential advantages of the investment in bullet point format
  • Outline the potential returns of the investment
  • Explain why investors should consider this investment
  • Provide a summary of the potential benefits of the investment
  • Once you have listed and explained the potential advantages, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step: Describing the Management Team.

Describing the Management Team

  • List the qualifications of the executive team members
  • Identify any key personnel that are not part of the executive team, but who are integral to the success of the project
  • Describe the experience of the executive team members related to the business being pursued
  • Demonstrate the ability of the executive team to successfully manage the business being pursued
  • Outline any other relevant qualifications that the executive team members possess
  • Once you have outlined the qualifications of the executive team, you can move on to the next step of outlining the qualifications of key team members.

Outlining the qualifications of key team members

  • Gather the resumes of each key team member.
  • Outline the qualifications of each key team member, such as their education, licenses, and experience in the investment industry.
  • Include any other qualifications that the team members have that may be pertinent to the investment prospectus.
  • Use an easily readable format and include relevant information such as titles, years of experience, and specialties.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When all of the qualifications of each key team member have been outlined in the investment prospectus.

Describing the skills and experience of the management team

  • Research the qualifications and experience of the management team
  • Describe each team member’s role in the company and their experience in the industry
  • Outline how each team member’s skills and experience will help the company achieve its goals
  • Describe the qualifications and experience of any consultants used by the company
  • When you are finished, you can proceed to the next step of explaining the operating structure and financial plan

Explaining the Operating Structure and Financial Plan

  • Outline the operating structure of the investment, including roles and responsibilities
  • Explain the financial plan, including revenue streams and budgeting
  • Include any financial projections and forecasts
  • Describe any risks associated with the investment
  • Explain how you plan to measure and monitor performance
  • Include any information about capital requirements or investors

Once you have outlined the operating structure, explained the financial plan and included any financial projections and forecasts, you can move on to the next step.

Presenting the operating structure of the investment

  • Outline the strategy for the investment
  • Describe the operational structure of the investment
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the different parties involved
  • Include any relevant documents and information to support the operating structure
  • Assess any risks associated with this structure
  • Include any relevant legal documents associated with the structure

Once all the information is gathered, reviewed and organized, you can mark this step as complete and move on to the next step - outlining the financial plan for the investment.

Outlining the financial plan for the investment

  • Research historical financial data of current investments
  • Identify any potential risks associated with an investment
  • Estimate expected return on investment
  • Estimate liquidity and cash flow of the investment
  • Estimate the investment’s future performance
  • Calculate the return on equity
  • Prepare a financial plan

When you have completed the above steps, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Explaining the sources of funding

  • List the sources of funding, such as debt, equity, grants, and lines of credit.
  • Identify the terms of the different sources of funding, such as the interest rate, payment schedule, and any collateral required.
  • Summarize the sources of funding and the terms associated with them in the investment prospectus.
  • Check whether you have provided a complete overview of the sources of funding for the investment when you finish summarizing them.

Outlining the Risk Factors

  • Identify all of the potential risks associated with the investment, such as market volatility, liquidity, or other external factors
  • List the risks and potential consequences for the investor
  • Provide any details or information about the risks that could be helpful in understanding them
  • Outline any strategies that can be used to mitigate or lessen the risks
  • When all risks have been identified and outlined, you can move on to the next step in writing the investment prospectus – identifying potential risks associated with the investment.

Identifying potential risks associated with the investment

  • Analyze the investment from both an internal and external viewpoint to identify potential risks
  • Research and analyze the industry, market, and regional environment where the investment is located
  • Review existing and future competition to identify potential risk areas
  • Evaluate potential legal and regulatory risks
  • Consider the potential operational and financial risks
  • Make sure to take a holistic view of the investment, considering all potential risks
  • When you have identified and analyzed all potential risks, you can move on to the next step of outlining the risk factors.

Explaining the strategies for mitigating those risks

  • Research the investment and analyze the potential risks associated with it
  • Develop strategies to minimize the risks, such as diversification or hedging
  • Outline the strategies in the prospectus
  • Provide a brief summary of each strategy
  • Include any supporting documents if necessary
  • Once you have outlined the strategies and their respective summaries, you can move on to the next step.

Finalizing and Distributing the Prospectus

  • Gather all materials needed for the prospectus, such as the executive summary, financial information, and other information that was gathered from previous steps.
  • Create a cover page for the prospectus that includes the name of the company and key individuals involved.
  • Gather the contact information for all recipients of the prospectus.
  • Distribute the prospectus electronically or via physical mail.
  • Follow up with the recipients to ensure they received the prospectus and to answer any questions they have.

When you have completed the above steps, you will have finalized and distributed the prospectus. You can then check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Proofreading and editing the document

  • Read through the prospectus a few times to check for any typos, grammar errors, or formatting issues.
  • Have someone else read the prospectus to give a fresh set of eyes, and to catch any errors you may have missed.
  • Make any necessary edits or changes to the prospectus.
  • When the prospectus is free of any errors and has been approved, you can check this step off your list and move on to formatting the document for printing or digital distribution.

Formatting the document for printing or digital distribution

  • Select a paper size and format that best suits your document
  • Choose a font type and font size that is appropriate for the document
  • Adjust the margins, page layout, and page numbering
  • Ensure that all images, charts, and tables are properly inserted and sized
  • Insert headers and footers if desired
  • Preview the document to ensure that it looks as intended

Once you have proofread and formatted the document, you can be confident that it is ready for printing or digital distribution.

Distributing the prospectus to the intended audience

  • Gather contact information for potential investors
  • Determine the best method for distributing the prospectus (email, mail, etc.)
  • Compose the email and/or letter to accompany the prospectus
  • Send the prospectus to the intended audience
  • Track responses and follow up as needed

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all of the intended recipients have received the prospectus and any accompanying materials.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Referencing Prospectus

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a company referencing a prospectus if the prospectus contains inaccurate or misleading information that results in the plaintiff suffering financial losses.
  • The plaintiff must be able to prove that the company was aware of the false or misleading information in the prospectus and that it was material to the decision of the plaintiff to purchase the security.
  • Civil liability may arise if the company did not properly update the prospectus with any material changes after the problems were identified by the company.
  • If the lawsuit is successful, the plaintiff may be able to recover their losses in full, plus interest, and any punitive damages awarded by the court.
  • In order to win the case, the plaintiff must show that the false or misleading information in the prospectus was the direct cause of their financial losses.

Templates available (free to use)

Aim Listing Verification Notes Admission Documents Or Prospectus
Consent Letter From Mentioned Parties Prospectus Regulation Rules
Forward Looking Statements Ipo Prospectus Legend
Free Writing Prospectus For Registered Equity Offerings
Free Writing Prospectus For When You Upsize Or Downsize Your Ipo
Memo On Directors Responsibilities Regarding A Prospectus
Secondary Offer Prospectus Content Outline

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