Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Negotiating Win-Win Revenue Share Agreements

23 Mar 2023
31 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Negotiating revenue share agreements can be a daunting task for businesses, but with the right expert guidance and resources, they need not be. Founded in 2017, Genie AI is the world’s largest open source legal template library - offering millions of datapoints to guide people to create market-standard revenue share agreements. With their community template library, anyone can draft and customize these complex legal documents without paying a lawyer or needing an account with Genie AI.

At its most basic level, a revenue share agreement is a contract between two or more parties that outlines how profits and losses are to be shared. It’s vitally important for businesses to have such an agreement because it provides a way to divide profits and losses fairly between parties involved in the venture while also holding them accountable for their own performance.

When creating this kind of agreement there are four key elements that need consideration and negotiation: firstly agreeing on the percentage of revenue each party will receive based on how much each contributes; secondly deciding on payment terms; thirdly allocating profits, losses and other obligations among participants; finally other essential provisions such as dispute resolution, indemnification or termination.

That said, experts agree that these agreements needn’t be overly complicated if all parties ensure they give due consideration to each element included in their terms. In fact when these steps are followed through carefully, it can help ensure everyone involved is treated equitably - taking into account everyone’s interests throughout the business venture.

If you’re interested in learning more about negotiating win-win revenue share agreements then take a look at Genie AI’s step-by-step guidance for navigating such complex contracts - including access to our free template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Revenue Share Agreement: An agreement between two parties to share the profits from a venture.

Establish: To put in place or create something.

ROI: Return on Investment; a measure of the financial gain from an investment.

Pitfalls: Potential problems or difficulties that could arise.

Split: To divide something into two or more parts.

Negotiation: A process of discussion and compromise between two or more parties to reach an agreement.

Strategy: A plan of action to achieve a goal.

Executing: To carry out or put into effect.


  • Establishing Clear Goals
  • Determine the specific objectives of each party and the desired outcomes of the agreement.
  • Calculating Reasonable ROI
  • Establish a financial model to determine the potential return on investment for each party.
  • Identifying Potential Pitfalls
  • Identify any potential pitfalls or challenges that could arise during the negotiation process.
  • Establishing a Fair Split
  • Establish a fair split of the revenue between both parties.
  • Gathering Necessary Resources
  • Gather any necessary resources or documents needed for the negotiation process.
  • Researching the Other Party
  • Research the other party to gain a better understanding of their goals and objectives.
  • Defining Terms and Conditions
  • Define the terms and conditions of the agreement, including payment schedules, deadlines, and other important factors.
  • Crafting a Negotiation Strategy
  • Develop a strategy for both parties to use during the negotiation process.
  • Negotiating and Reaching Agreement
  • Negotiate the agreement until both parties have reached an agreement.
  • Finalizing the Agreement
  • Ensure that both parties are in agreement on the final details of the agreement.
  • Executing the Agreement
  • Execute the agreement once both parties have agreed to the terms.

Get started

Establishing Clear Goals

  • Discuss the goals and objectives of each party - what is each trying to accomplish, and why?
  • Brainstorm potential solutions and ideas to meet the goals of both parties.
  • Identify potential areas of compromise, and areas where each party may need to make concessions.
  • Agree on a set of criteria that both parties can use to evaluate potential solutions.
  • Confirm that both parties are comfortable with the goals and objectives established.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When both parties have agreed on a set of criteria for evaluating potential solutions.
  • When both parties are comfortable and agree with the goals and objectives established.

Determine the specific objectives of each party and the desired outcomes of the agreement.

  • List out each party’s objectives in a way that allows you to compare and contrast them
  • Have each party explain their desired outcomes and how they plan to measure success
  • Brainstorm ideas together to find a mutually beneficial solution that meets everyone’s needs
  • Once you have a general idea of the objectives and desired outcomes, move on to calculating the reasonable ROI

Calculating Reasonable ROI

  • Analyze the potential returns on investment (ROI) for both parties
  • Estimate the potential costs associated with the agreement, including both the initial setup and ongoing costs
  • Compare the estimated costs versus potential ROI for each party to ensure a reasonable balance
  • Once you have a reasonable estimate of the ROI for each party, you can move on to the next step.

Establish a financial model to determine the potential return on investment for each party.

  • Estimate the revenue potential for each party based on the revenue share agreement
  • Calculate the costs associated with the agreement for each party
  • Create a financial model to determine the potential return on investment for each party
  • Compare the expected returns to the costs to see if the agreement is financially viable for both parties
  • Once the financial model is created and the returns are estimated, you can move on to identifying potential pitfalls.

Identifying Potential Pitfalls

• Brainstorm potential pitfalls and challenges that could arise during the negotiation process.
• Consider any external factors that could impact the negotiation process, such as changes in the market or economic conditions.
• Talk to stakeholders and other parties involved in the negotiation process to gain a better understanding of their needs and interests.
• Make a list of potential pitfalls and challenges and discuss solutions to address them with the other party.
• Once you have identified and discussed potential challenges and solutions, move on to the next step.

Identify any potential pitfalls or challenges that could arise during the negotiation process.

  • Analyze the terms of the agreement: Are they realistic? Are they overly generous to one side or the other?
  • Research the other party: Are they known to be difficult negotiators? Do they have a reputation for being unreasonable?
  • Consider the impact of the agreement on both parties: Will it be beneficial to both in the long run?
  • Identify any potential legal issues: Are there any laws or regulations that could impede the process?
  • Consider the factors that could be used as leverage: Are there any avenues for negotiation?
  • Forecast any potential problems that could come up in the future: Are there any red flags that you should be aware of?

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified and considered all of the potential pitfalls and challenges that could arise during the negotiation process.

Establishing a Fair Split

  • Gather the financial data and other pertinent information from both parties to determine what a fair split of the revenue would be
  • Consider factors such as the level of effort each party will be putting in and the value each party will be providing
  • Research existing revenue share agreements to help inform your decisions
  • Analyze the data and come up with a proposed split that is fair and equitable to both parties
  • Negotiate with the other party to come to an agreement that satisfies both parties
  • Once an agreement is reached and both parties are happy with the terms, the revenue share agreement can be finalized and put into effect
  • Check off this step in the guide and move on to the next step!

Establish a fair split of the revenue between both parties.

  • Analyze past revenue data to gain insight into how both parties may benefit from the agreement
  • Establish a revenue-sharing formula that is equitable and beneficial to both parties
  • Consider how changes in market conditions, or the introduction of new products, may affect the revenue split
  • Ensure that both parties agree to the terms of the revenue-sharing agreement

Once both parties have agreed to the terms of the revenue-sharing agreement you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Gathering Necessary Resources

  • Identify any documents that are necessary for the negotiation process, such as financial statements or contracts.
  • Collect all of the resources you need in order to support your case and make sure all parties are on the same page.
  • Make sure to have copies of any relevant documents or information that you have access to.
  • Ensure all of the necessary resources, documents, and information are in your possession before you move onto the negotiation process.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You’ll know that you can move on to the next step when you have gathered all the necessary resources, documents, and information that you need for the negotiation process.

Gather any necessary resources or documents needed for the negotiation process.

  • Make a list of all the documents you need, such as contracts, financial documents, etc.
  • Gather any supporting evidence you plan to use during the negotiation process. This can include market research, pricing data, and other relevant documents.
  • Make sure you have access to all the necessary resources, such as templates, software, and legal documents.
  • Contact the other party and ensure they have access to the same resources.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a full list of all the documents you need and have gathered any supporting evidence you plan to use during the negotiation process.
  • When you have access to all the necessary resources and have contacted the other party to ensure they have access to the same resources.

Researching the Other Party

  • Gather as much information as you can on the other party, such as their background and history, any relevant statutory requirements, and their past experiences with similar negotiations.
  • Read up on any publications related to their industry and research any other parties that may be involved in the negotiation process.
  • Reach out to mutual acquaintances or contacts who may be able to provide further insight into their goals and objectives.
  • Once you have gathered enough information about the other party, review it and assess their current situation, needs and interests.

Once you have completed this step, you should have a better understanding of the other party’s goals and objectives in the negotiation process. This will help you plan and prepare for the upcoming negotiation.

Research the other party to gain a better understanding of their goals and objectives.

  • Ask questions to gain an understanding of the other party’s goals and objectives
  • Gather information and research the other party’s industry, market, and company
  • Utilize resources such as online research, interviews, and surveys to gain a better understanding of their goals and objectives
  • Review the other party’s past agreements to identify trends and preferences
  • You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have an understanding of the other party’s goals and objectives and can use this to inform your negotiations.

Defining Terms and Conditions

  • Create a draft of the agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the revenue share agreement.
  • Make sure to include payment schedules, deadlines, and other important factors that need to be agreed upon by both parties.
  • Have the other party review the agreement to ensure that they agree with the terms and conditions.
  • Negotiate with the other party to ensure that both parties reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  • Finalize the agreement and have both parties sign off on the agreement.
  • Once both parties have signed off on the agreement, this step is complete.

Define the terms and conditions of the agreement, including payment schedules, deadlines, and other important factors.

  • Research the market value of the products/services involved in the agreement to ensure you are offering a fair rate
  • Determine a payment schedule that works for both parties and accounts for any potential delays
  • Consider adding deadlines for when payments must be made, when milestones must be achieved, and when the agreement will end
  • Create a document outlining the agreement and all its terms and conditions
  • Have both parties sign the document to make it legally binding
  • Once all parties have agreed to and signed the document, you can consider this step complete and move on to the next step.

Crafting a Negotiation Strategy

  • Determine what your ideal outcome is for the negotiation and what you are willing to compromise on
  • Research the other party’s interests and identify areas of common ground
  • Set realistic expectations and create a plan to reach a mutually beneficial agreement
  • Prepare and practice your negotiation approach, including any questions or points you want to bring up
  • Review your proposed plan and adjust as necessary

When you can check this off your list: When you have a plan, strategy, and proposed outcome in place and have reviewed and adjusted as necessary.

Develop a strategy for both parties to use during the negotiation process.

  • Develop a plan for the negotiation process, including the goals for each party, the order of topics to cover, and the timeline for the negotiation.
  • Agree on the ground rules for the negotiation, such as respecting the other party’s opinion, maintaining a calm and professional demeanor, and allowing the negotiation to move forward in a timely manner.
  • Determine the best way to communicate with each other, including whether to negotiate in person or over the phone.
  • Create a list of alternative outcomes that both parties could agree to, such as a compromise or a complete rejection of the proposal.
  • Establish a timeline for the negotiation, including deadlines for both parties to respond to proposals and how long the negotiation process should take.
  • When you have a strategy that both parties agree to, you can move on to the next step of negotiating and reaching agreement.

Negotiating and Reaching Agreement

  • Identify and establish ground rules for the negotiations.
  • Exchange information and develop an understanding of each party’s interests and needs.
  • Discuss each party’s needs and concerns in an open and respectful manner.
  • Brainstorm potential solutions to reach a win-win agreement.
  • Discuss the merits of each solution and explore potential trade-offs.
  • Finalize the agreement and document the agreement in writing.
  • Exchange signatures on the written agreement.

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when both parties have reached a mutually beneficial agreement and have signed the written document.

Negotiate the agreement until both parties have reached an agreement.

  • Discuss each party’s interests and preferences and find common ground
  • Listen carefully to each party’s needs and come up with creative solutions to meet both parties’ needs
  • Make sure both parties are in agreement on each point of the agreement
  • Summarize the agreement and have both parties sign off on it
  • Once both parties have agreed to the terms of the agreement, you can move on to the next step of finalizing the agreement.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Have each party sign the agreement and exchange copies.
  • Ensure that both parties are in agreement on the final details of the agreement.
  • Make sure that all details of the agreement have been captured in writing.
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, the negotiation process is complete.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once all parties have signed the agreement.

Ensure that both parties are in agreement on the final details of the agreement.

  • Confirm that both parties understand and agree on the terms of the revenue share agreement.
  • Make sure that both parties have signed a copy of the agreement.
  • Check that all information in the agreement is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Ensure that both parties have access to the same version of the agreement.
  • Check that both parties are clear on the obligations outlined in the agreement.
  • When all these points have been checked, you can move on to the next step.

Executing the Agreement

  • Sign the agreement and ensure that both parties have a copy of the signed document.
  • Ensure that the agreement is notarized and that both parties have a copy of the notarized document.
  • File the agreement with the appropriate government office, if necessary.
  • Make sure any additional paperwork or processes required by your jurisdiction are completed.

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Execute the agreement once both parties have agreed to the terms.

• Ensure that both parties have a signed copy of the agreement.
• Exchange payment information and ensure that payment terms are clear and agreed upon by both parties.
• Set up any necessary systems to track the revenue share and ensure that payments are made on time.
• Make sure any necessary taxes, withholding or other financial obligations are taken into account.
• Check in periodically to ensure that all parties are meeting the agreed-upon terms of the agreement.
• Monitor and document any changes or updates to the agreement as necessary.

Once all of these steps are completed, you can be sure that the agreement has been executed successfully and the revenue share agreement is in effect.


Q: Does a win-win revenue share agreement apply to all jurisdictions?

Asked by Emma on April 14th 2022.
A: Win-win revenue share agreements generally do not apply to all jurisdictions as each country or region has its own laws and regulations governing business operations. However, many countries do have rules in place that can be used to create a win-win situation for both parties involved in the agreement. The best way to ensure that the agreement you are negotiating is fair for both parties is to research the relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, and to consult with a lawyer who specializes in this area.

Q: What factors should be considered when negotiating a win-win revenue share agreement?

Asked by Noah on June 11th 2022.
A: Negotiating a win-win revenue share agreement involves considering a number of factors, including the amount of money that each party will receive from the agreement, how much control each party will have over how the money is spent, how long the agreement will last, and any potential tax liabilities associated with the agreement. Additionally, it’s important to consider the potential impact that the agreement could have on other aspects of the business, such as customer relationships, marketing strategies, and other investments. It’s also important to consider any potential risks associated with entering into a win-win revenue share agreement, such as potential disputes between parties or changes in market conditions that could affect either party’s ability to meet its obligations under the agreement.

Q: How can parties ensure that their win-win revenue share agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Abigail on August 9th 2022.
A: To ensure that a win-win revenue share agreement is legally binding, it must be signed by both parties and include provisions for dispute resolution should either party breach the terms of the agreement. Additionally, it’s important to have an experienced lawyer review the document before signing it to ensure that it meets all legal requirements and addresses any potential issues that could arise during negotiations. Finally, it’s important to keep records of all negotiations and communications between parties regarding the agreement so that any disputes can be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Q: What are some of the common challenges associated with negotiating a win-win revenue share agreement?

Asked by Logan on October 25th 2022.
A: Common challenges associated with negotiating a win-win revenue share agreement include determining a mutually beneficial amount of money for both parties to receive from the agreement, agreeing upon terms for dispute resolution should one party breach the agreement, and establishing clear rules for when one party can terminate or renegotiate the agreement. Additionally, it can be difficult to reach an equitable solution when both parties have different objectives or interests in mind when entering into an agreement. Finally, there can be additional challenges related to tax liabilities or changes in market conditions that could affect either party’s ability to meet their obligations under the agreement.

Q: How does a win-win revenue share agreement work in different jurisdictions like UK vs USA vs EU?

Asked by Emily on December 13th 2022.
A: Win-win revenue share agreements generally work similarly across most countries and regions; however, there may be differences based on local laws or regulations. It is important to research any potential differences between jurisdictions before entering into an agreement so that you are aware of any potential issues or risks associated with doing business in a particular jurisdiction. Additionally, consulting with a lawyer who specializes in this area can help ensure that your win-win revenue share agreement meets all legal requirements and addresses any potential issues related to different jurisdictions.

Q: Can I negotiate a win-win revenue share agreement if my business operates within multiple jurisdictions?

Asked by Elijah on February 28th 2022.
A: Yes - depending on the specifics of your business model and operations within various jurisdictions, it may be possible for you to negotiate a win-win revenue share agreement across multiple locations. It is important to consider any potential legal implications related to different jurisdictions before entering into an agreement so that you are aware of any potential issues or risks associated with doing business in multiple locations. Additionally, consulting with a lawyer who specializes in this area can help ensure that your win-win revenue share agreement meets all legal requirements across multiple jurisdictions and addresses any potential issues related thereto.

Q: Are there particular industries which benefit more from win-win revenue share agreements than others?

Asked by Olivia on April 18th 2022.
A: While win-win revenue share agreements may benefit businesses operating in most industries, certain sectors may benefit more than others due to their particular needs or circumstances. For example, businesses operating within technology or software as a service (SaaS) industries often benefit from this type of arrangement due to their need for ongoing support and maintenance services from their partners after initial implementation is completed. Additionally, businesses operating within retail sectors may benefit from this type of arrangement due to their need for ongoing marketing support from partners after initial product launch is completed. Ultimately, it is important for businesses to assess their individual needs before entering into any type of partnership arrangement so they can determine which type of arrangement will best meet their needs and provide them with long term success.

Q: Is there an advantage to having a longer term win-win revenue share agreements?

Asked by Noah on June 11th 2022.
A: Yes - having longer term win-win revenue share agreements may provide certain advantages over shorter term arrangements depending on your individual needs and goals as well as those of your partner(s). For example, longer term agreements may provide greater stability as they are less likely to be terminated prematurely due to changes in market conditions or unforeseen circumstances which might arise during shorter term arrangements; additionally, longer term agreements may allow for greater flexibility when it comes time for renegotiation should either party need additional support or funding down the line. Ultimately, it is important for businesses to assess their individual needs before entering into any type of partnership arrangement so they can determine which type of arrangement will best meet their needs and provide them with long term success.

Q: Should I include dispute resolution provisions in my win-win revenue share agreements?

Asked by Emma on August 15th 2022.
A: Yes - including dispute resolution provisions in your win-win revenue share agreements can help ensure that both parties are able to reach an equitable solution should any issues arise during negotiations or afterwards should either party breach the terms of the agreement at some point down the line. Dispute resolution provisions should outline specific actions which will take place should either party breach the terms of the agreement so that both parties are clear about what will happen should such an event occur; these provisions will also help protect each party’s rights should they choose to pursue legal action against one another if needed down the line. Ultimately, including dispute resolution provisions can help ensure that all parties involved in a win-win revenue share agreement are able to reach an equitable solution should issues arise at some point down the line

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuits Involving Revenue Share Agreements

  • Breach of Contract: If one party fails to fulfill their obligations as outlined in a revenue share agreement, the other party may initiate a lawsuit for breach of contract.
  • Unjust Enrichment: If one party receives a benefit that was not legally earned, the other party may initiate a lawsuit for unjust enrichment.
  • Fraud: If one party deceives the other regarding the terms and conditions of a revenue share agreement, the other party may initiate a lawsuit for fraud.
  • Unfair Competition: If one party is engaging in activities that undermine the terms of a revenue share agreement, the other party may initiate a lawsuit for unfair competition.
  • Negligence: If one party fails to exercise reasonable care in relation to a revenue share agreement, the other party may initiate a lawsuit for negligence.
  • Damages: If one party is entitled to damages due to a violation of a revenue share agreement, the other party may seek compensatory, punitive, or other types of damages.
  • Settlement: If the parties are unable to come to an agreement regarding the terms of a revenue share agreement, they may attempt to come to a settlement through mediation or arbitration.

Templates available (free to use)

Revenue Share Agreement

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