Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Navigating Conflict of Interest

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Conflict of interest is a complex concept and is particularly pertinent for those in leadership roles. But what exactly is a conflict of interest? At its core, it occurs when a person’s personal interests or activities may influence or appear to influence their professional judgment. Such conflicts can have serious consequences for the individual and wider organization, making it essential to identify, manage, and resolve such conflicts.

The reputation of an organization can suffer greatly if individuals in positions of power are found to be conflicted. People lose trust in the organization as a whole, resulting in decreased productivity, customer loss and potentially plummeting share values. Aside from reputational damage there are also substantial legal ramifications when one’s own interests override their fiduciary duty – breach of which could result in hefty fines or even criminal proceedings.

It goes without saying that an individual’s potential conflict of interest can have ethical repercussions; employees may feel that their organization is no longer upholding the standards they expect when it comes to fairness, integrity and transparency—leading to lower morale across the board. Such situations also tend to create decision-making dilemmas - decision-makers become biased by their own interests instead of acting on behalf of the organisation’s best interests; decisions may not be well supported by other members of the team or beneficiaries alike.

Finally, such conflicts can cause people in positions of power to lose credibility amongst stakeholders and society at large—making them untrustworthy figures who cannot move things forward positively within an organisation with any level of confidence from those around them .This lack of trust further reduces morale among staff as well as impacting customers which should always be taken into consideration when making decisions about whether there is a conflict present or not.

Managing conflicts effectively requires thorough understanding: how consensus varies depending on context should always be borne in mind! Without engaging with these topics seriously organizations risk significant reputational damage alongside facing legal repercussions down the road – it simply isn’t worth ignoring this issue! This guide provides free step-by-step guidance on how best to navigate conflict scenarios as well access our template library today so readers can get started immediately without needing any Genie AI account set up whatsoever - we just want you to understand your rights so you’re not left out at sea! Read on below for more information on how we can help preempt potential problems right away!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Fiduciary: Someone who has a legal obligation to act in the best interest of another person or entity. (A layman definition could be: A person who must make decisions for another person or organization in an ethical and responsible way.)

Conflict of Interest: A situation in which a person or organization is influenced by competing interests. (A layman definition could be: A situation where someone or something has two or more competing goals or interests that could influence their decisions.)

Disclosure Statement: A formal document that outlines any potential conflicts of interest. (A layman definition could be: A document that explains any situations or interests that could influence a person or organization’s decisions.)

Due Diligence: An investigation or audit to evaluate the truthfulness or accuracy of claims or information. (A layman definition could be: A thorough examination to make sure the facts are correct and the risks are understood.)

Ethical Standard: A set of principles that guide the behavior of an individual or organization. (A layman definition could be: A set of rules that determine how someone or something should act in any given situation.)


  • Defining the concept of conflict of interest
  • Explaining what a conflict of interest is, and how it can arise
  • Identifying potential conflicts of interest
  • Explaining how to spot potential conflicts of interest that may exist in an organization
  • Establishing conflict of interest policies
  • Discussing how to create and implement policies and procedures to address and manage conflicts of interest
  • Providing conflict of interest training
  • Explaining how to provide employees with training on conflict of interest policies and procedures
  • Resolving conflicts of interest
  • Discussing the best practices for resolving conflicts of interest, such as negotiation and mediation
  • Monitoring and enforcing conflict of interest policies
  • Explaining how to ensure that all employees comply with the established policies and procedures
  • Implementing ethical decision-making
  • Explaining the importance of ethical decision-making, and how to ensure that all decisions are made in an ethical manner
  • Establishing a reporting process
  • Explaining how employees can report any potential conflicts of interest they may observe
  • Investigating reported conflicts of interest
  • Explaining how to investigate any potential conflicts of interest that have been reported or identified
  • Taking corrective action
  • Discussing the steps that should be taken to address any conflicts of interest that have been identified

Get started

Defining the concept of conflict of interest

  • Research the legal definition of a conflict of interest
  • Understand the implications of a conflict of interest in different contexts
  • Consider different types of conflicts of interest (financial, professional, personal, etc.)
  • Identify potential sources of conflicts of interest
  • Once you have a good understanding of the concept, move on to the next step: explaining what a conflict of interest is, and how it can arise.

Explaining what a conflict of interest is, and how it can arise

  • Understand the definition of a conflict of interest: a situation in which an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other.
  • Learn about the types of conflicts of interest, including personal/private interests, financial interests, and organizational/institutional interests.
  • Identify the potential sources of conflicts of interest, such as a financial relationship, a close personal relationship, or a certain position within an organization.
  • Recognize why it is important to prevent, manage and monitor conflicts of interest, including the potential effects on decision-making, public trust and organizational reputation.
  • Research the laws and regulations that are in place in your jurisdiction to help identify and manage conflicts of interest.
  • Understand the various approaches to managing conflicts of interest, such as disclosure, recusal and conflict avoidance.

When you can check this off your list: Once you have a clear understanding of the definition and sources of conflict of interest, the potential effects, and the laws and regulations in place in your jurisdiction, as well as the various approaches to managing conflicts of interest.

Identifying potential conflicts of interest

  • Understand the different types of potential conflicts of interest (e.g. financial, personal, professional, etc.)
  • Analyze relationships between stakeholders and the organization to identify potential areas of conflict
  • Identify any existing policies or procedures that could lead to potential conflicts of interest
  • Examine the organization’s culture, values, and norms to identify any potential conflicts of interest
  • Review the organization’s financial investments, shareholders, and business relationships to determine if any potential conflicts of interest exist

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified any possible conflicts of interest that may exist in an organization.

Explaining how to spot potential conflicts of interest that may exist in an organization

  • Look for any potential financial or other incentives that could influence a decision
  • Ask if any people involved in a decision have any personal relationships that could influence the outcome
  • Identify any shared financial interests, such as investments, or family ties between those making decisions
  • Review any affiliations or relationships between those making decisions and the people affected by them
  • Look for any potential situations where one individual is in a position to influence decisions that could benefit them personally
  • Check for any potential conflicts that could arise from an individual having multiple roles within an organization
  • When you’re done, you should have identified any potential conflicts of interest that may exist in an organization.

Establishing conflict of interest policies

  • Determine if an organization needs to create a formal conflict of interest policy
  • Research and review existing policies that address conflicts of interest
  • Develop a policy that outlines how conflicts of interest will be identified and managed
  • Establish procedures for reporting conflicts of interest
  • Include sanctions for violations of the policy
  • Develop a process to monitor compliance with the policy
  • Train staff, volunteers, and board members on the policy
  • Communicate the policy to staff, volunteers, board members, and the public
  • Make sure to update the policy regularly

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have established a conflict of interest policy, procedures for reporting, and a process for monitoring compliance with the policy.

Discussing how to create and implement policies and procedures to address and manage conflicts of interest

  • Develop a document outlining specific policies and procedures to address and manage conflicts of interest that all team members must follow
  • Consult with a lawyer or other relevant professionals to ensure the policy is legally sound
  • Discuss the policy with the team and answer any questions
  • Finalize the policy and make sure everyone reads and signs off on it
  • Assign someone to be responsible for making sure everyone is following the policy
  • Establish an audit process to ensure compliance
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when everyone has read and signed off on the policy and you have established an audit process to ensure compliance.

Providing conflict of interest training

  • Establish a conflict of interest training program for all employees
  • Ensure the training is tailored to the specific job roles of the employees
  • Explain the conflicts of interest policies and procedures
  • Use examples to make the training content more engaging and relatable
  • Provide a test or questionnaire to assess the employees’ understanding
  • Give employees the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback
  • Document the training sessions
  • When all employees have completed the training, document the completion
  • Review the training program regularly to ensure its up to date and effective

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all employees have completed the conflict of interest training program and the completion is documented, you can move on to the next step.

Explaining how to provide employees with training on conflict of interest policies and procedures

  • Communicate the conflict of interest policy and procedures to all employees.
  • Create a training plan and schedule.
  • Prepare training materials such as presentations, handouts, or videos.
  • Ensure employees understand the conflict of interest policy and procedures.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to ask questions and provide feedback.
  • Follow up with employees to ensure they understand and can apply the policy and procedures.

You can check this step off your list when you have communicated the policy and procedures to all employees, created a training plan, prepared training materials, and provided opportunities for employees to ask questions and provide feedback.

Resolving conflicts of interest

  • Have a clear understanding of the conflict of interest and the parties involved
  • Identify any potential solutions and the benefits and drawbacks for each option
  • Establish a timeline for resolution of the conflict
  • Consider mediation and/or arbitration as potential solutions
  • Identify any relevant precedents that may help with the resolution
  • Ensure that any solutions are legally sound and compliant with state/federal regulations
  • Make sure to document any agreements reached through the resolution process
  • Create a system to monitor and hold accountable those involved in the resolution process

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once a resolution has been agreed upon and documented, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing the best practices for resolving conflicts of interest, such as negotiation and mediation

  • Brainstorm solutions that could resolve the conflict in a mutually beneficial way
  • Consider any potential legal implications of the solutions
  • Discuss and identify the most appropriate solution with the parties involved
  • Present the solution to the parties involved and explain the reasoning behind it
  • Make sure both parties understand the conditions of the solution
  • Document the outcome and the agreement
  • When the solution is agreed upon, you can move on to the next step.

Monitoring and enforcing conflict of interest policies

  • Identify a conflict of interest policy enforcement team in your organization with the necessary authority to monitor, investigate, and mitigate conflicts of interest.
  • Develop a procedure to report and investigate potential conflicts of interest.
  • Establish procedures to ensure employees comply with the established conflict of interest policies.
  • Educate employees on the importance of compliance with the conflict of interest policies.
  • Monitor employee activities to ensure they comply with the conflict of interest policies.
  • Take prompt disciplinary action when potential or actual conflicts of interest have been identified.
  • Record all incidents of potential or actual conflicts of interest, and the actions taken to resolve them.

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified a team to enforce the policy, developed a procedure to report and investigate potential conflicts of interest, established procedures to ensure compliance with the established policies, educated employees on the importance of compliance, monitored employee activities, taken prompt disciplinary action when needed, and recorded all incidents and actions taken to resolve them.

Explaining how to ensure that all employees comply with the established policies and procedures

  • Ensure that all employees are aware of the conflict of interest policies and procedures by conducting regular training sessions or providing written materials.
  • Make it clear to employees that any violation of the policies and procedures will not be tolerated and could have serious consequences.
  • Require all employees to sign a statement of compliance acknowledging their understanding of the policies and procedures.
  • Provide a mechanism for employees to ask questions or seek assistance if they are unsure about the application of policies or procedures.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all employees have signed the statement of compliance and understand the policies and procedures.

Implementing ethical decision-making

• Establish a clear process for decision-making that is consistent and equitable.
• Ensure that the process is ethical and compliant with all relevant laws, regulations, and organizational policies.
• Create a set of ethical guidelines that all employees must follow when making decisions.
• Develop an ethical decision-making flowchart to provide guidance to employees when faced with difficult or complex decisions.
• Create a reporting process for employees to report unethical behavior or conflicting interests.
• Train all employees on ethical decision-making and provide resources to help them make the best decisions.
• Monitor and evaluate the efficacy of the decision-making process and make changes as needed.

Once all of these steps are completed, you can move on to the next step - explaining the importance of ethical decision-making, and how to ensure that all decisions are made in an ethical manner.

Explaining the importance of ethical decision-making, and how to ensure that all decisions are made in an ethical manner

  • Educate staff on the importance of ethical decision-making and how it can help the organization
  • Establish clear standards and criteria for ethical decision-making
  • Ensure that all decisions are made in accordance with the organization’s mission and values
  • Provide resources and guidance to help staff make ethical decisions
  • Establish a formalized process for reporting any potential or actual conflicts of interest
  • Develop a policy for dealing with conflicts of interest
  • Monitor and review decision-making processes for compliance with ethical standards
  • When all of the steps above have been completed, this step is finished and you can move on to the next step.

Establishing a reporting process

  • Establish a confidential reporting process that allows employees to report any potential conflicts of interest they may observe.
  • Set up a reporting system where employees can report any concerns in a confidential manner.
  • Ensure that the reporting process is accessible and easy to understand.
  • Provide employees with clear guidance on how to report potential conflicts of interest and how their reports will be handled.
  • Make sure that the reporting process is well-documented and that employees are aware of the process.
  • Ensure that any reports will be dealt with in a timely and effective manner.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the confidential reporting process has been established and employees have been informed of the process.

Explaining how employees can report any potential conflicts of interest they may observe

  • Clearly communicate to all employees the process they should use to report any potential conflicts of interest that they observe.
  • Make sure the reporting process is easy to understand and complete.
  • Make sure employees know to whom they should report any observations.
  • Make sure that employees are aware that their reports will be kept confidential.

You can check this step off your list when you have clearly communicated the reporting process to all employees.

Investigating reported conflicts of interest

  • Gather as much information as possible about the reported conflict of interest
  • Consider whether the conflict of interest is stated or potential
  • Decide on the best approach to investigate the conflict and gather more information
  • Interview relevant parties, review documents, and contact other relevant individuals or organizations to gain further insight
  • Make note of any key findings
  • Make a judgement call on whether the conflict of interest exists and whether action needs to be taken
  • When all of the investigation is complete, document the findings and make a decision on how to proceed
  • Check off this step when the investigation has been completed and all key findings have been documented.

Explaining how to investigate any potential conflicts of interest that have been reported or identified

  • Evaluate the facts and circumstances that give rise to the potential conflict of interest
  • Determine the potential risk posed by the conflict of interest
  • Identify any parties that might be affected by the potential conflict of interest
  • Identify any applicable laws, regulations, policies, or procedures that might apply to the potential conflict of interest
  • Assess the potential impact of the conflict of interest on the organization
  • Develop a plan to address the potential conflict of interest
  • Take any necessary corrective actions

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have properly evaluated the facts and circumstances, identified any parties or laws that might be affected, and implemented a plan to address the potential conflict of interest.

Taking corrective action

  • Identify the most appropriate corrective action to take in order to resolve the conflict of interest. This could involve removing the individual from any decision-making processes, providing additional training, or reassigning the individual to a different role or project.
  • Make sure you are aware of any potential legal implications of taking corrective action, and take the necessary steps to ensure that any action taken is legal and compliant with the relevant legislation.
  • Put the corrective action into effect, and ensure that all individuals involved are aware of it.
  • Monitor the situation to ensure that the corrective action is having the desired effect and that the conflict of interest has been resolved.

When you have identified the corrective action, put it into effect, and monitored the situation to ensure it has been resolved, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing the steps that should be taken to address any conflicts of interest that have been identified

  • Identify all individuals or entities with a potential conflict of interest
  • Discuss the potential conflicts of interest with all parties involved
  • Establish an action plan to resolve any conflicts of interest
  • Ensure that the solution is compliant with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies
  • Document the steps taken to address the conflict of interest
  • Monitor the action plan to ensure the conflict of interest is resolved
  • Once the conflict of interest is resolved, document the resolution

You’ll know you can move on from this step when all parties involved agree on the action plan to address the conflict of interest, and when the plan is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.


Q: What are the key differences between US, UK and EU accounting provisions?

Asked by Abigail on March 5th 2022.
A: The key differences between US, UK and EU accounting provisions depend on the country or region in question, as each jurisdiction has its own set of laws and regulations. Generally speaking, US accounting provisions are more complex and involve more intricate detail than those in either the UK or the EU, while UK and EU accounting provisions tend to be simpler and more straightforward. The most significant difference between US and UK/EU accounting provisions is in relation to taxation, as US accounting rules are typically more stringent than those in either the UK or the EU. Additionally, there are differences in terms of reporting requirements, with the US requiring more detailed monthly and annual reports than either the UK or the EU. Ultimately, it is important to understand the specific accounting provisions in each jurisdiction in order to ensure compliance and accuracy.

Q: What are the particular needs of businesses when it comes to accounting provisions?

Asked by Jacob on October 2nd 2022.
A: The particular needs of businesses when it comes to accounting provisions will depend on the type of business and the industry or sector in which it operates. Generally speaking, businesses need to be aware of the applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction, as well as any specific requirements that need to be adhered to. For example, businesses operating in the US may need to be aware of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its associated requirements. Additionally, businesses may need to consider how accounting provisions will affect their financial reporting and taxation requirements, as well as any other regulations that may apply. Ultimately, it is important for businesses to understand their particular needs when it comes to accounting provisions in order to ensure compliance and accuracy.

Q: Are there any special considerations for businesses operating in the technology sector?

Asked by Sophia on April 13th 2022.
A: Yes, businesses operating in the technology sector may have special considerations when it comes to accounting provisions. Many technology companies have unique financial reporting requirements due to their reliance on intellectual property and technology-based assets, which may require additional disclosure and reporting under certain accounting standards. Additionally, these businesses may need to consider the impact of software development costs, as well as other intangible assets that may not be captured under traditional accounting rules. Ultimately, it is important for these businesses to understand their particular needs when it comes to accounting provisions in order to ensure compliance and accuracy.

Q: What are some of the challenges associated with implementing new accounting provisions?

Asked by Liam on December 18th 2022.
A: One of the biggest challenges associated with implementing new accounting provisions is understanding the regulations and laws that need to be adhered to. In many cases, companies may need to spend significant amounts of time and resources researching and understanding the applicable rules and regulations before they can begin implementation. Additionally, companies may need to invest in training or retraining staff in order to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the new rules. Finally, companies may also face challenges related to updating their systems and processes in order to comply with new regulations or standards. Ultimately, it is important for companies to thoroughly understand all of the challenges associated with implementing new accounting provisions before they begin implementation.

Q: What are some best practices for ensuring compliance with accounting provisions?

Asked by Emma on February 22nd 2022.
A: One of the best practices for ensuring compliance with accounting provisions is conducting regular reviews of existing processes and procedures. Companies should regularly review their systems and processes in order to ensure that they are up-to-date with any changes or updates that have been made since their last review. Additionally, companies should also maintain accurate records of their financial transactions in order to ensure that all data is accurate and compliant with applicable laws and regulations. Finally, companies should educate staff on any changes or updates that have been made in order to ensure that they are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. Ultimately, by following these best practices, companies can ensure that they remain compliant with all applicable laws and regulations related to accounting provisions.

Example dispute

Conflict of Interest Lawsuits

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing a conflict of interest when a corporate entity has acted in its own interest to the detriment of their customers, employees, or other stakeholders.
  • Common examples include allegations of insider trading, self-dealing, fraudulent accounting practices, bribery, and other unethical or illegal practices.
  • In such a case, the plaintiff must provide evidence of the conflict of interest, and the damage that resulted from it.
  • Depending on the circumstances, settlement may be possible, or a court may award damages, which could include punitive damages.
  • It is important to note that the amount of damages that can be awarded in a conflict of interest suit will depend on the specific laws of the state in which the suit is brought.

Templates available (free to use)

Code Of Ethics Conflict Of Interest Policy
Code Of Ethics Conflict Of Interest Policy California
Compensation Consultant Conflict Of Interest Questionnaire
Conflict Of Interest Agreement
Conflict Of Interest Policy
Conflict Of Interest Policy Uk
Medical Staff Conflict Of Interest Disclosure Statement
Non Profit Conflict Of Interest Policy
Non Profit Hospital Board Conflict Of Interest Disclosure Form

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