Alex Denne
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Writing a Member Control Agreement

23 Mar 2023
19 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating an effective Member Control Agreement (MCA) is essential for the success of any limited liability company. Such an agreement, a legally binding document between company members which outlines their rights and responsibilities, is integral to ensure that the company’s interests are protected and that every member is treated fairly. A ““one size fits all”” MCA will not do - it needs to be tailored to the specific needs of a company and its members. It should cover matters such as voting procedures, financial management and the scope of authority granted to each member in order to ensure harmony amongst them.

It is important that the MCA created is legally sound and follows relevant laws or regulations; this requires input from a highly knowledgeable legal expert who understands how best to draft such an agreement - someone with extensive experience in crafting MCAs that address individual requirements clearly and concisely. That’s why Genie AI provides free access (no account required) to its open source legal template library – so everyone can create high quality documents quickly, easily, and confidently without having to engage expensive lawyers. Our millions of data points teach our AI what makes up a market-standard MCA; alongside our community template library which offers customizable templates for use on a variety of different topics - making sure we provide exactly what companies need when creating member control agreements.

Our team at Genie AI offer step-by-step guidance for creating MCAs hassle-free – no matter your level of legal knowledge – as well as providing quick access to our community template library so you can begin customizing your agreement today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

LLC: Limited Liability Company - A business structure where the owners of the company (members) will not be personally liable for the debts or actions of the company.

MCA: Member Control Agreement - A legal document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and roles of each member of a limited liability company.

Case law: Precedent set by court decisions - A legal principle established through a court’s ruling on a particular case, which is then used by other courts to determine similar cases.

Applicable laws and regulations: Laws and rules that apply - Laws and regulations that are relevant to a particular situation and must be followed.


  • Outline the purpose of the MCA and explain why it is important for business owners and legal professionals.
  • Research and understand the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA.
  • Identify the members who will be involved in the MCA.
  • Draft the limited liability company agreement, taking into account the interests of all members.
  • Add all necessary provisions and clauses that are applicable to the MCA.
  • Describe the process of creating an MCA that is tailored to the needs of the business.
  • Detail the rights and responsibilities of each member of the limited liability company.
  • Ensure that the MCA is legally sound and enforceable by consulting with an attorney or other legal expert.
  • Execute the MCA and have it signed by all members.
  • Provide guidance on how to review and update the MCA as needed.

Get started

Outline the purpose of the MCA and explain why it is important for business owners and legal professionals.

• Understand the purpose of the Member Control Agreement (MCA): It is a legal document that outlines the rules and regulations that govern the relationship between business owners and their legal professionals.
• Understand why it is important for business owners and legal professionals: The MCA helps to ensure that all parties involved are aware of their rights, responsibilities, and potential risks associated with the agreement. It also helps to protect the interests of both parties and helps to avoid any potential legal issues.
• Research the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA: It is important to research the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA. This will ensure that the MCA is compliant with local, state and federal laws.
• Outline the purpose of the MCA in the document: After researching the applicable laws and regulations, it is important to outline the purpose of the MCA in the document. This will help to ensure that the MCA is clear and concise and all parties involved understand the rules and regulations outlined in the agreement.

When you can check this off your list: You can check this off your list when you have researched the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA and outlined the purpose of the MCA in the document.

Research and understand the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA.

  • Research the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA in your state or country.
  • Read through any relevant legislation, court rulings, and legal documents that may be pertinent to the agreement.
  • Seek advice from legal professionals if you are uncertain about any of the regulations.
  • Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the laws and regulations before you begin drafting the agreement.
  • Check with a legal professional to ensure you are on the right track with your research.

Once you have a comprehensive understanding of the applicable laws and regulations related to the MCA, you can move on to the next step.

Identify the members who will be involved in the MCA.

  • List out all the members who will be involved in the MCA
  • Contact each member to confirm their agreement to be involved in the MCA
  • Ensure that all members have read and understood the terms and conditions of the MCA
  • Have all members sign off on the MCA
  • When all members have signed off, you’ll know you can move on to the next step.

Draft the limited liability company agreement, taking into account the interests of all members.

  • Consider the interests of each member in the MCA and ensure that it is equitable.
  • Draft a clause outlining the purpose of the MCA and its applicability to the members.
  • Draft a clause outlining the contributions of each member and the agreed-upon ownership shares.
  • Draft a clause outlining the management of the LLC and the responsibilities of the members.
  • Draft a clause outlining the taxation of the LLC and the obligations of the members.
  • Draft a clause outlining the dissolution of the LLC and the obligations of the members.
  • Draft any other applicable clauses to the MCA.

You will know when you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step once you have written all necessary provisions and clauses that are applicable to the MCA.

Add all necessary provisions and clauses that are applicable to the MCA.

  • Determine what provisions and clauses need to be included in the MCA based on the LLC agreement drafted in the previous step.
  • Consider the interests of all members when selecting the necessary provisions and clauses.
  • Research the relevant regulations and laws that apply to the MCA.
  • Include measures to protect the best interests of all members.
  • Seek legal advice where needed.
  • Draft the necessary provisions and clauses in the MCA.
  • Review the MCA to ensure accuracy.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all the necessary provisions and clauses have been drafted into the MCA.

Describe the process of creating an MCA that is tailored to the needs of the business.

  • Consult the state’s regulations on LLCs to ensure the MCA meets the state’s requirements.
  • Identify the members of the LLC and the roles they will play.
  • Consider the overall structure of the LLC and how it will be managed.
  • Outline the governance of the LLC, including the roles and responsibilities of each member, the decision-making process, operational rules, and other pertinent details.
  • Draft the MCA, making sure to include all provisions that are applicable to the LLC.
  • Review the MCA and ensure that it meets all legal requirements and is tailored to the needs of the business.
  • Have the MCA reviewed by a lawyer before signing.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have reviewed the MCA and ensured that it meets all legal requirements and is tailored to the needs of the business, it is ready to be signed.

Detail the rights and responsibilities of each member of the limited liability company.

  • Brainstorm with other members of the LLC to identify key goals and objectives for the company
  • Identify the roles and duties of each member in achieving these goals and objectives
  • List out the rights and responsibilities of each member that are necessary to ensure the success of the LLC
  • Draft a Member Control Agreement (MCA) that outlines the terms of the LLC and the rights and responsibilities of each member
  • Make sure that all members of the LLC agree to and sign the MCA
  • Once all members of the LLC have agreed to and signed the MCA, it is legally binding and enforceable
  • You will know you have completed this step when the MCA has been drafted and the members of the LLC have signed it.

Ensure that the MCA is legally sound and enforceable by consulting with an attorney or other legal expert.

  • Contact an attorney or legal expert to review the MCA.
  • Provide the legal expert with all relevant information, such as the rights and responsibilities of each member of the limited liability company.
  • Receive advice and guidance from the legal expert on how to make the MCA sound and enforceable.
  • Make any necessary changes suggested by the legal expert to the MCA.

Once you have consulted with the legal expert and made any necessary changes to the MCA, you can move on to the next step.

Execute the MCA and have it signed by all members.

  • Gather the signed MCA documents from all members.
  • Ensure that all members have signed the MCA.
  • File the executed MCA in a safe and secure place.
  • You will know that you have completed this step once all members have signed the MCA and the document is securely stored.

Provide guidance on how to review and update the MCA as needed.

  • Review the MCA regularly to ensure you are in compliance with all governing regulations.
  • Check to see if any changes need to be made to the MCA based on the current regulations.
  • If changes need to be made, have the MCA reviewed and approved by all members before it is updated.
  • Make sure to keep a copy of the updated MCA in a secure location.

When you have completed this step, you will have reviewed and updated the MCA as needed and can move on to the next step.


Q: What is the difference between a Member Control Agreement and a Shareholder Agreement?

Asked by Thomas on June 4th 2022.
A: A Member Control Agreement (MCA) and a Shareholder Agreement (SHA) are two distinct documents which have different purposes. An MCA is focused on the day-to-day governance of the business, and sets out the rights and responsibilities of the members of the LLC. The SHA, on the other hand, is focused on protecting the interests of shareholders, and sets out provisions which ensure that shareholders can exit in an orderly fashion in the event of a sale or other transfer of ownership. The MCA and SHA should be considered two separate documents, but should also be reviewed together to ensure that they are both in line with each other.

Q: What are the key elements of a Member Control Agreement?

Asked by Emma on October 15th 2022.
A: A Member Control Agreement (MCA) is a key document in forming an LLC. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of all members in managing and running the business. The key elements of an MCA typically include provisions related to membership, voting rights, management, financial matters, arbitration, dispute resolution, transfers of membership interests, dissolution, and indemnification. It is important to make sure that all these elements are included in your MCA to ensure that it covers all aspects of your LLC’s operation.

Q: What legal issues should I consider when writing a Member Control Agreement?

Asked by Liam on May 20th 2022.
A: When writing a Member Control Agreement (MCA), there are several legal issues that must be considered. First and foremost, you should make sure that you understand the local laws governing LLCs in your jurisdiction. This will ensure that your MCA complies with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, you should consider any potential conflicts of interest between members or between members and third parties. Finally, you should consider any potential liabilities or risks associated with operating an LLC, such as those related to taxation or disputes between members.

Q: Are there any specific considerations for Member Control Agreements for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions?

Asked by Isabella on December 2nd 2022.
A: Yes, businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions must be aware of any differences between local laws when writing a Member Control Agreement (MCA). For example, some jurisdictions may have different requirements for taxation or dispute resolution than others. Additionally, some jurisdictions may have restrictions on certain activities or ownership structures which must be taken into account when writing an MCA. Finally, businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions should consider any potential conflicts of interest between members or between members and third parties that may arise due to differences in laws between jurisdictions.

Q: How can I ensure that my Member Control Agreement is enforceable?

Asked by Noah on August 3rd 2022.
A: To ensure that your Member Control Agreement (MCA) is enforceable, you should ensure that it complies with local laws governing LLCs in your jurisdiction. Additionally, you should make sure that it is clear and unambiguous in its language so as to avoid any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations down the line. Finally, you should consult with an attorney who specializes in business law to ensure that your MCA meets all necessary legal requirements and is legally enforceable.

Q: Are there any industry-specific considerations I should keep in mind when writing my Member Control Agreement?

Asked by Emma on April 11th 2022.
A: Yes, depending on your industry or sector there may be certain industry-specific considerations that need to be taken into account when writing a Member Control Agreement (MCA). For example, if you are operating a technology business then you may need to include provisions related to intellectual property rights or data protection regulations. Similarly, if you are operating a SaaS business then you may need to include provisions related to software licenses or subscription terms and conditions. It is important to make sure that all relevant industry-specific considerations are taken into account when drafting an MCA so as to avoid any potential legal issues down the line.

Q: How can I ensure that my Member Control Agreement remains up-to-date?

Asked by Mason on July 9th 2022.
A: To ensure that your Member Control Agreement (MCA) remains up-to-date it is important to regularly review it against changes in local laws governing LLCs as well as changes in your own industry or sector which may necessitate additional provisions being included in your MCA. Additionally, it is important to regularly consult with an attorney who specializes in business law to ensure that all necessary legal requirements are being met by your MCA and advice given on how it might be improved or updated over time. Finally, if there are any significant changes made to your LLC’s operations then these should also be reflected appropriately within your MCA so as not to render it obsolete over time.

Example dispute

Suing a Company Over Violations of a Member Control Agreement

  • The plaintiff must prove that a legally binding member control agreement exists between the company and themselves.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the company violated the terms of the agreement, breached their fiduciary duty, or otherwise acted in bad faith.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence of the damages that were suffered as a result of the company’s action. This could include lost profits, personal injury, or other damages.
  • The plaintiff can seek a court order requiring the company to comply with the agreement, or seek monetary damages.
  • Settlement could be reached through negotiation or mediation, or through a court ruling.
  • Damages can be calculated by taking into consideration any losses suffered by the plaintiff as a result of the company’s actions, as well as any legal fees or other costs associated with the lawsuit.

Templates available (free to use)

Member Control Agreement

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