Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Writing a Guarantor Agreement (UK)

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a guarantor agreement is a critical legal document which safeguards the financial security of all individuals tied to a rental arrangement. At Genie AI, we understand the importance of having a properly drafted agreement protecting both landlord and tenant. This agreement makes sure that the tenant’s guarantor is obligated for any unpaid rent or other financial commitments.

The main reason for a guarantor agreement is to add an extra layer of protection for the landlord. This defence comes in form of a third-party who will foot any bills incurred by non-payment of rent or damages caused by the tenant. In such an event, the lender can still recoup their losses should they be unable to recover them from their tenant.

The agreement additionally serves as defense for the tenant’s guarantor, providing assurance against being held liable for obligations outside their control – such as non-payment of rent beyond their means or damages that they were unaware would occur. They can also rest assured that this document is preventing them from putting their own funds at stake if something untoward was to happen in relation to tenancy arrangements not meeting expectations.

Drafting this type of agreement also ensures each individual involved understands their rights and obligations clearly and gives them room to negotiate during periods where disputes arise - making sure all parties are held accountable and aware throughout proceedings, safeguarding against nasty surprises later down the line when expectations have not been met on either side within agreed upon parameters set out at outset in this legally binding document…

Finally, it helps guarantee that all parties are enlightened on what kind of restrictions and responsibilities come with signing off this type of agreement - allowing everyone involved to make informed decisions before they commit themselves financially while simultaneously providing assurance that everyone’s interests are secure with those compromises made known up front…

In summary, creating a guarantor agreement provides vital protection for both lender and borrower regarding financial matters relating to tenancy arrangements as well as providing security against potential liabilities arising from unforeseen circumstances surrounding said transactions. With our free access template library you can draft high quality documents without needing legal representation – click here today for step-by-step guidance on setting up your own personalised contract requirements!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Guarantor: A person who is legally responsible for another person’s financial obligations.
Legal Binding Document: A document that has legal authority and is legally enforceable.
Roles and Responsibilities: The specific tasks and duties given to someone in a particular situation or job.
Default: Failing to fulfill an obligation or failing to meet the terms of an agreement.
Financial Obligations: Money owed or due to be paid.
Termination: The end or cancellation of an agreement.
Notarize: The process of a notary public witnessing the signing of a document and verifying its authenticity.
Dispute Resolution: The process of resolving disagreements or conflicts between two or more parties.


  • Introduction
  • Overview of the purpose of a guarantor agreement
  • Roles and responsibilities of a guarantor
  • Legal implications of becoming a guarantor
  • The parties involved
  • Roles and responsibilities of the landlord, tenant, and guarantor
  • The terms of the agreement
  • Amount of the guarantee
  • Duration of the agreement
  • Any other conditions that need to be met
  • Financial considerations
  • Amount of money that the guarantor will be required to pay in the event of a default on the agreement
  • Any other financial obligations of the guarantor
  • Rights and obligations
  • Rights to terminate the agreement
  • Obligations to pay any outstanding amounts
  • Termination
  • Providing written notice of the intent to terminate
  • Finalizing any outstanding financial obligations
  • Signing the agreement
  • Acknowledging receipt of all documents
  • Reading and understanding the agreement
  • Signing all necessary documents
  • Execution
  • Filing any necessary paperwork with the appropriate authorities
  • Notarizing the agreement
  • Dispute resolution
  • Negotiating an amicable solution
  • Utilizing arbitration or mediation to settle disagreements
  • Conclusion
  • Summary of the points discussed
  • How to take the next steps

Get started


  • Understand the purpose of a guarantor agreement
  • Know who will be involved in the agreement
  • Read and understand the terms of the agreement
  • When you are ready, move on to the next step to get an overview of the purpose of a guarantor agreement.

Overview of the purpose of a guarantor agreement

  • Understand the purpose of a guarantor agreement, which is to provide security to a creditor when a borrower is unable to pay their debt
  • Understand the risks involved in signing a guarantor agreement and how this may affect the guarantor
  • Learn about the legal implications of signing a guarantor agreement and how this affects the guarantor
  • When you have a clear understanding of the purpose and implications of a guarantor agreement, you can check this step off your list and move onto the next step.

Roles and responsibilities of a guarantor

  • Understand the role of the guarantor: a guarantor is a person who agrees to pay the debt of the borrower if the borrower fails to do so.
  • Be aware that the guarantor is legally liable for the debt of the borrower if the borrower defaults on their payments.
  • Understand the financial implications of being a guarantor: the guarantor will be liable to pay the full amount of the debt, including any interest or other charges, if the borrower is unable to pay.
  • Make sure that the guarantor is aware of any restrictions on their liability, such as a cap on the amount they are liable for.
  • Make sure that the guarantor is aware of any other responsibilities they may have, such as informing the lender of any changes to the borrower’s circumstances.

When you have made sure that the guarantor is aware of their roles and responsibilities, you can move on to the next step, which is to understand the legal implications of becoming a guarantor.

Legal implications of becoming a guarantor

  • Understand the financial implications of becoming a guarantor
  • Read up on the legal implications of becoming a guarantor for a loan in the UK
  • Familiarise yourself with the Consumer Credit Act of 1974
  • Ensure you understand the consequences of becoming a guarantor
  • Become aware of the limits of your liability
  • Read the contract in full and make sure you understand all the terms
  • Make sure you get independent legal advice if you’re unsure of anything

You can check this off your list and move to the next step when you are confident that you understand all the legal implications of becoming a guarantor for a loan in the UK.

The parties involved

  • Identify who the parties to the agreement are: landlord, tenant, and guarantor
  • Make sure the landlord, tenant, and guarantor are all legally capable of entering into a contract
  • Provide the full name and address of each party
  • Make sure to include all relevant details such as dates of birth or business registration numbers

When you have identified the parties to the agreement and provided all relevant details, you can move on to the next step.

Roles and responsibilities of the landlord, tenant, and guarantor

  • Set out the rights and responsibilities of each party: landlord, tenant, and guarantor.
  • Explain the role of the landlord, outlining what they are responsible for and any restrictions on their actions.
  • Explain the role of the tenant, outlining their responsibilities and any restrictions on their actions.
  • Explain the role of the guarantor, outlining their responsibilities and any restrictions on their actions.
  • Make sure each party understands their rights, responsibilities and obligations as laid out in the agreement.

You will know that you have completed this step when each party has agreed to their respective roles, responsibilities and any restrictions on their actions as laid out in the agreement.

The terms of the agreement

  • Agree on the type of tenancy and the length of the tenancy
  • Outline that the guarantor must pay rent and other expenses if the tenant fails to do so
  • Specify if the guarantor will be responsible for any damages
  • Outline that the guarantor can only be released from the agreement upon notification of the landlord
  • Specify when the agreement will end
  • Ensure that the agreement is signed and dated by all parties
  • Check that the agreement is compliant with the law

You will know you can move onto the next step when you have agreed on all the terms of the agreement, outlined the responsibilities of all parties, specified when the agreement will end, and ensured that the agreement is signed and compliant with the law.

Amount of the guarantee

  • Decide on the amount of the guarantee, taking into consideration the value of the debt or services being guaranteed, as well as the guarantor’s financial and legal situation
  • Write down the amount of the guarantee in the agreement
  • When you’ve included the amount of the guarantee in the agreement, you can move on to the next step: Duration of the agreement.

Duration of the agreement

  • Discuss the length of the agreement with both parties and agree on a timeline
  • Make sure to include a start and an end date in the agreement
  • Note that the end date will be the date when the agreement expires
  • Include a clause that allows for the agreement to be extended if necessary
  • Once the duration of the agreement has been discussed and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step of the guide.

Any other conditions that need to be met

  • Review the agreement to ensure that any other conditions that need to be met are clearly stated in the document.
  • These could include the guarantor’s responsibility to immediately advise the lender if they become aware of any changes in the borrower’s financial circumstances or if the borrower falls into arrears.
  • They could also include any other restrictions on the guarantor such as not being able to guarantee any other debts or being restricted from leaving the country or taking on additional liabilities.
  • Check to make sure that all of these conditions are clearly stated and that all parties understand them.
  • Once you are satisfied that all other conditions are specified, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Financial considerations

  • Calculate the full amount of money that the guarantor will need to pay in the event of default, including any interest or additional fees
  • Ensure that the guarantor is aware of the full amount they could be liable for
  • Determine how the guarantor will be paid back when the debt is settled
  • Consider any other financial obligations the guarantor will have, such as court costs and legal fees
  • Ensure that the guarantor understands the financial risks associated with their agreement
  • When all financial considerations have been addressed, the guarantor should sign the agreement to make it legally binding.

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step once you have addressed all financial considerations and the guarantor has signed the agreement.

Amount of money that the guarantor will be required to pay in the event of a default on the agreement

  • Decide on the amount of money that the guarantor will be required to pay in the event of a default on the agreement
  • Write down the exact amount and ensure that all parties involved agree to this amount
  • Have the guarantor sign the agreement to confirm that they acknowledge the amount of money they are liable to pay in the event of a default
  • Once all parties involved have signed the agreement, check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Any other financial obligations of the guarantor

  • State any additional financial obligations the guarantor may have, such as paying late fees or court costs.
  • Specify whether the guarantor is responsible for any other related costs, such as any legal fees incurred in pursuing payment.
  • Make sure to include any other obligations the guarantor may have in the agreement.

Once you have included all the necessary financial obligations of the guarantor in the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Rights and obligations

  • The guarantor should be aware of the extent of their financial obligations and liabilities under the agreement.
  • This should include an understanding of the guarantor’s liability for unpaid debts and any other financial obligations of the borrower.
  • The guarantor should also understand their rights under the guarantor agreement, including their right to demand a discharge from any obligations if the borrower has not paid their debts.
  • The guarantor should also be aware of their rights to terminate the agreement, including the circumstances in which they may do so.
  • Review the agreement carefully to ensure that the guarantor understands and agrees to all of the terms and conditions.
  • Once the guarantor is certain of their rights and obligations under the agreement, they can sign the document and the agreement will become legally binding.

Rights to terminate the agreement

  • Determine the period of time for which the guarantor will remain liable for the obligations in the agreement.
  • Specify the conditions under which the guarantor can terminate the agreement.
  • Identify the method for notifying the other party of the termination.
  • Confirm that the guarantor will remain liable for debts incurred before the termination date.
  • When all of the above are included in the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Obligations to pay any outstanding amounts

  • Identify what obligations the guarantor is taking on:
  • To pay any outstanding amount due to the creditor if the borrower fails to do so
  • Agree on what the guarantor is liable for:
  • Outstanding payments, including interest and late fees
  • Court costs and legal fees, if necessary
  • Specify what happens if the guarantor fails to pay:
  • The creditor can take legal action against the guarantor in order to recover the money
  • Check whether the guarantor has any other obligations under the agreement
  • For example, if the guarantor is required to notify the creditor of changes in their financial situation

You can check off this step when you have identified and agreed on the guarantor’s obligations and any other relevant details. Once you’re finished, you can move on to the next step: Termination.


  • Include a clause that specifies that either party may terminate the guarantor agreement with written notice.
  • Specify the amount of notice that one party must give the other party before terminating the agreement.
  • Include a clause that specifies that the guarantor will continue to be liable for any outstanding payments due to the lender after the termination of the agreement.
  • Include a clause that specifies that any changes or modifications to the guarantor agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

You will know that you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step once you have included all the necessary clauses regarding termination of the guarantor agreement.

Providing written notice of the intent to terminate

  • Provide written notice of the intent to terminate the guarantor agreement to the guarantor in the form of a letter.
  • Make sure the letter includes:
  • The date of the letter
  • The name of the guarantor
  • A clear explanation of the intent to terminate
  • Send the letter to the guarantor by recorded delivery or registered post, or use an online delivery service that provides proof of delivery.
  • Once the letter has been sent, you can check this step off your list and move on to finalizing any outstanding financial obligations.

Finalizing any outstanding financial obligations

  • Ensure that both the tenant and guarantor have settled any outstanding financial obligations to each other.
  • If any outstanding payments are due, arrange for the guarantor to pay the tenant (or vice versa) in full before signing the agreement.
  • If any debts are due to third-parties (e.g. utility companies or landlords), the guarantor should make sure that these are settled before signing the agreement.
  • The guarantor should provide proof of payment of any outstanding financial obligations, including any receipts or invoices.
  • Once both parties have settled any outstanding financial obligations, they will be ready to sign the agreement.

Signing the agreement

  • Ensure the guarantor and the debtor sign the agreement in front of a witness
  • Make sure the guarantor, debtor, and witness all have a copy of the signed document
  • The guarantor should also receive a copy of all the documents and information related to the loan, such as the loan agreement and terms
  • Once all parties have signed and received their documents, the process of signing the agreement is complete
  • You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step: Acknowledging receipt of all documents

Acknowledging receipt of all documents

  • Ensure that each party has received a copy of the agreement and all relevant documents
  • Have all parties sign a receipt of the agreement, acknowledging that they have received a copy
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the agreement and all relevant documents
  • Keep the signed receipts in a safe place for future reference
  • Once all parties have signed their receipts, you can move on to reading and understanding the agreement.

Reading and understanding the agreement

  • Read the agreement thoroughly to ensure you understand the obligations of the guarantor
  • Familiarize yourself with the definitions of all the terms used in the agreement
  • Make sure you are comfortable with all the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Ask any questions you have about the agreement to the relevant parties
  • Once you have read and understand the agreement, you can move on to the next step: Acknowledging receipt of all documents.

Signing all necessary documents

  • Ensure all parties have signed the guarantee agreement and dated it
  • All parties should keep a copy of the signed agreement
  • The lender should receive a fully executed copy of the agreement
  • Once all documents are signed, the lender should confirm the agreement in writing
  • You will know that the step is complete when you have received written confirmation of the agreement from the lender.


  • Have each party sign the guarantee agreement in the presence of a witness.
  • Have each party exchange copies of the signed guarantee agreement.
  • Once all parties have exchanged and signed copies of the guarantee agreement, the process is complete.

Filing any necessary paperwork with the appropriate authorities

  • Collect all the necessary documents for filing
  • Contact the appropriate authorities to find out what documents need to be filed
  • Submit the documents to the required authorities
  • Pay any applicable fees
  • Wait for the documents to be accepted and processed
  • Once accepted, you will receive a confirmation letter
  • Keep this letter in a safe place as it may be needed in the future as evidence of the agreement

Notarizing the agreement

  • Have the guarantor and borrower both sign the agreement in the presence of a notary public.
  • Obtain the notary’s signature, seal, and date on the agreement.
  • Make sure to ask the notary for a copy of the signed and notarized agreement for each party.
  • Once all signatures have been obtained, the agreement is now notarized and ready to be filed with the appropriate authorities.

Dispute resolution

  • Familiarize yourself with the dispute resolution process in the UK, such as court proceedings and alternative dispute resolution.
  • Make sure the guarantor agreement includes a clause that outlines how any disputes should be dealt with.
  • Research the best method of dispute resolution available and consider any potential costs involved.
  • Ensure that both parties are comfortable with the dispute resolution method you have chosen.
  • Make sure the guarantor agreement includes a clause detailing the dispute resolution chosen.
  • Once you have successfully included a clause on dispute resolution, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Negotiating an amicable solution.

Negotiating an amicable solution

  • Speak to the other party and try to come to an agreement
  • Consider giving some ground if you think it will help to reach a resolution
  • Clearly communicate your interests and potential solutions
  • Make sure to put any agreements in writing
  • When an agreement has been reached, both parties can sign the guarantor agreement to make it legally binding
  • Check that both parties are satisfied with the agreement and have all the information they need
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Utilizing arbitration or mediation to settle disagreements

  • Consider using arbitration or mediation to settle any disputes or disagreements that may arise from the guarantor agreement.
  • Research your local laws to ensure that you are using the correct procedure for arbitration or mediation.
  • Contact an arbitration or mediation service to discuss the details of your agreement and to ensure that all parties involved are aware of the process.
  • Complete the arbitration or mediation process and make sure that any decisions made are written into the guarantor agreement.
  • Make sure all parties involved are aware of the decisions made and that they are signed and dated by all involved.

Once all steps of the arbitration or mediation process have been completed and all decisions written into the guarantor agreement, this step can be checked off your list and you can move on to the next step.


  • Draw up the agreement in writing and make sure it is signed and dated by both parties
  • Make sure the guarantor agreement is accurately and clearly written in plain language
  • Ensure that all the terms and conditions are fully understood by both parties
  • Have the agreement certified by a solicitor or notary public
  • Make sure to keep a copy of the agreement for your records

Once all the steps have been followed and the guarantor agreement is signed and dated, the document is legally binding and can be used to settle any disputes between the relevant parties.

Summary of the points discussed

  • Summarize the main points of the agreement discussed
  • Review the agreement to ensure all points have been covered
  • Make sure that both parties involved understand and agree to the terms of the agreement
  • Check off this step when you have a clear and well-defined summary of the guarantor agreement

How to take the next steps

  • Get both parties to sign the document.
  • Ensure each party has a signed copy of the document.
  • Check that the document is legally binding and enforceable.
  • You’ll know when you have received a signed copy of the document from both parties.


Q: What are the differences between UK and US guarantor agreements?

Asked by Chad on July 5th, 2022.
A: Differences between UK and US guarantor agreements primarily come down to their respective laws and regulations. In the UK, a guarantor agreement is legally binding and must be signed by the guarantor and creditor before it can take effect. In the US, however, a guarantor agreement is not legally binding and can be made verbally. Furthermore, in the UK a guarantor agreement must be registered with the county court or High Court; this is not necessary in the US.

Q: How do I write a guarantor agreement specific to my sector/industry?

Asked by Tanya on April 7th, 2022.
A: Writing a guarantor agreement specific to your sector/industry can be a complex process. It is important to consider the sector/industry’s specific needs when drafting your agreement. For example, if you are in the technology sector, you may need to consider the inclusion of provisions such as data privacy or intellectual property rights when drafting your agreement. Additionally, if you are in a business-to-business (B2B) sector or have customers from multiple countries, you may need to consider provisions for multi-jurisdictional agreements as well as any applicable currency conversion rates. Furthermore, if you are operating a Software as a Service (SaaS) business model, you may need to include service level agreements and other clauses related to software updates or support services.

Q: What should I include in my guarantor agreement?

Asked by Craig on August 4th, 2022.
A: When writing your guarantor agreement it is important to include key elements such as: an introduction outlining the terms of the agreement; details of what the guarantor will be responsible for; details of how payments will be made; details of how disputes will be resolved; information about how the agreement can be terminated; details of any fees associated with being a guarantor; and finally, details about any clauses which could affect or restrict the creditor or guarantor’s rights.

Q: What are some common mistakes people make when writing a guarantor agreement?

Asked by Tricia on June 10th, 2022.
A: Common mistakes people make when writing a guarantor agreement include failing to clearly outline their expectations for payment; failing to specify who is responsible for what; not including clauses which protect both parties rights; failing to include dispute resolution procedures; neglecting to include any fees associated with being a guarantor; and failing to state how either party can terminate the agreement.

Q: How do I ensure my guarantor agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Alex on March 16th, 2022.
A: To ensure your guarantor agreement is legally binding it must meet certain requirements specified by law. These requirements vary between jurisdictions but generally include having all parties sign the document and ensuring that all parties involved understand their roles and responsibilities within the agreement. Additionally, in some jurisdictions such as in the UK, you may need to register your document with the county court or High Court before it can become legally binding.

Q: What should I do if I have questions about my guarantor agreement?

Asked by Adam on February 14th, 2022.
A: If you have questions about your guarantor agreement it is important to seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer who has knowledge of your particular situation and jurisdiction’s laws. Additionally, if you are in doubt about any aspect of your document it is important to seek legal advice before signing or entering into any contractual arrangements with another party.

Q: What happens if my guarantor fails to meet their obligations?

Asked by Jessica on November 19th, 2022.
A: If your guarantor fails to meet their obligations outlined in the contract then they may be held liable for any losses incurred due to their non-performance or breach of contract. This could include being required to pay back any outstanding payments made by the creditor on behalf of the guarantor or for any damages caused due to their failure to meet their obligations as stated in the contract. Additionally, depending on jurisdiction specific laws and regulations they may also be subject to civil action taken against them for breach of contract or other legal action taken against them for damages caused due to their failure to meet their obligations as stated in the contract.

Q: What risks should I consider before signing a guarantor agreement?

Asked by Matthew on October 25th, 2022.
A: Before signing a guarantor agreement it is important to consider all potential risks involved such as liability for any debts owed by the borrower as well as potential legal action taken against either party due to non-performance or breach of contract terms outlined in the document. Additionally, it is important that all parties involved understand their roles and responsibilities outlined in the document so that they know what they are liable for should something go wrong during or after performance of their duties outlined in the contract. Finally, it is important that any fees associated with being a guarantor are specified clearly so that both parties understand what costs will be incurred should something go wrong during performance of duties outlined in the contract.

Q: Can I use an online template when writing my guarantee?

Asked by Ashley on December 31st, 2022.
A: Yes, there are online templates available which can help you when writing your guarantee document however it is important that you understand all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to your jurisdiction before using one of these templates as they may not account for all aspects which could affect or restrict either party’s rights or responsibilities under law. Additionally, depending on your particular industry or sector there may also be specific elements which need consideration when drafting your document which some generic online templates may not account for so seeking legal advice from an experienced lawyer may be beneficial before proceeding with an online template.

Example dispute

Suing a Company Based on a Guarantor Agreement:

  • The plaintiff must demonstrate that the guarantor agreement was entered into freely and with full knowledge by both parties.
  • The plaintiff must also show that the defendant made a promise or commitment to fulfill the obligations laid out in the guarantor agreement.
  • The plaintiff must also demonstrate that the defendant breached the agreement in some way, and that this breach caused the plaintiff to suffer damages.
  • Damages may be calculated based on the amount specified in the agreement, or according to the losses suffered by the plaintiff.
  • In order to win the case, the plaintiff must provide evidence to prove their claims. This can include witness testimony, documents, emails, and other types of evidence.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation or mediation, or a court may decide the outcome of the case.

Templates available (free to use)

Guarantor Agreement

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