Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Writing a Buyout Agreement: A Step-by-Step Guide

23 Mar 2023
36 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


A buyout agreement is an essential legal document in business transactions, defining the terms and conditions of a deal. Without a buyout agreement, companies are at risk of costly litigation and disputes. At Genie AI, we provide a free community template library that offers the tools you need to draft high-quality legal documents without needing to pay for a lawyer. Here is our step-by-step guide on writing your own buyout agreement.

By negotiating terms such as the amount being exchanged and other considerations beforehand in an agreement, parties can ensure they are protected from costly disputes and litigation down the line. This can also protect shareholders’ interests throughout the transaction by outlining their rights and responsibilities in the deal - including their ownership rights over intellectual property or confidential information.

Having an agreed buyout contract helps clarify all sides involved in regards to their duties and responsibilities, as well as providing clarity over the transfer of assets. The timeline for completion is also set out clearly alongside any specifics regarding confidentiality or shareholder protection – giving everyone involved certainty over what has been agreed upon during negotiations.

The Genie AI team provides legal templates that you can use to customize your own market-standard buyout agreement with ease – no prior law experience required! Our dataset draws on millions of datapoints to give you access to up-to-date information about what should be included in a legal document like this one – from prenuptial agreements through to corporate contracts – freeing you up from needing to consult with lawyers or search through outdated laws yourself. Read on below for more information about how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Buyout Agreement: A legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction in which one party purchases a stake in a business from the other.
Stakeholders: People or entities that are involved in and affected by an agreement or business transaction.
Legal Implications: The legal effects or outcomes of an agreement or action.
Tax Implications: The financial consequences of a transaction in terms of taxes.
Negotiating: The process of discussing and trying to reach an agreement between two or more parties.
Payment Structure: The amount of money to be paid, the payment schedule, and other details of how a payment will be handled.
Tax Obligations: The taxes owed to the government by an individual or business.
Tax Filing: The process of submitting a tax return to the appropriate authorities.
Signatures: A person’s name, or mark, written or affixed to the document to signify consent or agreement.
Verify: To confirm the accuracy or truth of something.
Disputes: A disagreement between two or more parties.


  • Overview of the buyout process
  • Defining the parties involved in the agreement
  • Identifying all stakeholders
  • Determining the roles of each party
  • Outlining the responsibilities of each party
  • Understanding the legal implications of a buyout agreement
  • Researching relevant laws and regulations
  • Evaluating potential risks and liabilities
  • Making sure all parties understand their rights and obligations
  • Negotiating the terms of the agreement
  • Identifying the different interests of each party
  • Discussing and compromising on the different points of negotiation
  • Reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties
  • Outlining the payment structure
  • Deciding on the amount to be paid
  • Establishing the payment schedule
  • Understanding the tax implications of a buyout agreement
  • Calculating the tax obligations of each party
  • Establishing the tax filing responsibilities
  • Drafting the document
  • Writing the agreement in accordance with legal requirements
  • Ensuring that all details of the agreement are included
  • Having the document reviewed by a legal professional
  • Signing the agreement
  • Obtaining signatures from all parties
  • Verifying the identities of all parties
  • Finalizing the agreement
  • Filing the agreement with the relevant authorities
  • Distributing copies of the agreement to all parties
  • Executing the agreement
  • Ensuring that all parties comply with the agreement
  • Resolving any disputes that arise from the agreement
  • Making any necessary changes to the agreement

Get started

Overview of the buyout process

  • Understand the legal implications of a buyout agreement
  • Outline the business purpose and goals of the agreement
  • Research the relevant state and federal laws and regulations
  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement and their roles
  • Draft the agreement and review it with legal counsel
  • Negotiate the terms of the agreement
  • Sign the agreement

When you can check this off your list: When you have a clear understanding of the legal implications of the buyout agreement, have identified the parties involved, and have drafted the agreement.

Defining the parties involved in the agreement

  • Identify who is buying and who is being bought out.
  • Outline who has authority to make decisions and sign the agreement.
  • Make sure all parties are legally able to enter into the agreement.
  • List all interested parties, such as creditors, shareholders, and other potential beneficiaries of the buyout.

Once you have identified and listed all involved parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying all stakeholders

  • Identify all the stakeholders in the agreement, including the buyer and seller, their attorneys, and any other parties involved.
  • Make sure to include any third-party advisors or intermediaries that the buyer or seller may have consulted during the process.
  • Consider the interests of each party and the impact that the buyout will have on them.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are represented and involved in the process.
  • When you are confident that all parties have been identified and their interests taken into account, you can move on to the next step.

Determining the roles of each party

  • Identify who is the buyer and who is the seller
  • Determine the legal entity of each party (e.g. corporation, LLC, etc.)
  • Discuss and define the roles of each party and their obligation to the buyout
  • Ensure both parties have the same understanding of the terms and conditions
  • When both parties have agreed to the roles and responsibilities, move on to the next step.

Outlining the responsibilities of each party

  • Identify all the necessary parties that will be involved in the buyout agreement
  • Determine the responsibilities of each party and include them in the agreement
  • Ensure that all roles, responsibilities and obligations are clearly specified and understood by all parties
  • Identify any areas of disagreement and work to resolve them before finalizing the agreement
  • When all parties have agreed to all responsibilities and obligations, the agreement is ready to be finalized.

Understanding the legal implications of a buyout agreement

  • Consult with a lawyer experienced in buyouts to understand the legal implications of a buyout agreement
  • Understand the differences and implications of different types of buyouts, e.g. a partial buyout, full buyout, etc.
  • Research relevant laws and regulations, such as tax laws, that may affect the buyout agreement
  • Understand any potential risks associated with the buyout agreement
  • Have the lawyer review the agreement to ensure it is legally sound

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have consulted with a lawyer experienced in buyouts and have a thorough understanding of the legal implications of the buyout agreement
  • When you have researched relevant laws and regulations and understand any potential risks associated with the buyout agreement
  • When the lawyer has reviewed the agreement and has confirmed that it is legally sound

Researching relevant laws and regulations

  • Research any applicable laws and regulations for the buyout agreement in your locality.
  • Check with the relevant authorities to make sure that the buyout agreement complies with all local and national laws.
  • Talk to a lawyer who is experienced in buyout agreements if you need assistance in understanding the legal implications of the agreement.
  • When you are confident that the buyout agreement is legally compliant, you can move on to the next step.

Evaluating potential risks and liabilities

  • Carefully review the applicable laws and regulations to assess any risks or liabilities associated with the buyout agreement
  • Consult with an attorney or other legal professional to discuss any potential risks or liabilities
  • Research any relevant case law to determine potential liabilities
  • Identify any potential risks or liabilities associated with the buyout agreement and make sure they are addressed in the agreement
  • When you have evaluated the potential risks and liabilities and addressed them in the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Making sure all parties understand their rights and obligations

  • Ensure that all parties involved have a full understanding of their rights and obligations under the buyout agreement.
  • Consult a lawyer or other legal professional to help ensure all parties involved understand the legal implications of the buyout agreement.
  • Make sure everyone involved in the buyout agreement is aware of any and all potential liabilities.
  • Review the buyout agreement with all parties involved to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
    -When everyone involved in the buyout agreement understands their rights and obligations, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Negotiating the terms of the agreement

  • Determine the purchase price and payment terms.
  • Decide whether the transaction will be an asset purchase or a stock purchase.
  • Identify any contingencies and conditions of the purchase.
  • Determine the liabilities and assets that will be included in the transaction.
  • Agree on warranties and representations of the parties.
  • Agree on any post-closing obligations of the parties.

When you can check this step off your list: You can check this step off your list once all parties involved have agreed on the terms of the buyout and have signed the agreement.

Identifying the different interests of each party

  • Determine the interests of each party, including their goals and objectives
  • Make a list of the interests of each party
  • Note any specific requests or concerns of each party
  • Consider the interests of each party in relation to the terms of the buyout agreement
  • Ensure that all interests of both parties are taken into consideration

Once you have identified the different interests of each party, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing and compromising on the different points of negotiation

  • Agree on the purchase price and payment structure
  • Outline the responsibilities of each party
  • Decide on the timeline for the buyout
  • Address any existing contracts and agreements
  • Establish the method of transfer of ownership
  • Establish the method of transfer of assets
  • Discuss any liabilities and obligations

When you have reached an agreement on all of these points, you can move on to the next step of reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties.

Reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties

  • Compromise and come to an agreement on all points of negotiation.
  • Listen to the needs and concerns of all parties involved in the buyout agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties are clear on the terms and conditions, and that all parties are comfortable with the agreement.
  • Draft the buyout agreement and have all parties sign it.
  • Ensure that proper legal procedures are followed.
  • When all parties are satisfied and the agreement is signed, you can move on to the next step.

Outlining the payment structure

  • Decide the payment amount, payment schedule, and payment method
  • Consider any contingencies, such as payment of taxes, that should be incorporated into the agreement
  • Include details on who will own the company and who will be responsible for any liabilities
  • Account for any additional payments, if applicable
  • List any restrictions on the buyer and seller
  • Once all payment details are agreed upon and documented, you can move on to the next step.

Deciding on the amount to be paid

  • Consider the value of the business, the payment terms, and any other relevant factors to determine the amount of the buyout
  • Consider the tax implications of the buyout
  • Negotiate with the other party to determine the amount of the buyout
  • Draft the buyout agreement with the agreed-upon amount
  • When you have reached an agreement on the amount, you can move on to establishing the payment schedule.

Establishing the payment schedule

  • Identify the amount of the payment and the frequency of the payments to be made
  • Determine whether the payment will be in lump sum or in installments
  • If the payment is to be made in installments, decide what the payment timeline should be (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)
  • Specify if the payment schedule is based on a fixed amount or linked to performance, sales, or other milestones
  • Agree on the terms of the payment schedule and include the details in the buyout agreement
  • Once all these details have been outlined and agreed upon, you can move on to understanding the tax implications of the buyout agreement.

Understanding the tax implications of a buyout agreement

  • Become familiar with the tax implications of a buyout agreement.
  • Consult a tax professional to determine the tax obligations of each party.
  • Determine the tax deductions that could be implemented for the buyout agreement.
  • Consider the tax consequences of any assets or liabilities being transferred.
  • Obtain written advice from a qualified tax professional to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.

When you have completed this step, you can move on to calculating the tax obligations of each party.

Calculating the tax obligations of each party

  • Gather financial documents from both parties and calculate the current tax obligations
  • Determine which party will be responsible for paying any taxes due
  • Confirm that the taxes due are in accordance with local, state, and/or federal regulations
  • Once all taxes are calculated and agreed upon, incorporate the tax obligations into the buyout agreement
  • You will know you have completed this step when all taxes due have been calculated and agreed upon by both parties and have been incorporated into the buyout agreement.

Establishing the tax filing responsibilities

  • Consult with a tax professional to determine which party is responsible for filing which taxes
  • Make sure to discuss possible tax implications for the transaction and any potential deductions
  • Negotiate between the parties regarding tax filing responsibilities and record them in the buyout agreement
  • Determine if there are any special tax forms that need to be included in the agreement
  • When both parties have agreed on the tax filing responsibilities, move on to drafting the document.

Drafting the document

  • Gather all the relevant documents and information related to the buyout agreement
  • Create a document outlining the terms of the buyout agreement
  • Include all the necessary clauses, such as details of the buyout, signatures of all parties, and other relevant clauses
  • Ensure that the document is written in a clear and concise manner
  • Once the document is drafted, review it thoroughly to make sure that it is accurate and all the necessary clauses are included
  • When you’re satisfied that the document is complete and accurate, you can move on to the next step of writing the agreement in accordance with legal requirements.

Writing the agreement in accordance with legal requirements

  • Consult with an experienced lawyer to ensure all legal requirements are met
  • Make sure the agreement contains all necessary information, such as the names of the parties, the date of the agreement, the terms and conditions, and the payment details
  • Check that the agreement is written in language that is legally binding and that it complies with all laws
  • Make sure the agreement is signed and dated by all parties

Once you have consulted with a lawyer and all legal requirements have been met, you can be sure that the agreement is legally binding and can move on to the next step.

Ensuring that all details of the agreement are included

  • Ensure that the agreement includes the exact amount of money that is being paid for the buyout
  • Include a detailed description of the assets being sold, including any restrictions on their use
  • Specify the date on which the buyout will take effect and any transition period
  • Include details of any taxes, fees, or other costs associated with the buyout
  • Specify any warranties or guarantees associated with the assets
  • Specify any liabilities, obligations, or other responsibilities associated with the assets
  • Include a clause stating when and how the agreement can be terminated
  • Include a clause stating that all parties agree to the terms of the buyout

When you have completed all of the above, you can move on to the next step: having the document reviewed by a legal professional.

Having the document reviewed by a legal professional

  • Research and contact a qualified legal professional to review the buyout agreement.
  • Submit the agreement to the professional for review and make sure to allow enough time for the review.
  • Ask for the professional’s opinion and feedback on the agreement.
  • Incorporate any suggested changes, if necessary.
  • Once the professional has completed the review, check off this step and move on to the next.

Signing the agreement

  • Obtain all necessary signatures from the parties involved in the buyout agreement.
  • Sign and date the agreement.
  • Make sure all parties involved have a copy of the signed agreement.
  • Verify that all signatures are authentic and valid.
  • Check that all parties agree to the terms of the buyout agreement.

Once all necessary signatures have been obtained, the buyout agreement is considered valid and can be finalized.

Obtaining signatures from all parties

  • Ensure that all parties involved in the buyout agreement have read and agreed to the terms of the contract.
  • Obtain written signatures from all parties involved in the agreement.
  • Make sure all signatures are witnessed and dated.
  • Have each party sign the original document, and provide copies of the signed agreement to all parties.

Once all parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Verifying the identities of all parties

  • Request a copy of each party’s identification, such as a state-issued driver’s license or passport
  • Verify that each party’s identification matches the name of the person signing the agreement
  • Ensure that all parties’ identification have not expired and are valid
  • Once each party’s identity has been verified, you can check this off the list and move on to the next step.

Finalizing the agreement

  • Read through the entire agreement to ensure all parties have come to an agreement on the terms.
  • Have all parties involved sign the agreement.
  • Make copies of the agreement for all parties.
  • When all parties have signed the agreement and all copies have been distributed, the agreement will be considered finalized.

Filing the agreement with the relevant authorities

  • Consult a lawyer to ensure the agreement meets all legal requirements and is in compliance with state and federal laws
  • Gather all documentation and paperwork related to the agreement
  • File the paperwork and documents with the relevant authorities
  • Pay any necessary fees associated with filing the agreement
  • Once the paperwork is approved and accepted by the relevant authorities and fees are paid, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Distributing copies of the agreement to all parties

  • Provide a copy of the buyout agreement to all parties involved in the agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties receive a copy of the agreement and sign it.
  • Ask either a lawyer or a notary public to witness the signing of the agreement.
  • Check that all parties involved have signed the document and that the agreement is valid and binding.
  • You will know this step is complete when all parties have signed the agreement and it is witnessed by the lawyer or notary public.

Executing the agreement

  • Have all parties sign a hard copy of the agreement, as well as an electronic version if possible.
  • Ensure that all parties have read and understood the agreement and its terms before signing it.
  • Collect all signed copies of the agreement.
  • When all parties have signed the agreement and you have collected all copies, the agreement is officially executed.

Ensuring that all parties comply with the agreement

  • Review the agreement regularly to ensure that all parties are meeting their obligations.
  • Have all parties sign a compliance agreement indicating that they are adhering to the terms of the buyout agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties are aware of any changes that may affect the agreement.
  • Make sure that all parties have access to the documents associated with the agreement.
  • Monitor the progress of the agreement to ensure that all parties are in compliance.

Once these steps have been completed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of resolving any disputes that may arise from the agreement.

Resolving any disputes that arise from the agreement

  • Establish a process with the other parties to resolve any disputes that may arise - this could include a mediator, arbitration or even a small claims court
  • Make sure to include specific contact information for each party and a timeline for when any disputes must be resolved
  • Document any resolution of disputes in the agreement
  • Once all disputes have been resolved and documented in the agreement, then you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Making any necessary changes to the agreement

  • Consult both parties to determine if any changes need to be made to the buyout agreement.
  • Ensure the changes are fair and legally binding for both parties.
  • Update the agreement in accordance with the changes.
  • Have both parties sign the revised agreement.
  • Once the revised agreement is signed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: Is a buyout agreement legally binding for all parties involved?

Asked by Jessica on May 15th 2022.
A: A buyout agreement is legally binding for all parties involved once it has been signed and witnessed. This means that all the parties involved must adhere to the terms and conditions of the agreement and any changes or disputes must be handled in accordance with the agreement. Furthermore, a buyout agreement should be tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved, taking into account any relevant laws or regulations that may apply in their jurisdiction.

Q: What happens if one of the parties doesn’t abide by the buyout agreement?

Asked by Caleb on August 1st 2022.
A: If one of the parties does not abide by the terms of the buyout agreement, then they can be held liable for any damages or losses incurred as a result. Depending on the situation, this could mean that they need to pay compensation to the other party, or that they need to take steps to remedy any breach of contract. If necessary, legal action can be taken against a party who fails to abide by the buyout agreement.

Q: What kind of matters should be included in a buyout agreement?

Asked by Emma on October 9th 2022.
A: A buyout agreement should include all matters related to the transfer of ownership or control of a business, such as details about the purchase price, payment terms, transfer of assets or debts, warranties and indemnities, and any restrictions on future activities by either party. It is also important to consider what happens in case of disputes or if either party breaches the agreement. In addition, it is important to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into consideration when drafting a buyout agreement.

Q: How do I handle tax implications in a buyout agreement?

Asked by Logan on April 20th 2022.
A: It is important to ensure that any tax implications are taken into consideration when drafting a buyout agreement. Depending on your jurisdiction, there may be certain taxes that need to be paid when transferring ownership or control of a business. It is important to ensure that these are included in the agreement and that both parties understand their obligations regarding taxes. Furthermore, it is advisable to seek professional advice from an accountant or tax attorney before entering into any agreements relating to tax implications.

Q: How has Covid-19 impacted buyout agreements?

Asked by Ava on December 5th 2022.
A: The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on buyout agreements due to changes in economic conditions and regulations. As such, it is important for both parties to consider how these changes may affect their agreement and ensure that it is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. Furthermore, certain provisions such as warranties and indemnities may need to be adjusted in order to protect both parties from potential risks associated with economic uncertainty.

Q: How much notice do I need to give before entering into a buyout agreement?

Asked by Noah on July 14th 2022.
A: The amount of notice required before entering into a buyout agreement depends on factors such as jurisdiction and industry sector. In general, it is advisable for both parties to give sufficient notice before entering into an agreement in order to allow for adequate preparation and negotiation time. Furthermore, if either party wishes to withdraw from an agreement at any point during negotiations then they should inform the other party immediately in order to avoid potential disputes later down the line.

Q: What kind of due diligence should I undertake before entering into a buyout agreement?

Asked by Sophia on February 22nd 2022.
A: Before entering into a buyout agreement it is important for both parties to undertake due diligence in order to ensure that they fully understand what they are agreeing to and that there are no unexpected risks or liabilities associated with the transaction. This could include reviewing financial statements, conducting background checks, verifying legal documents, obtaining independent valuations and assessing any potential regulatory risks or liabilities associated with the transaction.

Q: What happens if I breach my obligations under a buyout agreement?

Asked by Liam on June 10th 2022.
A: If you breach your obligations under a buyout agreement then you can be held liable for damages or losses incurred as a result of your breach of contract. Depending on the situation this could mean paying compensation to the other party or taking steps to remedy any breach of contract. In some cases, legal action may also be taken against you if you fail to uphold your obligations under an agreement and this could have serious consequences for your business operations in future.

Q: What clauses should I include in my buyout agreement if I am selling my business?

Asked by Olivia on March 27th 2022.
A: If you are selling your business then it is important to consider what clauses should be included in your buyout agreement in order to protect your interests. This could include clauses relating to non-compete agreements, intellectual property rights, warranties and indemnities, payment terms and conditions, dispute resolution mechanisms and restrictions on future activities by either party after completion of the sale transaction. It is also important to take into account any relevant laws or regulations that may apply in your jurisdiction when drafting such clauses for inclusion in your buyout agreement.

Q: What are some common mistakes people make when writing their own buyout agreements?

Asked by Abigail on September 20th 2022.
A: Common mistakes people make when writing their own buyout agreements include not fully understanding their rights and responsibilities under an agreement; not considering all relevant laws or regulations; not including clauses which protect their interests; not seeking professional advice from experienced lawyers; not obtaining independent valuations; not considering potential risks associated with economic uncertainty; not providing sufficient notice before entering into an agreement; and not ensuring both parties fully understand their obligations before signing an agreement.

Example dispute

Suing a Company Over a Buyout Agreement

  • A plaintiff may sue a company if they believe they have been wronged due to a buyout agreement.
  • The plaintiff must show a breach of contract or a violation of law in order to win the case.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence that the buyout agreement was breached or that the company acted in bad faith or with negligence.
  • The plaintiff may be able to recoup damages if they can prove that the company’s actions negatively impacted them.
  • The damages could include lost wages, lost benefits, medical bills, and other costs related to the buyout agreement.
  • Settlement may be reached if the company is willing to pay the plaintiff for their losses.
  • If the case goes to trial, the court will decide whether the buyout agreement was breached or if the company acted in bad faith or with negligence.
  • If the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, they may be awarded damages as compensation for their losses.

Templates available (free to use)

Exclusive Agreement For Private Equity Buyout Buyer Friendly
Exclusive Agreement For Private Equity Buyout Seller Friendly
Limited Guaranty Buyout
List Of Transactional Documents For Management Buyouts Mbo
Llc Contract Multi Member Board Managed Private Equity Buyout
Management Buyout Completion Buyer Board Minutes
Member Written Resolution Of Newco Management Buyout
Membership Interest Subscription Contract Buyout Form
Private Equity Management Buyout Heads Of Terms
Sample Articles Of Association Private Equity Buyout Vehicle
Secured Facility Agreement For Management Buyouts
Subscription Contract Buyout Form

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