Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Writing a Bear Hug Letter

23 Mar 2023
18 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


The power of a bear hug letter is often underrated. But here at Genie AI, we believe and advocate for the use of these letters for expressing our appreciation and gratitude to those around us. Whether you are looking to express your love, support or even foster relationships, writing a bear hug letter can have a lasting impact.

Bear hug letters give us the opportunity to share our feelings in ways that would be otherwise difficult to do so in person. Such an expression speaks volumes beyond just showing appreciation; by writing such a letter, you are also investing in building and strengthening relationships with those around you - giving your bond longevity and creating potential for further connection down the line.

Furthermore, bear hug letters can also serve as sources of emotional support - conveying to someone that you are there for them during trying times. For example, if you have had an argument or feel like communication has been strained with someone close to you, drafting such a letter could help start the process of reconciliation - turning walls into bridges instead by expressing your understanding and appreciation towards them.

In summary, bear hug letters have immense potential when it comes to connecting with people or improving relationships: from strengthening bonds between two people through expressions of care and gratitude or providing much needed emotional support - it is clear that this form of communication should not be underestimated. Here at Genie AI we strive to provide guidance on how best to draft high quality documents that come straight from the heart – without having to resort to paying legal costs – through our free access open source templates library which makes use of millions datapoints on what makes up market standard documents such as Bear Hug Letters. Our team’s ultimate goal is simply helping others express their ideas in written form through their own words – so why not read on below for step-by-step guidance on how best write your Bear Hug Letter today?

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Brainstorm: To generate ideas by thinking of many possibilities.
Mementos: An item kept as a reminder of a person or event.
Evoke: To bring to mind an emotion, memory, or idea.
Recount: To tell the story of something.
Thrive: To grow or develop successfully.
Sincerity: Genuine honesty and warmth.


  • Brainstorm ideas for expressing gratitude to your recipient.
  • Identify the recipient of your letter.
  • Gather materials such as photos, mementos, or other keepsakes that you can use to help evoke memories.
  • Compose a draft of your letter.
  • Start with a greeting to your recipient.
  • Express your gratitude.
  • Reflect on the strength of your relationship.
  • Recount specific moments or memories that have been particularly meaningful.
  • Describe the impact that the recipient has had on your life.
  • Offer words of encouragement and appreciation.
  • Close the letter with sincerity.
  • Review the letter and make any necessary changes or edits.
  • Print the letter and sign it.
  • Mail the letter to the recipient.

Get started

Brainstorm ideas for expressing gratitude to your recipient.

  • Take a few minutes to think of all the things you want to thank the recipient for
  • Make a list of all the qualities, traits, and actions that you appreciate about them
  • Consider how the recipient has impacted your life in a positive way
  • Look for opportunities to express your feelings of gratitude in creative ways
  • When you have a good list of ideas, you can check this step off and move on to the next step.

Identify the recipient of your letter.

  • Think of someone you appreciate and who deserves a bear hug letter
  • Make sure they are someone who will appreciate the effort you are putting into expressing your gratitude
  • List down the names of those you are considering
  • Choose one person who you want to dedicate your letter to
  • Once you have identified the recipient, you can move on to the next step

Gather materials such as photos, mementos, or other keepsakes that you can use to help evoke memories.

  • Brainstorm a list of items that are meaningful to you and the recipient of your letter
  • Look through old photographs, scrapbooks, and other keepsakes to find items to include
  • Gather the items to include in your letter
  • When you have collected all the items you want to include, you can check this step off your list and move on to composing your letter.

Compose a draft of your letter.

  • Take the memories, photos, mementos, and keepsakes that you gathered and create a draft of your letter.
  • Start with a few sentences about why you are writing the letter and what it means to you.
  • Include details about the memories you’re sharing and how you want them to make the recipient feel.
  • Choose words and phrases that are meaningful to you and the recipient.
  • Make sure that the content of the letter is appropriate for the recipient.
  • End the letter with a closing that is genuine and heartfelt.
  • When you feel satisfied with the content of the letter, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Start with a greeting to your recipient.

  • Start your letter with a warm and friendly greeting, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name],”
  • If you know the recipient well, you may want to include a nickname or pet name
  • End your greeting with a friendly salutation like “Love” or “Warmly”
  • Check your greeting to make sure you have the correct name and that it reads friendly and warm
  • When you’re satisfied with your greeting, you can move on to expressing your gratitude.

Express your gratitude.

  • Start your letter by expressing your gratitude for the recipient.
  • Let them know how much their presence in your life means to you.
  • Acknowledge how they’ve been there for you through tough times and how they’ve helped you in various ways.
  • Show them how much you appreciate their support and love.

When you can check this step off your list:

  • When you have written a heartfelt expression of your gratitude and appreciation for the recipient.

Reflect on the strength of your relationship.

  • Take time to think about how you and the recipient have connected over time.
  • Consider all the moments you have shared together, big and small.
  • Reflect on the different things you have learned from each other.
  • Reflect on the bond you share and how you make each other feel.
  • When you feel you have a clear understanding of the strength of your relationship, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Recount specific moments or memories that have been particularly meaningful.

  • Think back to special moments shared with the recipient: funny stories, memorable trips, heartwarming conversations, etc.
  • Make a list of the moments that have been meaningful to you
  • Recall the feelings you had at the time and why the moment was special
  • For each moment, describe it in a few sentences, including why it was important to you
  • When you have finished recounting your special memories, you can move on to the next step.

Describe the impact that the recipient has had on your life.

  • Take time to reflect on the impact the recipient has made in your life
  • Consider the difference they have made to you, your family, and any other close relationships
  • List the effects they have had on you - both positive and negative
  • Describe how your life has changed, both in the short-term and long-term, because of them
  • Express your gratitude for their influence
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you can confidently say that you have written down how the recipient has impacted your life, you can move on to the next step.

Offer words of encouragement and appreciation.

  • Let the recipient know that you are grateful for them and appreciate their presence in your life
  • Express your admiration for them and the qualities you recognize in them
  • Offer uplifting words and remind them of their strengths
  • Show your support for them and their goals
  • Let them know that you believe in them

Once you have expressed your words of encouragement and appreciation, you can move on to the next step.

Close the letter with sincerity.

  • End the letter with a heartfelt message.
  • Include a phrase that expresses your appreciation, such as “I’m so grateful for your friendship” or “I’m looking forward to our next adventure together.”
  • You can also conclude your letter with a sentimental phrase, like “Warm hugs,” or “Your friend, always”.
  • You can also include a quote or lyric that speaks to your relationship.

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have written a sincere closing to your letter that expresses your gratitude and appreciation for the recipient.

Review the letter and make any necessary changes or edits.

  • Read through the letter and check for any mistakes in grammar, syntax, and punctuation.
  • Check to make sure all the relevant information is included.
  • Make sure the tone of the letter is appropriate and reflects your feelings.
  • If any changes are needed, make them now.

Once you have reviewed the letter and made any necessary changes or edits, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Print the letter and sign it.

  • Print the letter on quality paper
  • Sign the letter with your name and address
  • Check that the letter is printed correctly and all necessary information is included
  • Check the letter for any spelling or grammar errors
  • Once you have reviewed the letter and made sure it is correct and complete, you can seal the envelope and move on to the next step.

Mail the letter to the recipient.

• Address the envelope to the recipient.
• Include the necessary postage.
• Place the letter inside the envelope.
• Seal the envelope.
• Mail the letter.

Once the letter is mailed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: Could I use a bear hug letter in any jurisdiction?

Asked by Cassandra on 25th February 2022.
A: A bear hug letter (also known as a ‘love letter’) is generally considered to be a US-based legal document, although it can be used in other countries too. In the UK and EU, these types of letters may be referred to as an ‘invitation to commence negotiations’.

Bear hug letters can be used in any jurisdiction provided that you are aware of the local laws and regulations and that the letter does not violate any of them. Depending on the situation, you may need to seek advice from a lawyer to ensure that your bear hug letter complies with the applicable legal requirements.

Q: What should I include in my bear hug letter?

Asked by William on 13th April 2022.
A: A bear hug letter should include several key elements, such as: an introduction outlining why you are writing; an overview of the situation and why it is beneficial for both parties; a statement of your desired outcome; and an offer outlining the terms that would need to be met if negotiations are successful. It should also include contact details so that the recipient can get in touch with you.

It is important to make sure that your bear hug letter is well written, clearly states your intentions and objectives, and includes all relevant information in order to maximise its success.

Q: What is the best way to approach someone with a bear hug letter?

Asked by Emma on 14th May 2022.
A: When writing a bear hug letter, it is important to approach the recipient with sensitivity and respect. The tone of your letter should be friendly yet professional, and should demonstrate that you understand the situation from their perspective too. It should also indicate that you are willing to negotiate and come to an agreement that benefits both parties.

When sending your bear hug letter, it is best practice to include a brief covering letter explaining why you have chosen to contact the recipient in this way. This covering letter should explain your reasons for wanting to enter into negotiations and why this could be beneficial for both sides.

Q: What if I don’t receive a response after sending my bear hug letter?

Asked by Nevaeh on 11th June 2022.
A: If you do not receive a response after sending your bear hug letter, it could mean that the recipient does not wish to pursue negotiations at this time or does not believe that there is potential for a beneficial outcome for both parties. In this case, it is best to respect their decision and leave it at that.

If you wish to try again at a later date, you can consider sending your bear hug letter again with some changes or additional information that may help convince the recipient of its value. Alternatively, you may wish to contact them directly via telephone or email in order to discuss their thoughts or concerns further before sending another bear hug letter.

Q: How long should my bear hug letter be?

Asked by Daniel on 21st July 2022.
A: The length of your bear hug letter will depend on how much information needs to be included in order for it to effectively outline your position and objectives. Generally speaking, however, it is best practice to keep it concise and succinct so as not to overwhelm the reader with too much detail or information at once. As such, most bear hug letters tend to range between one page and three pages in length.

It is also important to ensure that all key points are included clearly so that there is no room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation from the recipient’s perspective. This will help ensure that your message is received as intended and increase the likelihood of achieving successful negotiations.

Q: Is there anything else I should consider before writing my bear hug letter?

Asked by Michael on 30th August 2022.
A: When writing a bear hug letter, it is important to consider several factors before getting started - such as who will be reading it and what their expectations might be; what kind of language would be appropriate; what level of detail will be needed; how long they will have available to read it; etc. It is also important to think carefully about how you will present yourself in the document - both in terms of your credentials/experience/expertise related to the subject matter as well as how you will come across personally as someone who they would want/be willing to negotiate with.

Finally, make sure you take some time before pressing ‘send’ on your bear hug letter - review what you have written carefully; double-check for spelling errors; ask yourself if there’s anything else which should or could be included; etc - so that you can ensure it presents the strongest possible case for negotiations.

Example dispute

Suing a Company After Receiving a Bear Hug Letter

  • A bear hug letter is a type of unsolicited offer by a company to buy another company.
  • A plaintiff may choose to sue the company that sent the bear hug letter if they felt that the offer was coercive, or if they felt that their business was harmed or unfairly influenced by the letter.
  • The plaintiff may be able to pursue legal action for breach of fiduciary duty if the bear hug letter was sent without proper disclosure or consideration of the plaintiff’s interests.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to pursue legal action if they believe that the bear hug letter was sent in bad faith, or if the company failed to properly consider the plaintiff’s interests and rights.
  • The plaintiff may be able to seek damages for any harm caused by the bear hug letter, such as lost profits, lost business opportunities, or other financial losses.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek an injunction to prevent the company from sending any further bear hug letters.
  • Settlement may be possible in some cases, and the court may order the company to pay damages or issue an injunction depending on the merits of the case.

Templates available (free to use)

Bear Hug Letter Hostile Public M A Bid

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