Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

What is the Purpose of a Sales Commission Plan?

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Sales commission plans are an essential component of any business that relies on sales as a means of growth and success. At Genie AI, we understand just how vital such plans can be, and have therefore developed the world’s largest open source library of legal templates to help businesses create the perfect commission plan.

A well-crafted commission plan serves primarily as an incentive for sales teams to deliver the best results possible and strive for success. It offers rewards for dedication, hard work and productivity, while also providing structure and clarity throughout the entire sales process. Such a plan also ensures that all staff receive fair compensation through a consistent method of calculating commissions, thus eliminating potential disputes between employers and employees.

Furthermore, having a clear commission plan in place helps to ensure that all members of staff are properly trained in regards to their company’s products and services - motivating them through incentives to become highly knowledgeable about their offerings. And crucially, putting incentives or rewards in place encourages everyone involved with the sales team to remain focused on achieving their company’s goals - leading ultimately to further success.

In short, it is essential for any business relying on sales that they invest in an effective commission plan as soon as possible – one which encourages hard work while providing structure throughout the entirety of the sales process; this will not only reward employees fairly but also ensure they remain focused on achieving excellent results for their employer at all times. To read more about how you can put together your own high-quality legal document without paying a lawyer’s fee, check out our step-by-step guidance below – alongside information on accessing our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Commission Rate: The rate of pay for a successful sale that is set in a sales commission plan.
Commission Eligibility: The criteria that must be met in order for someone to receive commission payments.
Commission Payments: Payments made to a sales person for meeting the criteria of a sales commission plan.
Database/Spreadsheet: A collection of data stored in a computer system.
Automated System: A system that is programmed to complete tasks without human intervention.
Regulatory Standards: Rules and regulations set by a government or other official body.
Compliance: Following the rules and regulations set by a government or other official body.


  • Explaining the Benefits of a Sales Commission Plan
  • Outlining the potential for increased income
  • Explaining the potential for higher motivation
  • Establishing the Commission Structure
  • Deciding on commission rates
  • Determining the criteria for commission eligibility
  • Determining when and how commission payments will be made
  • Calculating and Tracking Commission Payments
  • Setting up a system to track payments
  • Calculating and approving commission payments
  • Communicating the Plan to Sales Teams
  • Developing a plan to inform sales teams
  • Holding meetings or webinars to explain the plan
  • Distributing clear and detailed written materials
  • Monitoring and Adjusting the Plan
  • Tracking progress against established goals
  • Making adjustments as needed to maximize success
  • Ensuring Compliance with Regulatory Standards
  • Understanding applicable laws and regulations
  • Checking plan documents to ensure compliance
  • Reviewing and Updating the Plan as Needed
  • Evaluating results and making changes as needed
  • Scheduling regular reviews to ensure plan is up-to-date
  • Re-training sales teams as needed
  • Developing Incentives for Meeting Goals
  • Identifying additional incentives for meeting goals
  • Deciding when and how additional incentives will be paid
  • Rewarding Successful Sales Teams
  • Creating recognition awards for successful teams
  • Holding celebratory events to recognize success
  • Evaluating Performance on an Ongoing Basis
  • Measuring performance against established goals
  • Actively listening to feedback and adjusting plans as needed

Get started

Explaining the Benefits of a Sales Commission Plan

  • Understand what a sales commission plan is and how it works
  • Identify the objectives of a sales commission plan
  • Learn how a sales commission plan can help motivate sales staff and increase sales
  • Learn how a sales commission plan can help maximize profits
  • Understand the potential negative impacts of a sales commission plan
  • Understand the potential benefits of a sales commission plan

When you can check this off your list:

  • You have a basic understanding of a sales commission plan
  • You have identified the objectives and potential benefits of a sales commission plan
  • You have identified the potential negative impacts of a sales commission plan

Outlining the potential for increased income

  • Explain the potential for increased income that comes with a sales commission plan
  • Explain how sales representatives can make more money than their base salary by hitting certain sales goals
  • Outline the different sales goals and the corresponding commission rates
  • Describe the potential for higher earnings through achieving higher sales goals
  • Explain how sales representatives can earn more on top of their base salary with a sales commission plan

You can check this step off your list when you have outlined the potential for increased income to the sales representatives and have a clear understanding of how they can make more money than their base salary with a sales commission plan.

Explaining the potential for higher motivation

  • Explain to your sales team the potential for higher motivation that a commission plan can bring
  • Emphasize that a well-structured commission plan can provide additional incentive to sell by offering rewards for exceeding goals
  • Show how commission plans can help to increase a salesperson’s motivation and work ethic
  • Demonstrate that commission plans can help to create a positive working environment
  • When you have finished explaining the potential for higher motivation that a commission plan can bring, you can move on to the next step, Establishing the Commission Structure.

Establishing the Commission Structure

  • Analyze your sales team’s current performance and determine which areas will be incentivized
  • Evaluate different commission structures to determine which structure might be most effective for your team
  • Choose a structure based on the goals and objectives of your company, such as revenue generation, customer service, or customer loyalty
  • Set specific goals and expectations for your team in order to establish a clear structure and make sure everyone is on the same page
  • Define the parameters within which your team will receive commissions and bonuses
  • Clarify how commissions and bonuses will be distributed and how it will affect employees’ salaries
  • When you have finalized the commission structure and goals, communicate them to your team and ensure that everyone understands the details.

You can check this step off your list when you have established the commission structure and communicated it to your team.

Deciding on commission rates

  • Estimate the amount of sales you can expect and decide what commission rate you can offer
  • Consider the level of incentive that will be necessary to motivate your sales team
  • Research the commission rates offered by other companies in your industry to get an idea of what is feasible
  • Update the commission rate in your sales commission plan
  • Monitor the success of the commission plan and adjust the rate as necessary
  • Check off this step when you have determined a commission rate that works for your company.

Determining the criteria for commission eligibility

  • Decide which criteria will be used to define eligibility for commissions.
  • Think about the type of customer (new or existing) and the type of sale (product or service) that should be eligible for commission payments.
  • Consider other criteria such as volume or minimum purchase amount to determine eligibility.
  • Make sure the criteria is clearly spelled out in the commission plan.

Once the criteria is determined and documented, you can move on to the next step of determining when and how commission payments will be made.

Determining when and how commission payments will be made

  • Decide how often commission payments will be made (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)
  • Determine the payment method (e.g. direct deposit, check, cash, etc.)
  • Outline the necessary paperwork required to receive a commission payment (e.g. W-9 form, timesheets, etc.)
  • Set a timeline for when payments will be made (e.g. 5 business days after the end of the month)
  • Determine the payment recipient (e.g. employee or a third party)
  • When you have all the details finalized, you can move on to the next step.

Calculating and Tracking Commission Payments

  • Decide on the method for calculating commissions, such as a percentage of sales or a flat fee for each transaction
  • Establish a system for tracking commissions earned by each employee
  • Set up a system for tracking commission payments, such as a spreadsheet or other software
  • Ensure employees are informed of the commission payment process
  • Make sure the commission payment system is accurate and up to date
  • Monitor commission payments to make sure employees are being paid accurately and on time
  • When all of the above has been completed, the step of calculating and tracking commission payments can be checked off the list and the next step of setting up a system to track payments can be started.

Setting up a system to track payments

  • Set up a spreadsheet that includes all of the necessary information for tracking commission payments, such as the salesperson’s name, total sales volume, and commission rate
  • Determine the payment schedule for commission payments and automate it if possible
  • Create a system to track commission payments that is accurate and easy to use
  • Ensure that all of the data is securely stored and easily accessible
  • When the system is complete, test it to make sure it is functioning properly
  • Once the system is up and running, you can check off this step and move on to the next step, which is calculating and approving commission payments.

Calculating and approving commission payments

  • Collect all sales data and summarize it into a report
  • Review and approve each individual commission payment
  • Set up a system to track commission payments
  • Stay up to date with the performance of sales teams
  • Ensure all commission payments comply with the rules and regulations of the commission plan
  • Keep an accurate record of all commission payments made
  • When all commission payments have been approved, the step is complete.

Communicating the Plan to Sales Teams

  • Develop a plan to inform sales teams of the commission plan
  • Consider using emails, presentations, and other methods to communicate the plan
  • Provide sales teams with a summary of the commission plan and answer any questions they may have
  • Make sure sales teams understand the goals and expectations of the commission plan
  • Monitor sales teams to ensure they are following the commission plan
  • When all sales teams have been informed of the commission plan and understand it, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Developing a plan to inform sales teams

  • Create a document that outlines the sales commission plan, including goals, sales structure, commission structure, and any other important details
  • Outline the objectives of the plan and how it will benefit the sales team
  • Determine the commission rate and any bonuses that can be earned
  • Set up procedures for tracking sales and commission payments
  • Make sure the plan is in compliance with any applicable laws or regulations
  • Share the plan with the sales team and make sure everyone understands it

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a completed document outlining the sales commission plan and you have shared it with the sales team.

Holding meetings or webinars to explain the plan

  • Schedule a meeting with the sales team to explain the commission plan
  • Distribute a clear agenda for the meeting with the objectives, goals and timeline for the plan
  • Explain the plan in detail, highlighting its benefits for the sales team
  • Provide an opportunity for the sales team to ask questions and give feedback
  • Make sure everyone understands their individual roles and responsibilities
  • Record the meeting (if applicable) to distribute to those who couldn’t attend
  • When the meeting is completed, make sure everyone understands the commission plan and their roles in it.

Distributing clear and detailed written materials

  • Create a comprehensive document with information about the commission plan, including how it works, how much salespeople will be paid, and any incentives or bonuses associated with it.
  • Make sure the written materials are easy to understand and are tailored to the individual sales staff or team.
  • Distribute the materials either in person or via email.
  • Ensure that all salespeople understand the plan and can access the materials easily.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the materials have been distributed and all salespeople have been given the chance to ask questions, you can be sure that everyone understands the commission plan and can move on to the next step.

Monitoring and Adjusting the Plan

  • Analyze the performance metrics on a regular basis
  • Compare performance to goals and make adjustments accordingly
  • Set up a system to track changes to the commission plan
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan in regards to the desired outcomes
  • Make changes to the plan to ensure that it is meeting the desired objectives
  • Check the plan for compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • When you are satisfied that the plan is achieving its desired objectives, you can move on to the next step.

Tracking progress against established goals

  • Establish metrics to measure the success of your sales commission plan
  • Track progress of your sales team members against those metrics
  • Establish benchmarks to show what level of performance is expected
  • Regularly review performance metrics for each sales team member
  • Compare the performance of each sales team member against established benchmarks
  • Recognize and reward team members who exceed their goals and benchmarks
  • When you’re satisfied that your team has achieved the desired results, you can move on to the next step.

Making adjustments as needed to maximize success

  • Monitor progress against established goals regularly to identify areas that need adjustment
  • Identify areas of weaknesses and strengths in the sales team
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the current commission plan and make adjustments as needed
  • Evaluate the sales team’s performance based on their individual goals
  • Work with the sales team to identify areas of improvement and develop strategies to maximize success
  • Provide incentives to motivate the sales team to reach their goals
  • Monitor the impact of changes in the commission plan and continue to make changes as needed

Once the changes have been implemented, you can check off this step and move on to the next step of ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulatory Standards

  • Become familiar with applicable laws and regulations related to sales commissions
  • Ensure that commission plans are compliant with all federal, state and local laws
  • Develop internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Review existing commission plans to ensure they are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Monitor changes in laws and regulations to ensure commission plans are updated accordingly
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step once you have ensured compliance with all regulatory standards.

Understanding applicable laws and regulations

  • Review the applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations for sales commission plans.
  • Research the impact of recent changes in legislation or regulations.
  • Check the rules of any relevant industry organizations.
  • Identify any relevant court cases or precedents that might apply.
  • Once you have a good understanding of the applicable laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step: checking plan documents to ensure compliance.

Checking plan documents to ensure compliance

  • Review the plan documents to ensure all compensation policies comply with applicable laws and regulations
  • Make any necessary changes to the plan documents to bring them into compliance
  • Confirm all plan documents have been updated and are in compliance
  • Ensure the plan documents are available to all employees
  • Once all plan documents are checked and updated, you can move on to the next step.

Reviewing and Updating the Plan as Needed

  • Regularly review the plan to ensure it meets your company’s goals and objectives
  • Ensure the plan is compliant with all applicable laws
  • Review the plan in light of changes to the sales team, market conditions, and the competitive landscape
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the plan accordingly
  • Ensure plan participants are kept informed of any changes
  • Once you have reviewed and updated the plan, you will be ready to move on to the next step of evaluating the results and making changes as needed.

Evaluating results and making changes as needed

  • Analyze data to determine how effective the current plan is
  • Compare performance of sales staff under the current plan
  • Compare performance of sales staff with other plans
  • Identify areas of improvement or areas where changes are needed
  • Discuss changes with sales staff and other stakeholders
  • Implement changes as needed
  • Monitor results of changes to ensure effectiveness

Once you have analyzed the data and discussed changes with stakeholders, you will be able to check off this step and move on to the next step.

Scheduling regular reviews to ensure plan is up-to-date

  • Schedule a meeting with the sales team to review the plan at least once a year.
  • During the meeting, review the goals and objectives set in the commission plan and identify any changes that are needed.
  • Make sure all team members have a copy of the commission plan and understand how the goals and objectives align with the company’s overall business strategy.
  • Discuss the performance of the sales team and identify any areas of improvement needed.
  • When the review is complete, document any changes made and ensure that the sales team is aware of them.
  • You can check this off your list when the meeting is complete and the commission plan is updated.

Re-training sales teams as needed

  • Identify areas where additional training is needed
  • Create a plan for providing training to sales team members in these areas
  • Incorporate the training into the regular sales team meetings
  • Make sure team members understand the purpose of the training and are able to apply it to their job
  • Monitor the progress of the training to ensure that it is effective
  • Provide feedback and additional support as needed

Once the sales team members have been re-trained as needed, you can move on to the next step of developing incentives for meeting goals.

Developing Incentives for Meeting Goals

  • Research potential incentives that will motivate sales teams to meet goals
  • Create a commission plan that outlines the incentives based on performance
  • Establish clear criteria that sales teams must meet to earn commission
  • Design the commission plan structure so it is fair and easily understood
  • Ensure that the commission plan is in compliance with government regulations

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have developed and outlined the incentives for meeting goals in the commission plan.

Identifying additional incentives for meeting goals

  • Determine what types of additional incentives can be offered for meeting goals beyond the base salary
  • Review prior commission plans and analyze what incentives have been successful in the past
  • Consider the type of products or services that are being sold and what incentives may work best
  • Discuss with stakeholders and sales team what incentives they would like to see
  • Reach consensus on the incentives that are included in the sales commission plan
  • Create a list of all incentives
  • Determine incentives that will require an additional investment
  • When you have identified all additional incentives and the associated costs, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step of deciding when and how additional incentives will be paid.

Deciding when and how additional incentives will be paid

  • Decide when to pay additional incentives - should it be a monthly bonus or a one-time bonus?
  • Decide on the criteria for payment - should it be based on a specific sales quota or reaching a certain level of customer satisfaction?
  • Decide how much to pay - should it be a fixed percentage of the sales amount or a fixed dollar amount?
  • Decide who should receive additional incentives - should it be all salespeople or only those who meet the criteria?

Once you’ve decided when and how additional incentives will be paid, you can move on to the next step of rewarding successful sales teams.

Rewarding Successful Sales Teams

  • Outline the criteria for success that will be rewarded with a commission
  • Establish the commission rates for each criteria
  • Determine the time frame for when the commission will be paid
  • Communicate the commission plan to all sales team members
  • Monitor and track successful sales teams that qualify for a commission payment
  • When all steps are completed, you will have successfully created a sales commission plan for rewarding successful sales teams.

Creating recognition awards for successful teams

  • Decide what type of recognition awards you want to give to successful teams (e.g. certificates, trophies, gift cards, etc.)
  • Set criteria for success that you will use to determine which teams will receive awards (e.g. total sales figures achieved, customer satisfaction ratings, etc.)
  • Create the awards and distribute them to the teams that meet the set criteria.
  • Once all awards have been distributed, you can move on to the next step.

Holding celebratory events to recognize success

  • Plan an event to recognize successful teams in the organization, such as a team dinner or a team outing.
  • Invite team members and their families to the event.
  • Celebrate successes with awards and recognition.
  • Provide food and drinks at the event.
  • Make sure the team members feel appreciated for their hard work and successes.
  • When the event is over, congratulate the team and thank them for their hard work.

Once you have planned and held the celebratory event, you can move on to the next step: Evaluating Performance on an Ongoing Basis.

Evaluating Performance on an Ongoing Basis

  • Assess the performance of your sales team on a regular basis to determine if their performance is meeting expectations
  • Track key performance indicators such as total sales, customer satisfaction and customer retention
  • Make necessary changes to the sales commission plan to incentivize and reward performance
  • Identify areas for improvement and provide feedback and coaching to employees
  • When performance is being measured and evaluated regularly, you can move on to the next step of holding celebratory events to recognize success.

Measuring performance against established goals

  • Establish measurable goals and objectives for employees to reach
  • Create a sales commission plan that outlines how much commission each salesperson will receive for reaching certain goals
  • Track each employee’s performance and compare it to their established goals
  • Provide feedback to employees on their performance against their goals and discuss areas of improvement
  • Hold regular meetings with employees to review their progress and identify areas of strength and weaknesses
  • Give rewards or recognition when goals are met or exceeded
  • When all goals are met, the sales commission plan is complete and performance can be measured against it.

Actively listening to feedback and adjusting plans as needed

  • Monitor sales staff performance and customer satisfaction regularly
  • Collect feedback from sales staff, customers, and other stakeholders
  • Take note of any gaps between sales performance and customer satisfaction
  • Analyze the feedback and make changes to the commission plan as needed
  • When necessary, communicate the changes to sales staff and other stakeholders
  • When you have adjusted the plan to address customer feedback, you can move on to the next step.


Q: Is it legal to have a sales commission plan in the UK?

Asked by Lily on June 13th 2022.
A: Yes, it is perfectly legal to have a sales commission plan in the UK. The laws and regulations which govern sales commission plans differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but UK laws permit the use of such plans as long as they are applied fairly and do not discriminate against any particular employee or customer. It is important to check with your local jurisdiction before setting up a sales commission plan, as there may be specific requirements which must be met.

Q: Does my industry have a standard commission structure?

Asked by John on August 3rd 2022.
A: Generally speaking, there is no single industry-wide standard for commission structures. Each business will need to assess its own needs and objectives and decide the best commission structure for their particular situation. There may be some variations between different sectors, so it is worth researching what other businesses in your industry are doing when setting up your own plan.

Q: Are there any tax implications for implementing a sales commission plan?

Asked by Emily on July 8th 2022.
A: Yes, there may be tax implications for implementing a sales commission plan, depending on the type of plan you decide to use. Generally speaking, any payments made under the terms of a sales commission plan are liable for taxation at the same rate as income earned from regular employment. It is important to check with your local tax authority before setting up a commission plan, to ensure that all taxes are paid correctly and on time.

Q: Are there legal restrictions on who can receive a commission?

Asked by Sarah on May 25th 2022.
A: Yes, in most jurisdictions there are legal restrictions on who can receive a commission payment. Generally speaking, anyone who receives a payment under the terms of a sales commission plan must be an employee or contractor of the business in question and must be over the age of 18 (or 21 in some areas). Any commissions paid to third parties must also comply with relevant laws in the jurisdiction in question.

Q: What if I want to pay out commissions differently for different types of sales?

Asked by Mason on June 17th 2022.
A: There is nothing stopping you from paying out different amounts of commission for different types of sales; however, it is important to ensure that all payments are fair and reasonable and do not discriminate against any particular customer or employee. If you do decide to vary commissions based on different criteria, it is important to document these differences clearly so that everyone involved understands how payments will be calculated and received.

Q: Are there any risks associated with having a sales commission plan?

Asked by Abigail on August 18th 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain risks associated with having a sales commission plan which businesses should be aware of before implementing one. For example, if commissions are set too high it could lead employees to engage in unethical behavior such as overcharging customers or manipulating data in order to increase their own payouts; conversely, if commissions are set too low it could lead to decreased motivation among employees and lower overall performance levels. Additionally, businesses should consider whether their chosen structure could lead to conflicts between employees or customers over competing interests when it comes to receiving payments or rewards under the terms of the plan.

Q: How can I ensure my sales team performs well under a commission structure?

Asked by Elijah on April 28th 2022.
A: One way to ensure your sales team performs well under a commission structure is by setting clear expectations and goals for each individual employee and team as a whole. It can also be helpful to provide incentives such as bonuses or rewards for meeting or exceeding predetermined targets; this will help motivate employees and keep them focused on achieving their goals. Additionally, regularly measuring performance levels against objectives can help identify any areas where further training or support may be needed in order for employees to reach their full potential under the terms of the plan.

Q: Can I change my existing commission structure at any time?

Asked by Olivia on July 12th 2022.
A: Yes, you can change your existing commission structure at any time provided you follow due process with regards to notifying employees and customers of any changes that have been made. Depending on the context, you may need permission from governing bodies or trade unions before making changes; alternatively you may need to seek legal advice if changes could potentially impact existing contracts or agreements with customers or suppliers. It is always important to check with relevant authorities before making any changes which could affect existing arrangements or obligations.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Involving Commission Plans

  • Plaintiff can raise a lawsuit against an employer who has failed to pay them a commission plan as agreed upon in an employment contract.
  • Relevant documents such as the employment contract and relevant statutes will need to be referenced in the legal proceedings.
  • The plaintiff must be able to prove that the employer failed to pay the commission plan and that the plaintiff suffered damages as a result.
  • Settlement can be reached through an agreement between the parties.
  • Damages can be calculated based on the amount of commission due, any losses due to the employer’s failure to pay, and any interest that may have accrued.

Templates available (free to use)

Employee Commission Plan For Employment Contract
Invitation To Employee To Join A Commission Plan

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