Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Understanding the Basics of Product Licensing Agreements

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Product licensing agreements are an integral part of any commercial arrangement between two parties. All parties involved need to have a clear and comprehensive agreement in place to protect their respective interests. A product licensing agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the license, such as ownership of the product or service, who has the right to use it, and how it can be used. The rights, obligations and responsibilities of both parties should also be detailed in this document.

This agreement helps ensure that all parties are aware of their rights and duties under the law, allowing them to plan accordingly - avoiding costly disputes or misunderstandings. It also protects intellectual property rights by ensuring that the product or service is used as intended and by guaranteeing that both sides will respect one another’s rights.

At Genie AI we understand just how important it is for businesses to have a product licensing agreement in place in order to run efficiently and safely. That’s why we provide a free community template library full of legal documents which provide high-quality protection for all involved parties without having to resort to hiring a lawyer. Our database - consisting of millions of datapoints - teaches our AI what constitutes a market-standard agreement so you can easily draft your own contract from our library with confidence.

Whether you’re looking for a simple non-disclosure agreement (NDA), software license or even more complex contracts like franchise agreements or asset purchases; Genie AI has you covered! With our step-by-step guidance you can create unique contracts tailored specifically for your needs without ever needing an account - we just want to help! Read on below for more information on how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Licensor: The owner of the product who grants the right to use the product to the licensee.
Licensee: The person or entity that is granted the right to use the product.
Indemnification: A clause in a product licensing agreement that states that the licensee will not be held liable for any damages or losses incurred as a result of using the product.
Warranties: A clause in a product licensing agreement that states that the licensor has made certain promises regarding the product and that the licensee is entitled to certain rights in the event of a breach of warranty.
Limitations of Liability: A clause in a product licensing agreement that states that the licensor will not be held liable for damages or losses incurred as a result of the use of the product.
Termination: A clause in a product licensing agreement that outlines the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction: A clause in a product licensing agreement that outlines which laws and courts will be used to settle any disputes that arise under the agreement.


  • Overview of Product Licensing Agreements
  • Definition, Purpose, and Common Terms
  • Understand the purpose of product licensing agreements
  • Learn key definitions related to product licensing agreements
  • Become familiar with common terms used in product licensing agreements
  • Negotiating the Agreement
  • What to Consider, Common Strategies, and Negotiation Tips
  • Identify key items to consider during negotiations
  • Learn common strategies for successful negotiations
  • Gain insight into negotiation tips for product licensing agreements
  • Drafting the Agreement
  • Understanding the Legal Language, Common Clauses, and Sample Documents
  • Learn the legal language used in product licensing agreements
  • Become familiar with common clauses contained in product licensing agreements
  • Explore sample product licensing agreements
  • Post-Agreement Considerations
  • Compliance, Amendments, and Dispute Resolution
  • Understand compliance issues associated with product licensing agreements
  • Explore the process of amending product licensing agreements
  • Discover how to resolve disputes related to product licensing agreements
  • Conclusion
  • Best Practices for Understanding and Negotiating Product Licensing Agreements
  • Identify best practices for understanding product licensing agreements
  • Learn tips for successful negotiations of product licensing agreements
  • Explore resources for further information about product licensing agreements

Get started

Overview of Product Licensing Agreements

  • Understand the purpose of a product licensing agreement
  • Learn what is typically included in a product licensing agreement
  • Familiarize yourself with common terms used in product licensing agreements
  • Understand the implications of entering into a product licensing agreement

Once you have an understanding of the purpose, contents, and terms of product licensing agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Definition, Purpose, and Common Terms

  • Understand the purpose of a product licensing agreement, which is to ensure that the licensee is legally allowed to use the licensor’s product
  • Learn the common terms and definitions used in product licensing agreements such as ‘licensee’, ‘licensor’, ‘license agreement’, and ‘contract’
  • Know the difference between an exclusive and a non-exclusive license
  • Gain an understanding of common restrictions and obligations of both the licensee and the licensor
  • When you can check this off your list: When you are able to define the purpose and terms of a product licensing agreement and can differentiate between exclusive and non-exclusive licenses.

Understand the purpose of product licensing agreements

  • Understand the purpose of a product licensing agreement: why it is necessary and what it does
  • Read through the agreement to see what is being licensed, the cost and payment terms, any limitations or restrictions, and other details
  • Learn what rights are transferred to the licensee, including any warranties or indemnities
  • Understand the duration of the agreement and any renewal or termination clauses
  • Understand the dispute resolution process, including any arbitration or mediation processes
  • When you can explain the purpose of product licensing agreements and the key terms associated with them, you have completed this step and can move on to the next!

Learn key definitions related to product licensing agreements

  • Research key definitions related to product licensing agreements, such as license types, intellectual property rights, restrictions, fees, warranties, etc.
  • Create a list of these key words and definitions, which can be referred to while reading the agreement.
  • Once you have a good understanding of the definitions and terms used in licensing agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Become familiar with common terms used in product licensing agreements

  • Read through the terms of the agreement and become familiar with the language used within it.
  • Look up any unfamiliar words or phrases and make sure you understand the meaning of each before continuing.
  • Make a list of any common terms used within the agreement and reference them as you continue to read.
  • Once you are familiar with the language and terms used in the agreement, you can move onto the next step.

Negotiating the Agreement

  • Comprehend the terms of the agreement and any modifications that may be needed
  • Understand the implications of the agreement, including the length of the license, the scope of the license, and any restrictions
  • Identify any areas of negotiation that may be needed with the other party
  • Work with a lawyer or qualified professional to review the agreement and suggest areas of negotiation
  • Engage in negotiations with the other party in order to come to a mutually beneficial agreement
  • Have a lawyer or qualified professional review the agreement once negotiations are complete

Once you have completed negotiations, you can move on to the next step: ### What to Consider, Common Strategies, and Negotiation Tips.

What to Consider, Common Strategies, and Negotiation Tips

  • Review the agreement for licensing terms such as scope, duration, and pricing
  • Determine if the scope of the agreement covers the product and services you need
  • Consider intellectual property protection needs
  • Research other common licensing agreements in your industry
  • Research common negotiation strategies and tips used in product licensing agreements
  • Identify areas where you can make a reasonable counteroffer
  • Be prepared to compromise on both sides
  • Make sure all changes to the agreement are documented
  • When you and the licensor have agreed upon the terms, sign the agreement
  • When both parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify key items to consider during negotiations

  • Research the types of licenses that are available such as single user, multiple user, and enterprise licenses
  • Understand the limitations of each type of license and the associated legal ramifications
  • Determine which types of license will best meet the needs of your business
  • Consider the costs associated with each type of license
  • Evaluate the terms and conditions of the proposed license agreement
  • Make sure there is a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of both parties
  • Ensure there is a clear understanding of the process for renewal, termination, and dispute resolution
  • Determine the intellectual property rights associated with the license and be sure they are clearly defined
  • Make sure the license agreement includes provisions for any future changes to the agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have identified the key items to consider during negotiations, and have researched the types of licenses available, evaluated the terms and conditions of the proposed license agreement, and ensured the intellectual property rights associated with the license are clearly defined, then you can move on to the next step: Learn common strategies for successful negotiations.

Learn common strategies for successful negotiations

  • Research and understand the common strategies for successful negotiations such as using leverage, creating urgency, and setting a clear goal.
  • Familiarize yourself with different negotiation techniques such as the win-win approach, the concession-bargaining approach, and the hardball approach.
  • Become knowledgeable of tactics that can be used during negotiations such as anchoring, the use of nonverbal communication, and the power of silence.
  • Utilize resources such as books, articles, and online tutorials to further your understanding of negotiation strategies.
  • You will know that you have successfully completed this step when you have a good understanding of the strategies and tactics that can be used when negotiating a product licensing agreement.

Gain insight into negotiation tips for product licensing agreements

  • Understand what both parties need to get out of the negotiation
  • Research common negotiation tactics used in product licensing agreements
  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of licensing agreements
  • Consider any potential conflicts of interest between the parties
  • Research best practices for negotiating terms
  • Learn the basics of product licensing agreements
  • Be prepared to negotiate on all aspects of the agreement

Once you have researched and understand negotiation tips for product licensing agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Drafting the Agreement

  • Research the relevant laws and regulations that apply to your product licensing agreement
  • Draft the agreement in a clear, concise manner using plain language
  • Make sure the agreement is comprehensive and covers all the necessary elements
  • Ensure that the agreement is written in a way that is enforceable and legally binding
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer with experience in product licensing agreements
  • Once you have drafted the agreement, have it reviewed and approved by all parties involved

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the agreement has been reviewed and approved by all parties involved.

Understanding the Legal Language, Common Clauses, and Sample Documents

  • Understand the basics of contract law and the language used in product licensing agreements
  • Familiarize yourself with the common clauses found in product licensing agreements
  • Review sample documents to better understand the nuances of product licensing agreements
  • Research state and federal laws that may be relevant to your product licensing agreement
  • When you feel confident with your understanding of the legal language, common clauses, and sample documents related to product licensing agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Learn the legal language used in product licensing agreements

  • Read up on the basics of contract law, such as definitions of terms and elements of valid contracts
  • Understand the meaning of legal terms used in product licensing agreements such as ““assignment,”” ““indemnification,”” and ““force majeure””
  • Talk to a lawyer if you have questions about any of the terms used in the product licensing agreement
  • Take notes on any unfamiliar terms or concepts you come across
  • Once you understand the legal language used in product licensing agreements, you can move on to learning about the common clauses contained in them.

Become familiar with common clauses contained in product licensing agreements

  • Read up on common clauses, such as those governing the scope of the license, warranties, limitations of liability, and ownership rights
  • Review the definition of licensed products and services, as well as the terms for payment, delivery, and termination
  • Familiarize yourself with clauses related to dispute resolution and confidentiality
  • Research the governing law and jurisdiction of the agreement
  • Once you have a general understanding of the common clauses in product licensing agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Explore sample product licensing agreements

  • Research sample product licensing agreements online
  • Compare the clauses in the agreement to the common clauses you identified in the previous step
  • Note any discrepancies between the clauses in the agreement and the common clauses
  • Read and understand the terms and conditions of the sample product licensing agreements
  • Make sure to pay attention to any limitations or restrictions of the agreement
  • When you are comfortable with these terms and conditions, you can move to the next step - Post-Agreement Considerations.

Post-Agreement Considerations

  • Understand the post-agreement considerations that are outlined in the agreement, such as any additional maintenance or support requirements, any renewals or updates that may be necessary, and any additional fees that may apply
  • Review the agreement to determine if and how the agreement can be amended, including any processes or procedures that may need to be followed and who is responsible for any amendment costs
  • Familiarize yourself with the dispute resolution process, including the type of dispute resolution that is outlined, the costs associated with dispute resolution, and the timeframe for dispute resolution
  • Understand the termination process and any associated costs, including any termination fees that may be applicable
  • Identify any potential limitations or restrictions associated with the agreement, such as any geographic or territorial restrictions
  • When you feel comfortable with the post-agreement considerations, check off this step and move on to the next step, which is understanding compliance, amendments, and dispute resolution.

Compliance, Amendments, and Dispute Resolution

  • Read and understand the compliance section of your product licensing agreement
  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of your obligations
  • Understand when and how the agreement can be amended
  • Learn the process for dispute resolution outlined in the agreement
  • Ensure that you are familiar with any limitations or restrictions set by the agreement
  • When you’re comfortable with the compliance, amendments, and dispute resolution sections of your agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Understand compliance issues associated with product licensing agreements

  • Research the applicable laws and regulations associated with product licensing agreements in your jurisdiction
  • Understand the types of compliance issues that need to be addressed in product licensing agreements, such as authorization, disclosure, and breach of contract
  • Become familiar with the terms and conditions of the agreement and make sure you understand the scope of the license
  • Consider any restrictions and limitations associated with the license and how they apply to the product
  • Determine if the agreement complies with existing laws and regulations
  • When you are confident that you understand the compliance issues associated with product licensing agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Explore the process of amending product licensing agreements

  • Research the types of changes that can be made to a product licensing agreement
  • Learn how to effectively communicate with stakeholders involved in amending the agreement
  • Understand the legal requirements for making changes to an agreement as outlined in the contract
  • Identify the relevant parties involved with making changes to the agreement
  • Draft changes to the agreement and submit them to the relevant parties for review
  • Negotiate changes with all parties involved until an agreement is reached
  • Finalize the changes to the licensing agreement and have it signed by all parties

Once you can confidently research, communicate, and negotiate changes to a product licensing agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Discover how to resolve disputes related to product licensing agreements

  • Research the legal remedies for product licensing disputes, such as arbitration and suing for breach of contract
  • Analyze the contract and identify any potential violations that may have occurred
  • Consider the jurisdiction in which the contract was signed and ensure that any remedies you seek are compliant with local laws
  • Contact the other party to the agreement and attempt to resolve the dispute informally
  • If necessary, initiate formal legal action to resolve the dispute

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have completed the research and analysis necessary to initiate the dispute resolution process.


  • Summarize the key points of a product licensing agreement
  • Be familiar with the different types of product licensing agreements and the different types of licenses that can be used
  • Understand the various clauses and restrictions that are included in a product licensing agreement
  • Learn best practices for negotiating and understanding product licensing agreements
  • Be aware of the dispute resolution process for product licensing agreements

You’ll know you can check this step off the list once you’ve reviewed the key points, understand the various types of product licensing agreements and the different types of licenses that can be used, are familiar with the clauses and restrictions included in the agreement, and have learned best practices for negotiating and understanding product licensing agreements.

Best Practices for Understanding and Negotiating Product Licensing Agreements

  • Gather information about the product - understand its features and capabilities, as well as how it fits into the overall product portfolio of the company
  • Know the market demand for the product and how it will be competing against other similar products
  • Understand the terms and conditions of the agreement, including any applicable limitations
  • Identify any areas of the agreement that may require negotiation or changes
  • Determine the value of the product, including any potential benefits or incentives
  • Analyze the impact of any limitations or restrictions on the product’s use
  • Review the agreement carefully and identify any potential risks
  • Negotiate any changes to the agreement that may be needed

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have gathered all the necessary information and have analyzed the agreement, you will be ready to move on to negotiating any changes, if necessary. Once all negotiations have been finalized, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify best practices for understanding product licensing agreements

  • Research the different types of product licensing agreements, including exclusive, non-exclusive, and open-source, to understand which type best suits your needs.
  • Understand the provisions, restrictions, and rights that are included in the agreement and how they will affect your product.
  • Ask questions to ensure that the agreement is fair and all parties’ expectations are met.
  • Compare the language and terms of the agreement to industry standards.
  • Once you have a full understanding of the product licensing agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Learn tips for successful negotiations of product licensing agreements

  • Research the basics of how product licensing agreements work
  • Understand the value of the product to the licensor and licensee
  • Identify common terms and conditions in product licensing agreements
  • Analyze the terms of the agreement to determine any risks or potential liabilities
  • Develop a strategy for successful negotiations of the agreement
  • Set benchmarks for the desired outcome of the negotiations
  • Learn about the other company’s negotiation strategy and objectives
  • Be aware of any legal or regulatory issues that may arise during the negotiations
  • Use various techniques to reach a successful agreement

Once you have researched the basics, understood the value of the product, identified common terms and conditions, analyzed the terms of the agreement, developed a strategy, set benchmarks, learned about the other company’s negotiation strategy and objectives, been aware of any legal or regulatory issues, and used various techniques to reach a successful agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Explore resources for further information about product licensing agreements

  • Research different types of product licensing agreements and the scope of each type
  • Research case studies of successful product licensing agreements
  • Check out relevant industry blogs, websites, and newsletters to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in product licensing
  • Reach out to industry contacts and ask for their advice and insight on product licensing agreements
  • When you feel like you have a good understanding of the different types of product licensing agreements and the scope of each, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: How do I determine which of the licensing agreement terms are applicable to my business?

Asked by Kristin on April 20th, 2022.
A: Determining which of the licensing agreement terms are applicable to your business will depend on the jurisdiction in which your business operates, as well as the industry, sector and business model you have adopted (e.g. SaaS, Technology, or B2B). You should first familiarise yourself with the relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, and then consider the specific needs of your business in order to identify which of the licensing agreement terms are applicable.

Q: Is a product licensing agreement legally binding?

Asked by Tyler on August 1st, 2022.
A: Yes, product licensing agreements are legally binding contracts between two parties that outline their respective rights and responsibilities with regard to a licensed product. In order for a product licensing agreement to be legally binding, both parties must have agreed to all of the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement. Furthermore, both parties must also have given their explicit consent in writing to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Q: What is the difference between an exclusive and non-exclusive license?

Asked by Madison on March 10th, 2022.
A: An exclusive license grants an individual or business exclusive rights to use a particular product or service in a specific market or territory. This means that the licensee is the only entity allowed to use the product or service within the specified market or territory. A non-exclusive license grants an individual or business non-exclusive rights to use a particular product or service in a specific market or territory. This means that multiple entities may be allowed access to and use of the licensed product or service within the specified market or territory.

Q: Are there any limitations to a product licensing agreement?

Asked by Noah on September 15th, 2022.
A: Yes, there are limitations to what can be included in a product licensing agreement. Generally speaking, such limitations include things such as restrictions on usage rights, duration of the license, transferability of rights, and any other clauses that may limit either party’s ability to fully use or benefit from the licensed product or service. Additionally, certain jurisdictions may impose further limitations on what can be included in a product licensing agreement based on local laws and regulations.

Q: Does a company need a product licensing agreement if they are only selling digital products?

Asked by Emma on June 13th, 2022.
A: Yes, it is generally recommended that companies selling digital products have a product licensing agreement in place in order to protect their intellectual property rights and clarify usage rights for customers. Such an agreement should clearly outline any restrictions on usage rights (e.g. for commercial purposes) as well as any clauses specifying ownership of intellectual property rights for any digital products produced by either party involved in the agreement.

Q: Can I modify a product licensing agreement after signing it?

Asked by Jacob on July 5th, 2022.
A: Generally speaking yes; however this will depend on whether both parties agree to such modifications and any relevant local laws and regulations pertaining to contract modifications in your jurisdiction. If both parties agree to modify an existing product licensing agreement then they should draw up an amendment document outlining all changes made and have this document signed by both parties as evidence of mutual consent before making any changes to the original agreement itself.

Q: What is included in a typical product licensing agreement?

Asked by Sophia on May 2nd, 2022.
A: A typical product licensing agreement will usually include details about what is being licensed (product/service), who has ownership rights over this licensed item (licensor/licensee), usage rights granted for this licensed item (individual/commercial), duration/term for which these usage rights are granted (to expiration date), fees/royalties associated with using this licensed item (one-time/monthly/yearly), transferability of usage rights (yes/no), termination clause (termination conditions), dispute resolution process (mediation/arbitration), confidentiality clause (yes/no) and any additional clauses required based on local laws and regulations (for example).

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuits Involving Product Licensing Agreement

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing a product licensing agreement if they feel that the agreement has been breached by the defendant.
  • The plaintiff may win if they can provide evidence that the defendant has not complied with the terms of the agreement, or have not provided the quality of services or products that were agreed upon.
  • A court may rule in favor of the plaintiff if they can demonstrate that they suffered financial losses or other damages due to the failure of the defendant to comply with the agreement.
  • The plaintiff can also seek compensation for any legal costs incurred in pursuing the claim.
  • Settlement may be reached through an out-of-court agreement, or the court may award damages to the plaintiff if the defendant is found liable.
  • In the event of damages being awarded, the amount may be calculated based on the terms of the agreement, the type of breach, and the extent of the losses suffered.

Templates available (free to use)

Product Licensing Agreement

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