Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Structuring a Medium Term Note

9 Jun 2023
24 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


The Medium Term Note (MTN) is an important financial tool for businesses seeking to access capital and investors looking to diversify their portfolios. From my experience as a legal advisor, I am well-versed in the complexities surrounding the structuring of MTNs, helping to protect my clients’ interests and ensure that their terms carefully align with their goals.

Typically issued by a company as a debt instrument with a fixed maturity date, MTNs are usually sold in the form of bonds. The amount raised through the issuance of such notes is determined by the issuer, while the terms may vary from one issuer to another. They offer both advantages – quick and efficient access to capital as well as potential for steady income streams – yet come with some risks associated; for example, lower interest rates than other debt instruments or reduced flexibility in terms. Additionally, issuers must have good credit ratings if they are to successfully issue an MTN and may not receive expected returns due to lower interest rates.

Aside from understanding its risks and rewards, it is also critical that those structuring an MTN are aware of applicable legal frameworks governing its implementation within a particular jurisdiction. This will ensure compliance with all law regulations surrounding MTNs and fairness regarding all terms agreed upon by both parties involved in its sale or purchase.

In conclusion, it is clear that MTNs have many benefits but must be carefully structured if they are to successfully benefit both companies raising capital through them as well as investors seeking access to steady income streams from them. To learn more about how you can draft high quality documents yourself without paying expensive lawyer fees or gaining an understanding of regulatory frameworks at play here, we invite you read on for step-by-step guidance on our free Genie AI community template library today!


MTN: Medium Term Note – A type of debt security issued by corporations and governments with a fixed maturity of between three and five years.
Issuer: The entity that issues the MTN.
Investors: Those who purchase the MTN and receive periodic interest payments.
Financial Advisors: Professionals who help to structure the MTN and advise the issuer and investors.
Yield: The return that the investors will receive in the form of periodic interest payments.
Cost: The amount of money that the issuer will have to pay the investors in the form of periodic interest payments.
Credit Risk: The risk that the issuer may default on the MTN.
Interest Rate Risk: The risk that changes in the market interest rate may affect the value of the MTN.
Liquidity Risk: The risk that the MTN may not be able to be traded on the secondary market.
Currency Risk: The risk that changes in exchange rates may affect the value of the MTN.
MTN Agreement: A contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the MTN, as well as any special features.
Regulatory Requirements: Local laws and international regulations that must be followed when issuing and trading MTNs.

MTN: Medium Term Note – A type of debt security issued by corporations and governments with a fixed maturity of between three and five years.
Issuer: The entity responsible for issuing the MTN.
Investors: Individuals or entities who purchase the MTN and receive periodic interest payments.
Financial Advisors: Professionals who help to structure the MTN and provide advice to the issuer and investors.
Yield: The amount of income that the investors will receive from the MTN in the form of periodic interest payments.
Cost: The amount of money that the issuer must pay to the investors in the form of periodic interest payments.
Credit Risk: The risk that the issuer may fail to pay back the MTN.
Interest Rate Risk: The risk that changes in the market interest rate may affect the value of the MTN.
Liquidity Risk: The risk that the MTN may not be able to be bought or sold on the secondary market.
Currency Risk: The risk that changes in exchange rates may affect the value of the MTN.
MTN Agreement: A contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the MTN, as well as any special features.
Regulatory Requirements: Rules and regulations that must be followed when issuing and trading MTNs.


  1. Introduction to Medium Term Notes (MTN)
  2. Understand the purpose of MTN
  3. Understand the history of MTN
  4. Overview of the MTN Process
  5. Understand the participants in the MTN process
  6. Understand the timeline for the MTN process
  7. Structuring the MTN
  8. Identify the type of MTN
  9. Determine the terms and conditions of the MTN
  10. Draft the MTN agreement
  11. Pricing of the MTN
  12. Estimate the MTN yield
  13. Estimate the MTN cost
  14. Risks and Benefits of MTN
  15. Identify the risks associated with MTN
  16. Identify the benefits associated with MTN
  17. Documentation and Closing of the MTN
  18. Prepare the MTN documentation package
  19. Finalize the MTN agreement
  20. Execute the MTN agreement
  21. Post-Closing of the MTN
  22. Monitor the MTN performance
  23. Make necessary adjustments
  24. Secondary Market Activity
  25. Understand the secondary market for MTN
  26. Identify potential buyers and sellers
  27. Regulatory Requirements
  28. Understand the applicable regulations
  29. Comply with the regulations
  30. Conclusion
  31. Summarize key points
  32. Discuss the outlook for MTN

Get started

Introduction to Medium Term Notes (MTN)

  • Learn about the purpose of MTN: They are short-term debt securities issued by corporations and governments
  • Understand their features such as maturity date, coupon rate and issuer
  • Research the different types of MTN’s available such as fixed rate and floating rate
  • Familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of MTN’s

Check off list: When you have a good understanding of the purpose and features of MTN’s, you can move on to the next step.

Understand the purpose of MTN

  • Understand what a Medium Term Note (MTN) is and what it can do for you
  • Learn how MTN’s can help you manage liquidity, raise capital, and access other sources of funding
  • Learn about the different types of MTN’s and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • Understand the risks associated with investing in MTN’s
  • Understand the different tax implications related to MTN’s

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a comprehensive understanding of the purpose of MTN’s and the associated risks and tax implications.

Understand the history of MTN

  • Learn about the origin of MTNs: they were initially created to help companies raise capital without having to go through the traditional IPO process.
  • Understand how MTNs have evolved over time, including changes to the levels of risk associated with them.
  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of MTNs and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

You’ll know you can move on to the next step when you feel confident that you understand the history and evolution of MTNs.

Overview of the MTN Process

  • Understand the purpose of MTNs and how they fit into the capital markets
  • Understand how MTNs are issued and how they work
  • Familiarize yourself with terms like issuer, investor, underwriter, and trustee
  • Learn more about the different types of MTNs, including short-term, medium-term, and long-term
  • Understand the main advantages of MTNs compared to other debt instruments

You can check this step off your list once you have a thorough understanding of the MTN process, and can confidently explain each of the points listed above.

Understand the participants in the MTN process

  • Identify the issuer, arranger, and other key participants in the MTN process
  • Learn about the roles, responsibilities, and legal liabilities of each participant
  • Research the regulatory and financial requirements for each participant
  • Understand the communication protocols for each participant

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have identified and researched the participants in the MTN process, you can move on to the next step of understanding the timeline for the MTN process.

Understand the timeline for the MTN process

  • Gather information from all involved parties to determine the timeline for the MTN process
  • Take into account external factors such as market conditions, investor demand, and other considerations
  • Ensure that the timeline for the MTN process is realistic and achievable
  • Set a timeline for the MTN process that will allow all parties to reach their desired outcomes in a timely and efficient manner
  • Check with all involved parties to make sure they are in agreement with the timeline for the MTN process
  • When all parties are in agreement with the timeline for the MTN process, you can move on to the next step of structuring the MTN.

Structuring the MTN

  • Outline the legal documents needed to structure the MTN
  • Determine the roles of each party involved in the structuring process
  • Define the terms and conditions of the MTN
  • Create a draft of the MTN agreement
  • Finalise the MTN agreement
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once the MTN agreement is completed.

Identify the type of MTN

  • Review the issuer’s financial position, business activities, and use of funds to determine the type of MTN that best suits their needs
  • Consider the issuer’s ability to service their debt, the type of security they are looking to issue, the required maturity of the debt, and the amount of liquidity desired in the MTN
  • Research the available options for structuring the MTN and decide which type is most suitable
  • Discuss the chosen MTN type with the issuer and answer any questions they may have

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once the issuer is satisfied with the chosen type of MTN, and all questions have been answered, you can move on to the next step of determining the terms and conditions of the MTN.

Determine the terms and conditions of the MTN

  • Research the market to gain an understanding of the interest rate and general terms and conditions for similar notes
  • Decide on the interest rate, maturity date, and other important terms and conditions of the note
  • Confirm the terms and conditions with the issuer
  • When all terms and conditions have been agreed upon, you can move on to the next step.

Draft the MTN agreement

  • Work with legal counsel to draft the MTN agreement, ensuring it meets all relevant legal requirements
  • Ensure the agreement includes a clear description of the issuer, the MTN program, the MTN issue, and the rights and obligations of the issuer and investors
  • Have the issuer and investors sign the agreement
  • File the agreement with the applicable regulatory authorities
  • You’ll know you’ve completed this step when the agreement is signed, filed, and approved by the regulatory authorities.

Pricing of the MTN

  • Determine the value of the MTN by assessing current market conditions and the creditworthiness of the issuer
  • Consider the pricing of other instruments to gauge a fair price for the MTN
  • Analyze the demand for the MTN and adjust the price accordingly
  • Once the MTN is priced, the issuer and the investors will need to agree on the final price
  • Once both parties have agreed on the pricing, you can move on to the next step

Estimate the MTN yield

  • Calculate the yield for the MTN based on the coupon rate, maturity date, face value, and current market rate
  • Use a financial calculator or spreadsheet to calculate the yield
  • Compare the yield calculation with market rates to determine if the yield is competitive
  • When the yield is competitive, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Estimate the MTN cost

  • Calculate the cost of the MTN by determining the coupon rate and the required yield
  • Calculate the yield to maturity by figuring out the current market rate and the required return
  • Determine the cost of the MTN based on the coupon rate, the required yield, and the current market rate
  • Analyze the cost of the MTN in comparison to other available financing options
  • When you have finished calculating the cost of the MTN, you can move on to the next step: Risk and Benefits of MTN.

Risks and Benefits of MTN

  • Identify the potential risks associated with issuing an MTN, such as default risk, liquidity risk, and market risk
  • Assess the costs associated with issuing an MTN, such as fees and taxes
  • Analyze the benefits of issuing an MTN, such as flexibility and cost savings
  • Compare the risk/benefit profile of an MTN to other funding options
  • Consider other factors, such as the issuer’s creditworthiness and sector

Once you have identified the risks and benefits associated with an MTN, you can move on to the next step of identifying the associated costs.

Identify the risks associated with MTN

  • Research the risks associated with MTN, such as liquidity, market volatility, and interest rate risk
  • Estimate the potential losses that could be incurred if the risks of MTN are not managed properly
  • Review existing MTN agreements to gain insight into potential risks that could be encountered
  • Assess the financial capacity of the issuer to handle potential losses
  • Develop strategies to mitigate potential losses that could be incurred due to MTN risks
  • Create a comprehensive risk management plan for the MTN

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified all the risks associated with MTN, estimated potential losses, reviewed existing MTN agreements, assessed the financial capacity of the issuer, developed strategies to mitigate potential losses, and created a comprehensive risk management plan for the MTN.

Identify the benefits associated with MTN

  • Research potential benefits of using an MTN such as access to capital, ability to issue debt with greater flexibility, and potential cost savings
  • Analyze the potential benefits of an MTN in comparison to other financing options
  • Make a list of the benefits associated with an MTN and compare them to other financing options
  • When you feel confident that you have identified and analyzed the benefits associated with an MTN, you can move on to the next step.

Documentation and Closing of the MTN

  • Prepare the final MTN documentation package
  • This should include the MTN term sheet, the MTN indenture, and any other documents associated with the MTN
  • Ensure that all documents are properly signed and dated
  • Confirm that all parties have received the final MTN documentation package
  • Once all documents have been signed and dated, the MTN closing process is complete and the MTN is ready to be issued

Prepare the MTN documentation package

  • Gather the relevant documents, including the final set of MTN terms, the MTN offering memorandum, the MTN subscription agreement and other documents for the transaction
  • Obtain approval of the MTN documents from all necessary parties
  • Review and finalize the MTN documents and ensure that all documents are consistent with each other
  • Ensure all MTN documents have been signed and dated
  • Check that all documents are complete, accurate and legally binding
  • When all documents are complete, accurate and legally binding, this step can be marked as complete and the MTN agreement can be finalized.

Finalize the MTN agreement

  • Negotiate and agree on the terms and conditions of the MTN agreement
  • Have all parties involved sign the MTN agreement
  • Obtain legal counsel to review the terms of the agreement
  • Confirm that all parties involved are in agreement and have signed the MTN agreement
  • Once all parties have signed off on the agreement, you can move on to the next step of executing the MTN agreement.

Execute the MTN agreement

  • Ensure that all parties involved have signed the MTN agreement.
  • Notify the issuing bank to start issuing and distributing the MTN.
  • The issuing bank will pay the underwriter and the broker-dealer.
  • The broker-dealer will then distribute the MTN to investors.
  • All parties involved in the MTN agreement will ensure that the MTN is listed on the exchange.
  • After the MTN is listed on the exchange, the MTN is considered executed.

You will know that you have completed this step when the MTN is listed on the exchange.

Post-Closing of the MTN

  • Set up MTN structure with the bank and other intermediaries
  • Ensure that payments are made on the agreed-upon schedule
  • Monitor the MTN performance and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations
  • Ensure that all documents related to the MTN are up-to-date and accurate
  • Keep records of all transactions related to the MTN

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you are ready to move on to the next step of monitoring the MTN performance.

Monitor the MTN performance

  • Monitor the MTN performance in the market to assess the success of the issuance
  • Track the trading performance of the MTN, as well as the associated market conditions
  • Gather market feedback from investors and other market participants to gauge the success of the MTN
  • When the performance of the MTN is stable and satisfactory, you can move on to the next step.

Make necessary adjustments

  • Analyze the success of the initial MTN offering and make necessary adjustments to the terms of the offering, such as the maturity date, coupon rate, and the terms of redemption
  • Monitor the secondary market activity of the MTN, such as the price and yield, and ensure that it is meeting the desired returns
  • Monitor the credit ratings of the MTN issuer and ensure that they remain at acceptable levels
  • Ensure that the MTN is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations
  • When all of the necessary adjustments have been made, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Secondary Market Activity

  • Analyze the secondary market activity for Medium Term Notes
  • Look at the level of activity and volume of notes trading
  • Research the liquidity of the notes and any potential buyers or sellers
  • Research the historical performance of the notes, including yield and spread
  • Analyze the relationship between the notes and other debt instruments

Once you have completed this step, you will have an understanding of the secondary market for MTN. You can then move on to the next step.

Understand the secondary market for MTN

  • Research the MTN market, taking into account the current economic situation and market trends
  • Examine the buyers and sellers of MTN in the secondary market and their activity
  • Analyze the returns and interest rates of MTN in the secondary market
  • Assess the liquidity of MTN in the secondary market
  • Understand the trading terms and conditions for MTN in the secondary market
  • When you have a clear understanding of the secondary market for MTN and its activity, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify potential buyers and sellers

  • Gather a list of potential buyers and sellers in the secondary market for MTN
  • Contact them to discuss the details of the MTN offering
  • Identify their requirements for the MTN and negotiate the specific terms
  • Compile a list of all buyers and sellers who have expressed interest in the MTN
  • You can check this off your list when you have identified all the potential buyers and sellers and negotiated the terms of the offering.

Regulatory Requirements

  • Gather information on applicable regulations in relation to Medium Term Notes
  • Research the specific regulations applicable to your jurisdiction
  • Consult a legal professional to ensure you understand the regulations
  • Make sure the structure of the Medium Term Note is compliant with all regulations
  • Verify that all potential buyers and sellers of the Medium Term Note are compliant with the applicable regulations
  • Once all applicable regulations have been identified and the structure of the Medium Term Note is compliant, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Understand the applicable regulations

  • Research local and federal regulations that may apply to your Medium Term Note structure
  • Identify any applicable regulations and take note of any restrictions or guidelines that may impact your structure
  • Gather necessary documents, such as prospectus, financial statements, and other filings to comply with the regulations
  • Review the regulations to ensure your Medium Term Note structure is compliant
  • When you are confident that your structure is compliant with the applicable regulations, you can move on to the next step.

Comply with the regulations

  • Check that the terms of the Medium Term Note (MTN) do not violate any of the applicable regulations
  • Review the MTN for compliance with the applicable regulations, such as investor protection laws, capital requirements, and disclosure requirements
  • Ensure that the MTN is structured in a way that complies with the applicable regulations
  • Know when you can move on to the next step: when you have verified that the MTN is compliant with the applicable regulations.


  • Summarize the purpose of the Medium Term Note
  • Outline the key components of the MNT
  • Identify any regulatory requirements or limitations
  • Identify any potential risks associated with the MNT
  • Describe any potential benefits of the MNT
  • When finished, review the MNT for accuracy and completeness to ensure it meets all regulatory requirements and investor expectations
  • Check off this step in your checklist and move on to summarizing key points in the next step

Summarize key points

  • Review all the sections of the MTN to create a summary of the key points
  • Make sure to include the issuer, amount, maturity date, coupon rate and any other features of the MTN
  • When the summary is complete, you can move on to the next step.

Discuss the outlook for MTN

  • Research and analyze the current market trends to determine the outlook for the MTN
  • Analyze the demand for the MTN and its potential for yield
  • Analyze the risk associated with the MTN, such as credit risk, liquidity risk, etc.
  • Determine the likelihood of the MTN being sold successfully
  • Identify potential buyers of the MTN
  • Compare the MTN to other investments of similar risk and return

Once these items have been researched and evaluated, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What are the differences between a MTN and a bond?

Asked by Sasha on July 15th 2022.
A: A Medium Term Note (MTN) is a type of debt instrument that is issued for a period of up to 10 years, usually with an option to renew. Bonds are also a type of debt instrument, but they typically have longer maturities than MTNs and often have stricter covenants and more complex structures. MTNs are usually more flexible than bonds, as they can be tailored to the issuer’s specific needs and can be issued with varying levels of seniority, maturities and interest rates.

Q: What is the difference between a private and public placement of an MTN?

Asked by Noah on August 5th 2022.
A: The main difference between private and public placements of an MTN is how they are sold. Private placements are sold directly to institutional or accredited investors, while public placements are offered to the general public via stock exchanges or other financial markets. Private placements tend to be more attractive to issuers due to their lower costs and faster execution time, as well as greater control over who holds the MTN. Public placements may be preferred by investors due to their greater liquidity, as well as the fact that they are regulated by financial authorities.

Q: What is the typical timeline for issuing an MTN?

Asked by Emma on September 18th 2022.
A: The typical timeline for issuing an MTN depends on the size and complexity of the transaction. Generally speaking, it will take anywhere from four to six weeks after filing all the necessary documents with the appropriate regulators before an MTN can be issued. During this time period, prospective investors will review the offering documents, participate in any due diligence processes, and decide if they want to invest in the MTN. Once all of these steps have been completed, then the issuer can begin issuing the MTN.

Q: What tax implications should I consider when structuring a MTN?

Asked by Isabella on October 4th 2022.
A: The tax implications of structuring a MTN will depend on where it is issued and where it is ultimately held by its investors. Generally speaking, most jurisdictions will require issuers to pay taxes on any interest income earned from their MTNs, as well as any other income derived from them (such as fees or gains from sale). Additionally, capital gains taxes may be applicable depending on where the MTN is held and how long it was held for before being sold or redeemed.

Q: What type of collateral might be required when issuing a MTN?

Asked by Liam on November 9th 2022.
A: Depending on the issuer’s creditworthiness and other factors, collateral might be required when issuing a Medium Term Note (MTN). This could include assets such as cash deposits or other securities that can be used to secure repayment of the debt if necessary. Additionally, there may also be additional requirements such as covenants that must be met in order for an issuer to successfully complete its offering.

Q: How much flexibility do I have when structuring my MTN?

Asked by Aiden on December 20th 2022.
A: The amount of flexibility you have when structuring your Medium Term Note (MTN) will depend on several factors such as your creditworthiness, industry sector and business model (SaaS, Technology or B2B etc.), your jurisdiction (UK vs USA vs EU), and any other specific needs you may have (such as particular maturities or interest rates). Generally speaking you should have some flexibility in terms of how you structure your MTN in order to meet your particular needs, but it is best to consult with legal and financial advisors before making any final decisions.

Q: How does pricing work for a privately placed MTN?

Asked by Ava on January 1st 2023.
A: The pricing for privately placed Medium Term Notes (MTNs) depends largely on factors such as market conditions at the time of issuance, investor demand for the particular note and the issuer’s creditworthiness among other factors. Generally speaking, pricing for privately placed MTNs tends to be lower than publicly traded MTNs since there are fewer investors involved in private placements and thus less competition for investment dollars. Additionally, private placements offer more flexibility in terms of pricing since issuers can negotiate directly with potential investors rather than relying on market forces alone.

Q: What types of legal documents are associated with issuing an MTN?

Asked by Logan on February 11th 2023.
A: When issuing a Medium Term Note (MTN), a number of legal documents must be prepared in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction (UK vs USA vs EU). These documents typically include offering memorandums that provide information regarding key features of the offer such as coupon rate, maturity date and redemption provisions; indentures which establish rights between issuers and noteholders; trust agreements detailing payment obligations; registration statements filed with regulators; prospectuses; subscription agreements; custodial agreements; security agreements; swap agreements; transfer restrictions; and rating agency letters confirming ratings assigned to the issue.

Q: What disclosure requirements must I comply with when issuing an MTN?

Asked by Sophia on March 22nd 2023.
A: When issuing a Medium Term Note (MTN), prospective issuers must comply with disclosure requirements mandated by their local financial regulators. These requirements typically involve providing full details about the note’s key features such as coupon rate, maturity date and redemption provisions; informing potential investors about any risks associated with investing in the note; preparing prospectuses which provide detailed information about the issuer’s financial condition; filing applicable registration statements with regulators; obtaining ratings from rating agencies; ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering laws; ensuring compliance with anti-bribery laws; ensuring compliance with insider trading laws; ensuring compliance with investor protection laws; obtaining legal opinions from counsel; obtaining consents from lenders if any; obtaining consents from guarantors if any; obtaining consents from trustees if any; obtaining consents from any collateral providers if any; setting up custodial accounts; obtaining necessary banking approvals if required; preparing swap agreements if necessary; preparing transfer restriction notices if necessary; preparing security agreements if necessary etc…

Q: How does risk management work when structuring an MTN?

Asked by Mason on April 7th 2023.
A: Risk management is an important component when structuring a Medium Term Note (MTN). This involves understanding both credit risk (the possibility that an issuer may default) as well as market risk (the possibility that market conditions may affect prices). Issuers should conduct thorough due diligence into their own creditworthiness in order to determine whether they are suitable candidates for issuing an MTN. Additionally, they should also conduct research into current market trends and conditions in order to assess whether current conditions would support successful issuance of their proposed note at reasonable terms and prices. Lastly, issuers should also consider incorporating various risk management techniques into their structure such as hedging instruments or swap agreements which can help mitigate risks associated with issuance or holding of their notes

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Contract

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a company for breach of contract if the company fails to fulfill the obligations set out in a medium term note.
  • The plaintiff must show that a valid contract was in place and that the company has breached the terms of the contract.
  • The plaintiff may be entitled to damages for any financial losses suffered due to the breach.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to recover costs incurred in bringing the lawsuit.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation or mediation, or the lawsuit may proceed to a hearing.
  • A successful plaintiff may be awarded damages for breach of contract, which may include the principal and interest payments due under the medium term note, as well as any other costs associated with the breach.

Templates available (free to use)

Dealer Confirmation For Single Dealer Drawdown Under Euro Medium Term Note Programme
Euro Medium Term Note Drawdown Board Minutes
Euro Medium Term Note Programme Amendments Board Minutes
Euro Medium Term Note Programme Initiation Board Minutes
Euro Medium Term Note Programme Trust Deed
Procedures Memorandum For Euro Medium Term Note
Timeline Responsibility Chart Registered Medium Term Note Program

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