Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Know How 101 (UK)

9 Jun 2023
26 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


At Genie AI, we know why knowing how matters. Whether you’re a student, new to the workplace or an experienced professional, having a firm understanding of the principles and procedures of your area is essential for success. Knowledge is power – and no more so than in the legal profession, where a lawyer needs to have a solid grasp of the law and all its related systems. Everything from interpreting complex statutes to providing sound legal advice requires an understanding of all applicable laws as well as research, interpretation and application skills; plus staying abreast of any developments in this ever-evolving field.

But it isn’t just about knowledge; expert lawyers must also be able to think strategically so they can identify creative solutions that best meet their clients’ goals. This requires not only an in-depth knowledge but also the ability to see things differently - something that requires dedication and ongoing education if you are serious about succeeding in this area.

Excellent communication skills are paramount too; effective written communication is essential for drafting legal documents such as briefs or contracts which need to be understood by everyone involved. An expert lawyer must also have a thorough understanding of court systems, appeals processes and all relevant regulations governing their profession – putting together all these pieces into real-world scenarios takes big-picture thought processes too!

At Genie AI we understand that good know how lies at the heart of successful lawyering – regardless of your experience level. That’s why we provide free access our template library with millions datapoints which offer ‘market-standard know how’ from around the world - plus step by step guidance on creating high quality legal documents without relying on external lawyers (no account needed!). So if you’re looking for ways you can gain an edge up in your career without breaking any budgets – read on below for information on accessing our template library today!


Apprenticeship: A type of job training in which someone works for an employer while learning a skill or trade.

Prerequisite: A requirement that must be fulfilled before someone can qualify for something.

Industry Standard: The accepted way of doing something, as determined by a large number of people or organizations in an industry.

Certification: A process of verifying that someone has met certain requirements and can perform certain tasks.


  1. Understanding the basics of the UK economy and job market
  2. Researching the current job market trends
  3. Researching local job market conditions
  4. Investigating the types of jobs available
  5. Developing key skills such as communication, problem solving and decision-making
  6. Learning how to effectively communicate with others
  7. Developing problem-solving skills
  8. Practicing decision-making skills
  9. Exploring different career paths and learning how to find opportunities in the job market
  10. Researching different job sectors
  11. Exploring online job boards and job search websites
  12. Learning how to identify job openings
  13. Learning how to create a strong resume and cover letter
  14. Researching best practices for resumes and cover letters
  15. Writing and editing a resume and cover letter
  16. Reviewing and submitting a resume and cover letter
  17. Knowing the importance of networking and how to build a professional network
  18. Researching networking events and opportunities
  19. Learning how to effectively network with others
  20. Building and maintaining a professional network
  21. Staying up-to-date with the latest technology and trends in the workplace
  22. Researching and understanding the latest technology
  23. Becoming familiar with current workplace trends
  24. Learning how to use technology to stay competitive
  25. Understanding the importance of time management and organization
  26. Learning how to prioritize tasks
  27. Creating a plan to use time efficiently
  28. Developing organizational skills
  29. Exploring the benefits of continuing education and learning how to stay competitive in the job market
  30. Researching different types of continuing education
  31. Identifying the right continuing education courses
  32. Understanding the impact of continuing education on job prospects
  33. Developing a plan to identify and pursue career goals
  34. Identifying career goals
  35. Researching how to achieve them
  36. Creating a plan to pursue them
  37. Understanding the importance of self-awareness and how to use it to make the most of your career
  38. Learning how to identify personal strengths and weaknesses
  39. Identifying and using resources to further develop skills
  40. Understanding the importance of self-reflection and feedback

Get started

Understanding the basics of the UK economy and job market

  • Research the current economic and job market trends in the UK, such as the gross domestic product, employment rate, and salaries
  • Analyze the job market trends of other countries and compare/contrast them to the UK
  • Understand the different types of jobs available in the UK, such as full-time, part-time, contract, and freelance
  • Learn about the different sectors of the economy in the UK, such as the service industry, manufacturing, technology, and finance
  • Understand the job search process, such as writing a CV, networking, and attending job fairs

Once you have a thorough understanding of the UK economy and job market, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Researching the current job market trends

  • Familiarise yourself with the current trends and data reported by the Office for National Statistics, the Bank of England, and other reputable sources
  • Analyse the data to identify current job market trends in the UK, such as the number of people in work, average wages and job vacancies
  • Read up on current reports and articles to gain insights on the job market and economic conditions in the UK
  • Check out job postings and vacancy announcements in various industries and sectors to get a better sense of the current job market

Once you have a good understanding of the current job market trends in the UK, you can move on to the next step: researching local job market conditions.

Researching local job market conditions

  • Gather information from job postings and websites, such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor
  • Review the local newspapers and job fairs for job postings
  • Speak with recruiters, friends and family to inquire about job openings
  • Research the local job market through industry reports, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Utilize online resources such as job search engines, industry-specific job boards, and job search sites

You can check this off your list when you feel informed about the job market in your local area.

Investigating the types of jobs available

  • Identify the types of work that are available in your local area
  • Research job opportunities on job boards, websites and social media
  • Look for vacancies in newspapers, magazines and job centres
  • Attend job fairs and network with employers
  • Ask for advice from family, friends and colleagues
  • Once you have identified the types of jobs available, you can move on to the next step.

Developing key skills such as communication, problem solving and decision-making

  • Take part in activities such as public speaking, debates, and team building exercises to help develop your communication skills
  • Investigate different problem solving strategies, such as brainstorming and the 6-step problem solving process
  • Learn about different decision making techniques, such as the weighing up of pros and cons, to help you make informed decisions
  • Practice using your new skills in everyday life to help you hone and develop them further
  • When you feel comfortable using these skills in different scenarios and you’re able to effectively apply them, you can check this step off and move on to the next step.

Learning how to effectively communicate with others

  • Learn the basics of communication such as active listening, speaking clearly, and body language
  • Practice communication skills in everyday conversations with family, friends, and colleagues
  • Engage with others to understand their point of view and perspective
  • Be aware of cultural differences when communicating with people from different backgrounds
  • Develop strategies to stay calm and think before you speak
  • Learn how to disagree respectfully and strive for understanding
  • Use clear and concise language to make sure your message is understood

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you feel more confident in your communication skills and are able to effectively communicate with others.

Developing problem-solving skills

  • Take time to think through situations before making a decision
  • Brainstorm solutions to problems
  • Practice breaking down complex problems into smaller, achievable chunks
  • Learn how to think outside the box
  • Research different ways to approach a problem
  • Develop an understanding of the bigger picture
  • When you can think through a problem and come up with several possible solutions, you will have developed your problem-solving skills.

Practicing decision-making skills

  • Identify situations that require decision-making
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of each potential decision
  • Reflect on the consequences of each decision
  • Make a decision based on the best available information
  • Record the outcome of each decision
  • Review the outcome to determine if different decisions should be made in the future
  • Practice making quick decisions and recognize the importance of being decisive
  • When you feel comfortable with your decision-making skills, move on to the next step: Exploring different career paths and learning how to find opportunities in the job market.

Exploring different career paths and learning how to find opportunities in the job market

  • Research different job sectors and occupations to understand the different types of careers you can pursue
  • Identify job sectors that interest you and research the qualifications, skills, and qualities required
  • Use job search tools, such as Indeed and LinkedIn, to find job opportunities and explore different roles
  • Attend job fairs, events, and networking sessions to meet with potential employers
  • Research the availability of apprenticeships, internships, and other entry-level roles in the job market
  • Follow employers and recruiters on social media to stay up to date with the latest job posts
  • Once you have considered the different paths available and identified potential job opportunities, you can move on to the next step.

Researching different job sectors

  • Review resources for researching job sectors, such as industry journals, websites, magazines, and books
  • Identify sectors that interest you and research the industries within those sectors
  • Make a list of potential job sectors that fit your skills and interests
  • Take the time to learn about the job requirements, working environment, salary range, and other information related to each job sector
  • When you feel like you have a good understanding of job sectors that may be a good fit, you can check this step off your list and move on to exploring online job boards and job search websites.

Exploring online job boards and job search websites

  • Set aside some time to explore job boards and job search websites, such as Indeed and Monster
  • Spend time looking through job ads and read the descriptions carefully
  • Make a list of job ads you like the look of and apply for them
  • Create job alerts to be notified of new job postings
  • Utilize the search filters to narrow your search
  • When you’re done, you’ll have a better understanding of what types of jobs are available and can move on to the next step.

Learning how to identify job openings

  • Researching different job openings in various industries online
  • Signing up for job alerts from job boards and websites
  • Checking the job sections of local newspapers
  • Networking with family, friends and professional contacts to find job openings
  • Attending job fairs and other industry events

Once you’ve done these activities and have a list of job openings, you can move on to the next step of learning how to create a strong resume and cover letter.

Learning how to create a strong resume and cover letter

  • Brainstorm key words and phrases that relate to your skills, experiences, and qualifications
  • Create a resume draft, including relevant information, such as your education, experience, skills, and accomplishments
  • Ensure the resume is formatted correctly, with all the necessary sections, such as contact information, education, experience, skills, and accomplishments
  • Once your resume is complete, create a cover letter draft, making sure to highlight the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the job
  • Include any relevant information that will help you stand out from other applicants
  • Ensure the cover letter is formatted correctly and addresses the employer directly
  • Proofread and edit the resume and cover letter for any spelling and grammar mistakes
  • You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have a finished, error-free resume and cover letter ready to send to potential employers.

Researching best practices for resumes and cover letters

  • Research online to find advice on how to write a resume and cover letter that stands out.
  • Find examples of resumes and cover letters to help you get familiar with the standard format and language used.
  • Talk to people who have experience in the industry or field you are applying for and learn from their advice.
  • Read up on the latest trends and advice from recruitment experts to ensure your resume and cover letter are up-to-date.

You’ll know when you can check this off your list when you have done enough research to have a good understanding of the current best practices for resumes and cover letters, and have a few examples to look at.

Writing and editing a resume and cover letter

  • Brainstorm your professional experiences, qualifications, and skills that you want to include in your resume
  • Draft your resume, including key sections such as contact details, work experience, qualifications, and skills
  • Proofread your resume for accuracy and grammatical errors - ask a friend or family member to check it over as well
  • Draft a cover letter that explains why you are a suitable candidate for the role
  • Proofread the cover letter for accuracy and grammar and make the necessary corrections
  • Once you are satisfied that you have created an effective resume and cover letter, you are ready to submit your application
  • You will know that you have completed this step when you have written and edited a resume and cover letter that accurately reflects your professional experiences, qualifications, and skills.

Reviewing and submitting a resume and cover letter

  • Proofread your resume and cover letter multiple times to ensure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Use a spell checker to help you identify potential errors
  • Have a friend or family member review both documents for any errors
  • Use the job description to make sure your resume and cover letter highlight the necessary skills and experiences
  • Check that you have included the job title, the job reference number, and the name of the hiring manager on your cover letter
  • Double-check that you have saved your resume and cover letter in the correct file formats
  • Submit your resume and cover letter to the job posting or company website

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have received a confirmation email that your application has been received or you have been contacted by the company to schedule an interview.

Knowing the importance of networking and how to build a professional network

  • Identify the types of people and organizations that could be helpful for your career goals
  • Research and use social media to connect with professionals in your field
  • Reach out to people in your network and ask them for advice or introductions
  • Attend networking events and conferences to meet with new people
  • Join professional organizations and participate in their events
  • Stay active in your network by staying in touch with people and offering your own advice and support
  • Track the progress of your network and the people in it

You can check off this step when you have connected with at least three people in your field and have an active presence in your network.

Researching networking events and opportunities

  • Use professional and social networking websites like LinkedIn, Meetup and Eventbrite to find and attend networking events in your industry
  • Join relevant professional associations and attend their events
  • Research industry events in your local area and neighbouring areas
  • Ask colleagues, friends, and family if they know of any upcoming events
  • Once you have a list of networking events, start attending them
  • You will know when you can check this step off your list when you have attended one or more of the events you found and have had the opportunity to network with other professionals in your industry.

Learning how to effectively network with others

  • Prepare a list of questions to ask the people you meet at networking events.
  • Make sure to have some business cards prepared to hand out.
  • Make good conversation and be sure to listen to what the other person is saying.
  • Be genuine in your interactions, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Follow up with the people you meet after the event.
  • Keep up with any connections you make and strive to add value to their lives.

You’ll know you’ve successfully completed this step when you’ve successfully made connections with others at networking events and have started to build and maintain a professional network.

Building and maintaining a professional network

  • Reach out to people in your industry who can help you grow and offer advice
  • Connect on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn and follow thought leaders
  • Attend industry events, conferences and seminars to build your network
  • Participate in online conversations and join relevant industry forums
  • Make an effort to connect with people and stay in touch over the long-term
  • You’ll know you’ve successfully completed this step when you’ve grown your professional network and can easily reach out for advice.

Staying up-to-date with the latest technology and trends in the workplace

  • Keep up with the latest industry news by reading relevant websites, blogs, magazines, and books
  • Follow the social media accounts of leaders, companies, and organizations relevant to your field
  • Attend conferences, seminars, and other industry events
  • Network with professionals in your field to stay in the know
  • Use tools such as Google Alerts and Twitter Lists to stay informed
  • Once you have a good understanding of the current landscape, you can move on to the next step

Researching and understanding the latest technology

  • Read online articles, blogs and forums related to the latest technology
  • Attend seminars, events and workshops related to the latest technology
  • Subscribe to industry-related magazines
  • Ask questions and talk to colleagues and mentors
  • Take online courses or tutorials related to the latest technology
  • Join online communities and discussion groups to stay informed about the latest technology
  • Once you feel comfortable with the knowledge and understanding of the latest technology, you can move on to the next step.

Becoming familiar with current workplace trends

  • Read industry magazines and websites to stay up to date with the latest workplace trends
  • Talk to industry professionals to gain insight into current trends
  • Develop relationships with recruiters to understand what employers are looking for
  • Attend conferences and seminars to gain further insight
  • Once you have a good understanding of current workplace trends, you can move on to the next step.

Learning how to use technology to stay competitive

  • Research and learn about the latest technology being used in the workplace
  • Understand the basics of different types of technology: from cloud computing, to data analytics, to social media
  • Familiarize yourself with the different programs and applications that are used in the workplace
  • Learn how to use the technology to improve efficiency and productivity
  • Understand the implications and benefits of using technology in the workplace
  • When you feel comfortable that you have a good understanding of how technology is being used in the workplace, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Understanding the importance of time management and organization

  • Identify key areas of your life that require time management and organization
  • Create a plan and timeline for managing and organizing those areas
  • Set realistic and achievable goals for each area
  • Monitor progress and adjust the plan accordingly
  • Learn and practice effective time management skills
  • Learn and practice effective organizational skills
  • Utilize resources and tools that can help with time management and organization
  • When you are comfortable with your progress and can effectively manage and organize your time and activities, move on to the next step.

Learning how to prioritize tasks

  • Identify important and urgent tasks and prioritize them accordingly
  • Ask yourself what the consequences are if you don’t complete the task
  • Break down big tasks into smaller steps to make them easier to complete
  • Delegate tasks to others if possible
  • Set realistic deadlines for yourself
  • Reward yourself for completing difficult tasks
  • Know when to take breaks and step away from work
  • Once you have prioritized your tasks, stick to your plan and stick to the deadlines you have set
  • You’ll know you have completed this step when you have identified the tasks that need to be done and when they need to be done by.

Creating a plan to use time efficiently

  • Break down tasks into smaller, achievable goals
  • Create a timeline for completing each task
  • Assign time limits to each task
  • Make sure to include rest breaks
  • Prioritize tasks based on urgency
  • Set realistic goals
  • Be flexible and adjust the plan as needed

You will know you have completed this step when you have a plan in place that you are comfortable and confident with.

Developing organizational skills

  • Make a list of all tasks that need to be completed and prioritize them based on urgency
  • Schedule time for each task on your calendar with reminders
  • Break down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks
  • Set goals and review them periodically
  • Utilize a filing system to keep track of important documents
  • Keep a to-do list and check items off as you complete them
  • Learn how to delegate tasks to others

You’ll know that you have successfully developed organizational skills when you can effectively manage your time, prioritize tasks, and stay on top of important documents.

Exploring the benefits of continuing education and learning how to stay competitive in the job market

  • Investigate the kinds of continuing education courses available and the potential benefits they could offer you, such as gaining a new qualification, learning new skills, or enhancing your existing skills
  • Research current industry trends and developments related to your field to determine whether you need additional training or certification
  • Seek advice from professionals in your field to explore the best continuing education options for you
  • Consider the cost associated with continuing education courses, including tuition fees, living costs, and other expenses
  • Identify potential funding sources that could help you cover the costs of continuing education
  • You will know you can move onto the next step once you have done the research required to make an informed decision about the type of continuing education that would be most beneficial for you.

Researching different types of continuing education

  • Decide what type of continuing education you’re interested in: online courses, certificate courses, or degree courses
  • Research the different types of courses available, including their duration, cost, and content
  • Ask family, friends, and colleagues for recommendations on continuing education courses
  • Use online resources to learn more about the different types of continuing education courses
  • Read reviews about the courses you’re interested in
  • When you’ve narrowed down your list of courses to consider, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying the right continuing education courses

  • Identify the knowledge and skills you need to develop or update
  • Research different continuing education courses available to you
  • Consider the duration and cost of each course
  • Read reviews from past and current students of the course
  • Evaluate the quality of the course materials, as well as the qualifications of the instructors
  • Compare the courses to determine which best meets your needs

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified the course that best meets your needs and you are ready to move forward with enrolling in it.

Understanding the impact of continuing education on job prospects

  • Research potential continuing education courses and their potential impact on job prospects
  • Determine the value of completing a continuing education course in regards to job prospects
  • Explore the various industries and job roles that may be available with the qualifications you gain from a continuing education course
  • Review job postings to determine if there is a demand for the skills you gain from completing a continuing education course
  • Talk to professionals in the field to better understand the value of continuing education and the potential impact it can have on job prospects
  • When you have a good understanding of the potential impact of a continuing education course on job prospects, you can move on to the next step.

Developing a plan to identify and pursue career goals

  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses and think about what kind of career would suit you
  • Research the job market and job roles that match your skills and interests
  • Make a list of career options that you think would be suitable
  • Assess each option against your interests, skills, qualifications, and experience
  • Pick the one that best suits your needs
  • Set career goals and create an action plan to help you reach your goals
  • Monitor your progress against your plan and make adjustments if necessary

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified your career goals and created an action plan to help you reach them.

Identifying career goals

  • Brainstorm and list your top 5 career aspirations
  • Reflect on what type of job role, industry and location you would like to work in
  • Consider the skills and experience required for each career aspiration
  • Research the job roles available in each field
  • Consider the lifestyle you would like and the hours you would need to work
  • Gather information on salaries, job market and job requirements for each of your top 5 career aspirations

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will have identified your top 5 career aspirations
  • You will have researched job roles, salaries, job market and job requirements for each of those aspirations
  • You will have considered the skills, experience and lifestyle requirements for each of those aspirations.

Researching how to achieve them

  • Research the different career fields that match your goals, the specific job titles and requirements associated with those roles, and the potential paths to get there
  • Research the education and experience requirements of those roles
  • Research the career paths of people who have already achieved your goals
  • Research the resources available to support your goals, such as training and development
  • Research the typical salary ranges for the jobs you are interested in
  • Research the job market in the areas you are interested in
  • When you have done sufficient research to understand the paths to achieving your career goals, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Creating a plan to pursue them

  • Identify your goals and create a timeline for when you want to achieve them
  • Break down your goals into small, achievable steps
  • Set yourself realistic deadlines for each step
  • Create a plan for how you will track your progress and review your progress regularly
  • Identify any potential obstacles in the plan, and create a plan for how to overcome them
  • When you have a plan that you are comfortable with, commit to it and stick to it

You will know when you can check this step off your list when you have created a plan that you are comfortable with, and are ready to commit to it and start pursuing your goals.

Understanding the importance of self-awareness and how to use it to make the most of your career

  • Understand the importance of self-awareness and how it can help you make the most of your career
  • Take time to reflect and think about yourself, your skills and experiences, and the career goals you have
  • Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses and think about how they can make you successful in your career
  • Make use of self-assessment and career exploration tools, such as questionnaires and surveys, to gain further insight into yourself
  • Research and explore different career paths and options available to you
  • Think about your values and aspirations and how they can be applied to your career
  • Seek feedback from people who know you well and can provide you with valuable insight

You will know you can move on to the next step when you have a good understanding of yourself and can identify your personal strengths and weaknesses. You should also have a list of your strengths and weaknesses and a better understanding of how they can help you make the most of your career.

Learning how to identify personal strengths and weaknesses

  • Make a list of your past successes and areas of expertise
  • Ask friends, family and colleagues to identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • Perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis on yourself to identify any gaps
  • Reflect on areas of improvement, and develop an action plan to close the gap
  • Use online tools such as personality tests and skills assessments to gain more insight into yourself
  • Use free resources such as TED talks and online courses to develop your skills and knowledge

When you can check this off your list:

  • You will have identified your personal strengths and weaknesses
  • You will have a plan of action to further develop your skills and knowledge

Identifying and using resources to further develop skills

  • Brainstorm and research potential resources you can use to further develop existing skills and learn new ones
  • Make a list of relevant resources and note down the key information such as cost, time, and access
  • Identify and contact potential mentors, coaches, and other professionals to help you further develop your skills
  • Identify and join online communities or groups of professionals related to your skills
  • Dedicate time and resources to continuously improve and further develop your skills
  • Monitor your progress and measure the impact and success of using these resources

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified and used resources to further develop your skills and when you have seen progress and improvement in your skills.

Understanding the importance of self-reflection and feedback

  • Take time to reflect on your work and skillset, both on your own and with the help of a mentor or supervisor
  • Identify areas for improvement and set goals for yourself
  • Seek out constructive feedback from others and strive to make changes accordingly
  • Learn from your mistakes and use them as an opportunity to grow
  • Monitor your progress and celebrate successes
  • You will know when you can move on to the next step when you have implemented the changes from the feedback you have received and reviewed the progress you have made.


Example dispute

Suing Companies for Unauthorized Use of Know How

  • The plaintiff must prove that the defendant has used or misappropriated their know how without permission. This includes patents, trade secrets, confidential information and other intellectual property.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence of the unauthorized use, such as documents, emails, or other digital records.
  • The plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant had access to the know how or information, and that the defendant used or misappropriated it.
  • The plaintiff must show that the defendant’s unauthorized use of the know how or information caused them damages. This includes lost profits, reputational harm, or other financial losses.
  • The plaintiff must also demonstrate that the defendant knew or should have known that their actions were unauthorized.
  • The plaintiff can seek damages to compensate them for their losses, including punitive damages if appropriate.
  • Settlement of the case may be possible if the plaintiff and the defendant can agree to a resolution, such as a payment or other form of compensation.

Templates available (free to use)

Know How And Patent Licence
Nda For Proposed Know How Licence
Patent And Know How Licence Pharmaceutical
Patent And Know How License Agreement
Patent And Know How License Contract Licensor Friendly
Patent And Know How License Contract Simple

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