Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

How To Review A SaaS Subscription Agreement (Clause-by-Clause RAG Review Guide)

15th Aug
8 mins
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Firstly, what is a SaaS subscription agreement?

A SaaS subscription agreement is a contract between a service provider and a client, where the client subscribes to a software service provided over the internet by the provider. This contract sets out the agreement between the parties, including terms of payment, access, rights and obligations, and termination. In a legal context, a RAG Review (Red, Amber, Green) is a process of assessing and ranking risks or issues based on their urgency or importance.

How to review a SaaS subscription agreement template that you have received, or downloaded online

When reviewing a template you have received or downloaded online, it’s important to go through clause by clause to ensure that it appropriately serves your needs and interests. You can check out some templates from the Genie AI Open Source Template Library.

Clauses, sections or commercial terms to expect in a SaaS subscription agreement

We will go into each of these clauses in detail at a later stage, but for now, here’s a list of things you can expect to find in a typical SaaS subscription agreement:

  • Definitions
  • Service provision
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Payment terms
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Data Protection and Privacy
  • Confidentiality
  • Liabilities
  • Termination
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction
  • Appendixes and Schedules

Optional clauses for a SaaS subscription agreement

  • Renewal and Upgrades
  • Training and Support
  • Integration with Other Software
  • Data Backup and Security
  • Feedback and Improvements

Additional clauses for specific circumstances or sectors where a SaaS subscription agreement will come in handy

  • Compliance with specific Regulation applicable to FinTech
  • Acceptable Use Policy for sectors such as Social Media
  • Extra Security Measures for HealthTech

You may find other clauses in your document that aren’t listed above. For those, please consider signing up for a free Genie AI account and using our RAG Document Review.

Clause by Clause Review of a SaaS Subscription Agreement:


  • 🔴 Ambiguous definitions that can lead to conflicting interpretations or disputes. For example, if ““Service”” is not clearly defined, it may cause confusion regarding the scope of the software being provided.
  • 🟠 Lack of clarity in the definitions may lead to minor misunderstandings between the parties. For instance, a vaguely defined term like ““Confidential Information”” may cause confusion about what information is considered confidential.
  • 🟢 Clear definitions that accurately define the key terms used throughout the contract, reducing the potential for misunderstanding or disputes.

Service provision

  • 🔴 Insufficient description of the services to be provided, resulting in uncertainty and potential disagreements regarding the scope of the software or functionality.
  • 🟠 Limited liability or remedies for service interruptions or delays, leading to potential dissatisfaction or inconvenience for the client.
  • 🟢 Detailed and specific description of the services to be provided, including any limitations or exclusions, to ensure transparency and align expectations.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

  • 🔴 Vague or unrealistic service level targets, which may impact the smooth functioning of the software and cause dissatisfaction for the client.
  • 🟠 Inadequate provisions for compensating the client in case of service level failures, potentially leading to financial losses for the client’s business.
  • 🟢 Clear and reasonable service level targets with appropriate remedies in case of any service level failures, ensuring a reliable and satisfactory service.

Payment terms

  • 🔴 Unclear payment terms, such as ambiguous invoicing procedures or delayed payment timelines, which may result in payment disputes between the parties.
  • 🟠 Lack of flexibility in payment options or failure to address scenarios where payment may be delayed due to technical issues, potentially causing inconvenience.
  • 🟢 Well-defined payment terms that clearly specify pricing, invoicing, payment methods, and any applicable taxes, ensuring smooth financial transactions.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • 🔴 Inadequate provisions for ownership and protection of intellectual property, leading to potential disputes over ownership or unauthorized use of software.
  • 🟠 Limited or unclear provisions related to licensing, sublicensing, or use of intellectual property, requiring further clarification or negotiation.
  • 🟢 Robust provisions that clearly establish the ownership, licensing rights, and permitted use of intellectual property, protecting the interests of both parties.

Data Protection and Privacy

  • 🔴 Insufficient provisions regarding data protection and privacy obligations, potentially resulting in non-compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.
  • 🟠 Vague or inadequate provisions related to data security measures and breach notification obligations, potentially risking the security and privacy of the client’s data.
  • 🟢 Comprehensive provisions that address data protection obligations, data security measures, breach notification requirements, and compliance with applicable privacy laws, ensuring the protection of sensitive information.


  • 🔴 Inadequate or unclear provisions for maintaining confidentiality of proprietary or sensitive information, increasing the risk of unauthorized disclosure or misuse.
  • 🟠 Limited restrictions on the use or disclosure of confidential information, requiring additional safeguards to protect the client’s confidential data.
  • 🟢 Strong confidentiality provisions that clearly outline the obligations and restrictions regarding the handling, use, and disclosure of confidential information, maintaining confidentiality and trade secrets.


  • 🔴 Unfair or excessive limitation of liability clauses that absolve the service provider from accountability for damages caused by their negligence or intentional misconduct.
  • 🟠 Weak indemnification provisions that fail to adequately protect the client from liabilities arising from the software or service usage.
  • 🟢 Balanced liability provisions that define the extent of liability for each party, ensuring a fair allocation of risks and damages.


  • 🔴 Unreasonable termination provisions that impose burdensome requirements or unfavorable conditions for either party to terminate the agreement.
  • 🟠 Insufficient provisions related to termination notice periods, rights to early termination, or consequences of termination, requiring further negotiation or clarification.
  • 🟢 Clear and reasonable termination provisions that allow for an orderly termination of the agreement, protecting the interests of both parties.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • 🔴 Selection of an inappropriate governing law or jurisdiction that may not adequately protect the rights and interests of the client or allow for convenient dispute resolution.
  • 🟠 Lack of clarity in the choice of governing law and jurisdiction, potentially resulting in confusion or disputes related to applicable laws and courts.
  • 🟢 Well-defined selection of governing law and jurisdiction that best aligns with the parties’ preferences and ensures fair and efficient resolution of any disputes.

Appendixes and Schedules

  • 🔴 Missing or incomplete appendixes or schedules that are necessary for effectively defining key terms, pricing details, or additional terms and conditions.
  • 🟠 Inadequate organization or formatting of appendixes and schedules, making it difficult to navigate or locate specific information.
  • 🟢 Well-structured and comprehensive appendixes and schedules that provide clear and detailed information to support the main body of the agreement.

Renewal and Upgrades

  • 🔴 Unfavorable auto-renewal clauses that may result in unintended renewals or difficulties in terminating the agreement.
  • 🟠 Lack of provisions addressing upgrades or updates of the software during the subscription period, potentially causing compatibility or functionality issues.
  • 🟢 Clear and fair provisions regarding renewal options, upgrade availability, and procedures, ensuring transparency and flexibility.

Training and Support

  • 🔴 Insufficient provisions for necessary training or user support, potentially resulting in a poor user experience or difficulties in effectively utilizing the software.
  • 🟠 Vague or limited commitments regarding the availability or quality of training or support services, requiring further clarification or negotiation.
  • 🟢 Robust provisions that outline the scope, availability, and quality of training and support services provided by the service provider, ensuring a smooth onboarding and ongoing assistance.

Integration with Other Software

  • 🔴 Restrictions or limitations on integrating the software with other systems or applications, potentially hampering the client’s ability to leverage the full capabilities of the software.
  • 🟠 Unclear provisions related to compatibility or technical requirements for integrating the software with existing systems, requiring further clarification or evaluation.
  • 🟢 Clear and flexible provisions allowing for seamless integration of the software with other systems, maximizing its interoperability and functionality.

Data Backup and Security

  • 🔴 Inadequate provisions for data backup mechanisms, potentially leading to data loss or unrecoverable damage in case of system failures.
  • 🟠 Lack of comprehensive security measures or protocols to protect the client’s data from unauthorized access, breaches, or cyber threats.
  • 🟢 Robust provisions that establish regular data backups, data retention policies, and appropriate security measures to safeguard the client’s data.

Feedback and Improvements

  • 🔴 Ambiguous or restrictive provisions regarding the client’s ability to provide feedback, suggestions, or requests for improvements to the software.
  • 🟠 Limited commitment or lack of clarity on the service provider’s obligations to consider and implement reasonable improvement requests from the client.
  • 🟢 Clear provisions allowing the client to provide feedback and engage in constructive discussions for the continuous improvement of the software, ensuring a collaborative relationship.

By practicing manual RAG reviews on your own documents based on your own business needs, you can better assess and customize this generic RAG review advice for your own SaaS subscription agreements. However, it can be time-consuming. For a quick and automated review, you can try out our AI RAG Review that can analyze your entire document in seconds.

If you’d like to find alternative options for each clause, do check the Free Genie AI clause library.

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