Alex Denne
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How to Draft a Deposit Account Control Agreement

23 Mar 2023
34 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


A Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA) is an essential legal document that safeguards the interests of financial institutions, businesses, and individuals when dealing with deposits in bank accounts. Used properly, a DACA can be a powerful tool for protecting all parties involved in a financial transaction.

The primary purpose of a DACA is to define the rights and obligations of each party in the deposit agreement. Specifically, it outlines what each party is responsible for and what will happen if any of these commitments aren’t honored. This helps to ensure that all participants in the agreement are held accountable for their actions and that no one gets away with any wrongdoing. The ACA also goes beyond just setting out rules - it provides protection to both parties involved by laying out possible legal repercussions should either side breach its terms.

Moreover, a DACA is designed to protect both the financial institution accepting deposits as well as any individual or business depositing funds into an account - it outlines precisely how deposits must be handled along with potential consequences should either party fail to abide by its provisions. As such, it ensures that everyone remains secure from any potential losses or legal action resulting from any missteps along the way.

Finally, flexibility is key when drafting a DACA: This document can be tailored to fit specific transactions so as to make sure both parties are satisfied with its terms and conditions - types of deposits accepted can vary depending on the needs of each side while punishments outlined may need adjusting depending on how serious the violation might be. All this means greater control over finances while still safeguarding everyone involved in case something goes awry down the line.

In conclusion, understanding how to draft an effective Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA) is essential for anyone dealing with financial transactions involving multiple parties; this document not only helps ensure that no one breaches their duties but also protects all sides against unexpected losses or legal action by clearly outlining possible punishments should things not go according to plan. That’s why at Genie AI we provide free templates for this important document – so you don’t have worry about wasting time getting lost down countless rabbit holes trying get everything just right! Read on below for our step-by-step guidance and information on accessing our template library today – no Genie AI account required!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA): A contract between a bank and one or more parties that gives the bank control over a deposit account and outlines the duties, rights, and responsibilities of each party.

Jurisdiction: The legal authority of a court, government, or other body to make decisions and enforce laws.

Notary Public: A person, usually a lawyer, who is authorized by law to witness the signing of documents and certify them as authentic.

Rights and Obligations: The rights of one party and the responsibilities of another party in a contract.

Terms and Conditions: The specific rules and regulations that must be followed when entering into a contract.

Third-Party: Someone other than the two main parties involved in a contract.

Dispute Resolution: A process for resolving conflicts between two or more parties, such as through negotiation or arbitration.


  • Definition and purpose of a DACA
  • What is a DACA?
  • Why is a DACA necessary?
  • Overview of the legal and regulatory framework and requirements
  • What laws and regulations apply?
  • What are the required documents?
  • What is the timeline for setting up a DACA?
  • How to identify and analyze the relevant stakeholders
  • Who are the stakeholders involved?
  • Analyzing the stakeholders’ rights and obligations
  • Drafting the agreement, including key provisions and clauses
  • Identifying the key provisions and clauses
  • Creating the draft agreement document
  • Finalizing and approving the agreement
  • Executing the agreement
  • Signing the agreement
  • Notifying all stakeholders of the agreement
  • Managing and monitoring the agreement
  • Ensuring all parties are complying with the agreement
  • Keeping records of all changes and updates
  • Reviewing the agreement every 6 months
  • Termination of the agreement
  • What terms need to be satisfied for the agreement to be terminated?
  • How should the agreement be terminated?
  • Notifying all parties of the termination
  • Dispute resolution
  • What dispute resolution mechanisms are available?
  • How are disputes to be managed and resolved?
  • Accessing professional advice and support
  • What professional services are available?
  • How to access the services?
  • Preparing for the next steps
  • What needs to be done after the DACA has been set up and executed?
  • What other documents or agreements may be necessary?

Get started

Definition and purpose of a DACA

  • Understand the purpose of a Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA): a DACA is a contract between a financial institution and a borrower that grants the lender the right to control a borrower’s deposit accounts.
  • Learn when a DACA is used: a DACA is used in commercial lending transactions, primarily for a business borrower.
  • Determine the benefits of a DACA: a DACA provides additional security to a lender by granting them control over a borrower’s deposit accounts.
  • Identify the parties involved in a DACA: typically, the parties involved in a DACA are the lender, the borrower, and the depository institution.
  • Understand the terms of a DACA: the terms of a DACA will typically include the rights and obligations of the parties, the accounts to be included in the agreement, and any other applicable terms.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have read up on the definition and purpose of a DACA, researched when a DACA is used, identified the benefits of a DACA, identified the parties involved in a DACA, and understood the terms of a DACA, you can move on to the next step.

What is a DACA?

  • Understand what a Deposit Account Control Agreement is and why it’s necessary
  • Read the Uniform Commercial Code to understand the legal requirements of a DACA
  • Understand the purpose and the purpose of the agreement, which is to grant the secured party control over the debtor’s deposit accounts
  • Research what types of account and restrictions the debtor can have
  • Draft the agreement using standard language and provisions
  • Sign the agreement with both parties

Once you have completed these steps, you can move on to the next step: ### Why is a DACA necessary?

Why is a DACA necessary?

  • Understand why a Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA) is necessary for a financial institution.
  • DACA’s are a form of security agreement that establishes the rights of a lender when a borrower pledges a deposit account as collateral.
  • DACA’s create a security interest between the lender and the borrower, allowing the lender to take control of the pledged account if the borrower defaults on the loan.
  • DACA’s provide the lender with priority in the event of a bankruptcy and can also be used to protect the lender if the borrower attempts to transfer or withdraw funds from the account.
  • DACA’s also create a contractual relationship between the borrower and the lender, setting out the rights and obligations of both parties.

You can check this off your list when you understand why a DACA is necessary and what it is used for.

Overview of the legal and regulatory framework and requirements

  • Understand the legal and regulatory framework for deposit accounts
  • Research applicable statutes, regulations, and laws
  • Review relevant case law
  • Identify any other legal requirements
  • Check to see if any local, state, or federal laws apply
  • When you have a comprehensive understanding of the legal and regulatory framework, you can move on to the next step.

What laws and regulations apply?

  • Research the laws and regulations that apply to deposit accounts in your jurisdiction.
  • Consider whether additional laws and regulations must be taken into account.
  • Ensure that your agreement complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

Once you have completed the research and have taken into account all applicable laws and regulations, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

What are the required documents?

  • Gather all documents needed to draft the deposit account control agreement, including the account agreement, signature cards, and other forms
  • Review the requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code, the bank’s own policies and procedures, and any other applicable laws
  • Ensure that the documents are properly formatted, have the right information, and contain all the necessary signatures
  • Print out a copy of the draft agreement for review
  • Once all the documents are gathered and reviewed, you can submit the draft agreement for approval
  • Keep a copy of the final agreement for your records
  • You will know that the required documents for the deposit account control agreement are complete when you receive the approval from the bank

What is the timeline for setting up a DACA?

  • Establish a timeline for the completion of the DACA:
  • Decide on a timeline for the preparation and filing of the agreement with the appropriate regulatory agency, as well as for any other paperwork that needs to be filed with the agency.
  • Agree on deadlines with all parties to ensure timely compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Monitor deadlines and progress:
  • Schedule regular meetings to track the progress of the agreement and any other related paperwork.
  • Remind all parties of their responsibilities and ensure they are meeting their obligations.
  • Check off this step when the timeline is established and all parties have agreed to comply with it.

How to identify and analyze the relevant stakeholders

  • Identify all the relevant stakeholders in the Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA).
  • Analyze their roles and how they will be involved in the DACA.
  • Consider the potential risks of entering into a DACA with each of the stakeholders.
  • Determine how each stakeholder will benefit from the DACA.
  • Research and analyze the reputation of each stakeholder.
  • Evaluate the best way to negotiate and communicate with each stakeholder.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified, analyzed, and evaluated all the stakeholders involved in the DACA, you can move on to the next step.

Who are the stakeholders involved?

  • Identify the parties to the agreement: the depositor and the bank
  • Understand the depositor’s goals and objectives with the agreement
  • Understand the bank’s goals and objectives with the agreement
  • Analyze the terms and conditions of the agreement and how they affect the depositor and the bank
  • Check to make sure both parties agree to the terms
  • Have both parties sign the agreement

Once all of the above is completed, you can move on to the next step: ### Analyzing the stakeholders’ rights and obligations.

Analyzing the stakeholders’ rights and obligations

  • Research the applicable laws and regulations to ensure the agreement is compliant
  • Identify the rights and obligations of each stakeholder based on their role in the agreement
  • List out the rights and obligations of each stakeholder
  • Each stakeholder must sign the agreement to acknowledge their rights and obligations
  • When all stakeholders have signed the agreement, you can move to the next step of drafting the agreement, including key provisions and clauses.

Drafting the agreement, including key provisions and clauses

  • Review the analyzed information to determine what provisions and clauses need to be included in the deposit account control agreement
  • Draft the agreement using the relevant provisions and clauses
  • Ensure that the agreement is legally binding and in compliance with applicable laws
  • Review the agreement for accuracy and completeness
  • Have the parties to the agreement sign the document
  • When all parties have signed, the agreement is complete and ready to be enforced

Identifying the key provisions and clauses

  • Review the applicable Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and any applicable state or local laws
  • Identify the key provisions and clauses that should be included in the agreement
  • Consider how the account will be used and the rights and obligations of each party
  • Identify any third-party beneficiary rights that may be included
  • Determine the language and terms that need to be included, such as the definition of the account and the parties’ rights and obligations
  • When you have identified all of the key provisions and clauses, you will be ready to move onto creating the draft agreement document.

Creating the draft agreement document

  • Use a standard document template that includes the necessary language and clauses for deposit account control agreements
  • Download the template and open it in a word processing program
  • Modify the template to include any specific provisions and clauses needed for the agreement
  • Make sure the language is clear and readable
  • Make sure the parties’ names are listed correctly
  • Finalize the draft document and save a copy
  • Once you have a complete draft document, you can move on to the next step of finalizing and approving the agreement.

Finalizing and approving the agreement

  • Review the agreement for accuracy and completeness
  • Amend any sections as needed
  • Get the agreement signed by all parties involved
  • Make sure all parties have a copy of the agreement
  • Check that all signatures are valid
  • File the agreement in a safe and secure place
  • You can check this off your list when all parties have signed the agreement and a copy has been filed in a safe and secure place.

Executing the agreement

  • Obtain the signatures of all parties involved in the agreement.
  • Ensure that the agreement has been properly filled out and all details have been included.
  • Check that all documents submitted by the parties are in order and have been properly notarized.
  • Make copies of the agreement for each party involved.
  • Send out the documents to the parties involved.

Once all of the above have been completed, you can proceed to the next step: Signing the agreement.

Signing the agreement

  • Obtain signatures from all parties to the agreement.
  • Ensure that the signatures are notarized, if required.
  • Present the agreement to the respective bank for its signature.
  • Obtain a countersigned copy from the bank.
  • You will know that you have completed this step when all parties to the agreement have signed, and the countersigned copy is returned from the bank.

Notifying all stakeholders of the agreement

  • Send a copy of the signed agreement to all stakeholders
  • Confirm that all stakeholders have received a copy of the agreement
  • Ask all stakeholders to sign a verification that they have received a copy of the agreement
  • Follow up with any stakeholders who have not confirmed receipt of the agreement
  • Once all stakeholders have confirmed receipt of the agreement, you can move on to the next step - managing and monitoring the agreement.

Managing and monitoring the agreement

  • Establish a system for monitoring the agreement to ensure all parties are adhering to their obligations
  • Monitor the agreement to check that all parties are fulfilling their obligations in a timely manner
  • Make sure the agreement is regularly updated to reflect any changes in the deposit account
  • Inform all parties of any changes to the deposit account control agreement
  • Develop a system for tracking any changes to the agreement and ensuring that all parties are informed
  • Set up a system for reporting any disputes or issues that arise and take steps to resolve them
  • Monitor compliance with the agreement on a regular basis and take steps to ensure that any issues are addressed immediately
  • When all parties are complying with the agreement and the deposit account is being managed properly, you can move on to the next step.

Ensuring all parties are complying with the agreement

  • Ensure that all parties are familiar with the deposit account control agreement and understand their responsibilities.
  • Make sure all parties have signed the agreement and that all relevant documents are up-to-date.
  • Review the agreement to make sure all parties are in compliance and taking necessary actions.
  • Confirm that all changes, modifications and updates to the agreement are done in writing.
  • Establish a system of communication between all parties to ensure the agreement is being followed properly.
  • Monitor the agreement on a regular basis to make sure all parties are complying with their obligations.
  • When all parties are in compliance and the agreement is being followed, you can move on to the next step.

Keeping records of all changes and updates

  • Make sure to document any changes and updates to the agreement in a log book.
  • Record the date, time, name of the person who made the changes, and the details of the changes.
  • Ensure that everyone involved in the agreement has access to the log book.
  • You can check off this step and move on to the next step when you see that the log book is updated with all changes and updates to the agreement.

Reviewing the agreement every 6 months

  • Review the deposit account control agreement at least every six months to ensure that it is up to date.
  • Note any changes to the agreement, and document them in your records.
  • Make sure that all parties agree to the changes.
  • Send a copy of the revised agreement to all parties for their final approval.
  • When all parties have approved the changes and signed the revised agreement, you can move on to the next step of terminating the agreement.

Termination of the agreement

  • Consider the consequences of termination of the agreement before proceeding.
  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement and the date of agreement.
  • Specify the conditions for termination of the agreement.
  • Outline the procedure for terminating the agreement.
  • Include a signature block for each party to sign and date.

You can check this off your list when all the conditions for termination of the agreement have been specified and the procedure for termination has been outlined.

What terms need to be satisfied for the agreement to be terminated?

  • The agreement will typically be terminated upon the occurrence of specific events such as the death of one of the parties, the bankruptcy of either party, the expiration of the agreement’s term, or the completion of the purpose of the agreement
  • The agreement should also outline the conditions under which either party may terminate the agreement unilaterally
  • Make sure to include a provision in the agreement that requires any party seeking to terminate the agreement to provide reasonable notice to the other party
  • You will know when this step is complete when all of the necessary terms and conditions for termination of the agreement have been outlined in the agreement.

How should the agreement be terminated?

  • Notify all parties of the termination in writing
  • Include the effective date of the termination
  • Describe the reason for the termination (if applicable)
  • Include the signature of all parties involved

Checklist item complete: all parties have been notified of the termination in writing, with the effective date, reason (if applicable) and signatures.

Notifying all parties of the termination

  • Notify all parties in writing of the termination of the Deposit Account Control Agreement
  • Include the date of termination in the notice
  • Ensure that all parties have received the notice and acknowledge their understanding of the termination
  • Check off this step from your list when all parties have received the notice and acknowledge their understanding of the termination

Dispute resolution

  • Identify a dispute resolution mechanism that works for all parties. This can be a private mediator, a third-party arbitration service, or a court of law.
  • Make sure the mechanism is clearly spelled out in the agreement.
  • Specify how any disputes will be resolved and what the final outcome will be.
  • Determine the timeline for dispute resolution and include it in the agreement.
  • Once all steps are in place, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

What dispute resolution mechanisms are available?

  • Consider the different types of dispute resolution mechanisms that could be included in the Deposit Account Control Agreement, such as arbitration, negotiation, and mediation.
  • List out each of the dispute resolution mechanisms that should be included in the Deposit Account Control Agreement.
  • Make sure to include the details of each dispute resolution mechanism, such as who will be responsible for the costs of the dispute resolution, or who will be responsible for appointing an arbitrator.
  • Once you have listed out the dispute resolution mechanisms and all of the details, you can check this step off your list and move on to step ### How are disputes to be managed and resolved?.

How are disputes to be managed and resolved?

  • Identify the dispute resolution mechanism that works best for all parties involved in the agreement
  • Specify the terms of the dispute resolution mechanism, such as the process for initiating the dispute resolution, communication methods, and timelines
  • Establish the potential outcomes of the dispute resolution process and how they will be implemented
  • Determine who will bear the costs associated with the dispute resolution process
  • Specify which decision is binding, and provide for any exceptions to this

Once you have identified and specified the dispute resolution mechanism and the terms governing it, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Accessing professional advice and support

  • Seek out legal advice from a qualified attorney who specializes in banking and financial regulations
  • Research local and national organizations that offer deposit account control agreement guidance and assistance
  • Get in touch with a bank or financial institution that is familiar with deposit account control agreements to ask questions and gain insight
  • Review any applicable state and federal laws to ensure your deposit account control agreement is compliant
  • Once the professional advice and support has been accessed, the next step can be begun.

What professional services are available?

  • Research the services of attorneys, accountants, and other financial professionals.
  • Check to see if any of these professionals have experience in drafting deposit account control agreements.
  • Contact the professionals to ask if they offer this service and what their rates are.
  • Ask other business owners and colleagues for referrals to professionals they have used in the past.
  • When you have found the right professional, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

How to access the services?

  • Gather all the documents and information you will need to open your deposit account control agreement
  • Contact the professional service provider to discuss the services they offer and get any questions answered
  • Obtain the necessary forms and documents from the service provider and complete them
  • Make sure all the required information and documents are included in the deposit account control agreement
  • Submit the agreement to the service provider and wait for confirmation that it has been accepted
  • Once you have received confirmation, you can move on to the next step of the process.

Preparing for the next steps

• Gather all relevant documents and information related to the deposit account, such as account numbers, account titles, authorized signatories, and contact information.
• Draft the deposit account control agreement (DACA) in accordance with your bank’s policy and procedures.
• Review the DACA to ensure it meets the requirements of your bank and the customer.
• Once complete, submit the DACA to the customer for review and signature.
• Once the DACA is signed, submit it to your bank for verification and authorization.

You’ll know that you can move on to the next step when the DACA has been reviewed, signed, and submitted to the bank for authorization.

What needs to be done after the DACA has been set up and executed?

  • Review the executed DACA to make sure all parties have signed and dated the document
  • Ensure that all parties have a copy of the executed DACA
  • Make sure that all parties have access to the account information
  • File the executed DACA in the appropriate records
  • Notify all account holders of the terms and conditions of the DACA
  • Monitor the account to ensure compliance with the DACA
  • Create a list of any additional documents or agreements that may be necessary

Once all of the above items have been completed, you can move on to the next step.

What other documents or agreements may be necessary?

  • Review the account control agreement to determine if any other documents or agreements are necessary
  • Consult with a lawyer to determine if any other documents or agreements are needed
  • If additional documents or agreements are required, draft the documents and agreements as necessary
  • Checklist all necessary documents and agreements to ensure all are accounted for and completed
  • Once all documents and agreements have been drafted and completed, the setup process is complete
  • Move on to the next step in the process to ensure the agreement is properly executed and all necessary parties have signed off.

Example dispute

Suing a Bank for Breach of a Deposit Account Control Agreement

  • Plaintiff may sue a bank for breach of a deposit account control agreement if the bank has failed to abide by the terms of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff must be able to prove that the bank has not met its obligations under the agreement and that the plaintiff has suffered damages as a result.
  • To succeed in a lawsuit of this nature, the plaintiff must show that the bank did not comply with the specific requirements set out in the agreement, and that this caused the plaintiff to suffer financial losses.
  • Settlement might be reached through negotiation or mediation, or by awarding monetary damages.
  • Damages are calculated based on the amount of money the plaintiff lost as a result of the breach of the agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Deposit Account Control Agreement

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