Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

How to Draft a Commercial Purchase Agreement

23 Mar 2023
27 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


An effective commercial purchase agreement is an integral part of any business transaction. It serves as a legally binding document, outlining the rights, obligations and conditions on both parties in a purchase and sale agreement. Without such a well-crafted contract, businesses can be exposed to potential risks and liabilities.

The Genie AI team knows just how important it is to have the right kind of agreement in place. We believe that by having all the details laid out in advance, both buyers and sellers can rest assured their interests are protected– from the terms of payment to any warranties or guarantees associated with the transaction. The agreement can also provide clarity regarding what is included and excluded from the scope of the deal.

In addition to providing protection for either party involved in a transaction, a commercial purchase agreement provides certainty about its terms – something especially important when dealing with complex transactions or international purchases. Moreover, by having such an arrangement in place disputes or disagreements can be avoided down the line – meaning everyone will be on exactly same page throughout each step of process.

At Genie AI we are committed to helping businesses get access to market-standard legal documents without needing to pay for expert lawyers or solicitors – our free open source library has millions of datapoints which teach us what makes up an effective commercial purchase agreement. Simply read on below for our step-by-step guidance (and information on how you can access our template library today). With Genie AI’s intelligent templates drafting high quality contracts has never been easier!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Participants: Individuals involved in a transaction.
Transaction: An exchange of goods, services, or money between two or more parties.
Contract: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.
Review: To carefully examine or study something.
Edit: To make changes or corrections to a document.
Terms: The conditions of an agreement.
Conditions: Requirements that must be met for an agreement to be valid.
Representations: Statements that one party is making about the transaction.
Warranties: Promises or guarantees by one party about the quality or condition of goods or services.
Indemnification: A legal agreement in which one party agrees to protect the other party from any losses or damages that may occur as a result of the agreement.
Printing: Producing copies of a document.
Signatures: An individual’s written name or mark that is used to show agreement or to verify the identity of a person.


  • Identifying the Participants
  • Describing the Transaction
  • Drafting the Contract
  • Reviewing the Contract
  • Editing the Contract
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Representations and Warranties
  • Indemnification
  • Printing Copies of the Contract
  • Signatures

Get started

Identifying the Participants

  • Identify the parties to the agreement, which can include individuals or legal entities such as corporations and LLCs
  • Ensure that each party has the legal authority to enter into the binding agreement
  • Identify the roles of each party; for example, buyer, seller, lessor, lessee, licensor, licensee, etc.
  • List the contact information of each party, including their full legal name, address, email address, and phone number
  • Check that all the details are correct
  • When you are done identifying the participants, you can move on to the next step.

Describing the Transaction

  • Establish the structure of the agreement
  • Describe the goods/services being purchased and the price
  • Define the delivery terms
  • Specify any warranties or guarantees
  • Outline payment terms
  • Describe any additional terms or conditions
  • Include a clause to address dispute resolution

When you have completed this step, you will have described the transaction in the contract and have a clear understanding of the specifics of the agreement.

Drafting the Contract

  • Identify the parties to the contract
  • Include a description of the purchase, including the quantity, price, delivery date, and payment terms
  • Describe any warranties or representations made by the seller
  • Include a statement that the contract supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements
  • Include any other terms or conditions that are specific to the transaction
  • Sign and date the contract

Once all of the above items have been included and the contract is ready for review, you can move on to the next step of reviewing the contract.

Reviewing the Contract

  • Carefully read through the contract to make sure that all the relevant information is correct
  • Check for any spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
  • Ensure that all terms, conditions, and obligations are clearly stated
  • Confirm that all parties involved have provided signatures
  • Confirm that all parties have agreed to the same terms
  • Make sure that the contract is in compliance with applicable laws
  • When you are satisfied that the contract is accurate and complete, you can move on to the next step.

Editing the Contract

  • Carefully read through the contract, taking notes on any changes that need to be made
  • Make any necessary changes in the text of the contract, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and accurate
  • Ensure that all parties involved in the agreement have signed and dated the contract
  • Check that all relevant schedules and exhibits have been properly attached to the contract
  • Ensure that the contract is properly formatted and that all typos and grammar mistakes are corrected

When you have thoroughly reviewed and edited the contract, you can move on to the next step: ### Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions

  • Read through the entire contract to make sure all terms and conditions are accurately stated
  • Check for any inconsistencies
  • Determine whether any additional terms need to be added, such as payment terms or delivery terms
  • Include any special provisions you want to include
  • Make sure the parties agree to all of the terms and conditions
  • Once all of the terms and conditions have been reviewed and agreed upon, the contract is ready for signing
  • You can check this step off your list and move on to Representations and Warranties when all of the terms and conditions have been finalized and approved.

Representations and Warranties

  • Determine the nature of the transaction, such as whether the sale is for goods or services, and the date of the agreement
  • Establish the parties to the agreement, including the buyer, seller and any guarantors
  • Identify the goods or services being purchased and the purchase price
  • Identify any special representations and warranties made by the seller
  • Include any disclaimers of warranties by the seller
  • Include language concerning the limitation of liability
  • Establish the details of any security deposits, payment terms and financing arrangements
  • Establish the process for indemnification and dispute resolution
  • Include other miscellaneous provisions as necessary
  • Once all representations and warranties are included, the agreement is ready to move on to the next step in the process.


  • Understand the purpose of indemnification - it is to protect the buyer from certain claims that could arise from the purchase of the property
  • Establish which party will be held responsible for any potential claims - typically the seller will be held responsible for any claims that arise from the purchase of the property
  • Determine any specific claims that the seller will be responsible for - such as any claims related to the condition of the property or any preexisting liens
  • Include language that specifies the amount of money that the seller will be responsible for in the event of a claim
  • Draft language that establishes where any disputes between the parties will be heard
  • Check that the indemnification clause is consistent with the terms of the rest of the agreement
  • When you have completed drafting the indemnification clause, you can move on to drafting the printing copies of the contract step.

Printing Copies of the Contract

  • Obtain at least two copies of the completed agreement
  • Make sure that the copies are legible and that all the parties’ signatures are present
  • Print out the copies and store them in a secure place
  • When finished, you should have two copies of a fully signed agreement that is ready to be executed


  • Both parties should append their signatures to the agreement in the designated areas
  • Both parties should also print their names in the signature area
  • The agreement should be dated to reflect the date on which it was signed by both parties
  • Finally, both parties should have witnesses present to observe the signing of the agreement
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement and it is dated, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: How do international laws affect a commercial purchase agreement?

Asked by Rachel on May 1st 2022.
A: International laws can have a significant effect on the terms of a commercial purchase agreement, depending on the jurisdiction in which the agreement is being made. It is important to consider the laws of both the seller’s and buyer’s country when drafting a commercial purchase agreement, as one set of laws may take precedence over another. In some cases, an international arbitration clause may need to be included in order to ensure that all parties are properly protected. It is also important to be aware of any international regulations that may apply, such as those relating to anti-bribery or anti-corruption. Additionally, it is important to consider any applicable tax treaties that may be relevant to the agreement.

Q: How should a commercial purchase agreement address intellectual property rights?

Asked by Joseph on August 18th 2022.
A: Intellectual property rights (IPR) are an important consideration when drafting a commercial purchase agreement. Depending on the nature of the goods or services being sold, it is essential to include specific language in the agreement that clearly outlines who owns any intellectual property related to the transaction. This could include trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other proprietary information that may be owned by either party. In addition, it is important to include provisions that protect any confidential information disclosed during the course of the transaction, as well as clauses that specify which party has the right to use any intellectual property created during the course of the transaction.

Q: How do I make sure my commercial purchase agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Amber on July 21st 2022.
A: To ensure that your commercial purchase agreement is legally binding, it is important to include clear terms and conditions in the document that specify each party’s rights and obligations under the agreement. These terms and conditions should be written in plain language and should be specific enough so that both parties understand their obligations under the contract. Additionally, it is important to make sure both parties sign and date the document in order for it to be legally binding. It is also recommended that you seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer when creating any type of contract or agreement in order to ensure that all legal requirements have been met and all parties’ interests are protected.

Q: How should I handle disputes in my commercial purchase agreement?

Asked by Matthew on December 4th 2022.
A: When creating a commercial purchase agreement, it is important to include provisions for resolving disputes between both parties. These provisions should outline how conflicts will be handled if they arise during or after the transaction has taken place. Generally speaking, these provisions should outline how disputes will be handled through mediation or arbitration before taking legal action, if necessary. Additionally, it is important to include language in your agreement outlining which laws will govern any disputes and which court or tribunal will have jurisdiction over such disputes if they arise.

Q: What should I do if I want to terminate my commercial purchase agreement?

Asked by Emma on March 12th 2022.
A: If you wish to terminate your commercial purchase agreement before its expiration date, you will need to provide written notice of termination to all parties involved in the transaction. Depending upon the terms of your contract, there may be additional requirements for terminating early such as providing additional notice or paying termination fees or penalties. Additionally, it is important to consider any legal repercussions associated with termination before taking action as there may be contractual obligations that must be fulfilled before either party can exit the contract without facing potential legal action.

Q: Should I consult with a lawyer when drafting my commercial purchase agreement?

Asked by Michael on April 28th 2022.
A: Yes, it is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced lawyer when drafting your commercial purchase agreement as there are many complex legal issues involved with this type of document which require expertise for proper resolution. An experienced lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and obligations under your contract and advise you on how best to protect them throughout your transaction. A lawyer can also help you draft comprehensive terms and conditions for your contract so that all parties are fully aware of their responsibilities under the terms of the agreement and can help resolve any disputes or misunderstandings quickly and fairly if they arise during or after the transaction has taken place.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Involving Commercial Purchase Agreements

  • A plaintiff could raise a lawsuit referencing a commercial purchase agreement if they feel that the agreement was not fulfilled by the other party.
  • The plaintiff would need to prove that all the terms of the agreement were met and that the other party failed to fulfill their part of the agreement.
  • Relevant legal documents such as the contract, terms and conditions, and other relevant documents would need to be identified, as well as any regulations or civil law that may have been violated.
  • The plaintiff could then prove the other party’s negligence or breach of contract and seek damages for any losses incurred.
  • Settlement could be reached through negotiation or mediation or the court could rule in favor of the plaintiff and award damages as appropriate.
  • Damages could be calculated based on the losses that the plaintiff has suffered due to the other party’s breach of contract.

Templates available (free to use)

Asset Purchase Agreement
Asset Purchase Agreement Ip And It Warranties
Covid 19 Warranties For Asset Purchase Agreements
Covid 19 Warranties For Share Purchase Agreements
Data Purchase Agreement
Debenture Purchase Agreement
Deed Of Guarantee And Indemnity For Seller Obligations Share Purchase Agreement
Detailed Tax Warranties For Share Purchase Agreements
Employment Provisions For Buying Shares Share Purchase Agreement
Equipment Purchase Agreement
Equity Interest Purchase Agreement
Equity Purchase Agreement
Exclusive Purchase Agreement
Forward Purchase Agreement
Founder Stock Purchase Agreement
Framework Purchase Agreement
Fully Executed Purchase Agreement
Hire Purchase Agreement
Installment Purchase Agreement
Ip Rights Asssignment In Asset Purchase Agreement
Joint Purchase Agreement
Lease Purchase Agreement
Letter To Seller Regarding Share Purchase Agreement And Disclosure Letter
License Purchase Agreement
Limited Liability Company Interest Purchase Agreement
Loan Purchase Agreement
Master Purchase Agreement
Master Receivables Purchase Agreement
Membership Interest Purchase Agreement
Membership Purchase Agreement
Note And Warrant Purchase Agreement
Ownership Interest Purchase Agreement
Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
Product Purchase Agreement
Property Purchase Agreement
Quota Purchase Agreement
Real Property Purchase Agreement
Receivables Purchase Agreement
Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement
Rights Purchase Agreement
Royalty Purchase Agreement
Secured Note Purchase Agreement
Securities Purchase Agreement
Sellers Deed Of Guarantee Under Asset Purchase Agreement
Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
Series Seed Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
Share Purchase Agreement Auction Or Tender Ip Warranties
Share Purchase Agreement For Multiple Individual Sellers Non Simultaneous Exchange And Completion
Share Purchase Agreement For Multiple Individual Sellers Simultaneous Exchange And Completion
Share Purchase Agreement For One Corporate Seller Simultaneous Exchange And Completion
Share Purchase Agreement For Single Seller At Controlled Auction
Share Purchase Agreements For Intra Group Reorganisations
Shares Purchase Agreement
Short Form Asset Purchase Agreement Limited Companies
Simple Asset Purchase Agreement Immediate Completion
Simple Share Purchase Agreement For Acquisition Of A Group
Simple Share Purchase Agreement Simultaneous Exchange And Completion
Simple Tax Covenant For Share Purchase Agreement
Software Purchase Agreement
Standard Cross Border Share Purchase Agreement Single Buyer And Single Seller
Standard Purchase Agreement For Block Trade Principal Agent
Standard Warranties For A Share Purchase Agreement For Life Sciences Sector
Standby Equity Purchase Agreement
Standby Purchase Agreement
Stock And Asset Purchase Agreement
Termination Of Purchase Agreement
Tupe Employee Provisions For Asset Purchase Agreement
Vessel Purchase Agreement
Warranties Regarding Employee Share Plans And Other Incentives Within Share Purchase Agreement

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