Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Getting Started with Referral Agreements

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Referral agreements are an important tool for businesses looking to expand their customer base and strengthen partnerships. With a legally binding contract in place, both parties know what is expected of them and any disputes that arise can be resolved promptly and fairly. Genie AI, the world’s largest open source legal template library, provides free referral agreement templates and step-by-step guidance for those looking to create a successful agreement - no account required!

So why are referral agreements essential? As a form of protection, they provide clarity on expectations between the two parties by setting out clear rules regarding any disputes that may arise. In addition to this, having an agreement in place helps build trust between the two parties - ensuring no one is taken advantage of - while also protecting your business’ reputation and credibility.

Creating a successful referral agreement requires careful consideration as there are many points to consider; from outlining the scope of the agreement (what services or products will be referred?) to determining specific expectations (payment terms, rate of referrals etc.). All relevant legal considerations should also be taken into account; with governing laws, terms of the contract and other obligations addressed before drafting the document.

In conclusion, referral agreements are an essential form of protection for businesses looking to increase their customer base and strengthen partnerships. With careful consideration and planning you can ensure that your business has all it needs in order to succeed. Read on below for our step-by-step guidance or access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Referral Agreement: An agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a referral partnership.
Risks: Potential or actual losses when engaging in a particular activity.
Rewards: Benefits or incentives that one may gain from engaging in a particular activity.
Drafting: The process of writing or creating a document such as a contract or agreement.
Negotiation: The process of discussing and agreeing on the terms of a contract or agreement.
Terms and Conditions: Rules and regulations that must be followed when engaging in a particular activity.
Legal Professional: A person who is qualified to provide legal advice and services.
Governing Bodies: An organization or institution that is responsible for making and enforcing laws.
Metrics: A way of measuring the performance of a particular activity.
Compensation: Payment or reward for services rendered.
Communication Protocols: Guidelines and standards for communication between two or more parties.
Compliance: Following the rules and regulations of a contract, agreement, or governing body.
Review and Renewal: The process of evaluating and updating an agreement or contract.


  • Assessing whether a referral agreement is right for your business
  • Identifying the goals and objectives of the agreement
  • Researching the risks and rewards associated with the agreement
  • Developing an agreement that works for both parties
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Exchange drafts for review and negotiation
  • Finalizing the agreement
  • Establishing clear terms and conditions
  • Defining the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Specifying the duration of the agreement
  • Establishing the fees and payment structure
  • Understanding the legal implications of a referral agreement
  • Consulting a legal professional or relevant governing bodies
  • Verifying that the agreement is compliant with relevant laws and regulations
  • Setting up an effective tracking system
  • Deciding which metrics to track
  • Designing a tracking system to monitor these metrics
  • Establishing compensation arrangements
  • Defining the compensation structure
  • Identifying the payment method
  • Establishing communication protocols
  • Deciding how often and in what format to communicate
  • Setting up a system for reporting and sharing data
  • Implementing a system to ensure compliance
  • Establishing procedures for monitoring compliance
  • Developing a system for escalating compliance issues
  • Creating a timeline for review and renewal
  • Establishing dates for review and renewal
  • Setting up reminders for review and renewal
  • Documenting the agreement
  • Gathering all relevant documents
  • Creating a single document that outlines the agreement

Get started

Assessing whether a referral agreement is right for your business

  • Analyze your current referral strategy for effectiveness
  • Identify areas of your business where referral agreements would be beneficial
  • Research how referral agreements are structured and what terms are commonly used
  • Consider the cost/benefit of implementing a referral agreement
  • Think about the types of referral agreements that would be best for your business
  • Determine whether you need a referral agreement in the first place
  • Once you have a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying the goals and objectives of the agreement

  • Identify the purpose of the agreement in order to determine your goals and objectives.
  • Create a list of the short-term and long-term goals you expect to achieve from the agreement.
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the agreement for both parties.
  • Outline the specific roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement.
  • Agree on the terms of the agreement, including the duration and any compensation.
  • Document the goals and objectives of the agreement.

Once you have identified the goals and objectives of the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to researching the risks and rewards associated with the agreement.

Researching the risks and rewards associated with the agreement

  • Research the legal implications of the agreement
  • Identify any potential risks associated with the agreement
  • Identify any potential rewards associated with the agreement
  • Analyze the different types of referral agreements and their associated risks and rewards
  • Understand the context in which you are entering the agreement
  • Consult with a lawyer or lawyer-type professional, if necessary

When you have completed this step, you will be able to confidently identify the risks and rewards associated with your referral agreement.

Developing an agreement that works for both parties

  • Brainstorm ideas with both parties on the best way to structure the agreement
  • Discuss what each party wants and needs from the agreement
  • Identify any potential points of contention or areas of disagreement
  • Determine a process for resolving disagreements
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Agree on the timeline for completing the agreement
  • Draft the agreement and review it with each party
  • Make any changes as necessary
  • Get the agreement signed by both parties

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When both parties agree on the terms of the agreement and sign it.

Drafting the agreement

  • Outline the referral agreement, including the terms and conditions, commission rate, payment processes, and length of the agreement
  • Research any relevant laws or regulations related to referral agreements
  • Draft the agreement based on the information you have gathered
  • Have a lawyer review the agreement
  • When the agreement is finalized, you can move on to the next step.

Exchange drafts for review and negotiation

  • Reach out to the relevant parties with a draft of the referral agreement
  • Communicate any special considerations or requirements to the parties
  • Allow the parties to review and negotiate the agreement
  • When both parties are in agreement, both should sign the document
  • When the agreement is signed, move on to the next step of finalizing the agreement

Finalizing the agreement

  • Prepare a finalized version of the agreement, incorporating any changes from the negotiation process
  • Make sure both parties have signed and dated the agreement
  • Make copies of the signed agreement for both parties
  • Store the original signed agreement in a secure place
  • When all of the above steps are completed, you are ready to move on to the next step of establishing clear terms and conditions.

Establishing clear terms and conditions

  • Review the agreement to identify any unclear or incomplete terms
  • Outline what each party is agreeing to and what the expectations are for each
  • Identify any potential conflict of interest that may arise from the agreement
  • Draft clear terms and conditions that are easy to understand
  • Have each party review and sign the agreement
  • Keep a copy of the signed agreement for your records

Once you have established clear terms and conditions and both parties have signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step of defining the roles and responsibilities of each party.

Defining the roles and responsibilities of each party

  • Determine what roles and responsibilities the parties involved in the referral agreement are expected to have
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of each party in the referral agreement in writing
  • Ensure that both parties understand and agree to the roles and responsibilities outlined in the agreement
  • Once both parties have agreed to the roles and responsibilities outlined in the agreement, the agreement can be signed and finalized
  • After the agreement is signed, both parties should be aware of their own and the other party’s roles and responsibilities in the agreement

Specifying the duration of the agreement

  • Decide on a timeline for the agreement. This timeline should be agreed upon by both parties.
  • Determine the start and end dates for the agreement.
  • Include any clauses for early termination or renewal of the agreement.
  • Specify the duration of the agreement in writing.
  • When all parties have agreed to the terms and timeline of the agreement, sign and date the document.

Once the duration of the agreement has been specified and agreed upon by all parties, you can move on to the next step of establishing the fees and payment structure.

Establishing the fees and payment structure

  • Determine how much each referring party will be compensated for their referral
  • Decide if the payment will be a flat fee or a percentage of the sale
  • Specify the payment method (e.g. check, PayPal, wire transfer, etc.)
  • Include any additional fees associated with the referral agreement (such as cancellation fees)
  • Detail the payment schedule (e.g. when the referring party will receive the payment)
  • Have both parties agree to the payment structure and sign the agreement

Once both parties have agreed and signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step: understanding the legal implications of a referral agreement.

Understanding the legal implications of a referral agreement

  • Understand the legal implications of entering into a referral agreement, including any applicable laws or regulations
  • Research the requirements of a valid referral agreement, such as parties involved and information needed
  • Research how the agreement may be enforced if violated
  • Consult a legal professional or relevant governing bodies to ensure the agreement is compliant with applicable laws
  • When you have a full understanding of the legal implications of the referral agreement and have ensured it is compliant with applicable laws, you can move on to the next step.

Consulting a legal professional or relevant governing bodies

  • Seek advice from a qualified legal professional to determine the best terms and conditions of your referral agreement
  • Ask questions to ensure you understand the full scope and legal implications of the agreement
  • Identify the relevant governing bodies and research what laws and regulations may apply to the agreement
  • Once you have a clear understanding of the agreement and the relevant legal implications, you can move on to verifying it is compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

Verifying that the agreement is compliant with relevant laws and regulations

  • Review the agreement against applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
  • Consult with a lawyer or other legal professional to ensure that the agreement is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Confirm that the agreement complies with any relevant industry standards and codes of practice.
  • Once you have completed this step and have verified that the agreement is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step of setting up an effective tracking system.

Setting up an effective tracking system

  • Gather all of the materials needed for tracking referral agreements in one place, including the referral agreement itself, contact information for referral sources, and any other related documents
  • Create a spreadsheet to track referral agreements and related information, including the name and contact information of the referral source, the date the agreement was signed, and a description of the services to be provided
  • Set up a folder system on your computer to save any documents related to referral agreements
  • Establish a process for regularly updating your tracking system to ensure that all of the necessary information is included
  • Set a reminder to review the tracking system periodically to ensure accuracy and completeness

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all of the necessary materials have been gathered and your tracking system is set up and working properly

Deciding which metrics to track

  • Identify the metrics that are most important to track in order to measure the success of your referral agreement
  • Consider metrics such as the total number of referrals, the number of successful referrals, the amount of revenue generated, and the cost associated with the referral agreement
  • Work with your partner to determine which metrics you will track and how often the data will be collected
  • When you have settled on which metrics to track, you can check this off your list and move on to designing a tracking system to monitor these metrics.

Designing a tracking system to monitor these metrics

  • Choose a tracking system that will allow you to easily monitor and visualize your chosen metrics.
  • Consider the cost of the tracking system, ease of use, ability to integrate with existing systems, and ability to customize.
  • Research online tracking systems and compare them to find the one that is best for your needs.
  • Set up the tracking system and configure it to track the metrics you have chosen.
  • Test the tracking system to ensure it is working properly and is accurately capturing the data you need.
  • When the tracking system is set up and functioning properly, you can move on to the next step in the process: Establishing compensation arrangements.

Establishing compensation arrangements

  • Outline and agree on the terms of the referral agreement
  • Determine a timeline for the referral program
  • Decide on the compensation structure for referring customers
  • Set any caps or limits on the referral agreement
  • Agree on a payment process for referrals

Once you have outlined and agreed on the terms of the referral agreement and decided on the compensation structure for referring customers, you can check this step off your list and move onto the next step: defining the compensation structure.

Defining the compensation structure

  • Determine the type of compensation for the referral agreement, whether it will be one-time or recurring payments.
  • Set the exact amount of compensation that will be paid for each successful referral.
  • Specify any bonus payments or other incentives that will be provided for successful referrals.
  • Decide whether the compensation will be paid out on a per-referral or cumulative basis.
  • Include any other details about the compensation structure in the referral agreement.

When you have completed this step, you will have a clear understanding of the compensation structure that the referral agreement will include.

Identifying the payment method

  • Identify what type of payment method(s) you will use for the referral agreement, such as a commission percentage, flat fee, or a combination of both.
  • Research the different payment methods and decide on the best option for your agreement.
  • Discuss the payment method with the referral partner to make sure it is agreeable to both parties.
  • Document the payment method in the referral agreement.
  • When the payment method has been identified, agreed upon and documented, this step is complete and the next step can begin.

Establishing communication protocols

  • Establish and agree on the frequency and format of communication between parties
  • Set expectations and protocols for both parties to follow
  • Consider how to handle communication in a timely manner and address any discrepancies
  • Determine how to document any changes that may occur throughout the agreement
  • Agree on a timeline to review and update the agreement when necessary
  • Once all communication protocols are agreed upon, this step can be marked as complete.

Deciding how often and in what format to communicate

  • Determine the ideal frequency and format of communication between you and the referral partner.
  • Consider a regular check-in call or meeting, or a weekly or monthly email, or any other frequency and format you deem necessary.
  • Discuss your chosen communication frequency and format with the referral partner and make sure they are comfortable with it.
  • Once you have agreed on a communication frequency and format, you can move on to the next step.

Setting up a system for reporting and sharing data

  • Create a system to track referral agreements, including start and end dates, commission amounts, and who referred whom.
  • Establish a process for generating reports that show who is owed referral fees and the amount, and what agreements are coming up for renewal.
  • Set up an online database for sharing data, such as customer contacts, referral agreements, and payment records.
  • Make sure your system is compliant with any relevant regulations or laws in your area.

You can check this step off your list once all of the above points have been completed and you have a functioning system for reporting and sharing data.

Implementing a system to ensure compliance

  • Establish a dedicated system for tracking and monitoring referral agreement compliance.
  • Collect and track data on compliance, such as the number of agreements, the number of referrals, and the number of successful referrals.
  • Implement a system for monitoring referrals and agreements, such as a tracking spreadsheet or database.
  • Establish a procedure for regularly reviewing and updating compliance data.
  • Establish a process for regularly monitoring and auditing compliance.

Once you have implemented a system for tracking and monitoring referral agreement compliance, you can move on to the next step: establishing procedures for monitoring compliance.

Establishing procedures for monitoring compliance

  • Create a written policy on how to monitor compliance with the referral agreement.
  • Establish procedures for regularly auditing referral agreements to ensure compliance.
  • Set up a system of checks and verifications to make sure that all steps of the referral agreement are being followed.
  • Determine appropriate corrective action when there are violations of the referral agreement.
  • Train staff on the procedures and systems for monitoring compliance.

When you have completed the above steps, you can move on to the next step of developing a system for escalating compliance issues.

Developing a system for escalating compliance issues

  • Determine which compliance issues should be escalated and to whom they should be escalated
  • Create a process that outlines when and how to escalate
  • Establish a system for tracking compliance issues and their escalation
  • Identify who is responsible for overseeing compliance escalations
  • Set up regular review meetings to assess escalations and their outcomes
  • Once the system is in place, test it out to ensure it’s working properly
  • When the system is functioning correctly, you can move on to the next step of creating a timeline for review and renewal

Creating a timeline for review and renewal

  • Identify the timeline for review and renewal of the referral agreement
  • Decide on the appropriate review and renewal frequency
  • Set up reminders for review and renewal dates
  • Update the timeline when necessary
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the timeline and renewal dates
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step when the timeline for review and renewal has been established.

Establishing dates for review and renewal

  • Determine the frequency for reviewing and renewing the agreement
  • Establish dates for review and renewal of the agreement
  • Determine if there are any specific requirements that need to be met before the agreement can be reviewed or renewed
  • Document the dates and requirements in the agreement
  • Once these steps have been completed, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Setting up reminders for review and renewal

  • Set reminders for the agreed review and renewal dates in a calendar system
  • Use an app or calendar software to ensure that the reminders are sent to all parties involved
  • Make sure to include the date of the review, the date of the renewal, any specific milestones, and any other important details
  • When the reminders are set up and all parties have received their notifications, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Documenting the agreement

  • Draft the agreement and have both parties sign it
  • Copy and store the agreement in a secure place (e.g. a cloud storage service)
  • Make sure to include all the necessary details, such as payment terms, duration of agreement, etc.
  • When all parties have signed the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Gathering all relevant documents

  • Identify any documents that are associated with the referral agreement, such as contracts, invoices, and payment records
  • Gather all documents related to the agreement and organize them into one folder
  • Compare the documents to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Once all documents are gathered and organized, you are ready to move on to creating a single document that outlines the agreement.

Creating a single document that outlines the agreement

  • Gather all relevant documents
  • Review the documents to ensure they contain all necessary information
  • Create a single document that outlines the agreement and includes all relevant information from the original documents
  • Ensure the document is clear and easy to understand
  • Review the document with all parties involved to ensure everyone is in agreement
  • Once all parties have signed the document, it is officially in effect
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step in the guide


Q: What are the key elements of a referral agreement?

Asked by Andrew on June 3rd, 2022.
A: A referral agreement is an agreement between two parties that sets out the terms and conditions of a referral. In general, a referral agreement will include the names of the parties involved, the terms of the referral arrangement, and any compensation or fees associated with the arrangement. It will also typically include provisions related to confidentiality, dispute resolution, and governing law. The key elements of a referral agreement will vary depending on the nature of the arrangement and the circumstances of the parties involved.

Q: What are the benefits of having a referral agreement?

Asked by William on April 22nd, 2022.
A: Having a referral agreement in place can provide both parties involved with significant protection and peace of mind. By agreeing to terms in writing, both parties will have a clear understanding of their roles and obligations. This can help ensure that all parties involved understand their rights and responsibilities in regards to the relationship. A referral agreement can also provide clarity as to how compensation will be handled, as well as how disputes should be handled if they should arise.

Q: How do I make sure my referral agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Emma on February 15th, 2022.
A: To make sure your referral agreement is legally binding, you should ensure that it meets all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. This includes making sure that all parties involved are legally competent to enter into an agreement (i.e. not minors). Additionally, all parties must be in agreement with all terms specified in the document and must sign it before it becomes legally binding.

Q: Does a referral agreement have to be in writing?

Asked by Michael on March 23rd, 2022.
A: Generally speaking, yes; most jurisdictions require that any contractual relationship between two parties must be in writing to be legally binding. This ensures that both parties have clarity on the terms of their relationship and can refer back to it if any disputes arise down the line. However, there may be some exceptions depending on your jurisdiction – it’s best to consult with an attorney if you’re unsure as to whether or not your agreement needs to be in writing to be valid.

Q: What should I include in my referral agreement?

Asked by Elizabeth on May 25th, 2022.
A: The exact contents of your referral agreement will depend on your particular situation and needs; however, generally speaking you should include information such as details about each party involved (including contact information), information about what services or goods are being referred or exchanged, how much compensation each party is receiving for their involvement, details about any restrictions or obligations applicable to either party, how disputes should be handled if they arise, and any other relevant information related to the relationship between both parties.

Q: What happens if I don’t have a referral agreement?

Asked by Christopher on April 9th, 2022.
A: Without a written contract in place outlining the terms of your relationship with another party (in this case a referral), you may not have any legal recourse if something goes wrong down the line. Additionally, without a written contract it can be difficult to prove who was responsible for what or who was supposed to do what under certain circumstances; this can lead to confusion and conflict if either party decides they want out of the arrangement or fails to fulfill their obligations under it.

Q: Are there differences between UK vs USA vs EU laws regarding referral agreements?

Asked by Matthew on January 27th, 2022.
A: Yes – while there may be some similarities between UK vs USA vs EU laws regarding referral agreements due to their shared roots in common law systems, there are some significant differences between them as well. For example, UK law generally requires that all contracts must be written down for them to be considered valid; however this isn’t necessarily true for USA or EU law which may allow for verbal contracts under certain circumstances too. Additionally, there may also be differences in how disputes are handled under each jurisdiction’s respective laws which could affect your ability to enforce your rights under a contract if something goes wrong down the line. It’s best to consult with an attorney who is familiar with each jurisdiction’s laws when entering into a contract so that you know exactly what’s expected of you and what rights you have under each one’s respective laws.

Q: Are there any other documents I need when creating my referral agreement?

Asked by Jessica on March 4th, 2022.
A: Depending on your particular situation and needs there may be other documents that need to accompany your written referral agreement; for example you may need an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) if either party is going to disclose confidential information during their relationship or an independent contractors’ agreement if you’re working with an independent contractor rather than an employee or partner in your business venture etc. It’s best to consult with an attorney when entering into such arrangements so that you know exactly which documents are required and how they should be drafted for maximum protection under applicable law(s).

Q: What should I do if I need help drafting my referral agreement?

Asked by David on February 8th, 2022.
A: If you need help drafting your referral agreement it’s best practice to consult with an experienced attorney who is familiar with both applicable law(s) and business practices related to such agreements; this way you can ensure that your rights are fully protected under applicable law(s) while also making sure that nothing has been omitted which could cause issues down the line (i.e., missing clauses or incorrect wording etc.). Additionally, having an experienced professional draft your document will also provide peace of mind knowing that all relevant terms have been taken into consideration when drafting it so that neither party has any surprises later on down the line which could lead to disputes or misunderstandings etc…

Example dispute

Suing for Breach of Referral Agreement

  • Plaintiff must prove that there was a valid referral agreement in place, including the terms of the agreement and any applicable state or federal regulations.
  • Plaintiff must also prove that the defendant breached the agreement by failing to follow the terms of the agreement, failing to pay the referral fees owed, providing false or misleading information, or otherwise not fulfilling their obligations under the agreement.
  • Plaintiff may be entitled to damages for breach of contract, such as reimbursement for any fees paid, lost profits, and recovery of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the referral agreement.
  • Plaintiff may also seek punitive damages if the defendant acted in bad faith or was grossly negligent in performing their obligations under the agreement.
  • Plaintiff must also prove that the defendant’s breach of the agreement caused them actual damages or losses.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation between the parties or through a court ruling if the case goes to trial.

Templates available (free to use)

Lead Referral Agreement
Sales Referral Agreement

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