Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Efficiently Drafting Tender Documents (UK)

9 Jun 2023
25 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Drawing up tender documents is a critical part of awarding contracts, especially those in the public sector. Achieving the perfect tender document requires skill and expertise – this is where Genie AI can help. Our open source legal template library, millions of datapoints, and community template library offers an invaluable resource for anyone looking to draft high-quality legal documents without paying for costly lawyers.

Tender processes are complex but important. They must deliver accurate information on the contract being offered, outline evaluation criteria, set out terms and conditions, provide legal protection to both parties involved in the process – all while being fair and transparent throughout. By relying on a well-crafted tender document that meets these needs you increase your chances of securing the right contractor for your project.

Using Genie AI’s free template library means that you don’t have to be an expert lawyer or have an account with us – we just want to help make sure that your bids are as strong as possible by providing clear guidance on how best to draft a market-standard tender document. We also provide step-by-step guidance so that you’ll be confident in writing one yourself if needed – read on below for more information on how to access our library today!


Public Contracts Regulations 2015: A set of regulations established in the UK in 2015 that govern how public sector contracts must be procured.
Open, Selective, Restricted and Negotiated Tenders: Different types of tender processes that may be used, depending on the procurement requirements. Open tenders are open to all eligible bidders, selective tenders are only open to a limited number of bidders, restricted tenders are only open to a few pre-selected bidders, and negotiated tenders involve negotiations between the customer and the bidders.
Contingency Plans: Plans of action to be taken in the event that something unexpected happens.
Safety Measures: Actions taken to ensure that something is safe or secure.
Request for Proposal: A document sent out to potential vendors or suppliers outlining the requirements for a particular project or service.


  1. Understanding the UK Legal and Regulatory Framework for Tenders
  2. Research the UK legal requirements for tender processes
  3. Familiarise yourself with the different types of tender process
  4. Identifying and Addressing the Key Components of Tender Documents
  5. Analyse the requirements of the tender document
  6. Identify and address any non-compliant elements
  7. Developing Clear and Comprehensive Specifications and Descriptions
  8. Define the scope of the tender
  9. Draft a clear description of the requirements
  10. Identifying and Addressing Risk Factors
  11. Assess any potential risks associated with the tender
  12. Develop strategies to mitigate any identified risks
  13. Establishing and Documenting Evaluation Criteria
  14. Identify the criteria for evaluating tenders
  15. Document the evaluation criteria
  16. Ensuring Compliance with Procurement Law
  17. Identify any applicable regulations
  18. Ensure that the tender process is compliant with the relevant laws
  19. Establishing Clear Terms and Conditions
  20. Define the terms and conditions of the tender process
  21. Ensure that they are fair and balanced
  22. Drafting a Clear and Comprehensive Request for Proposal
  23. Outline the requirements in a concise manner
  24. Include a deadline for submitting the proposal
  25. Putting Together a Winning Tender Package
  26. Ensure that the proposal meets all the requirements
  27. Include all requested documents
  28. Proofread the package to ensure it is free of errors
  29. Ensuring Documentation is Accurate and Complete
  30. Double-check that all the required information is included
  31. Verify that all documents are signed and dated

Get started

Understanding the UK Legal and Regulatory Framework for Tenders

  • Read up on the relevant legislation and regulations, such as the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • Understand the different types of tenders that can be used in the UK
  • Familiarise yourself with the terms of reference for each type of tender
  • Check the requirements for the procurement process, such as the rules for advertising the tender
  • Understand the regulations for the evaluation of bids
  • Check the requirements for awarding a contract
  • When you have a thorough understanding of the UK legal and regulatory framework for tenders, you can move on to the next step.

Research the UK legal requirements for tender processes

  • Read through and understand the rules and regulations of the UK Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • Take note of the rules and regulations on advertising and the use of electronic systems
  • Learn about the different types of public tenders, such as the open and restricted procedure
  • Read up on the rules and regulations on the award criteria of public tenders
  • Understand the rules and regulations on subcontracting and the prohibition on certain types of subcontracting
  • Check if any additional requirements apply, such as market testing
  • Once you are confident that you understand the UK legal requirements for tender processes, you can move on to the next step.

Familiarise yourself with the different types of tender process

  • Understand the differences between open tenders, restricted tenders, competitive dialogue, and competitive procedure with negotiation
  • Learn about the different stages of each tender process, including how to submit a tender, how to evaluate it, and how to make an award
  • Be aware of the rules and regulations that apply to each type of tender process
  • Familiarise yourself with the different types of contract that might be used in a tender process
  • When you are comfortable with the different types of tender process and the rules and regulations that apply to them, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying and Addressing the Key Components of Tender Documents

  • Review the tender document in detail to identify the key components of the document
  • Make sure you understand the requirements of the client and that you are able to meet them
  • Note down any questions you have about the tender document and seek clarification from the client if necessary
  • Develop a plan for how you will address each key component of the tender document
  • Compile relevant data and information that will be needed to respond to the tender document
  • Draft your response to the tender document, ensuring that it meets the requirements of the client
  • Review your draft response and make any necessary changes
  • When you are satisfied with your draft response, you can proceed to the next step: Analyse the requirements of the tender document.

Analyse the requirements of the tender document

  • Carefully read and understand the requirements of the tender document, paying special attention to any specific instructions or requirements
  • Identify any specific criteria or criteria points that the tenderer must meet in order to be eligible for the tender
  • Make a list of the criteria and criteria points that you must meet in order to be eligible for the tender
  • Compare your abilities and resources to the requirements of the tender and make a list of any areas where you may lack the necessary skills or resources
  • Use the information and analysis generated to inform your tender response, including any changes or modifications you may need to make in order to meet the requirements
  • Once you have addressed the requirements of the tender document, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify and address any non-compliant elements

  • Determine what elements in the tender document do not meet the requirements set out by the client.
  • Create an action plan to address any non-compliant elements.
  • Make sure that any changes and/or additions to the tender document are clearly stated and indicated.
  • Have the changes and/or additions approved by the client.
  • When all non-compliant elements have been identified and addressed, check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Developing Clear and Comprehensive Specifications and Descriptions

  • Research and review all relevant standards, codes, and other specifications
  • Create detailed descriptions of the product, services, and any other requirements for the tender
  • Make sure to provide information on the quality, quantity, and delivery requirements
  • Define and explain any technical specifications or complex requirements
  • Make sure all descriptions are clear, precise, and comprehensive
  • Check that all descriptions are compliant with legal and regulatory requirements
  • When you have completed all of the above, you can move on to the next step: Defining the Scope of the Tender.

Define the scope of the tender

  • Gather all relevant documents and information related to the tender
  • Review the requirements of the tender and ensure they are all met
  • Clarify any questions or issues with the tender requirements
  • Analyse the scope of the tender, taking into consideration the risks, resources and timeframes
  • Document the scope of the tender, including any assumptions and exclusions
  • Get approval from all relevant stakeholders before proceeding
  • Once the scope of the tender is outlined, the next step is to draft a clear description of the requirements

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have documented the scope of the tender, obtained approval from all relevant stakeholders, and ensured that all requirements of the tender are met, you can move on to the next step of drafting a clear description of the requirements.

Draft a clear description of the requirements

  • Use the information gathered in the previous step to define the exact requirements needed for the tender
  • List the specific details of the project, such as the timeline, budget, skills needed, and deliverables
  • Break down the requirements into a set of clear and concise points
  • Keep the language simple and straightforward
  • Include any potential risks that could arise and how they should be addressed
  • Verify the accuracy of the requirements by having a third-party review the document
  • Once the requirements are clear and accurate, you can move on to the next step: Identifying and Addressing Risk Factors.

Identifying and Addressing Risk Factors

  • Identify any potential risks associated with the tender, including financial risks, legal risks, operational risks and reputational risks
  • Analyze the identified risks and assess their potential impact on the proposed project
  • Research the potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them
  • Document the strategies in the tender documents
  • When all identified risks have been addressed, you can move on to the next step.

Assess any potential risks associated with the tender

  • Review the tender documents in detail to identify any potential risks associated with the tender
  • Assess the risks in terms of the probability of them occurring and the potential impact they could have
  • Document the identified risks and potential mitigations for each
  • Identify any specialist advice that may be required to address any complex risks
  • Consider the impact that any identified risks may have on the overall tender process
  • When you are satisfied that all potential risks have been identified and assessed, you can move onto the next step of developing strategies to mitigate any identified risks.

Develop strategies to mitigate any identified risks

  • Identify the risks associated with the tender and prioritize them by impact.
  • Develop a plan of action for each risk and identify strategies for mitigating each risk.
  • Assign a responsible party for each action and establish a timeline for completion.
  • Update risk mitigation strategies as needed to ensure compliance with current regulations and laws.
  • Document any decisions and strategies in the tender documents and ensure they are readily available to all stakeholders.
  • Monitor the progress of the risk mitigation strategies and adjust as needed.

When you have established a plan of action for each risk and identified strategies for mitigating each risk, assigned a responsible party for each action and established a timeline for completion, and documented any decisions and strategies in the tender documents, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Establishing and Documenting Evaluation Criteria.

Establishing and Documenting Evaluation Criteria

  • Determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate the tenders
  • Develop an evaluation matrix to ensure each tender is evaluated objectively
  • Develop a scoring system for evaluation criteria
  • Develop weightings for each criterion
  • Define the criteria for disqualifying a tender
  • Prepare a checklist of the criteria that will be used to evaluate the tenders
  • Document the evaluation criteria and weightings
  • Check that all evaluation criteria and weightings are compliant with the UK public procurement regulations
  • When all criteria and weightings are established, documented, and compliant with the UK public procurement regulations, you can proceed to the next step.

Identify the criteria for evaluating tenders

  • Identify the key information and criteria that you need to evaluate the tenders
  • Consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure that all essential criteria are identified
  • Establish a weighting system to determine the relative importance of each criteria
  • Define measurable criteria to allow for a clear and objective comparison of tenders
  • Check that the criteria are reasonable, fair and non-discriminatory
  • When all criteria are identified and documented, you can move on to the next step of documenting the criteria.

Document the evaluation criteria

  • Define clear and consistent criteria to be used to evaluate tenders
  • Create a scorecard to evaluate tenders against the criteria
  • Decide on a minimum score that tenders must achieve to be considered
  • Document the criteria and scorecard in the tender documents
  • Allocate a weighting to each criteria to determine the overall score
  • When the criteria and scorecard are documented, you can move onto ensuring compliance with procurement law.

Ensuring Compliance with Procurement Law

  • Ensure the tender documents are compliant with the relevant procurement law, such as the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • Consult the OJEU to check for any applicable regulations, such as the European Union’s procurement directives
  • Include all necessary information in the tender documents, such as a detailed description of the services, the pricing structure, and applicable service level agreements
  • Draft the tender documents in accordance with the applicable regulations
  • Make sure all information is accurate and up to date
  • When you are satisfied that the tender documents comply with the relevant procurement law, you can move on to the next step.

Identify any applicable regulations

  • Research and review relevant procurement regulations applicable to the tender process
  • Consult with legal counsel to ensure that all regulations are being followed
  • Make sure that all regulations and requirements are included in the tender documents
  • Cross-reference rules and regulations with the tender documents to make sure they are accurate and up to date
  • Check off this step when you are confident that you have identified all applicable regulations and that they have been appropriately included in the tender documents.

Ensure that the tender process is compliant with the relevant laws

  • Research the relevant laws and regulations that apply to the tender process, such as the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000
  • Identify any potential compliance risks and formulate a plan to mitigate them
  • Ensure all necessary documents are completed and available to view, such as notices and invitations to tender
  • Ensure that the content of the tender documents is compliant with the applicable laws and regulations
  • When all applicable laws and regulations have been taken into account, the tender process can be checked off and the next step of Establishing Clear Terms and Conditions can begin.

Establishing Clear Terms and Conditions

  • Clearly define any conditions that are attached to the tender, such as a time limit, payment terms, or any other specific requirements
  • Ensure all applicable laws are taken into consideration when outlining the terms and conditions
  • Document the terms and conditions in a clear and concise manner
  • Make sure all parties involved in the tender process are in agreement on the terms and conditions
  • Once all parties are in agreement, have them sign off on the terms and conditions
  • Check this off your list once all parties have signed off on the terms and conditions and the documentation is complete.

Define the terms and conditions of the tender process

  • Research the procurement regulations and industry standards for tendering in the UK
  • Understand what information needs to be included in the tender document
  • Draft the terms and conditions for your project, considering the specific needs of the tender and the contracting body
  • Ensure that the terms and conditions are in line with the regulations and industry standards
  • Review and edit the terms and conditions to make sure they are comprehensive and accurate
  • Check for any ambiguities or discrepancies in the document
  • When you are satisfied that the terms and conditions are accurate and comprehensive, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensure that they are fair and balanced

  • Identify any areas that could be deemed discriminatory and remove or amend them
  • Ensure that all parties have equal access to tender information and that the process is transparent
  • Make sure that all requirements are reasonable and are related to the job/project at hand
  • Check the tender document for any potential conflicts of interest
  • When satisfied that all areas of the tender document are fair and balanced, move on to the next step.

Drafting a Clear and Comprehensive Request for Proposal

  • Evaluate the scope of the project and decide what services and/or goods are needed
  • Draft a clear and comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP) document that is tailored to the specific project and needs
  • Ensure that the RFP outlines the background of the project, the objectives and expected results, the evaluation criteria, and the timeline for the project
  • Include any specific legal or contractual requirements that the successful bidder must meet
  • Set out the selection process and who will be involved in making the final decision
  • Specify the format that tenders must be submitted in and when they must be received
  • When you have completed the RFP, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Outline the requirements in a concise manner

  • Break down the requirements into smaller and manageable components
  • Identify the key elements that need to be addressed
  • List out each requirement in detail, including any technical specifications
  • Ensure that the language is clear and concise and all requirements are unambiguous
  • Check that the requirements are consistent with each other
  • When all the requirements have been outlined, review the list to make sure it is comprehensive
  • Once the requirements are outlined, you can move on to the next step of including a deadline for submitting the proposal.

Include a deadline for submitting the proposal

  • Determine the date, time and time-zone for the deadline of submitting the proposal
  • Set the deadline at least 5-6 weeks before the final decision date
  • Make sure the deadline is clearly stated in the invitation to tender
  • Specify the method of delivery in the invitation to tender
  • Make sure to note the deadline in the calendar and set reminders
  • You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have received all the tenders and the deadline has passed.

Putting Together a Winning Tender Package

  • Gather all the relevant information such as tender criteria, requirements, and expectations from all sources
  • Compare the requirements of each tender package and prioritize the ones that are most suitable for you
  • Assemble the necessary documents such as financial projections, company profiles, and other related documents
  • Create a timeline to ensure that the tender is submitted by the specified deadline
  • Test the tender package before submission to confirm that it meets all the requirements

When you have gathered all the necessary documentation and ensured that the proposal meets all the requirements, you can move on to the next step.

Ensure that the proposal meets all the requirements

  • Carefully read through the tender documents, ensuring that all requirements, terms and conditions are understood
  • Make sure that all the requirements listed in the tender documents are met in the proposal
  • Check that any additional information is included, such as the evaluation criteria, deadlines, and rules of the contract
  • Ensure that all required documents are included in the proposal, such as the company profile, financial statements, and other information requested
  • When all of the above is confirmed, the proposal is ready to be submitted

Include all requested documents

  • Identify all the documents requested in the tender specifications
  • Collect the requested documents from the relevant teams, departments, or individuals
  • Check that all documents are up to date and complete
  • Format the documents according to the tender specifications
  • Ensure any relevant information is included in the documents, such as contact details and pricing
  • Include any extra documents that could help support the tender submission
  • Check you have completed all requested documents and proofread them to make sure they are error-free
  • Create a folder or file to store the documents in the right order
  • Once you have completed the documents and stored them, you can move on to the next step of proofreading the package to ensure it is free of errors.

Proofread the package to ensure it is free of errors

  • Carefully read through the document to ensure there are no typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes
  • Check for any missed information, and make sure all requested documents are included
  • Ask a colleague to review the package for a second opinion
  • Once you are confident that all errors have been identified and rectified, you can move on to the next step.

Ensuring Documentation is Accurate and Complete

• Verify that the pricing and payment terms are correct and detailed.
• Ensure that the tender document contains all the required specifications and information necessary to complete the project.
• Double-check that all the required supporting documents are included.
• Verify that the contact information of the vendor and the buyer is included.
• Ensure that all legal terms and conditions are accurately stated.
• Check that all the relevant signatures are included.

Once you have completed the above steps, you can be sure that your documentation is accurate and complete. You are now ready to move on to proofreading the package to ensure it is free of errors.

Double-check that all the required information is included

  • Review the tender document and make sure that all the necessary information is included
  • Check to make sure that all the relevant legal requirements are included, such as clauses, procurement regulations, and other statutory requirements
  • Make sure that all the essential details such as contact information, payment terms, and delivery times are included
  • Ensure that any particular requirements requested by the client, or any special conditions that must be met are included
  • Once all the required information is included, verify that all documents are signed and dated to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Verify that all documents are signed and dated

  • Ensure that each page of the tender documents are signed and dated by the relevant parties
  • Check the signatures against the list of authorised signatories to ensure accuracy
  • For electronic signatures, check that the relevant laws and regulations have been followed
  • Once all the documents have been signed and dated, you can move on to the next step.


Q: How does the UK approach to drafting tender documents differ from other countries?

Asked by John on April 8, 2022.
A: Tender documents are an important aspect of the legal process and the approach to drafting them can vary greatly depending on the country. In the UK, tender documents are typically drafted with specific attention paid to local laws, regulations and industry standards. This means that it is important to ensure that any tender documents are compliant with relevant regulations and meet sector-specific requirements. Additionally, the UK has adopted a ‘code of practice’ which provides guidance on how to draft tender documents in order to protect both parties involved in a contract. In comparison, other countries may have different approaches to drafting tender documents, so it is important to research local laws and regulations before beginning the process.

Q: What should I consider when assessing potential vendors for tender documents?

Asked by Sarah on October 4, 2022.
A: When assessing potential vendors for tender documents, there are several key factors to consider. Firstly, you should assess each vendor’s experience and expertise in relation to your industry or sector. It is important to make sure that any vendors you choose have a good understanding of your business model and can provide appropriate advice and guidance on drafting the relevant documents. Additionally, you should consider the vendor’s pricing structure and customer service commitments, as well as their ability to meet the specific needs of your business. Lastly, it is important to ensure that any vendor has the necessary qualifications or certifications required by your industry or sector.

Q: What should be included in a UK tender document?

Asked by Jacob on June 21, 2022.
A: When drafting a UK tender document it is important to consider all relevant information which should be included in order for the document to be compliant with local laws and regulations. Generally speaking, all UK tender documents must include information about the goods or services being tendered for, including clear descriptions of the goods/services being offered and any applicable warranties or guarantees. Additionally, it is also necessary to include details about payment terms, delivery/collection arrangements as well as any applicable terms and conditions which are applicable in the UK. Furthermore, all UK tender documents must also include details about who is responsible for making decisions regarding any disputes which may arise during the course of providing goods/services as outlined in the document.

Q: What types of legal advice should I seek when drafting tender documents?

Asked by Brandon on December 17, 2022.
A: When drafting tender documents it is important to seek appropriate legal advice in order to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Generally speaking, it is recommended that you seek advice from an experienced and qualified lawyer who is familiar with local laws and regulations relevant to your industry or sector. Additionally, it may be beneficial to consult with other legal professionals such as solicitors or barristers who can provide further advice on specific aspects of the process such as contract law or dispute resolution procedures. Ultimately, it is important to ensure that all aspects of your tender document are compliant with local laws and regulations before submitting it for approval.

Q: What steps can I take to ensure my tender document meets industry standards?

Asked by Emily on March 12, 2022.
A: Ensuring that your tender document meets industry standards requires careful consideration of both local laws and regulations as well as sector-specific requirements which may vary depending on your particular industry or sector. Firstly, it is important to research relevant laws and regulations in order to ensure compliance with all applicable standards. Secondly, you should consult with industry experts or other professionals knowledgeable about sector-specific requirements in order to ensure your document meets all necessary criteria for acceptance within the sector or industry in question. Finally, you should also consider engaging third party professionals such as auditors or contract lawyers who can review your document before final submission in order to confirm that all applicable standards have been met prior to submission of your document for approval.

Example dispute

Suing Companies Over Tender Documents

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a company if they believe the company has unfairly or illegally used or violated the terms of a tender document.
  • The lawsuit may reference the tender documents, such as the terms and conditions of the tender, the bid price, the timeline for the submission of the bid, and any other relevant information.
  • The plaintiff will need to provide evidence that the company has violated the tender documents, such as by submitting a bid that was too low or not submitting a bid at all.
  • The court may award damages to the plaintiff if they can prove that the company’s actions resulted in them losing out on a contract or suffering other financial losses.
  • The court may also order the company to pay any costs associated with the lawsuit, and may order the company to change their practices in the future.

Templates available (free to use)

Abbreviated Cash Tender Offer For Debt Securities Press Releases Announcements
Consortia Bidding Agreement Joint Bidding For Tender
Intermediate Tender And Agreement For Sub Contract
Invitation Sent To Supplier To Submit A Tender Successful At Pgg Stage
Invitation To Supplier For Final Tender For Procurement After Negotiation
Letter To Tenderer After Challenging Procurement Suggesting A Meeting Without Prejudice
Merger Contract Tender Offer Buyer Friendly
Notification Letter To Successful Tenderer For The Results Of Procurement Private Sector
Private Debt Exchange Offer And Consent Solicitation Early Tender Deadline Press Releases Announcements
Share Purchase Agreement Auction Or Tender Ip Warranties
Spreadsheet Of Employee Information For Re Tendering Or Outsourcing Tupe
Standard Invitation To Tender
Standard Letter To Request Employee Information Before Tender From Current Service Provider Tupe
Standard Public Procurement Notice To The Official Journal Notifying A Tender
Teaming Agreement Tender Preperation And Submission
Tender Agreement
Tender Bond Bid Bond
Tender Invitation Company Requirements
Tender Invitation For Procurement Of Services
Tender Offer Agreement
Tender Offer Closing Conditions In Public Mergers
Tendering Invitation
Tendering Questions For Bidders
Tendering Questions For Bidders 2015

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