Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting an Watertight Appearance Release

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


At Genie AI, we understand the importance of appearance releases for protecting the rights of talent and their employers. These legally-binding agreements allow performers to appear in certain media outlets such as films, television programs, commercials, and more without having to worry about potential legal disputes. Appearance releases are important because they provide clarity regarding what is and isn’t allowed in terms of the performer’s appearance – outlining both the performer’s rights and their obligations while also helping to protect their intellectual property. In addition, they can provide financial protection to independent contractors or freelancers who may not be covered by traditional employment contracts.

Appearance releases are also vital for employers seeking legal protection from potential disputes that may arise from a performer’s appearance in a particular project. By having such an agreement in place prior to any filming or recording taking place, employers can be sure that all parties are aware of their responsibilities and that the performer’s presence is being used only in ways that are explicitly permitted under the release. Finally, these documents offer peace of mind - allowing all parties involved to rest assured knowing that everyone’s rights have been acknowledged and respected throughout this process.

At Genie AI, we’re dedicated to providing everyone access high-quality legal template libraries so they can draft an effective appearance release with ease - all without needing specialized knowledge or paying a lawyer. Our open-source library contains millions of data points teaching our Artificial Intelligence what a market-standard document should look like - giving you a better understanding when it comes time to customize your own agreement for each specific situation. With our step-by-step guidance and template library available for free today without needing an account with us at any stage, anybody wanting an airtight appearance release need look no further than Genie AI! Read on below for more information on how you can get started now!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Talent: People with a special skill that is useful in a particular situation, such as actors, models, singers, and other performers.
Appearance contract: A legal agreement between a business or organization and a talent that outlines the details of their appearance.
Negotiate: To discuss something with someone else in order to reach an agreement.
Compensation: Money or other forms of payment that is given in exchange for services or goods.
Rights: A legal entitlement to do something or to have something.
Termination: The end of a legal agreement or relationship.
Exclusive: A situation where only one person or group has a certain privilege or access to something.
Non-exclusive: A situation where multiple people or groups have access to something.
Liability: A responsibility or obligation to pay for damages or losses.
Breach of contract: A violation of the terms of a legal agreement.


  • Identifying the Talent Involved
  • Researching applicable talent
  • Making contact with potential talent
  • Negotiating with talent
  • Defining the Scope of Appearances
  • Establishing the length of time for each appearance
  • Determining the nature of each appearance
  • Setting the Terms of Engagement
  • Establishing the responsibilities of each party
  • Establishing the expectations of each party
  • Agreeing on Compensation
  • Determining the rate of pay
  • Setting the payment schedule
  • Clarifying the Release of Rights
  • Establishing the rights associated with the contract
  • Specifying whether rights are exclusive or non-exclusive
  • Establishing the Termination of the Agreement
  • Setting a termination date
  • Identifying the requirements for early termination
  • Securing Signatures
  • Preparing the agreement for signing
  • Obtaining signatures from all parties
  • Understanding the Implications of Breach of Contract
  • Investigating the potential legal and financial repercussions of a breach
  • Creating a plan to address any potential repercussions
  • Finalizing the Agreement
  • Ensuring all paperwork has been completed correctly
  • Ensuring the agreement is in compliance with local laws
  • Filing the Agreement
  • Filing the agreement with the appropriate agency
  • Documenting the filing process

Get started

Identifying the Talent Involved

  • List out all the talent involved in the appearance and take note of their ages, roles, and any other relevant details
  • Make sure to get contact information for each person involved
  • Check off this step when you have a comprehensive list of all the talent involved in the appearance
  • Make sure to keep this list in a secure location for future reference

Researching applicable talent

  • Identify the criteria for the talent you are looking for
  • Search for potential talent who meet the criteria
  • Check to ensure the talent is available for the dates and times you need
  • Read the talent’s credentials, reviews, and portfolios to ensure they are a good fit for the project
  • Make a list of potential talent you would like to contact
  • Check off this step when you have identified the potential talent you would like to contact

Making contact with potential talent

  • Reach out to potential talent via email, phone call, or other method of contact
  • Ensure that the talent is aware of the project, and provide them with a copy of your appearance release form
  • Explain the details of the project and any compensation that may be offered
  • Ask for their availability and ability to commit to the project
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once you have heard back from the potential talent, and you have both agreed to the terms of the project, you can move on to the next step of negotiating the terms of the appearance release form.

Negotiating with talent

  • Identify the terms of the deal that need to be negotiated and discussed with the talent, such as fee, compensation, and other details.
  • Make sure that all agreed-upon terms are included in the appearance release.
  • Draft a contract and send to talent for review.
  • Negotiate any changes requested by the talent.
  • Make sure that both parties are in agreement and that any changes are clearly noted in the appearance release.
  • Once the appearance release is finalized, both parties should sign and date the release.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the talent has reviewed and signed the appearance release, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Defining the Scope of Appearances

  • Define who will be featured in the appearances, including the talent’s name and any other performers, guests or hosts
  • Specify the type of appearance, if applicable
  • Outline the number of appearances that are included in the agreement
  • Include details on the location of the appearances
  • Describe the purpose of the appearances
  • Clarify the type of media outlets the appearances will be broadcast on

Once all of the above information has been included in the appearance release, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing the length of time for each appearance

  • Research the market standard for length of time for appearances
  • Consider the impact of the length of time on the talent, company, and the audience
  • Consider the time limit of the event, such as a 90 minute concert or a 3 hour awards show
  • Set a maximum and minimum length of time for each appearance
  • Discuss with the talent and company to decide on the best length of time for each appearance
  • Document the length of time for each appearance in the appearance release
  • When the length of time for each appearance has been documented, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining the nature of each appearance

  • Identify what type of appearance is required (e.g. interview, speaking engagement, etc.)
  • Agree on the details of each appearance, such as the type of media, the channel, the duration, the topic, and any other relevant information
  • Ensure that all parties understand the nature of the appearance and what will be expected of them
  • Once the details of the appearance are agreed upon, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step: Setting the Terms of Engagement.

Setting the Terms of Engagement

  • Establish a timeline for the duration and scope of the appearance
  • Identify any restrictions on the individual’s participation, such as no endorsement or reference to any competitor
  • Determine the payment terms and compensation for the appearance
  • Clarify any other expectations of the individual providing the appearance
  • Outline the use of any intellectual property associated with the appearance
  • Establish the terms and conditions of any third-party involvement

Once all the terms and conditions of the appearance are agreed upon, this step will be complete and you can move on to the next step.

Establishing the responsibilities of each party

  • Clearly define the purpose of the appearance, including any specific tasks or activities the individual will be expected to undertake
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of each party, including the duties of the individual and any associated organizations that may be involved
  • Agree on the terms of payment and/or other forms of remuneration
  • Establish a timeline for the completion of the appearance and any associated tasks
  • Ensure that the individual is aware of any potential risks associated with the appearance

You know when you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when each party is clear on their roles and responsibilities, the terms of payment and/or other forms of remuneration, timeline for the completion of the appearance and any associated tasks, and any potential risks associated with the appearance have been discussed and agreed upon.

Establishing the expectations of each party

  • Outline the expectations of each party in the appearance release.
  • Make sure to include clear language that outlines the expectations of both parties, including the duration of the appearance, what the appearance entails, and any other expectations that are relevant.
  • Make sure to include language that sets boundaries and expectations for both the appearance and the use of the footage.
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on: When the expectations of each party have been outlined and agreed upon in the appearance release.

Agreeing on Compensation

  • Discuss the scope of the project and the compensation for services rendered
  • Establish a timeline for when payment will be made (immediately upon completion, 30 days, etc.)
  • If appropriate, consider a bonus or bonus structure
  • Put the agreement in writing and have both parties sign off on it
  • Once both parties have agreed on the compensation, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining the rate of pay

  • Calculate the rate of pay for the appearance, taking into account any additional costs such as travel, lodging, and meals.
  • Consider the individual’s experience and the rate of pay they would normally receive for comparable work.
  • Discuss and negotiate the rate of pay with the individual to ensure they are comfortable with the amount.
  • When the rate of pay is agreed upon, document the rate in the appearance release.
  • Once the rate of pay is settled, you can move on to the next step - setting the payment schedule.

Setting the payment schedule

  • Decide on the payment method and schedule that works for both parties.
  • Consider if it would be a one-time payment, a series of payments, or some other arrangement.
  • Outline how much will be paid, when the payments will be made, and how they will be made.
  • Be sure to include the payment terms in the contract.
  • Once the payment schedule is finalized, both parties should sign the agreement.

Once the payment schedule is finalized and both parties sign the agreement, this step can be checked off your list and you can move on to the next step.

Clarifying the Release of Rights

  • Define the scope of the rights you are releasing, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, and create derivatives of the appearance
  • Specify what you are and are not releasing, such as whether you are releasing exclusive or non-exclusive rights
  • Clarify if you are releasing any rights outside the scope of the contract, such as the right to sublicense the appearance
  • Explain the timeframe in which the rights are being released and for how long
  • Be clear about the geographical region where the rights are being released
  • When you have finished clarifying all the rights you are releasing, check this step off your list and move on to the next step: Establishing the rights associated with the contract.

Establishing the rights associated with the contract

  • Identify the rights that are associated with the contract and list them out
  • Consider if any of the rights should be exclusive or non-exclusive
  • Discuss with the parties involved what rights should be given
  • Incorporate the agreed upon rights into the contract in a clear and concise manner
  • Ensure that the rights are properly defined and that the scope of each right is clear
  • When you have established the rights associated with the contract, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Specifying whether rights are exclusive or non-exclusive

  • Decide whether the rights associated with the contract should be exclusive or non-exclusive.
  • Understand the difference between exclusive and non-exclusive rights. Exclusive rights are a guarantee that only the specified person or entity has the right to use the material, while non-exclusive rights are when more than one person or entity has the right to use the material.
  • Document in the contract the rights associated with the contract and if those rights are exclusive or non-exclusive.
  • Make sure both parties sign and date the agreement to make it legally binding.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have finalized the decision on whether the rights associated with the agreement should be exclusive or non-exclusive, have documented it in the contract, and have both parties sign and date the agreement.

Establishing the Termination of the Agreement

  • Decide when you want the agreement to terminate
  • Include a termination clause in the agreement that clearly states the date of termination
  • Specify what will happen to rights granted after the termination date
  • Consider whether you want to include an automatic renewal clause
  • Make sure to include a clause that allows for both parties to terminate the agreement with written notice
  • When you have included all the necessary clauses, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Setting a termination date

  • Review the agreement to decide on a realistic timeline for the completion of the project
  • Specify a termination date in the agreement, taking into account any delays that may occur
  • Ensure that the termination date is clearly stated in the agreement and that both parties understand and agree with it
  • When you have established the termination date, you can move on to the next step, which is to identify the requirements for early termination.

Identifying the requirements for early termination

  • Determine the conditions under which the contractual agreement might be terminated early.
  • Make sure that the conditions are clearly outlined in the Appearance Release and discuss them with the other party.
  • Pay attention to any applicable laws that might put further restrictions on the conditions for early termination.
  • Once all applicable conditions have been identified and discussed, make sure that they are included in the Appearance Release.

Once all of the conditions for early termination have been identified, discussed, and included in the Appearance Release, you can move on to the next step of securing signatures.

Securing Signatures

  • Obtain signatures from all parties involved in the Appearance Release
  • Ensure that each signature is witnessed and dated
  • Verify that signatures are consistent with those on the accompanying identification documents, such as driver’s license or passport
  • Ensure that all required fields are completed in the Appearance Release, including name, address, date of birth, etc.
  • Once all signatures have been secured, the Appearance Release should be considered valid and binding
  • You can check this step off your list and move to the next step once all signatures have been secured and verified

Preparing the agreement for signing

  • Gather all necessary documents, including the Appearance Release and any other documents needed for the signature process
  • Read through the Appearance Release thoroughly to ensure that all the information is accurate and complete
  • Check for any typos or unfinished sections
  • Make any necessary corrections or changes before the final signing
  • Print multiple copies of the Appearance Release for all parties
  • When the Appearance Release is ready for signing, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: obtaining signatures from all parties.

Obtaining signatures from all parties

  • Have the parties sign the appearance release in front of a notary public
  • Make sure each party keeps a copy of the signed release
  • After all parties have signed the release, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next one
  • Note that if any of the parties are minors, their parent or guardian will have to sign the release on their behalf

Understanding the Implications of Breach of Contract

  • Research and understand the potential legal implications of a breach of contract.
  • Gather information on the potential financial repercussions of a breach.
  • Identify the potential risks and liabilities associated with a breach.
  • Once you have a good understanding of the potential repercussions of a breach, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Investigating the potential legal and financial repercussions of a breach

  • Research the applicable laws and regulations that would affect your particular situation
  • Consult with legal counsel to ensure that you’re aware of any potential legal and financial repercussions of a breach
  • Create a list of potential legal and financial repercussions that could be caused by a breach
  • Assess the potential impact of each of these repercussions on your company
  • Calculate the costs associated with each of these repercussions
  • Identify any preventive measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of a breach occurring

When you’ve done all of the above, you can check this off your list and move on to creating a plan to address any potential repercussions.

Creating a plan to address any potential repercussions

  • Consider the various risks associated with the intended use of the Appearance Release
  • Draft a plan that outlines how to address the potential repercussions of a breach, such as legal and financial costs, in the event the terms of the Appearance Release are not followed
  • Identify any potential legal or financial repercussions that need to be addressed in the plan
  • Outline any procedures for determining the extent of a breach and its potential repercussions
  • Create a timeline for when the plan should be reviewed and updated, if needed
  • Once you have completed the plan, you can move on to the next step of finalizing the Agreement.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Carefully review the entire agreement, ensuring all details are correct
  • Confirm that all parties are in agreement on the terms
  • Make sure that the signatures of all relevant parties are included
  • Double-check that the release has been properly dated
  • Ensure that the parties have received and reviewed a copy of the release
  • Make sure that all paperwork has been submitted and received
  • When all of the above has been completed correctly and all parties are in agreement, the agreement is ready to be finalized.

Ensuring all paperwork has been completed correctly

  • Confirm that all relevant parties have signed the agreement
  • Ensure all information is filled out completely and accurately
  • Double check that all parties have been provided a copy of the document
  • Check that all parties have received the document within the agreed upon time frame
  • Make sure that all parties have provided accurate contact information
  • Make sure that all parties have been informed of their rights in the agreement
  • Confirm that any required notarization has been completed
  • Check that all document requirements have been met
  • Verify that all documents have been filed with the appropriate authorities

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have confirmed that all paperwork has been completed correctly.

Ensuring the agreement is in compliance with local laws

  • Research applicable laws to ensure the agreement is legally compliant in the relevant jurisdiction
  • Consult an attorney to make sure the agreement meets all local regulations
  • Double-check the agreement for any errors or omissions
  • Once you are confident the agreement meets all necessary requirements, you can move on to the next step.

Filing the Agreement

  • Make sure the original copies of the agreement are in order
  • Check that all the necessary signatures are included in the agreement
  • Make sure all the information on the agreement is correct and up-to-date
  • Make sure the agreement is complete and all the attachments are included
  • Prepare a filing package for the agreement and include all the documents
  • Submit the filing package to the appropriate agency
  • Track the status of the submission and follow up if needed
  • Once the agreement is accepted by the agency, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Filing the agreement with the appropriate agency

  • Check the agreement to make sure it is complete and accurate
  • Research the filing requirements for the type of agreement you are dealing with
  • File the agreement with the appropriate agency (state, county, or local)
  • Keep a copy of the agreement for your records
  • Obtain proof of filing (such as a stamped copy) as documentation
  • Once you have obtained proof of filing, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Documenting the filing process

  • Ensure you have the original document, any copies and all appropriate paperwork
  • Make a copy of the document for your own records
  • Sign and date the original document
  • File the original document with the appropriate agency
  • Make sure to keep a record of the date you filed the document
  • Once you have completed all the documentation steps, you can move on to the next step in the process.


Q: What is an Appearance Release?

Asked by Harley on April 9th 2022.
A: An Appearance Release is a legal document which grants permission for someone or something to be used in a film or other media production. It usually includes the individual’s agreement to not make any claims against the production company for their appearance or participation in the production. This document can also include information about the individual’s rights to the footage and what can be used or done with it.

Q: How do I draft a Watertight Appearance Release?

Asked by Olivia on January 20th 2022.
A: Drafting a watertight Appearance Release requires knowledge of both contract law and the media industry. You should start by researching the relevant laws in your jurisdiction, as well as industry-standard practices, to ensure that your release meets all legal requirements. Then, you should craft the language of your Appearance Release so that it’s clear and comprehensive, while protecting yourself and your production company from any potential liability. Finally, you should always have a lawyer review the document before you finalize it.

Q: How do I ensure that my Appearance Release meets all legal requirements?

Asked by Mason on May 13th 2022.
A: To ensure that your Appearance Release meets all legal requirements, you should first research the relevant laws in your jurisdiction. Depending on where you live and where your production will take place, different laws may apply. You should also research industry-standard practices in order to make sure that your release meets all of the expectations of the people you are working with. Finally, having a lawyer review your document before it is finalized is always a good idea so that any potential issues can be addressed before you sign off on it.

Q: What kind of information should my Appearance Release include?

Asked by Abigail on October 4th 2022.
A: Your Appearance Release should include all relevant information about the individual’s agreement to not make any claims against you or your production company for their appearance or participation in the production. This includes information such as their name and contact information, as well as any applicable copyright or moral rights they may have over their appearance in the production. The document should also include language specifying what can be done with their footage after it is captured, including any restrictions or limitations that may apply.

Q: What happens if I don’t have an Appearance Release?

Asked by Liam on November 15th 2022.
A: If you don’t have an Appearance Release in place before filming begins, you could put yourself at risk of a breach of contract lawsuit from an individual who appears in your production, or from another party who has ownership rights over the footage. This could result in costly damages being paid out and could potentially damage your reputation as well. To protect yourself, always make sure that you have an up-to-date Appearance Release on file before filming begins.

Q: What are moral rights?

Asked by Isabella on June 22nd 2022.
A: Moral rights are a set of rights granted to creators and artists under international copyright law which protect their work from being used without permission and being modified without their consent. These rights are particularly important when it comes to media productions, since they allow creators and artists to be compensated for their work and ensure that their work is used only with their approval and according to their wishes. It is important to include language about moral rights in your Appearance Release so that these rights are respected and protected when using footage from your production.

Q: How do I protect myself from potential legal liability?

Asked by Noah on August 7th 2022.
A: To protect yourself from potential legal liability when using someone’s footage in your media production, you should draft an appearance release which states clearly and comprehensively that no claims will be made against you or your production company for their appearance or participation in the production. Additionally, you should make sure that all relevant laws are taken into account when crafting this release so that it meets all legal requirements in your jurisdiction, and always have a lawyer review it before signing off on it.

Q: What is copyright?

Asked by Emma on February 23rd 2022.
A: Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection which grants creators exclusive rights over their works for a certain period of time after they are created. These exclusive rights allow creators to control how their works are used, reproduced, distributed, modified or displayed without permission or compensation from someone else using them for commercial purposes. It is important to include language about copyright in your appearance release so that these rights are respected when using footage from your production.

Q: How do I make sure my Appearance Release complies with UK law?

Asked by Logan on September 26th 2022.
A: To make sure that your Appearance Release complies with UK law, you should start by researching relevant UK laws such as the Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988 (CDPA). Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with best practices within the UK media industry which may vary from other jurisdictions such as the US or EU countries. Finally, having a lawyer review your document before finalizing it is always recommended so that any potential issues can be addressed before signing off on it.

Q: Can I use an Appearance Release for my SaaS business?

Asked by Ava on March 14th 2022.
A: Yes, an appearance release can be used for a SaaS business if there are individuals who appear or participate in videos or other media productions related to the business (e.g., customer interviews). This document can help protect both parties from potential legal liabilities related to their appearances in such productions while ensuring that everyone involved receives fair compensation for their work if appropriate. It is important to research relevant laws in your jurisdiction before drafting such a release though so that it meets all necessary requirements and expectations of those involved in producing it.

Q: Do I need an Appearance Release if I am based outside of the UK?

Asked by Benjamin on July 3rd 2022.
A: Depending on where you are based outside of the UK, different laws may apply which require different documents when filming and producing content related to individuals appearing in those productions (such as an appearance release). You should research relevant laws and industry standards for whichever jurisdiction applies so that any documents required for filming comply with local regulations and protect both parties involved from any potential liabilities related to their appearances or participation in those productions.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Involving Appearance Release

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit which references a appearance release if the release was not adhered to.
  • An example of this could be if a person signed a release agreement in order to appear in a film or television show and the production company then used their image in a commercial without their consent.
  • The plaintiff could cite a breach of contract or a violation of civil law in their lawsuit and seek damages for the unauthorized use of their likeness.
  • Settlement of such a lawsuit could include the payment of monetary damages, the termination of the contract, or a revised contract which prohibits the use of the plaintiff’s image in any unauthorized manner.
  • In the event of a lawsuit relating to a breach of an appearance release, damages could be calculated by taking into account the amount of money the plaintiff would have received had they been paid for the use of their image in the commercial and any other potential losses such as lost wages or loss of reputation.

Templates available (free to use)

Appearance Release
Appearance Release Minor

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