Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting an Office Sharing Agreement

23 Mar 2023
19 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Sharing office space is becoming increasingly popular, as businesses look to make use of limited resources and maximise their efficiency. However, without a well-drafted office sharing agreement in place, landlords and tenants risk having no protection in the event of a dispute or disagreement. This is why it’s so important for landlords and tenants to ensure they have an agreement before taking on the arrangement - one that outlines their rights and responsibilities clearly.

The Genie AI team recommends that all landlords and tenants take the time to carefully read through any office sharing agreement they are considering signing before finalising it. This will help to ensure that both parties have clarity on what their roles and rights are within the arrangement, so as to ensure it remains enforceable in future. Additionally, this can also help both parties get the most out of the arrangement by being clear on what any restrictions placed upon them are prior to signing.

Having an agreement in place allows landlords to protect their interests whilst ensuring that tenants know exactly what is expected from them so as not be at risk of any potential disputes arising further down the line. For example, a landlord may specify within an agreement how long it should run for, how much rent should be paid each month, or whether there is potential for subletting at some point during its tenure - all of which could otherwise become points of contention if not outlined in advance.

At Genie AI we believe everyone should have access legal documents without needing expert advice - which is why we created our free open source legal template library offering millions datapoints teaching our AI what a market-standard office sharing agreement looks like - allowing anyone to draft and customize high quality legal documents without paying a lawyer! So if you’re looking into drafting an office sharing agreement then be sure visit us online today for easy step-by-step guidance or take advantage of our free templates instantly available online now!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Parties: People or organizations that are involved in an agreement.
Space: The area that is being shared in the agreement.
Terms: The details or conditions of an agreement.
Duration: The length or amount of time an agreement is in effect.
Responsibilities: Actions or duties that are required by each party in an agreement.
Consequences: The results or outcomes of an action or situation.
Disputes: Conflicts or disagreements between parties in an agreement.
Drafting: Writing out the details of an agreement.
Signatures: Authorized marks or initials that signify agreement to an agreement.


  • Establishing the parties
  • Defining the space
  • Outlining the terms of the agreement
  • Establishing the duration of the agreement
  • Addressing the responsibilities of the parties
  • Determining the consequences for breach of agreement
  • Creating a plan for resolving disputes
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Obtaining signatures from all parties
  • Finalizing the agreement

Get started

Establishing the parties

  • Determine who will be sharing the office space (each individual’s name and contact information should be included)
  • Have each party sign the agreement to make it official
  • Once the agreement has been signed by all parties, you can check this step off your list and move on to defining the space.

Defining the space

  • Agree on the type of space that will be shared (i.e. conference room, office, cubicle, etc.)
  • Identify the size and capacity of the shared space
  • Estimate the amount of space each party will be responsible for
  • Identify any furniture that will need to be moved or rearranged
  • Determine the hours of access for each party to the shared space
  • Agree on any additional amenities or services that will be provided

Once all parties have agreed on the type of space, size, capacity, furniture, access, and amenities, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: outlining the terms of the agreement.

Outlining the terms of the agreement

• Identify who will be using the office space and how much space each person needs.
• Establish a schedule for how the space will be shared.
• Decide who will be responsible for providing supplies, such as office furniture and equipment.
• Establish guidelines for how the space should be used, such as no loud music or no eating at the desk.
• Establish rules for who has access to the space.
• Discuss any other concerns that need to be addressed.

When you have established the terms of the agreement, you can move on to the next step: Establishing the duration of the agreement.

Establishing the duration of the agreement

  • Decide on the length of the agreement, such as a month-to-month basis or a long-term agreement
  • Make sure to include the start date, the expiration date, and any applicable renewal periods
  • Specify the conditions that may end the agreement early, such as non-payment or non-compliance with the terms
  • Once all of the above is established, check it off the list and you can move on to the next step.

Addressing the responsibilities of the parties

  • Establish a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Identify the specifics of how the office space will be shared, such as who is responsible for cleaning and supplying office supplies
  • Detail any additional duties that the parties may have to each other, such as sharing certain resources or providing administrative support
  • Outline the expectations for communication between the parties
  • Specify how any disputes will be resolved

Once you have outlined the roles and responsibilities of the parties and how they will interact, you can proceed to the next step.

Determining the consequences for breach of agreement

  • Identify the potential consequences of a breach of the office sharing agreement.
  • Determine the severity of each consequence.
  • Consider if the consequences are appropriate and proportional to the breach.
  • Decide if the consequences should be monetary or non-monetary.
  • Draft any consequences into the agreement language.

You can check this off your list when you are satisfied with the language in the agreement that outlines the consequences for a breach of the office sharing agreement.

Creating a plan for resolving disputes

  • Identify a third-party mediator to handle disputes, if necessary
  • Agree on the procedures for how conflicts will be resolved
  • Determine the timeline for responding to and resolving conflicts
  • Outline the process for making amendments to the agreement
  • Agree on the consequences for any breach of the agreement
  • Discuss the potential legal repercussions of the agreement

Once all of these points have been addressed, you can move on to drafting the agreement.

Drafting the agreement

  • Break down the agreement into different sections: Description of the office, Rights and Responsibilities of Tenants, Common Areas, Maintenance and Repairs, Dispute Resolution, Termination and Renewal, Indemnification, Miscellaneous and Signatures
  • Research relevant state and local laws and regulations to ensure the agreement follows the law
  • Make sure to include all relevant details, such as the names of all tenants, a description of the office, and all rules and responsibilities
  • Draft a language that is legally binding and easy to understand
  • Make sure all parties review the agreement and make any necessary changes
  • When all parties are satisfied with the agreement and all changes are made, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of obtaining signatures from all parties.

Obtaining signatures from all parties

  • Send out the draft agreement to all parties for review
  • Ensure all parties have read the agreement and understand the terms
  • Ask all parties to sign the agreement
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, collect their signatures and return each a signed copy
  • Check off this step from your list and move on to the next step, which is Finalizing the agreement.

Finalizing the agreement

  • Review the agreement for any changes and make sure all parties are in agreement
  • Check for any discrepancies and make any changes where needed
  • Have all parties sign the agreement
  • Make a few copies and give one to each party involved
  • Keep a master copy in a safe and secure place
  • You can check this off your list once all parties have signed the agreement and all copies are distributed.


Q:What are the most important aspects to consider when drafting an office sharing agreement?

Asked by Ashley on April 6th, 2022.
A:When drafting an office sharing agreement, there are a few key aspects to consider. First, it’s important to be clear about the terms of the agreement, including the duration of the arrangement and any conditions or restrictions that may apply. It’s also important to consider the financial arrangements between the parties involved. This includes what each party will pay for rent and other expenses associated with sharing an office. Additionally, it’s important to discuss the right of each party to use common areas in the office, as well as any rules or regulations related to health and safety. Finally, it’s important to determine who will be responsible for maintaining the office space and resolving any disputes that may arise during the course of the agreement.

Q: How can I ensure my office sharing agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Charles on December 26th, 2022.
A:To ensure your office sharing agreement is legally binding, it’s important to make sure that all of its terms and conditions are clearly stated in writing and signed by both parties involved. Additionally, any changes or modifications to the agreement should be made in writing and signed by both parties. Furthermore, if either party breaches any of their obligations under the agreement, they should be held accountable for their actions under applicable laws.

Q: What should I do if one of the parties involved breaches their obligations under an office sharing agreement?

Asked by Elizabeth on August 7th, 2022.
A:If one of the parties involved breaches their obligations under an office sharing agreement, it is important to take steps to protect your legal rights. Depending on the jurisdiction and severity of the breach, you may need to take legal action against the other party in order to receive compensation or damages for any losses suffered as a result of their breach. Additionally, you should also review your office sharing agreement carefully to determine whether any specific remedies are available under its terms. If so, you may be able to enforce those remedies as part of a legal action against the other party.

Q: Are there any specific laws or regulations I should be aware of when drafting an office sharing agreement?

Asked by Danielle on March 15th, 2022.
A:Yes, there are a number of laws and regulations that you should be aware of when drafting an office sharing agreement. Depending on your jurisdiction, there may be local or national laws that apply specifically to office sharing agreements. Additionally, there may also be industry-specific laws or regulations that could affect how you structure your agreement. It is important that you thoroughly research all applicable laws and regulations before drafting an office sharing agreement in order to ensure that it complies with all applicable legal requirements.

Q: Can I include additional clauses in my office sharing agreement?

Asked by Benjamin on July 4th, 2022.
A:Yes, you can include additional clauses in your office sharing agreement if they are necessary for your particular situation or desired outcomes from the arrangement. For example, you could include clauses related to data privacy and security if you plan on exchanging confidential information between parties involved in the arrangement. Additionally, you could also include clauses related to dispute resolution procedures if you anticipate any potential disagreements during the course of the arrangement. It is important that all additional clauses are included in writing in order for them to be legally binding and enforceable under applicable law.

Q: What happens if either party fails to meet their obligations under an office sharing agreement?

Asked by Michael on October 23rd, 2022.
A:If either party fails to meet their obligations under an office sharing agreement, they could be held liable for any losses suffered as a result of their breach under applicable law. Depending on your jurisdiction and specific terms of your arrangement, this could include paying damages or providing another form of compensation for losses suffered as a result of their breach. Additionally, if either party fails to comply with their obligations under an office sharing agreement for a prolonged period of time without resolving their breach or providing some form of redress for loss suffered then they may also face further legal action such as being sued for breach of contract or having their rights terminated under applicable law.

Q: What is a ‘four eyes’ principle in an Office Sharing Agreement?

Asked by Joshua on June 15th 2022.
A:The ‘four eyes’ principle refers to a provision within an Office Sharing Agreement that requires two people from each party involved in the arrangement (i.e., four people total) sign off on any changes or modifications made to its terms and conditions before those changes can be legally binding and enforceable. This serves as a safeguard against potential disputes between parties regarding contractual matters since both sides must agree before changes can be made and implemented into practice. The ‘four eyes’ principle also ensures that all parties remain accountable for their actions during the course of an Office Sharing Agreement since they must actively participate in making changes before they become part of its terms and conditions.

Q: What types of disputes can arise between parties involved in an Office Sharing Agreement?

Asked by Sarah on November 10th 2022.
A:There are a variety of disputes which can arise between parties involved in an Office Sharing Agreement including disputes related to financial matters such as rent payments and shared expenses; access rights including use of common areas; health and safety regulations; data privacy; security; dispute resolution procedures; termination; and breach of contract issues such as failure to comply with agreed upon obligations or terms outlined within the agreement itself. Additionally, disputes may also arise related to any other matters which have been agreed upon between all parties involved in the arrangement such as occupancy limits or other restrictions which have been put into place during its duration.

Q: How can I protect my rights when drafting an Office Sharing Agreement?

Asked by Brandon on May 12th 2022.
A:When drafting an Office Sharing Agreement it is important that you take steps to protect your rights by ensuring that all terms and conditions are clearly stated in writing within the document itself so that they are legally binding and enforceable under applicable law should a dispute arise between any parties involved in the arrangement at some point during its duration. Additionally, it is essential that all changes or modifications made during its duration are also agreed upon in writing by all parties before they become part of its accepted terms and conditions so that everyone remains accountable for their actions throughout its duration as well as any potential disputes which may arise during this time period too

Example dispute

Suing Over Breach of Office Sharing Agreement

  • Plaintiff must be able to prove that they were directly affected by the breach of a legally binding office sharing agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to prove that the breach of the agreement was caused by the defendant.
  • Plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of the terms of the agreement, such as any written contract, verbal agreement, or any emails or other documents related to the agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of the damages caused by the breach, such as lost revenue, decreased productivity, etc.
  • Plaintiff must be able to prove that the defendant is legally responsible for the breach of the agreement.
  • Settlement could be reached through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.
  • If damages are awarded, the court will decide the amount.

Templates available (free to use)

Office Sharing Agreement

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