Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting an Enterprise Agreement

23 Mar 2023
29 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Enterprise agreements are playing an increasingly important role in today’s workplaces. They provide essential rights and protections for employers and employees alike, whilst also establishing a framework for a successful employment relationship. At Genie AI, we understand the importance of having an enterprise agreement in place and why it is beneficial to both parties.

An enterprise agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. This covers areas such as wages, working hours, leave entitlements, benefits packages and health & safety. It can be used as evidence should any disputes arise between the employer or employee - providing legal protection to both parties - while its clarity also helps to reduce misunderstandings by ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities from the outset.

Not only this, but having an enterprise agreement in place can help foster a productive workplace atmosphere with each party treated fairly under agreed terms - increasing efficiency among staff and reducing costs for employers.

At Genie AI, we provide free template library access allowing anyone to easily draft or customize high-quality legal documents without needing assistance from lawyers or solicitors. This guide offers step-by-step guidance on how you can create your own Enterprise Agreement as well as how you can access our template library today - so why not read on?

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Enterprise Agreement: A legally binding contract between an employer and its employees outlining terms such as wages, hours, benefits, and other conditions of employment.

Negotiation Process: The process of determining the stakeholders involved, scheduling meetings, setting ground rules for negotiation, and determining the topics to be discussed.

Negotiation Strategy: A plan to identify the interests of both the employer and the employees, research relevant laws and regulations, and develop a clear understanding of the terms of the agreement.

Stakeholders: Those involved or affected by the enterprise agreement, including the employer, employees, and any other relevant parties.

Dispute Resolution: The process by which disputes over the enterprise agreement are resolved.

Drafting: Creating a document to reflect the terms of the agreement.

Reviewing: Examining the agreement to make sure it meets all of the necessary legal requirements.

Finalizing: Ensuring all parties agree to the terms of the agreement and that it is legally binding.

Obtaining Approval: Submitting the agreement to the relevant government agency for approval.

Implementing: Ensuring the agreement is properly followed, monitored, and enforced.


  • Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Agreements
  • What is an enterprise agreement, what are its key components and what are the benefits of having one?
  • Establishing the Negotiation Process
  • How to determine who will be involved in the discussions, how to schedule meetings and how to set the ground rules for negotiations.
  • Developing a Negotiation Strategy
  • How to develop a strategy for negotiations, what topics to discuss, and how to ensure that the parties are on the same page.
  • Gathering Information
  • How to research relevant laws, regulations and industry trends to inform the negotiation process.
  • Defining the Terms of the Agreement
  • How to define the terms of the agreement, what topics to cover and how to ensure that they are fair and reasonable.
  • Drafting the Agreement
  • How to draft the agreement, what language to include, and how to ensure that it accurately reflects the terms of the negotiation.
  • Reviewing the Agreement
  • How to review the agreement and how to ensure that it meets all of the necessary legal requirements.
  • Finalizing the Agreement
  • How to finalize the agreement and how to ensure that all parties are in agreement.
  • Obtaining Approval for the Agreement
  • How to obtain approval for the agreement and how to ensure that it is legally binding.
  • Implementing the Agreement
  • How to ensure that the agreement is properly implemented, monitored and enforced.

Get started

Understanding the Basics of Enterprise Agreements

  • Research the purpose and benefits of having an enterprise agreement
  • Understand the fundamentals of enterprise agreements, such as the types, components and the role of employers and employees
  • Learn about the legal aspects of having an enterprise agreement, such as its enforceability, state and federal laws, and governing bodies
  • Understand the differences between enterprise agreements and other types of employment agreements
  • Familiarize yourself with the terms of enterprise agreements, such as the rules for pay and hours, allowances, leave and termination
  • Research the process of negotiating and drafting an enterprise agreement

When you can check this step off your list:

  • You are able to explain the purpose and benefits of having an enterprise agreement
  • You can identify the types and components of enterprise agreements
  • You understand the legal aspects and differences between enterprise agreements and other types of employment agreements
  • You are familiar with the terms of enterprise agreements
  • You know the process of negotiating and drafting an enterprise agreement

What is an enterprise agreement, what are its key components and what are the benefits of having one?

  • Understand the definition of an enterprise agreement and its purpose
  • Learn about the key components of an enterprise agreement, such as terms and conditions, wages and salaries, and dispute resolution
  • Identify the potential benefits of having an enterprise agreement, such as increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and better overall workplace relations
  • Research relevant case studies and examples of successful enterprise agreements

You will know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have a comprehensive understanding of an enterprise agreement, its key components, and the benefits of having one.

Establishing the Negotiation Process

  • Identify who will be involved in the negotiations: stakeholders, representatives, and management.
  • Create a timeline for the negotiation process, including meetings and deadlines.
  • Create ground rules for the negotiation process: outlining expectations, methods of communication and outlining the respective roles and responsibilities of each party.
  • Establish a communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are kept up to date on the progress of negotiations.
  • Set expectations for the outcome of the negotiations.

Once you have identified the parties involved, created a timeline, established ground rules, created a communication plan and set expectations, you can move on to the next step in drafting the enterprise agreement.

How to determine who will be involved in the discussions, how to schedule meetings and how to set the ground rules for negotiations.

  • Identify who will sit at the negotiation table
  • Draft a schedule for the negotiation sessions
  • Establish ground rules and procedures for the negotiation process
  • Consider the need for external support, such as legal and/or financial advice
  • Make sure both sides have a clear understanding of the negotiation process and the ground rules

You will know that you have completed this step when you have identified all parties involved, have established a schedule for the negotiation sessions, and have set the ground rules and procedures for the negotiation process.

Developing a Negotiation Strategy

  • Identify the primary objectives of each party in the negotiations
  • Research applicable laws, regulations and precedents that may be applicable to the negotiations
  • Consider the bargaining positions of each party and the interests they seek to protect
  • Analyze the power dynamics between the parties and the potential effect on the negotiations
  • Develop strategies for the negotiations that are based on the interests of each party
  • Set goals for the negotiations and develop a plan for how to reach them
  • When you have identified your objectives, researched relevant laws, analyzed power dynamics and developed a strategy, you are ready to move on to the next step.

How to develop a strategy for negotiations, what topics to discuss, and how to ensure that the parties are on the same page.

  • Identify the goals of each party and establish the key elements of the agreement
  • Analyse the interests of each party to determine which topics should be discussed
  • Create a timeline of when each topic needs to be discussed and when the agreement needs to be finalised
  • Discuss the agreement with the parties and ensure that everyone is on the same page
  • Establish a negotiation strategy in terms of the topics to be discussed and the possible outcomes of each topic
  • Set expectations for the outcome of each topic and the overall agreement
  • Determine the most effective way to communicate with the parties in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page
  • Identify any potential obstacles that could arise in the negotiations and develop strategies to address them
  • Develop a plan for how to move forward if the negotiations are not successful

Once all of the above have been completed, you can move forward to the next step.

Gathering Information

  • Collect and review existing agreements, policies, procedures, and other documents relevant to the negotiations
  • Gather input from management, employees, and other stakeholders to understand their interests and goals
  • Research state and federal laws that may affect the terms of the agreement
  • Research industry trends, best practices, and other relevant information
  • When all relevant information has been gathered, move on to the next step of researching relevant laws, regulations, and industry trends.

How to research relevant laws, regulations and industry trends to inform the negotiation process.

  • Collect information from relevant sources, such as government departments, industry bodies and unions
  • Familiarize yourself with applicable federal and state laws, regulations and awards
  • Research employment trends in the industry to stay informed of any changes
  • Analyze wage data in the area and compare it to the existing wage structure
  • Gather information on any union agreements and collective bargaining arrangements
  • Review any existing enterprise agreements that are in place

When you have collected enough information and are confident that you are aware of all relevant regulations and industry trends, you can move on to the next step: Defining the Terms of the Agreement.

Defining the Terms of the Agreement

  • Define the scope of the Enterprise Agreement and identify which employees it will apply to
  • Identify the relevant laws, regulations and industry trends that are relevant to the agreement
  • Discuss and agree on the topics to be covered in the agreement, such as wages, working hours and conditions, dispute resolution, consultation, etc
  • Negotiate the terms of the agreement, ensuring that the terms are fair and reasonable for all parties involved
  • Draft the agreement, taking into account the discussed terms and relevant laws, regulations and industry trends
  • Review the drafted agreement with all parties involved to ensure all parties are in agreement
  • When all parties agree on the terms of the agreement, the agreement can be signed and officially become effective.

How to define the terms of the agreement, what topics to cover and how to ensure that they are fair and reasonable.

  • Identify the key topics to be covered in the agreement, such as wages, hours, holidays, job descriptions, etc.
  • Research the applicable laws, regulations and industry standards to ensure the agreement is compliant.
  • Consult with the relevant stakeholders, such as trade unions or other employee representatives, to ensure that their interests are taken into consideration.
  • Draft the agreement and ensure it is clear and easy to understand.
  • Incorporate specific terms and clauses that are tailored to the particular needs of the business and its employees.
  • Review the agreement to ensure that all the necessary topics have been addressed and that the terms are fair, reasonable and legally compliant.
  • When the agreement is finalized, it should be reviewed by a lawyer for accuracy and completeness.

When you have completed these steps, you can be sure that you have identified all the necessary topics to be covered in the agreement, and that the terms are fair, reasonable and legally compliant.

Drafting the Agreement

  • Research relevant laws and regulations to ensure the agreement abides by all applicable laws
  • Gather information from both parties to ensure the agreement accurately reflects their interests
  • Draft the agreement using plain language in order to make the document as easy to understand as possible
  • Incorporate the agreed-upon terms and conditions into the agreement
  • Have both parties review the agreement and make any necessary changes
  • Have both parties sign the agreement
  • When the agreement is complete and signed, you can move on to the next step.

How to draft the agreement, what language to include, and how to ensure that it accurately reflects the terms of the negotiation.

  • Review the negotiation process to ensure that the agreement accurately reflects the terms of the negotiation
  • Decide on the layout of the agreement
  • Write the introduction and the parties involved
  • Outline the agreement’s responsibilities and rights of the parties
  • Specify the duration of the agreement
  • Outline the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Include any relevant laws or regulations
  • Include any relevant terms and conditions
  • Include any relevant clauses
  • Include an appropriate signature page
  • Check the agreement for accuracy and consistency
  • When you are satisfied that the agreement is accurate and complete, you can move on to the next step - reviewing the agreement.

Reviewing the Agreement

  • Carefully read through the agreement to ensure that it accurately reflects the terms of the negotiation
  • Make sure all necessary legal requirements are met
  • Make sure all necessary signatures are included
  • Have a lawyer review the document, if necessary
  • Check that all parties are satisfied with the agreement
  • Ensure that all contact information is up-to-date
  • Confirm that the agreement is legally binding

When you have completed these steps, you can be sure that you have successfully reviewed the agreement and that it meets all of the necessary requirements.

How to review the agreement and how to ensure that it meets all of the necessary legal requirements.

  • Carefully read through the agreement to ensure that all conditions and requirements are clearly stated.
  • Check all relevant laws and regulations to make sure the agreement is compliant.
  • Seek advice from legal professionals if there is any confusion about the agreement’s legality.
  • Make sure the agreement is clear and easy to understand, and that all parties have agreed to the terms.
  • Confirm that all parties to the agreement have signed and dated the agreement.
  • Once you have reviewed the agreement and ensured that it meets all legal requirements, you can move on to the next step.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Review the agreement and make any necessary changes, ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
  • Schedule a meeting with all parties involved to discuss the agreement and gain agreement.
  • Make any final changes to the agreement and ensure that all parties are in agreement.
  • Sign the document, ensuring that all parties have signed and dated the agreement.
  • File the agreement with the appropriate authorities, if required.
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement and the necessary filing is complete, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

How to finalize the agreement and how to ensure that all parties are in agreement.

  • Review the agreement with all parties to ensure everyone is in agreement
  • Make any necessary changes to the document
  • Have all parties sign the document
  • Once all parties have signed and the document is finalized, the enterprise agreement is complete and ready to be submitted for approval

Obtaining Approval for the Agreement

  • Obtain approval for the agreement from the relevant stakeholders such as the employer, employee representatives, and any other relevant parties.
  • Seek the advice of a legal professional to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and meets all necessary requirements.
  • Have all parties to the agreement sign the agreement, to signify their acceptance and agreement to the terms laid out in the document.
  • Once all necessary signatures have been obtained, the agreement is legally binding and can be enforced.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know that you have obtained approval for the agreement when all relevant stakeholders have signed the agreement and it is legally binding.

How to obtain approval for the agreement and how to ensure that it is legally binding.

  • Identify which parties need to approve the agreement by consulting the relevant legislation
  • Provide a copy of the agreement to each party that needs to approve it
  • Obtain a signature from each party to signify their approval
  • Ensure the agreement is properly witnessed and certified to make it legally binding
  • Make sure you keep original copies of the agreement to refer back to in the future
  • Check off this step when all parties have approved the agreement and it is legally binding.

Implementing the Agreement

  • Notify employees and the relevant union (if applicable) of the new enterprise agreement
  • Arrange for a meeting to discuss the agreement and any changes that have been made
  • Provide copies of the agreement to all relevant parties
  • Ensure that all relevant parties sign the agreement and retain copies
  • Provide copies of the agreement to the Fair Work Commission
  • Monitor the agreement to ensure that it is properly implemented and enforced
  • Check for breaches of the agreement and take appropriate action
  • Keep copies of the agreement in a secure location and update as required

Once all of the above steps have been completed, this step can be checked off the list and the next step can begin.

How to ensure that the agreement is properly implemented, monitored and enforced.

  • Create a checklist of items to cover for each step to ensure the agreement is properly implemented, monitored, and enforced.
  • Appoint a staff member to be responsible for ensuring the agreement is followed and any breaches are addressed.
  • Develop and implement a system to review the agreement regularly and ensure it is up-to-date.
  • Establish a procedure to follow when a breach of the agreement is suspected or identified.
  • Educate staff on the agreement and their roles and responsibilities related to it.
  • Establish regular meetings to review the agreement, ensure compliance, and discuss any issues or concerns.
  • Maintain records to track the implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of the agreement.
  • When all of the above steps have been completed, this step can be checked off the list.


Q: What is the best way to determine the scale of an Enterprise Agreement?

Asked by Mark on April 12, 2022.
A: Determining the scope of an Enterprise Agreement can be a tricky process. Generally, the scope should be determined in accordance with the needs of the organization and its stakeholders. Depending on the size and complexity of the organization, this could mean taking into account a range of factors including the size and nature of the workforce, the products and services they provide, their geographical spread, any regulatory requirements that may apply, and so on. It’s important to understand what these needs are before attempting to draft an Enterprise Agreement, as this will provide a clear basis for determining the scope.

Q: How do I ensure my Enterprise Agreement is compliant with UK laws?

Asked by David on May 21, 2022.
A: Ensuring that your Enterprise Agreement is compliant with UK laws is essential for any organisation operating within the UK. The most important thing to bear in mind is that all terms should be fair and reasonable in accordance with UK employment law requirements – if any of these requirements are not met then there is a risk that the Enterprise Agreement will be invalidated. It is also important to research any applicable regulations that may apply to your particular sector or business model – for example, if you are a technology company then you will need to ensure that your Enterprise Agreement is compliant with data protection regulations. Finally, it’s worth taking professional advice from an experienced solicitor or lawyer to ensure that all aspects of your Enterprise Agreement are compliant with UK law.

Q: What should I include in an Enterprise Agreement?

Asked by Nancy on August 4, 2022.
A: An Enterprise Agreement should include provisions related to the employees’ terms and conditions, such as wages, working hours, holidays and sick pay, as well as more general terms such as dispute resolution procedures and health and safety policies. It’s also important to include clauses related to discrimination and harassment policies, data protection regulations (if applicable), intellectual property ownership rights and confidentiality agreements. Finally, it’s worth including provisions related to termination of employment so that both parties understand their rights in such circumstances.

Q: How does an Enterprise Agreement differ from a contract?

Asked by John on August 15, 2022.
A: An Enterprise Agreement is an agreement between employers and employees which sets out employment terms and conditions – including wages, working hours and holiday entitlements – as well as more general terms such as dispute resolution procedures and health and safety policies. A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which outlines expectations regarding goods or services provided by one party to another. While both agreements are legally binding documents, an Enterprise Agreement focuses specifically on employment matters while a contract can cover any type of commercial relationship between two parties.

Q: Are there any differences between US and EU laws when it comes to drafting an Enterprise Agreement?

Asked by Jessica on October 14, 2022.
A: There are some differences between US and EU laws when it comes to drafting an Enterprise Agreement. In the US, individual states have their own laws regarding employment contracts which must be taken into account when drafting an agreement for employees located in those states; for example, California has specific rules regarding overtime pay which must be included in an agreement. In Europe, EU-wide regulations such as the Working Time Directive must be taken into account – this sets out minimum requirements for rest periods, annual leave entitlements and working hours across all member states of the EU. It’s therefore important to research any applicable regulations when drafting an agreement for employees located in either the US or Europe.

Q: Is there a standard format for drafting an Enterprise Agreement?

Asked by Jacob on December 8, 2022.
A: There isn’t necessarily a standard format for drafting an Enterprise Agreement; however, it’s important to ensure that all relevant information is included in order for it to be legally binding. Generally speaking, it’s best practice to include provisions related to wages, working hours and holidays; dispute resolution procedures; health and safety policies; discrimination and harassment policies; data protection regulations (if applicable); intellectual property ownership rights; confidentiality agreements; and provisions related to termination of employment. In addition to this information being included in the agreement itself it’s also important that all parties involved understand their rights under the agreement – if necessary it’s worth providing a summary or overview of these rights at the start or end of the document so they can be easily referenced by those involved in the agreement at any time during its duration.

Example dispute

Suing a Company under an Enterprise Agreement

  • Plaintiff must have a valid legal claim against the company based on the terms of the enterprise agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to prove that the company has violated the terms of the enterprise agreement.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the violation caused them to suffer damages.
  • Plaintiff must have taken reasonable steps to remedy the violation before filing a lawsuit.
  • Plaintiff must be able to demonstrate that the damages they suffered are directly related to the violation of the enterprise agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to calculate the amount of damages they are seeking.
  • Plaintiff must be able to demonstrate that the company has the financial resources to pay any damages awarded.
  • Plaintiff must be able to demonstrate that the lawsuit is in the public interest.

Templates available (free to use)

Enterprise Agreement

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