Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting an Application Notice

23 Mar 2023
36 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to the recruitment process, there’s no document more important than the application notice. At Genie AI, we understand that this critical first impression can be the difference between success and being overlooked. That’s why our team has created a step-by-step guide for crafting an excellent application notice - one which will leave you with the best possible chance of securing an interview.

The application notice should be tailored to each job, containing all necessary information about the candidate such as qualifications, experience and any special skills that might set them apart from the competition. It should also include relevant keywords and phrases to ensure employers can quickly assess the applicant’s suitability for a role.

Ensure your application is professional and organized, paying attention to detail throughout; spelling mistakes or poor grammar can leave potential employers thinking you’re careless or unprofessional - not something they’ll want in their next hire! Make sure to demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm too; explain why you are right for the position and offer examples of past successes where applicable.

At Genie AI, we provide free access to our community template library – millions of datapoints teaching our artificial intelligence what a market-standard application looks like – so anyone can draft high quality legal documents without paying expensive lawyer fees or spending time researching how best to write these documents themselves.

If you’re embarking on your search for a new role soon, read on below for further guidance from Genie AI on drafting an effective application notice – plus how to access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Job/Position Description: A document that provides an overview of the company, the job/position, the responsibilities, and the qualifications required.
Tailoring: Customizing the content of the application notice to match the job/position requirements.
Formatting: Arranging text in a specific layout and style as specified by the company.
Attention-Grabbing: Making something stand out and capture the reader’s interest.
Qualifications: Skills, abilities, and experiences that make the applicant suitable for the role.
Awards/Accolades: Recognition or honors given to the applicant for their achievements.


  • Understanding the purpose of an application notice
  • Researching the organization and job/position
  • Reviewing the job/position description
  • Investigating the company’s mission and values
  • Gathering essential information for the notice
  • Assembling relevant experience, skills, and qualifications
  • Crafting a clear and concise message
  • Writing an attention-grabbing introduction
  • Outlining the reasons why you are the best fit for the job/position
  • Explaining your ability to add value to the team
  • Highlighting any awards, accolades, or achievements
  • Signing off with a strong conclusion
  • Formatting the notice correctly
  • Choosing an appropriate font and font size
  • Utilizing white space for readability
  • Making sure the document follows the company’s guidelines
  • Tailoring the notice to the job/position
  • Adapting the content to match the job/position requirements
  • Proofreading and submitting the notice
  • Editing for grammar and spelling
  • Double checking any formatting and layout
  • Submitting according to the company’s instructions
  • Tips for making a lasting impression with the application notice
  • Researching the company and job/position
  • Crafting a unique and tailored message
  • Utilizing a professional font and layout
  • Proofreading and editing for errors
  • Guidelines for employers and HR professionals for assessing potential candidates
  • Identifying key qualifications for the job/position
  • Asking the right questions to gain a better understanding of their skills and abilities
  • Evaluating the applicant’s experience, education, and training
  • Following up with the employer/HR professional
  • Connecting with the contact person in a timely manner
  • Checking in to inquire about the status of the application

Get started

Understanding the purpose of an application notice

  • Understand the purpose of an application notice: it is a formal document that you send to a company or organization to apply for a job or position.
  • Research the company and job/position you are applying for: read up on the job/position description, required qualifications, and company/organization culture.
  • Find out the contact details of the hiring manager: contact information is usually listed on the job/position description.
  • Clarify the requirements and expectations of the job/position: make sure to research what the company/organization is expecting from the successful candidate.
  • Determine the desired timeline for the application process: find out when the application period starts and ends.

When you have successfully completed these steps, you will have a good understanding of the purpose of an application notice, the company and job/position you are applying for, the contact details of the hiring manager, the requirements and expectations of the job/position, and the desired timeline for the application process.

Researching the organization and job/position

  • Research the organization’s website and read up on its mission statement, values, and any other relevant information that could help you understand their culture better
  • Look up the job/position description to gain a better understanding of what is expected of you and any other relevant information about the job
  • Make sure to read up on any recent news or updates about the company, as well as any other relevant information that could help you in your application process
  • Check out any reviews or ratings about the organization, such as Glassdoor or other job/company review sites
  • When you feel you have gained a strong understanding of the organization and job/position, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Reviewing the job/position description

  • Carefully read over the job/position description to ensure you understand the requirements
  • Highlight the key elements of the job/position to ensure you understand the scope and your potential responsibilities
  • Make a list of the duties and qualifications that must be fulfilled in order to be considered for the position
  • Confirm that you meet the qualifications listed in the job/position description
  • When finished, you should have an understanding of the job/position and its requirements. You can move on to the next step of investigating the company’s mission and values.

Investigating the company’s mission and values

  • Take some time to research the company online and explore their mission and values
  • Read through their website and/or other available resources to gain an understanding of the company and what they stand for
  • Use the information you’ve gathered to better inform your application notice
  • When you feel like you have a good grasp of the company’s mission and values, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Gathering essential information for the notice

  • Research the job description, requirements, and any other related information.
  • Identify the key qualifications and skills that are essential for the role.
  • Take note of any specific technical or other qualifications that may be required for the role.
  • Have a basic understanding of the company’s mission and values.

You can check this off your list when you have done the necessary research and have a good understanding of the job requirements and company mission and values.

Assembling relevant experience, skills, and qualifications

  • Identify the qualities and skills required for the position
  • Make a list of your relevant experience, qualifications, and skills
  • Make sure that your list aligns with the qualities and skills required for the position
  • Put the most relevant experience, qualifications, and skills at the top of the list for easy reference
  • When you are confident you have listed all the relevant experience, skills, and qualifications, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step

Crafting a clear and concise message

  • Write down the job title and requirements you are applying for
  • Identify the key qualifications and experience you possess that align with the job description
  • Brainstorm specific examples from your experience that demonstrate the skills and qualifications listed
  • Use concise and active language when constructing your message
  • Make sure to include any relevant information that is not listed in the job description
  • Know that when you have crafted a clear, concise message that accurately reflects your qualifications and experience, you can move on to writing an attention-grabbing introduction.

Writing an attention-grabbing introduction

  • Brainstorm and create an introduction that is concise, interesting, and compelling
  • Introduce yourself and your interest in the position
  • Include a sentence that explains why you are the ideal candidate
  • Make sure the introduction is relatable and tailored to the position
  • Avoid generic phrases or clichés
  • When you have created an introduction that captures the attention of the reader and is a unique representation of yourself, you can move on to outlining your reasons for the job/position.

Outlining the reasons why you are the best fit for the job/position

  • List out your professional qualifications, skills, and experience that make you the perfect fit for the job or position
  • Describe how the skills and experience you have acquired in the past will help you succeed in the role
  • Highlight any awards, certifications, or recognitions that you have received that prove your expertise in the role
  • Explain how you can bring a unique perspective to the team or organization
  • Demonstrate how you’ll be a great fit for the team by emphasizing your personal qualities and ability to collaborate
  • When you are finished outlining the reasons for why you are the best fit for the job or position, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Explaining your ability to add value to the team

  • Outline your relevant experience and skills that match the job description and make you the best candidate
  • Provide examples of contributions you have made in the past that are relevant to the position
  • Identify what makes you stand out from other candidates
  • Use keywords to emphasize your qualifications
  • When you feel that you have adequately explained your ability to add value to the team, you can move on to the next step.

Highlighting any awards, accolades, or achievements

  • List any awards, accolades, or achievements that you have received that are relevant to the position you are applying for
  • List any professional memberships or certifications that you have that are related to the role
  • Include any information on your professional training, education, or work experience that is relevant to the position
  • When you have listed all of the relevant awards, accolades, achievements, certifications, and training, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Signing off with a strong conclusion

  • Summarize the main points of the application notice
  • Acknowledge the reader for their time and consideration
  • Conclude with a friendly yet professional sign-off such as ““Sincerely,””
  • Proofread the entire notice to ensure it is free of any errors
  • When you are finished with the conclusion, you can move on to the next step of formatting the notice correctly.

Formatting the notice correctly

  • Check that the notice is in the correct legal format according to the rules of the court and/or other governing body
  • Ensure that all sections are clearly outlined and that relevant information is provided in each
  • Double check that all information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Once you have formatted the notice correctly, you can move on to the next step of choosing an appropriate font and font size.

Choosing an appropriate font and font size

  • Select a font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman or Arial
  • Set the font size to 12 point or 14 point
  • Check to make sure the font size is consistent throughout the notice
  • Once you have selected the font and font size, you can move on to the next step of utilizing white space for readability.

Utilizing white space for readability

  • Leave plenty of space between sections for easy reading
  • Use headings and subheadings to break up content
  • Use bold and italics for emphasis to make important points stand out
  • Include blank space between paragraphs
  • Double-check before submitting to make sure the document is formatted and spaced correctly
  • When complete, check off this step and move on to the next step.

Making sure the document follows the company’s guidelines

  • Research the company’s guidelines for application notices and ensure that the document follows them
  • Make sure the document is free of any errors and follows the company’s formatting and font guidelines
  • Make sure the document is within the word limit set out by the company and that it includes all the required information
  • Proofread the document to ensure that all the details are accurate
  • Once you have checked the document against all the company’s guidelines, you can move on to the next step.

Tailoring the notice to the job/position

  • Read through the job description and make sure to understand the job requirements
  • Identify the key skills and qualifications that are required for the job
  • Include information and details in the application notice that demonstrate how the applicant meets the job requirements
  • Review the notice and check if the content is relevant and appropriate to the position
  • Check if the content is free of any errors or typos
  • When you are satisfied with the content, you can move on to the next step in the guide

Adapting the content to match the job/position requirements

  • Identify the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for the job/position
  • For each required attribute, include specific examples of how you meet the criteria in your application notice
  • If a certain attribute is not required, leave it out
  • Make sure to use keywords that are relevant to the job/position
  • When you are finished, review the notice to make sure it is tailored to the job/position and all necessary information has been included
  • Once you are satisfied with the content, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of proofreading and submitting the notice.

Proofreading and submitting the notice

  • Carefully read through the application notice and check for any errors in grammar and spelling
  • Make sure all job/position requirements are accurately addressed
  • Check that all formatting and layout is correctly applied
  • Review that all relevant information is included
  • Once you are satisfied with the application notice, submit it according to instructions
  • Once the application notice has been submitted, you can move on to the next step

Editing for grammar and spelling

  • Read through the application notice to check for any typos, grammar mistakes, or spelling errors.
  • Correct any mistakes you find with the spellchecker or by manually editing the document.
  • When you’re done, go through it again for a final check to make sure you’ve caught all the errors.
  • Once you’re satisfied with the corrected copy, you can check this step off your list and move on to double checking any formatting and layout.

Double checking any formatting and layout

  • Review the application notice for any errors in formatting and layout including font size, font type, font color, margins, spacing, and images
  • Make sure all sections have the same font type and size
  • Look for any extra spaces, unnecessary line breaks, and incorrect margins
  • Check that all images are properly aligned and sized
  • Proofread the document one final time to make sure everything looks good
  • When you are confident with the formatting and layout, you can move on to submitting the application according to the company’s instructions.

Submitting according to the company’s instructions

  • Read through the company’s instructions carefully to make sure you understand what they are asking for
  • Make sure your application notice follows the company’s specific requirements, including submitting it in the right format, with the right information, and in the right place
  • Check that you have included all the documents, information, and/or other materials requested by the company
  • Submit your application notice according to the company’s instructions
  • Check your email or the company’s website for confirmation that your application has been received
  • When you receive the confirmation, check this step off your list and move on to the next step!

Tips for making a lasting impression with the application notice

  • Take the time to customize your application notice to the company and job/position you’re applying for.
  • Show that you understand the company’s mission and values, and how they align with your own.
  • Make sure to include your skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job/position.
  • Maintain a professional tone and structure throughout the application notice.
  • Once you have ensured that your application notice is tailored to the company and job/position, you can check off this step and move on to researching the company and job/position.

Researching the company and job/position

  • Explore the company website and learn as much as you can about their mission, values, and culture
  • Read reviews and other online resources to gain further insight into the company
  • Look for job postings and job descriptions related to the position you are applying for
  • Take note of any specific qualifications, skills, or experience that the company is looking for
  • When you feel you have a good understanding of the company and job requirements, you can move on to crafting a unique and tailored message.

Crafting a unique and tailored message

  • Take the time to write a message that is specific to the company and the job you’re applying for
  • Make sure to emphasize the qualities and skills that make you a great fit for the role
  • Tailor the message to the company’s mission and values
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the job and the organization
  • Avoid using standard phrases that you’ve used for other applications
  • Edit your message for grammar and spelling mistakes
  • When you’re satisfied with the message, you can move on to the next step.

Utilizing a professional font and layout

  • Select a professional font that is easy to read and appropriate for the type of notice you are writing (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, etc.)
  • Format your document to include a header, paragraphs with appropriate line spacing, and a footer with contact information
  • Double check that your font size is large enough to be easily read and that your margins are appropriately sized
  • When you are satisfied with the font, layout, and formatting of your document, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Proofreading and editing for errors

  • Carefully read through your application notice to ensure that there are no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors
  • Check to make sure that any applicable legal requirements are included
  • Verify that all dates, contact information, and job descriptions are accurate
  • When you are certain that the application notice is free of any errors, you can proceed to the next step.

Guidelines for employers and HR professionals for assessing potential candidates

  • Review job postings and job descriptions to get an idea of what qualifications are needed for the position
  • Check resumes for relevant experience, education, and professional certifications
  • Ask questions in the interview that probe for specific skills, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Listen for verbal cues such as tone and level of enthusiasm
  • Review references and contact them to ask questions about the candidate’s past performance
  • Assess communication skills to determine if the candidate can effectively communicate with others
  • Check the candidate’s criminal background, if necessary
  • Make sure the candidate’s personal values align with the company’s values

When you have identified the key qualifications and have completed the assessment process, you can move on to the next step of drafting an application notice.

Identifying key qualifications for the job/position

  • Carefully review the job description and list out any skills, experiences, qualifications, certifications, and/or other requirements for the position
  • Make sure the qualifications are realistic and applicable to the job position
  • Make a note of any desired or preferred qualifications that could be beneficial to the position
  • Prioritize the qualifications, if necessary, and adjust when needed
  • When you have a list of qualifications that you feel accurately reflects the position, you will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Asking the right questions to gain a better understanding of their skills and abilities

  • Draw up a list of questions relevant to the job/position in question
  • Design the questions to uncover the applicant’s skills and abilities that are pertinent to the job/position
  • Ensure the questions are specific and not open-ended
  • Consider what the ideal responses would be to the questions
  • Arrange an in-person or phone interview with the applicant to ask questions
  • Make notes of the applicant’s responses
  • Evaluate the applicant’s responses to determine if they have the skills and abilities required
  • When the questions have been asked and responses have been evaluated, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Evaluating the applicant’s experience, education, and training

  • Review the applicant’s resume and cover letter to gain insight into their work experience, education, and training
  • Assess the candidate’s qualifications in terms of the job they’ve applied for
  • Make notes of any skills or qualifications that stand out
  • Use a hiring checklist to make sure all criteria are met
  • Make sure the candidate meets any legal requirements of the role
  • Check the applicant’s references to gain further insight
  • When you have a good understanding of the candidate’s experience, education, and training, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Following up with the employer/HR professional

  • Reach out to the employer/HR professional via email, phone, or in person to discuss the application and any questions you may have
  • Ask for an update on the status of the application and provide any additional information that the employer/HR professional may need
  • Make sure to thank the employer/HR professional for their time and attention
  • Keep a record of your contact with the employer/HR professional and any information they provide
  • You’ll know you can check this off your list when the employer/HR professional has provided you with an update on the application status and you have thanked them for their time.

Connecting with the contact person in a timely manner

  • Reach out to the contact person within one business day of sending the application
  • Ask any questions you may have about the position, the employer, and the hiring process
  • Use the contact person as a resource and contact them regularly to get updates on the status of your application
  • Once you have a response from the contact person or have received a status update, you can move on to the next step - checking in to inquire about the status of the application.

Checking in to inquire about the status of the application

  • Check back in with the contact person two weeks after the initial contact
  • Ask politely about the status of the application and if there is any update
  • Offer to answer any additional questions or provide any additional information that may be required
  • When the contact person has provided an update, thank them for the information and confirm that you understand the status of the application
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: when the contact person has provided an update, thank them for the information and confirm that you understand the status of the application and have any additional questions or information requested.


Q: Is there a difference between drafting an application notice in the USA and the UK?

Asked by Jack on 21st January 2022.
A: Yes, there are some differences between drafting an application notice in the USA and the UK. In the US, a Notice of Application must be sent to all parties who are affected by the application. This includes any potential defendant as well as anyone else who may have an interest in the subject matter of the application. In the UK, however, a Notice of Application must only be sent to any potential defendant, rather than to anyone else who may have an interest in the matter.

Q: What is a typical timeline for drafting an application notice?

Asked by Elijah on 25th March 2022.
A: A typical timeline for drafting an application notice will depend on the complexity of the matter and the jurisdiction in which it is being filed. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from a few days to several months from when you first begin researching and drafting the notice to when it is ready for filing. During this time, you may also need to consult with various experts or obtain additional information for your filing.

Q: What kind of research should I do before drafting an application notice?

Asked by Bella on 7th June 2022.
A: Before drafting an application notice, it is important to conduct thorough research into the relevant laws, regulations, and case law that apply to your particular situation. You should also become familiar with any applicable statutes and other legal documents that are relevant to your case. Additionally, you should research any potential parties involved in your case, as well as previous cases that may be relevant to yours.

Q: Do I need an attorney to draft my application notice?

Asked by Owen on 12th August 2022.
A: Depending on your particular situation, you may or may not need an attorney to draft your application notice for you. If you are confident that you understand the legal issues involved and can effectively communicate them in your filing, then you may choose to draft it yourself with no assistance from a lawyer. However, if there are complex legal issues or if you are unsure of how best to present your case in a legal filing, then it is highly recommended that you seek legal advice before proceeding with your filing.

Q: How long does it take for my application notice to be approved?

Asked by Emma on 27th October 2022.
A: The amount of time it will take for your application notice to be approved depends on many factors such as how complex the matter is and whether there are any objections from other involved parties. Generally speaking, however, most applications will be reviewed and approved within a few weeks or months after submission. If there are any objections or appeals filed against your application then this process could take longer depending on the circumstances.

Q: What happens if my application is denied?

Asked by Liam on 1st December 2022.
A: If your application is denied then you will receive an explanation as to why it was denied and what steps you can take next if desired. Depending on the reasons for denial you may be able to appeal the decision or submit a new filing that addresses any issues that were raised during review of your initial filing. It is important that you understand why your initial filing was denied so that you can make sure any subsequent filings address those specific concerns before they are submitted for review again.

Q: Is there a difference between drafting an application notice in different sectors or industries?

Asked by Noah on 15th February 2022.
A: Yes, there can be differences between drafting an application notice in different sectors or industries due to different laws and regulations which apply to them respectively. For example, if you are applying for a patent then there are certain specific requirements which must be met in order for it to be accepted whereas if you are applying for a business license then different requirements may apply depending on what kind of business license you are seeking and where you are located geographically. Therefore, it’s important to research the specific requirements for each sector or industry before submitting your application so that you can ensure that all necessary information is included in order for it to be accepted.

Q: Do I need to include evidence when submitting my application?

Asked by Mason on 28th April 2022.
A: Generally speaking, yes – when submitting an application notice it is important to include any relevant evidence which supports your claims or statements made within the document itself. This could include anything from financial statements and tax returns (if applicable) to detailed descriptions of processes or procedures which demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, if there are any witnesses involved then their testimonies should also be included as evidence when applicable as well as any other documents which support the claims being made within your filing itself.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid when drafting my application?

Asked by Olivia on 9th July 2022.
A: When drafting an application notice it’s important that all statements made within it are accurate and truthful so as not to mislead anyone who reads it or acts upon its contents later down the line. Additionally, all claims should be backed up with evidence whenever possible so as not to make unfounded assertions which could later come back to haunt you during review of your filing by officials or other parties involved in the matter at hand. Finally, avoid using overly technical language which could confuse readers – instead use plain language wherever possible so that anyone who reads your document can easily understand its contents without having prior knowledge of related jargon or terminology specific to your industry or sector of choice.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Application Notice

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a company for breach of application notice if the company has failed to act in accordance with their own stated policies or procedures.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the company has violated the terms of the application notice and that this violation caused them harm.
  • The plaintiff must also provide evidence of the company’s violation of the application notice, such as documents, emails, or other records.
  • The plaintiff may be entitled to a range of damages, including compensatory, punitive, and/or nominal damages.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiations or mediation, or the case may be decided in court.
  • Damages may be calculated based on the amount of harm caused by the breach of application notice.

Templates available (free to use)

Claimaints Application Notice To Enforce Adjudication Decision
Court Application Notice Insolvency Proceedings
N244 Cc Application Notice
Section 127 Validation Order Application Notice
Section 172 Liquidator Removal Application Notice Compulsory Liquidation
Section 284 Void Disposition Application Notice
[Standard Application Notice To Court Company Administration](

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