Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting an ACH Agreement (Automated Clearing House)

23 Mar 2023
22 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


ACH Agreements are a critical component of any financial transaction, but all too often they are overlooked. Drawing up an ACH Agreement is essential for businesses, financial institutions and other organisations to ensure the rights and obligations of each party are understood, as well as the potential risks involved in the transaction. Without such clarity, disputes or misunderstandings can arise - leading to unwanted surprises or costly outcomes.

At Genie AI we understand the need for businesses and other organisations to protect their interests when it comes to managing payments and transfers. Our open-source legal template library contains millions of data points which provide an understanding of what a market-standard ACH agreement entails - meaning anyone looking to draft such an agreement can do so without consulting a lawyer. The agreement needs to be tailored to specific requirements; however by outlining expectations around the use of ACH services, fees that may be charged and security measures that must be taken (including potential fines or penalties for non-compliance) all parties can rest assured that their interests are protected.

By establishing an ACH Agreement with your business partner(s), you’ll have a clear legal document against which any disputes or misunderstandings can be resolved - quickly, cost-effectively and with minimal risk.
Our team here at Genie AI is committed to helping our community understand what’s needed in order for everyone’s interests remain secure during financial transactions - whether it’s providing access to high quality legal documents via our template library, or offering step-by-step guidance on how best to manage payments through our network.
If you want peace of mind when making payments then read on below for more information on how you can access our community template library today without needing a Genie AI account!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

ACH System: An electronic network used to process payments and transfers between banks and other financial institutions.

Negotiating: A process of discussing and coming to an agreement on the terms of a contract.

Drafting: The process of writing a contract or other legal document.

Clause: A provision in a contract or legal document.

Finalizing: The process of making an agreement official.

Regulatory Environment: The laws and regulations that govern an industry or activity.

Special Considerations: Issues that need to be taken into account when drafting a contract or legal document.

Monitoring: The process of regularly reviewing a contract or legal document to ensure it is up to date.

Updating: The process of changing the terms of a contract or legal document.


  • Understanding the ACH System
  • Negotiating an ACH Agreement
  • Drafting an ACH Agreement
  • Research
  • Clause review
  • Drafting
  • Finalizing
  • Understanding the Role of the Financial Institution
  • Understanding the Role of the Parties
  • Understanding the Regulatory Environment
  • Special Considerations
  • Finalizing the ACH Agreement
  • Monitoring the ACH Agreement
  • Updating the ACH Agreement

Get started

Understanding the ACH System

  • Understand what an Automated Clearing House (ACH) system is and its purpose
  • Learn how ACH works, including the roles of banks, merchants, and other parties
  • Research existing regulations and guidelines for ACH transactions
  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of ACH transactions and how they work
  • Read up on the security protocols and best practices for ACH transactions

You can check off this step when you have a firm understanding of what an ACH system is and how it works, including the roles of various parties, regulations and guidelines, types of ACH transactions, and security protocols.

Negotiating an ACH Agreement

  • Ensure both parties understand the rules and regulations governing ACH and agree to abide by them
  • Confirm the details regarding who is responsible for security, record keeping, and other operational issues
  • Discuss and agree on the financial and operational risks associated with ACH
  • Negotiate and agree on the terms of the ACH agreement, including the duration of the agreement and any other specific requirements
  • Once all the details have been agreed upon, both parties should sign the ACH agreement to finalize it

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when both parties have signed the ACH agreement.

Drafting an ACH Agreement

  • Contact a lawyer to help you draft the agreement
  • Outline the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Consider the ACH rules and regulations and any consumer protection laws when drafting
  • Ensure that the agreement is legally binding
  • Make sure the agreement is signed by all parties
  • You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the agreement is drafted, reviewed, and signed by all parties.


  • Research applicable ACH rules and regulations to ensure your agreement is in compliance
  • Research ACH formats and payment processing procedures
  • Research other relevant banking and financial regulations
  • Research how to ensure data security and privacy
  • When you have a comprehensive understanding of all applicable ACH regulations, formats, and procedures, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Clause review

  • Review existing ACH agreement clauses to determine which should be included in the new agreement
  • Analyze the existing clauses to determine if they need to be updated or revised in any way
  • Compare the clauses to the ACH Operating Rules and Guidelines to ensure compliance
  • Make a note of any new clauses or changes that need to be included
  • Once all the clauses have been reviewed and all necessary changes or additions have been noted, you can move on to the next step of drafting the ACH Agreement.


  • Gather information needed to draft the ACH Agreement, including the name and contact information of all parties involved
  • Outline the major points of the Agreement, including the types of transfers and payments, the timing and frequency of transfers, and the liability of parties
  • Use sample ACH Agreements or templates to ensure the Agreement meets legal and financial requirements
  • Draft the Agreement, including all terms and conditions, and provide a copy to all parties for review
  • When the Agreement is complete and all parties have approved, you can move on to the next step of finalizing the ACH Agreement.


  • Review the draft ACH agreement for accuracy and completeness
  • Make any necessary edits or revisions to the draft agreement
  • Once all revisions are completed, have all parties sign the final agreement
  • Obtain a copy of the signed ACH agreement for your records
  • You’ll know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when all parties have signed the final agreement and you have obtained a copy of the signed ACH agreement.

Understanding the Role of the Financial Institution

  • Review the ACH agreement and become familiar with the ACH rules and regulations
  • Confirm that the financial institution is compliant with the ACH rules and regulations
  • Ensure the financial institution offers the services required to support the ACH agreement
  • Confirm that the financial institution is capable of meeting the necessary security requirements
  • Ensure that the financial institution has the necessary technological infrastructure to support the ACH agreement

You can check this step off your list when you have determined that the financial institution is compliant with ACH rules and regulations, is capable of meeting the necessary security requirements, and has the necessary technological infrastructure to support the ACH agreement.

Understanding the Role of the Parties

  • Understand the roles of all the involved parties in the ACH agreement, including the financial institution and the company or individual initiating the payments
  • Decide who will be responsible for setting up, monitoring, and maintaining the ACH agreement
  • Identify which party will provide financial services, such as initiating payments and processing transactions
  • Determine which party will be responsible for any fees associated with the ACH agreement

You can check this step off your list when you have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the ACH agreement.

Understanding the Regulatory Environment

  • Understand the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) Operating Rules and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
  • Research the laws in your state, as well as those of the other parties involved in the ACH agreement
  • Familiarize yourself with the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulations Governing Electronic Funds Transfers
  • Be aware of any other applicable laws or regulations (e.g. consumer protection laws, anti-money laundering laws, etc.)
  • When you are confident that you are aware of all the relevant regulations, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Special Considerations

• Review the rules and regulations of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) to ensure that the ACH Agreement is compliant.
• Consider if any additional state or federal regulations apply to the ACH Agreement.
• Determine the transaction limit for the ACH Agreement.
• Review the return fee schedule for the ACH Agreement.
• Decide on the timeline for settling the transactions.
• Determine the dispute resolution process for the ACH Agreement.
• Outline the consequences for non-compliance with the ACH Agreement.

You can check this step off your list once you have considered all of the above points and determined the applicable regulations, transaction limit, return fee schedule, timeline, dispute resolution process, and consequences for non-compliance.

Finalizing the ACH Agreement

  • Review the ACH agreement, ensuring all details are accurate and all parties are in agreement.
  • Obtain signatures from all parties involved in the ACH agreement.
  • Make multiple copies of the ACH agreement and distribute to all parties.
  • If required, file the ACH agreement with the appropriate governing body.
  • Once the ACH agreement is finalized and all parties have signed, you can move on to the next step.

Monitoring the ACH Agreement

  • Review the ACH Agreement to ensure accuracy, such as accuracy of all parties’ information and the dates of execution
  • Verify that all parties have signed off on the agreement, and that all relevant documents have been received and filed
  • Make sure that all parties have received a copy of the agreement and that all parties understand their obligations
  • Monitor the ACH Agreement to ensure that all obligations are fulfilled in a timely and accurate manner
  • When all obligations are met and all parties have fulfilled their promises, the ACH Agreement is complete
    and you can move on to the next step.

Updating the ACH Agreement

  • Review the ACH Agreement to ensure it meets the organization’s needs and remains compliant with applicable laws
  • Make sure all the necessary parties are properly identified and have signed the ACH Agreement
  • Ensure that the language in the ACH Agreement is updated to reflect any changes due to new laws or regulations
  • Verify that all of the financial institutions involved in the ACH Agreement have the necessary documentation and are up to date on their filings
  • Ensure that all information in the ACH Agreement is accurate and up to date

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you have successfully updated the ACH Agreement and can move on to the next step.


Q: What is an ACH Agreement?

Asked by Jake on January 2nd 2022.
A: An ACH Agreement, or Automated Clearing House Agreement, is a legally binding agreement between two parties that allows for electronic transfer of funds. It is a type of electronic payment system which allows money to be transferred between two accounts without requiring a physical check or wire transfer. It is often used by businesses and organizations to facilitate recurring payments, such as payroll, rent and utility payments.

Q: How does an ACH Agreement differ from other payment methods?

Asked by Emily on February 15th 2022.
A: An ACH Agreement differs from other payment methods in several ways. First, it is an electronic payment system, meaning that it does not require a physical check or wire transfer. Additionally, payments are processed through the Automated Clearing House (ACH), a third-party processor that ensures that funds are transferred safely and securely. Additionally, ACH Agreements are often used for recurring payments, such as payroll, rent and utility payments. Finally, ACH Agreements typically have lower processing fees than other forms of payment.

Q: Is an ACH Agreement suitable for international payments?

Asked by Jacob on May 28th 2022.
A: An ACH Agreement can be used to make international payments, but there are certain limitations and considerations to keep in mind. Since the ACH network is only available in the United States and Canada, international payments must be processed using a different payment method. Additionally, certain countries may have their own regulations and laws governing international payments, which must be taken into account when drafting the ACH Agreement. It is important to do research before entering into any international payment agreements.

Q: What are some of the risks associated with an ACH Agreement?

Asked by Sophia on April 10th 2022.
A: As with any form of payment agreement, there are certain risks associated with an ACH Agreement. For example, since the funds are transferred electronically, there is always the risk of fraudulent activity or unauthorized access to personal banking information. Additionally, ACH Agreements typically involve recurring payments, which can sometimes lead to disputes over late or missed payments if one of the parties fails to meet their obligations under the agreement. It is important for businesses and organizations to take these risks into consideration before entering into any ACH Agreements.

Q: What should I consider when drafting an ACH Agreement?

Asked by Noah on March 12th 2022.
A: When drafting an ACH Agreement, it is important to consider various factors such as the parties involved in the agreement, the terms of the agreement (including payment frequency and amount), applicable laws and regulations (both federal and state), and dispute resolution procedures in case of a disagreement between the parties involved in the agreement. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all necessary information (e.g., bank account numbers) is included in the agreement in order to ensure a secure transfer of funds between parties.

Q: Are there any special requirements for companies located outside of the United States?

Asked by Mason on June 8th 2022.
A: Companies located outside of the United States may be subject to different laws and regulations regarding automated clearing house transactions than those located within the United States. Additionally, companies located outside of the United States may also need to take into account foreign exchange rates when drafting an ACH Agreement if they wish to receive funds from another country in their local currency. It is important for companies located outside of the United States to familiarize themselves with their local laws before entering into any automated clearing house transactions or agreements.

Q: Are there any special considerations for companies operating within specific industries or sectors?

Asked by Olivia on July 30th 2022.
A: Companies operating within certain industries or sectors may have additional considerations when drafting an ACH Agreement due to specific industry regulations or laws that apply only to those sectors or industries (e.g., healthcare). Additionally, certain industries may have additional security considerations when processing payments electronically that should be taken into account when drafting an ACH Agreement (e.g., encryption). It is important for businesses operating in specific industries or sectors to familiarize themselves with applicable regulations and laws before entering into any automated clearing house transactions or agreements.

Q: What happens if one of the parties fails to meet their obligations under the agreement?

Asked by Emma on August 4th 2022.
A: If one of the parties fails to meet their obligations under an ACH Agreement, it is important for both parties involved in the agreement to attempt to resolve any disputes amicably before resorting to legal action or other dispute resolution procedures outlined in the agreement (e.g., mediation). Additionally, depending on applicable laws and regulations governing automated clearing house transactions, it may be necessary for one or both parties involved in the agreement to notify their respective banks or financial institutions if they wish to terminate or modify an existing agreement due to failure of either party meeting their obligations under the agreement.

Q: Is there anything else I should consider when drafting an ACH Agreement?

Asked by Liam on November 17th 2022.
A: In addition to considering factors such as applicable laws and regulations (both federal and state) when drafting an ACH Agreement, it is also important for businesses and organizations entering into these agreements to consider other factors such as transaction fees (if any), security measures taken by both parties involved in order to protect confidential information (e.g., encryption), dispute resolution procedures outlined in case of disagreement between parties involved in the agreement (e.g., mediation), etc… Additionally, businesses should also ensure that they are familiar with any applicable industry specific regulations or laws that may apply when entering into automated clearing house transactions (e.g., healthcare).

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuit Involving an ACH Agreement

  • Plaintiff must have proof that a valid ACH agreement was formed between the parties.
  • Plaintiff must provide evidence that the ACH agreement was breached by the defendant.
  • Plaintiff must provide evidence of any damages that have been incurred as a result of the breach of the ACH agreement.
  • Plaintiff must provide a valid legal argument or theory as to why the breach of the ACH agreement is actionable.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation, out-of-court mediation, or arbitration.
  • Damages may include actual damages, restitution, punitive damages, or other remedies available under the law.
  • Plaintiff must prove the damages suffered are directly related to the breach of the ACH agreement.

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