Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting A Source Code License Agreement

9 Jun 2023
25 min
Text Link

Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice

## Introduction

Source code license agreements are a critical element of any software development project, yet they are often underestimated in their importance. Without the right source code license agreement in place, the parties involved in a software development project can face serious legal consequences. A source code license agreement serves to define the rights and responsibilities of each party involved – outlining who owns the source code, who can use it and how it can be used. It also spells out how all parties will be compensated for their work, how disputes will be resolved and any other issues pertinent to the project.

The Genie AI team is an expert resource when it comes to drafting high quality legal documents; millions of data points have taught our AI what constitutes a market-standard source code license agreement. With our dataset and community template library anyone can draft and customize their own legal documents without having to pay for costly lawyer fees.

Having a properly drafted source code license agreement carries numerous benefits; defining expectations between all parties helps prevent misunderstandings or disputes arising down the line; ensuring that everyone is adequately compensated for their effort whilst protecting intellectual property rights. It provides written evidence should any of the parties fail to meet their obligations which can be presented as evidence if necessary - plus it offers valuable documentation of the entire project should investors need further information on its risks and ownership status.

At Genie AI we understand just how critical a well-drafted source code license agreement is for successful software development projects - so we have created this step-by-step guidance as well as access to our template library so anyone can create high quality documents without incurring expensive costs or time delays associated with hiring lawyers or navigating complex contracts themselves. Why not take advantage of everything Genie has to offer by reading on below?

## Definitions

Open Source License: A type of license that grants permission to access and modify the source code, to distribute the software for free, and to develop a strong community of developers.

Commercial License: A type of license that is issued by a company or organization to grant permission to use their software or source code.

Custom License: A type of license that is specifically designed to meet the needs of the parties involved in a software development project.

Enforce: To ensure that the terms of an agreement are being followed.

Intellectual Property Rights: Rights that are granted to creators of original works, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

Jurisdiction: The legal system in which disputes are to be resolved.

Licensee: The party receiving the license.

Licensor: The party granting the license.

Renewal Terms: The conditions under which the agreement may be renewed.

Territory: The geographical area in which the agreement is valid.

## Contents
1. Overview of Source Code License Agreements
1. Researching and Understanding Common Source Code License Types
1. Exploring the Pros and Cons of Open Source Licensing
1. Defining the Scope and Limitations of the Agreement
1. Identifying the Software or Source Code to be Licensed
1. Specifying the Use and Distribution of the Software or Source Code
1. Defining the Territory of the Agreement
1. Establishing Any Modifications or Upgrades to the Software
1. Establishing the Rights and Obligations of the Parties Involved
1. Determining the Rights and Obligations of the Licensor
1. Establishing the Rights and Obligations of the Licensee
1. Identifying the Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights
1. Establishing Who Owns the Intellectual Property Rights to the Software
1. Determining Licensee’s Right to Use and Distribute the Software
1. Determining the Duration of the Agreement
1. Defining the Starting Date of the Agreement
1. Specifying the Duration of the Agreement
1. Establishing Renewal Terms
1. Negotiating Fees and Payment Terms
1. Defining the Fees or Royalties to be Paid
1. Establishing Payment Terms and Schedules
1. Establishing Dispute Resolution Procedures
1. Identifying the Appropriate Jurisdiction
1. Setting Out a Process for Managing Disputes
1. Crafting the Final Agreement
1. Drafting the Agreement
1. Reviewing and Finalizing the Agreement
1. Executing and Enforcing the Agreement
1. Signing and Executing the Agreement
1. Establishing Enforcement Mechanisms
1. Documenting and Tracking Changes
1. Documenting Any Changes to the Agreement
1. Tracking the Status of the Agreement

## Get started

## Overview of Source Code License Agreements

- Understand the purpose of a source code license agreement
- Understand the differences between various source code license types
- Research the different types of source code license agreements, such as open source, freeware, and proprietary licenses
- Learn about the different components of a source code license agreement, such as the scope of the license, the rights and obligations of the licensor and licensee, and the limitations of the license
- Research the governing laws and regulations related to source code license agreements
- Understand the importance of a source code license agreement and how it can protect your intellectual property

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

- When you have gained a good understanding of the purpose of a source code license agreement, the different types of licenses, the components of the license agreement, and the related laws and regulations.
### Researching and Understanding Common Source Code License Types

- Read up on the different types of source code licenses available, including open source, dual license, and proprietary licenses
- Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of each source code license type
- Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each type of source code license for your project
- Make a list of any questions or concerns you have about each type of license
- Speak to an attorney or other legal expert to clarify any questions or concerns you may have

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a general understanding of the different types of source code licenses available, have analyzed their benefits and drawbacks, and have spoken with a legal expert to clarify any questions or concerns you may have.
### Exploring the Pros and Cons of Open Source Licensing

- Analyze the pros and cons of each type of open source license, such as MIT, Apache, BSD, GNU, etc.
- Investigate the implications of each type of license with respect to the ownership of the source code, and the associated copyright.
- Consider the impact of the license on the ability to share, modify, and redistribute the source code.
- Evaluate the risk of using open source code in terms of potential liability, security, and privacy concerns.
- Consider the need for source code warranties and indemnification.

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of open source license, and what implications each type of license presents with respect to the ownership of the source code, and the associated copyright.
## Defining the Scope and Limitations of the Agreement

- Review the open source licenses you have identified as potential options in the previous step
- Consider the goals of the Software or Source Code and what restrictions you may need to place on its use
- Draft a list of conditions or restrictions that should be included in the license agreement
- Determine if there any exceptions or conditions that may need to be excluded from the license agreement
- Check the license agreement for accuracy and completeness
- When you are satisfied with the license agreement and its conditions, you can move on to the next step of identifying the software or source code to be licensed.
### Identifying the Software or Source Code to be Licensed

- Gather information on the software or source code, such as its name, version, and author.
- Collect any relevant documentation related to the software or source code.
- Make sure to note any existing copyrights or other intellectual property rights associated with the software or source code.
- Confirm the scope of the license by determining what the software or source code will be used for.

You can check this step off your list when you have collected all the relevant information about the software or source code to be licensed.
### Specifying the Use and Distribution of the Software or Source Code

- Determine the scope of the license agreement, i.e. whether it will cover the use and distribution of the source code and/or the software that is derived from the source code
- Include a provision that allows for limited use and/or distribution of the software or source code
- Specify the terms and conditions for use, distribution, and modification of the software or source code
- Decide whether the license will be perpetual or will terminate upon a certain condition
- Specify whether the licensee is allowed to use the software or source code for commercial purposes
- Include a provision that requires the licensee to acknowledge the ownership of the source code and/or software
- Determine whether the licensee can sublicense the software or source code

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have specified the use and distribution of the software or source code, you can move on to the next step which is defining the territory of the agreement.
### Defining the Territory of the Agreement

- Identify the source code license agreement's purpose - this will be the basis for the terms of agreement
- State the scope of the territory that the agreement will cover - geographic boundaries, time limits, and any other factors that will apply
- Specify who is responsible for the source code license agreement and who is expected to abide by the terms of the agreement
- Include any provisions for expanding or amending the agreement if necessary
- Once all of these steps are complete, the agreement can be finalized and signed.
### Establishing Any Modifications or Upgrades to the Software

- Identify who owns the modifications and upgrades to the software
- Specify who can make modifications and upgrades to the software
- Outline the process for making modifications and upgrades, including approval and notification requirements
- Determine whether modifications and upgrades are subject to the terms of the license
- Decide who will be responsible for any costs related to modifications and upgrades
- Establish the rights and obligations of each party related to modifications and upgrades

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step once you have identified, specified, outlined, determined, decided and established all modifications and upgrades to the software.
## Establishing the Rights and Obligations of the Parties Involved

- Outline the rights and obligations of each party related to the software, including but not limited to the licensor and licensee
- Make sure to specify the scope of the license, such as exclusive/non-exclusive rights, limited/unlimited distribution rights, etc.
- Make sure to also include any applicable warranties, representations, and liabilities
- Specify any applicable fees or payments related to the license, including any royalties or other monetary compensation
- Include any applicable restrictions or limitations regarding the use, distribution, or modification of the software
- When you have thoroughly outlined the rights and obligations of the parties involved, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
### Determining the Rights and Obligations of the Licensor

- Identify the type of source code license agreement you need to draft
- List out the rights and obligations of the licensor
- Consider any applicable laws and regulations that should be incorporated into the agreement
- Ensure that the agreement clearly outlines the licensor's rights to modify and control the source code
- Make sure that any warranties or guarantees provided by the licensor are specified in the agreement
- Identify any other obligations or restrictions the licensor is required to meet

Once you have listed out all the rights and obligations of the licensor and ensured that they are specified in the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
### Establishing the Rights and Obligations of the Licensee

- Draft a license agreement that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the licensee
- Outline what the licensee can and cannot do with the source code
- Identify any restrictions on the licensee, such as the inability to redistribute or modify the code
- Establish any warranty, indemnity, or limitation of liability that applies to the licensee
- Determine if the licensee is entitled to any compensation or royalties
- Specify the time period of the license
- When you have a complete license agreement that outlines the rights and obligations of the licensee, you can move on to the next step.
## Identifying the Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights

- Determine who owns the intellectual property rights to the software and if it is transferable to the licensee.
- Consider the relationship between the licensor and the licensee, and how it affects the transfer of intellectual property rights.
- Make sure that the licensee has the right to use the software they are licensing in the manner they intend.
- Ensure that the licensee has the right to transfer the intellectual property rights to any third party, if they so choose.
- Confirm that the licensee has the right to modify the software as needed.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once all of the above points have been thoroughly discussed, and agreed upon by both parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
### Establishing Who Owns the Intellectual Property Rights to the Software

- Research the development history of the software, including who wrote and contributed to the code
- Identify the copyright holder(s) of the software by examining all relevant documents such as the code, contracts, and licenses
- Confirm the owner’s identity with the relevant authorities to prove that the owner is the rightful copyright holder of the software
- When the rightful copyright holder(s) of the software has been identified, you can check off this step and move on to the next step (determining licensee’s right to use and distribute the software).
### Determining Licensee’s Right to Use and Distribute the Software

- Determine the scope of the license granted to the licensee, including whether the licensee has the right to:
 - Use the software for commercial purposes
 - Modify the software
 - Distribute the software to third parties
 - Sublicense the software to third parties
- Draft a clause that outlines the scope of the license granted to the licensee
- Make sure that the licensee’s rights are limited to the scope outlined in the clause
- Consider including any restrictions or conditions that should apply to the licensee’s use and distribution of the software
- When you have finished drafting the clause, you can move on to the next step: determining the duration of the agreement.
## Determining the Duration of the Agreement

- Consider the duration of the agreement and decide whether it should be perpetual, or have a specific end date
- Specify the terms of termination, such as when the agreement can be ended by either party
- Consider what type of renewal terms should be included in the agreement
- Once all the terms of the duration have been decided and set, you can move on to the next step of drafting the agreement.
### Defining the Starting Date of the Agreement

- Identify the starting date of the agreement (e.g. the date the agreement is signed and executed)
- Include the starting date in the agreement, specifying the day, month, and year
- Confirm the starting date of the agreement is accurate
- Once the starting date is confirmed, this step is complete and you can move on to the next step: specifying the duration of the agreement
### Specifying the Duration of the Agreement

- Set the duration of the agreement: Is the agreement a one-time, short-term, or long-term arrangement?
- Make sure the duration of the agreement is clear and unambiguous: Is it a year? A fixed number of days?
- Include language stating the agreement will automatically end upon the expiration of the duration specified in the license.
- Include language that states the agreement will automatically renew unless either party gives notice of termination before the expiration of the specified duration.
- Check off the completion of this step when you have defined the duration of the agreement and included the necessary language in the source code license agreement.
### Establishing Renewal Terms

- Review if the agreement should be automatically renewed or if the parties should negotiate a separate agreement at the end of the term
- Decide whether material changes to the agreement will be subject to negotiation, or if the terms will simply be renewed as is
- Consider including termination rights for both parties in the event of a breach of the agreement
- Determine the notice period required for termination of the agreement
- Specify whether the license may be renewed more than once, and if so, what the renewal terms would be
- Specify the notice period required for exercising renewal options
- Decide whether there will be any additional fees or consideration upon renewal

You'll know this step is complete when all of the above points have been addressed and agreed upon between the parties.
## Negotiating Fees and Payment Terms

- Establish the payment terms for the use of the source code, including the amount of the fee, the method of payment, and the frequency of payments.
- Work out terms that are mutually beneficial and agreeable to both parties.
- Draft a clause in the agreement that outlines the fees, payment terms, and any restrictions on the use of the source code.
- Once both parties have agreed to the payment terms, you can move on to the next step.
### Defining the Fees or Royalties to be Paid

- Determine the fees or royalties to be paid by the licensee to the licensor for the use of the source code.
- Consider the value of the source code and the licensee's use of it.
- Agree on the fees and/or royalties to be paid.
- Document the fees or royalties to be paid in the agreement.

Once the fees or royalties to be paid are determined and documented, you can move on to the next step of establishing payment terms and schedules.
### Establishing Payment Terms and Schedules

- Decide how and when payments will be made:
 - Will payments be made upfront, or will they be spread out over time?
 - If payments will be made over time, how long will the payment schedule last?
 - Will payments be made on a fixed schedule, or will payments be contingent on certain milestones being met?
 - Will payments be made in installments or one lump sum?
- Include details about the payment method in the agreement:
 - Will payments be made by check, wire transfer, or another method?
 - If payments are made by check, who will be responsible for the associated costs?
 - If payments are made by wire transfer, who will be responsible for the associated transfer fees?
- When the payment terms and schedules have been established, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
## Establishing Dispute Resolution Procedures

- Determine the appropriate dispute resolution procedures for the source code license agreement.
- Consider including relevant procedures such as:
 - Mediation
 - Arbitration
 - Court action
- Specify the jurisdiction, if any, under which the dispute resolution procedures will be conducted.
- Establish a timeline for dispute resolution procedures.
- When the dispute resolution procedures are established, check off this step and move on to the next.
### Identifying the Appropriate Jurisdiction

- Identify the applicable law and jurisdiction for the license agreement.
- Determine whether you are dealing with a domestic or international agreement and whether it will be governed by the laws of a particular state or country.
- If dealing with an international agreement, be sure to research the governing law of the other party’s jurisdiction.
- Consider which parties have authority to negotiate and enter into the agreement.
- Determine the court with jurisdiction to enforce the agreement.
- Once you have identified the applicable law and jurisdiction, include this information in the license agreement.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have identified the applicable law and jurisdiction for the license agreement.
### Setting Out a Process for Managing Disputes

- Outline a dispute resolution process that fits the project's needs, such as mediation, arbitration, or a tribunal
- Consider any costs that may be associated with the dispute resolution process
- Detail which governing laws or regulations will be used to resolve disputes
- Include a clause that requires both parties to act in good faith while attempting to resolve disputes
- List the remedies available to either party, such as injunctive relief or monetary damages
- Specify where disputes will be heard, in what language, and by which court or legal body
- When you have determined an effective dispute resolution process, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
## Crafting the Final Agreement

- Carefully review all notes from the previous steps and make any necessary edits
- Research any applicable law or regulations to ensure agreement is compliant
- Review and consider any feedback from the other parties
- Finalize the language of the agreement
- Check for any typos or other errors
- When all parties are satisfied that the agreement reflects their intentions and is legally sound, it can be signed and executed
- Ensure each party has a copy of the agreement for their records
- Check off this step on your list and move on to the next step, Drafting the Agreement.
### Drafting the Agreement

- Familiarize yourself with the relevant software licensing laws in the jurisdiction you are operating in.
- Identify the exact source code you will be licensing, such as the version, language, and platform.
- Define the license grant, who is granting the license, and who is receiving the license.
- Specify the scope of the license, such as the rights and restrictions associated with the license.
- Determine the payment terms, including consideration, currency, and term of payment.
- Establish the warranties, indemnities, and disclaimers that govern the license.
- Draft language to address any additional terms, such as the dispute resolution process and confidentiality.

When you can check this off your list: When you have drafted language that accurately and effectively addresses all of the relevant points in accordance with the applicable software licensing laws.
### Reviewing and Finalizing the Agreement

- Carefully read through the source code license agreement to ensure it accurately reflects the intentions of all parties
- Have any third-party attorneys review the agreement to ensure the legal language is appropriate
- Ensure all parties have signed the agreement
- Have all parties initial all pages of the agreement
- Make sure all parties keep a copy of the agreement for their own records
- When all steps are completed, the agreement is ready to be executed and enforced.
## Executing and Enforcing the Agreement

- Ensure that all parties who must sign the agreement have done so
- Obtain originals or certified copies of all executed documents
- Prepare a record or index of the executed documents
- Store the originals or certified copies of the executed documents in a secure location
- Distribute copies of the executed documents to all parties
- Monitor compliance with the agreement and take action to enforce the agreement if necessary.

How you'll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
- Once you have ensured that all parties have signed the agreement and you have prepared a record or index of the executed documents, you can move on to signing and executing the agreement.
### Signing and Executing the Agreement

- Ensure all parties have signed the agreement and each party has a fully executed copy of the source code license agreement.
- Make sure all parties receive a copy of the agreement in a format suitable for their records (e.g., PDF).
- Once all parties have signed the agreement, it is enforceable and can be used to settle any disputes.
- You will know when you can move on to the next step when all parties have signed and executed the agreement.
### Establishing Enforcement Mechanisms

- Work with the parties involved to identify an enforcement mechanism that can be used to address any breach of the license agreement
- Address how potential disputes over the agreement should be resolved
- Identify any applicable laws or regulations that could affect enforcement
- Document the enforcement mechanism in the license agreement for both parties
- Once all parties agree on the enforcement mechanism, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
## Documenting and Tracking Changes

- Identify a person or team responsible for tracking changes to the source code license agreement
- Establish a system for tracking changes to the agreement and be sure to document all changes
- Review changes regularly to ensure the accuracy of the document
- Keep a record of who made the changes and when
- When changes are approved and made, make sure to notify all parties of the changes

You will know you can check off this step and move on to the next when you have identified a person or team responsible for tracking changes to the source code license agreement, established a system for tracking all changes, reviewed changes regularly to ensure the accuracy of the document, kept a record of who made the changes and when, and notified all parties of the changes.
### Documenting Any Changes to the Agreement

- Make sure to document any amendments, additions, or changes to the source code license agreement.
- Keep a record of all changes made to the source code license agreement, including the date and time of each change.
- Save a backup of the previous version of the agreement before making any changes.
- Make sure to communicate any changes to the other parties involved in the agreement.
- When all the changes have been made, review the agreement to ensure that all changes have been made correctly.

You'll know that you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all the changes have been made and reviewed correctly.
### Tracking the Status of the Agreement

- Keep track of all parties involved in the agreement
- Monitor the progress of the agreement and keep everyone updated
- Make sure everyone is aware of any changes that are made to the agreement
- Ensure that everyone is in agreement on the terms and conditions
- Document the final agreement and have all parties sign off on it
- Check off this step and move on to the next step once all parties have signed off on the agreement.

## FAQ
## Q: What are the main differences between a source code license agreement and an end user license agreement?
Asked by Mary on 15th April 2022.
A: A source code license agreement is an agreement between a software developer and the end user, which grants the end user rights to use, copy, modify and distribute the source code of the software. An end user license agreement (EULA) on the other hand is an agreement between the software developer and the end user which grants rights to use, but not modify or distribute, the software. A source code license agreement is more comprehensive than an EULA since it covers more areas such as ownership of copyright, liability, warranties and indemnification.

### Q: How does jurisdiction effect a source code license agreement?
Asked by Dylan on 17th August 2022.
A: Jurisdiction can have a significant effect on source code license agreements as different countries have different laws which can affect how a source code license agreement is interpreted. For example, in some jurisdictions it may not be possible to disclaim certain warranties or liabilities under a source code license agreement. It is therefore important to make sure that any terms in the source code license agreement are compliant with the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is being used. It is also important to make sure that any disputes arising from the source code license agreement are heard in the correct jurisdiction as this can affect how any judgement or settlement is enforced.

### Q: What should I consider when drafting a source code license agreement for a SaaS product?
Asked by Emma on 5th October 2022.
A: When drafting a source code license agreement for a SaaS product there are several key points to consider in order to ensure that your rights are properly protected. Firstly, you should ensure that you have clear and unambiguous terms around ownership of copyright and intellectual property rights in the software. Secondly, you should include detailed provisions regarding liability and warranties in order to limit your exposure to potential claims from end users. Finally, you should include provisions regarding indemnification in order to protect yourself from potential claims made by third parties. It is also important to ensure that any terms included in the source code license agreement are compliant with applicable laws and regulations in order for them to be enforceable.

### Q: What other types of agreements should I include when drafting a source code license agreement?
Asked by Jack on 2nd November 2022.
A: When drafting a source code license agreement it is important to consider any other types of agreements which may be relevant such as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or other contracts relating to services or products provided by the software developer or third parties. It is also important to consider any EULAs which may be relevant as these can affect how the software is used and distributed by end users. Additionally, you should consider any industry-specific regulations or standards which may be relevant such as GDPR or HIPAA if your software will be used within those industries.

### Q: What clauses should I include in my source code license agreement to protect my business model?
Asked by Madison on 21st December 2022.
A: When drafting a source code license agreement it is important to include clauses which will protect your business model from potential abuse or misuse by end users. For example, you should consider including clauses around restrictions on usage such as limits on usage of data or resources, prohibitions on reselling or sublicensing of the software, restrictions on reverse engineering and prohibitions against using the software for illegal activities. Additionally, you should consider including provisions regarding termination or suspension of access in order to protect yourself from potential liability arising from misuse of your software.

## Example dispute

### Suing a Company for Breaching a Source Code License Agreement

- The plaintiff would need to prove that the defendant breached the source code license agreement by not abiding by the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement.
- The plaintiff would need to provide evidence of the source code license agreement and proof that the defendant had knowledge and/or access to it.
- The plaintiff could raise a lawsuit for breach of contract, citing the source code license agreement as the basis of the claim.
- The plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant’s actions or inactions violated the terms of the agreement and caused them harm.
- To win the lawsuit, the plaintiff may be awarded compensatory damages for the harm suffered, as well as punitive damages in some cases.
- Settlement could be reached without going to trial, where the defendant compensates the plaintiff for their damages.

## Templates available (free to use)
[Software Source Code Escrow Contract](
[Source Code Access Agreement](
[Source Code License Agreement](

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