Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Product Supply Agreement: A Step-by-Step Guide

23 Mar 2023
12 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Drafting a product supply agreement is an essential part of running any business, regardless of size or industry. Such agreements provide a legal basis for the exchange of goods and services, while simultaneously protecting the interests of both parties involved. The Genie AI team have seen firsthand how important such agreements can be and have created a comprehensive template library to help businesses draft and customize high-quality legal documents without having to hire a lawyer.

A product supply agreement should cover all aspects of the exchange of goods and services, including payment terms, delivery timelines, shipment protocols, warranties and more. In addition to protecting both parties’ interests by creating a legally binding document that outlines expectations and requirements, it also helps ensure that everyone remains compliant with relevant laws. Moreover, it provides financial security and peace of mind in knowing that everyone is entering into an equitable contract.

For those looking for assistance in drafting or customizing their own product supply agreement - whether you are a business owner, contract administrator or lawyer - Genie AI’s open source template library has been developed with millions of data points from experts all over the world to ensure you get market-standard documents at no extra cost.
So why not take advantage today? Our step-by-step guide can help answer any questions you might have about how we can make sure your business is protected through product supply agreements - no account required!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Legal Entity: An organization that is legally recognized as a separate entity from its owners.
Trading Name: A name used for business purposes that is different from the company’s official (legal) name.
Scope: The extent and boundaries of a particular agreement.
Payment Terms: The conditions under which payment is to be made for goods or services.
Rights and Obligations: A set of rules that define the responsibilities of each party involved in an agreement.
Confidentiality: An agreement that prevents the disclosure of information or data to any third parties.
Warranties: A guarantee or assurance that a product or service will meet certain standards.
Dispute Resolution: A process of resolving disputes between two or more parties.
Governing Law: The set of laws that apply to an agreement.
Jurisdiction: The legal authority to hear a particular case or issue a judgment.
Executed: Carried out or completed.
Filed: Placed in an official record or document.
Stored: Kept in a safe place.
Distributed: Shared or given out.


  • Identifying the parties involved in the agreement
  • Establishing the scope of the agreement
  • Outlining the purpose of the agreement
  • Establishing the timeline for the agreement
  • Establishing the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Outlining the payment terms
  • Outlining the rights and obligations of each party
  • Outlining the dispute resolution process
  • Establishing the governing law and jurisdiction
  • Researching and understanding any relevant laws or regulations
  • Drafting the agreement document
  • Defining the language and terminology of the agreement
  • Formatting the agreement document
  • Reviewing the agreement document
  • Verifying that all parties to the agreement have read and understood the document
  • Signing and executing the agreement
  • Filing and storing the agreement document
  • Distributing copies of the executed agreement to all parties

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Q: Is a product supply agreement legally binding?

Asked by Kayla on July 4th, 2022.
A: A product supply agreement is a legally binding contract between two parties, which outlines the terms and conditions of the sale and distribution of products from one party to another. This agreement establishes the rights and obligations of both parties and helps protect both parties in case of any disputes or misunderstandings. It should be signed by both parties in order to be legally binding.

Q: How do I ensure my product supply agreement is enforceable?

Asked by William on June 27th, 2022.
A: To ensure that your product supply agreement is enforceable, it is important to ensure that all the terms and conditions of the agreement are clearly stated and understood by both parties. Additionally, both parties should sign off on the agreement in order to make it legally binding. Finally, it is also important to make sure that all relevant jurisdictional laws, regulations, and industry standards are taken into account when drafting the agreement.

Q: What should I include in my product supply agreement?

Asked by Emma on April 14th, 2022.
A: When drafting a product supply agreement, it is important to include key terms such as delivery terms, payment terms, dispute resolution, termination clauses, warranties and indemnifications. Additionally, depending on the industry or sector involved and the specific business model, additional clauses might need to be included to ensure both parties’ rights are protected.

Q: Are there any differences between a UK and US product supply agreement?

Asked by Michael on November 16th, 2022.
A: Yes - there may be some differences between a UK and US product supply agreement depending on the jurisdiction in which they are drafted. Generally speaking, US agreements tend to be more detailed than UK ones due to the different legal systems in place. Additionally, there may also be differences in terms such as payment terms or dispute resolution due to different industry standards or practices in each jurisdiction.

Q: What does ‘force majeure’ mean when it comes to a product supply agreement?

Asked by Olivia on August 18th, 2022.
A: Force majeure is a Latin term used in contracts which refers to unforeseeable circumstances beyond either party’s control that prevent either party from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. This could include events such as natural disasters or pandemics that make performance impossible or impractical. It is important to consider force majeure when drafting a product supply agreement and have a clause that outlines how this will be handled if it occurs during the term of the contract.

Q: What should I do if one of the parties breaches the terms of my product supply agreement?

Asked by Jacob on October 5th, 2022.
A: If one of the parties breaches the terms of your product supply agreement then you should take action as soon as possible to enforce the terms of your contract and protect your rights as outlined in it. Depending on the nature of the breach this could include issuing warnings or notices regarding non-compliance with contractual obligations or even taking legal action if necessary. It is important that you fully understand your rights under your contract before taking any action against another party for breach of contract.

Q: How should I handle disputes arising out of my product supply agreement?

Asked by Sophia on March 28th, 2022.
A: Disputes arising out of a product supply agreement can often be difficult to resolve without external assistance or intervention. The best way to handle these disputes is usually through mediation or arbitration with an independent third-party neutral who can assess the situation objectively and help reach an amicable solution that works for both parties involved in the dispute. Alternatively, you may wish to take legal action in court if necessary depending on your particular circumstances and needs.

Q: Is it possible to terminate my product supply agreement before its expiration date?

Asked by Noah on February 8th, 2022.
A: Yes - it is possible to terminate a product supply agreement before its expiration date provided that both parties agree to do so or there are provisions for early termination included within the contract itself (such as force majeure clauses). However, depending on your particular circumstances you may need to give notice prior to terminating an existing contract so it is important that you check your contract carefully beforehand if you intend to terminate it early.

Q: Can I make changes or modifications to my existing product supply agreement?

Asked by Isabella on September 22nd, 2022.
A: Yes - it is possible for you to make changes or modifications to an existing product supply agreement provided that both parties agree to do so and any amendments are documented in writing and signed off by both parties (or their representatives). It is important that any changes are made within reason and not used as a means of circumventing any existing contractual obligations or unfairly disadvantaging either party involved in the contract.

Q: How can I ensure my product supply agreement remains up-to-date with current laws and regulations?

Asked by James on May 13th, 2022.
A: In order to ensure that your product supply agreement remains up-to-date with current laws and regulations it is important that you regularly review your contract and make any necessary changes as needed (again with both parties’ consent). Additionally, you should also research relevant jurisdictional laws and industry standards applicable to your business model so that you can ensure all relevant requirements are met when drafting your contract initially as well as any subsequent amendments you may need make over time due to changes in law or new developments within your sector/industry/business model etc…

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Product Supply Agreement

  • The plaintiff must be able to prove that the defendant signed a legally-binding product supply agreement, and that the defendant breached the agreement in some way.
  • The plaintiff must be able to provide evidence that the breach caused some sort of financial or other type of harm to the plaintiff.
  • The plaintiff must be able to demonstrate that the breach was material and that the defendant was aware of the breach.
  • The plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of the damages that were caused by the breach.
  • The plaintiff may be able to seek a monetary settlement from the defendant for the breach of the agreement, as well as any damages that were caused by the breach.
  • In some cases, the plaintiff may also be able to seek an injunction from the court, which would require the defendant to comply with the terms of the agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Product Supply Agreement

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