Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Product Release or Product Launch Announcement

23 Mar 2023
32 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Product releases are an integral part of launching and promoting new products. For experienced professionals, the importance of product releases in a successful product launch cannot be underestimated. Product releases not only help to get new products off the ground but also provide a framework for ongoing development and support. Here at Genie AI, we recognize this importance and want to offer our expertise to guide you through creating effective product release announcements.

Product release announcements are essential for communicating with the public about the features and benefits of your product, making them aware of your latest updates and offerings. This is particularly pertinent in the world of technology where products evolve quickly and having an effective communication strategy is key for staying ahead of the competition. Product releases can also be used to inform customers about any changes or improvements made so that they can be kept up-to-date with what’s on offer – especially when it comes to software products which often require frequent upgrades or patches.

Furthermore, product releases can play an important role in generating interest around a product launch; providing detailed information about their features, benefits and purpose helps create anticipation which can then drive sales volumes when finally released onto the market. Additionally, carefully crafted documents ensure legal protection against potential lawsuits or intellectual property disputes by ensuring that all necessary disclaimers and disclosures are included alongside any other required information for full legal compliance before being officially launched into public circulation…

In summary, product releases are an invaluable part of both launching products as well as furthering their ongoing development thereafter – one simply cannot underestimate their importance! Here at Genie AI we understand their significance which is why we have developed a comprehensive template library consisting of millions of data points from experts in this field; offering our guidance via step-by-step instructions so that anyone can draft high quality documents without needing to pay hefty lawyer fees - giving everyone access to crafting professional standard documents no matter what stage you’re at in your venture journey! Read on below for more information on how you can take advantage today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Target Audience: The intended recipients of a product launch announcement, usually identified by analyzing interests, preferences, demographics, geographic location, and psychographics.

Demographics: Characteristics of a population such as age, gender, race, education level, and income level.

Psychographics: The study of individuals’ lifestyle and values, used to gain insight into their interests and behavior.

Concise: Brief and straight to the point.

Memorable: Having the power to remain in someone’s memory.

Competitive landscape: A term used to describe the market in terms of the competition between businesses, including the number of competitors, their products and services, and their pricing.

Stakeholders: People or organizations who have an interest in the success of a business or venture.

Collaborators: People who work together to create something.

Timetable: A plan that outlines when tasks should be completed.

Promotion Plan: A strategy for how and where a product launch announcement will be distributed.

Metrics: Measurements used to track progress or success.


  • Identify the Audience
  • Analyzing who the product launch announcement is targeting and researching their interests and preferences.
  • Develop a Clear Message
  • Crafting a concise, memorable statement about the product and why it’s important.
  • Research the Competition
  • Examining the competitive landscape to understand how to differentiate the product launch.
  • Gather the Right Team
  • Assembling a team of key stakeholders and collaborators to help execute the product launch.
  • Prepare the Content
  • Developing the materials and resources needed for a successful product launch.
  • Create a Timetable
  • Establishing a timeline for when tasks should be completed to ensure a successful product launch.
  • Outline the Promotion Plan
  • Planning how the product launch announcement will be distributed and what promotional materials will accompany it.
  • Design The Materials
  • Creating visuals and content to support the product launch announcement.
  • Develop the Announcement
  • Writing the product launch announcement and ensuring it is clear, consistent, and accurate.
  • Measure the Impact
  • Monitoring the success of the product launch and tracking performance metrics.
  • Assess the Results
  • Evaluating the success of the product launch and making necessary changes to the strategy.

Get started

Identify the Audience

  • Determine who your target audience is for the product launch announcement
  • Research their interests and preferences to understand what will be most appealing to them
  • Consider the various channels they may use to receive the announcement, including print and digital
  • Compile a list of any organizations, influencers, and industry experts that should be informed of the launch
  • When you have identified the target audience, their interests and preferences, and the channels to reach them, you can move on to the next step: analyzing who the product launch announcement is targeting and researching their interests and preferences.

Analyzing who the product launch announcement is targeting and researching their interests and preferences.

  • Gather as much information as possible about the target audience, such as demographics, interests, and purchasing habits
  • Research the competition, their messaging, and their target audience
  • Create customer personas to help determine the best way to frame the product launch announcement and the language to use
  • Consider the target audience’s preferences for receiving information (e.g. email, text message, etc.)

When you can complete this step, you will have gathered all the necessary information about the target audience and have created a plan for how to best communicate the product launch announcement.

Develop a Clear Message

  • Brainstorm the main points you want to make in the announcement
  • Draft a clear and concise message that introduces the product, its features, its benefits, and any other relevant information
  • Revise and refine the message to make sure it’s as succinct and compelling as possible
  • Once you’re satisfied with the message, you can check this step off your list and move on to crafting a memorable statement about the product and why it’s important.

Crafting a concise, memorable statement about the product and why it’s important.

  • Take some time to think about the core purpose of your product and why your customers should be interested.
  • Create a short, attention-grabbing statement that explains the value of your product in a few words.
  • Brainstorm a few different versions of your statement and pick the one that resonates most with you.
  • Once you have a statement that you’re happy with, test it out on a few people and make any necessary revisions.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a concise, memorable statement about the product and why it’s important that resonates with you and other people.

Research the Competition

  • Take some time to research the competitive landscape of the product you are launching.
  • Make a list of the different products currently on the market that are similar to yours.
  • Note the features and benefits of each of the competitive products.
  • Identify what sets your product apart from the competition and how you can use that to your advantage.
  • Once you have a good understanding of the competitive landscape, you can move on to the next step.

Examining the competitive landscape to understand how to differentiate the product launch.

  • Analyze the competitive landscape to identify potential opportunities to differentiate your product from that of your competitors
  • Research the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors’ products and services
  • Identify and assess the potential areas for differentiation in terms of features, pricing, service, etc.
  • Compare the features and pricing of your product to those of your competitors
  • Make note of any unique selling points or advantages that you offer
  • Once you have a clear understanding of the competitive landscape and your product’s unique selling points, you can move on to the next step.

Gather the Right Team

  • Identify the individuals who need to be involved in the product launch and create a list of required roles and responsibilities
  • Assign tasks to each team member and discuss deliverables
  • Make sure the team is aware of the timeline and deadlines related to the product launch
  • Create a plan on how to communicate progress, changes, and challenges to the team
  • Set up regular meetings to check-in on progress and provide feedback

Once all the roles and responsibilities are assigned and the team is aware of the timeline and deadlines, this step can be checked off your list and you can move on to the next step.

Assembling a team of key stakeholders and collaborators to help execute the product launch.

  • Identify all key stakeholders and collaborators who need to be involved in the product launch.
  • Reach out and obtain contact information for each individual or team.
  • Schedule one or more meetings with each team to discuss the product launch and any specific roles each team will take on.
  • Come to an agreement on each team’s role and contribution to the product launch.
  • Assign timelines for completion of tasks and/or contributions to the product launch.
  • Confirm each team’s commitment to participating in the product launch.

Once all teams have agreed to participate and have been assigned roles and timelines, you can move on to the next step in preparing your product launch.

Prepare the Content

  • Brainstorm ideas for the product launch announcement
  • Map out the key information and messages you want to communicate
  • Draft the announcement considering the tone, language, and audience
  • Check for consistency, accuracy, and clarity in the copy
  • Get input from key stakeholders and revise as necessary
  • Once the content is finalized, you can move on to developing the materials and resources needed for the product launch.

Developing the materials and resources needed for a successful product launch.

  • Brainstorm the materials and resources needed for the product launch.
  • Create a checklist of materials and resources needed for the launch.
  • Research and obtain any necessary materials and resources needed for the launch.
  • Put together a plan of action for the acquisition of materials and resources.
  • Gather all materials and resources needed for the launch.
  • Check off items on your checklist as you acquire the materials and resources needed.

You will know you have completed this step when you have gathered all the materials and resources needed for the launch, and all the items on your checklist have been checked off.

Create a Timetable

  • Establish a timeline of tasks that need to be completed to ensure a successful product launch
  • Break down the big tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks
  • Include deadlines and milestones in the timeline
  • Identify any dependencies between tasks
  • Assign each task to a team member/s
  • Review the timeline with all team members to ensure everyone understands and agrees with the timeline
  • Use a project management system to keep track of progress
  • When the timeline is finalized and all tasks have been assigned, you can check this off your list and move onto the next step.

Establishing a timeline for when tasks should be completed to ensure a successful product launch.

  • Create an organized timeline with clear deadlines for all essential tasks
  • Determine when each task should begin and end, including research, design, development, testing, promotion, and post-launch review
  • Prioritize tasks based on importance and ensure that any deadlines have been communicated to all stakeholders
  • Hold regular check-ins with all teams involved to ensure everyone is on track and to help facilitate any changes needed
  • When all tasks are complete, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Outline the Promotion Plan

  • Identify target audiences that will be most relevant to the product launch
  • Develop promotional materials that will be most effective in reaching target audiences
  • Decide on the best methods of reaching those target audiences (e.g. email, social media, print advertisements)
  • Outline the main points that will be included in the product launch announcement
  • Identify the channels that will be used to distribute the announcement, such as press releases, website updates, or social media posts
  • Estimate the budget for promotional efforts

You’ll know you can move on to the next step when you have a clear plan for the promotional materials and methods that will be used to reach target audiences, and the main points that will be included in the product launch announcement.

Planning how the product launch announcement will be distributed and what promotional materials will accompany it.

  • Choose what mediums you will use to distribute the announcement (e.g. email, social media, blog post, etc.)
  • Consider what collateral pieces you need to support the launch (e.g. a video, images, website landing page, etc.)
  • Make sure you create a timeline for when each piece of collateral will be released
  • Determine who the target audience is for each piece of collateral
  • When you have finalized the distribution plan and promotional materials, you can check this step off your list.

Design The Materials

  • Draft a few different versions of the product launch announcement
  • Define which visuals and content you need to support the announcement
  • Consider any components of the product launch announcement that may need to be translated
  • Research any media, industry websites, or influencers you want to target with the announcement
  • Find a way to track the success of the announcement
  • Once you have all the necessary components in place, you can move on to the next step of creating visuals and content to support the product launch announcement.

Creating visuals and content to support the product launch announcement.

  • Gather images, videos, and other visuals that will best showcase the features and benefits of the product.
  • Draft content that will be used in the announcement such as a press release, product page, and blog post.
  • Make sure the content is concise, clear, and easy to understand.
  • When you have the visuals and content ready, it’s time to move on to developing the announcement.

Develop the Announcement

  • Gather all the materials that you have created in the previous step and make sure they are ready to be used in the product launch announcement
  • Brainstorm ideas and develop a plan for the structure and content of the announcement
  • Make sure to include all the necessary information such as product features, pricing, and availability
  • Research other product launch announcements to get an idea of what to include in yours
  • Create a timeline of when each part of the announcement should be released
  • Once you have an outline and plan for the announcement, you can move on to the next step and start writing it

Writing the product launch announcement and ensuring it is clear, consistent, and accurate.

  • Create a first draft of the announcement, focusing on accuracy and clarity
  • Ensure that all the pertinent information is included in the announcement
  • Review the announcement to ensure it is consistent with the initial concept and the overall brand
  • Make sure the announcement is formatted correctly, using the correct grammar and punctuation
  • Have someone else review the announcement for accuracy and clarity
  • When the announcement is finalized, you can move on to the next step of measuring the impact of the announcement.

Measure the Impact

  • Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the product launch.
  • Create a tracking system that will help you monitor the progress of the product launch.
  • Establish an effective way to collect and analyze the data associated with the success of the product launch.
  • Identify the metrics that will help you evaluate the success of the product launch.
  • Set up a system for tracking the performance of the product launch over time.

Once you have set up the tracking system and have identified the metrics to measure the success of the product launch, you can move on to the next step of monitoring the success of the product launch and tracking performance metrics.

Monitoring the success of the product launch and tracking performance metrics.

  • Monitor the success of the product launch by tracking key performance metrics such as website visits, time on page, number of downloads, and user engagement.
  • Track the performance of the product launch over time to see if there are any areas of improvement.
  • Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track website visits and user engagement.
  • Set up alerts to notify you of any changes in performance metrics.
  • When you have a good understanding of the performance metrics, you can move on to the next step of assessing the results.

Assess the Results

  • Review the performance metrics collected during the monitoring phase to determine how successful the product launch was.
  • Compare the metrics to the targeted goals and objectives set prior to the launch.
  • Analyze the data to identify areas where the product launch was successful and areas that could be improved.
  • Evaluate the customer feedback and reviews provided during the launch to gain insights into customer satisfaction.
  • Compile the data and results into a report to be shared with stakeholders.
  • Once the assessment of the results is complete, you can move on to the next step of evaluating the success of the product launch and making necessary changes to the strategy.

Evaluating the success of the product launch and making necessary changes to the strategy.

  • Analyze the data collected from the launch, and identify areas of success or failure
  • Compare the data to the original goals and objectives for the product launch
  • Come to a conclusion about whether the launch was a success or failure
  • Make adjustments to the product launch strategy to ensure success in the future
  • Have an open discussion with staff and stakeholders to get feedback on the product launch
  • Check off this step when you have made necessary changes to the strategy and revised goals for future launches


Q: What is the legal requirement for product launch announcements?

Asked by Ella on April 15, 2022.
A: Product launch announcements must comply with the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are issued. For example, in the UK, companies must follow the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, while in the US and EU, companies must comply with similar regulations specific to their jurisdiction. It is also important to note that product launch announcements should be written in a way that is both understandable and compliant with the law.

Q: How do I ensure my product launch announcement complies with local laws?

Asked by Jack on August 2, 2022.
A: When drafting a product launch announcement, it is important to consult the relevant local laws and regulations to ensure it complies with them. This includes understanding any restrictions on promotional language or pricing, as well as any disclosure requirements such as disclosure of third-party endorsements. It is also important to consider any industry-specific requirements, as certain sectors may have their own additional regulations.

Q: How can I make my product launch announcement stand out?

Asked by Olivia on July 5, 2022.
A: There are several ways to make your product launch announcement stand out from the crowd. Firstly, it is important to consider the target audience and craft your message in a way that resonates with them. It is also helpful to use language that conveys excitement about the product and its features, as well as including customer stories or testimonials to demonstrate its value. Additionally, including visuals such as images or videos can help draw attention to your announcement and make it more memorable.

Q: What are the key elements of a successful product launch announcement?

Asked by Noah on October 10, 2022.
A: The key elements of a successful product launch announcement include a clear description of the product and its features; an overview of the benefits it offers; pricing information; any relevant disclaimers; and a call-to-action encouraging customers to purchase or sign up for the product. Additionally, it is beneficial to include customer testimonials or success stories as evidence of its value, as well as visuals such as images or videos for added impact.

Q: How should I format my product launch announcement?

Asked by Emma on September 23, 2022.
A: When formatting your product launch announcement, it is important to ensure that it is easy-to-read and presents information clearly and concisely. This includes using headings and formatting options such as bolding or italicizing text to separate sections, breaking up paragraphs into smaller chunks and using bullet points where appropriate. Additionally, it can be helpful to use visuals such as images or videos to break up text and draw attention to key points in the announcement.

Q: What are some tips for writing an effective product launch announcement?

Asked by Liam on February 15, 2022.
A: Writing an effective product launch announcement requires careful consideration of both content and format. Firstly, it is important to make sure that you include all relevant information about the product including its features and benefits; pricing information; any disclaimers; and a call-to-action encouraging customers to purchase or sign up for the product. Additionally, it can be beneficial to include customer stories or testimonials within your announcement as evidence of its value. When formatting your announcement, ensure that it is easy-to-read by breaking up sections with headings or visuals like images or videos; separating paragraphs into smaller chunks; and using bullet points where appropriate.

Q: How do I promote my product launch announcement?

Asked by Isabella on June 17, 2022.
A: Once your product launch announcement has been written and formatted in an effective manner, there are several ways to promote it. Firstly, sharing it on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter can help spread awareness of your new product among potential customers. Additionally, sending out an email newsletter with your announcement attached can be an effective way to reach existing customers who may be interested in purchasing your new offering. Finally, if appropriate for your target audience, consider paid advertising options such as Google Ads or LinkedIn Ads which can help you reach potential customers more quickly than organic methods alone would allow.

Q: Should I include customer testimonials in my product launch announcement?

Asked by Logan on May 11, 2022.
A: Including customer testimonials in a product launch announcement can be highly beneficial as they provide evidence of its value from existing customers who have already experienced success with using the product themselves. If possible, try to include at least one customer story within your announcement along with their name and title if appropriate - this will help add credibility while also providing potential customers with inspiration when considering whether they should purchase your new offering or not.

Q: What other materials should be prepared alongside a product launch announcement?

Asked by Mia on November 21, 2022.
A: In addition to drafting a standalone product launch announcement itself there are several other materials which should be prepared alongside it in order for it to be successful - this includes press releases which can be used for promotion purposes; FAQs which customers may have regarding the new offering; promotional materials such as banners or videos which can be used online; and sales materials such as brochures which can be used offline when speaking directly with potential customers about your new offering at events or conferences for example.

Q: What are some best practices when drafting a press release for a product release?

Asked by Elijah on March 13, 2022.
A: Best practices when drafting a press release for a product release include ensuring that all necessary information about the new offering is included such as its features and benefits; pricing information; any disclaimers; customer stories/testimonials if appropriate; and contact details for further inquiries from potential customers. Additionally, press releases should be kept short - aim for between 300-500 words - while also conveying excitement about the new offering through language choices which capture attention while staying compliant with local laws regarding promotional messaging where applicable (for example in certain jurisdictions there may be limits on how promotional language can be used).

Q: How do I create an effective call-to-action within my product release?

Asked by Benjamin on December 17 2022.
A: An effective call-to-action within a product release should clearly explain what action readers should take after reading your announcement - this could be anything from signing up for updates about the new offering if available; filling out a form if required; clicking through to purchase directly from your website/storefront etc.; or simply visiting another page where more information can be found about the new offering before committing further (this could also include contact details if readers wish to speak directly with someone from your team). Additionally it can also help make calls-to-action more effective if you provide incentives for taking action - this could include discounts/coupons for signing up/purchasing now; free trials/demos if available etc…

Example dispute

Product Release Lawsuits:

  • A plaintiff might raise a lawsuit referencing a product release if they believe that the product had a defect or malfunction that caused them harm.
  • To win such a lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that the product was defective and that the product was responsible for their damages or injuries.
  • The plaintiff must also provide evidence that the manufacturer or seller was aware of the defect and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent harm from occurring.
  • A plaintiff may also be able to win if they can prove that the product was not properly labeled or that the instructions for use were inadequate, leading to the defect.
  • Relevant legal documents that may be used in such a lawsuit include product liability laws and regulations, as well as civil law.
  • Depending on the case, settlement may be reached through either a court-ordered judgment or a negotiated out-of-court settlement.
  • If damages are awarded, they are typically calculated based on the amount of harm caused to the plaintiff.

Templates available (free to use)

Basic Product Release Form For Film Or Tv Footage

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