Alex Denne
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Drafting a Mutual Release Agreement

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to protecting your interests in a legal dispute, a Mutual Release Agreement can be an invaluable tool. Drafted properly, these agreements provide an effective and enforceable means of settling a dispute between two or more parties - no matter if the issues at hand are business-related or personal injury claims. That’s why the Genie AI team recommends taking the time to carefully craft an agreement that is tailored to both the particulars of the dispute, and of course, the parties involved.

A Mutual Release Agreement should include provisions for enforcement - outlining not only those penalties for non-compliance, but also laying out what processes will follow in order to ensure that the agreement is legally binding. This ensures that all parties have reached a resolution that is both fair and legally enforceable. But most importantly, such an agreement provides all with peace of mind as disputes can now be resolved quickly and efficiently.

To make sure you’re covered thoughout this process, Genie AI has put together a step-by-step guide on drafting mutual release agreements as well as access to our community template library filled with millions of data points informing what constitutes market standard quality documents. What’s more? You don’t even need an account with us to access this service! So if you’re looking for protection against future claims arising from legal disputes - read on below for our step-by-step guidance and information on how to access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Mutual Release Agreement: A legally enforceable document that outlines the terms and conditions of a settlement between two parties.
Applicable Laws: Specific laws that apply to the mutual release agreement in a particular jurisdiction.
Delineating: Identifying and separating the parties involved in a mutual release agreement.
Responsibilities: Obligations or duties of each party in a mutual release agreement.
Scope: The range of details covered in a mutual release agreement, such as liabilities and rights.
Release: Waiver of any potential liability or rights and responsibilities.
Confidentiality: Keeping information secret, such as trade secrets or proprietary information.
Dispute Resolution: Process for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties.
Governing Laws: Laws and jurisdiction that apply to any dispute resolution process.
Severability Clause: Provision that defines what will happen if one part of the agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable.
Drafting: Carefully writing the agreement in clear and concise language.
Signing: Reviewing and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the agreement before signing it.


  • Introducing the Purpose of a Mutual Release Agreement
  • Explaining the purpose of the agreement
  • Identifying any applicable laws
  • Understanding the Parties Involved
  • Delineating the parties involved
  • Identifying the parties’ responsibilities
  • Defining the Scope of the Agreement
  • Determining what is included in the agreement
  • Outlining the specific obligations covered
  • Identifying the Release of Rights and Responsibilities
  • Including a provision for waiving any potential liability
  • Specifying the release of any rights or responsibilities
  • Including a Provision for Confidentiality
  • Specifying the information to be kept confidential
  • Outlining the terms of confidentiality
  • Addressing Dispute Resolution
  • Including a clause outlining the dispute resolution process
  • Identifying the governing laws and jurisdiction
  • Including a Severability Clause
  • Defining what will happen if one part of the agreement is invalid or unenforceable
  • Specifying the terms of the severability clause
  • Drawing Up the Agreement
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Adding any additional clauses
  • Signing the Agreement
  • Reviewing the agreement
  • Getting the parties to sign the agreement
  • Finalizing the Agreement
  • Securing the original copies of the agreement
  • Filing the agreement in an appropriate location

Get started

Introducing the Purpose of a Mutual Release Agreement

  • Understand why a Mutual Release Agreement is important
  • Research the components of an agreement and the applicable law
  • Identify the parties and their relationship
  • Outline the purpose of the agreement
  • Know when you are ready to move on to the next step and start drafting the agreement

Explaining the purpose of the agreement

  • Explain why the parties are considering a mutual release agreement, such as to settle a dispute
  • Outline the rights and obligations of each party under the agreement
  • Make sure that each party understands the significance of the agreement and the liabilities that they are waiving
  • Ensure that each party has signed the agreement to signify their consent and agreement
  • Check that the agreement complies with applicable law
  • When each party has signed the agreement, it is ready to be executed
  • Check this step off your list and move on to the next step, which is Identifying any applicable laws.

Identifying any applicable laws

  • Research applicable state and federal laws that the agreement may be subject to
  • Understand the relevant laws and regulations that could affect the agreement
  • Discuss any potential legal issues or risks with a lawyer
  • Make sure the agreement is compliant with applicable laws and regulations
  • Once you have researched applicable laws and regulations, you can move on to understanding the parties involved in the agreement.

Understanding the Parties Involved

  • Identify the individuals or businesses who will be bound by the release agreement
  • Consider if any of the parties are legally incapacitated, such as minors
  • Clearly define each party’s rights and responsibilities
  • When all parties have been identified and their rights and responsibilities clearly defined, you can move on to the next step.

Delineating the parties involved

  • Identify the parties involved by name.
  • Ensure that the names of each of the parties is correctly listed in the agreement.
  • List the contact information for each of the parties involved.
  • Specify the roles of each of the parties in the agreement.

When you have identified the parties involved and their contact information, as well as specified their roles in the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying the parties’ responsibilities

  • Consider the obligations each of the parties is responsible for fulfilling
  • Determine what each party is expected to do and when the obligations must be fulfilled
  • Identify any payments or other considerations the parties must make to one another
  • Specify any conditions that must be met for the agreement to be valid
  • Consider any other points of agreement that the parties want to include

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all the obligations and responsibilities of each party have been identified and agreed upon, you can move on to defining the scope of the agreement.

Defining the Scope of the Agreement

  • Clarify the purpose of the mutual release agreement by defining the scope of the document.
  • Determine the time frame and geographic area that is covered by the agreement.
  • Decide which parties are included in the agreement, e.g. the employer and the employee, the landlord and the tenant, etc.
  • Specify the types of claims and disputes that are covered by the agreement.
  • Make sure that all relevant facts and circumstances pertaining to the agreement are known and documented.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all of the above points have been addressed, you can move on to the next step in drafting a mutual release agreement: determining what is included in the agreement.

Determining what is included in the agreement

  • Identify what the agreement covers – scope, duration, and other important details
  • Consider whether it needs to include a confidentiality clause, a non-disparagement clause, or any other specific clauses
  • Include details on any claims being released, such as a release of all claims that have arisen or may arise in the future
  • Decide on any additional provisions that should be included
  • Consult with an attorney if needed to ensure the agreement meets all legal requirements

Once you have determined what is included in the agreement, you can move on to outlining the specific obligations covered.

Outlining the specific obligations covered

  • List out the obligations of each party involved, such as a timeline for completing certain tasks or payment of certain sums of money
  • Make sure to include any and all obligations that will be covered by the mutual release agreement
  • Specify any details or conditions that need to be met in order to complete the agreement
  • Once the obligations of each party have been outlined, the agreement can be finalized and signed by both parties

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • The mutual release agreement is complete once all the obligations of each party have been listed and any necessary details have been specified.

Identifying the Release of Rights and Responsibilities

  • Determine which rights and responsibilities need to be released as part of the agreement
  • Draft a list of the rights and responsibilities to be released, including any applicable state or federal laws or regulations
  • Specify the parties involved in the agreement and the scope of their release
  • Include any additional terms or conditions related to the release of rights and responsibilities
  • Review the drafted release to ensure all rights and responsibilities to be released are included
  • Once you have finished drafting the release of rights and responsibilities, you will be ready to move on to the next step in the process.

Including a provision for waiving any potential liability

  • Draft a provision for waiving any potential liability for either party in the contract
  • Outline the terms of the agreement, including language that releases both parties from any potential claims, demands, or liabilities for any damages or injuries
  • Include a statement that each party is waiving all rights to seek damages or compensation from the other
  • When you are satisfied with the provision and both parties have agreed to it, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Specifying the release of any rights or responsibilities

  • Identify which rights and responsibilities both parties want to release each other from
  • Discuss and negotiate what should be included in the mutual release agreement
  • Draft language that clearly states the release of any rights or responsibilities
  • Review and revise the language as needed to ensure accuracy
  • When both parties are satisfied with the language, proceed to the next step
  • Check off this step when the language is finalized and both parties agree to the release of rights or responsibilities in the mutual release agreement.

Including a Provision for Confidentiality

  • Draft a provision that outlines the confidential information to be kept by both parties
  • This information can include proprietary information, trade secrets, financial information, and other relevant information
  • Include the definition of confidential information in the agreement
  • Specify what will happen if the confidential information is leaked or shared with a third party without consent
  • Specify the consequences of a breach of confidentiality
  • Ensure that the agreement states that the obligation of confidentiality will survive the termination of the agreement
  • You know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have included a provision for confidentiality in the agreement with specific information on the confidential information and consequences of a breach.

Specifying the information to be kept confidential

  • Identify the information you want to keep confidential. This should include any confidential information, trade secrets, or proprietary information.
  • Specify that the information to be kept confidential includes information that has been disclosed orally, in writing, or in any other way.
  • Make sure to specify that the confidential information should remain confidential for a specific period of time.
  • Include a provision outlining the method by which the confidential information should be kept secure.

Once you have identified the information to be kept confidential, specified the terms of confidentiality, and outlined the method by which the confidential information should be kept secure, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Outlining the terms of confidentiality

  • Agree on the scope of the confidential information that is to be protected.
  • Set the time period for which the confidential information will be protected.
  • Outline who will have access to the confidential information.
  • Detail the consequences for any breach of confidentiality.
  • Specify the remedies for any breach of confidentiality.
  • Include an indemnification clause to protect both parties from any damages resulting from a breach of confidentiality.
  • Specify whether the confidential information may be disclosed to third parties with the mutual consent of both parties.
  • Provide a clause regarding the return or destruction of the confidential information.

Once you have outlined all the terms of confidentiality, you can move on to the next step of addressing dispute resolution.

Addressing Dispute Resolution

  • Research applicable state laws and regulations regarding dispute resolution processes
  • Decide on a dispute resolution process such as arbitration, mediation or negotiation
  • Include a clause outlining the chosen dispute resolution process in the mutual release agreement
  • Make sure the clause is clear and binding
  • Have a lawyer review the clause to make sure it is legally binding
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step: including a clause about governing law.

Including a clause outlining the dispute resolution process

  • Determine which dispute resolution process to use (such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation)
  • Draft a clause outlining the process, the fees associated with it, the governing laws, and the jurisdiction
  • Make sure the clause is clear and concise and that both parties understand it
  • Check off this step once the clause has been added to the agreement and both parties have agreed to it

Identifying the governing laws and jurisdiction

  • Research the laws applicable to the agreement and the applicable jurisdiction
  • Consider including a choice of law provision and a choice of forum provision in the agreement
  • Include a clause that outlines the applicable governing laws and the jurisdiction in the agreement

Once you have researched the applicable laws and drafted the clause outlining the governing laws and jurisdiction, you can check this step off your list and move on to including a severability clause.

Including a Severability Clause

  • Determine if a severability clause should be included in the agreement. A severability clause is a provision that states that if part of the agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the agreement will still be valid.
  • Draft the severability clause, which should state that if any part of the agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it should be considered separable from the rest of the agreement and the rest of the agreement should remain in full force and effect.
  • Review the agreement as a whole to make sure the severability clause is properly incorporated into the agreement.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have drafted and reviewed the severability clause, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of defining what will happen if one part of the agreement is invalid or unenforceable.

Defining what will happen if one part of the agreement is invalid or unenforceable

  • Ensure that the language of the agreement makes it clear that if any part of the agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, this will not affect the validity of the remainder of the agreement.
  • Include a statement that the parties agree to substitute a valid and enforceable provision that is as close to the original as possible.
  • Specify that the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.
  • Make sure to include the language of the agreement somewhere in the document, such as in a clause or in the body of the agreement.

When you have completed this step, you should have a clear understanding of what will happen if any part of the agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable. At this point, you can move on to the next step of specifying the terms of the severability clause.

Specifying the terms of the severability clause

  • Identify which parts of the agreement can be held separately from the rest of the document
  • Determine what will happen if any part of the agreement is deemed unenforceable or invalid
  • Include a statement in the agreement that outlines how the remaining parts of the agreement will be enforced despite the invalid part
  • Draft the severability clause in the agreement and make sure that it is clearly stated
  • Review the agreement and make sure that the severability clause is clear and concise

Once you have completed all of these steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of drawing up the agreement.

Drawing Up the Agreement

  • Decide who will draft the agreement and ensure they have the necessary legal knowledge to do so
  • Clarify with both parties what their expectations are
  • Contact a lawyer if necessary
  • Research and review any applicable state or federal laws
  • Draft the agreement and include the terms of the severability clause
  • Ensure that all parties understand the terms of the agreement
  • Pass the agreement back and forth until both parties are satisfied with the terms
  • Once all parties are in agreement, have all parties sign the agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all parties have signed the agreement and understand the terms.

Drafting the agreement

  • Consult the parties involved to determine the scope of the agreement and ensure that the agreement covers all relevant aspects of the dispute.
  • Begin drafting the agreement, making sure to include the names of both parties and the date.
  • Clearly define the dispute and the parties’ obligations.
  • Clearly explain any payments that need to be made and the circumstances and time frame in which they must be made.
  • Outline any non-disclosure clauses and any other terms that the parties have agreed to.
  • Proofread the agreement carefully and make sure it is accurate and complete.

You’ll know when you can check this step off your list when you have drafted a complete and accurate agreement that meets the parties’ needs and covers all relevant aspects of the dispute.

Adding any additional clauses

  • Review the draft agreement for any additional release terms that need to be included
  • Decide if the additional terms are necessary and if so, add them to the agreement
  • Make sure to specify the terms and conditions of the release in clear and precise language
  • Include who the release applies to, what is being released, and any exceptions to the release
  • Keep in mind that the release should be mutually beneficial and fair to all parties involved
  • Once you have added any additional clauses and reviewed the agreement to ensure accuracy, you can move on to the next step of signing the agreement.

Signing the Agreement

  • Each party should carefully read and review the agreement
  • Sign the agreement in the presence of a witness (if required)
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the signed agreement
  • When the agreement has been signed and witnessed, if necessary, you can move on to the next step of reviewing the agreement.

Reviewing the agreement

  • Read the agreement thoroughly to make sure it meets the parties’ expectations
  • Ensure that the agreement clearly states the expectations of the parties, such as the terms of the release, any payments that are involved, and any other obligations
  • Ensure that all relevant information has been included, such as the names and addresses of all parties, the date the agreement will become effective, and the legal language used
  • Check for any typos or errors in the agreement
  • Check that all parties have signed the agreement

Once you have completed these steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step, which is getting the parties to sign the agreement.

Getting the parties to sign the agreement

  • Have both parties review the agreement and sign it.
  • Make sure that each party signs the agreement in the presence of a witness and/or notary.
  • Obtain a copy of the signed document from each party.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once all parties have signed the agreement and you have obtained copies of the signed document from each party.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Review the Mutual Release Agreement to ensure it meets all legal requirements
  • Mail the signed copies of the agreement to the other party
  • Confirm with the other party that they have received the signed copies
  • Once you have confirmation that the other party has received the signed copies, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of Securing the original copies of the agreement.

Securing the original copies of the agreement

  • Have all parties to the agreement sign the document in the presence of a witness
  • Make sure that all parties retain an original copy of the agreement
  • Have the witness sign the agreement and keep a copy of the agreement
  • When everyone involved has signed the agreement and all parties have a copy, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Filing the agreement in an appropriate location

  • Gather all the signed copies of the agreement
  • Make sure each copy is signed in the designated spaces
  • Store the original, signed copy in a secure location
  • Make copies of the original agreement and store them in the same secure location
  • Once all the copies are safely stored, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: Does the release agreement have to be in writing?

Asked by Abigail on April 16th 2022.
A: Yes, it is best practice to have a mutual release agreement in writing. This way both parties understand the terms of the agreement and it is legally binding.

Q: Are there any differences between US and UK mutual release agreements?

Asked by Noah on May 3rd 2022.
A: Yes, there are some slight differences between US and UK mutual release agreements. A US agreement typically includes the concept of consideration, which is not usually seen in UK agreements. Additionally, US agreements often include a ‘non-disparagement’ clause, which is not usually seen in UK agreements.

Q: Is it necessary to have a witness to sign the mutual release agreement?

Asked by Emma on June 25th 2022.
A: It is not strictly necessary to have a witness sign a mutual release agreement, but it is advisable so that both parties can attest to the fact that they have read and agree with the terms of the agreement. Having a witness sign will also ensure that both parties are legally bound by the terms of the agreement.

Q: What should be included in a mutual release agreement?

Asked by Logan on August 1st 2022.
A: A mutual release agreement should include details of all parties involved and the purpose of the agreement. It should also include information about any property or money that is exchanged as part of the agreement, as well as any restrictions or obligations that each party has agreed to abide by. The agreement should also include information about how disputes will be handled and any applicable laws that govern the agreement.

Q: What should I consider when drafting a mutual release agreement?

Asked by Ava on September 23rd 2022.
A: When drafting a mutual release agreement, you should consider all relevant factors such as the purpose of the agreement, any property or money that is being exchanged as part of the agreement and any restrictions or obligations each party has agreed to abide by. You should also consider applicable laws for your jurisdiction, such as employment law or intellectual property law, and how these apply to your particular situation. Additionally, you should consider who will be responsible for enforcing the terms of the agreement and any dispute resolution mechanisms that may be included in the document.

Q: Are there any particular laws that apply when drafting a mutual release agreement?

Asked by Olivia on October 14th 2022.
A: Depending on your jurisdiction, there may be particular laws that apply when drafting a mutual release agreement. In general, employment law and intellectual property law are two areas that often require consideration when drafting an agreement. Additionally, you may need to consider other laws such as contract law or tax law depending on your particular situation.

Q: Is it possible to draft a mutual release agreement without legal assistance?

Asked by Mason on November 4th 2022.
A: It is possible to draft a mutual release agreement without legal assistance, although it is advisable to seek professional advice if you are uncertain about any aspect of your situation or if you are unsure about applicable laws in your jurisdiction. Professional advice can also help ensure that your agreement is legally binding and enforceable in court if necessary.

Q: How long does a mutual release agreement typically last?

Asked by Sophia on December 20th 2022.
A: The duration of a mutual release agreement typically depends on its purpose and scope; however, most agreements last for one year or less from the date of signing unless otherwise specified in the document itself. It is important to note that some states may impose limits on how long an agreement can remain valid; therefore it is important to check applicable laws before signing an agreement.

Q: Should I use industry-specific language when drafting a mutual release agreement?

Asked by Jackson on January 10th 2022.
A: Industry-specific language can be helpful when drafting a mutually-binding document such as a mutual release agreement; however, it is important to make sure that industry-specific language does not limit either party’s rights or obligations under the document. Additionally, industry-specific language may not be enforceable in certain jurisdictions; thus it is important to check applicable laws before using industry-specific language in an agreement.

Q: Can I use an online template for drafting my own mutual release agreements?

Asked by Emily on February 1st 2022.
A: While it is possible to use an online template for drafting your own mutual release agreements, it is important to remember that these templates may not take into account all relevant laws for your particular jurisdiction or situation; thus it is essential to check applicable laws before using an online template for drafting your own agreements. Additionally, online templates provide limited customization options; thus you may want to consider seeking professional assistance if you require more detailed provisions for your situation or if you are unsure about applicable laws in your jurisdiction

Example dispute

Lawsuits referencing Mutual Release Agreement

  • Mutual release agreements are legally binding documents which create a settlement between two parties.
  • The plaintiff must have a valid legal basis for their claim, such as breach of contract, negligence, or other violations of civil law.
  • The plaintiff must be able to show that the defendant did not fulfill the terms of the mutual release agreement, and that this caused them harm.
  • The plaintiff must also be able to show that the defendant was aware of the terms of the mutual release agreement, and that they had the opportunity to fulfill them.
  • The plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of the damage caused to them by the defendant’s breach of the mutual release agreement.
  • If the plaintiff can prove their case, they may be able to receive damages or other forms of compensation from the defendant.
  • In order to settle the lawsuit, the parties may be able to negotiate a settlement or enter into arbitration or mediation.
  • If the case goes to court, the court may award the plaintiff with damages, restitution, or other forms of compensation.

Templates available (free to use)

Mutual Release Agreement
Settlement And Mutual Release Agreement

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