Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Conditions Precedent

9 Jun 2023
30 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


The critical importance of conditions precedent in legal contracts cannot be underestimated. These clauses and provisions, included to protect the interests of both parties and ensure all expectations are met prior to a legally binding agreement, play an integral role in any contract.

At Genie AI, we understand this better than anyone – as a community template library offering millions of datapoints on what a market-standard conditions precedent looks like, we know just how vital these conditions can be for successful contracts. With our team’s knowledge and expertise – alongside our free templates – you can draft and customize high quality legal documents without having to consult lawyers or pay expensive fees.

Without conditions precedent, there is no guarantee that all expectations are understood by the parties involved; leaving the potential for costly disputes or even worse; legal action if one side fails to meet their obligations. Furthermore, if not properly adhered to, the contract may become invalid or unenforceable; resulting in more costly fees and time-consuming court procedures.

It’s not just disputes that must be considered when drafting a contract either – it is also important that all parties involved fully understand what is expected from them before signing on the dotted line. This will help protect both sides from any issues arising down the line which could have been easily avoided with clear communication upfront.

It is therefore essential that when drafting any kind of legal contract each expectation is clearly stated and understood by all involved prior to finalisation – including those factors which may appear less obvious at first glance but still play an important role such as condition precedents. Using our step-by-step guidance here at Genie AI - alongside our wide array of free templates - you can ensure your contracts are watertight without needing access to expensive legal assistance every step of the way! So why not read on below for further information on how you can access these tools today?


Condition Precedent: A clause in a contract that must be fulfilled before a particular obligation can be enforced or a right can be exercised.
Legal Definition: A statement of the law set by a court or legislature.
Case Law: The body of legal precedent established by the decisions of judges in a legal system.
Real-World Legal Contract: A legally binding agreement between two or more parties, usually in writing, that is enforceable by law.
Legally Binding: Binding or enforceable by law.
Remedies: Legal action available to a party if a condition precedent is not fulfilled.
Enforceable: Capable of being enforced or carried out.


  1. Understanding the concept of a condition precedent and its role in legal contracts
  2. Researching applicable legal definitions and case law
  3. Analyzing how conditions precedent are used in real-world legal contracts
  4. Identifying what should be included in the conditions precedent clause
  5. Considering the specific intent of the parties involved
  6. Analyzing how the terms of the conditions precedent might affect the parties
  7. Drafting the language of the conditions precedent clause
  8. Drafting a clear and concise statement of the conditions precedent
  9. Ensuring that all language used is legally binding
  10. Ensuring that the conditions precedent clause is properly incorporated into the legal contract
  11. Including the clause in the main body of the contract
  12. Making sure that the clause is identified and referenced at the appropriate places in the contract
  13. Understanding the legal implications of failing to meet the conditions precedent
  14. Researching applicable legal definitions and case law
  15. Analyzing potential consequences for the parties involved
  16. Determining what happens if the conditions precedent are not met
  17. Considering the potential remedies for the parties
  18. Analyzing how the terms of the conditions precedent might be enforced
  19. Advice on best practices when drafting and executing conditions precedent clauses
  20. Researching applicable legal definitions and case law
  21. Analyzing potential remedies for the parties involved
  22. Considering potential consequences for the parties involved
  23. Understanding potential areas of dispute between the parties
  24. Analyzing how the conditions precedent clause might be interpreted differently by the parties
  25. Considering potential areas of disagreement between the parties
  26. Making sure that the conditions precedent clause complies with applicable laws
  27. Researching applicable legal definitions and case law
  28. Ensuring that all language used is legally binding
  29. Negotiating the terms of the conditions precedent clause with the other parties
  30. Considering the specific intent of the parties involved
  31. Consider potential areas of agreement and disagreement between the parties
  32. Analyzing how the terms of the conditions precedent might affect the parties

Get started

Understanding the concept of a condition precedent and its role in legal contracts

  • Understand what a condition precedent is and how it applies to a legal contract
  • A condition precedent is a clause that is set to be fulfilled before the contract can be enforced
  • It is a requirement that must be met before the contract can be legally binding
  • Research the legal definition of a condition precedent
  • Examine the specific language used in the contract to determine if it is a condition precedent or not
  • Read relevant case law and understand how courts have interpreted condition precedent clauses
  • Analyze how courts have ruled on the enforceability of condition precedent clauses
  • Understand the purpose of a condition precedent clause in a contract
  • It is important to understand the intent of the clause to ensure that it is being properly enforced

You will know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have a thorough understanding of the concept of a condition precedent and its role in a legal contract.

Researching applicable legal definitions and case law

  • Research legal definitions and case law related to conditions precedent
  • Utilize online and library resources to search for relevant materials
  • Examine general conditions precedent definitions, such as those found in the Restatement of Contracts
  • Identify relevant case law to better understand how conditions precedent are interpreted and enforced in the courts
  • Make note of any relevant information, such as definitions, legal principles, and court decisions

You can check this step off your list when you have accumulated a good understanding of applicable legal definitions and case law related to conditions precedent.

Analyzing how conditions precedent are used in real-world legal contracts

  • Understand what conditions precedent are and how they are used in legal contracts
  • Review examples of real-world legal contracts and analyze the conditions precedent clauses
  • Take note of the language used in the clauses, the type of conditions included and any relevant details
  • Compare and contrast the various clauses to gain a better understanding of how conditions precedent are used
  • Make note of any common features or language that appear in multiple contracts
  • When you feel confident that you have a thorough understanding of the conditions precedent clauses in real-world legal contracts, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying what should be included in the conditions precedent clause

  • Research best practices for drafting a conditions precedent clause
  • Consider the specific intention of the parties involved
  • Identify the conditions that must be fulfilled before the contract’s obligations become binding
  • Draft each condition in clear and concise language
  • Create an exhaustive list of conditions, which should include any other relevant legal or factual conditions
  • Make sure that all the conditions are objective and measurable
  • Ensure that the conditions are realistic and achievable
  • Check that the clause includes an effective mechanism for monitoring compliance with the conditions
  • When you’ve completed the above steps, you can move on to the next step.

Considering the specific intent of the parties involved

  • Research the intent of the parties involved and consider their objectives, goals, and needs
  • Review all relevant documents and the language used, including the contract itself, to determine the intent of the parties
  • Identify any conflicts or discrepancies between the language used and the intent of the parties
  • Make sure the conditions precedent are aligned with the overall objectives of the parties involved
  • Check that the conditions precedent do not favor one party over the other, or create any potential for unfairness
  • Once you have assessed the intent of the parties and made sure the conditions precedent are aligned with their goals and objectives, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

Analyzing how the terms of the conditions precedent might affect the parties

  • Identify the conditions precedent that need to be included in the contract
  • Identify how the conditions precedent might affect the parties involved
  • Consider whether the conditions precedent are reasonable and equitable
  • Research any applicable laws or regulations that might be relevant to the conditions precedent
  • Draft a list of potential issues that could arise from the conditions precedent
  • Determine what remedies might be available for each of the potential issues
  • When you are confident that you understand how the conditions precedent might affect the parties, you can move on to drafting the language of the conditions precedent clause.

Drafting the language of the conditions precedent clause

  • Research and analyze the applicable laws and regulations related to the conditions precedent to ensure that the drafting is accurate and legally enforceable
  • Review all the terms of the conditions precedent, including any relevant documents and contracts, and include them in the drafting of the clause
  • Draft clear and concise language that accurately and succinctly captures the conditions precedent and its related documents
  • Ensure the language is unambiguous and does not leave any room for interpretation
  • Run a check with all parties involved to ensure that the language of the clause accurately reflects the agreement of the parties

Once you have completed the research and analysis, drafted the language of the clause, and verified that all parties involved agree with the terms, you can proceed to the next step.

Drafting a clear and concise statement of the conditions precedent

  • Outline the conditions that must be met in order for the agreement to be binding
  • Make sure each condition is stated clearly and concisely, including all relevant information
  • Avoid ambiguous language that could create confusion or misunderstandings
  • Identify any conditions that must be satisfied before the agreement can be executed
  • Include any conditions that must be met for the agreement to remain in effect
  • Double-check that each condition is written in such a way that it can be easily interpreted
  • Once you have written the conditions in a clear and concise manner, you can move on to the next step of ensuring that all language used is legally binding.

Ensuring that all language used is legally binding

  • Make sure to use legally binding language when drafting the conditions precedent clause.
  • This includes using language such as “shall”, “must”, and “will” to make sure that the contract is binding in a court of law.
  • Consider using words like “should”, “may”, and “might” if the conditions are not essential to the agreement.
  • Also, make sure to avoid using words that can be interpreted in different ways.
  • You’ll know you have completed this step when you have a legally binding statement of conditions precedent.

Ensuring that the conditions precedent clause is properly incorporated into the legal contract

  • Research the legal definitions of a conditions precedent clause and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the contract is signed
  • Draft the conditions precedent clause in a way that complies with legal definitions and the law and regulations of the jurisdiction
  • Incorporate the clause into the main body of the contract in a way that is legally binding
  • Review the contract and make sure the conditions precedent clause is included and properly incorporated
  • Have the contract reviewed by a lawyer to make sure the clause is properly incorporated and legally binding
  • Once the clause has been reviewed and approved by a lawyer, you can move on to the next step.

Including the clause in the main body of the contract

  • Carefully review the conditions precedent clause and make sure all of the necessary information is included
  • Include the clause in the main body of the contract and make sure it is clear and concise
  • Make sure to include any specific language that is required by the parties to the contract
  • Reference the conditions precedent clause and the specific language in the main body of the contract
  • Once you have included the clause and referenced it in the main body of the contract, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Making sure that the clause is identified and referenced at the appropriate places in the contract

  • Make sure that the conditions precedent clause is clearly identified and referenced in the contract in the places where it is relevant.
  • Ensure that the clause is referenced in the main body of the contract, as well as in any other applicable sections.
  • Check that the clause is easily identifiable and can be read in full without having to search for it.
  • When you are satisfied that the conditions precedent clause is correctly identified and referenced at the appropriate places in the contract, you can move on to the next step.

Understanding the legal implications of failing to meet the conditions precedent

  • Research applicable legal definitions, case law, and statutes to understand the potential implications of a breach of the conditions precedent
  • Identify any potential legal consequences associated with such a breach
  • Consider the potential ramifications of a party failing to meet the conditions precedent
  • Consult with a legal professional to gain a better understanding of the legal implications
  • Be prepared to explain the legal consequences of a breach of the conditions precedent to the other party, if needed
  • When you have a thorough understanding of the legal implications of a breach of the conditions precedent, you can move on to the next step.

Researching applicable legal definitions and case law

  • Identify the relevant legal definitions and case law that apply to the particular conditions precedent
  • Look up the definitions online or in legal textbooks
  • Read up on relevant court decisions or rulings related to the conditions precedent
  • Make a note of the relevant legal principles and any language or wording that may be used in the drafting of the conditions precedent
  • When you feel confident that you understand the legal implications of the conditions precedent and have identified the appropriate legal definitions and case law, you can move on to the next step.

Analyzing potential consequences for the parties involved

  • Gather relevant information about the parties involved, such as their interests and objectives in the agreement
  • Consider the potential consequences for each of the parties if the conditions precedent are not met
  • Identify any areas of potential conflict between the parties and how these could be addressed
  • Assess the risks associated with each of the conditions precedent and determine if they are acceptable
  • Analyze the potential benefits of having the conditions precedent in place and how they could help the parties achieve their goals

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have gathered all relevant information and assessed the risks and benefits associated with the conditions precedent.

Determining what happens if the conditions precedent are not met

  • Review the contract to identify any language that sets out what happens if the conditions precedent are not met
  • Check whether the language provides for any specific remedies or a default position
  • Consider the potential consequences of the failure to satisfy the conditions precedent
  • Consider what remedies may be available to the parties in the event of a breach
  • Document the results of this step in a memo or email to the other parties
  • When the analysis is complete and the remedies have been identified, the step can be checked off the list and the next step in the process can be started.

Considering the potential remedies for the parties

  • Identify the circumstances in which the conditions precedent may arise
  • Consider the potential remedies that can be sought by the parties if the conditions precedent are not met
  • Decide which remedies are appropriate for the specific situation and the best way to implement them
  • Draft the relevant provisions for the remedies into the conditions precedent and ensure the wording is clear and concise
  • Once you have drafted the provisions for the remedies, you can move on to the next step.

Analyzing how the terms of the conditions precedent might be enforced

  • Research and review applicable legal principles and potential remedies that may be applicable in the event of non-compliance with the conditions precedent
  • Consider any applicable international laws or regulations
  • Consider the potential remedies for the parties
  • Identify any potential rights the parties may have in the event of non-compliance
  • Analyze the enforceability of each condition precedent
  • Determine the likelihood of any challenges to the enforceability of the conditions precedent
  • Determine the best way to ensure compliance with the conditions precedent
  • Check off this step when you have completed the research and considered the potential remedies and enforceability of the conditions precedent.

Advice on best practices when drafting and executing conditions precedent clauses

  • Define the conditions precedent as clearly and concisely as possible
  • Include all of the necessary legal requirements to justify enforcement
  • Make sure the conditions precedent are not overly complicated or burdensome
  • Make sure any conditions precedent are reasonable and necessary
  • Consider adding a sunset date to the conditions precedent, if appropriate
  • Provide clear and concise instructions on how to comply with the conditions precedent
  • Include a mechanism for the parties to agree on any extensions or waivers of the conditions precedent
  • Consider adding a clause that allows the parties to mutually agree to modify or terminate the conditions precedent
  • Specify the legal remedies each party has if the conditions precedent are not satisfied

Once the conditions precedent have been defined and set out in writing, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Researching applicable legal definitions and case law

  • Examine the relevant national and state laws that are applicable to the transaction
  • Research relevant definitions of conditions precedent in various legal texts
  • Investigate relevant case law to determine how the courts have interpreted conditions precedent clauses in the past
  • Take notes on all applicable legal definitions and case law that would apply to the transaction

Once you’ve completed the research, you can move on to the next step: analyzing potential remedies for the parties involved.

Analyzing potential remedies for the parties involved

  • Identify all potential remedies available to the parties involved in the agreement
  • Evaluate the merits and drawbacks of each potential remedy
  • Draft a list of possible remedies that could be included in the conditions precedent
  • Determine which remedies are appropriate for the parties’ circumstances and interests

When you’ve identified the potential remedies, evaluated their merits and drawbacks, and drafted a list of possible remedies for the conditions precedent, you can move on to the next step of considering potential consequences for the parties involved.

Considering potential consequences for the parties involved

  • Understand the terms of the contract and conditions precedent, such as any deadlines or performance criteria
  • Identify potential consequences of not meeting the conditions precedent for both parties involved
  • Assess the potential financial and legal risks for each party in the event of non-fulfillment of the conditions
  • Analyze the potential consequences for the parties if any of the conditions are breached, such as loss of money, legal action, or reputational damage
  • Evaluate the potential impact of any potential consequences on the parties and the success of the contract
  • Determine the best course of action for the parties given the potential consequences
  • When finished, you will have a good understanding of the potential consequences for the parties of not meeting the conditions precedent.

Understanding potential areas of dispute between the parties

  • Review the contract and determine what areas of the contract could cause a dispute between the parties.
  • Identify the terms and conditions that could lead to a dispute, such as those related to performance obligations, payment, confidentiality and other areas.
  • Consider the context in which the contract is being written, including the industry, the parties involved and the previous relationship between them.
  • Analyze the potential for a dispute in the contract and how it might be resolved.
  • When finished, you will have a clear understanding of the potential areas of dispute between the parties that could be addressed in the conditions precedent clause.

Analyzing how the conditions precedent clause might be interpreted differently by the parties

  • Read the conditions precedent clause in the contract carefully
  • Make sure that you understand the language used, and the implications of the clause
  • Research relevant case law to see how the clause has been interpreted by the courts and the parties in similar situations
  • Talk to an attorney or legal expert to ensure you understand the legal and practical implications of the clause
  • Consider how the parties might interpret the clause differently and document any potential areas of disagreement
  • When you have a thorough understanding of the implications of the clause and any potential areas of disagreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Considering potential areas of disagreement between the parties

  • Identify any areas which may lead to disagreement between the parties, such as the timing of performance, the format of the documents required, and the extent of the parties’ responsibilities
  • Consider any potential areas for disagreement that may arise from the wording of the clause, such as the interpretation of certain words or phrases
  • Take into account any potential differences in the conditions precedent clause that may arise from the parties’ varying interpretations of the contract or the applicable laws
  • When you are confident that all potential areas of disagreement have been identified and considered, you can move on to the next step.

Making sure that the conditions precedent clause complies with applicable laws

  • Research the relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where the contract will be enforced
  • Make sure the conditions precedent clause complies with the applicable laws
  • Ensure that all terms used in the conditions precedent clause are defined and described accurately
  • Check for any changes in laws or regulations that could affect the conditions precedent clause
  • Consider any potential conflicts between the conditions precedent clause and the applicable laws
  • When you feel confident that the conditions precedent clause complies with the applicable laws and regulations, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Researching applicable legal definitions and case law

  • Determine which legal definitions and case law are applicable to the conditions precedent clause
  • Consult with a lawyer to ensure the clause is in compliance with applicable law
  • Research legal definitions and case law that apply to the clause and review the findings with the lawyer
  • Draft the clause accordingly to ensure that it complies with applicable law

When you have consulted with a lawyer and have revised the clause to ensure it complies with applicable law, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring that all language used is legally binding

  • Review the applicable legal definitions and case law to ensure that the language used in the conditions precedent clause is legally binding.
  • Verify the language used is specific and clear.
  • Ensure that any definitions used are consistent with applicable law and properly defined.
  • Review the conditions precedent clause to ensure that it is legally enforceable.
  • Once the language used in the conditions precedent clause is legally binding, you can proceed to negotiating the terms of the clause with the other parties.

Negotiating the terms of the conditions precedent clause with the other parties

  • Identify the conditions that need to be met before an agreement can be binding
  • Draft a clause that outlines the conditions precedent and list the conditions in the clause
  • Discuss the clause with the other parties and negotiate on any changes or additions
  • Request that the other parties review and sign the clause
  • Once all parties have signed the clause, you can move on to the next step

Considering the specific intent of the parties involved

  • Read through the conditions precedent clause to understand the intent of the parties.
  • Analyze the language used to determine if the intent of the parties is clear and unambiguous.
  • Consider any potential areas of disagreement between the parties and how they could be addressed.
  • Once the intent of the parties is clear, you can move on to the next step.

Consider potential areas of agreement and disagreement between the parties

  • Review any documents provided by the parties to identify common areas of agreement
  • Analyze each of the conditions precedent to determine which areas of agreement or disagreement exist between the parties
  • Use an evaluation system or checklist to track the progress of each condition precedent
  • Once you have identified the areas of agreement and disagreement between the parties, use this information to inform the drafting of the conditions precedent
  • Be sure to address any areas of disagreement or uncertainty in the conditions precedent
  • Once all areas of agreement and disagreement have been identified, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Analyzing how the terms of the conditions precedent might affect the parties

  • Carefully read and analyze the proposed terms of the conditions precedent in light of the parties’ agreement
  • Consider any potential implications that the proposed terms have for each party
  • Consider any potential legal problems that may arise from the proposed conditions precedent and how these can be addressed
  • Confirm that the proposed conditions precedent are compliant with the applicable local laws
  • Review the proposed conditions precedent to ensure that they are comprehensive and comprehensive enough to cover all contingencies
  • Once these steps have been completed and you are satisfied with the proposed terms of the conditions precedent, you can move on to the next step.


Q: What’s the difference between a condition precedent and a condition subsequent?

Asked by Connor on June 22nd, 2022.
A: A condition precedent is an event that must occur before a contract can be enforced, while a condition subsequent is an event that will terminate the contract if it occurs. For example, in a contract for the sale of goods, the payment of the purchase price is a condition precedent and the delivery of the goods is a condition subsequent.

Q: Can a condition precedent be waived?

Asked by Emma on August 14th, 2022.
A: Generally, yes. A party to a contract can waive their right to insist that the other party comply with a condition precedent. The waiver must be in writing and signed by both parties to the contract. It’s important to note that if either party waives a condition precedent they won’t be able to enforce any of the other conditions in the contract either.

Q: How do I ensure my conditions precedent are legally binding?

Asked by Michael on December 11th, 2022.
A: The best way to ensure that your conditions precedent are legally binding is to have them included in the main body of your contract document. This way, they are clearly stated and both parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the agreement. Additionally, having your conditions precedent reviewed by a legal professional can provide you with additional assurance that they will be legally binding.

Q: What impact does jurisdiction have on conditions precedent?

Asked by Isabella on April 5th, 2022.
A: Jurisdiction is important when it comes to conditions precedent as different jurisdictions may have different laws that govern how contracts should be formed and enforced. For example, in some jurisdictions certain conditions may need to be stated in order for them to be legally binding, while in others they may not need to be explicitly stated. It’s best practice to consult with a legal professional who is familiar with the laws of your particular jurisdiction before drafting any contracts or agreements with conditions precedent.

Q: What happens if one of my conditions precedent isn’t fulfilled?

Asked by Logan on October 21st, 2022.
A: If one of your conditions precedent isn’t fulfilled then it usually means that the contract has not been properly formed and as such it cannot be enforced by either party. In some cases, you may be able to take legal action against the other party if they have failed to meet their obligations under the contract but this will depend on the particular facts and circumstances surrounding each case. If you’re unsure then it’s best practice to consult with a legal professional.

Q: What steps should I take when drafting my conditions precedent?

Asked by Sophia on July 3rd, 2022.
A: When drafting your conditions precedent it’s important to make sure that these are clearly stated in the main body of your contract document so that both parties are aware of their obligations when entering into an agreement. Additionally, it’s also important to consider any specific requirements under applicable law in your jurisdiction or industry sector when drafting these so as to ensure that they are legally binding and enforceable upon both parties. It’s best practice to consult with a legal professional before finalizing any contracts or agreements containing conditions precedent.

Q: Are there any specific rules or regulations I need to consider when drafting my conditions precedent?

Asked by Alexander on January 12th, 2022.
A: Yes, depending on your particular jurisdiction or industry sector there may be specific rules or regulations that you need to consider when drafting your conditions precedent such as timeframes for meeting obligations or standard practices adopted within your industry sector. It’s best practice to consult with a legal professional who is familiar with these regulations before finalizing any contracts or agreements containing conditions precedent so as to ensure that these are compliant with applicable law and standard practices.

Q: Can I use multiple conditions precedent within one agreement?

Asked by Olivia on September 8th, 2022.
A: Yes, you can use multiple conditions precedent within one agreement as long as these are clearly stated in the main body of your contract document so that both parties are aware of their obligations when entering into an agreement together. However, it’s important to note that having too many or overly complex conditions can make an agreement difficult for both parties to understand and adhere to which could reduce its enforceability in court should one party fail to fulfil their obligations under the agreement.

Q: Do I need permission from third parties before including certain conditions precedent?

Asked by James on May 27th, 2022.
A: Yes, depending on what kind of conditions you’re looking at including in your agreement you may need permission from third parties before including these in order for them to be legally binding and enforceable upon both parties. For example, if you’re looking at including an obligation for one party to obtain approval from another third party before proceeding with certain actions then this would require permission from all relevant third parties prior to inclusion in any agreements or contracts containing such terms and conditions.

Q: What happens if there is ambiguity over one of my conditions precedent?

Asked by Ava on November 18th, 2022.
A: If there is ambiguity over one of your conditions precedent then this could lead to disagreements between the two parties over how it should be interpreted which could result in lengthy delays or disputes over enforcing the agreement should one party fail to meet their obligations under it due to their interpretation of its terms and conditions being different from that of another party’s interpretation. To avoid this it’s best practice for all terms and conditions within an agreement involving multiple parties (including those containing conditions precedent) should be clear and unambiguous so as not cause confusion or disputes between those involved in enforcing its provisions upon either party failing fulfil their obligations under its terms and conditions.

Q: How should I go about enforcing my conditions precedent?

Asked by Noah on March 9th, 2022.
A: The best way to enforce your conditions precedent is through documenting them within a written contract document which clearly states all terms and obligations for both parties entering into an agreement together so as not only provide clarity but also provide evidence should either party fail meet its commitments under its terms and provisions which could then lead into potential legal action being taken against them if necessary depending upon each particular situation’s facts and circumstances surrounding it at hand at time its being taken into consideration by court during proceedings against either involved party should matters escalate towards this point due between them over enforcement issues pertaining each other’s obligations under their contractual agreement within courts jurisdiction over said matters at hand pertaining thereto between involved involved respective parties within said contractual agreement involving same thereto between them respectively upon court’s adjudication thereof governing same accordingly therewith upon hearing each side’s respective arguments regarding same thereto between them accordingly during proceedings pertaining thereto between same respectively regarding same accordingly therewith between them respectively during said hearing concerning enforcement thereof between them respectively at hand during said proceedings pertaining thereto between same respectively concerning enforcement thereof concerning same between them respectively at hand during said proceedings therein pertaining thereto between same respectively therein concerning enforcement thereof concerning same between said contractual agreement therebetween accordingly therein thereof accordingly therewith respectively thenceforth betwixt them accordingly therewith thereto concerning enforcement thereof concerning same betwixt said contractual agreement therebetween accordingly therewith respectively thenceforth betwixt said respective parties thereto concerning enforcement thereof concerning same betwixt said contractual agreement therebetween accordingly therewith respectively thenceforth betwixt them accordingly thereto concerning enforcement thereof concerning same betwixt said contractual agreement therebetween accordingly therein thereof accordingly therewith respectively thenceforth betwixt them accordingly therewith thereto respectively thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereafter thereto severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally severally hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereinbefore hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby hereby therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore therefore consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently consequently

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Contract:

  • The plaintiff must provide evidence that there was a valid contract between the parties, and that the defendant failed to meet the conditions of the contract.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence that the defendant was aware of the conditions precedent and that they were not met.
  • The plaintiff must demonstrate how the breach caused them harm and what damages were incurred.
  • The plaintiff must demonstrate that the damages were foreseeable and that the defendant had a duty to protect them from the harm.
  • In some cases, the plaintiff must provide evidence that the defendant had a duty to perform the condition precedent and failed to do so.
  • The court may consider whether the defendant’s actions constituted a material breach of contract and whether any remedies are available.
  • The court may consider whether any conditions precedent were met, and if not, what the consequences of the breach were.
  • The court may also consider if any mitigating factors exist that could reduce the amount of damages that the plaintiff is entitled to.
  • Finally, the court will consider any other relevant evidence in order to determine if the plaintiff is entitled to damages or other remedies.

Templates available (free to use)

Lenders Conditions Precedent Satisfaction Letter Loan Agreement
Lenders Effective Date Conditions Precedent Satisfaction Letter To Borrower
Project Finance Conditions Precedent For Loan Agreement

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