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Draft and File an Acknowledgement of Service (UK)

23 Mar 2023
32 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Filing an Acknowledgement of Service is a vital part of the legal process in the United Kingdom. This procedure helps ensure that everyone involved in a court case understands their rights and responsibilities, and it confirms that the defendant has been informed of all allegations made against them. The importance of getting this step right cannot be overstated; any failure to do so can have serious consequences for both parties.

The Genie AI team can help make sure everything is done correctly when filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Our free template library contains millions of data points which teach our AI what a market-standard acknowledgment should look like. With access to these templates, anyone - regardless of legal knowledge or experience - can draft and customize high quality documents with ease.

When filing an Acknowledgement of Service, it is important to provide accurate personal information such as name and address so that the court can contact you directly. You must also sign the document and provide a date for when it was signed – this will establish when you became aware of your legal proceedings. Furthermore, copies must be sent to all parties involved, notifying them that their claims have been received and stressing their responsibility for any costs accrued if they are unsuccessful in defending themselves against those accusations.

If you fail to file your Acknowledgement on time or at all, then there may be harsh repercussions from the court: punitive financial costs or other legal action could follow suit if all paperwork has not been completed accurately and promptly. To avoid any potential issues with your case, it’s essential that you understand your rights under UK law as well as making sure you fulfil all necessary steps along the way – especially when dealing with such an essential document as an Acknowledgement of Service form!

At Genie AI we want to ensure everyone understands their rights within the UK justice system; our step-by-step guidance covers everything from how to draft documents effectively through to accessing our comprehensive template library without needing a Genie AI account – so read on below for more information today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Summons: An official document ordering someone to appear in court.
Complaint: A formal legal document specifying the claims made against someone.
Plaintiff: The person or party bringing a legal action against another.
Defendant: The person or party being sued in a civil or criminal case.
Jurisdiction: The legal authority to hear and decide a case.
Affidavit: A written statement that is sworn to be true before a notary public.
Receipt: A written acknowledgment of having received goods or money.
Process Server: A legal professional who delivers court documents to individuals involved in a court case.


  • Definition of an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Definition of Acknowledgement of Service as a legal document
  • Definition of parties involved in an Acknowledgement of Service
  • What is Required in an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Identification of parties
  • Description of the legal action
  • Date of service
  • Signature
  • How to Draft an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Gather specifications of the legal action
  • Outline the document
  • Fill in the content
  • Print the document
  • How to File an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Obtain a filing form
  • Fill out the form
  • Submit the form and document to the appropriate court
  • How to Serve an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Determine the appropriate method of service
  • Choose an appropriate individual to serve the document
  • Deliver the document
  • How to Prove that an Acknowledgement of Service was Received
  • Obtain proof of service
  • File the proof of service with the court
  • When an Acknowledgement of Service is Necessary
  • Before filing a summons or complaint
  • When responding to a summons or complaint
  • When a deadline is imposed
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid when Drafting and Filing an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Not checking local rules and procedures
  • Not obtaining proper filing forms
  • Failing to provide accurate information
  • Not providing proof of service
  • Not filing the document within the required timeframe
  • How to Use an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Understand the purpose of the document
  • Read the document carefully
  • Sign the document in the appropriate place
  • File the document in the proper manner
  • Legal Implications of an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Understand the legal implications of signing the document
  • Consider seeking legal advice before signing

Get started

Definition of an Acknowledgement of Service

  • An Acknowledgment of Service is a legal document used in England and Wales under the Civil Procedure Rules 1998.
  • It is a document which states that a party has received an application, or other court document, from another party.
  • An Acknowledgment of Service must be completed and returned to the court, or the other party, within the specified time limit.
  • The Acknowledgment of Service is the first step in a party’s response to a court document, and must be completed before any other steps can be taken.
  • You will know when you can move on to the next step when you have completed and returned the Acknowledgment of Service within the specified time limit.

Definition of Acknowledgement of Service as a legal document

  • An Acknowledgement of Service is a legal document filed in a court action that confirms the defendant has received notice of the court action and their rights and responsibilities
  • The Acknowledgement of Service must be signed by the defendant and returned to the court
  • After you have filed the Acknowledgement of Service, you will receive a copy back from the court with a stamp indicating the time and date it was received
  • You can check off this step once you have received the Acknowledgement of Service back from the court with the stamp indicating the time and date it was received

Definition of parties involved in an Acknowledgement of Service

  • The parties involved in an Acknowledgement of Service are the claimant (the person filing the claim) and the defendant (the person being served with the claim).
  • The claimant is responsible for filing the Acknowledgement of Service and the defendant is responsible for signing the Acknowledgement of Service.
  • You will know that you have completed this step when you have identified the claimant and defendant in the Acknowledgement of Service.

What is Required in an Acknowledgement of Service

  • Provide a statement of acknowledgment that the defendant has received the claim form
  • Note the defendant’s name, address, and the date of service
  • State whether the defendant intends to defend the claim
  • Provide the defendant’s signature, date, and full name
  • When the defendant has signed the document, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identification of parties

  • Identify the Claimant, the person bringing the legal action
  • Identify the Defendant, the person against whom the legal action is being taken
  • Both parties should be identified by their full names and addresses
  • Once both parties have been identified, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Description of the legal action

  • Describe the legal action that the respondent is being served with (e.g. divorce petition, claim form, etc.)
  • Include the court number and case number
  • Indicate which court the action is being heard in
  • When you have completed this step, you will have a full description of the legal action in your Acknowledgement of Service.

Date of service

  • Calculate the date of service for the Acknowledgment of Service. This is the date on which the legal action being acknowledged was served on the defendant.
  • If the legal action was served by post, the date of service is considered to be the date the defendant received the legal action.
  • If the legal action was served by hand, the date of service is considered to be the date the legal action was handed to the defendant or an authorised representative.
  • Once you have determined the date of service, write this on the Acknowledgment of Service.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once the date of service is recorded on the Acknowledgment of Service.


  • Sign the Acknowledgement of Service form with your signature
  • Have the person receiving the form sign the Acknowledgement of Service form
  • You can check this off your list once both signatures are on the form

How to Draft an Acknowledgement of Service

  • Carefully read the particulars of the claim and the legal action
  • Ensure that the defendant’s name and address are correct
  • Include a statement that the defendant has received the particulars of the claim
  • Include a statement that the defendant has 28 days to respond
  • Include a statement that the defendant must provide an Acknowledgement of Service to the court
  • Sign and date the Acknowledgement of Service
  • Make a copy of the Acknowledgement of Service

Once you have completed the above steps, you can check off this step and move on to the next step - gathering specifications of the legal action.

Gather specifications of the legal action

  • Find out the details of the legal action from the court documents, such as the case name, the names of the parties involved, and the court reference
  • Make a note of the details to include in your Acknowledgement of Service
  • When you have all the details, you can check this step off your list and move on to outlining the document.

Outline the document

  • List out the topics, subtopics, and sections you plan to include in the document
  • Draft a table of contents to help organize the document
  • Check that all necessary information is included in the outline
  • Check that the outline is logical and easy to follow
  • Once you’ve outlined the document, you can move on to the next step.

Fill in the content

  • Fill in the date of the document
  • Identify the other parties involved in the document
  • Provide the full address of both parties
  • State the title of the document
  • Ask the other party to confirm receipt of the document
  • Sign and date the document
  • Once the content has been filled out, you can move on to printing the document.

Print the document

  • Make sure that the Acknowledgement of Service is printed on A4 paper
  • Print out two copies of the document
  • Sign both copies of the document
  • Check that all information is correct and all boxes have been filled in
  • Once all steps have been completed, the document is ready to be filed
    with the court.

How to File an Acknowledgement of Service

  • Visit your nearest court to obtain the filing form
  • Fill out the form, making sure to include the name of the court, the names of both parties, and the case name and number
  • Sign the form
  • Submit the form and the Acknowledgement of Service to the court
  • You will know when you have successfully filed the Acknowledgement of Service when you receive a stamped copy of the document.

Obtain a filing form

  • Visit the website of the UK court service to download a form for filing an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Download and print the form, or pick up a copy from your local court
  • Make sure to check that you have the correct form for Acknowledgement of Service
  • Once you have the correct form, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step - filling out the form.

Fill out the form

  • Read the form carefully, ensuring you are filling out the correct version
  • Complete the form, providing all of the relevant information including the case number, the name and address of the defendant, the court address, and the date the Acknowledgement of Service was served
  • Sign and date the form
  • Check the form for accuracy and completeness

You’ll know you can check this step off your list when you have completed the form and double-checked it for accuracy.

Submit the form and document to the appropriate court

  • Find out the correct court to submit your documents to. If you are unsure, contact the court clerk or search the court website for more information.
  • Take your documents to the court in person, or mail them to the correct address.
  • Include a self-addressed envelope if you would like the court to return a copy of the document to you.
  • Pay the court fee if applicable.
  • Check with the court clerk or website to make sure they have received your documents.
  • You can check this off your list once you have confirmed that your documents have been received by the court.

How to Serve an Acknowledgement of Service

  • Check the applicable court rules for the method of service accepted for an Acknowledgement of Service.
  • Depending on the court rules, serve the Acknowledgement of Service either in person, by post, or through a process server.
  • When the Acknowledgement of Service is served, obtain a certificate of service or affidavit of service to prove that it was served.
  • File the certificate of service or affidavit of service with the court.
  • You can check this step off your list once you’ve served the Acknowledgement of Service and filed the proof of service with the court.

Determine the appropriate method of service

  • Identify the most suitable method of service for the documents. The method of service must be appropriate for the type of document and the recipient.
  • Consider the following methods of service:
  • Personal service: You or your solicitor serve the documents on the recipient in person.
  • Process server: You hire a professional process server to serve the documents on the recipient.
  • Left at the recipient’s last known address: You leave the documents at the recipient’s last known address.
  • By post: You send the documents to the recipient by post.
  • By email: You email the documents to the recipient.
  • Once you have determined the appropriate method of service, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

Choose an appropriate individual to serve the document

  • Consider who the best individual is to serve the document, such as an adult member of the household, the addressee themselves, or someone responsible for them
  • Check if there are any rules or regulations for the document and the individual to be served in the context of the court proceedings and any applicable laws
  • Make sure the individual is capable of understanding the contents of the document and that you have the necessary proof of identity to prove the identity of the individual
  • Ensure the individual is available to receive the document and able to pass it on to the addressee if necessary

Deliver the document

  • Put the original Acknowledgement of Service in an envelope and address it to the Respondent
  • Ensure the envelope is sealed and has sufficient postage
  • Mail the envelope using recorded delivery so that you can prove the document was sent and received
  • Once you have posted the document, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step in the process - How to Prove that an Acknowledgement of Service was Received

How to Prove that an Acknowledgement of Service was Received

  • Ask the person who served the document to provide you with a signed and dated ‘statement of service’.
  • If you have used a process server, ask them for a signed and dated ‘affidavit of service’.
  • Check that the statement of service or affidavit of service is signed and dated.
  • Carry out a search of the court records to determine if the statement of service or affidavit of service has been submitted.
  • The search should confirm the date on which the document was served.
  • Once you have the signed and dated statement of service or affidavit of service, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Obtain proof of service

  • Have the person who was served sign and date the Acknowledgement of Service form
  • Make sure that the signature is witnessed
  • You may need to provide a stamped addressed envelope for the person to return the form if you are mailing it
  • Once the form has been signed and returned, you can check this step off your list and move on to filing the proof of service with the court.

File the proof of service with the court

  • Obtain the court’s address and a copy of the Acknowledgement of Service form.
  • Fill out the form and sign it in front of a witness.
  • Make two copies of the form, one for yourself and one for the court.
  • Mail the form to the court. Use a registered or certified mail to ensure that it is delivered.
  • Keep the proof of delivery and the copy of the form for your records.
  • You will know that you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have received a confirmation that the court has received your Acknowledgement of Service form.

When an Acknowledgement of Service is Necessary

  • When you serve a defendant in a civil court action in the UK, you must have them sign an Acknowledgement of Service
  • This document is a form that states the defendant has received the papers, and that they have 21 days to respond
  • The Acknowledgement of Service includes space to indicate if the defendant intends to contest the claim, and if they wish to be represented in court
  • You’ll know when you can check this step off your list when the defendant has signed the Acknowledgement of Service, and you have a copy of the document in your possession.

Before filing a summons or complaint

  • Ask the other party to sign an Acknowledgement of Service form and have them return it to you
  • Sign an Acknowledgement of Service form on behalf of the other party if they refuse to sign it
  • Ensure that you have filled out the form completely and accurately
  • File the completed Acknowledgement of Service form with the court

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have filed the completed Acknowledgement of Service form with the court.

When responding to a summons or complaint

  • Obtain the Acknowledgement of Service form from the court and fill it out in full.
  • Sign and date the form and include your address.
  • Serve the form to the court and the other parties within the specified time frame.
  • File the Acknowledgement of Service form with the court within 14 days of it being served.
  • Keep a copy of the Acknowledgement of Service form for your records.

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have received a confirmation that the Acknowledgement of Service form has been filed with the court.

When a deadline is imposed

  • Submit the Acknowledgement of Service to the court within 14 days of being served with the Summons or Claim Form
  • File the Acknowledgement of Service in the court office as soon as possible
  • Keep a copy of the Acknowledgement of Service for your records
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have received confirmation from the court that they have received the Acknowledgement of Service.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Drafting and Filing an Acknowledgement of Service

• Ensure that the correct form is used for the Acknowledgement of Service, as it will vary depending on the court and the type of proceedings.
• Check that the correct information has been provided in the Acknowledgement of Service, such as the name, address and contact details of the respondent.
• Verify that the details of the proceedings are correct and that there are no typos or errors.
• Check that the Acknowledgement of Service has been signed and dated by the respondent.
• Make sure that the Acknowledgement of Service is filed with the court within the required timeframe.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the Acknowledgement of Service has been completed and filed with the court.

Not checking local rules and procedures

  • Check the rules and procedures for filing an Acknowledgement of Service in your local court.
  • Make sure you are aware of the requirements for filing the Acknowledgement of Service, as each court may have different rules.
  • Ensure you follow all of the requirements, including any filing fees or other necessary documents.
  • You will know you have checked local rules and procedures when you have obtained all the necessary paperwork and are aware of the applicable filing fees.

Not obtaining proper filing forms

  • Contact the court you will be filing to in order to obtain the Acknowledgement of Service form
  • Use the exact form provided by the court, and fill it out in its entirety
  • Double-check all information is accurate before submitting
  • Once you have the form filled out and submitted, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Failing to provide accurate information

  • Review the forms you have completed and make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Check that the information you have provided (such as dates, addresses and names) is correct and matches the original documents.
  • If any information is incorrect, make the necessary changes.
  • Once you have reviewed and corrected the forms, you can move on to the next step.

Not providing proof of service

  • Request a proof of service from the individual you served the documents to.
  • Ask them to sign and date a document that confirms they were served the documents.
  • If they are unable to provide proof of service, you can serve the documents by an alternative method, such as email or fax.
  • Once you have the signed proof of service document in hand, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Not filing the document within the required timeframe

  • Contact the court by phone to explain why the document wasn’t filed in the required timeframe
  • Ask for an extension of time for filing the document
  • Follow up with an email or letter to confirm the extension of time
  • File the document with the court within the required timeframe
  • When the document is filed, you can move on to the next step: How to Use an Acknowledgement of Service.

How to Use an Acknowledgement of Service

  • Obtain the Acknowledgement of Service form from the court or download a copy online
  • Read through the form carefully and fill out the required sections
  • Sign the form and provide your contact details
  • File the form at court and pay the required court fee
  • Keep a copy of the filed form for your records

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the form has been filed and the court fee paid, you will receive a stamped copy of the Acknowledgement of Service. This confirms that the form has been filed and you can move on to the next step.

Understand the purpose of the document

  • Understand the purpose of an Acknowledgement of Service document, which is to document that a party in a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership has received the divorce/dissolution paperwork
  • Undertake research to understand the UK legal system and the implications of filing an Acknowledgement of Service
  • Read all the relevant documentation to ensure you have a full understanding of the process
  • When you have a full understanding of the purpose of the document, the relevant UK legal system, and the implications of filing an Acknowledgement of Service, you can move on to the next step of reading the document carefully.

Read the document carefully

  • Read the document thoroughly and familiarize yourself with its contents
  • Make sure you understand the contents of the document and the purpose of filing it with the court
  • Take note of any specific instructions given in the document
  • Make sure you understand any legal implications of signing the document
  • Once you have read and understood the document, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Sign the document in the appropriate place

  • Read the Acknowledgement of Service carefully and ensure that all the information is accurate
  • Sign the document in the presence of a witness
  • Make sure the witness also signs the document
  • Make sure the witness’s address is included
  • Check to make sure that all the information is accurate and that all the necessary signatures are present
  • When all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step in the process: filing the document in the proper manner.

File the document in the proper manner

  • Make sure that you have a copy of the document for yourself in addition to the one you will be filing.
  • Take both copies of the document to the court and submit them to the clerk.
  • Make sure to include any fees that are due with your filing.
  • Ask for a receipt from the court acknowledging that you have submitted the document.
  • Keep your receipt and a copy of the document for your records.

Once you have completed the filing of the document and have received a receipt from the court, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Legal Implications of an Acknowledgement of Service

  • Understand that an Acknowledgement of Service is a form which a defendant in a legal case must fill out and file with the court.
  • Read the document thoroughly and understand what it is asking you to do.
  • Make sure you understand the implications of signing the document and that you are happy with the contents.
  • If the document asks for a signature, you must sign it with your name in the presence of a witness.
  • Once you have read and signed the document, you can check off this step and move on to the next step of filing the document in the proper manner.

Understand the legal implications of signing the document

  • Understand that signing an Acknowledgement of Service is a legally binding document
  • Be aware that any statements or declarations in the document must be accurate and true
  • Understand that signing could have legal implications, such as waiving the right to contest or challenge the claim or the jurisdiction of the court
  • Be aware of any potential implications of signing, such as waiving any legal rights or defenses
  • Consider seeking legal advice before signing
  • When you have a full understanding of the legal implications of signing the document, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Consider seeking legal advice before signing

  • Seek legal advice from a qualified solicitor and/or lawyer, who will be able to accurately inform you of your rights and obligations under the Acknowledgement of Service document
  • Ask your solicitor or lawyer to explain the document in detail
  • Discuss any consequences that may occur if you sign the document
  • Once you have received advice, take time to consider the advice and advice and make an informed decision as to whether you wish to sign the document
  • When you have made an informed decision, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: Is an Acknowledgement of Service (UK) the same as a US or EU acknowledgement?

Asked by Ashley on April 2nd, 2022.
A: An Acknowledgment of Service (UK) is a document required in England and Wales to confirm that court papers have been served. This is different than the US or EU versions of an acknowledgement, which have different requirements and formats in each jurisdiction.

Example dispute

Raising a Lawsuit Referencing an Acknowledgment of Service

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing an acknowledgment of service when they have received notice from the defendant of their intention to contest the claim.
  • The plaintiff must provide proof that the acknowledgment of service was properly served to the defendant, as well as any other documentation needed to support their claim.
  • The plaintiff must also demonstrate that the defendant has breached the terms of the acknowledgment of service or failed to abide by the rules set out in the document.
  • The plaintiff must then provide evidence to support the claim, such as copies of the acknowledgment of service, any correspondence between the parties, and other relevant documents.
  • The plaintiff can win their case if they can prove that the defendant did not fulfill the terms of the acknowledgment of service or acted unlawfully in any other way.
  • If the plaintiff is successful in proving the defendant’s breach of the acknowledgment of service, they may be awarded damages, costs, and other legal remedies as applicable.

Templates available (free to use)

N15 Acknowledgment Of Service Arbitration Claim
N462 Acknowledgment Of Service Judicial Review

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