Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Developing an Effective Gift Acceptance Policy

9 Jun 2023
32 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Non-profit organizations and foundations that receive charitable donations should have a comprehensive gift acceptance policy in place. This policy sets out the parameters for how gifts are received, protecting the organization from any potential legal, financial or ethical issues.

The primary purpose of a gift acceptance policy is to ensure that donations are used for their specified purpose and that no conflict of interest or legal issue arises. It needs to be tailored to the specific needs of the non-profit, taking into account its mission, goals and activities as well as any state or federal regulations that may affect it. The policy should outline which types of gifts are acceptable – and which aren’t - as well as outlining how acceptances and acknowledgments will be processed. Confidentiality and donor recognition policies should also be included in the document.

Having this kind of policy can help protect against possible legal issues too; for instance if a donation is accepted from someone with whom there’s a conflict of interest then this could be considered breaching fiduciary duty. There’s also potential financial damage if funds aren’t used properly; without sufficient guidelines organizations may not have access to those funds in future, or worse yet might have to return them if they haven’t been used as intended. It’s therefore essential that donations are tracked carefully through their lifecycle so they can never be misused or misappropriated; something easily achievable by putting an effective gift acceptance policy in place.

Finally, such a document helps address any ethical concerns too; ensuring donations aren’t funnelled off into political activities or providing personal benefit seeks to restore public confidence in the system while preventing any malpractice occurring along the way too.

Gift acceptance policies go beyond just protecting against any legalities though – crucially they show donors how much their contribution is valued by articulating clearly how each donation will help fund vital projects within your organization’s remit now and in future – all whilst helping preserve responsibility among everyone involved at every step along the way too.

Luckily you don’t need an expert on hand (or even an Genie AI account) to craft this kind of document; our team provides step-by-step guidance on developing an effective gift acceptance policy as well as giving access to our community template library where anyone can draft high quality documents quickly with ease! To find out more about why having such a script is important, read on below for further information - then head over today and get started creating your own perfect gift acceptance policy with Genie AI!


Gift Acceptance Committee: A group of people, typically including board members, staff members, volunteers, and other stakeholders, who are knowledgeable about the organization’s mission, goals, and needs and are responsible for setting policies and procedures related to accepting donations.

Gift Acceptance Policy: A set of rules and guidelines that an organization establishes to determine which types of gifts it will accept and how those gifts should be processed.

In-Kind Donation: A non-monetary contribution, such as goods or services, that is made to an organization.

Real Estate Gift: A donation of property, such as land or a building, that is made to an organization.

Planned Gift: A donation that is set up to be received in the future, such as a bequest or a charitable trust.

Matching Gift: A donation that is matched by a company or foundation, usually based on the amount of a donation made by an employee or donor.

Donor Recognition Levels: A system established by an organization to recognize donors for their contributions, such as naming a building or creating a donor wall.

Anonymous Gift: A donation that is made without disclosing the donor’s name or contact information.

Gift Donor Database: A system, either physical or electronic, used to store and manage donor data.

Gift Acceptance Procedure: A process established by an organization to determine who is authorized to accept gifts and how those gifts should be acknowledged.

Gift Acceptance Criteria: The criteria established by an organization to determine which gifts will be accepted and which will be declined.

Gift Acceptance Form: A form that is used to collect information on a gift, such as the donor’s name, contact information, donation amount, and gift type.

Gift Acceptance Policy Review Process: A process established by an organization to review the gift acceptance policy on a regular basis and make any necessary changes.

Gift Tracking System: A system, usually electronic, used to track gifts.

Gift Processing System: A system, usually electronic, used to process gifts.

Gift Acknowledgment System: A system, usually electronic, used to generate gift acknowledgements.

Gift Stewardship Program: A program established by an organization to steward donors, such as sending thank you letters, hosting donor events, or providing updates on how their donation is being used.

Gift Reporting System: A system, usually electronic, used to generate gift reports.


  1. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Committee
  2. Identifying the appropriate members
  3. Assigning roles and responsibilities
  4. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Policy
  5. Determining acceptable gift types
  6. Establishing donor recognition levels
  7. Establishing rules for anonymous gifts
  8. Establishing rules for real estate gifts
  9. Establishing rules for in-kind gifts
  10. Establishing rules for stock gifts
  11. Establishing rules for planned gifts
  12. Establishing rules for matching gifts
  13. Establishing a Gift Donor Database
  14. Identifying and gathering donor data
  15. Creating a filing system
  16. Setting up a database
  17. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Procedure
  18. Identifying who is authorized to accept gifts
  19. Determining the appropriate acknowledgement of gifts
  20. Establishing a process for handling disputed gifts
  21. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Criteria
  22. Establishing criteria for determining what gifts will be accepted
  23. Establishing criteria for determining when a gift should be declined
  24. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Form
  25. Identifying the appropriate information to collect
  26. Drafting the form
  27. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Policy Review Process
  28. Establishing a schedule for review
  29. Establishing a process for making changes
  30. Establishing a Gift Tracking System
  31. Identifying the appropriate software
  32. Setting up the system
  33. Establishing a Gift Processing System
  34. Identifying the appropriate software
  35. Setting up the system
  36. Establishing a Gift Acknowledgment System
  37. Identifying the appropriate software
  38. Setting up the system
  39. Establishing a Gift Stewardship Program
  40. Identifying donor stewardship activities
  41. Establishing a schedule for communications
  42. Establishing a Gift Reporting System
  43. Identifying the appropriate software
  44. Setting up the system

Get started

Establishing a Gift Acceptance Committee

  • Create a committee to develop and approve the gift acceptance policy.
  • Identify potential members from key stakeholders in the organization, including department heads and senior leadership.
  • Ensure the committee is made up of individuals with diverse perspectives.
  • Establish the committee’s purpose, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Schedule regular meetings and set deadlines for policy development.
  • Document the committee’s decisions for future reference.

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have established the committee, identified potential members, established the committee’s purpose, roles, and responsibilities, scheduled regular meetings and set deadlines for policy development, and documented the committee’s decisions.

Identifying the appropriate members

  • Brainstorm potential members of the gift acceptance committee, including representatives from legal, finance, and fundraising departments
  • Verify that each proposed member has the authority and expertise to make decisions about the organization’s gift acceptance policy
  • Ensure that the proposed members are willing and able to commit to the time necessary to meet and make decisions about the policy
  • Once you have identified and confirmed the appropriate members, the gift acceptance committee is ready to be formed
  • You’ll know you can check off this step when you have a list of confirmed members of the gift acceptance committee

Assigning roles and responsibilities

  • Identify the individuals responsible for developing and implementing the gift acceptance policy.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to each individual including who will make decisions, review and approve gifts, communicate with donors and other stakeholders, and oversee the program.
  • Assign a timeline for each individual to complete their assigned tasks related to the gift acceptance policy.
  • Create a checklist to ensure each individual is on track with their assigned tasks.
  • Check off each task as it is completed.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • All roles and responsibilities have been assigned and a timeline and checklist have been created.

Establishing a Gift Acceptance Policy

  • Define what a gift is for the purposes of your policy
  • Create a policy statement outlining the purpose of accepting gifts
  • Establish specific criteria for accepting gifts
  • Establish procedures for accepting gifts
  • Establish policies for when to decline a gift or return a gift
  • Create a process for reviewing and approving the gift acceptance policy
  • Establish procedures for monitoring compliance with the gift acceptance policy

You’ll know you can check off Establishing a Gift Acceptance Policy when you have created and approved a policy statement, established criteria and procedures for accepting and declining gifts, and established a process for monitoring compliance.

Determining acceptable gift types

  • Research gift acceptance policies of similar organizations
  • Discuss what types of gifts your organization is comfortable accepting (cash, stocks, bonds, etc.)
  • Consider the legal and tax implications of accepting certain types of gifts
  • Establish a review process for gifts that fall outside of the established gift policy

Once you’ve researched, discussed, and considered the implications, you can move forward with finalizing your organization’s acceptable gift types.

Establishing donor recognition levels

  • Determine a few donor recognition levels that you’d like to have in your gift acceptance policy.
  • Decide what benefits each donor recognition level will receive.
  • Establish criteria for each donor recognition level, such as the amount of money given, the frequency of donations, or any other criteria applicable to your organization.
  • Document the recognition levels and the criteria for each level in your gift acceptance policy.
  • Test the policy to ensure that it is effective in recognizing donors appropriately.

Once you have established the donor recognition levels, documented them in the gift acceptance policy, and tested the policy to ensure its effectiveness, you can move on to the next step in developing your policy: Establishing rules for anonymous gifts.

Establishing rules for anonymous gifts

  • Clarify if anonymous gifts will be accepted or not
  • Determine the level of anonymity that is acceptable - e.g. if the donor can remain anonymous to the public, or just to the organization
  • Set a minimum acceptable size for anonymous gifts
  • Outline any special requirements for anonymous gifts - e.g. if the donor needs to provide special documentation
  • Decide who will have access to information about anonymous gifts - e.g. if only a few people in the organization will be informed

When all of the above steps are completed, you can move on to the next step of establishing rules for real estate gifts.

Establishing rules for real estate gifts

  • Establish criteria for accepting real estate gifts, such as requiring the property to be in good condition and free of liens or other encumbrances
  • Outline the necessary due diligence that must be conducted prior to acceptance, such as title searches and appraisals
  • Determine the process for accepting real estate gifts, including the signature of the donor, board approval and other requirements
  • Set forth the expectations for the management and disposition of real estate gifts
  • Draft provisions for the return of real estate gifts in certain circumstances
  • When you have established these criteria, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step, which is establishing rules for in-kind gifts.

Establishing rules for in-kind gifts

  • Identify any restrictions or regulations that affect in-kind gifts in your area
  • Determine the value of the in-kind gift and decide whether it can be accepted
  • Create a policy on the types of in-kind gifts your organization will accept
  • Set guidelines on the use of in-kind gifts
  • Establish criteria for the evaluation of in-kind gifts
  • Create a process for recording and recognizing in-kind gifts
  • Document the procedure for using, storing, and disposing of in-kind gifts

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have completed all of the steps and you have a policy in place for in-kind gifts.

Establishing rules for stock gifts

  • Determine whether the organization will accept stock gifts and the process by which they will be accepted.
  • Consider the financial implications of accepting stocks.
  • Research the regulatory requirements and tax implications of accepting stock gifts.
  • Develop a policy outlining the specifics of how stock gifts will be accepted, such as the minimum stock value, how the stocks will be sold, and how the proceeds will be handled.
  • Outline the requirements for documenting the acceptance of stock gifts, such as submission of a gift form and accompanying documentation.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have developed a policy outlining the specifics of how stock gifts will be accepted, including the minimum stock value, how the stocks will be sold, and how the proceeds will be handled, and have outlined the requirements for documenting the acceptance of stock gifts such as submission of a gift form and accompanying documentation.

Establishing rules for planned gifts

  • Establish criteria for reviewing and accepting planned gifts
  • Determine the types of planned gifts that will be accepted
  • Decide how to handle any restrictions that may be attached to planned gifts
  • Establish procedures for documenting and processing planned gifts
  • Develop a policy for naming recognition for planned gifts

Once you have completed these steps, you will have established rules for planned gifts and be ready to move on to the next step of establishing rules for matching gifts.

Establishing rules for matching gifts

  • Define the criteria for accepting matching gifts and determine who is eligible to receive matching gifts from donors.
  • Identify any restrictions or limitations associated with matching gifts and make sure that donors are aware of these criteria.
  • Research any matching gift programs offered by corporate employers and determine whether or not your organization qualifies for them.
  • Outline the process for submitting matching gift requests and for tracking the progress of those requests.
  • Determine the timeline for when matching gifts will be received and when donors should expect to be notified of the results.
  • Create a record-keeping system for tracking matching gifts and make sure that donor information is kept confidential.
  • When you have established the rules for matching gifts, move on to the next step of establishing a gift donor database.

Establishing a Gift Donor Database

  • Create a database for all potential donors
  • Input contact information, donation history, and donor preferences into the database
  • Ensure that the data is up to date and accurate
  • Use the database to track donor activity
  • Utilize the database to identify opportunities to engage with donors
  • Use the database to generate reports that can be used to track and analyze donor trends
  • When the donor database is established and populated with donor data, you can check this step off your list and move onto the next step of identifying and gathering donor data.

Identifying and gathering donor data

  • Gather existing donor data from existing databases and records
  • Collect contact information, donation amounts, and dates of donations
  • Identify donors who have pledged to make donations in the future
  • Update donor data as needed to ensure accuracy
  • When you have gathered all the necessary donor data, you can move on to the next step of creating a filing system.

Creating a filing system

  • Choose a filing system that is easy to understand and use (e.g. alphabetical, chronological, etc.).
  • Decide where donor information should be stored (e.g. physical files, digital files, etc.).
  • Set up folders for each individual donor and any related documents (e.g. gift agreements, acknowledgments, etc.).
  • Make sure that the filing system is secure and accessible to all relevant staff members.
  • Label each folder accurately and consistently.
  • When the filing system is set up correctly, you can move on to the next step.

Setting up a database

  • Determine the type of database you will use (e.g., Excel, Access, etc.)
  • Identify the fields that need to be included in the database
  • Create a template for entering gift information into the database
  • Enter data into the database
  • Test the database to ensure accuracy of data entry
  • Back up the database regularly

Once you have completed these steps, you can move on to establishing a gift acceptance procedure.

Establishing a Gift Acceptance Procedure

  • Create a decision-making process for accepting gifts. Consider how you will evaluate the gift’s purpose and use, the donor’s motivation, and the potential risks.
  • Define the criteria for accepting gifts, such as the amount, type, and purpose of the gift.
  • Create a timeline for reviewing and responding to gift requests.
  • Draft a gift acceptance agreement and make sure it includes details about the donor’s intent, conditions for the gift, and the legal rights and obligations of the organization and donor.
  • Have your legal team review the agreement and make any necessary changes.
  • Make sure the agreement is signed before the gift is accepted.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the decision-making process, criteria, timeline, and gift acceptance agreement are all established, you can move on to the next step of identifying who is authorized to accept the gifts.

Identifying who is authorized to accept gifts

  • Identify who in the organization is authorized to accept gifts, such as a senior leader, board member, or a development staff member
  • Draft a list of those individuals and their roles in the organization
  • Obtain approval for the list from the organization’s board of directors
  • Clearly communicate the list to staff and volunteers

Once you have identified who is authorized to accept gifts, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining the appropriate acknowledgement of gifts

  • Identify the types of acknowledgments that will be used for different types of gifts
  • Establish an appropriate timeline for acknowledging gifts
  • Develop a system for tracking gift acknowledgments
  • Create a process for verifying that acknowledgments have been sent
  • Determine a procedure for handling gift acknowledgments that are returned as undeliverable
  • When all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to establishing a process for handling disputed gifts.

Establishing a process for handling disputed gifts

  • Develop a process for handling disputed gifts that can be easily understood and followed by staff and volunteers
  • Include details such as who will be responsible for resolving disputes, the timeline for resolution, and communication protocols
  • Create a dispute resolution form detailing the steps for resolution and who will be responsible for each step
  • Ensure that this resolution process is well-documented and easily accessible to staff and volunteers
  • When you have developed a process for handling disputed gifts, you can move on to the next step of establishing a gift acceptance criteria.

Establishing a Gift Acceptance Criteria

  • Develop criteria for determining which gifts are accepted
  • Consider donor intent, legal requirements, and organizational mission when creating criteria
  • Consider any potential conflicts of interest
  • Determine whether or not the gift will benefit the organization as a whole
  • Set up a timeline for making decisions on gift acceptance
  • Establish a process for evaluating large or complex gifts

When these criteria have been developed, you can move on to the next step of establishing a process for determining which gifts will be accepted.

Establishing criteria for determining what gifts will be accepted

  • Decide what type of gifts are acceptable, including cash and non-cash gifts, and in-kind gifts
  • Decide on minimum and maximum amounts that can be accepted
  • Create a list of unacceptable gifts
  • Create a list of permissible investments
  • Create a list of permissible sponsorships
  • Determine the criteria for when a gift must be referred to a committee for approval
  • Create a list of criteria for when a gift should be declined

Once you have established the criteria for determining what gifts will be accepted and created the applicable lists, you can move on to the next step: Establishing criteria for determining when a gift should be declined.

Establishing criteria for determining when a gift should be declined

  • Review IRS regulations and state laws to determine what gifts may not be accepted
  • Develop criteria based on the tax-exempt status of the organization that will guide decisions on when to decline a gift
  • Consider factors such as donor intent, potential conflict of interest, or potential negative publicity
  • Ensure that criteria can be applied consistently and fairly
  • Check with legal counsel to ensure that the criteria are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Check with the board of directors to ensure that criteria are in line with the organization’s mission
  • Once criteria has been established, document and make available to staff for reference
  • Check off this step when criteria has been established and documented.

Establishing a Gift Acceptance Form

  • Create a document that outlines the gift acceptance form
  • Include specific questions about the donor and the proposed gift
  • Ensure you are collecting enough information to make an informed decision about the gift
  • Review the form for accuracy and ensure it meets legal requirements
  • Publish the form and make it accessible to staff and donors
  • When the form is complete, you have established a gift acceptance form and can move on to the next step of identifying the appropriate information to collect.

Identifying the appropriate information to collect

  • Understand the purpose of the gift acceptance policy and the types of gifts your organization will accept
  • Identify the information needed to assess the acceptability of a gift
  • Consider the legal and ethical implications of accepting a gift
  • Determine what information should be collected from the donor
  • List the questions that need to be asked in order to collect the necessary information
  • Determine if additional information is needed to assess the acceptability of the gift
  • When you have identified the appropriate information to collect, you can move on to drafting the form.

Drafting the form

  • Draft a gift acceptance form that outlines the information you need to collect from the donor.
  • Include information such as the donor’s contact details, the amount and type of gift, any restrictions or conditions the donor has specified, and a statement of understanding that the gift is irrevocable.
  • When you have completed the form, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing a Gift Acceptance Policy Review Process

• Identify the individuals who will take part in the review process.
• Decide who among the reviewers will have final approval authority.
• Establish a timeline and schedule for the review process.
• Set up a system for tracking the status of reviews (e.g. approval, pending, rejected).
• Develop a procedure for resolving any disagreements among reviewers.
• Track any changes to the policy over time and ensure all reviewers are aware of these changes.
• When all reviews have been completed, make sure that the final version of the policy is distributed to all relevant parties.
• Once the policy is completed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing a schedule for review

  • Decide how often the gift acceptance policy should be reviewed (e.g. annually, bi-annually, etc.)
  • Create a timeline for review, including setting deadlines for when the policy should be reviewed and updated
  • Ensure that the timeline is communicated to all stakeholders and that they are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the review process
  • When the timeline has been completed, check off this step and move on to the next step of establishing a process for making changes.

Establishing a process for making changes

  • Set up a clear procedure for making changes to the gift acceptance policy. This should include how to initiate, review, discuss, and approve changes.
  • Establish a team to review the policy on a regular basis. This team should include both non-profit staff and board members.
  • Identify any potential legal or tax implications of changes to the policy and ensure any changes meet all relevant laws.
  • Develop a timeline for the review process and ensure everyone involved is aware of the timeline and any deadlines.
  • When the review team has reached consensus on changes to the policy, the proposed changes should be reviewed, discussed, and approved by the board of directors.
  • Once the changes have been approved by the board, they should be communicated to all relevant staff and volunteers.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the changes have been approved by the board and communicated to all relevant staff and volunteers.

Establishing a Gift Tracking System

  • Create a standard form or template for recording gift information.
  • Ensure that the form includes all necessary fields, such as donor name, contact information, type of gift, date of gift, and the donor’s intent.
  • Establish a process for filling out the form and entering the information into the system.
  • Establish a process for verifying and approving the gift information.
  • Establish a process for tracking gifts and recording acknowledgment letters and other correspondence.
  • Once all necessary processes are in place, test the system to ensure it is working properly.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: You will know that you have established a gift tracking system when all the necessary processes are in place and the system has been tested and verified.

Identifying the appropriate software

  • Research existing software and evaluate the features that are important for your organization
  • Compare features, costs, user reviews, and customer service for different software options
  • Make a list of the features that you need to have and the features that would be nice to have
  • Narrow down your list to the software that best fits your organization’s needs
  • Reach out to customer service for each software option and ask any additional questions
  • Make a final decision and purchase the software
  • When the purchase is complete, you can move on to the next step of setting up the system.

Setting up the system

  • Research and evaluate available software and systems that can be used to manage gift acceptance processes.
  • Compare features, cost, and other criteria to select the desired software.
  • Ensure the software is compatible with existing technology, such as databases, accounting software, and other systems.
  • Develop a plan for implementing and training on the new system.
  • Create a timeline for the system roll-out and ensure all necessary stakeholders are kept informed.

Once you have completed the research and selected the desired software, you can move on to the next step of establishing a gift processing system.

Establishing a Gift Processing System

  • Determine who will process gifts and how they will be tracked.
  • Develop a system to ensure donations are appropriately categorized and tracked.
  • Establish a process for how the gift will be acknowledged and recorded.
  • Develop a system to document the gift in the donor database.
  • Create a system to ensure that all gifts are recorded in the donor database.

You will know that you have completed this step when you have established a process for how gifts will be tracked, acknowledged, and recorded in the donor database.

Identifying the appropriate software

  • Research available software options that fit your organization’s needs, budget and technical capabilities
  • Compare features and capabilities, as well as user feedback, for each option
  • Identify any features that are non-negotiable and any that are nice-to-have
  • Consider the long-term cost of ownership associated with each option
  • Evaluate the vendor’s customer service and support capabilities
  • Once you have selected the appropriate software, assess any implementation, training and technical support needs
  • Once all of the above steps are complete, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step - setting up the system.

Setting up the system

  • Determine the type of system you will use to manage the gift acceptance process
  • Create a plan for the software setup and implementation
  • Gather the necessary information and resources required for the setup
  • Install the software and configure it to meet your requirements
  • Test the system to make sure everything is working correctly
  • Train staff on how to use the system
  • Document the installation and setup process

Once the system is set up and tested, you can move on to the next step: Establishing a Gift Acknowledgement System.

Establishing a Gift Acknowledgment System

  • Establish a formalized, written gift acknowledgment system that includes all donor acknowledgements, gift acceptance, and gift processing procedures.
  • Ensure that the system is comprehensive and covers all applicable scenarios.
  • Create a timeline for processing acknowledgements and gift acceptance.
  • Establish procedures for any special handling of gifts, such as in-kind gifts.
  • Document the system and make it available to staff who may be involved in gift acceptance or processing.

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have established a formalized, written gift acknowledgment system, created a timeline for processing acknowledgements and gift acceptance, established procedures for any special handling of gifts, and documented the system and made it available to staff.

Identifying the appropriate software

  • Research software options for gift acceptance, including features and costs
  • Compare features and costs of different software packages and decide which best suits your organization’s needs
  • Contact the software provider to set up a demonstration of the system
  • Contact other organizations to get feedback on the software
  • Make a final decision and purchase the software
  • Have the software installed and tested by personnel with the necessary technical knowledge
  • Make sure all staff is trained in the software
  • Ensure the software is functioning properly before beginning to use it

When you’ve completed the above steps, you’ll know that you have identified the appropriate software for your gift acceptance policy and are ready to move on to the next step of setting up the system.

Setting up the system

  • Research and identify the best software for your organization’s gift acceptance policy
  • Determine the necessary hardware and resources required for the software
  • Obtain the necessary hardware and software
  • Install the software and ensure it is running properly
  • Create user accounts and set up any needed permissions
  • Run a test to ensure the system is working properly
  • Document all processes and procedures related to the setup of the system

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step in developing an effective gift acceptance policy - establishing a gift stewardship program.

Establishing a Gift Stewardship Program

  • Define roles and responsibilities of gift stewardship staff
  • Establish a system for tracking donor information and managing donor relationships
  • Create a process for reviewing, approving, and documenting gifts
  • Outline donor recognition activities including donor recognition events, publications, and other activities
  • Set up a system to monitor compliance with gift policies and procedures
  • Develop a plan for conducting donor surveys and tracking donor feedback

Once you have established the roles and responsibilities of gift stewardship staff, set up a system for tracking donor information and managing donor relationships, created a process for reviewing, approving, and documenting gifts, outlined donor recognition activities, set up a system to monitor compliance with gift policies and procedures, and developed a plan for conducting donor surveys and tracking donor feedback, you can move on to the next step of identifying donor stewardship activities.

Identifying donor stewardship activities

  • Create a list of activities that will be used to steward donors
  • Consider activities such as thanking donors, providing updates on how their gifts were used, hosting donor recognition events, and other activities that will help build relationships with donors
  • Identify current resources available to carry out these activities, such as staff time, volunteers, budget, and materials
  • Assign responsibility for donor stewardship activities to appropriate staff members or volunteers
  • Establish timelines for completing donor stewardship activities
  • Test donor stewardship activities to ensure they are effective
  • When you have identified the donor stewardship activities and assigned responsibilities, you can move on to establishing a schedule for communications.

Establishing a schedule for communications

  • Develop a timeline for communications to donors and other stakeholders about the gift acceptance policy.
  • Identify key milestones for when the policy should be communicated.
  • Consider different channels for communicating the policy, such as email, direct mail, or social media.
  • Create a plan for who will be responsible for communicating the policy at each milestone.
  • Set deadlines for when communications should be sent out and received.

You can check this off your list when you have developed a timeline for communications, identified key milestones, considered different channels, created a plan for who will be responsible, and set deadlines.

Establishing a Gift Reporting System

  • Establish a system for reporting gifts and donations that is easy to use and can be tracked.
  • Set up a reporting template that can be used to track each type of gift and donation.
  • Develop a process for collecting and recording information about each gift or donation.
  • Make sure your gift reporting system is secure and confidential.
  • Set up a system for tracking the status of each gift or donation.

Once you have established a system for reporting gifts and donations, you will be able to move on to the next step.

Identifying the appropriate software

  • Research software that meets the organization’s needs
  • Consider features such as ease of use, cost, reporting capabilities, etc.
  • Compare different options and select the best fit
  • Set up the software and make any necessary customizations
  • Test the software to ensure it meets the organization’s needs
  • Train staff on how to use the software

You can check this off your list when the software has been successfully set up and tested, and staff have been trained on how to use it.

Setting up the system

  • Decide on the system that best suits the organization’s needs.
  • List the specific hardware and software components needed to set up the system.
  • Purchase the necessary hardware and software components.
  • Install the hardware and software components.
  • Configure the system with the desired settings.
  • Test the system to ensure functionality.
  • Once the system is verified to be functioning properly, you can move on to the next step.


Q: Is there an exemption from the Gift Acceptance Policy for companies in the USA?

Asked by Jackie on January 30th, 2022.
A: The Gift Acceptance Policy applies to all companies in the USA, regardless of their size or industry. However, certain exemptions may be applied depending on the type of gifts being accepted. For example, gifts given by a non-profit organization or government agency may be exempt, as long as they comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the types of gifts that can be accepted?

Asked by Grace on April 6th, 2022.
A: Yes, most organizations have restrictions on the types of gifts they can accept. Generally, organizations will not accept cash or cash equivalents (such as gift cards or prepaid cards), stocks or other securities, and other items of significant value. Organizations should also review any potential conflicts of interest when considering accepting a gift.

Q: Are there any specific rules for accepting gifts from overseas?

Asked by Austin on September 14th, 2022.
A: Organizations should be familiar with their jurisdiction’s laws and regulations before accepting a gift from overseas. Additionally, organizations should ensure that any gift accepted from overseas is not prohibited by U.S., UK or EU laws and regulations. Additionally, organizations should consider any tax implications for both the donor and recipient of a gift before accepting it.

Q: What kind of documentation is required for accepting a gift?

Asked by Sarah on November 29th, 2022.
A: Organizations should ensure that they have adequate documentation in place when accepting a gift. Documentation should include evidence of a donor’s identity (such as a driver’s license or passport) and evidence of the source of funds used to purchase the gift (such as a bank statement). Additionally, organizations should also keep records of all gifts received and any transactions related to them.

Q: Is there any guidance for evaluating potential conflicts of interest when accepting a gift?

Asked by Daniel on October 22nd, 2022.
A: Yes, organizations should evaluate potential conflicts of interest when considering accepting a gift. Organizations should consider whether the donor has any affiliation with their company or organization that could result in a conflict of interest if they accept the gift. Additionally, organizations should consider whether there are any legal implications associated with accepting the gift that could potentially create a conflict of interest.

Q: Are there any regulations or guidelines around recording donations?

Asked by Jessica on August 11th, 2022.
A: Yes, it is important for organizations to record all donations received in an accurate and timely manner. Organizations should record all donations received, including details such as the name of the donor, date received, amount received and type of donation (e.g., cash donation or in-kind donation). Additionally, organizations should store records securely and in accordance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Q: What are some tips for developing an effective Gift Acceptance Policy?

Asked by Thomas on May 3rd, 2022.
A: When developing an effective Gift Acceptance Policy it is important to consider key elements such as eligibility requirements for donors; restrictions on types of gifts accepted; procedures for recording donations; procedures for evaluating potential conflicts of interest; tax implications; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, it is important to ensure that staff are aware of the policy and trained in how to implement it correctly and consistently across all areas of the organization.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Violations of a Gift Acceptance Policy

  • Plaintiffs may file a lawsuit against a company if that company has violated its own gift acceptance policy.
  • The lawsuit could reference the company’s gift acceptance policy and could ask for either an injunction to prevent the company from continuing to violate the policy, or damages for any losses suffered as a result of the violation.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the company was aware of the policy and that it violated that policy.
  • Additionally, the plaintiff might also need to show that the violation caused them some sort of harm or damages.
  • If the plaintiff is able to prove their case, they may be able to win the lawsuit and receive an injunction or damages.

Templates available (free to use)

Non Profit Gift Acceptance Policy

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