Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating an Effective Delegation Agreement

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a delegation agreement is essential for any business transaction. This document serves as a binding contract between the parties, outlining their rights and responsibilities, the purpose of the transaction, and any risks associated with it. A comprehensive and legally binding delegation agreement is vital in order to ensure that all parties are aware of their obligations and to protect everyone’s interests should any issues arise.

Writing an effective delegation agreement is no easy task - it requires careful thought and consideration in order to make sure all necessary information is included. All details such as the roles of each party, timelines, deadlines, etc. must be set out clearly so that everyone involved understands them fully before signing off on the document. It should also be witnessed by both parties for added protection.

Fortunately, Genie AI’s open source legal template library can provide you with assistance in this area. From millions of datapoints teaching what a market-standard delegation agreement looks like to our community template library - allowing anyone to draft and customize high quality legal documents without paying a lawyer - our team are here to help you create your perfect document quickly and easily! With our free templates you simply input your own data into pre-written fields tailored towards crafting meaningful agreements that both parties understand perfectly, so that disputes can be avoided in future transactions.

In conclusion, creating an effective delegation agreement is essential for businesses looking to protect their interests in any transaction they may enter into. With the help of Genie AI’s open source legal templates it has never been easier - so why not take advantage of our expertise today? Discover more below on how our team can assist you with drafting your ideal negotiation document!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Party: An individual or group involved in a legal agreement.
Terms and Conditions: Rules and regulations that must be followed for a legal agreement to be valid.
Purpose: The reason for a legal agreement.
Goals: The desired outcome of a legal agreement.
Clause: A section of the legal agreement that contains specific details about the rights and responsibilities of each party.
Scope: The range of activities that are delegated to one or both parties in the agreement.
Duties: The tasks and responsibilities that each party must fulfill.
Reporting Requirements: The deliverables that must be submitted, or any progress updates that must be provided.
Quality Control Measures: Tests or inspections that must be conducted, or any other procedures that must be followed.
Start and End Dates: The timeframe during which the agreement is valid.
Payment Terms: The payment amounts and any due dates or payment schedules that apply.
Reimbursement: Money paid back to cover expenses.
Governing Laws: State or federal laws that apply to the agreement.
Dispute Resolution Process: The process for resolving any disputes that may arise.
Arbitration Protocols: Rules or guidelines that must be followed in the event of a dispute.
Signature Clause: Section of the agreement that designates which party or parties are responsible for signing.
Termination: The end of a legal agreement.
Notice Requirements: Specific timeframes or procedures that must be followed before the termination is effective.
Financial Obligations: Payments or reimbursements that must be made, or any other obligations that must be fulfilled.


  • Identifying the parties involved in the delegation agreement
  • Specifying the name and contact details of each party
  • Establishing the terms and conditions of the delegation agreement
  • Defining the purpose and goals of the agreement
  • Drafting and including the appropriate language to protect the interests of each party
  • Specifying the scope of the delegation agreement
  • Outlining any and all activities that are delegated to one or both parties
  • Outlining expectations and responsibilities of both parties
  • Defining the duties of each party
  • Establishing any reporting requirements
  • Establishing any quality control measures
  • Defining the duration of the agreement
  • Outlining the start and end dates of the agreement
  • Establishing any payment or compensation terms
  • Specifying any payment amounts and due dates
  • Outlining any reimbursement or other expenses that may arise
  • Specifying the governing laws that apply to the agreement
  • Determining the jurisdiction for any disputes that may arise
  • Determining the dispute resolution process
  • Specifying the process for resolving any disputes that may arise
  • Establishing any arbitration protocols or procedures
  • Crafting a signature clause for the agreement
  • Designating which party or parties are responsible for signing the agreement
  • Making any necessary provisions for the termination of the agreement
  • Outlining any conditions that could result in the termination of the agreement
  • Establishing any notice requirements for either party to terminate the agreement
  • Specifying any financial or other obligations that must be met upon termination

Get started

Identifying the parties involved in the delegation agreement

  • Identify each of the parties who will be involved in the delegation agreement.
  • This includes the delegator (the person who will be delegating their authority) and the delegatee (the person who will be receiving the delegated authority).
  • Make sure you have the correct contact details for each party.
  • When you have identified the parties and collected their contact information, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Specifying the name and contact details of each party

  • Get the legal names and contact details of both parties.
  • Include the contact details of both parties, such as physical address, email address, phone number, and other applicable contact information.
  • Ensure that the contact and other details are up to date and accurate.
  • When both parties have been identified and their contact information has been collected, you can then move on to the next step.

Establishing the terms and conditions of the delegation agreement

  • Consider the duration of the delegation agreement, including start and end dates.
  • Identify any limitations or restrictions on the decision-making authority granted to the delegate.
  • Create a list of tasks and responsibilities that the delegate is approved to carry out.
  • Identify the reporting requirements for the delegate.
  • Establish a procedure for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties.
  • Include any necessary provisions for indemnification and insurance.
  • Specify any other relevant terms and conditions.

When you have finished this step, you should have a clear outline of the terms and conditions for the delegation agreement.

Defining the purpose and goals of the agreement

  • Identify the purpose of the delegation agreement and create measurable, time-sensitive goals for the agreement to achieve
  • Make sure that the purpose and goals of the agreement are well-defined and have been discussed and agreed upon by all parties
  • Outline the exact steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the goals of the agreement
  • List any resources that will be necessary for the successful completion of the goals
  • When all parties have agreed on the purpose and goals of the agreement, this step can be checked off and the next step of drafting and including the appropriate language can begin.

Drafting and including the appropriate language to protect the interests of each party

  • Determine the language to be included in the agreement, such as the parties involved, their roles, and the goals of the agreement
  • Ensure that the language is clear and concise, and that each party understands their rights and obligations
  • Outline any restrictions or conditions that are necessary to protect the interests of each party
  • Include a clause that describes how any disputes or disagreements will be resolved
  • Specify the term of the agreement, the time frames for completing each task, and the details of any incentives or rewards for completing the tasks
  • When reviewing the agreement, ensure that all parties are in agreement with all of the language, and that all details are clearly defined and understood.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once all of the appropriate language and details have been included in the agreement, and all parties have agreed to the terms, you can move on to the next step of specifying the scope of the delegation agreement.

Specifying the scope of the delegation agreement

  • Brainstorm the tasks and responsibilities that should be delegated to each party
  • Clearly define the scope of the activities that can be delegated
  • Include any limitations on the delegated activities
  • Identify any necessary conditions and/or restrictions
  • Identify any other restrictions or information that should be included
  • Once the scope of the delegation agreement has been established, the next step is to outline any and all activities that are delegated to one or both parties.

Outlining any and all activities that are delegated to one or both parties

  • Make a list of all activities that should be delegated to either party to ensure that all tasks are clear
  • Identify any activities that are not to be delegated to either party
  • Specify which of the delegated activities will be solely the responsibility of one of the parties
  • Make sure the list of delegated activities is detailed and covers all aspects of the agreement
  • Check that the list is clear, concise, and easy to understand
  • Once you have completed the list of activities to be delegated, you can move on to the next step.

Outlining expectations and responsibilities of both parties

  • Create a list of expectations and responsibilities that are relevant to the agreement
  • Make sure to include how the agreement will be monitored and what the consequences will be if expectations and responsibilities are not met
  • Include any deadlines or other timeframes that need to be adhered to
  • Once you have completed the list, review it with both parties to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Once both parties are in agreement, sign and date the delegation agreement
  • You can now check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Defining the duties of each party

  • Clearly describe the duties of each party in the agreement.
  • Outline the tasks that each party is responsible for, and any associated deadlines.
  • Specify any authority given to each party and any limitations or restrictions that are in place.
  • Make sure that all of the information is detailed and accurate.

Once you have written down all of the duties of each party, you can be confident that you have completed this step and can move on to the next step: Establishing any reporting requirements.

Establishing any reporting requirements

• Determine what type of reporting the delegatee is expected to provide the delegator.
• Establish the frequency and format for this reporting, such as monthly updates or a written report.
• Make sure the delegatee is aware of any deadlines or other time constraints associated with these reporting requirements.
• Specify the level of detail required in the reports.
• Confirm that the delegatee understands the reporting requirements and agrees to them.
• Record these reporting requirements in the delegation agreement.

You’ll know that you have completed this step when you have a written agreement that outlines all reporting requirements for the delegatee.

Establishing any quality control measures

  • Identify the types of quality control measures that may be necessary for the successful completion of the task.
  • Discuss the quality control measures that must be implemented with the delegate and ensure that they understand and agree to them.
  • Establish specific criteria for quality control and any necessary checkpoints throughout the process.
  • Agree on the consequences for not meeting the quality control criteria and make this clear in the agreement.

Once all the quality control measures have been established and agreed upon, you can check this step off your list and move on to defining the duration of the agreement.

Defining the duration of the agreement

  • Assess the scope and timeline of the delegated task
  • Determine the duration of the agreement in terms of its start and end dates
  • Consider any potential changes that may occur in the timeline
  • Develop a written agreement that outlines the duration of the agreement, along with any changes that may occur
  • Have both parties sign the agreement
  • When the agreement is signed, move on to the next step of outlining the start and end dates of the agreement.

Outlining the start and end dates of the agreement

  • Determine the start date of the agreement by when the assigned tasks should begin.
  • Establish the end date of the agreement based on the expected completion date of the delegated tasks.
  • Record any milestones or deadlines set within the agreement and the corresponding dates.
  • Include the specific dates of the start and end of the agreement in the written agreement.
  • Once the start and end dates are outlined and recorded, the delegation agreement can be considered complete.

Establishing any payment or compensation terms

  • Specify the payment or compensation for the delegated task: Determine if the delegate should be paid a flat fee, hourly wage, commission, or a combination of these.
  • If applicable, determine when and how payment should be made: Be sure to include payment due dates, late payment fees, and other payment details.
  • Establish any bonuses or incentives tied to the completion of the task: Consider setting up a bonus structure to reward the delegate for meeting or exceeding expectations.
  • Outline the payment process: Describe how the payment will be made, the payment method (e.g. PayPal, check, etc.), and any other relevant details.

Once these details have been established and included in the agreement, you can move on to the next step of specifying any payment amounts and due dates.

Specifying any payment amounts and due dates

  • Identify the amount of payment that will be made to the delegate and when it is due
  • Establish a payment plan, if applicable
  • Make sure to include any provisions for late payments
  • Ensure that all payment information is clearly stated in the agreement
  • When all payment details have been specified and agreed upon, the delegate and delegator should both sign and date the agreement
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have completed and signed the agreement.

Outlining any reimbursement or other expenses that may arise

  • Identify any potential costs for the services being provided or other expenses to be reimbursed.
  • Ensure that all costs are clearly outlined in the agreement, including any travel or other expenses that may be incurred.
  • Specify the methods of payment, whether it is a lump sum or incremental payments.
  • Make sure that all associated costs are reasonable and discussed with the recipient of the delegation.
  • Include a clause stating that the recipient will be responsible for any taxes or other fees associated with these costs.

Once these costs have been discussed and outlined in the agreement, you will be able to move onto the next step: specifying the governing laws that apply to the agreement.

Specifying the governing laws that apply to the agreement

  • Identify the state or country in which the agreement will be governed by law
  • Determine the laws that will be in effect and consult a lawyer to ensure compliance
  • Include a clause that explains which laws apply and which courts have jurisdiction over the agreement
  • When all applicable laws have been identified and included, check off this step and move on to the next.

Determining the jurisdiction for any disputes that may arise

  • Research the laws of the state that governs the agreement, as well as the local court system to see what jurisdiction would be applicable
  • If the parties involved in the agreement are from different states, research which state’s laws should apply
  • Make sure to note the specified jurisdiction in the agreement
  • Once you have determined the jurisdiction to be used in the agreement, you can move on to the next step in the process – determining the dispute resolution process.

Determining the dispute resolution process

  • Research the laws of the jurisdiction specified in the previous step to determine the most effective dispute resolution process
  • Consult with an attorney to ensure you are complying with all laws and regulations
  • Draft language outlining the dispute resolution process in the delegation agreement
  • Ensure that the process is fair and equitable for both parties
  • Have both parties review and sign off on the dispute resolution process
  • Once both parties have agreed to and signed off on the dispute resolution process, you can move on to the next step.

Specifying the process for resolving any disputes that may arise

  • Define the dispute resolution process that will be used in the delegation agreement
  • Establish an independent third party or mediator to resolve disputes
  • Include a clause that details the steps of the dispute resolution process, such as arbitration or mediation
  • Specify any legal or contractual obligations involved in the dispute resolution process
  • Ensure that the dispute resolution process is fair, reasonable, and equitable
  • Once the dispute resolution process has been specified, the delegation agreement can be finalized and signed by all parties.

Establishing any arbitration protocols or procedures

  • Research applicable local and state laws to determine if arbitration or mediation is necessary or recommended
  • Outline any arbitration or mediation protocols that will be used to resolve disputes
  • Clearly define the process that will be followed in the event of a disagreement
  • Specify the timeline and expectations for each party during the arbitration or mediation process
  • Include the names of any individuals or organizations who will oversee the arbitration or mediation process
  • When all of the above is outlined and agreed upon, the delegation agreement is complete and ready to be signed.

Crafting a signature clause for the agreement

• Determine who will be signing the agreement. This could be one or multiple parties.
• Decide which type of signature you will use. This could be an electronic signature or a handwritten signature.
• Write the signature clause in the agreement. This clause should state who is signing the agreement and the type of signature being used.
• You will know you have completed this step when you have written the signature clause in the agreement.

Designating which party or parties are responsible for signing the agreement

  • Identify the parties who will be responsible for signing the agreement.
  • Determine whether all parties must sign the agreement, or if only one party needs to sign.
  • Make sure all parties understand the purpose and scope of the agreement.
  • Ensure that the parties are clear about their responsibilities and duties.
  • Obtain the necessary signatures from the designated parties.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have obtained the necessary signatures from the designated parties, you can move on to the next step.

Making any necessary provisions for the termination of the agreement

• Review the terms of the agreement and determine if any provisions need to be included that will facilitate an easy termination of the agreement.

• Consider including a provision for a specific date or timeline for the termination of the agreement.

• Include any provisions for the consequences of terminating the agreement, such as any financial penalties or other liabilities.

• Include any provisions that will be applicable in the case of the agreement being terminated due to breach.

• Outline any procedures or processes that may be required for terminating the agreement.

When you have completed these steps, you can check them off your list and move on to the next step, which is outlining any conditions that could result in the termination of the agreement.

Outlining any conditions that could result in the termination of the agreement

  • Identify any clauses that need to be included in the agreement in order to ensure that it can be terminated in the event of a breach of the agreement.
  • Consider any contractual remedies that might be available to either party in the event of a breach of the agreement.
  • Outline any conditions that could result in the termination of the agreement, such as a violation of any provision in the agreement, a change in the circumstances of either party, or any other event that could render the agreement invalid.
  • Make sure to include a clause that specifies the parties’ rights to terminate the agreement in the event of a breach.
  • Once these conditions have been outlined and agreed upon, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing any notice requirements for either party to terminate the agreement

  • Consult the original agreement to determine how much notice either party must provide to the other before terminating the agreement
  • Include a notice period clause in the delegation agreement, which states how much notice must be given before the agreement can be terminated
  • Decide on a reasonable period of notice, such as 30- or 60-days
  • Outline any conditions that must be met before the agreement can be terminated, such as payment of owed funds
  • When all of the notice requirements are specified and outlined, you can move on to the next step.

Specifying any financial or other obligations that must be met upon termination

  • Consider what financial or other obligations will be imposed on either party if the delegation agreement is terminated
  • List out any potential obligations that may arise, such as any training or onboarding costs, or any materials or equipment that must be returned
  • Draft a termination clause that outlines what financial or other obligations must be met upon termination
  • Make sure to include a clause that specifies who is responsible for paying for any costs or obligations that arise from termination
  • Include a clause that explains how any disputes or disagreements regarding termination will be resolved
  • Once you have written up the termination clause, review and revise it accordingly
  • After revisions are made, the termination clause should be signed by both parties in order to become legally binding
  • Once both parties have signed the termination clause, this step of the delegation agreement is complete and you can move on to the next step.


Q: Does the delegation agreement need to be in writing?

Asked by Emma on April 14th, 2022.
A: Yes, it is generally advisable for a delegation agreement to be in writing. This is because it helps to create certainty around the agreement and any related matters, and also serves as evidence of the agreement if it is needed in future.

Q: Is there a difference between a delegation agreement and a power of attorney?

Asked by Noah on January 9th, 2022.
A: Yes, there is a difference between a delegation agreement and a power of attorney. A delegation agreement is an agreement between two or more parties that outlines the duties that one party will delegate to another, while a power of attorney is an authority granted by one party (the principal) to another (the attorney-in-fact) to make decisions on their behalf.

Q: How can I ensure that my delegation agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Madison on August 3rd, 2022.
A: To ensure that your delegation agreement is legally binding, you should ensure that it meets all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction. This means making sure that all parties sign the document, and that it contains all the necessary information including details of the parties involved, the scope of the delegation, and any rules or restrictions associated with it. It should also be properly drafted and reviewed by a qualified lawyer.

Q: Are there any limitations to what can be delegated through a delegation agreement?

Asked by Ethan on September 17th, 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain limitations to what can be delegated through a delegation agreement. Generally speaking, only those tasks or decisions that are necessary for achieving the purpose of the delegation should be delegated. Additionally, any task or decision delegated must not breach any existing laws or regulations in your jurisdiction.

Q: Is a delegation agreement required in all countries and jurisdictions?

Asked by Emma on May 22nd, 2022.
A: No, not all countries or jurisdictions require the use of a delegation agreement. Depending on where you are located and the type of decision you are delegating, different legal frameworks may apply which do not require a formal written delegation agreement. However, if you are delegating decisions that are likely to have significant implications for you or your business, it is generally advisable to have an enforceable written document in place.

Q: What types of decisions can be delegated through a delegation agreement?

Asked by Noah on March 11th, 2022.
A: The types of decisions which can be delegated through a delegation agreement will depend on the jurisdiction where you are located and the specific context in which the delegation is taking place. Generally speaking however, decisions which involve financial matters as well as those related to legal proceedings are usually suitable for being delegated through an agreement like this.

Q: What is an ‘effective’ delegation agreement?

Asked by Madison on December 5th, 2022.
A: An effective delegation agreement is one which meets all applicable legal requirements and contains information specific to the task being delegated such as details of the parties involved and any rules or restrictions associated with it. Additionally, effective agreements should clearly define roles and responsibilities of each party as well as outlining how disputes will be resolved if they arise during the process. Ultimately though, an effective agreement should ensure that all parties understand their obligations under it and that any risks associated with it have been addressed before signing off on it.

Q: How long does it take to set up a delegation agreement?

Asked by Ethan on October 29th, 2022.
A: The time it takes to set up a delegation agreement will depend on several factors such as how complex it is and how quickly both parties involved are able to agree upon its terms and sign off on it. Generally speaking though most agreements can be set up within 1-2 weeks if both parties are willing to work together quickly and efficiently during this time frame.

Q: How often should I review my delegation agreements?

Asked by Emma on June 28th, 2022.
A: It is generally recommended that you review your delegation agreements at least once every 12 months in order to ensure that they remain up-to-date with any changes in applicable laws or regulations as well as changes within your business or industry more generally. Additionally regular reviews allow for any potential new risks associated with delegating certain tasks or decisions to be identified and addressed before they become an issue down the track.

Q: Can I delegate tasks which involve decision making without signing a formal document?

Asked by Noah on February 25th, 2022.
A: In some cases yes – depending on the jurisdiction you are located in and what type of decision making process you are delegating – informal arrangements may be accepted without requiring a formal document such as a written contract or deed being signed off on first. However this type of arrangement does not provide the same level of legal certainty as having an enforceable written document in place would so should only be used when absolutely necessary and when other options are not available or practical under the circumstances.

Q: Are dispute resolution clauses necessary in my delegation agreements?

Asked by Madison on November 19th, 2022.
A: Yes – dispute resolution clauses are typically recommended for inclusion in most types of agreements including those involving delegations of tasks or decisions between two or more parties - especially if they involve significant financial matters or complex legal issues which may require arbitration at some point down the track if disputes arise between them during their course of working together. Dispute resolution clauses provide clarity around how any disputes arising out will be resolved so should always be included when creating an effective agreement like this one for maximum protection for all parties involved in it later down the track if necessary

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuits referencing Delegation Agreement

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing a delegation agreement if they believe a party has breached the terms of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the other party has breached the agreement by either failing to perform certain duties or failing to abide by the agreement’s conditions.
  • The plaintiff may be able to receive damages for any losses suffered as a result of the breach.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to receive compensation for any costs incurred as a result of the breach, such as legal fees.
  • If the other party is found to have breached the delegation agreement, the court may order them to fulfill the obligations outlined in the agreement.
  • The court may also order the other party to pay damages or other forms of compensation in order to make up for any losses the plaintiff suffered due to the breach.
  • The court may also order the other party to pay the plaintiff’s legal fees and other costs associated with bringing the lawsuit.

Templates available (free to use)

Delegation Agreement

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