Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating an Artist Management Agreement

23 Mar 2023
26 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Artist management agreements are vitally important contracts that outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved in a professional music industry arrangement. Such contracts are legally binding, so it’s essential they are followed to the letter. Here at Genie AI, we know that having a legally binding agreement offers many benefits and helps protect both the artist and music industry professional, so let’s explore what those advantages are:

Firstly, these documents allow for clear roles and responsibilities on both sides. This ensures that all parties’ rights are respected and that there is mutual understanding of how each party will fulfil their duties. It also means there is an agreed scope of activities which can help avoid any potential disputes in the future.

Secondly, artist management agreements can safeguard interests on all sides by outlining ideal payment terms such as royalties or commissions - meaning artists will always be compensated for their work, while music industry professionals won’t be faced with financial losses caused by incorrect payments. Furthermore, this outlines everyone’s legal rights should any conflict arise down the line, allowing for swift resolution through established channels.

Thirdly - and crucially - these agreements guard against mismanagement of an artist’s career, making it clear from day one who is responsible for what activity; thus maximising potential success whilst protecting against infringement on any rights or expectations held by either party.

Finally - yet importantly - artist management agreements provide legal protection in case of dispute between the two parties; since they document in detail (and therefore leave no room for doubt) who has authority over which decisions or matters relating to the arrangement overall; meaning both sides can act swiftly if necessary to address any issues without fear of legal repercussions due to mismanagement or inappropriate representation down the line.

In summary then; artist management agreements offer multiple safeguards allowing artists to manage their careers efficiently while ensuring their rights are respected every step of the way. Here at Genie AI we understand how important such documents can be when it comes to protecting your place in the music industry - which is why we provide free templates so everyone can draft high-quality legal documents easily without paying a lawyer! And with our growing database teaching our AI about market standard rules for these kinds of agreement (as well as user generated templates across a range of topics), you’re sure to find something suitable whatever your needs may be! Read on below for more information on how you access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Roles and Responsibilities - Assigning different tasks to different people and making sure those tasks are completed.
Financial Compensation - Money or other benefits given to someone for their work.
Rights and Restrictions - The limits and rules that apply to someone or something.
Artist Development Plan - A plan that outlines strategies and goals for an artist’s career.
Duration - The length of time something lasts.
Approval - Agreeing to something.
Termination - The end of something.
Dispute Resolution - A process of solving disagreements.
Arbitration - A process of settling disputes outside of court, usually by having a third party make a decision.
Signatures - A person’s name written in a way that is legally binding.
Legal Documents - Official documents that are legally binding and enforceable.
Contracts - A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.
Monitoring - Closely watching someone or something.


  • Introduction and overview of artist management agreement
  • Research and assessment of the artist’s career goals and objectives
  • Definition of roles and responsibilities of the artist and the manager
  • Financial compensation for the artist and the manager
  • Rights and restrictions surrounding the artist’s music
  • Preparation and approval of an artist development plan
  • Duration of the agreement
  • Approval of any changes to the agreement
  • Termination of the agreement
  • Dispute resolution and arbitration process
  • Signatures and finalization of the agreement
  • Preparation of legal documents and contracts required to implement the agreement
  • Monitoring of the agreement and any changes or updates over the duration of the term

Get started

Introduction and overview of artist management agreement

  • Research and read up on artist management agreements, including contract templates and examples
  • Understand the purpose and scope of an artist management agreement
  • Identify and discuss the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the parties involved in the artist management agreement
  • List out any relevant laws and regulations which may apply to the artist management agreement
  • Create a draft of the artist management agreement, taking into account the goals and objectives of the artist
  • When you have a draft of the artist management agreement ready, you can move on to the next step.

Research and assessment of the artist’s career goals and objectives

  • Meet with the artist to discuss their career goals and objectives
  • Ask questions to gain an understanding of the artist’s current circumstances, such as their financial situation, their current career status, and any challenges they’re facing
  • Take notes of the conversation and document the artist’s goals and objectives
  • Research the artist’s current career trajectory and the music industry in general
  • Brainstorm potential strategies for achieving the artist’s goals
  • Once you have all of the necessary information, you can move on to the next step
  • You’ll know when you’re finished with this step when you have a clear understanding of the artist’s career goals and objectives, and a strategy for achieving them.

Definition of roles and responsibilities of the artist and the manager

  • Determine what specific roles and responsibilities the artist and the manager will each have in the management agreement
  • Review relevant contracts and documents to ensure that the roles are clear and that both parties are in agreement
  • Document and sign off on the specific roles of both the artist and the manager in the management agreement
  • Know that when both parties have agreed on the roles and responsibilities of each, this step will be complete

Financial compensation for the artist and the manager

  • Decide on the salary or fees for the manager and artist
  • Specify how the fees will be paid - either up front or over a period of time
  • Detail any bonuses or royalty payments
  • Outline how much commission the artist and manager will receive for any deals made
  • Once all these points are agreed upon and written into the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Rights and restrictions surrounding the artist’s music

  • Establish a clear understanding of who owns the copyright and other rights associated with the artist’s music and recordings
  • Outline the scope of the agreement, including who has the right to license and distribute the artist’s work
  • Determine any restrictions and limitations surrounding the artist’s music, such as the ability to license to third parties or sub-license
  • Discuss the creator’s rights to their music, such as the right to use it for promotional purposes
  • Decide on the percentage of royalties or other compensation the artist will receive for their music

Once the rights and restrictions surrounding the artist’s music have been agreed upon, this step can be marked off the list and the agreement can move on to the next step, which is preparation and approval of an artist development plan.

Preparation and approval of an artist development plan

  • Discuss the artist’s goals, objectives, and career plans with their team
  • Identify any areas in which the artist needs additional guidance or training
  • Develop a comprehensive career plan that outlines strategies for achieving the artist’s goals
  • Negotiate and agree to the plan with the artist, their team, and the management company
  • Make sure the plan is written down and signed off by all parties involved
  • Once the plan has been agreed upon and signed, you can move on to the next step.

Duration of the agreement

  • Discuss the length of the agreement and set a definite expiration date with the artist.
  • Make sure to include any conditions or exceptions that may affect the length of the agreement.
  • Decide on the notice period for either party to terminate the agreement before the expiration date.
  • Include any renewal provisions that are to be included in the agreement.
  • Finalize the duration of the agreement by drafting the appropriate provisions and obtaining signatures from both parties.

Once you have discussed the length of the agreement, set a definite expiration date, and included any conditions or exceptions that may affect the agreement, you will have completed this step and can move on to the next step of Approval of any changes to the agreement.

Approval of any changes to the agreement

  • Discuss any changes to the agreement with both parties and ensure they are both in agreement
  • Make sure to note any changes by noting the date, time, and initials of each party
  • Have both parties sign and date the revised agreement
  • When both parties have signed and dated the revised agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Termination of the agreement

  • Review the terms of the agreement to determine when and how either party may terminate the agreement
  • Decide upon an appropriate notice period for the termination of the agreement
  • Specify the circumstances under which either party may terminate the agreement
  • Draft a clause in the agreement outlining the notice period and any other relevant details
  • Include a clause that allows either party to terminate the agreement with immediate effect in certain circumstances
  • Get both parties to sign the agreement to confirm that the termination terms have been accepted
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Dispute resolution and arbitration process

  • Decide together how you will handle disputes that may arise in the future, such as disagreements over contract terms, payment, or performance
  • Determine if you will go to court or use an arbitration process to resolve any potential disputes
  • If you decide to use an arbitration process, you will need to create a process that includes the following:
  • Choose a neutral third-party to resolve the dispute
  • Establish a timeline for the arbitration process
  • Agree on the cost of the arbitration
  • Once you have finalized the dispute resolution and arbitration process, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Signatures and finalization of the agreement

  • Have all parties sign the agreement and make sure all signatures are valid.
  • Have the agreement notarized or witnessed if necessary.
  • File a copy of the agreement with the county or state clerk.
  • Make sure all parties have a copy of the agreement.
  • You have completed this step when the agreement has been signed and all parties have a copy.

Preparation of legal documents and contracts required to implement the agreement

  • Research and become familiar with the legal documents and contracts associated with artist management agreements
  • Consult a lawyer to ensure that all documents and contracts meet the needs of the agreement
  • Draft the legal documents and contracts associated with the artist management agreement
  • Gather the signatures of all parties involved in the agreement
  • Review the documents and contracts to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are being followed
  • When all documents and contracts have been completed, signed and reviewed, this step can be checked off the list.

Monitoring of the agreement and any changes or updates over the duration of the term

  • Document any changes or updates to the agreement in writing, with both parties’ signatures
  • Establish a timeline to review and update the agreement periodically
  • Schedule regular meetings with all parties to review progress and any necessary changes
  • Maintain records of all changes and updates to the agreement
  • When all changes and updates are documented and all parties have signed off, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What type of agreements are typically included in artist management agreements?

Asked by Shyanne on March 3rd 2022.
A: Artist management agreements typically include provisions for the artist’s management services, such as the scope of the manager’s services, the duration of the agreement, compensation, and other important considerations such as the manager’s ability to hire personnel or outside contractors on behalf of the artist. It will also typically include provisions related to the protection of intellectual property, confidentiality and non-disclosure clauses, dispute resolution procedures, and provisions governing termination of the agreement.

Q: What are the differences between UK and EU laws regarding artist management contracts?

Asked by Zachary on August 13th 2022.
A: When it comes to artist management contracts, UK and EU laws may differ in their approach to certain issues. For example, UK law generally takes a more hands-off approach towards artist management contracts while EU law is more likely to establish more detailed regulations and obligations for both artists and managers. In terms of contractual obligations, UK law is more likely to give artists a greater degree of control over their career while EU law may require that any changes to an agreement must be agreed upon by both parties. Additionally, EU law is likely to provide more protection for artists against unfair or abusive practices by their managers.

Q: What kind of intellectual property should be addressed in an artist management agreement?

Asked by Naya on May 22nd 2022.
A: In an artist management agreement, it is important to address the issue of intellectual property rights in order to protect both parties involved in the agreement. The agreement should include provisions related to copyright ownership and exploitation rights, as well as trademark rights if applicable. Additionally, it should also address issues such as moral rights, royalty payments and credit for work created by the artist. Lastly, it should also address any technology-related matters such as digital distribution of music or other creative works.

Q: How does an artist manager get compensated in an artist management agreement?

Asked by Skylar on October 9th 2022.
A: An artist manager can be compensated in a variety of ways depending on the terms of their agreement with the artist. These can include fixed fees for services rendered, commission fees based on sales or performance revenue earned by the artist, advances against future earnings, or a combination of all three. Additionally, an artist manager can also receive bonuses or incentives based on certain milestones achieved by the artist such as record sales or chart success.

Q: How long should an artist management agreement last?

Asked by Lorenzo on December 17th 2022.
A: The duration of an artist management agreement is generally determined by both parties involved in the contract as well as other factors such as industry expectations and local laws that may apply depending on jurisdiction. Generally speaking, most agreements tend to last anywhere from one year up to five years but can be extended beyond that if agreed upon by both parties involved in the contract.

Q: What are some common dispute resolution procedures included in an artist management agreement?

Asked by Angelina on April 4th 2022.
A: Dispute resolution procedures included in an artist management agreement may vary depending on jurisdiction but generally include provisions for mediation or arbitration in order to resolve any disputes that may arise between parties involved in the contract. Additionally, some agreements may also include a clause that requires any dispute to be first resolved through informal talks before resorting to formal legal proceedings such as litigation or arbitration.

Q: What should be included in a confidentiality clause for an artist management agreement?

Asked by Antonio on July 1st 2022.
A: A confidentiality clause included in an artist management agreement should outline what information must remain confidential between both parties involved in the contract and what types of activities will constitute a breach of contract if disclosed. Generally speaking, these clauses typically cover information relating to business operations such as financial records or business strategies, personal information about either party involved in the contract such as contact details or identity documents, and any other sensitive information that could potentially harm either party if disclosed without permission.

Q: When should an amendment or renegotiation occur for an artist management agreement?

Asked by Melody on November 11th 2022.
A: Amendments or renegotiation for an artist management agreement can occur at any time during its duration provided both parties agree to it. This can be done if there are changes to certain provisions within the contract (e.g., changes to compensation), if either party wishes to make changes due to external factors (e.g., changes due to changes in industry regulations), or if there is a need for clarification regarding certain aspects of the contract (e.g., a change due to conflicting interpretations).

Q: What are some potential pitfalls when entering into an artist management agreement?

Asked by Giovanni on February 8th 2022.
A: When entering into an artist management agreement there are several potential pitfalls that may arise depending on how thorough both parties are when drafting its contents. These can include issues such as unclear definitions for certain terms used within the contract (such as “management services”), failure to properly define how compensation will be calculated and paid out over time (e.g., upfront fees vs royalties), potential conflicts of interest between parties involved (e.g., with third-party relationships), and failure to properly address issues related to intellectual property ownership or exploitation rights (e.g., who owns what).

Q: Are there alternatives available instead of entering into an artist management agreement?

Asked by Aubrey on June 6th 2022.
A: While there are certainly some alternatives available instead of entering into a formalized artist management agreement (such as informal verbal agreements), they often lack many important protections that are afforded through a properly drafted contract and could potentially leave either party open to legal action down the line if issues arise between them during their working relationship (such as breach of contract). Additionally, verbal agreements can also prove difficult when trying to enforce certain terms or conditions within them since there is no hard evidence available if one party chooses not to abide by them later on down the line.

Q: Are there any special considerations I should take into account when drafting an international/cross-border artist management agreement?

Asked by Kaleb on September 20th 2022.
A: Yes - when drafting an international/cross-border artist management agreement there are several special considerations one should take into account in order for it to be legally binding across multiple jurisdictions including local laws and regulations that may apply depending on where either party is located; language barriers; differences in taxation systems; currency conversion rates; restrictions around cultural exports; differing approaches towards intellectual property protection; and limitations imposed by international trade agreements between various countries (such as tariffs). Additionally, one should also consider any potential implications arising from Brexit when drafting agreements that involve countries within Europe given how this could affect both parties down the line if not properly accounted for when writing up its contents initially.

Q: What kind of termination clauses should be included in my artist management agreement?

Asked by Sean on January 24th 2022.
A: Termination clauses included within an artist management agreement should clearly outline under what circumstances either party involved can terminate their relationship with proper notice given ahead of time; what obligations each party must adhere to once termination has occurred; whether there will be any compensation owed upon termination; whether either party has any ongoing obligations after termination has occurred; and what remedies are available if one party breaches any terms outlined within the termination clause itself (such as litigation).

Example dispute

Lawsuits regarding Artist Management Agreement

  • Plaintiff may raise a lawsuit that references a artist management agreement if the agreement was not properly adhered to by the artist management company.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the artist management company failed to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the agreement.
  • Common issues in artist management agreements include failure to pay proper compensation, failure to provide promised services, or failure to disclose or misrepresenting the terms of the agreement.
  • The success of the lawsuit will depend on the strength of the evidence the plaintiff provides.
  • Plaintiff may be able to prove the breach of contract by providing documents, emails, or other written evidence that demonstrates the artist management company failed to meet the obligations outlined in the agreement.
  • If the plaintiff can prove the breach of contract, they may be awarded damages. The amount of damages will depend on the specific terms of the agreement and the extent of the breach.
  • The court may also require the artist management company to fulfill the obligations outlined in the agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

3D Artist Contract
Artist Contract
Artist Production Agreement Music Contracts Pro Record Label
Concept Artist Contract

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