Alex Denne
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Creating a Travel Policy

23 Mar 2023
9 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a strong travel policy is an essential step for both employers and employees alike. This agreement outlines the expectations of both parties, providing clarity on how business trips should be conducted and ensuring everyone’s legal, regulatory and safety obligations are met.

From protecting employers from liability to helping employees feel secure when travelling on behalf of their employer, a travel policy serves several important purposes. It sets out clear rules and guidelines for business travel, detailing the activities which are permitted and those which are prohibited. It also helps to ensure that all employees are appropriately compensated for their business trips, as well as being aware of the duties and responsibilities that come with this type of travel.

What’s more, having a robust travel policy in place can provide employers with peace of mind – giving them assurance that their team will act responsibly while travelling on behalf of the company – while simultaneously offering employees security as they embark on their business trip.

However, creating an effective travel policy can be complicated - which is why it’s imperative to seek advice from qualified professionals before putting one into effect. The Genie AI team specializes in providing free access to market-standard legal templates - including comprehensive guidance and support on how to craft an effective travel policy - so you don’t have worry about costly consulting fees or complex legal jargon getting in the way of your success. With our help you can create a legally compliant document without having to pay expensive lawyer fees – giving you more time (and money) to focus on what really matters: running your business!

By taking these steps you can ensure your team stays safe during business trips abroad; minimizing any potential risk while preserving compliance at every stage along the way. So why not read on below for our step-by-step guidance? Or if you want instant access today then head over to our template library now!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Employment Law: The body of laws and legal regulations governing the relationships between employers, employees, and labor unions.

Employee Rights: The rights of employees to safe working conditions, fair wages, and other benefits in exchange for their labor.

Obligations: The duties and responsibilities that an individual or entity is legally bound to fulfill.

Compensation: Money, benefits, or other forms of remuneration given in exchange for services rendered.

Compulsory: Required or obligatory.

Discretion: The power to make decisions without being bound by rules or legal restrictions.


  • Overview of Travel Policies
  • Research current trends in travel policies
  • Understand the basics of what a travel policy entails
  • Clarifying Travel Policies
  • Identify all stakeholders
  • Understand the purpose of the policy
  • Define roles and responsibilities
  • Writing a Travel Policy
  • Outline the policy structure
  • Include all necessary criteria
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Create a policy that is easy to understand
  • Understanding the Legal Aspects of Travel Policies
  • Analyze applicable laws and regulations
  • Understand the legal implications for each policy component
  • Consider any applicable tax implications
  • Benefits of Having a Travel Policy
  • Improved efficiency
  • Consistency and accountability
  • Cost savings
  • Increased safety
  • Developing an Effective Travel Policy
  • Analyze current travel trends
  • Establish clear objectives
  • Establish clear rules and guidelines
  • Maintaining and Updating Travel Policies
  • Monitor for changes in regulations
  • Review policy components on a regular basis
  • Incorporate new technologies
  • Update policy language as necessary
  • Tips for Improving Travel Policies
  • Encourage feedback from employees
  • Introduce incentives for compliance
  • Implement automated systems for tracking
  • Provide guidance and training
  • Conclusion
  • Summarize the key points of the policy
  • Review the importance of effective travel policies
  • Implementing the Travel Policy
  • Communicate the policy to stakeholders
  • Monitor compliance with the policy
  • Provide ongoing support and training

Get started



Q: How does the travel policy differ from a company’s business travel policy?

Asked by William on July 2nd, 2022.
A: The fundamental difference between a travel policy and a business travel policy is that the former usually applies to all employees, while the latter typically applies to employees who travel for business-related purposes. A travel policy outlines the rules, regulations and expectations of all employees engaging in any type of traveling, while a business travel policy states the particular rules and regulations relevant to those traveling for business. For example, a business travel policy may specify the process for applying for reimbursement of expenses related to business-related trips, while a regular travel policy may cover vacation policies and sick leave related to traveling.

Q: Are there specific rules regarding employee reimbursements within a travel policy?

Asked by David on November 1st, 2022.
A: Yes, there are typically specific rules regarding employee reimbursements within a travel policy. These rules typically specify the process for filing and receiving reimbursement for expenses related to travel, as well as any limits or caps on what can be reimbursed. Additionally, some policies may outline specific types of expenses that are eligible for reimbursement, such as lodging, meals or ground transportation costs. It is important to note that many companies will only reimburse employees for expenses that are deemed necessary and reasonable for the purpose of their trip.

Q: Can I create my own travel policy if I am not part of an organization?

Asked by Sarah on December 28th, 2022.
A: Yes, you can create your own personal travel policy if you are not part of an organization. Creating your own personal travel policy can help you stay organized when planning and executing trips, as well as help you stay compliant with any governmental laws or regulations related to your travels. When creating your own personal travel policy, it is important to consider factors such as budgeting for trips, documenting expenses and tracking vacation days taken. Additionally, it is important to consult with legal professionals about any governmental laws or regulations related to your travels.

Q: Should I include health and safety considerations in my travel policy?

Asked by Jessica on April 19th, 2022.
A: Absolutely! Health and safety considerations are vital elements of any type of travel policy. When creating a travel policy, it is important to include provisions that address health and safety concerns such as emergency contact information, safety protocols while abroad and access to medical care in case of emergency. Additionally, it is important to consider any particular health and safety concerns related to the particular destination you are traveling to (e.g., certain regions may require certain vaccinations). Finally, it is important to ensure that all travelers are aware of these provisions prior to embarking on their trip.

Q: Are there any EU-specific laws I should consider when creating a travel policy?

Asked by Michael on June 5th, 2022.
A: Yes! When creating a travel policy for employees who will be traveling within the European Union (EU), it is important to consider EU-specific laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Working Time Directive (WTD). The GDPR requires businesses handling personal data from EU citizens to take steps such as including specific clauses in contracts with data processors which outlines how they should process this data safely and securely. The WTD establishes minimum requirements for rest periods during working hours as well as minimum paid annual leave requirements for employees across all EU member states. It is also important to consider other laws related to labor rights in each particular country which your employees may be visiting during their travels within the EU.

Example dispute

Suing a Company over Unfair Travel Policies

  • A plaintiff could raise a lawsuit against a company over its travel policy if they believe it to be unfair or in violation of the law. The plaintiff would need to provide evidence that the policy is unfair or unlawful and the court will decide whether the policy is indeed illegal.
  • The plaintiff may cite relevant legal documents, regulations and civil laws that the policy has violated in order to prove their case.
  • The plaintiff could also provide evidence of any information or actions which resulted in the suit being raised, such as denial of a valid travel request or a failure to provide appropriate travel reimbursement.
  • The court may order the defendant to change the policy or provide a settlement to the plaintiff if the policy is found to be in violation of the law.
  • If damages are awarded, the court will calculate them based on the amount of harm caused by the policy.

Templates available (free to use)

International Travel Policy

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