Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating a Stock Repurchase Agreement

23 Mar 2023
31 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a stock repurchase agreement is an essential tool for businesses looking to control their ownership structure, financial resources and increase shareholder value. A legally binding document, the agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the company’s repurchase, allowing them to accurately document and track all transactions. Not only this, but with carefully planned terms, it can protect shareholders from any additional liabilities and abuses of power by the company.

At Genie AI, our team is dedicated to helping businesses succeed by providing access to free stock repurchase agreement templates. Millions of datapoints teach our AI what a market-standard agreement looks like - so that anyone can draft it correctly without having to pay for legal advice or have a Genie AI account. Our template library provides step-by-step guidance on how to customize high quality legal documents for your business’ needs - read on below for more information on how you can access it today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Identifying the parties - Establishing who is involved in the agreement (buyer and seller).
Outlining the reason for the agreement - Explaining why the parties have decided to enter into the stock repurchase agreement.
Identifying the items or services to be resold - Specifying the quantity and price of each item or service being resold.
Determining the length of the agreement - Deciding how long the agreement will last, considering any applicable deadlines or restrictions.
Setting the terms for the repurchase - Agreeing on the price, payment terms, and any applicable restrictions.
Determining the tax implications for both parties - Figuring out any federal, state, or local tax obligations, as well as any potential deductions or credits that may be available.
Establishing a timeline for implementation - Setting deadlines or restrictions regarding the implementation of the agreement.
Outlining the procedure for documenting the agreement - Describing any applicable filing requirements and other procedures that must be followed.
Compiling the details of the agreement in a legal document - Gather all information into a written document, including any applicable definitions and other necessary information.
Securing the document with both parties’ signatures - Making sure both parties sign the document to make it legally binding.
Verifying the terms of the agreement - Making sure all terms and conditions are accurate and agreeable to both parties.
Executing the agreement - Exchanging signatures and other documents to make it enforceable.
Registering the agreement with the relevant authorities - Filing the agreement with any applicable governmental agencies or other entities.
Making all necessary payments - Paying any applicable taxes or other fees.
Monitoring the progress of the agreement - Keeping track of how the agreement is going and making sure terms and conditions are being followed.
Validating the terms of the agreement - Checking regularly to make sure the agreement is still valid and the terms are being followed.
Identifying any potential risks - Recognizing any potential legal or financial risks that may arise due to the agreement.
Determining an appropriate course of action in the event of a breach - Deciding what action to take if there is a breach of the agreement, including any applicable legal remedies or other measures.
Consulting a legal professional - Talking to a lawyer to make sure the agreement is in compliance with applicable laws.
Seeking advice from an experienced financial advisor - Asking an experienced financial advisor for help to make sure the agreement is in the best interest of both parties and all terms are fair and reasonable.


  • Establishing the Purpose of the Agreement
  • Identifying the parties
  • Outlining the reason for the agreement
  • Defining the Terms of the Repurchase
  • Identifying the items or services to be resold
  • Determining the length of the agreement
  • Setting the terms for the repurchase
  • Understanding the Tax Consequences
  • Determining the tax implications for both parties
  • Setting Guidelines for Executing the Agreement
  • Establishing a timeline for implementation
  • Outlining the procedure for documenting the agreement
  • Drafting the Legal Document
  • Compiling the details of the agreement in a legal document
  • Securing the document with both parties’ signatures
  • Signing the Agreement
  • Verifying the terms of the agreement
  • Executing the agreement
  • Registering the Agreement and Making Final Payments
  • Registering the agreement with the relevant authorities
  • Making all necessary payments
  • Monitoring the Performance of the Agreement
  • Monitoring the progress of the agreement
  • Validating the terms of the agreement
  • Understanding the Potential Risks of the Agreement
  • Identifying any potential risks
  • Determining an appropriate course of action in the event of a breach
  • Seeking Professional Advice and Guidance
  • Consulting a legal professional
  • Seeking advice from an experienced financial advisor

Get started

Establishing the Purpose of the Agreement

  • Define the purpose of the stock repurchase agreement and include it in the document
  • Identify the total number of shares to be repurchased
  • Specify the repurchase price
  • Determine the payment terms and method
  • Outline the timeline for the repurchase
  • When all of the above has been established, you can move on to the next step of identifying the parties involved in the agreement.

Identifying the parties

  • Determine who all parties involved in the stock repurchase agreement are
  • This should include the corporation issuing the stock, and the investor who will be purchasing it
  • Make sure to identify all parties by name and address
  • Make a record of the individual responsible for signing the agreement on behalf of each party
  • Check off this step once all parties involved have been identified by name and address, and the individual responsible for signing the agreement on behalf of each party has been noted

Outlining the reason for the agreement

  • Open up a document and title it ‘Stock Repurchase Agreement’
  • Outline the purpose of the agreement and why the stock is being repurchased
  • Describe the state of the company and why it is beneficial to repurchase the stock
  • Include the date of the agreement and the parties involved
  • When you have finished outlining the purpose of the agreement, save the document.

Defining the Terms of the Repurchase

  • Review and define the terms of the repurchase agreement, including the amount that needs to be paid for the stock, the date by which the payment must be made, and any other conditions or limitations.
  • Ensure that the terms of the repurchase agreement are consistent with the company’s stock repurchase policy.
  • Consider any legal and tax implications associated with the repurchase agreement.
  • Draft the final agreement and have both parties sign it.
  • When the agreement is signed, the repurchase is complete.

Identifying the items or services to be resold

  • Review the product or service that is to be resold
  • Make a list of the specifications for the product or service
  • Establish a timeline for when the product or service needs to be returned
  • Outline the conditions for the product or service to be resold
  • Identify any warranties, guarantees or other items related to the product or service

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified the product or service to be resold and established the timeline, warranties and guarantees.

Determining the length of the agreement

  • Determine the length of the agreement. Consider how much time is needed for the repurchase and how long the agreement will be in effect.
  • When the appropriate length of time for the agreement has been determined, this step is complete.

Setting the terms for the repurchase

  • Decide who will be the buyer and who will be the seller
  • Determine the number of shares that will be subject to the repurchase
  • Set a maximum price per share that will be paid for the shares
  • Define the total amount that will be paid for the repurchase
  • Lay out the payment terms for the repurchase
  • Specify the rights of the seller (if any) to receive additional consideration in the event of a sale or other transaction involving the company

Once you have determined and agreed upon the terms and conditions of the repurchase agreement, you can move on to the next step of understanding the tax consequences.

Understanding the Tax Consequences

  • Research the tax implications of a stock repurchase agreement and become familiar with the applicable laws and regulations.
  • Make sure to understand the tax consequences for both the company and the shareholder.
  • Determine the tax implications of any gain or loss from the repurchase.
  • Once you have a clear understanding of the tax consequences, you can move on to the next step.

Determining the tax implications for both parties

  • Consult with a tax specialist to ensure the agreement is in compliance with the relevant tax laws
  • Gather the necessary information from both parties to calculate the tax implications
  • Calculate the amount of taxes each party will be responsible for
  • Create a summary of the tax implications and provide it to both parties
  • Ensure both parties understand and agree to the tax implications

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: setting guidelines for executing the agreement.

Setting Guidelines for Executing the Agreement

  • Identify the purpose of the agreement, such as to buy back a portion of the company’s stock
  • Determine the number of shares to be repurchased
  • Decide on the maximum price per share that will be paid
  • Set a timeline for when the repurchase will take place
  • Consider any restrictions or conditions that must be met in order for the agreement to be valid

Once the guidelines for executing the agreement have been established, you can move on to the next step of establishing a timeline for implementation.

Establishing a timeline for implementation

  • Discuss with the Board of Directors the desired timeline for implementation of the stock repurchase agreement.
  • Decide on a timeline that works best for the company and all of its stakeholders.
  • Document the timeline in the agreement and ensure that both parties agree to the timeline.
  • Confirm that the timeline is reasonable and that the Board of Directors is comfortable with it.
  • You can check this off your list once you’ve established a timeline for implementation and documented it in the agreement.

Outlining the procedure for documenting the agreement

  • Confirm the type of stock repurchase agreement best suited for the transaction
  • Identify all the parties involved in the agreement and their roles
  • Outline the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Determine the timeline for completion of the agreement
  • Verify that all parties are in agreement with the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Ensure that all parties have signed the agreement
  • When all parties have signed the agreement and it has been accepted, the procedure for documenting the agreement is complete.

Drafting the Legal Document

  • Consult a qualified legal professional to draft the stock repurchase agreement, ensuring that the document properly reflects the details of the repurchase.
  • Review the draft agreement to confirm all the details are accurate.
  • Make any necessary edits to the document.
  • When the document is finalized and all necessary edits are made, you can move on to the next step.

Compiling the details of the agreement in a legal document

  • Research the relevant laws and regulations and incorporate it into the agreement
  • Assemble the basic terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Draft the relevant clauses, such as representations and warranties
  • Draft any other clauses that may be applicable
  • Ensure the document has the relevant parties’ details, such as their name, address, and contact information
  • Add any financial details to the agreement
  • Ensure the document is legally binding and includes all necessary signatures
  • Check for any errors and make sure the document is ready for submission

You’ll know when this step is completed when the document includes all the necessary details and signatures, and is legally binding.

Securing the document with both parties’ signatures

  • Have both parties review and sign the final copy of the agreement
  • Make sure both parties have signed the agreement and that both signatures are witnessed and dated
  • Keep the original copy of the agreement in a safe place
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Signing the Agreement

  • Have both parties sign the document
  • Ensure that the document is dated, and that all signatures are witnessed by a third party
  • Check that each signature is notarized and that the notary is licensed in the state in which the document is signed
  • When the document has been signed and notarized, it is ready to be verified
  • When all signatures have been secured, you can check this off your list and move on to verifying the terms of the agreement.

Verifying the terms of the agreement

  • Carefully review all the terms of the agreement to ensure they accurately reflect the parties’ intentions
  • Verify that all information on the agreement, such as the parties involved and the purchase price, is accurate
  • Make sure the agreement includes provisions for any contingencies, such as the repurchase agreement being subject to the closing of a financing round
  • Ensure all necessary signatures are present on the agreement
  • Once you’ve verified that all the terms of the agreement are accurate and all necessary signatures are present, you can move on to the next step of executing the agreement.

Executing the agreement

  • Have each party sign two copies of the agreement and return them to the other party
  • Ensure that any additional documents (including stock certificates) are exchanged between the parties
  • File the agreement with the appropriate government office
  • You’ll know that you have completed this step when both parties have signed the agreement and the appropriate documents have been exchanged and filed.

Registering the Agreement and Making Final Payments

  • Contact the appropriate governmental authority to register the agreement.
  • Submit all necessary documentation.
  • Make the final payment for the repurchased shares.
  • Receive confirmation of registration from the governmental authority.

Once you have received confirmation of registration from the governmental authority, you can move onto the next step.

Registering the agreement with the relevant authorities

  • Contact the relevant authorities to inform them of the repurchase agreement and provide them with relevant information and documents.
  • Submit the agreement to the relevant authorities for approval.
  • Ensure that all necessary fees have been paid and all necessary paperwork is completed and filed.
  • Receive confirmation from the relevant authorities that the agreement has been registered and approved.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have received confirmation from the relevant authorities that the agreement has been registered and approved.

Making all necessary payments

  • Pay the designated amount of money to the shareholders for their stock, according to the terms of the agreement.
  • Monitor the payments to make sure they are properly made and no discrepancies occur.
  • Confirm that the payments have been received by the shareholders.
  • Keep a record of all payments made.
  • Once all payments have been made, you can move on to monitoring the performance of the agreement.

Monitoring the Performance of the Agreement

  • Monitor the performance of the agreement - track the terms of the agreement, determine if any payments are outstanding, and observe if any of the other parties are in breach of contract
  • Keep records of all the performance milestones and payments
  • Watch for any changes in the stock prices of the company involved
  • Track the progress of the agreement to make sure all parties are adhering to the terms
  • When all payments have been made and all performance milestones have been met, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

Monitoring the progress of the agreement

  • Review the stock repurchase agreement regularly to ensure that all parties are in compliance with the terms of the agreement.
  • Monitor the performance of the agreement to ensure that all parties are compliant with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Monitor the progress of the agreement to ensure that the timelines for completion of the agreement are being met.
  • Ensure that all parties involved in the agreement are following the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Verify that all payments and other obligations outlined in the agreement are being fulfilled by the parties involved.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have verified that all parties are in compliance with the terms of the agreement, payments and other obligations outlined in the agreement are being fulfilled, and the timelines for completion of the agreement are being met.

Validating the terms of the agreement

  • Consult with a lawyer to review the terms and make sure they are legally binding
  • Verify the conditions of the agreement are accurate and all parties are in agreement
  • Make sure the agreement is in compliance with any relevant laws
  • Once all parties have reviewed and agreed to the terms, the agreement can be signed off on and finalized
  • You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step once the agreement has been signed and all parties have been notified

Understanding the Potential Risks of the Agreement

  • Research the potential risks of the agreement, such as potential financial or legal liabilities
  • Consult an experienced legal professional to gain an understanding of the risks and liabilities associated with the agreement
  • Consider whether the terms of the agreement are reasonable and in the best interests of the parties involved
  • Ask questions of the legal professional to gain a thorough understanding of the potential risks

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you’ve researched the potential risks of the agreement, consulted a legal professional to gain an understanding of the risks and liabilities associated with the agreement, and asked questions to gain a thorough understanding of the potential risks.

Identifying any potential risks

  • Consider the potential risks of the agreement, such as the company’s ability to meet the obligations of the agreement and the potential for shareholders to be disadvantaged by the agreement
  • Assess any legal or tax implications that could arise from the agreement
  • Analyze the possible effects of the agreement on the company’s financial health
  • Analyze the potential effects of the agreement on the company’s share price
  • Research any existing regulations that could affect the agreement

When you have identified all of the potential risks of the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining an appropriate course of action in the event of a breach

  • Research the types of remedies that may be available in the event of a breach of the agreement
  • Review the relevant laws of the jurisdiction in which the agreement was made
  • Consider any contractual obligations that the parties may be in breach of
  • Draft potential remedies that are appropriate and feasible
  • Review the remedies with legal counsel
  • Once the remedies have been agreed upon, incorporate them into the agreement
  • Once the remedies have been incorporated into the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Seeking Professional Advice and Guidance

  • Seek out a legal professional who specializes in stock repurchase agreements
  • Get advice on how to properly draft the agreement, and what rights and obligations need to be included
  • Ask questions as you go to ensure you understand all the implications of the agreement
  • When you are satisfied with the advice you have received and you understand the resulting agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Consulting a legal professional

  • Consult a qualified legal professional to discuss the specific laws and regulations applicable to the repurchase agreement
  • Seek advice on the best legal entity to use when drafting the agreement
  • Ask for guidance on how to best structure the agreement to ensure that it meets all applicable legal requirements
  • Once you have the advice of a legal professional and have all the necessary information, you can move on to the next step.

Seeking advice from an experienced financial advisor

  • Contact a financial advisor with knowledge in stock repurchase agreements to discuss the structure and process of the agreement.
  • Ask questions about the legal and financial implications of the agreement to ensure it is in your best interest.
  • Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor to discuss the details of the agreement and how it fits into your overall financial plan.
  • Ensure that the financial advisor has experience in stock repurchase agreements, and can offer sound advice on the agreement’s legal and financial implications.
  • Once you feel confident in the financial advisor’s advice and have a clear understanding of the agreement, you can move on to the next step.


Q: What is a stock repurchase agreement?

Asked by Abigail on March 6th, 2022.
A: A stock repurchase agreement is a legally binding contract between the corporation and shareholders that defines the terms of the company’s repurchase of its own shares from shareholders. It typically outlines the number of shares to be bought back, the price at which they will be bought, and the date by which the repurchase must take place. This type of agreement is important for shareholders to understand their rights as owners of the company and for the corporation to maintain control over its own shares.

Q: What are the legal requirements for drafting a stock repurchase agreement?

Asked by Michael on April 12th, 2022.
A: In order to create a legally binding stock repurchase agreement, it is important to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account. Depending on the jurisdiction, a variety of different legal requirements may need to be adhered to in order for the agreement to be valid. These may include requirements relating to disclosure of information, shareholder voting rights, and corporate governance. It is also important to ensure that any restrictions imposed on the corporation are reasonable and consistent with applicable law.

Q: How do I determine whether my company needs a stock repurchase agreement?

Asked by Emma on May 14th, 2022.
A: The decision as to whether or not your company needs a stock repurchase agreement should be based on an evaluation of several factors, including any existing corporate governance rules and other laws in your jurisdiction, your company’s financial position, and any potential impact on shareholders or potential investors. If your company does not currently have a stock repurchase agreement in place, it may be beneficial to consider creating one in order to provide shareholders with clear guidance regarding their rights and responsibilities as owners of the company.

Q: What are some common clauses included in a stock repurchase agreement?

Asked by Joshua on June 21st, 2022.
A: Common clauses that are often included in a stock repurchase agreement include those setting out the terms of the buy-back (including the number of shares being bought back and the purchase price), any restrictions imposed upon the corporation (such as providing notice before making any changes), and provisions relating to how disputes are handled (such as arbitration or mediation). Additionally, depending on the jurisdiction, certain disclosures may need to be made in order for the agreement to be legally binding.

Q: How do different jurisdictions affect a stock repurchase agreement?

Asked by Ashley on July 23rd, 2022.
A: Different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations that must be taken into account when drafting a stock repurchase agreement. For example, disclosure requirements may differ between jurisdictions; certain restrictions such as maximum transfer prices may be more relaxed in some countries than others; and shareholder voting rights may differ depending on where your business is located. It is therefore important to ensure that all relevant legal requirements are taken into account when drafting a stock repurchase agreement in order for it to be valid under applicable law.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Involving Stock Repurchase Agreements

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit which references a stock repurchase agreement if they believe that the agreement has been breached by either party.
  • The plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of the breach, such as proof that the company did not fulfill their obligations as stated in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may be able to seek damages, including reimbursement of any funds lost due to the breach, or other compensation.
  • The court may also consider any other losses incurred by the plaintiff, such as a decrease in the value of their stock, when determining an equitable settlement.
  • If the plaintiff can demonstrate that the stock repurchase agreement was breached, they may be able to win the lawsuit and receive a settlement.

Templates available (free to use)

Stock Repurchase Agreement

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