Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating a Rescission Agreement

9 Jun 2023
24 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Rescission agreements are vital legal documents that safeguard the interests of both parties engaged in a contract. An agreement such as this enables alterations or termination of a contract, which can prove useful in unpredictable situations or when the agreement has been amended. It is essential that these agreements are included in contracts and it’s not difficult to see why.

To begin with, rescission agreements provide legal protection for both sides involved in the contract. This ensures everyone is informed about any potential changes made to the deal and any repercussions that may result from those adjustments, minimizing any potential legal action taken due to breached terms.

What’s more, rescission agreements offer an opportunity for renegotiating a current contract if necessary - say, if unforeseen circumstances arise or if revisions occur in regards to either party’s involvement. This eliminates the need for creating an entirely new agreement and ensures continuity between parties even when things change unexpectedly.

Finally, rescission agreements allow for contracts to be terminated if needed – maybe because circumstances have shifted significantly or because it no longer benefits either side involved. This way, termination is an option rather than having to face possible repercussions from breaking a contract without proper cause - provided they have followed their rescission agreement correctly.

In conclusion, rescission agreements are invaluable legal documents that protect both parties in a contract and enable them bring greater peace of mind during uncertain times; they also open up lines of communication between all involved so they can agree on amends without jumping through hoops each time something changes unexpectedly. And thanks to Genie AI’s free community template library and our step-by-step guide below on how you can easily create your own customised high quality document at no additional cost – there’s never been an easier way to ensure your legal safety! Read on for more information about our service today!


Rescission Agreement: A legal document that cancels or reverses a contract or agreement and returns the parties to the same positions they were in before the contract was made.

Jurisdiction: The legal authority of a court to hear a case and make a judgement.
Choice of Law: The process by which a court determines which laws apply to a given case.
Dispute Resolution: The process of resolving conflicts or differences between parties.
Notarization: The process by which a document is verified and authenticated by a public official.
Witness: A person who is present to testify or observe an event or process.
Enforceable: Legally binding and able to be enforced in a court of law.
Remedies: Compensation or relief given to a party in a court of law.
Negotiation: The process of discussing and attempting to reach an agreement between two or more parties.
Arbitration: A process of dispute resolution whereby an impartial third-party hears a dispute and makes a legally binding decision on the matter.
Mediation: A process of dispute resolution whereby an impartial third-party facilitates communication between parties in order to help them reach an agreement.
Litigation: A process of dispute resolution whereby a court hears a dispute and makes a legally binding ruling on the matter.


  1. What is a rescission agreement?
  2. Definition
  3. Common uses
  4. When is a rescission agreement necessary?
  5. Examples of when it may be used
  6. The process for creating a rescission agreement
  7. Identify parties to the agreement
  8. Determine the specific terms of the agreement
  9. Draft the rescission agreement
  10. Required elements of a rescission agreement
  11. Language requirements
  12. Legal validity considerations
  13. How to document the rescission agreement
  14. Paper vs. digital medium
  15. Formal requirements
  16. What to do with the rescission agreement after signing
  17. Execute the agreement
  18. Filing and storage considerations
  19. Potential issues with rescission agreements
  20. Potential legal challenges
  21. Risks of non-compliance
  22. Considerations for enforcement of the rescission agreement
  23. Does the agreement include a clause for enforcement?
  24. Considerations for breach of contract
  25. How to negotiate the terms of a rescission agreement
  26. Identify areas of negotiation
  27. Strategies for making an effective offer
  28. Dispute resolution for rescission agreements
  29. Arbitration
  30. Mediation
  31. Litigation

Get started

What is a rescission agreement?

  • Research and read up on what a rescission agreement is
  • Learn about the purpose of a rescission agreement
  • Identify when a rescission agreement is necessary
  • Understand the circumstances and elements that must be present for a valid rescission agreement
  • When you can accurately explain what a rescission agreement is and why it is necessary, you can check this step off the list and move on to the next step.


  • Familiarize yourself with the definition of a rescission agreement.
  • Understand the language and terminology used in the agreement.
  • Understand the rights and obligations of each party.
  • When you have a clear understanding of the definition, you can check this step off and move on to the next step.

Common uses

  • Rescission agreements are used to cancel or terminate contracts between two or more parties
  • This type of agreement is typically used when one or more of the parties has acted in bad faith or misrepresented the agreement
  • A rescission agreement is also used in cases where a contract includes illegal or unenforceable terms
  • Rescission agreements can also be used to terminate a contract when a party is unable to fulfill its obligations


  • Understand what a rescission agreement is and when it is necessary
  • Have a clear understanding of the terms of the contract
  • Identify any areas that may be illegal, unenforceable, or acted in bad faith
  • Draft the rescission agreement with all parties in agreement
  • Execute the rescission agreement in writing and ensure that all parties sign it.

When is a rescission agreement necessary?

  • Consider if a rescission agreement is necessary if a contract was entered into due to fraud, mutual mistake, or misrepresentation
  • Determine if a rescission agreement is appropriate if one of the parties is not able to fulfill their duties under the contract
  • Consider if a rescission agreement is necessary if a contract was formed by a minor or someone who is not legally competent
  • Check if a rescission agreement is appropriate if one of the parties is no longer able to fulfill their end of the contract due to an unexpected event
  • Evaluate if a rescission agreement is necessary if a contract is entered into with an individual who is not legally allowed to do so
  • When all of these considerations have been made, you can move on to the next step in creating a rescission agreement.

Examples of when it may be used

  • A rescission agreement may be necessary when an agreement has been entered into, but one or both of the parties wishes to terminate it.
  • A rescission agreement may be used if a party is not meeting the obligations set forth in the agreement.
  • In a contract dispute, a rescission agreement may be used to resolve the dispute.
  • A rescission agreement may also be used if one party has misrepresented material facts or breached the terms of the agreement.

You’ll know that you can check this step off and move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of when a rescission agreement may be used.

The process for creating a rescission agreement

  • Draft the rescission agreement: Ensure that each party’s legal interests are protected and the wording is unambiguous.
  • Negotiate the agreement: Address any issues that need to be resolved.
  • Finalize the agreement: Ensure that all parties have read, reviewed, and signed the agreement.
  • File the agreement: Submit the rescission agreement to the appropriate government office and/or court.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • All parties have read and understood the agreement.
  • All parties have signed the agreement.
  • The agreement has been filed with the relevant government office.

Identify parties to the agreement

  • Determine who is involved in the agreement, including the parties and any other relevant individuals
  • Make sure that all parties involved have the same understanding of the agreement and its purpose
  • Have each party sign off on the agreement to ensure that all parties are on the same page and understand the agreement
  • Once all parties have agreed and signed, you can move on to the next step of determining the specific terms of the agreement.

Determine the specific terms of the agreement

  • Research applicable laws and regulations related to the rescission agreement
  • Establish the date of rescission
  • Decide who will bear the costs of the rescission
  • Identify any assets that must be returned
  • Specify any other terms of the agreement
  • When the parties have agreed on all the terms, you can move on to the next step of drafting the rescission agreement.

Draft the rescission agreement

  • Draft the rescission agreement using the specific terms that were determined in the previous step.
  • Include in the agreement the effective date of the rescission, the parties involved, the reason for the rescission, and the agreement to cancel and reverse the contract.
  • Make sure that all parties involved in the agreement sign it.
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement and it is notarized, you can check this step off your list and move onto the next step.

Required elements of a rescission agreement

  • Identify the parties to the agreement and include their contact information
  • Include the date when the agreement was signed and when it will be rescinded
  • Include a clear statement of intent to rescind the original contract
  • Outline the responsibilities of each party in the rescission agreement
  • Include any provisions or clauses that are necessary to complete the rescission
  • Sign and date the rescission agreement

You’ll know you have successfully completed this step when you have included all of the elements listed above in the rescission agreement.

Language requirements

  • Ensure that the language of the rescission agreement is clear and unambiguous.
  • Make sure that the agreement is written in language that is easy to understand and that any terms used are consistent with their ordinary meaning.
  • Avoid using any legal jargon or technical terms.
  • Include a clause confirming that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.

When you have completed this step, check off the language requirements box in your to-do list and move on to the next step: Legal Validity Considerations.

Legal validity considerations

  • Research applicable state laws, regulations, and court decisions to ensure the rescission agreement satisfies all legal requirements
  • Consult with an attorney to confirm the rescission agreement’s legal validity and that any language included is enforceable
  • Ensure the rescission agreement complies with all federal and state regulations, including any applicable consumer protection laws
  • Make sure the rescission agreement has been properly executed, meaning each party has signed or initialed the rescission agreement
  • Confirm that all the parties on the rescission agreement are legally capable of entering into a binding agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have completed the research and consultation of an attorney, have confirmed the rescission agreement complies with all applicable laws and regulations, and have properly executed the rescission agreement with all parties who are legally capable of entering into a binding agreement, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

How to document the rescission agreement

  • Draft a rescission agreement that outlines all of the terms of the rescinded contract
  • Make sure all parties to the rescinded contract are named and that the agreement is signed by all necessary parties
  • Include a clear and concise statement that the rescinded contract is no longer valid
  • Have the rescission agreement reviewed by a legal professional to ensure accuracy and compliance with all applicable laws
  • Once the rescission agreement is finalized and all necessary signatures are obtained, store the document in a secure location
  • Check off this step when the rescission agreement is completed and all signatures have been collected.

Paper vs. digital medium

  • Decide if you will create a rescission agreement on paper or digitally.
  • Make sure that you have the right software or materials needed to draft the agreement.
  • If you are creating a paper document, make sure to sign it with both parties present and have witnesses if necessary.
  • If you are creating a digital document, make sure to follow the rules and protocols of the platform to make sure the agreement is binding and enforceable.
  • Once you have chosen the medium and have the necessary materials, you will be ready to move on to the next step.

Formal requirements

  • Familiarize yourself with the applicable state or federal laws and regulations governing rescission agreements
  • Determine the necessary conditions for a valid rescission agreement based on the applicable laws and regulations
  • Draft the rescission agreement based on the applicable laws and regulations and the conditions you determined
  • Ensure the rescission agreement is signed by all parties involved and has all the necessary provisions
  • When the rescission agreement is signed, you can move on to the next step.

What to do with the rescission agreement after signing

  • Make two copies of the agreement and each party should keep a copy.
  • Have both parties sign and date both copies of the agreement.
  • Make sure all parties involved have a copy of the agreement.
  • Once all parties have signed and dated the agreement, all parties can consider the rescission agreement valid and binding.
  • You will know that this step is complete when all parties have a copy of the signed and dated agreement.

Execute the agreement

  • Sign the rescission agreement and have the other parties sign it as well
  • Make sure to keep original copies of the signed agreement
  • Make sure all signatures are witnessed and notarized if required
  • Once all signatures have been collected, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Filing and storage considerations

  • Make copies of the rescission agreement and store them safely to have in case of disputes or questions
  • Have each party sign the agreement and make sure to keep the originals and copies of the agreement in a safe place
  • File the rescission agreement with the appropriate government agency, if and when necessary, to ensure it is legally binding
  • Have each party keep a copy of the agreement for their records
  • Once the agreement is signed, filed and stored, you can proceed to the next step.

Potential issues with rescission agreements

  • Understand all the potential issues that can arise, including but not limited to:
  • Breach of contract
  • Unfair or deceptive acts
  • Lack of mutual consent
  • Research any applicable laws and regulations to ensure the agreement is compliant
  • Check the agreement against any applicable governing documents, such as a corporate charter
  • Speak to an attorney to ensure that all potential issues are addressed
  • Make sure all parties are aware of the agreement and sign off on it

You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all parties have signed off on the agreement and you have addressed any applicable laws and regulations.

Potential legal challenges

  • Take the time to research and understand the legal implications of a rescission agreement.
  • Consult a legal professional to ensure that the rescission agreement is compliant with all applicable laws.
  • Make sure that the rescission agreement contains language that is clear and unambiguous so that all parties understand their respective rights and obligations.
  • When in doubt, seek legal advice to make sure the agreement meets the necessary legal standards.

Once you have taken these steps, you can move on to the next step: ### Risks of non-compliance.

Risks of non-compliance

  • Understand the potential risks of non-compliance with the rescission agreement, such as penalties or other legal action that can be taken.
  • Research any state and federal laws that may apply to the rescission agreement, and determine if they will be enforced.
  • Ensure that anyone who is party to the agreement understands their responsibilities and agrees to the terms and conditions.
  • Have a plan in place to document the rescission agreement and any changes that may be made to it, as well as any applicable compliance deadlines.
  • Make sure that all applicable parties are aware of the risks of non-compliance and understand the consequences for not adhering to the rescission agreement.

You will know that you have finished this step when you have identified the potential risks of non-compliance with the rescission agreement and have a plan in place to document and enforce the agreement.

Considerations for enforcement of the rescission agreement

  • Consider the various types of enforcement that may be necessary for the rescission agreement, such as court action or arbitration.
  • Think about the jurisdiction that the rescission agreement will be enforced in, and if there are any special considerations.
  • Determine how you will manage any disputes that may arise from the enforcement of the rescission agreement.
  • Consider any other legal implications of enforcing the rescission agreement.

Once you have considered all the necessary aspects of enforcing the rescission agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Does the agreement include a clause for enforcement?

  • Ensure that the rescission agreement includes a clause that outlines the consequences of failure to comply with the agreement
  • Draft a clause that outlines what will happen if the agreement is not honored
  • Consider the legal implications of the clause and ensure that it is in accordance with applicable laws
  • Check with a legal professional if necessary
  • Once the clause is included in the rescission agreement, the step is complete and the agreement can be sent to the other party for review and signature

Considerations for breach of contract

  • Review the terms of the breach of contract carefully, ensuring that all involved parties are in agreement with the breach.
  • Consider the consequences of the breach, such as any financial or legal implications that may arise due to the breach.
  • Ensure that all parties involved are in agreement with the resolution of the breach and that all parties are willing to adhere to the terms of the rescission agreement.
  • Make sure to document all of the details of the breach, including any agreements that were made, to ensure that all parties are held accountable to the terms of the rescission agreement.

Once you have reviewed all of the considerations for breach of contract, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step in creating a rescission agreement.

How to negotiate the terms of a rescission agreement

  • Communicate to the other party that you wish to negotiate a rescission agreement and the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Set a timeline for the negotiations and ensure that both parties are available for the duration of the negotiations.
  • Listen and try to understand the other party’s perspective and point of view.
  • Be open to compromise and negotiation.
  • Make sure to document any agreements made.
  • You can check off this step when a mutually acceptable agreement has been made, and both parties have signed the rescission agreement.

Identify areas of negotiation

  • Determine the specific aspects of the sale that are to be rescinded
  • Consider which financial or other obligations of the parties (if any) should be kept
  • Analyze the current market value of the rescinded item(s)
  • Decide if there are any other areas of negotiation that should be discussed

When you can check off this step:
When you’ve identified all the areas to be negotiated, you can move on to the next step.

Strategies for making an effective offer

  • Research the market value of the goods/services and create a fair offer
  • Consider the other party’s needs and interests in order to create an attractive offer
  • Take into consideration any relevant laws and regulations when making the offer
  • Draft the offer in writing and clearly state the terms of the agreement
  • Make sure to include an expiration date for the offer
  • When the offer is accepted, the agreement is binding and can be enforced
  • Once you have crafted an effective offer, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step: Dispute resolution for rescission agreements.

Dispute resolution for rescission agreements

  • Obtain legal advice to ensure your rescission agreement is valid and enforceable
  • Have any documents reviewed and approved by a lawyer
  • Decide whether you want to attempt to negotiate a resolution or resort to arbitration or litigation
  • Ensure the other party is made aware of the rescission agreement and any applicable dispute resolution process
  • Once you have decided on a dispute resolution process, be sure to document it in the rescission agreement
  • When you have finalized the dispute resolution process and it is included in the rescission agreement, you can move on to the next step: Arbitration.


  • Research relevant arbitration rules and laws applicable for your state and situation
  • Contact an arbitration organization to provide a list of qualified arbitrators
  • Choose an arbitrator from the list provided that is willing to handle your case
  • Compile your evidence in a clear, concise manner to present to the arbitrator
  • Develop an arbitration agreement outlining the details of the arbitration
  • Schedule a hearing with the arbitrator
  • Attend the arbitration hearing and present your case
  • Follow the arbitrator’s decision
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the arbitrator has made a decision and you have followed it.


  • Set up a meeting with all parties involved in the rescission agreement, including the mediator.
  • Discuss the issues and attempt to come to an agreement on how to proceed with the rescission agreement.
  • All parties involved should be prepared to compromise, and should be open to any and all solutions presented.
  • The mediator should strive to remain impartial and provide unbiased solutions and insights.
  • Once an agreement is reached, the mediator will draw up the rescission agreement that is agreeable to all parties.
  • The parties involved will then sign the rescission agreement, and the document will become legally binding.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: All parties involved have agreed on the terms of the rescission agreement and have signed it.


  • Determine if the other party is willing to enter into litigation.
  • If they are, draft a rescission agreement outlining the terms of rescission.
  • Negotiate the terms of the rescission agreement.
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer.
  • Sign and execute the rescission agreement.
  • File the rescission agreement with the court.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When both parties have agreed to the terms of the rescission agreement, have it reviewed by a lawyer, and have it signed and executed.


Q: What is a rescission agreement?

Asked by Ryan on October 14th 2022.
A: A rescission agreement is a legal contract that can be used to end an earlier contract between two parties. It acts as a mutual release of all obligations and liabilities between the two parties and allows them to start from scratch. It is important to understand that rescission agreements are different from voidable contracts, as the latter can only be made void at the discretion of one party, whereas a rescission agreement is a mutual agreement between both parties.

Q: What are the differences between a UK and US rescission agreement?

Asked by Kayla on April 26th 2022.
A: The main differences between a UK and US rescission agreement is that in the UK, the rescission agreement must be in writing to be legally enforceable, whereas in the US, verbal agreements may also be considered valid. Furthermore, in the US, the court may require the parties involved to return any benefits they received due to the contract they are rescinding, whereas in the UK this is not necessarily required.

Q: What industry or sector would benefit most from creating a rescission agreement?

Asked by Matthew on January 1st 2022.
A: Rescission agreements can be beneficial for any industry or sector, however it may be particularly beneficial for sectors such as technology or business-to-business (B2B) transactions, where there may be significant financial losses or risks involved in entering into certain contracts. This is because such agreements can provide a legal way to end those contracts without resulting in expensive litigation or arbitration proceedings.

Q: Do I need to create a rescission agreement for my online business?

Asked by Abigail on February 12th 2022.
A: Whether or not you need to create a rescission agreement for your online business depends on your particular circumstances. If you are entering into contracts with other companies or individuals and there is a risk of significant financial losses if those contracts cannot be terminated then it may be beneficial to create a rescission agreement as a means of legally ending those contracts. However, if you are confident that any contracts you enter into will remain valid then you may not need one.

Q: Are there any special considerations I should take into account when creating a rescission agreement?

Asked by Joseph on August 19th 2022.
A: Yes, there are several special considerations that should be taken into account when creating a rescission agreement. Firstly, make sure you have clearly outlined what rights and obligations each party has under the terms of the agreement before signing it as this will ensure both parties understand their responsibilities and ensure there is no confusion or ambiguity at any stage. Secondly, make sure you include provisions for dispute resolution in case of any disagreements that may arise between the two parties at any stage of the process. Finally, always check local laws and regulations to make sure your rescission agreement complies with them before it is signed.

Q: How do I know if my rescission agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Hannah on July 5th 2022.
A: To know if your rescission agreement is legally binding you should ensure that it meets all of the requirements laid out in relevant legislation and case law in your jurisdiction. You should also make sure that both parties have fully understood and agreed upon all of the terms of the agreement before signing it, and that all relevant information has been provided accurately and honestly by both parties. Additionally, it may also be beneficial to have your rescission agreement reviewed by an experienced lawyer before it is signed to make sure it meets all legal requirements and will stand up in court if necessary.

Q: Can I use an online template for my rescission agreement?

Asked by Noah on November 11th 2022.
A: While using an online template for creating your own customised rescission agreement may seem like an easy option, it is important to bear in mind that each situation has its own unique set of circumstances which must be taken into account when drafting legal documents such as this. Therefore, while using an online template may save time initially, it may ultimately lead to legal issues down the line if all relevant details have not been included or taken into account while drafting your document. It is therefore always advisable to consult with an experienced lawyer when drafting legal documents such as this one.

Q: What happens if I breach my own rescission agreement?

Asked by Ashley on March 4th 2022.
A: If you breach your own rescission agreement then you could face serious legal repercussions depending on the particulars of your case and local laws in your jurisdiction. Generally speaking, breaching a contract can lead to expensive fines or even criminal proceedings depending on how severe the breach was and whether any third parties were affected by it. Therefore, it is always advisable to make sure you fully understand all terms of any contract before signing it and adhere strictly to those terms afterwards in order to avoid any potential legal issues down the line.

Q: Are there other laws I need to follow when creating my own rescission agreement?

Asked by Elizabeth on December 25th 2022.
A: Yes, depending on which jurisdiction you are operating in (whether EU, UK or US) there may also be other laws which apply specifically to contracts such as this one which need to be taken into account when crafting your own customised document. For example, EU law requires certain types of contracts such as this one to be written down while US law requires certain information such as signatures from both parties involved in order for them to be legally enforceable. Therefore, it is always advisable to seek advice from an experienced lawyer when drafting such documents so that all applicable laws are taken into account before they are signed off on by both parties involved.

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuits Involving a Rescission Agreement

  • A plaintiff could bring a lawsuit alleging that the defendant breached a rescission agreement. In such a case, the plaintiff would need to show that the defendant breached the agreement by not taking the required steps, such as returning the money or other items that were part of the agreement.
  • Another possible lawsuit could be brought alleging that the defendant failed to abide by the rescission agreement’s terms, such as failing to provide adequate notice of the rescission or not providing a reasonable opportunity to accept or reject the rescission. In such a case, the plaintiff would need to demonstrate that the defendant’s actions were not in compliance with the agreement.
  • A plaintiff may also bring a lawsuit alleging that the defendant misrepresented the terms of the rescission agreement. In such a case, the plaintiff would need to demonstrate that the defendant made false statements or provided false information in order to induce the plaintiff to enter into the agreement.
  • Finally, a plaintiff may bring a lawsuit alleging that the defendant violated the civil law in relation to the rescission agreement. In such a case, the plaintiff would need to demonstrate that the defendant’s actions were in violation of the applicable civil law.

If the plaintiff can successfully prove that the defendant breached the rescission agreement or violated the applicable civil law, the plaintiff could win the lawsuit. If damages can be proven, the court may award the plaintiff money for the losses suffered as a result of the defendant’s breach or violation.

Templates available (free to use)

Coverage Rescission Under The Aca Notice
Mutual Rescission And Release Agreement
Mutual Rescission Of Contract

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