Alex Denne
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Creating a Reciprocal Easement Agreement

23 Mar 2023
27 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a Reciprocal Easement Agreement is an important element of real estate law, enabling parties to legally agree on their rights and responsibilities regarding property use. The Genie AI Team understands the significance of such agreements, and is here to explain why they are so essential for estate developers and land owners.

Reciprocal easement agreements bring a myriad of benefits for the parties involved; most notably, both are provided with a feeling of security due to the clear delineation of each individual’s rights - no more worries about disputes or breaches in the future! Additionally, with this type of agreement in place, both parties have peace of mind that it will be respected and enforced should any disagreement arise. Furthermore, it makes transactions simpler for all involved - without these agreements many real estate transactions would be substantially more challenging as there would be no way to guarantee that everyone’s’ rights were officially recognized.

In short, reciprocal easement agreements are an integral component required for a successful transaction between multiple entities in real estate law; they bring both clarity and protection while ensuring certainty that all obligations will be honored. Here at Genie AI we provide free templates so anyone can easily draft and customize high-quality legal documents without paying hefty attorney fees! Read on below for our step-by-step guidance on creating your own agreement and accessing our template library today - no account needed!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Legal Authority: The power of a court or other entity to make laws and enforce them.
Reciprocal Easement Agreement: An agreement between two or more parties that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party with regards to a specific easement.
Property Law: The laws that govern the ownership and use of a property.
Jurisdiction: The geographic area or subject-matter over which a court or other entity has legal authority.
Title of Ownership: A document that identifies the owner of a property.
Easement: A right to use another person’s land for a specific purpose.
Leases: A contract that gives a person the legal right to use a property for a certain period of time.
Encumbrances: A legal claim or interest on a property that limits its transferability or use.
Mediation: A process in which parties involved in a dispute meet with a neutral third party to try and resolve their differences.
Arbitration: A process where parties involved in a dispute submit their case to a neutral third party to make a decision.
Notarization: A process where a notary public witnesses a document and certifies that it is authentic.


  • Establishing the legal authority for the Reciprocal Easement Agreement
  • Identifying the parties involved in the Reciprocal Easement Agreement
  • Documenting the title of ownership of the property in question
  • Creating a description of the easement
  • Defining the rights and responsibilities of each party
  • Setting the duration of the agreement
  • Addressing potential disputes
  • Drafting procedures for resolving disputes
  • Establishing a process for termination of the agreement
  • Drafting and finalizing the agreement
  • Obtaining signatures and notarization for each party
  • Executing the agreement
  • Registering the agreement with the appropriate authority
  • Ensuring the agreement is filed and recorded in the appropriate county

Get started

Establishing the legal authority for the Reciprocal Easement Agreement

  • Identify the source of authority for the Reciprocal Easement Agreement. The agreement should be authorized by a governing body that has the legal authority to create such an agreement, such as a local municipality.
  • Research the applicable laws or regulations that will govern the agreement. This may include zoning ordinances, local ordinances, and other applicable state and federal laws.
  • Draft the agreement in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. This will ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.
  • When the legal authority for the Reciprocal Easement Agreement has been established, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying the parties involved in the Reciprocal Easement Agreement

  • Research the parties involved in the Reciprocal Easement Agreement: the property owners, any tenants, and any other involved parties
  • Contact the parties involved and identify their legal names and addresses
  • Meet with the parties involved and discuss the terms of the Reciprocal Easement Agreement
  • Draft a list of the parties involved in the Reciprocal Easement Agreement

Once you have completed this step and you have a list of the parties involved in the Reciprocal Easement Agreement, you can move on to the next step of documenting the title of ownership of the property in question.

Documenting the title of ownership of the property in question

  • Obtain a copy of the current title of ownership of the property in question
  • Verify that the title accurately reflects the legal description of the property
  • Ensure that any past agreements are accurately represented on the title
  • Check that the title is registered with the local government
  • Confirm that the title is free from any liens or encumbrances
  • When all of the above is complete and the title is accurate and up-to-date, this step can be checked off the list.

Creating a description of the easement

  • Write a detailed description of the easement that includes its purpose, location, duration, and any other relevant information
  • Make sure that all of the pertinent facts are accurately included in the description
  • Review the description with both parties to make sure that they understand and agree with the contents
  • Once both parties have reviewed and agreed to the description, you can officially check this step off your list and move on to defining the rights and responsibilities of each party.

Defining the rights and responsibilities of each party

  • Determine the purpose of the easement and any activities that will be allowed on the easement property
  • Note any restrictions that should be placed on the easement property, such as the type of construction, landscaping, and other activities
  • Outline the responsibilities of each party in maintaining the easement
  • Specify the party responsible for any costs associated with the easement
  • Document any additional agreements or restrictions that the parties would like to include

When you have completed this step, you should have a clear set of rights and responsibilities for both parties outlined in the agreement.

Setting the duration of the agreement

  • Establish a start date and end date for the agreement, taking into account the expected duration of the project.
  • Discuss and outline the terms of renewal or termination of the agreement.
  • Include details on who is responsible for notification of the agreement termination or renewal.
  • Discuss and outline a plan for the termination of the agreement if either party is in violation of the terms.
  • Finalize the agreement and make sure both parties have a signed copy.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: All terms have been agreed upon and both parties have a signed copy of the agreement.

Addressing potential disputes

  • Identify any common disagreements that may arise between the parties, such as parking, noise, water drainage, etc.
  • Outline a dispute resolution process for how any disagreements will be handled, such as arbitration or mediation.
  • Decide if any other issues, such as insurance or indemnification, need to be addressed in the event of a dispute.
  • Once all potential issues have been addressed, check off this step from the list and move on to the next step.

Drafting procedures for resolving disputes

• Discuss the scope of disputes that may arise and how they will be resolved, such as through mediation, arbitration, or litigation.
• Include a clause that outlines the process that will be used to resolve any disputes, including the cost of the process and any other costs associated with resolving a dispute.
• Establish a timeline for dispute resolution, or provide a mechanism for extending the timeline if needed.
• Include a clause that states that the agreement is subject to the laws of the state where the property is located.
• Be sure to include a clause that states that the agreement is binding on both parties and that any disputes will be handled in the appropriate court.

When you’ve addressed all these points, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of establishing a process for termination of the agreement.

Establishing a process for termination of the agreement

  • Identify the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated and put them in writing
  • Outline procedures for giving notice of termination
  • Discuss the consequences of terminating the agreement
  • Include a timeline for termination
  • Specify who is responsible for carrying out the termination
  • Make sure the termination process is in compliance with all relevant laws
  • When all of the above has been completed, you can move on to the next step, which is drafting and finalizing the agreement.

Drafting and finalizing the agreement

  • Make sure that the agreement is consistent with the terms and conditions discussed by both parties
  • Review the agreement with legal counsel to ensure accuracy and compliance with local laws
  • Make revisions to the agreement based on the counsel’s recommendations
  • Obtain written approval from both parties for the final version of the agreement
  • Once both parties have approved the agreement and all changes have been made, the agreement is considered finalized and ready for signature
  • You will know that you can move on to the next step once both parties have approved the agreement and all changes have been made.

Obtaining signatures and notarization for each party

  • Gather all necessary parties and have them review the agreement to ensure accuracy
  • Have each party sign the agreement in front of a notary public
  • Pay the notary public for their services
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the agreement for their records
  • When all parties have signed the agreement and it has been notarized, you can check off this step and move on to executing the agreement.

Executing the agreement

  • Draft the Reciprocal Easement Agreement, ensure that it contains all relevant information and that both parties agree with the contents.
  • Obtain approval and signatures from both parties, and have the signatures notarized.
  • Have the agreement witnessed by both parties.
  • File the agreement with the appropriate authority.
  • Once the agreement is accepted and registered, you have successfully created a Reciprocal Easement Agreement.

Registering the agreement with the appropriate authority

  • Obtain a copy of the appropriate form from the local land registry or other relevant authority.
  • Fill out the form with the details of the Reciprocal Easement Agreement.
  • Attach any supporting documents, proof of identity, or other documents that may be required.
  • Submit the form along with the filing fee.
  • Receive confirmation from the appropriate authority that the agreement has been registered.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once you have received confirmation from the appropriate authority that the agreement has been registered, you can proceed to the next step in the guide of ensuring the agreement is filed and recorded in the appropriate county.

Ensuring the agreement is filed and recorded in the appropriate county

• Obtain a copy of the Reciprocal Easement Agreement from the appropriate authority.
• Prepare the document for recording. This involves properly filling out the document, getting the necessary signatures, and having it notarized.
• Submit the document to the appropriate county office for recording.
• Pay the recording fee associated with the document.
• Receive a certified copy of the recorded document.
• You will know that this step is complete when you have a certified copy of the recorded document in hand.


Q: What is a Reciprocal Easement Agreement?

Asked by John on March 12th, 2022.
A: A Reciprocal Easement Agreement (REA) is a contract between two parties granting rights to each other of shared use of land or facilities. Typically, this agreement will grant certain rights to one party and certain obligations to the other. It can be used to grant access rights to each other’s property, such as an easement for a driveway or a public footpath. It can also be used to grant rights to use a shared facility, such as a swimming pool or tennis court.

Q: What are the benefits of having an REA?

Asked by Margaret on June 3rd, 2022.
A: Having an REA in place can provide numerous benefits for both parties involved. It can help to avoid conflict between them and protect the interests of both parties should any disputes arise in the future. An REA can also create certainty for both parties regarding their rights and obligations and will provide clarity on how each party should use the shared area or facility. This will help to ensure that both parties are able to benefit from the agreement and that there is no confusion or conflict moving forward.

Q: Are there any risks associated with creating an REA?

Asked by Matthew on October 14th, 2022.
A: While creating an REA can provide many benefits, there are some risks associated with it as well. One of the main risks is that one party may not comply with their obligations under the agreement. This could lead to costly disputes or even legal action if the situation is not resolved in a timely manner. Additionally, if either party does not fully understand their rights and obligations under the agreement, they may not be able to take full advantage of it or may be at risk of violating it unknowingly. It is important for both parties to fully understand the terms of any REA before signing it in order to ensure that they do not put themselves at unnecessary risk.

Q: What should I consider when creating an REA?

Asked by Melissa on April 16th, 2022.
A: When creating an REA, there are several key factors that you should consider in order to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable. Firstly, you should ensure that all parties fully understand their rights and obligations under the agreement and have had adequate time to consider its terms before signing it. Additionally, you should ensure that all relevant information has been included in the agreement including any applicable laws or regulations that may apply in your jurisdiction. Finally, you should make sure that all necessary signatures have been obtained from all parties involved in order for the agreement to be legally binding and enforceable.

Q: How long does an REA last?

Asked by William on February 10th, 2022.
A: The duration of an REA will depend on its specific terms but typically it will last for a fixed period of time, after which it may need to be renewed or renegotiated in order for it to remain valid. Additionally, many jurisdictions have laws which state that any agreement lasting longer than a certain period must be registered with a court or government body in order for it to remain legally valid and enforceable. It is important to check your local laws before entering into any agreement of this kind as there may be additional requirements which need to be met in order for the agreement to remain valid over time.

Q: Who is responsible for enforcing an REA?

Asked by Amanda on June 22nd, 2022.
A: Generally speaking, both parties involved in an REA will have some responsibility for ensuring that its terms are followed and enforced. In some cases, one party may have more responsibility than another depending on the specific terms of their agreement but typically both parties will share some responsibility for ensuring compliance with its terms. If either party fails to comply with their obligations under an REA then either party may take legal action against them in order to enforce its terms and seek damages for any losses incurred as a result of breach of contract.

Q: Can I register an REA with my local court?

Asked by Jacob on August 8th, 2022.
A: Depending on your jurisdiction and the specific terms of your agreement, you may need to register your REA with your local court or other government body in order for it to remain legally valid and enforceable over time. Generally speaking, any agreements which last longer than a certain period (e.g., three years) must be registered with a court or government body in order for them to remain valid over time so it is important to check your local laws before entering into any such agreements as there may be additional requirements which need to be met in order for them remain valid over time.

Q: Can I modify an existing REA?

Asked by Sarah on November 4th, 2022.
A: Generally speaking, yes you can modify an existing REA provided that all relevant parties agree to do so and given that any changes do not contravene applicable laws or regulations in your jurisdiction. In most cases, changes must be made in writing and signed by all relevant parties in order for them to take effect so it is important that all necessary documents are obtained before making any changes as this will help ensure that they are legally binding and enforceable over time. Additionally, it is important to check your local laws before making any changes as there may be additional requirements which need to be met before they take effect so always check with your local legal advisor if you are unsure about anything related to making changes or modifying an existing REA before proceeding further.

Q: How do I terminate an existing REA?

Asked by Christopher on December 25th, 2022.
A: Generally speaking, terminating an existing REA requires all relevant parties involved in it agreeing upon its termination either through mutual consent or through a formal process such as mediation or arbitration depending on what is specified within the terms of your agreement itself. Additionally, depending on where you are located and what local laws apply within your jurisdiction there may also be additional requirements which need to be met before terminating such agreements so it is always best practice to check with your local legal advisor before proceeding further if you are unsure about anything related to terminating an existing RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT .

Q: Are there any special considerations when creating an international Reciprocal Easement Agreement?

Asked by Jennifer on July 17th, 2022 .
A: When creating an international Reciprocal Easement Agreement (REA), there are several special considerations which must be taken into account depending on which countries are involved as well as what type of business activity is being conducted between them as different laws may apply depending on these factors alone or even within certain countries if different states or provinces have different laws regarding such agreements… Additionally, when negotiating such agreements with multiple parties from different countries one must also take into account cultural differences between them which could affect how business transactions are conducted between them so it is always best practice when entering into such international agreements involving multiple countries/cultures/parties/laws/etc.,to consult with experts familiar with all relevant jurisdictions involved prior engaging further .

Q: What documents are required when creating an international Reciprocal Easement Agreement?

Asked by David on August 29th, 2022 .

A: When creating any international Reciprocal Easement Agreement (REA), there are several key documents which must be obtained in order for it become legally binding and enforceable over time depending on which countries are involved as well as what type of business activity is being conducted between them . Typically these documents include but are not limited too; contracts/agreements signed by all relevant parties involved including a description/definition of rights & obligations/terms & conditions/lawful provisions acorss jurisdictions/applicable legal framework & regulations/etc.,as well as other related documentation such as proof of identity & address/business registration documents/tax certificates/etc.,all of which must then typically be registered with relevant governing bodies within each country involved prior engaging further . Again ,it is always best practice when entering into such international agreements involving multiple countries/cultures/parties/laws/etc.,to consult with experts familiar with all relevant jurisdictions involved prior engaging further .

Q: Is mediation required when resolving disputes involving Reciprocal Easement Agreements?

Asked by Ryan on October 5th , 2022 .

A: Generally speaking ,mediation is not necessarily required when resolving disputes involving Reciprocal Easement Agreements(REAs) however ,it can often provide a less costly & more efficient way then engaging traditional litigation processes when attempting too resolve complex & multi-party disputes involving multiple countries & jurisdictions . Moreover ,depending upon specific terms agreed upon within individual agreements themselves ,mediation might also need too occur prior engagement further litigation processes etc.,so again its always best practice too consult with experts familiar with relevant jurisdictions prior engaging further .

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuits referencing Reciprocal Easement Agreement

  • The plaintiff may allege that the defendant is in breach of the reciprocal easement agreement, by failing to abide by the terms of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may allege that the defendant has acted negatively or discriminatorily towards the plaintiff in regards to the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may allege that the defendant has failed to perform their duties or obligations as outlined in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may allege that the defendant has not taken reasonable steps to preserve and protect the rights of the plaintiff under the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may allege that the defendant has failed to provide adequate access or services to the plaintiff as outlined in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may allege that the defendant has engaged in unfair or deceptive practices in regards to the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may seek compensation for any damages suffered due to the defendant’s breach of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may seek an injunction requiring the defendant to comply with the terms of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may seek an order for specific performance requiring the defendant to perform the obligations outlined in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may seek a declaration from the court that the agreement is valid and binding.

Templates available (free to use)

Reciprocal Easement Agreement

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