Alex Denne
Head of Growth

Creating a Disclaimer Trust with

9 Jun 2023
26 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Creating a Disclaimer Trust is a complex but essential step in protecting your assets and preserving your legacy. By renouncing your right to the assets, you are able to transfer them directly to beneficiaries without going through probate or incurring gifts or estate taxes – making it an attractive option for those looking to safeguard their assets.

Not only does a Disclaimer Trust offer tax savings, but it also offers flexibility when it comes to how and when the assets should be distributed. For example, with this type of trust you can specify that the assets should be used for education expenses or another purpose, as well as when they should be distributed - allowing you to provide for your beneficiaries in the way that you intend. On top of this, a Disclaimer Trust can also help protect financial assets from potential creditors.

In addition to these benefits, forming a Disclaimer Trust also gives you control over your legacy - even after death. By setting up the trust correctly, you have peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be respected long after you pass away.

It’s important for anyone considering setting up a Disclaimer Trust to enlist the help of an experienced estate planning attorney who can ensure that everything is set up properly and in accordance with legal requirements. Fortunately, there is now help at hand – Genie AI’s free template library provides access to millions of data points across various legal documents including trusts and contracts giving users an easy guide on how they can customize their own high quality legal document- no lawyer required!

Given all its advantages, creating a Disclaimer Trust is an invaluable tool for protecting financial assets and preserving one’s legacy- something worth considering if you want full control over what happens with your hard earned wealth. To learn more about our step-by-step guidance on creating such trusts and accessing our user friendly template library today, read on below…


Donor: An individual who makes a gift or bequest to a trust.
Beneficiary: An individual who has the right to accept or disclaim a gift or bequest.
Trustee: An individual or entity responsible for managing the assets in a trust and distributing them according to the terms of the trust agreement.
Trust Agreement: A document that outlines the terms of the trust and specifies the donor, beneficiary, trustee, and any remainder beneficiaries.
Remainder Beneficiaries: Individuals who receive the assets in a trust if the beneficiary disclaims the gift.
Gift or Bequest: A gift of money or property from a donor to a beneficiary.


  1. Explain the purpose of a disclaimer trust
  2. Outline the legal requirements for creating a disclaimer trust
  3. Identify the parties and their roles
  4. Outline the legal documentation required
  5. Discuss the benefits of setting up a disclaimer trust
  6. Provide step-by-step instructions for creating a disclaimer trust
  7. Determine the assets that will be included
  8. Establish the trust
  9. Draft the legal documents
  10. Appoint a trustee
  11. Transfer assets to the trust
  12. Execute the trust agreement
  13. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in establishing a disclaimer trust
  14. Outline the tax implications of setting up a disclaimer trust
  15. Discuss the potential risks of creating a disclaimer trust
  16. Identify the risks associated with the trust
  17. Discuss potential legal issues or ramifications
  18. Provide guidance on how to maintain and manage a disclaimer trust
  19. Outline the duties of the trustee
  20. Explain the role of the beneficiaries
  21. Describe how the trust assets are to be managed
  22. Provide guidance on how to administer the trust
  23. Explain the process for terminating a disclaimer trust
  24. Offer additional resources for those seeking more information about disclaimer trusts.

Get started

Explain the purpose of a disclaimer trust

  • Understand that a disclaimer trust is a legal tool used to reduce or avoid estate taxes
  • Learn the key benefits of a disclaimer trust, such as providing asset protection and the ability to bypass probate
  • Research the roles and responsibilities of the trustor, trustee, and beneficiary
  • Be aware of any legal requirements or restrictions related to establishing a disclaimer trust in your jurisdiction

Outline the legal requirements for creating a disclaimer trust

  • Consult with an attorney to ensure that all legal requirements for creating a disclaimer trust are met.
  • Identify the property to be disclaimed and the parties involved.
  • Draft the deed of trust to establish the trust and designate the trustee and beneficiaries.
  • Review the deed of trust to make sure that all relevant instructions are included and that it accurately reflects the desired outcome.
  • Register the deed of trust with the local or state government, as required.

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step of identifying the parties and their roles.

Identify the parties and their roles

  • Identify the settlor, or person creating the trust, as well as any beneficiaries
  • Determine the roles of the trustee and any other involved parties
  • Specify the powers and duties granted to each party
  • Decide who will have control over the trust, including who will be able to make decisions and who will be responsible for managing the trust
  • Confirm that all parties involved understand their respective roles and agree with the terms of the trust
  • When all parties have been identified and assigned their roles, you will be able to move on to the next step.

Outline the legal documentation required

  • Obtain all documents necessary to create the trust, such as the trust agreement, the deed of trust, and any necessary powers of attorney
  • Ensure that the trust agreement is up to date and contains all the necessary information, including the names of the parties, the trustees, and the beneficiaries
  • Create a deed of trust that outlines the rights of the trustees and beneficiaries and the responsibilities of the parties
  • Draft any necessary powers of attorney that grant the trustees the necessary powers to act on behalf of the trust
  • Ensure all documents are properly signed and notarized
  • When all documents are complete, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Discuss the benefits of setting up a disclaimer trust

  • Understand the purpose of a disclaimer trust - to protect assets and ensure they are used for the stated purpose
  • Learn about the advantages of a disclaimer trust, such as minimizing tax liability, avoiding probate fees, and providing asset protection
  • Explore the potential drawbacks of a disclaimer trust, such as lack of control over assets and the lack of flexibility for changes
  • Consider the specific needs of your family and if a disclaimer trust is the right choice for them
  • When you have a full understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of a disclaimer trust, you can move on to the next step.

Provide step-by-step instructions for creating a disclaimer trust

  1. Gather the required information:
  2. Name of the trust
  3. Name and address of the trustee
  4. Name and address of the settlor
  5. Description of the trust property
  6. Any other documents required by state law
  7. Prepare the trust document:
  8. Choose a form that complies with applicable state law
  9. Carefully fill out the form and review for accuracy
  10. Have the document notarized
  11. File the trust document with the state:
  12. Submit the trust document to the state agency that handles trust registration
  13. Pay the filing fee

Once you have gathered the required information, prepared the trust document, and filed the trust document with the state, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Determine the assets that will be included

  • Identify all assets you want to protect and place into the trust
  • Make a list of the assets and include information such as ownership and estimated value
  • Consult with a financial adviser or attorney to help you determine which assets should be held in the trust
  • Ensure that the assets you want to put into the trust are transferable and can be managed by a trustee
  • Make sure that all assets are properly titled and registered in the name of the trust

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified all assets to be included in the trust and they have been properly titled and registered in the name of the trust.

Establish the trust

  • Choose a trustee to manage the trust
  • Create a trust declaration that outlines the purpose and details of the trust
  • Sign the trust declaration in front of a notary public
  • Establish a trust account in the trustee’s name
  • Transfer the assets into the trust account
  • Once all of the assets have been transferred and the trust account is established, the trust is considered established and the next step is to draft the legal documents.

Draft the legal documents

  • Consult with a lawyer or attorney to draft the legal documents for the trust
  • The documents should include the trustee’s duties, the beneficiary’s rights, and the trust’s purpose and objectives
  • Have the documents reviewed by a lawyer or attorney to ensure accuracy and compliance with local, state, and federal laws
  • Once the documents have been reviewed and approved, you will have completed this step and can move on to the next step of appointing a trustee.

Appoint a trustee

  • Identify potential trustees and determine their qualifications to act as a trustee.
  • Confirm that the potential trustees are willing and able to act as trustees.
  • Choose a trustee and confirm their acceptance in writing.
  • Ensure that the trustee has appropriate insurance coverage.
  • Once the trustee has been chosen and accepted, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Transfer assets to the trust

  • Create a list of assets to be transferred to the trust
  • Contact the owners of the assets to inform them of the transfer
  • Obtain the necessary documents to facilitate the transfer, such as gift tax returns, deeds, and transfer forms
  • Execute the transfer of the assets from the owner to the trust
  • Ensure that all assets have been transferred to the trust
  • Keep records of the transfer of assets for future reference

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when all assets have been successfully transferred to the trust and all records of the transfer have been kept.

Execute the trust agreement

  • Have the settlor, trustee, and any other parties involved in establishing the trust sign the trust agreement.
  • Obtain a notarized copy of the trust agreement for your records.
  • Make sure the trust agreement is filed with the appropriate state government office.
  • Verify that the trust has been legally established.

Once these steps are completed, you will have successfully executed the trust agreement and you can move on to the next step of describing the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in establishing a disclaimer trust.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in establishing a disclaimer trust

  • Consult with a lawyer to understand the legal implications of creating a disclaimer trust
  • Determine who will act as the trustee, who will be the beneficiaries, and who will have rights to assets
  • Set out the responsibilities of the trustee to ensure that assets are managed and distributed in accordance with the trust agreement
  • Determine who has the authority to amend the trust agreement and make changes to the distribution of the assets
  • Confirm that all parties involved understand their respective roles in the trust agreement
  • When all parties have agreed to the roles and responsibilities, the trust agreement should be signed
  • You will know you are done with this step when the trust agreement is signed by all necessary parties.

Outline the tax implications of setting up a disclaimer trust

  • Understand the tax implications of a disclaimer trust as there are special tax rules that apply to these trusts
  • Determine whether the trust is a grantor or non-grantor trust
  • Determine whether or not the disclaimer trust is subject to special tax rules, such as the grantor trust rules, the grantor trust income tax rules, and the grantor trust estate tax rules
  • Investigate the tax implications of any distributions made from the trust, such as whether the distributions are subject to income or capital gains tax
  • Research the tax implications of any investments made by the trust, such as whether gains or losses are subject to capital gains tax
  • Understand any other relevant tax rules and regulations that may apply to the trust
  • When you have completed the research, you will have a better understanding of the tax implications of setting up a disclaimer trust and can move on to the next step.

Discuss the potential risks of creating a disclaimer trust

  • Consider the potential risks of creating a disclaimer trust, such as:
  • Unforeseen tax implications
  • Difficulty of managing a trust
  • Inability to change or terminate the trust
  • Research the federal and state laws around creating a disclaimer trust and consult with a trust and estate attorney to ensure you understand all the potential risks.
  • Review the trust documents to make sure that all contingencies and risks are addressed.
  • When you are confident that all potential risks and issues are addressed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify the risks associated with the trust

  • Understand the purpose of the trust and the risks associated with it
  • Evaluate the likelihood of the risks occurring and their potential impact
  • Assess the likelihood of the risks occurring and the severity of their impact
  • Identify and document any additional risks associated with the trust
  • Discuss all identified risks with the trust beneficiary
  • When all identified risks have been discussed and documented, you can move on to the next step of discussing potential legal issues or ramifications.

Discuss potential legal issues or ramifications

  • Research and consult with a lawyer about any potential legal issues or ramifications that could arise from the trust.
  • Make sure to discuss any potential liabilities, taxes, or other legal considerations.
  • Understand any potential conflicts that could arise from the trust.
  • Once you have consulted with a lawyer and have a full understanding of the potential legal issues or ramifications of creating a disclaimer trust, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Provide guidance on how to maintain and manage a disclaimer trust

  • Research the laws and regulations applicable to the disclaimer trust, including any tax and estate planning laws.
  • Understand the types of assets that can be included in a disclaimer trust and the limitations on the trust, including how the assets need to be managed and how the trust needs to be administered.
  • Determine who the trustees and beneficiaries of the trust will be and how much control each of them has over the trust’s assets.
  • Develop a trust agreement that outlines the terms of the trust, including how the trust’s assets will be managed and distributed.
  • Set up recordkeeping systems to track the trust’s assets, income, and expenses.
  • Ensure that all of the trust’s assets are properly invested and managed in accordance with the trust agreement.
  • Prepare and submit all necessary tax returns, including income, estate, and gift tax returns.
  • Monitor the trust’s assets to ensure that they are being managed properly and that there are no unauthorized transactions or activities.

You’ll know that you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have completed the research, determined the trustees and beneficiaries, developed a trust agreement, set up recordkeeping systems, invested and managed the trust’s assets, and submitted all necessary tax returns.

Outline the duties of the trustee

  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the trustee, such as managing and protecting the trust assets and administering the trust according to its terms
  • Make sure the trustee understands their responsibility to act in the interest of the beneficiaries and not to engage in any self-dealing
  • Ensure that the trustee follows all applicable laws and regulations when administering the trust
  • Outline the trustee’s authority to make investment decisions, enter into contracts, and distribute funds as specified in the trust document
  • Review any documents or agreements that the trustee needs to sign in order to administer the trust

Once the trustee’s roles and responsibilities are outlined, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Explain the role of the beneficiaries

  • Identify who the beneficiaries are, which could include any individuals, organizations, or entities that the trustmaker wishes to provide for.
  • Establish what rights and responsibilities the beneficiaries have with regards to the trust.
  • Include any instructions the trustmaker has for the beneficiaries in the trust document.
  • Explain the timing of when the beneficiaries will receive resources from the trust (e.g., at the trustmaker’s death or at certain ages).

When you are finished this step, you will have a clear understanding of who the beneficiaries of the trust are, what their rights and responsibilities are, and when they will receive resources from the trust.

Describe how the trust assets are to be managed

  • Determine the types of assets that will be held by the trust
  • Establish a system for tracking the trust assets
  • Create a process for managing investments, if applicable
  • Set out rules for making distributions from the trust assets
  • Draft a document detailing the trust assets and their management
  • Make sure all relevant documents are filed with the trust
  • Make sure all relevant parties are aware of the trust assets and their management

When you have completed this step, you should have a clear, detailed document outlining how the trust assets are to be managed.

Provide guidance on how to administer the trust

  • Create a document detailing the specifics of the trust and the duties of the trustees
  • Ensure that all of the trustees are informed of their responsibilities and the expectations of the trust
  • Monitor the trust to ensure that the trustees are correctly fulfilling their duties
  • Handle any disputes among the trustees and ensure that the trust is being administered according to its terms
  • When necessary, take any legal action on behalf of the trust to protect its assets and interests
  • Maintain all records and documents related to the trust
  • File any necessary taxes and other paperwork associated with the trust
  • When ready, the trustees should be able to sign and execute a formal document transferring the assets of the trust to the beneficiaries

When you have completed this step, you should have a clear understanding of the duties of the trustees and the process for administering the trust.

Explain the process for terminating a disclaimer trust

  • Consult with a lawyer or financial advisor to ensure you are taking the proper steps to terminate the disclaimer trust.
  • Determine the proper method for terminating the trust, which could include revoking the trust or distributing the assets to the beneficiaries via a qualified disclaimer.
  • Prepare the necessary documents to terminate the trust and obtain the signatures of all beneficiaries.
  • Notify the Internal Revenue Service of the trust’s termination.
  • Transfer all assets to the beneficiaries, and make sure to close all accounts associated with the trust.
  • File all required paperwork with the applicable state and local agencies and the IRS.

Once all of these steps have been completed, the trust will be officially terminated.

Offer additional resources for those seeking more information about disclaimer trusts.

  • Provide a list of online resources related to disclaimer trusts such as websites, books, webinars, and articles.
  • Include contact information for a lawyer or other professional to assist with creating a disclaimer trust.
  • Link to any relevant publications or websites with additional information about disclaimer trusts.
  • Offer to send a copy of the trust documents to those interested in learning more.
  • When all resources have been provided, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What is a Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Marie on 15th April 2022.
A: A Disclaimer Trust is a type of trust in which the settlor (the person who creates the trust) disclaims certain rights to the trust’s assets, making them available for the benefit of any named beneficiaries. This type of trust can be set up for various purposes, such as protecting assets from potential creditors and providing tax benefits. It is important to note that Disclaimer Trusts are not available in all jurisdictions and must be set up according to the laws of the relevant country.

Q: How do Disclaimer Trusts work?

Asked by David on 23rd June 2022.
A: A Disclaimer Trust works by allowing the settlor to disclaim certain rights to the trust’s assets and make them available for the benefit of any named beneficiaries. In effect, this means that all assets which are transferred into the trust are no longer owned by the settlor, but instead are held by trustees on behalf of the beneficiaries of the trust. This protects those assets from any liabilities or judgments which might arise from the settlor in their personal capacity, as well as providing tax benefits in some jurisdictions.

Q: What types of assets can be transferred into a Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Laura on 28th August 2022.
A: Generally speaking, any asset can be transferred into a Disclaimer Trust, including cash, stocks and shares, property, businesses and other investments. It is important to note, however, that certain asset types may have specific rules in certain jurisdictions regarding which assets can be transferred into a Disclaimer Trust. For example, some countries may not allow certain types of investments, such as cryptocurrency or artworks, to be transferred into a Disclaimer Trust.

Q: Can I create a Disclaimer Trust in any jurisdiction?

Asked by George on 9th December 2022.
A: No - it is important to note that Disclaimer Trusts are not available in all jurisdictions and must be set up according to the laws of the relevant country. It is therefore essential that you seek professional legal advice prior to setting up a Disclaimer Trust in order to ensure that your assets will be adequately protected according to the relevant laws.

Q: Are there any tax benefits associated with setting up a Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Jessica on 25th January 2022.
A: Yes - in some jurisdictions there may be tax benefits associated with setting up a Disclaimer Trust. However, it is important to note that these will depend on your individual circumstances and it is recommended that you seek professional financial advice prior to setting up any type of trust in order to ensure you are maximising any potential tax benefits available in your jurisdiction.

Q: Who should I appoint as trustees when setting up a Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by John on 5th May 2022.
A: When creating a Disclaimer Trust it is essential that you appoint trustworthy and reliable trustees who will act in accordance with your wishes and ensure that your assets are managed effectively and efficiently in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It is also important to appoint trustees who have experience and knowledge of trusts law and trust administration as this will ensure that your trust is set up correctly and managed properly going forward.

Q: How much does it cost to set up a Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Ashley on 15th July 2022.
A: The cost of setting up a Disclaimer Trust will vary depending on various factors such as whether you choose to use a professional trustee service or if you decide to appoint trustees yourself. Additionally, depending on your jurisdiction there may also be additional costs associated with setting up a Disclaimer Trust such as legal fees or administrative costs incurred during the process. It is therefore recommended that you seek professional advice prior to setting up any type of trust so that you can accurately assess all associated costs before proceeding.

Q: What happens if I no longer wish to maintain my Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Robert on 21st October 2022.
A: If you no longer wish to maintain your Disclaimer Trust then it must be dissolved according to applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. This process generally involves notifying all relevant parties (such as beneficiaries) of your intention and then transferring all remaining assets out of the trust before formally dissolving it either through legal action or an administrative process depending on your jurisdiction’s requirements for dissolution of trusts. It is therefore important that you seek professional legal advice prior to dissolving any type of trust in order to ensure that all applicable steps have been followed correctly and that all relevant parties have been notified appropriately prior to dissolution taking place.

Q: Can I transfer assets from my existing trusts into my new Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Jennifer on 26th November 2022.
A: Yes - generally speaking, it is possible for assets from an existing trust (or multiple trusts) to be transferred into a new Disclaimer Trust providing they meet all applicable requirements for transfer under applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. However, it is important to remember that each transfer carries its own risks so it is essential that you seek professional legal advice before proceeding with any transfers in order to ensure they are adequately protected under applicable laws and regulations prior to being transferred into your new trust structure.

Q: Are there any restrictions associated with using my own funds when creating a Disclaimer Trust?

Asked by Matthew on 8th February 2022.
A: Yes - when creating a Disclaimer Trust using funds from yourself (or other parties) there may be restrictions imposed under applicable laws which govern how those funds can be used within the trust structure and how they may be distributed among beneficiaries upon dissolution or other events occurring within the structure of the trust itself. Therefore, it is essential that you seek professional legal advice prior to transferring funds into any type of trust structure so as not to put those funds at risk due to non-compliance with applicable laws or regulations governing trusts within your jurisdiction or elsewhere.

Example dispute

Suing Companies with Disclaimer Trusts

  • A plaintiff might raise a lawsuit against a company which has a disclaimer trust in place if they believe the company has breached a contract, acted negligently, or otherwise caused harm to the plaintiff by not fulfilling its obligations.
  • The plaintiff may bring suit citing the terms of the disclaimer trust, if applicable, and may use this as evidence to prove their case.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to prove that the company failed to abide by the terms of the disclaimer trust, and as such, the plaintiff may be able to seek compensation for damages.
  • The plaintiff may also seek to have the disclaimer trust declared void or unenforceable if they can prove that it was drafted in bad faith or with the intention to defraud.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek an injunction to prevent the company from using the disclaimer trust to avoid or limit its liability.
  • If the plaintiff is successful in their lawsuit, they may be able to win monetary damages, such as punitive damages, compensatory damages, or both.
  • The court may also order the company to pay court costs, attorney’s fees, and other related expenses.

Templates available (free to use)

Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Letter To Client
Drafts Of Wills With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Letter To Client
Letter To Client Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual California
Letter To Client Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Florida
Letter To Client Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual New Jersey
Letter To Client Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual New York
Letter To Client Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Pennsylvania
Letter To Client Drafts Of Revocable Trusts With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Texas
Letter To Client Drafts Of Wills With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Florida
Letter To Client Drafts Of Wills With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual New Jersey
Letter To Client Drafts Of Wills With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual New York
Letter To Client Drafts Of Wills With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Pennsylvania
Letter To Client Drafts Of Wills With Disclaimer Trust For Married Individual Texas
Letter To Client Outline Revocable Joint Trust With Disclaimer Trust For Married Couple Texas
Revocable Joint Trust For Married Couple Disclaimer Trust California
Revocable Joint Trust For Married Couple Disclaimer Trust Texas
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust California
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Florida
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Georgia
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Illinois
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Massachusetts
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust New Jersey
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust New York
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Pennsylvania
Revocable Trust For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Texas
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Florida
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Georgia
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Illinois
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Massachusetts
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust New Jersey
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust New York
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Pennsylvania
Will For Married Individual Disclaimer Trust Texas

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