Alex Denne
Head of Growth

Creating a Multilateral Agreement

23 Mar 2023
29 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to international relations, multilateral agreements are essential for global peace, stability and economic growth. Multilateral agreements provide a legal and diplomatic framework that allows countries to work together on shared goals, objectives and interests, as well as resolve disputes when they arise. They can range from trade agreements and environmental treaties to conventions that ensure international standards and regulations are met.

At Genie AI we understand how important multilateral agreements can be in fostering global peace and stability - which is why we provide free templates so that anyone can draft high quality legal documents without having to pay a lawyer. Through our dataset of millions of datapoints, the Genie AI team has created an open source library of market-standard multilateral agreement templates - allowing people everywhere to design their own documents with ease.

Moreover, these agreements are essential for economic growth too; through increased access to markets they create new opportunities for job creation and wealth generation - while trade agreement help reduce tariffs and other barriers. What’s more they also offer a framework for effective international law enforcement - something the European Union relies on heavily in order to ensure all Member States comply with its rules and regulations.

Finally, multilateral agreements provide the basis for protecting human rights across the globe too; helping those affected by violations of their rights receive justice swiftly by setting out common principles between nations about how individuals should be treated fairly irrespective of nationality or political views. The United Nations Charter is one such example of this in action.

In conclusion, we believe it’s more important than ever before to have an awareness of why multilateral agreements matter when it comes to promoting world peace, stability & economic prosperity – which is why our aim at Genie AI is simple – providing access globally to free high-quality legal templates anyone can draft all through one library! For step-by-step guidance on how you can use our community template library today or access our template library directly – read on below!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Legal Considerations: Legal considerations are laws, regulations, or other legal requirements that must be taken into account when drafting an agreement.
Scope: Scope is the range of what is covered in an agreement.
Risks and Liabilities: Risks and liabilities are potential issues that could arise from an agreement, such as financial risks or legal issues.
Implications: Implications are the effects an agreement may have on the parties involved, such as their rights and obligations or advantages/disadvantages.
Qualified Attorney: A qualified attorney is a lawyer who is knowledgeable and experienced in the law, and can provide advice on an agreement to ensure it is legally sound.
Formalize: To formalize an agreement is to have it reviewed and signed by all the parties involved, making it legally binding.
Implement: To implement an agreement is to put it into action, such as assigning tasks to the parties involved and monitoring progress.
Manage: To manage an agreement is to oversee and maintain it, such as tracking changes and resolving any conflicts.
Terminate: To terminate an agreement is to end it, such as sending a written notice and preparing any necessary paperwork.


  • Plan the multilateral agreement
  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement
  • Establish the purpose, scope, and terms of the agreement
  • Gather relevant information
  • Understand the applicable legal considerations
  • Research potential risks and liabilities
  • Analyze the implications of the agreement on the parties
  • Draft the agreement
  • Collect the information gathered in Step 2
  • Create a draft of the agreement that meets the requirements outlined in Step 1
  • Formalize the agreement
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a qualified attorney
  • Revise the agreement based on the attorney’s feedback
  • Have the parties involved sign and date the agreement
  • Implement the agreement
  • Establish a timeline for meeting the terms of the agreement
  • Assign tasks to the parties involved to ensure compliance
  • Monitor the progress of the agreement
  • Manage the agreement
  • Track and document any changes to the agreement
  • Modify the agreement as needed to address changing circumstances
  • Resolve any conflicts between the parties in accordance with the dispute resolution process outlined in the agreement
  • Terminate the agreement
  • Notify all parties of the impending termination
  • Document any outstanding obligations that need to be fulfilled
  • Prepare any necessary documentation and records to conclude the agreement

Get started

Plan the multilateral agreement

  • Define the purpose of the agreement
  • Identify the parties involved and the roles they will play
  • Determine the obligations and rights of the parties
  • Draft the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Draft a timeline for implementation of the agreement
  • Develop a dispute resolution process
  • Agree on a process for making changes to the agreement

When you have completed the steps above, you are ready to move on to the next step: Identifying the parties involved in the agreement.

Identify the parties involved in the agreement

  • Gather information about the parties and their interest in the agreement
  • Meet with each party and discuss the agreement
  • Identify the parties who are willing to participate in the agreement
  • Establish the roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement
  • Ensure that all parties involved in the agreement are properly represented

Once you have identified the parties involved and their roles in the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to establishing the purpose, scope, and terms of the agreement.

Establish the purpose, scope, and terms of the agreement

  • Outline the goals of the agreement and the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Define the scope of the agreement, including any limitations on the activities of each party
  • Consider the duration of the agreement and any termination provisions
  • Define any requirements for the maintenance and protection of confidential information
  • Detail any additional provisions deemed necessary to ensure the successful execution of the agreement
  • When all the points are outlined and agreed upon, the parties should sign the agreement.

You’ll know you can move on to the next step once the purpose, scope, and terms of the agreement have been established and agreed upon by all parties involved.

Gather relevant information

  • Research the parties involved and gather background information
  • Analyze the facts of the agreement and the legal implications
  • Identify the objectives and any relevant legal precedents
  • Collect existing documents and conditions related to the agreement
  • Review applicable laws and regulations

You’ll know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have collected all relevant information and conducted research to understand the purpose, scope, and terms of the agreement.

Understand the applicable legal considerations

  • Review the applicable legal considerations for the agreement, such as any applicable legislation or regulations
  • Analyze the potential parties involved in the agreement and the relationship between them, as well as the purpose of the agreement
  • Consider the type of agreement and the applicable legal requirements for that agreement
  • Look at any potential conflicts of law and examine any conflicts between the parties that may come into play
  • Assess the enforceability of the agreement
  • Research the potential risks and liabilities associated with the agreement
  • When you have a comprehensive understanding of the legal considerations, you can move on to the next step.

Research potential risks and liabilities

  • Consult with an attorney to understand all potential legal implications
  • Review the governing laws of the jurisdictions involved
  • Assess the potential risks of the agreement, including all financial, legal, and reputational risks
  • Identify any potential liabilities that may arise from the agreement
  • Confirm that all parties understand the risks, liabilities, and potential exposures associated with their agreement
  • When all potential risks and liabilities associated with the agreement have been identified and understood, you can move on to the next step.

Analyze the implications of the agreement on the parties

  • Study any current laws or regulations that may be in effect in the jurisdictions of the parties, such as taxation and employment laws.
  • Determine if any of the parties have preexisting contractual obligations that may be affected by the agreement.
  • Identify any potential risks and liabilities that may arise from the agreement, such as environmental and public health concerns.
  • Consider the possible economic implications, such as the potential for increased competition for resources.
  • Evaluate the potential for a positive or negative effect on the reputation of the participating parties.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have considered all the possible legal, economic, and reputational implications of the agreement and have identified any potential risks and liabilities.

Draft the agreement

  • Create a document containing all the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Outline the objectives and responsibilities of each party
  • Ensure the document complies with local, state, and federal laws
  • Make sure the agreement is legally binding and enforceable
  • Include all signatures of the parties involved
  • Proofread the document to ensure accuracy
  • When the document is completed, have it reviewed by a lawyer
  • After the document is finalized, save and store it in a secure location
  • When the document is completed and all signatures are obtained, it is ready to be executed.

Collect the information gathered in Step 2

  • Review the requirements from Step 1 and the agreement draft from Step 2 to make sure that all the essential information is included
  • Gather any additional information needed for the agreement, such as signatures, dates, and other details
  • Make sure that all relevant parties are informed and have agreed to the terms of the agreement
  • Check that all the information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Once all the necessary information has been collected and verified, the agreement is ready to be finalized in the next step.

Create a draft of the agreement that meets the requirements outlined in Step 1

  • Carefully review the requirements outlined in Step 1 to ensure that the agreement meets all of the requirements.
  • Make sure that all of the necessary parties are included in the agreement, with clear rights and responsibilities.
  • Make sure that the language used in the agreement is clear and precise.
  • Make sure that all potential areas of dispute are addressed in the agreement.
  • When you are finished, have all of the parties involved in the agreement review the draft and provide any input.
  • Once all of the parties agree on the draft, you can move on to the next step.

Formalize the agreement

  • Type up a clean copy of the agreement, ensuring it accurately reflects all of the requirements outlined in the draft
  • Have each party involved sign and date the agreement
  • Make at least two copies of the signed agreement
  • Have the agreement notarized
  • Once all parties have signed, dated, and notarized the agreement, it is considered legally binding and you can move on to the next step.

Have the agreement reviewed by a qualified attorney

  • Locate an attorney who is experienced in multilateral agreements
  • Send the attorney a copy of the agreement
  • Schedule a meeting with the attorney and discuss the agreement
  • Have the attorney review the agreement and provide their feedback
  • Once you have received the attorney’s feedback, you are ready to move onto the next step of revising the agreement based on their feedback.

Revise the agreement based on the attorney’s feedback

  • Read through the attorney’s feedback to understand any revisions they have suggested.
  • Make any changes that the attorney has suggested, ensuring that they are in accordance with the agreement’s stated purpose.
  • Ensure that all changes have been reviewed and approved by the parties involved.
  • Once the attorney’s feedback has been incorporated, the document is ready to be signed and dated by the parties involved.

Have the parties involved sign and date the agreement

  • Make sure all parties involved have reviewed and agreed with the terms of the agreement
  • Have all parties involved sign and date the agreement, with each signature being witnessed
  • Have each party keep an original or a copy of the finalized agreement
  • Once all parties have signed and dated the agreement, you can move on to the next step of implementing the agreement

Implement the agreement

  • Establish a system to monitor implementation of the agreement by the parties involved
  • Ensure that all parties are in compliance with the terms of the agreement
  • Monitor progress and track milestones achieved by each party
  • Take corrective measures if any party is not in compliance
  • Develop a process for resolving any disputes that arise related to the agreement
  • When the agreement has been successfully implemented and all parties are in compliance, you can move on to the next step.

Establish a timeline for meeting the terms of the agreement

  • Establish deadlines for each step in the agreement, taking into consideration the resources available to each party
  • Determine how often the parties will review the progress made towards meeting the terms of the agreement
  • Establish a date for the agreement to be fully implemented
  • Document the timeline in a written agreement
  • Once the timeline is established and documented, this step can be marked as complete.

Assign tasks to the parties involved to ensure compliance

  • Gather the names and contact information for each of the parties involved in the agreement.
  • Identify the tasks that each party must complete in order to fulfill the terms of the agreement.
  • Create a timeline for when each task must be completed.
  • Contact each party to outline their responsibilities and the timeline for completing each task.
  • Ensure that each party understands their tasks and the timeline.
  • Document the tasks and timeline for each party.
  • When all parties have agreed to their tasks and timeline, you can move on to monitoring the progress of the agreement.

Monitor the progress of the agreement

  • Track the progress of the agreement to ensure all parties are meeting their obligations.
  • Set up a system to monitor the timeline, tasks, and outcomes of the agreement.
  • Check in periodically with parties to see if they need any additional resources or assistance.
  • Identify any areas that might need to be adjusted or tweaked to meet expectations.
  • Make sure the agreement is being followed as it was intended.
  • Evaluate the success of the agreement and document any lessons learned.
  • When the agreement has been fulfilled, the step can be completed.

Manage the agreement

  • Ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable by all parties
  • Monitor and manage the implementation of the agreement to ensure compliance
  • Specify the timeframe for the agreement and milestones for the parties to meet
  • Develop a plan for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties
  • Appoint a committee or a single person to oversee the progress of the agreement
  • Keep records of all decisions and any changes or amendments to the agreement
  • Make sure all parties are aware of their obligations and responsibilities under the agreement
  • When all parties have been informed and agree to the terms of the agreement, create a signed document that serves as a record of the agreement
  • Track and document any changes to the agreement.

Track and document any changes to the agreement

  • Keep a log of any changes made to the agreement
  • Record the date, description, and impact of each amendment
  • Have all parties to the agreement sign off on any amendments
  • Create a clear and accessible agreement record for all stakeholders
  • When all changes are tracked, documented, and agreed upon, this step is complete.

Modify the agreement as needed to address changing circumstances

  • Review changes to the agreement proposed by the parties to ensure they are appropriate for addressing changing circumstances
  • Consult with the parties to determine whether the proposed changes are necessary and beneficial
  • Negotiate any necessary changes to the agreement with the parties involved
  • Document any changes to the agreement made in order to address changing circumstances
  • Ensure all parties understand and agree to the new terms of the agreement
  • Once all parties agree to the changes, the agreement is ready to be updated
  • You know you can check this step off your list when the changes to the agreement have been fully documented and agreed to by all parties involved.

Resolve any conflicts between the parties in accordance with the dispute resolution process outlined in the agreement

  • Consult the dispute resolution process outlined in the agreement to determine the most effective resolution to the conflict.
  • Consult all parties involved in the conflict to ensure that all needs are met before coming to a resolution.
  • Create a resolution that is acceptable to all parties involved and document it.
  • Ensure all parties involved sign off on the resolution.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have documented the resolution and all parties involved have signed off on it.

Terminate the agreement

  • At least 30 days prior to the intended termination date, provide written notice to all parties involved in the agreement
  • In the written notice, include the date that the agreement will be terminated, as well as any other relevant details
  • Arrange for all parties to sign the written notice, to confirm the termination of the agreement
  • Once all parties have signed the written notice, you will know that this step has been completed and you can move to the next step of notifying all parties of the impending termination

Notify all parties of the impending termination

  • Draft a termination notice to send to all parties outlining the termination date and any applicable consequences
  • Send the termination notice to all parties, ensuring to include a copy of the original agreement for reference purposes
  • Follow up with each party to ensure that the notice was received and received in a timely manner
  • When all parties have acknowledged the termination notice and have had sufficient time to review, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Document any outstanding obligations that need to be fulfilled

  • Review the existing agreement to determine any obligations that have yet to be fulfilled
  • Identify any additional costs, services, or obligations that need to be addressed before the agreement can be terminated
  • Make sure all parties are aware of any remaining obligations and agree to fulfill them before the agreement is terminated
  • Compile a list of outstanding obligations and confirm with all parties that they will be fulfilled
  • Once all obligations have been addressed, you can move on to the next step of preparing any necessary documentation and records to conclude the agreement.

Prepare any necessary documentation and records to conclude the agreement

  • Check that all parties have provided their signed copies of the agreement
  • Ensure that all signatures have been witnessed and notarized
  • Collect all additional forms and documents that are necessary to complete the agreement
  • Gather any additional evidence to support the agreement, such as records of past transactions
  • Review all documentation to ensure accuracy and completeness
  • Once all necessary documentation and records have been collected and reviewed, the agreement is ready to be concluded and finalized.


Q: How does a multilateral agreement differ from a bilateral agreement?

Asked by Emma on April 3rd, 2022.
A: A multilateral agreement is a legally binding contract between three or more parties. This differs from a bilateral agreement which is only between two parties. A multilateral agreement is often more complex and covers more ground than a bilateral agreement, and may affect all of the parties differently. It is also important to remember that each party in a multilateral agreement has their own distinct rights and obligations which must be respected by all the other parties. The agreement must be agreed to by all parties in order for it to be legally binding and enforceable.

Q: What are the key components of a multilateral agreement?

Asked by John on August 10th, 2022.
A: The key components of a multilateral agreement include the names of the parties involved, an introduction stating the purpose and scope of the agreement, definitions of terms used throughout the document, the terms and conditions of the agreement, an enforcement clause, and finally, signatures from all parties involved. Depending on the complexity of the document, other components may also be included such as dispute resolution clauses or warranties. It is important that all components are properly drafted and understood by all parties before signing in order to ensure that the agreement is enforceable.

Q: What is the role of jurisdiction in a multilateral agreement?

Asked by Sarah on November 7th, 2022.
A: Jurisdiction plays an important role in any legal document, including multilateral agreements. Jurisdiction outlines where and how disputes will be resolved should any arise during the course of the agreement. It also determines which laws will apply to any particular dispute or issue that arises under the terms of the agreement. Different jurisdictions may have different laws when it comes to contracts, so it is important to determine which laws apply before signing a multilateral agreement in order to ensure that all parties are properly protected under the law.

Q: How do I know if my business needs a multilateral agreement?

Asked by Jacob on February 15th, 2022.
A: Whether or not your business needs a multilateral agreement depends on many factors such as your industry sector and business model (e.g. SaaS, Technology or B2B), as well as your particular needs with regards to dealing with multiple parties or entities at once. Generally speaking, if you need an enforceable contract between multiple entities then a multilateral agreement may be necessary. It is important to consult with legal professionals about your specific situation before deciding whether or not you need one.

Q: What are some common issues that arise when creating a multilateral agreement?

Asked by Nancy on March 8th, 2022.
A: Some common issues that can arise when creating a multilateral agreement include ensuring that all parties understand their rights and obligations under the terms of the contract; ensuring that each jurisdiction has properly considered all relevant laws; making sure that all parties’ interests are adequately protected; and making sure that any dispute resolution procedures are clearly outlined and agreed upon by all parties involved in the contract. It is important to make sure that these issues are addressed before signing any agreements in order to avoid potential disputes arising in future.

Q: What does ‘multijurisdictional’ mean when referring to an international contract?

Asked by David on July 22nd, 2022.
A: Multijurisdictional (or multi-jurisdictional) refers to international contracts which span multiple countries or jurisdictions with different laws and regulations governing them. In such cases, it is important to ensure that each jurisdiction’s laws are taken into account when drafting and signing such contracts in order to ensure that they are legally binding and enforceable in each country involved. It may also be necessary to consult with legal professionals in each jurisdiction before signing such contracts in order to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Violating a Multilateral Agreement

  • Understand the provisions of the multilateral agreement and how the company may have violated it.
  • Establish the jurisdiction of the court that would hear the case. This could be a local or state court, or an international court such as the International Court of Justice.
  • Gather evidence to demonstrate the company violated the agreement. This may include legal documents, witness testimony, or other evidence.
  • Calculate the damages resulting from the violation. This could include lost profits, medical costs, etc.
  • Determine the appropriate legal remedies. These could include monetary damages, injunctions, restitution, or other remedies.
  • File the lawsuit in the appropriate court and serve the defendant with the complaint.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the defendant. This could include a payment of damages or other remedies.
  • If the case goes to trial, present evidence and argument to the court to demonstrate the violation of the agreement and the damages that resulted.
  • If the plaintiff is successful, the court will issue a judgment for the plaintiff, which may include damages and other remedies.

Templates available (free to use)

Multilateral Agreement

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