Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Writing a Stock Sale Agreement: The Ultimate Guide

23 Mar 2023
31 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to selling stock, having a legally binding agreement is key. A stock sale agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the stock sale between buyer and seller, ensuring that relevant details such as the type of stock being sold, number of shares being purchased, price of the stock and other stipulations are outlined.

As an informed expert in this field, I believe it’s vital for all stakeholders to understand why such an agreement is necessary. There are four core elements it should include: details about the sale; information on both parties involved (the buyer and seller); details about its timeline; additional contractual obligations or restrictions that may be applicable.

The first is information about the sale itself: what kind of stock is being bought/sold? How many shares? At what cost? Any other pertinent details should also be included.

Secondly, knowing who’s involved in a transaction – i.e., buyer & seller – is essential for accountability purposes in case of any disputes arising. The name & address of each party plus any other background info will do just fine here.

Thirdly, a timeline dictating when the sale will take place (date) as well as any deadlines or dates related to it need to be established so that they can plan accordingly and no time goes wasted along the way.

Finally – any warranties or guarantees offered by either party plus any restrictions on usage/ownership must also be stated within this contract so that everyone understands their obligations from day one onwards without surprises awaiting them down line later on!

Ultimately then – I believe having a comprehensive yet well-defined legal document such as a Stock Sale Agreement in place before going forward with any transaction can really serve both parties well! Such an agreement drafted by professionals ensures all relevant detail has been accounted for in order for things to run smoothly with no issues cropping up later on down line…even more so if you make use of services like Genie AI - offering free templated agreements without having an account beforehand - just trying to help out people figure out how best they can protect themselves against legal issues while buying or selling stocks! Read on below for our step-by-step guidance and find out how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Defining the terms of the agreement: Establishing the rules and regulations of an agreement between two or more parties.
Identifying the parties involved: Determining who is taking part in the agreement.
Listing the obligations of each party: Identifying what each party is responsible for doing or providing in the agreement.
Specifying the term of the agreement: Designating the length of time the agreement will be in effect.
Negotiating the terms of the agreement: Discussing and agreeing upon the details of the agreement.
Drafting the agreement: Creating a legally binding document that outlines the terms of the agreement.
Identifying any required documents: Determining what official documents need to be included in the agreement.
Ensuring the agreement is legally binding: Making sure the agreement is properly executed by all parties and meets all necessary legal requirements.
Reviewing the agreement for accuracy: Checking that all of the terms of the agreement are correct and all required documents are included.
Obtaining signatures from all parties: Ensuring that all parties involved sign the agreement and that it is properly notarized if needed.
Researching relevant laws and regulations: Investigating any applicable laws or regulations that may apply to the agreement.
Ensuring the agreement is compliant: Making sure the agreement follows all applicable laws and regulations.
Registering the transfer of ownership: Submitting the necessary paperwork to the appropriate agency in order to make the transfer of ownership official.
Determining payment amount: Calculating the total amount of money due for the sale of the stock.
Establishing payment schedule: Setting out when and how payments are to be made.
Defining dispute resolution process: Describing the process for resolving any disputes between the parties.
Providing clear instructions on how to resolve disputes: Outlining the steps that must be taken to resolve any disagreements.
Describing the conditions for termination: Explaining when the agreement can be terminated and any applicable penalties or restrictions.
Outlining the process for terminating the agreement: Defining the steps to take in order to end the agreement and any applicable deadlines or restrictions.
Determining any additional fees: Identifying any extra costs associated with the sale.
Specifying any additional terms or conditions: Stating any restrictions or conditions that may apply to the sale.
Establishing methods of communication between parties: Setting out how the parties will communicate and any applicable deadlines or restrictions.


  • Defining the terms of the agreement
  • Establishing the purpose of the agreement
  • Identifying the parties involved
  • Listing the obligations of each party
  • Specifying the term of the agreement
  • Negotiating the terms of the agreement
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Writing the contract
  • Identifying any required documents
  • Ensuring the agreement is legally binding
  • Finalizing and signing the agreement
  • Reviewing the agreement for accuracy
  • Obtaining signatures from all parties
  • Complying with applicable laws
  • Researching relevant laws and regulations
  • Ensuring the agreement is compliant
  • Registering the transfer of ownership
  • Ensuring proper payment
  • Determining payment amount
  • Establishing payment schedule
  • Handling disputes
  • Defining dispute resolution process
  • Providing clear instructions on how to resolve disputes
  • Terminating the agreement
  • Describing the conditions for termination
  • Outlining the process for terminating the agreement
  • Other considerations
  • Determining any additional fees
  • Specifying any additional terms or conditions
  • Establishing methods of communication between parties

Get started

Defining the terms of the agreement

  • Clearly define the parties involved in the sale and their roles
  • Establish a timeline for the sale and identify any necessary deadlines
  • Determine the sale price and payment method
  • Specify the type of stock being sold
  • Include any restrictions or conditions on the sale
  • List out any additional clauses that are applicable to the sale

When you have finished defining the terms of the agreement, you will have a clear understanding of the parties involved, the timeline of the sale, the sale price, the payment method, the type of stock, and any restrictions or additional clauses that may apply to the sale.

Establishing the purpose of the agreement

  • Clarify the purpose of the agreement, including whether the stock is being sold or transferred
  • Outline the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved
  • Include the date of the agreement and any other relevant information
  • Ensure that the agreement is clear, accurate and specific
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer to make sure it meets all legal requirements
  • Check off this step when all parties involved have read and agreed to the purpose of the agreement as stated in the document.

Identifying the parties involved

  • Identify the buyer and seller – include full legal names, addresses, and other contact details
  • List the names of any other parties involved in the agreement (if applicable)
  • Include any professional or legal representatives who are acting on behalf of either of the parties
  • Once you’ve identified all parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Listing the obligations of each party

  • Outline the obligations of each party for the sale, including payment, delivery, warranties, and any other responsibilities
  • Ensure that all terms are stated clearly and concisely
  • Make sure that all obligations are reasonable and appropriate for both parties
  • List any amendments or special considerations to the agreement
  • Read through the entire agreement to ensure that all obligations are accurately and properly listed

Once you have listed all the obligations of each party, you can move on to the next step, which is specifying the term of the agreement.

Specifying the term of the agreement

  • Describe the beginning of the agreement and its duration
  • Identify the date when the agreement will commence and when it will expire
  • Specify the renewal terms if applicable
  • State the date by which both parties must notify the other of their intention to renew the agreement
  • Include a clause that sets out how the agreement can be terminated
  • Be sure to list any necessary steps that must be taken by either party in order to terminate the agreement

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you’ve included all the relevant information about the term of the agreement in the document.

Negotiating the terms of the agreement

  • Discuss the terms of the agreement with the other party involved, such as the sales price, payment terms, delivery requirements, and warranties
  • During this process, make sure to also consider any taxes or fees that may be applicable to the sale
  • Use this time to negotiate any changes to the agreement before both parties sign
  • Once both parties agree to the terms, you can check this off your list and move on to drafting the agreement.

Drafting the agreement

  • Outline the main points of the agreement in a clear and concise manner
  • Make sure all the terms of the agreement are included
  • Make sure all parties involved understand the terms of the agreement
  • Include a clause that allows for changes to the agreement if needed
  • Include a clause that explains how the agreement can be terminated
  • Sign the agreement and get all parties involved to sign it as well
  • Check that all parties have signed the agreement and make sure no changes have been made

You can check off this step when all parties have signed the agreement and it has been finalized.

Writing the contract

  • Ensure that the contract includes the names and contact information of the buyer and seller, as well as the date of the agreement.
  • Include a detailed description of the stock being sold, including its type, value, and any other relevant information.
  • Specify the terms and conditions of the sale, such as the payment amount and due date.
  • Specify the rights and liabilities of both the buyer and seller.
  • Add any other provisions necessary for the agreement, such as confidentiality clauses or restrictions on transfer.
  • Sign and date the agreement.
  • Make copies of the agreement for all parties involved.

Once you have included all the necessary information in the contract, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying any required documents

  • Gather any state-specific documents that are required to complete the sale.
  • Check with the local business authority, such as the Secretary of State, to make sure all necessary documents are in order.
  • Make sure that any documents that need to be signed by both parties are present.
  • Once all documents are collected and reviewed, the parties can move on to the next step of writing the contract.

Ensuring the agreement is legally binding

  • Review the agreement to make sure it complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Make sure the agreement is written in clear and unambiguous language.
  • Ensure all parties agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Have a qualified lawyer look over the agreement and offer their opinion on its validity.
  • Once it is agreed upon by all parties, the agreement should be signed and dated by all parties.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the agreement has been reviewed for legal compliance, the terms and conditions have been agreed upon by all parties and the agreement has been signed and dated, you will have ensured the agreement is legally binding and can move on to the next step.

Finalizing and signing the agreement

  • Have each party initial each page
  • Have each party sign and date the agreement
  • Make sure each copy of the agreement is properly signed and dated
  • Verify that all parties understand the agreement
  • Make sure that all parties agree to the terms of the agreement
  • When all parties have initialed, signed, and dated the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Reviewing the agreement for accuracy

  • Carefully read through the agreement line-by-line to ensure all the information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Verify that all the parties are listed properly and that their details are correct
  • Ensure the sale amount, payment information, and other financial details are accurate
  • Double-check that all the signatures are present and that the sale date is valid
  • Once you have reviewed the agreement and verified its accuracy, you can move on to obtaining signatures from all parties.

Obtaining signatures from all parties

  • Have all parties involved with the agreement present for the signing
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the agreement
  • Have each party read the agreement and ask any questions they have before signing
  • Provide a pen for each party to sign the agreement
  • Have each party sign the agreement on all appropriate signature lines
  • Ensure all signature lines are filled out correctly
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, you will know it is complete and can move on to the next step.

Complying with applicable laws

  • Identify the applicable laws and regulations that apply to the stock sale agreement
  • Consult legal counsel or research applicable laws and regulations to ensure compliance
  • Make sure any applicable laws and regulations are reflected in the stock sale agreement
  • Review the agreement to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are followed when executing the sale
  • Check the agreement for accuracy and completeness with respect to applicable laws and regulations
  • Once all applicable laws and regulations have been complied with, the stock sale agreement is ready for execution and can be checked off the list.

Researching relevant laws and regulations

  • Determine what state and federal laws, regulations, and court decisions are relevant to the sale of stocks
  • Research recent changes in laws and regulations that may affect the sale of stocks
  • Identify any local laws or regulations that may be relevant to the sale of stocks
  • Research any industry-specific laws or regulations that may be applicable to the sale of stocks
  • When you have a clear understanding of all applicable laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step of ensuring the agreement is compliant.

Ensuring the agreement is compliant

  • Consult an attorney who specializes in contract law to ensure all terms of the agreement are in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations
  • Have the attorney review the agreement and make any necessary changes to ensure the agreement is compliant
  • Confirm that the agreement has been properly written and executed to meet the legal requirements of all parties involved
  • Have the attorney create a legal opinion for all parties to sign, stating that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement and the legal opinion, you can check off this step and move on to registering the transfer of ownership.

Registering the transfer of ownership

  • Consult a qualified attorney to draft a legally binding sale agreement
  • Ensure all parties to the agreement are in agreement and have signed the document
  • Obtain the buyer’s information, including name, address, contact information, and taxpayer ID number
  • File an Assignment Form with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to complete the transfer of ownership
  • Ensure any fees associated with the sale are paid in full
  • Once all of the above requirements are met, the transfer of ownership is complete and can be registered with the SEC
  • You’ll know you’re finished with this step when you’ve completed all of the necessary paperwork and filed with the SEC.

Ensuring proper payment

  • Ensure that the payment is made to the seller in the form of cash, check, or money order
  • Discuss with the seller what form of payment they prefer to receive
  • Make sure that the payment is made in full at the time of the transfer
  • If the seller requests a down payment, discuss the payment terms and make sure that they are included in the sale agreement
  • Make sure that the sale agreement includes the date and payment method of the transfer
  • Once the payment is made, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining payment amount

  • Calculate the sale amount to be paid by the buyer.
  • Take into account any applicable taxes and fees.
  • Make sure the amount is clear and correct.
  • Record the payment amount in the agreement.
  • Once the payment amount is determined and written in the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Establishing payment schedule

  • Decide how often payments should be made (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.)
  • Specify the date on which each payment is due
  • Identify any late fees that may be applied if payment is not received by the due date
  • Consider any prepayment clauses or discounts that you may want to include
  • Include details on how payments should be made (e.g., electronically or by check)
  • Make sure that the payment schedule is consistent with the payment amount and terms outlined in the agreement
  • Check that the payment schedule is consistent with applicable laws and regulations
  • Once the payment schedule has been established and agreed upon, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Handling disputes

  • Decide how disputes between the buyer and seller will be handled – will they be resolved through mediation or arbitration?
  • Outline the process for resolving disputes, including the timeline, cost, and procedure.
  • Make sure both parties agree on the dispute resolution process and sign off on it.
  • Once the dispute resolution process is determined and agreed upon, you can check this off your list and move onto the next step.

Defining dispute resolution process

  • Decide whether the parties will resolve disputes through arbitration or litigation
  • Determine the venue for any litigation
  • Set out the process for notifying the other party of a potential dispute
  • Establish a timeline for resolution
  • Specify what type of evidence will be used to resolve the dispute
  • Determine which party will bear the costs associated with the dispute resolution
  • Outline the consequences of failing to comply with the dispute resolution process

You will know when you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have created a dispute resolution process that both parties agree to and have documented it in the stock sale agreement.

Providing clear instructions on how to resolve disputes

  • Establish a process for resolving disputes. Include the steps to be taken to resolve the dispute, such as arbitration or mediation.
  • Identify the parties who will be involved in the dispute resolution process.
  • Include the timeline for resolving the dispute.
  • Determine how the parties will share the cost of dispute resolution.
  • Specify the consequences of any failure to resolve the dispute.
  • Include a provision allowing the agreement to remain in effect during the dispute resolution process.

You can check this off your list when you have outlined a clear and detailed process for resolving disputes, including the steps to be taken, the parties involved, the timeline, cost-sharing arrangements, consequences for any failure to resolve the dispute, and a provision allowing the agreement to remain in effect during the dispute resolution process.

Terminating the agreement

  • Outline the conditions that would lead to the termination of the agreement
  • Specify any penalties or fees associated with the termination of the agreement
  • List the actions the parties must take in case of the termination of the agreement
  • Include any applicable laws or regulations that must be observed in the event of termination

Once you have written out the details of the termination of the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Describing the conditions for termination

  • Outline any conditions that must be met for the agreement to be terminated, such as the payment of any outstanding balances
  • Include any restrictions on the parties’ ability to terminate the agreement
  • Specify any consequences of terminating the agreement, such as the payment of damages
  • Once the conditions for termination have been included, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Outlining the process for terminating the agreement

  • Outline the conditions which will cause the agreement to terminate, including:
  • The duration of the agreement and when it will terminate
  • The termination of any other agreements related to the sale
  • What happens if either party breaches the agreement
  • Any other conditions regarding the termination of the agreement
  • Put the termination process in writing, including all of the conditions outlined above
  • Have both parties sign the agreement to make it legally binding
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Other considerations

  • Determine who will be responsible for covering the costs of taxes associated with the sale
  • Decide if the buyer will be responsible for legal fees incurred while drafting and executing the agreement
  • Decide if there are any other expenses that will be associated with the sale of the stock
  • Determine if the buyer will be responsible for any necessary transfers of ownership
  • Decide if any additional fees will be charged to the buyer for the sale of the stock
  • When all considerations have been taken into account, you can move on to the next step of determining any additional fees.

Determining any additional fees

  • Research any applicable fees related to the sale, such as taxes, commissions, transfer fees, and closing costs
  • Contact the relevant parties to understand the exact fees that will be involved in the process
  • Include the agreed-upon fees in the sales agreement
  • When all fees have been determined and agreed upon, this step can be checked off the list.

Specifying any additional terms or conditions

  • Consider any additional terms or conditions that may be necessary for the transaction to take place.
  • Include these in the agreement to ensure that both parties are aware.
  • Make sure that all terms or conditions are as clear and concise as possible.
  • Be sure to double-check all terms or conditions, and make sure that all parties agree.

When you can check this off the list:

  • After all the necessary terms or conditions are included and all parties have agreed to them.

Establishing methods of communication between parties

  • Identify the primary contact for each party, such as an attorney, accountant, or a designated representative.
  • Determine the most effective mode of communication for both parties, such as by phone, email, or in-person meetings.
  • Create a timeline for when each party should provide updates or documents to the other.
  • Establish how any disputes or disagreements will be resolved.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When both parties agree to the communication methods and timeline, the step can be marked as complete.


Q: Is there a difference between a Stock Sale Agreement in the UK compared to the USA?

Asked by Chris on May 5th 2022.
A: Yes, there is a difference between a Stock Sale Agreement in the UK and the USA. Generally speaking, the UK has more regulations surrounding stock sales, which means that agreements should be more detailed and comprehensive. In the US, stock sale agreements can be less detailed and specific. Additionally, the laws surrounding stock sales are different in each jurisdiction, so it is important to ensure that your agreement conforms to the relevant local regulations.

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuits Referencing Stock Sale Agreement:

  • A plaintiff might bring a lawsuit alleging that the stock sale agreement was breached, in which case they would need to prove that the terms of the agreement were not met by the other party.
  • The plaintiff might also allege that the stock sale agreement was fraudulently entered into or that the other party made false statements or misrepresentations in order to induce the plaintiff to enter into the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may also allege that the stock sale agreement was unconscionable or that the other party breached their fiduciary duty in relation to the agreement.
  • The plaintiff could seek damages for any losses they suffered as a result of the breach, including lost profits, legal fees, and other costs.
  • The court may also award punitive damages to the plaintiff in cases where the other party acted maliciously or recklessly in relation to the agreement.
  • The court may also order specific performance of the agreement, which would require the other party to perform the terms of the agreement as required.
  • The court may also order restitution, which would require the other party to reimburse the plaintiff for any losses they suffered as a result of the breach.

Templates available (free to use)

Stock Sale Agreement

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