Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

What is a Key Employee?

9 Jun 2023
24 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


The importance of key employees in any business is difficult to overstate. Key employees are the individuals with specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities that are essential for a company’s success. They are highly valued and trusted by their employers, contributing significantly to profitability and providing expertise that enables the business to achieve its goals. Retaining key employees is also important as they have unique skills that make them attractive to recruiters. Furthermore, having a team of key employees can give businesses a competitive edge and provide them with potential leaders for the future.

When it comes to hiring key employees, employers must be sure they have selected the right people for the job. Not only should these individuals possess the necessary qualifications, but they should also be willing to take on additional responsibilities when needed and fit into the company’s culture. Once identified, employers must ensure their key staffs’ salaries reflect how important they are to the organization and create an environment that encourages them to stay with their employer in the long-term – this could include offering professional development opportunities or meaningful recognition rewards such as flexible working arrangements.

The Genie AI team wants businesses to succeed in hiring and retaining key staff – which is why we provide free templates through our community template library so anyone can draft high-quality legal documents without needing a lawyer or expending large amounts of money on legal advice services. Our step-by-step guidance will help you identify what makes a good employee - do read on below for more information about how you can access our library today!



Unique Skills, Knowledge, and Experience: Specific abilities, understanding, and prior work that distinguishes someone from their peers.

Qualifications: Skills, education, experience, and capabilities that are needed to do a job.

Soft Skills: Personal attributes that help a person interact with others and work as part of a team.

Technical Skills: Proficiency in activities related to technology, such as coding and data analysis.

Leadership: The ability to guide a team to reach a desired outcome.

Project Management: The process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources to achieve a specific goal.

Communication: The exchange of information between two or more parties.

Increased Productivity: Doing more work in a shorter amount of time.

Improved Morale: A feeling of satisfaction and enthusiasm in the workplace.

Increased Efficiency: Doing the same amount of work in a shorter amount of time.

Clearly Define Expectations: Providing details about what is expected from a job or task.

Create a Positive Work Environment: Creating an atmosphere that is conducive to productivity and collaboration.

Utilize the Right Tools and Processes: Using the best methods and programs to carry out a job.

Invest in Ongoing Training and Development: Continuing to educate and develop an employee’s skills and abilities.

Identify Potential Success Stories: Looking for examples of successful performance in the past.

Analyze Their Successes: Examining the reasons behind a successful outcome.

Develop a Plan to Replace Them: Making a strategy to fill a vacant role.

Utilize Remaining Resources: Making use of what is left behind by a previous employee.

Communicate the Situation to the Rest of the Team: Making sure everyone is aware of changes.

Review Relevant Laws and Regulations: Looking into laws and regulations that may affect hiring and managing a key employee.

Research Best Practices: Investigating the most effective strategies for hiring and managing a key employee.

Consult with Legal Counsel if Necessary: Seeking advice from a legal professional if there are questions about legal implications.


  1. Definition of a key employee and what makes them special
  2. Unique skills, knowledge, and experience
  3. Ability to positively impact the organization
  4. Qualifications required to become a key employee
  5. Education
  6. Experience
  7. Soft skills
  8. Technical skills
  9. Responsibilities associated with the role of a key employee
  10. Leadership
  11. Project management
  12. Communication
  13. Benefits of having a key employee
  14. Increased productivity
  15. Improved morale
  16. Increased efficiency
  17. Tips on how to hire, manage, and train key employees
  18. Clearly define expectations
  19. Create a positive work environment
  20. Utilize the right tools and processes
  21. Invest in ongoing training and development
  22. Examples of key employees and their success stories
  23. Identify potential success stories
  24. Analyze their successes
  25. What to do if a key employee leaves an organization
  26. Develop a plan to replace them
  27. Utilize remaining resources
  28. Communicate the situation to the rest of the team
  29. Understanding the legal and regulatory implications of hiring a key employee
  30. Review relevant laws and regulations
  31. Research best practices
  32. Consult with legal counsel if necessary

Get started

Definition of a key employee and what makes them special

  • Understand what a key employee is - a person who is vital to the success of an organization and whose knowledge, skills, and experience make them central to the workings of the organization.
  • Recognize the unique skills, knowledge, and experience that make key employees stand out from the rest.
  • Research the roles and responsibilities of key employees to better understand how their contributions are instrumental to the success of an organization.
  • Understand why key employees are essential to an organization and how their expertise can help the organization reach its goals.

Once you have a good understanding of what a key employee is and what makes them special, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Unique skills, knowledge, and experience

  • Understand the skills, knowledge, and experience that make a key employee distinct from other employees
  • Recognize the unique attributes that a key employee brings to the organization
  • Determine if the skills and knowledge possessed by the key employee are transferable to other employees in the organization
  • Assess the impact of the key employee’s unique skills and knowledge on the organization
  • Determine if the skills, knowledge, and experience of the key employee are essential to the successful operation of the organization

Once you have completed the above steps, you can move on to the next step - Ability to positively impact the organization.

Ability to positively impact the organization

  • Research the organization’s needs and goals
  • Identify the ways that a key employee could help the organization reach its goals
  • Evaluate the potential impact of a key employee on the organization
  • Assess the impact of the organization’s current employees and identify areas where a key employee could help
  • When you have an understanding of the potential impact a key employee could have on an organization, you can move on to the next step.

Qualifications required to become a key employee

  • Identify the specific qualifications required to become a key employee in the organization.
  • These qualifications may include education, experience, certifications, or other special skills or abilities.
  • Research the job description and requirements to determine the exact qualifications needed to be considered a key employee.
  • Once you have identified the qualifications required for the position, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Research the qualifications required for key employees in your field
  • Look for specific educational requirements, such as a degree or certification
  • Consider the type of degree or certification needed, such as a bachelor’s degree in business or a certificate in human resources
  • Contact your state’s department of labor for more information
  • Once you have the necessary qualifications, you can move on to the next step of finding experience.


  • Research the job requirements for key employees in your industry
  • Learn about the experience and background that is typical for key employees in your industry
  • Identify your own relevant experience and skills to determine whether you meet the job requirements of a key employee
  • Note any additional experience or skills you may need to acquire to meet the requirements of a key employee
  • Check off this step when you have a clear understanding of the experience and background needed for a key employee in your industry.

Soft skills

  • Understand the importance of positive attitude and strong work ethic
  • Recognize the importance of communication, problem-solving, and collaboration
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills in working with colleagues, customers, and clients
  • Demonstrate an ability to think creatively and strategically
  • Understand the value of professional development and continuing education

When you have a solid understanding of these soft skills, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Technical skills

  • Identify the type of technical skills needed for the key employee role
  • Research what technology and software is used in the industry and organization
  • Analyze how the technology and software can benefit the role of the key employee
  • Develop a list of technical skills required for the position and become proficient in those skills
  • Demonstrate your ability to use the technology and software in the key employee role
  • When you have achieved expertise in the technical skills needed for the role, you can move on to the next step.

Responsibilities associated with the role of a key employee

  • Understand the company’s goals, objectives and strategies
  • Stay up to date on the latest developments in the industry
  • Lead, motivate and inspire the team to achieve the company’s objectives
  • Delegate tasks and ensure they are completed in a timely manner
  • Develop and implement plans to streamline processes and increase efficiency
  • Monitor and review team performance
  • Provide guidance and advice to team members
  • Set clear and achievable goals
  • Provide feedback to team members
  • Foster an environment of collaboration and team spirit

When you have completed the above bullet points, you can move on to the next step: ### Leadership.


  • Understand the key executive roles in an organization: CEO, CFO, COO, etc.
  • Learn the qualifications and experience required to be a successful leader in the organization.
  • Identify the skills, leadership qualities, and personal attributes necessary for successful leadership.
  • Understand the importance of communication, collaboration, and decision-making.
  • Develop a leadership style that is suitable for the organization.

Once you have a good understanding of the leadership roles, qualifications, skills, and qualities required in a key employee, you can move on to the next step.

Project management

  • Understand the project’s goals, objectives, and requirements
  • Develop a project plan, including the timeline, budget, and resources needed
  • Create a system to monitor progress and identify potential issues
  • Identify and assign tasks to team members
  • Track progress and make necessary adjustments to the project plan
  • Manage project risk and resolve any issues
  • Evaluate the project’s success and present results

Once you have completed the tasks listed above, you can move on to the next step in the guide: Communication.


  • Understand who a key employee is and what their role will be.
  • Decide how best to communicate the role of a key employee to the rest of the organization.
  • Develop a communication plan that outlines the information that should be included in the message and how it will be delivered (e.g., email, internal announcement, etc.).
  • Create a timeline for implementation of the communication plan.
  • Execute the communication plan, ensuring that all key stakeholders within the organization are included.
  • Monitor and assess the impact of the communication plan on the organization.

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have implemented the communication plan and have assessed its impact on the organization.

Benefits of having a key employee

  • A key employee can be a great asset to a business, as they can help to develop and implement strategies to increase productivity, profitability and efficiency
  • A key employee can provide specialized knowledge, experience and skills to a business, which can help to develop new products and services
  • Having a key employee can help to motivate other employees to be more productive, as they can act as a role model
  • A key employee can help to create a positive work environment, as they can foster collaboration and teamwork
  • Having a key employee can help to reduce employee turnover, as they can provide mentorship and guidance to other employees
  • A key employee can help to improve customer service, as they can provide specialized knowledge and expertise to better serve customers
  • Having a key employee can help to improve the overall business performance, as they can provide insights and ideas to improve processes and procedures

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have understood the benefits of having a key employee and how it can help the business, you can move on to the next step.

Increased productivity

  • Develop extra training and development for the key employee
  • Develop an incentive program for the key employee to increase productivity
  • Monitor the performance of the key employee and provide feedback regularly
  • Recognize the key employee for their performance
  • Provide the key employee with additional resources to help them be more productive

Once you have implemented these steps, you will know that you have successfully increased the productivity of the key employee and can move on to the next step - improving morale.

Improved morale

  • Make sure to recognize and reward employees for their hard work
  • Provide incentives and bonuses that contribute to overall morale
  • Focus on creating a positive work environment
  • Make an effort to foster relationships between coworkers
  • Show appreciation for employees and their work
  • Create an atmosphere of collaboration and respect
  • Give employees a voice and allow them to be a part of the decision-making process
  • Encourage team-building activities and events
  • When morale is improved, you’ll see increased productivity, increased efficiency, and a positive attitude from employees.

Increased efficiency

  • Develop and implement processes that measure the efficiency of key employees
  • Establish metrics to measure performance and progress
  • Identify areas where key employees can be more efficient and productive
  • Use technology to streamline processes and optimize efficiency
  • Create clear expectations and goals for key employees, and provide feedback on how they are meeting those expectations
  • Monitor and adjust processes to ensure maximum efficiency

When you have implemented processes to measure the efficiency of key employees, and have established metrics to measure their performance and progress, you can move on to the next step.

Tips on how to hire, manage, and train key employees

  • Develop a job description and set of qualifications for your key employee roles
  • Ask for resumes, applications, and references, and conduct the necessary interviews
  • Establish a training program or protocol that familiarizes key employees with the company’s culture
  • Set clear expectations and enforce them with consistent rewards and punishments
  • Foster an environment of continuous learning and growth
  • Provide regular feedback and check-ins to assess employee performance
  • Create a system of communication between key employees and other members of the organization
  • When the key employee feels comfortable and competent in their role, they can be trusted to make decisions on their own

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified a suitable candidate for the key employee role
  • When your key employee is familiarized with the company’s culture, expectations, and protocols
  • When your key employee is comfortable and competent in their role and able to make decisions on their own

Clearly define expectations

  • Outline and clearly define the roles and expectations for the key employee
  • Document the expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Explain the level of autonomy the key employee will have
  • Describe the key employee’s job duties and responsibilities
  • Discuss the reporting structure and communication channels
  • Set performance goals and expectations with the key employee
  • When expectations are defined, check off this step and move on to the next.

Create a positive work environment

  • Identify the key employees in your organization
  • Set expectations and goals for each key employee
  • Communicate your expectations clearly and regularly
  • Create an environment of open communication and feedback
  • Show appreciation for key employees and reward good performance
  • Provide a comfortable, safe and healthy working environment
  • Offer ongoing training and development opportunities to key employees
  • Encourage collaboration and team building among key employees
  • Ensure key employees feel supported and valued

When you can check this off your list:

  • You can check this step off your list when you have identified the key employees in your organization, set expectations and goals for each, communicated expectations clearly and regularly, and created an environment of open communication and feedback.

Utilize the right tools and processes

• Identify which tools and processes are necessary to support your key employees.
• Assess the effectiveness of existing tools and processes and identify areas for improvement.
• Implement tools and processes that are tailored to the unique needs of key employees.
• Monitor the performance of tools and processes on an ongoing basis to ensure they remain effective.
• Make adjustments as needed to ensure the tools and processes remain beneficial.

You can check off this step when you have identified and implemented the necessary tools and processes.

Invest in ongoing training and development

  • Assign a mentor or trainer to each key employee to encourage development
  • Create training programs that are tailored to each employee’s individual needs
  • Establish a budget for training and development expenses
  • Set performance goals and objectives that will help measure the success of the training program
  • Monitor employee performance and provide feedback on a regular basis
  • Utilize online tools and resources to ensure key employees have access to the latest information
  • Celebrate successes and recognize key employee achievements
  • Once the key employee has been adequately trained and development, move on to the next step in the process.

Examples of key employees and their success stories

  • Research and identify successful individuals that have been considered key employees for their organizations
  • Look for inspiring stories of how these people have made a difference through their work
  • Create a list of the key employees and their associated success stories
  • Use the list to create a profile of the qualities and characteristics that define a successful key employee
  • Once you’ve compiled a comprehensive list of key employees and their success stories, you can move on to the next step.

Identify potential success stories

  • Identify key employees who have had success stories in your organization
  • Look for employees who have had a measurable impact on the organization
  • Analyze the successes of these employees (e.g. increased sales, improved customer service, etc.)
  • Identify how their successes relate to the organization’s goals
  • Create a list of potential success stories
  • When you have identified potential success stories, you will be ready to move on to the next step.

Analyze their successes

  • Review the successes of the potential key employees in question, such as their accomplishments, the results of their work, the feedback they’ve received, etc.
  • Compare and contrast the successes of the potential key employees to determine which one(s) have the greatest impact within the organization.
  • Assess the importance of the successes in terms of the organization’s long-term objectives and goals.
  • You will know that you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the successes of the potential key employees and which one(s) could make the greatest impact within the organization.

What to do if a key employee leaves an organization

  • Identify the tasks the key employee was responsible for, and assess their importance to the organization.
  • Develop a plan for how those tasks can be reassigned or redistributed among other employees.
  • Implement the plan and adjust as needed.
  • Monitor progress to ensure that tasks are being completed in a timely and efficient manner.
  • When you are satisfied that the plan is working, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Develop a plan to replace them

  • Create a job description for the position
  • Identify potential candidates to fill the role
  • Reach out to potential candidates and conduct interviews
  • Select the best candidate and make an offer of employment
  • Provide training and onboarding to the new employee
  • Monitor their performance and provide feedback

Once you have completed creating the plan to replace the key employee, you can move on to the next step of utilizing remaining resources.

Utilize remaining resources

  • Identify current employees who have the skillset to assume the responsibilities of the key employee
  • Create a job description for the role and determine the pay rate
  • Develop a timeline for when the role needs to be filled
  • Contact potential candidates and conduct interviews
  • Make a decision on who to hire and when they can start
  • Train the new hire on the job expectations and responsibilities

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step of communicating the situation to the rest of the team.

Communicate the situation to the rest of the team

  • Inform the team of the need to hire a key employee and the responsibilities that come with it
  • Explain the importance of the key employee in the business and how their skills and experience could benefit the team
  • Outline the job requirements and expectations you have for the candidate
  • Be sure to answer any questions the team may have about the new hire
  • Once the team is aware of the situation and the key employee’s role, you can move on to the next step.

Understanding the legal and regulatory implications of hiring a key employee

  • Research relevant laws and regulations that apply to hiring a key employee, such as labor laws and immigration rules
  • Understand the possible tax implications of hiring a key employee, as well as any special benefits or compensation they might be eligible for
  • Consider the potential impact of hiring a key employee on the company’s organizational structure, culture, and operations
  • Be aware of any relevant state or federal regulations that may apply

When you have a good understanding of the legal and regulatory implications of hiring a key employee, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Review relevant laws and regulations

  • Read up on the laws and regulations related to key employees in your state.
  • Speak with an attorney to ensure you are in compliance with the laws and regulations.
  • Understand the limits and responsibilities associated with hiring a key employee.
  • Understand any potential liabilities and risks associated with hiring a key employee.

When you have a good understanding of the laws and regulations related to key employees in your state, you can check this off your list and move on to researching best practices.

Research best practices

  • Read up on what other companies have done in the past when defining key employees
  • Research industry best practices to determine which criteria should be used to identify key employees
  • Identify the criteria that should be used to determine who is a key employee
  • Analyze current and past job descriptions to determine which employees meet the criteria
  • Once you have identified the criteria and employees that meet those criteria, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Consult with legal counsel if necessary

  • Determine if you need to consult with legal counsel to answer questions about what a key employee is.
  • Make sure you have all the relevant information available to provide to the legal counsel.
  • Contact the legal counsel, explain what you need, and get their opinion.
  • Ask questions and get clarification as needed.
  • Record all the answers you receive from the legal counsel.
  • When you have all the necessary information and answers, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What are the differences between a key employee and a regular employee in the USA?

Asked by Mary on January 2nd 2022.
A: A key employee is a person with special skills or knowledge that is essential to the success of an organization, while a regular employee is someone who is hired to do the basic tasks of a job. In the USA, key employees typically have higher salaries, more job security, and access to more benefits than regular employees. They are also more likely to be offered stock options and other forms of equity compensation.

Q: What legal issues do organizations need to consider when hiring a key employee?

Asked by Richard on April 3rd 2022.
A: Organizations need to consider any applicable local, state, or federal labor laws when hiring a key employee in the USA. The organization should also ensure that the key employee receives fair compensation for his or her work and that any stock options or other equity compensation is properly documented and reported. Additionally, organizations should consider any confidentiality agreements that may be necessary for protecting trade secrets and other confidential information from being shared with competitors.

Q: How does US law define a key employee?

Asked by Linda on July 4th 2022.
A: US law defines a key employee as an individual who is necessary for the successful operation of an organization or business. Generally speaking, key employees possess specialized skills or knowledge that make them invaluable to their employers. These skills can include technical expertise such as software development, marketing savvy, or financial acumen. A key employee may also have access to confidential information or trade secrets that are essential to the success of their employer’s business.

Q: Is there a difference between a key employee and an executive?

Asked by Joe on October 5th 2022.
A: Yes, there is a difference between a key employee and an executive in the USA. While both are important for an organization’s success, executives typically have broader responsibilities than key employees and may be involved in making decisions about how the organization is run. Executives may also have more access to information about the organization’s strategy and operations than key employees do.

Q: What rights do key employees have under US law?

Asked by Sarah on December 6th 2022.
A: Key employees in the USA are protected by various labor laws which guarantee them certain rights such as fair wages and safe working conditions. Additionally, they may be entitled to overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours in one week and may be eligible for certain benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans depending on their employer’s policies. Key employees may also be entitled to certain protections under anti-discrimination laws and may have access to grievance procedures if they believe they have been treated unfairly at work.

Q: Are there differences between US law regarding key employees and UK law?

Asked by John on February 7th 2022.
A: Yes, there are some differences between US and UK law regarding key employees. In the UK, for example, there are more specific regulations surrounding how employers must treat their key employees including provisions for minimum wage rates and other benefits such as paid leave and pension contributions which are not always required in the US. Additionally, UK labor law provides certain protections against unfair dismissal which are not available in the US labor code.

Q: Do EU regulations have any impact on how organizations hire or manage key employees?

Asked by Janet on March 8th 2022.
A: Yes, EU regulations can have an impact on how organizations hire or manage their key employees in certain circumstances. For example, EU directives require that employers provide certain minimum rights for all workers regardless of nationality including equal pay for equal work and protection against discrimination based on gender or nationality. Additionally, EU regulations provide some additional protections for workers in sectors where collective bargaining agreements apply such as those related to working conditions, health and safety issues, or pensions.

Q: What qualifications might an organization look for when hiring a key employee?

Asked by David on May 9th 2022.
A: When hiring a key employee, an organization should look for someone with specialized skills that will be beneficial to the success of the business such as technical expertise (e.g., software development), marketing savvy (e.g., understanding customer needs), or financial acumen (e.g., understanding financial statements). Depending on the industry they operate in or sector they serve (e.g., SaaS technology companies or B2B services), organizations should also consider whether any industry-specific qualifications are necessary (e.g., certifications). In addition to technical qualifications, organizations should also look for candidates with strong interpersonal skills who can effectively collaborate with other members of their team and build strong relationships with customers or clients if necessary.

Q: Is it possible to hire a foreign national as a key employee in the USA?

Asked by Mark on August 10th 2022.
A: Yes, it is possible to hire a foreign national as a key employee in the USA provided that they meet all applicable requirements for employment eligibility established by US immigration laws such as having valid visa status if applicable or obtaining authorization from US Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) if necessary. It is important for organizations to understand all applicable requirements before attempting to hire foreign nationals as there can be significant penalties associated with failing to comply with US immigration laws including fines and even criminal charges in some cases.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Unlawful Termination of a Key Employee

  • File a civil lawsuit in your local court. Include the name of the employee, the employer, and the date of the termination.
  • Cite any relevant laws or regulations that the employer may have violated when terminating the employee.
  • Seek damages for the employee in the form of lost wages, emotional distress, and punitive damages.
  • Calculate the damages based on the employee’s salary, the length of employment, and the severity of the violation.
  • Seek a settlement outside of court, if possible. This might include a reinstatement of the employee, back pay, and other benefits.

Templates available (free to use)

Key Employee Agreement
Key Employee Retention Agreement

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