Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

The Best CRMs for Non-Profits and Charities

11 Sep 2023
3 min
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Get your nonprofit or charity running as efficiently as possible is key to achieving your mission. One strategy to help ensure this is to utilize a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. These digital tools can aid in managing donor outreach, tracking impact, handling volunteer management, and even overseeing grant applications. Additionally, a good CRM ensures all your operations meet the legal standards.

But how do you know which one to choose?

Reviewing Top CRM for Nonprofits

In this section, we will deep-dive into the top CRM options that can take your nonprofit to the next level:

Reaping Benefits from Freshsales for Donor Outreach

If you run a community-based nonprofit like a food bank or arts collective, consider Freshsales. Aside from being user-friendly, it’s customizable allowing capture of comprehensive donor information including addresses for local door-to-door campaigns.

Freshsales stands out with pay-as-you-go phone dialer for affordable donor outreach. It has an AI tool named ‘Freddy’ that assigns an automatic lead score making recognition and reward of valuable supporters easy.

Leveraging Salesforce for Impact Reporting

Salesforce has a comprehensive range of dashboards and reports making it great if you run a nonprofit with many trustees. With this tool, you can simplify your annual charitable activities review. The dashboard widgets and various chart options will allow you to present key information to stakeholders - a crucial part of maintaining vital relationships with partners.

Fostering Fundraising Campaigns with HubSpot

If your nonprofit runs regular seasonal campaigns such as Easter or Christmas drives, then HubSpot is perfect for you. HubSpot has in-built email design editors for personalized outreach and automated outreach tools for regular appeals or personalized updates to your donor list. Social media lead generation, access to a library of nonprofit resources, and ecommerce integrations further make HubSpot a smart choice for nonprofits.

Managing Volunteers with

If your nonprofit handles large numbers of volunteers,'s customizable tools come in handy. With preset templates, volunteer tasks can be assigned, and their availability visualized, while also ensuring efficient recruitment. Its web form feature allows for easy volunteer sign-up.

Applying for Grants Efficiently with Zoho CRM

For charities engaged in large-scale projects requiring grant proposals, Zoho CRM’s efficient document management system is unmatched. It also features a scheduling tool that could help to ensure your grant applications always beat the deadline.

Making the Right Pick: Key Considerations

Before you settle on a CRM software for your organization, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  1. Integration: It would be better to select a system that integrates well with your existing accounting software to ease financial management.
  2. Contact limits: Go for a CRM with high or unlimited contact limits to allow effective outreach.
  3. Document Management System: Choose a CRM with robust storage and sharing capabilities for your frequently used documents.
  4. Bespoke solution: Your nonprofit might face unique challenges that require a tailored solution. Don’t shy away from customizing your CRM software to meet your organization’s specific needs.

After picking a suitable CRM for your nonprofit, you can attend to key areas like legal alignment and risk reduction.

Tidying Up the Legal Operations

To keep your organization’s operations legal and risk-free, it’s important to leverage a legal tool. Sign up to Genie AI now to tap into the power of AI for drafting, reviewing, negotiating, and signing legal agreements. Genie AI also offers access to the world’s largest open source legal library giving you a wealth of legal knowledge at your fingertips.

Concluding Legal Considerations

As you use CRM software to boost your nonprofit’s operations efficiency, always make sure that your practices align with the law. Take advantage of Genie AI’s capabilities to reduce legal risks and make your legal operations flawless. This not only ensures you stay within legal confines but also builds trust with your donors and beneficiaries. Ready to enhance your legal operations and make your organization’s processes more efficient? Sign up to Genie AI now.

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