Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Structuring an Alliance Agreement

23 Mar 2023
32 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Forming an alliance between businesses and organisations can help to create competitive advantages, maximise reach and profitability. A well-crafted Alliance Agreement is key to a successful relationship; it will provide clarity on roles, responsibilities, duration of the alliance and any financial or other considerations. But how do you go about forming an effective Alliance Agreement that protects all parties?

An Alliance Agreement should represent a ‘roadmap’ of the terms and conditions between two or more parties - outlining expectations, rights and obligations - reducing the risk of disputes arising in future. It should also help to define objectives so all parties are working towards a common goal. And crucially, an agreement can also help manage risk by identifying potential risks in advance, providing safeguards against them.

The Genie AI team understands just how important an effective agreement is for businesses and organisations looking to form alliances: that’s why we’ve created a world-leading open source legal template library with millions of datapoints teaching our AI what a market-standard alliance agreement looks like. With our dataset and community template library anyone can draft high quality legal documents without paying for lawyer fees - saving time as well as money! In addition we offer step-by-step guidance for those who’d like further support creating their own agreements.

So if you’re considering forming an alliance then make sure you invest in a comprehensive Alliance Agreement; it’s essential for protecting your interests while ensuring the success of your partnership over the long term! Discover more below on how to access Genie AI’s free template library today.

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Alliance - A formal agreement between two or more parties to work together to achieve a common goal.
Research - To search for and analyze information in order to gain a better understanding of a subject.
Criteria - A set of standards or requirements that must be met in order for something to be considered successful.
Synergy - The combined action of two or more elements that creates an effect greater than the sum of their individual parts.
Legal Structure - The framework of rules and regulations that govern the establishment and operation of an organization or alliance.
Negotiation - The process of discussing and attempting to reach an agreement between two or more parties.
Implementation - The process of putting a plan or agreement into action.
Monitoring - The process of regularly observing and checking the progress of a plan or process.
Evaluation - The process of assessing the effectiveness of a plan or process.


  • Identifying potential alliance partners
  • Researching potential partners
  • Developing a list of criteria for assessing potential partners
  • Preparing a list of potential alliance partners
  • Assessing the needs of each partner
  • Gathering data on each partner’s current situation
  • Evaluating each partner’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Identifying areas of potential synergy
  • Defining the goals of the alliance
  • Establishing the legal structure of the alliance
  • Selecting the most appropriate legal structure for the alliance
  • Researching applicable laws and regulations
  • Drafting the appropriate legal documents
  • Negotiating the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Identifying the points of negotiation
  • Discussing the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Reaching a consensus on the terms of the agreement
  • Drafting and signing the alliance agreement
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Reviewing the agreement
  • Obtaining sign-off from all parties
  • Implementing and monitoring the alliance agreement
  • Establishing a timeline for implementation
  • Defining roles and responsibilities of each partner
  • Creating mechanisms for monitoring progress and compliance
  • Evaluating the success of the alliance agreement
  • Setting performance metrics
  • Tracking progress against metrics
  • Conducting a post-alliance assessment

Get started

Identifying potential alliance partners

  • Identify organizations or individuals that you think could be potential alliance partners
  • Consider their size, location, and any other factors that could make them a good fit
  • Contact potential partners to discuss the possibility of joining forces
  • Make a list of the potential partners that you are interested in further researching
  • Make sure that you have a clear understanding of the potential partners’ goals, values, and resources
  • Once you have identified a list of potential alliance partners, you can move on to the next step of researching them.

Researching potential partners

  • Gather information on potential partners, such as their industry, size, and geographical location
  • Understand their objectives, goals, and capabilities
  • Research their financials and customer base
  • Search for any potential conflicts of interest
  • Evaluate their reputation and track record
  • Check for any legal or regulatory issues

When you have a better understanding of potential partners’ capabilities and objectives, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Developing a list of criteria for assessing potential partners

  • Gather information on potential partners, such as their background and experience
  • Identify the criteria that will be used to assess potential partners and prioritize them in order of importance
  • Develop a consistent set of criteria to evaluate all potential partners
  • Consider criteria such as size, location, financial stability, customer base, and reputation
  • Establish a scoring system to rate potential partners
  • When you have a clear list of criteria and a scoring system, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Preparing a list of potential alliance partners

  • Perform market research to identify potential alliance partners that meet your criteria
  • Reach out to potential partners to gauge their interest in an alliance agreement
  • Assess the likelihood of a successful alliance based on the feedback from potential partners
  • Create a list of potential alliance partners that you would like to pursue
  • When you have a list of potential alliance partners that meet your criteria, you can move to the next step.

Assessing the needs of each partner

  • Analyze the needs and objectives of each potential partner
  • Identify and outline the strengths and weaknesses of each partner
  • Review the financial and operational requirements of the alliance
  • Discuss the resources available to each partner
  • Develop a timeline for the alliance
  • Consider the risks associated with the alliance

When you have assessed the needs of each partner, you can move on to gathering data on each partner’s current situation.

Gathering data on each partner’s current situation

  • Review materials from each partner that provide an overview of their current situation, such as organizational structure, mission and vision statements, financial reports, and other documents
  • Identify any areas of overlap or potential conflict between partners
  • Speak with representatives from each partner to understand their goals and any potential challenges
  • Create a comprehensive list of information gathered from each partner
  • Obtain written sign-off from each partner confirming the accuracy of the gathered data
  • Once you have the written sign-off from each partner and a comprehensive list of information gathered, you can move on to the next step of evaluating each partner’s strengths and weaknesses.

Evaluating each partner’s strengths and weaknesses

  • Analyze each partner’s current resources and capabilities
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each partner
  • Assess the potential risks associated with each partner
  • Compare the strengths and weaknesses of each partner to identify potential areas of synergy
  • Make sure to consider both tangible and intangible assets when evaluating each partner
  • When you have a good understanding of each partner’s current situation and have identified potential areas of synergy, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying areas of potential synergy

  • Brainstorm ideas together to identify areas where the alliance can potentially benefit both partners
  • Discuss how each partner can bring different assets to the table to help the alliance reach its goals
  • Identify areas where each partner’s resources and capabilities can be combined to provide greater value than either partner would be able to achieve on their own
  • Assess the pros and cons of each potential area of synergy and decide which ones should be pursued
  • When you have a complete list of areas of potential synergy, you can move on to the next step of defining the goals of the alliance.

Defining the goals of the alliance

  • Set up a meeting between the two organizations to discuss their respective goals and objectives for the alliance
  • Identify the key areas that both organizations hope to achieve through the alliance, and ensure that the goals are mutually beneficial
  • Each organization should make a commitment to the goals, and ensure that they are realistic and achievable
  • Draft a written document that outlines the goals of the alliance, and have each organization sign off on it
  • When both organizations have agreed to the goals outlined in the document, you can consider this step complete and move on to the next step.

Establishing the legal structure of the alliance

  • Research the different types of legal structures available, such as a joint venture, partnership, etc.
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of structure and select the most appropriate one for your alliance.
  • Draft the relevant contracts, including any necessary commercial agreements, and ensure that each party has a clear understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities.
  • Finalize the legal structure of the alliance and ensure that all parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all parties have agreed upon the legal structure of the alliance, the contracts have been drafted, and all parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Selecting the most appropriate legal structure for the alliance

  • Determine the objectives of the alliance and the scope of activities that will be carried out
  • Research the various legal structures available to ensure the alliance will be structured appropriately
  • Consider the financial, legal and tax implications of the various legal structures
  • Analyze the liability and risk associated with each legal structure
  • Discuss the various legal structures with a lawyer or financial advisor
  • Choose the legal structure that best suits the needs of the alliance
  • Check off this step when you have selected the most appropriate legal structure for the alliance and discussed it with a legal professional.

Researching applicable laws and regulations

  • Gather research materials from legal databases and professional organizations
  • Review any governing laws and regulations that could be applicable to the alliance
  • Make a list of potential legal and regulatory issues that could arise from the alliance
  • Consult with a legal professional to gain a better understanding of the legal implications of the alliance
  • Make note of any potential changes that may need to be made to the structure of the alliance in order for it to be compliant with applicable laws and regulations
  • Once you have a comprehensive understanding of all applicable laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step of drafting the appropriate legal documents.

Drafting the appropriate legal documents

  • Work with a lawyer to draft a legal document that outlines all the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Ensure that the document is compliant with relevant laws and regulations
  • Prepare a draft agreement that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Take into account the goals and objectives of the agreement
  • Include provisions for dispute resolution, termination, and other relevant matters
  • Request feedback from the other party to ensure that the terms and conditions of the agreement are acceptable
  • Make changes to the agreement as needed
  • Have the agreement reviewed and approved by both parties and have it signed
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement, it is officially binding
  • You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the agreement is signed and approved by both parties.

Negotiating the terms and conditions of the agreement

  • Establish a negotiation team and determine the roles and responsibilities of each member
  • Identify the goals of each party and their desired outcome of the agreement
  • Identify all the legal and financial implications of the agreement
  • Negotiate the terms of the agreement, considering both parties’ interests
  • Discuss potential disputes and how to resolve them
  • Exchange drafts of the agreement, addressing all points and making sure it meets the legal and financial requirements of each party
  • Finalize the agreement once both parties are satisfied with the terms

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once all points have been addressed, both parties have agreed to the terms and conditions, and the agreement has been finalized, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying the points of negotiation

  • Identify the key elements of the agreement, such as the duration of the partnership, the roles and responsibilities of each party, the financial considerations, and any other points of negotiation
  • Research and consider any legal, financial, and contractual requirements that need to be addressed
  • Make a list of the key points of negotiation that need to be discussed and agreed upon
  • Establish a timeline for when the negotiation needs to be finalized and reviewed
  • When you have identified all of the points of negotiation that need to be discussed and agreed upon, you can check this off your list and move on to discussing the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Discussing the terms and conditions of the agreement

  • Determine the parties involved and the scope of the alliance agreement
  • Identify and discuss the key elements that need to be included in the agreement
  • Discuss the objectives of the agreement and how it will benefit the parties involved
  • Negotiate the terms and conditions of the agreement and ensure both parties are satisfied
  • Review any existing agreements that need to be incorporated into the alliance agreement
  • Draft the alliance agreement and review it with all parties involved
  • When all parties are satisfied with the terms and conditions of the agreement, proceed to the next step.

Reaching a consensus on the terms of the agreement

  • Brainstorm potential terms for the agreement
  • Discuss and review each term in detail
  • Seek feedback from outside parties as needed
  • Narrow down and finalize the terms
  • Make sure that all parties involved agree to the terms
  • Document the agreed-upon terms
  • Once all parties have agreed to the terms, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Drafting and signing the alliance agreement

  • Work with a lawyer to draft a formal written agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the alliance.
  • Include the names of the parties involved, the purpose of the agreement, the duration of the agreement, the roles and responsibilities of each party, the financial aspects, the dispute resolution process, and any other relevant information.
  • Have each party review and sign the agreement.
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the signed agreement.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step once all parties have reviewed and signed the agreement, and each party has a copy of the signed agreement.

Drafting the agreement

  • Identify the key objectives of the alliance
  • Draft the basic parameters of the agreement
  • Outline the scope of the alliance
  • Specify the roles and responsibilities of each partner
  • Include provisions for allocating costs and resources
  • Establish provisions for allocating profits and losses
  • Set a timeline for the alliance
  • Include clauses for dispute resolution and termination
  • Include any additional provisions necessary for the alliance

When you have completed these steps, you will have a complete draft of the alliance agreement. You can then move on to the next step - reviewing the agreement.

Reviewing the agreement

  • Carefully read through the entire agreement to make sure it accurately captures the alliance’s purpose, terms, and conditions
  • Have each party review the agreement and make any suggestions or changes
  • Make sure that any suggested changes are agreed upon by both parties
  • When all suggested changes are agreed upon, the agreement is ready to proceed to the next step

Obtaining sign-off from all parties

  • Ensure that all parties involved in the alliance agreement understand the terms and conditions and are willing to sign-off on them.
  • Arrange a meeting with all parties to discuss the agreement and any questions they may have.
  • Have all parties sign the agreement.
  • Ensure that all signatures are witnessed.
  • File a copy of the agreement in a safe place.
  • Check off this step when all parties have signed the agreement and it is filed in a safe place.

Implementing and monitoring the alliance agreement

  • Ensure all parties involved have signed and agreed to the alliance agreement
  • Create a tracking system to monitor the implementation of the alliance agreement
  • Set up regular meetings and check-ins with all parties to review progress and ensure that all commitments are being met
  • Resolve any disputes, issues or changes in the agreement in a timely manner
  • Track all activities and changes related to the alliance agreement
  • Document all progress and ensure that all parties are on the same page
  • Regularly review and update the alliance agreement to ensure it is up to date
  • Monitor the success of the alliance agreement and make necessary adjustments as needed

Once all of the above steps have been taken, you can move on to the next step, which is Establishing a timeline for implementation.

Establishing a timeline for implementation

  • Determine the duration of the agreement and create a timeline for the implementation of the alliance agreement.
  • Establish effective milestones that both parties can track and review.
  • Include specific dates for meetings and deadlines to review progress, assess performance, and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Ensure that both sides agree to the timeline and have a full understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
  • Check off this step when both parties have agreed to the timeline and are ready to implement the alliance agreement.

Defining roles and responsibilities of each partner

  • Establish which partner is responsible for each of the tasks and objectives outlined in the timeline
  • Make sure that each partner is aware of what is expected of them
  • Determine how the partnership will handle any unforeseen circumstances
  • Agree on a plan to resolve any disputes or disagreements that arise
  • Outline the expectations for communication between partners
  • Document the roles and responsibilities of each partner in the alliance agreement
  • When all of the above has been agreed upon and documented, you can move on to the next step.

Creating mechanisms for monitoring progress and compliance

  • Identify and document the performance measures that will be used to assess progress and compliance
  • Develop a system for tracking progress and compliance using the performance measures identified
  • Agree on a method for reporting progress and compliance
  • Determine the frequency for reporting progress and compliance
  • Establish a process for resolving any disputes regarding progress and compliance
  • Agree on a timeline for evaluating the success of the alliance

Once you have identified and documented the performance measures, developed a system for tracking, agreed on a method for reporting, determined the frequency for reporting, established a process for resolving disputes, and agreed on a timeline for evaluating the success of the alliance, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Evaluating the success of the alliance agreement

  • Define the metrics used to measure success for both parties in the alliance agreement.
  • Establish a timeline for regularly evaluating the success of the alliance agreement.
  • Set up processes for tracking the performance of both parties in the agreement.
  • Document successes and areas of improvement.
  • When possible, use quantitative data and metrics to measure progress.
  • Check off this step when you have established a plan for evaluating the success of the agreement and have documented successes and areas of improvement.

Setting performance metrics

  • Decide on the metrics you will use to measure the success of the alliance agreement.
  • These metrics should be closely related to the goals of the alliance and should be measurable and quantifiable.
  • Consider metrics that measure the total revenue generated by the alliance, the total number of customers, the customer satisfaction rate, the overall profitability of the alliance, and any other relevant metrics.
  • Once you have identified the metrics, create a timeline for tracking and measuring performance against these metrics.
  • Make sure to include milestones or benchmarks to help you measure progress.
  • When you have established the timeline and performance metrics, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Tracking progress against metrics

  • Set up regular review meetings with stakeholders from both parties to track progress against metrics
  • Analyze data and track progress regularly to ensure targets are being met
  • Document any changes that need to be made to ensure continued success
  • Adjust metrics and targets where appropriate
  • Celebrate successes and successes to motivate and engage the team
  • When all metrics have been successfully met, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of conducting a post-alliance assessment.

Conducting a post-alliance assessment

  • Analyze and review the alliance performance metrics to determine if they were achieved
  • Identify any areas that need improvement or changes
  • Discuss any discrepancies or issues with the alliance partner
  • Develop an action plan to address any issues
  • Document any changes or improvements that need to be made
  • Agree on a timeline for implementing any improvements
  • When you have identified and addressed any issues, you can proceed to the next step.


Q: What considerations should I take when structuring an alliance agreement?

Asked by Alice on 16th January 2022.
A: When structuring an alliance agreement, it is important to consider the scope of the agreement, the risks involved, the responsibilities and roles of each party, any potential exit strategies, and the legal jurisdiction of the agreement. It is also important to consider any legal implications in terms of what is or isn’t allowed under the law of the relevant jurisdiction. For example, in some jurisdictions agreements cannot be struck between two parties if they involve a certain type of trade or transaction. Additionally, you should ensure that you are aware of any industry-specific regulations or requirements which could impact how you structure your alliance agreement.

Q: What are the potential consequences if an alliance agreement is not properly structured?

Asked by David on 21st April 2022.
A: If an alliance agreement is not properly structured, there is a risk that one or both parties may not receive the intended benefits from the agreement, or that one party may be unaware of the full scope and implications of their involvement in the agreement. Additionally, if an alliance agreement does not adequately cover legal requirements for operating within a particular jurisdiction, then both parties may be exposed to legal risks and liabilities. In some cases, a poorly structured alliance agreement could also have financial implications such as additional costs for renegotiating terms or rectifying errors.

Q: Are there any specific rules for structuring an alliance agreement in a SaaS business model?

Asked by Sarah on 25th June 2022.
A: When structuring an alliance agreement within a SaaS business model, it is important to consider specific elements such as the pricing structure, the service level agreement (SLA), data security and privacy regulations (e.g GDPR), and any potential intellectual property rights issues. Additionally, due to the nature of SaaS models it can be important to consider exit strategies should either party want to terminate their involvement in the agreement at any point in time. It is also important to ensure that all parties are aware of their respective responsibilities and roles within the agreement, as well as any relevant legal requirements for operating within the relevant jurisdiction.

Q: How can I ensure my alliance agreement is legally enforceable?

Asked by Robert on 11th October 2022.
A: To ensure your alliance agreement is legally enforceable it is important to ensure that all parties involved have provided written consent and accepted all terms and conditions of the agreement. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all parties are aware of their respective responsibilities and roles within the agreement and that all relevant legal requirements for operating within the relevant jurisdiction have been met. In some cases it can also be beneficial to seek legal advice on structuring an enforceable alliance agreement which meets all relevant regulatory requirements and ensures that both parties are adequately protected under law should any disputes arise in future.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Involving Alliance Agreements

  • The plaintiff may have evidence of a breach of contract in the alliance agreement. This could involve the defendant not fulfilling their obligations according to the terms of the agreement, or failing to provide services as outlined in the agreement.
  • If the alliance agreement is in writing, then the plaintiff may be able to use the written document to prove that the defendant failed to adhere to the terms.
  • The plaintiff may be able to prove that there was an implied agreement between the parties that was violated. This is a situation where the parties had a mutual understanding that certain behavior was expected, even though it was not written down in a contract.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to prove that the defendant acted negligently in their business practices, which caused harm to the plaintiff.
  • If the plaintiff is able to prove that the alliance agreement was breached, then they may be able to recover damages. These damages could include compensation for any economic losses incurred, restitution for services that were not provided, and punitive damages which are intended to punish the defendant for their actions.
  • Settlement may also be possible, where the defendant agrees to pay a certain amount of money in exchange for the plaintiff dropping the lawsuit.
  • In order to win a lawsuit involving an alliance agreement, the plaintiff needs to prove that the defendant violated the agreement in some way, and that the violation caused some form of harm or loss to the plaintiff.

Templates available (free to use)

Strategic Alliance Agreement

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