Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Streamline Your RFI Process

9 Jun 2023
28 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Making informed decisions about procurement is essential for any business. A crucial element of this process is the Request for Information (RFI) process, which can play a major role in the success or failure of a project. In order to streamline this complex and expensive procedure, Genie AI - the world’s largest open source legal template library - provides high quality legal document templates that can be customised without having to pay a lawyer.

The RFI process enables businesses to assess potential suppliers’ suitability by taking into account their capabilities, pricing and delivery timescales - helping them ensure they get value for money and make better procurement decisions. For potential suppliers, it helps them understand the specific requirements of a project and tailor their solutions accordingly; giving them an edge over rivals when it comes to winning customers.

At Genie AI, our team has created millions of datapoints that teach our AI what a market-standard RFI should look like. This means anyone can draft quality documents without needing to have any specialist knowledge themselves - all you need is access to our community template library.

By streamlining the RFI process businesses not only save time but also money; whilst making sure they get the best possible solution for their project. But achieving this depends on having enough understanding about how different suppliers may meet your needs, as well as reliable information about prices and timescales; which is why we’re committed to providing free guidance on how best to approach each part of the RFI procedure as well as access to our template library today. So if you’re looking for more information on streamlining your next procurement project then read on below…


RFI Process: A process used to request information from suppliers, including a description of the desired outcome, timeline, and budget.
Scope: The range of activities and requirements to be included in the process.
Timeline: A schedule of milestones and deadlines to be met in order to complete the process.
Evaluation Plan: A plan outlining how the responses to the RFI will be assessed.
Key Stakeholders: Individuals or teams who have an interest in the RFI process.
Target Outcomes: The desired outcome of the RFI process.
Criteria for Success: Standards used to assess the success of the RFI process.
Potential Suppliers: Companies or organizations that could provide the services or products requested.
Supplier Capabilities: The experience and expertise of the suppliers.
Supplier Performance: The history of the suppliers in relation to the products or services requested.
Purpose: The reason for the RFI process.
Questions: Statements used to gather information from suppliers.
Pros and Cons: The advantages and disadvantages of each option.
Costs and Benefits: The financial and non-financial impacts of each option.
Impact on Stakeholders: The effect of the decision on the individuals or teams involved.
Timeline: A schedule of milestones and deadlines to be met in order to complete the process.
Tracking Mechanism: A system for monitoring the progress of the process.
Resources: Personnel and materials needed to support the tracking system.
Technology: Tools and systems used to automate and streamline the process.
Metrics: Standards used to measure performance.
Feedback: Opinions and comments provided by stakeholders.
Results: The outcome of the RFI process.
Summary Report: A document outlining the process and results of the RFI process.
Archive: A secure system for storing documents for future reference.


  1. Defining the RFI Process
  2. Identify the goal
  3. Define the scope
  4. Establish a timeline
  5. Develop a plan for evaluation
  6. Establishing Goals and Objectives
  7. Identify key stakeholders
  8. Define target outcomes
  9. Establish criteria for success
  10. Choosing the Right Suppliers
  11. Identify potential suppliers
  12. Analyze supplier capabilities
  13. Assess supplier performance
  14. Creating Effective RFI Questions
  15. Clarify the purpose of the RFI
  16. Design questions that elicit useful responses
  17. Create questions that are specific and measurable
  18. Evaluating Responses
  19. Review and analyze responses
  20. Compare responses on the same criteria
  21. Evaluate responses against established criteria
  22. Making the Final Decision
  23. Consider the pros and cons of each supplier
  24. Compare the costs and benefits of each option
  25. Consider the impact of the decision on stakeholders
  26. Developing a System to Track and Monitor Progress
  27. Create a timeline for each phase of the RFI process
  28. Establish a tracking mechanism to monitor progress
  29. Identify resources and personnel needed to support the tracking system
  30. Leveraging Technology to Automate and Streamline the RFI Process
  31. Identify and select the appropriate technology for the task
  32. Assess the potential cost savings of automated solutions
  33. Develop a system for managing and tracking data
  34. Learning from Experience and Making Adjustments to Improve Performance
  35. Establish metrics to measure performance
  36. Track progress and identify areas for improvement
  37. Develop a plan to address areas of improvement
  38. Seeking Feedback from Stakeholders
  39. Identify stakeholders who should provide feedback
  40. Determine the best method for collecting feedback
  41. Analyze the feedback and use it to inform future decisions
  42. Reporting and Documenting Outcomes
  43. Document and store the results of the RFI process
  44. Create a summary report of the process and results
  45. Archive the report for future reference

Get started

Defining the RFI Process

  • List out the steps in the RFI process
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each team member
  • Establish a timeline for the RFI process
  • Set expectations for deliverables
  • Decide on a format to document and track the process
  • Create a document summarizing the process
  • Determine a quality assurance process to ensure accuracy
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have listed out the steps of the RFI process and determined the roles and responsibilities of each team member, timeline, expectations, format, and quality assurance process.

Identify the goal

  • Identify the purpose of the RFI process: What are you hoping to learn/gain/achieve?
  • Consider the customer’s perspective: What information do they need to make a decision?
  • Determine the most efficient way to gain the information: What method of communication will provide the best results?
  • Identify and define the timeline for completing the RFI process: How long do you have to get the information needed?
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved: Who is responsible for gathering and providing the information?
  • You will know you have successfully completed this step when you have a clear understanding of the purpose, timeline, and roles and responsibilities of the RFI process.

Define the scope

  • Clearly articulate the purpose of the RFI and identify all stakeholders involved
  • Gather any necessary information to determine the scope of the RFI and create a list of questions
  • Identify the criteria and metrics that will be used to evaluate responses
  • Establish the timeline for the RFI process, including when responses must be submitted and when decisions will be made
  • When you have gathered all necessary information and created a list of questions, you are ready to move on to establishing a timeline.

Establish a timeline

  • Set a timeline for the RFI process from beginning to end, including all necessary steps like gathering requirements, creating the RFI document, evaluating responses, and making a decision
  • Identify key milestones and checkpoints throughout the timeline and assign them to team members if necessary
  • Assign deadlines for each step in the process and make sure everyone is aware of them
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When you have established a timeline and all key milestones and checkpoints have been assigned to team members with accompanying deadlines.

Develop a plan for evaluation

  • Define criteria for evaluating RFIs
  • Create a scoring system for evaluating RFIs
  • Assign a team of evaluators to review RFIs
  • Create a timeline for the evaluation process
  • Establish a protocol for how the evaluation process should be handled
  • Determine a final decision-making process
  • Establish a timeline for when the final decision should be made
  • Once all of the evaluation criteria have been defined and the evaluation process is set up, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing Goals and Objectives

  • Clearly define the goals and objectives of the RFI process
  • Outline the desired outcomes of the process
  • Establish measurable criteria for evaluation
  • Determine timeline for completion of the process
  • Set a budget and timeline for the RFI process
  • When you have established and documented clear goals, objectives, criteria, timeline, and budget, you can move on to the next step.

Identify key stakeholders

  • Gather key stakeholders from all departments who will be involved in the RFI process
  • Determine who will be responsible for data collection, analysis, and reporting
  • Create a list of stakeholders and assign tasks to each
  • Set expectations for each stakeholder regarding duration and resources needed
  • Establish a timeline for completion of tasks

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all stakeholders have been identified, tasks assigned and expectations set.

Define target outcomes

  • Clearly identify the desired outcome of the RFI process
  • Outline the desired features, products, services and/or solutions
  • Articulate the desired timeline
  • Establish a budget
  • Set deliverable expectations
  • Identify any additional resources needed
  • Outline how success will be measured
  • Once these elements are in place and all stakeholders are in agreement, this step is complete and you can move on to the next.

Establish criteria for success

  • Determine what success looks like for the RFI process, including what specific criteria you’ll use to evaluate suppliers
  • Consider criteria such as supplier qualifications, experience, quality of product/service, customer service, turnaround time, cost, references and reliability
  • Identify which criteria are the most important, and create a scorecard to measure each potential supplier against the criteria
  • Have your team review and assess each potential supplier based on the criteria and scorecard
  • When all potential suppliers have been evaluated, you’ll know that you have successfully established criteria for success in your RFI process

Choosing the Right Suppliers

  • Compare potential suppliers against the criteria you have established for success
  • Identify the suppliers who best fit your criteria and have the potential to deliver the desired outcomes
  • Seek feedback from current and past customers on their experiences with each potential supplier
  • Research each supplier’s financial record to ensure they are financially stable
  • Consider the supplier’s ability to meet your timeline, budget and customer service needs
  • Check the supplier’s references and confirm their experience and qualifications

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have compared potential suppliers against the criteria you have established for success
  • When you have identified the suppliers who best fit your criteria and have the potential to deliver the desired outcomes
  • When you have sought feedback from current and past customers on their experiences with each potential supplier
  • When you have researched each supplier’s financial record to ensure they are financially stable
  • When you have considered the supplier’s ability to meet your timeline, budget and customer service needs
  • When you have checked the supplier’s references and confirmed their experience and qualifications

Identify potential suppliers

  • Brainstorm a list of potential suppliers who can meet your project requirements
  • Research suppliers online to determine if they offer the services needed
  • Contact potential suppliers to inquire about their services, availability, and pricing
  • Ask for references from suppliers, and contact references for feedback
  • Update your list of potential suppliers based on the research and feedback
  • When you have a complete list of potential suppliers who meet your requirements, you can move on to the next step of analyzing supplier capabilities.

Analyze supplier capabilities

  • Gather information on suppliers’ capabilities and capacity
  • Research their industry and customer reviews
  • Review the supplier’s financial documents to gauge stability and reliability
  • Evaluate the supplier’s delivery and quality control processes
  • Ensure the supplier meets all your compliance requirements
  • Check if the supplier has any certifications or awards
  • Confirm that the supplier can meet the terms of your proposed RFI

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have thoroughly evaluated each supplier’s capabilities and determined if they are suitable for your project.

Assess supplier performance

  • Collect feedback from previous projects
  • Ask customers to rate supplier performance on a scale
  • Assess supplier performance based on customer feedback
  • Review supplier’s past projects for quality and compliance
  • Consider past experiences with supplier
  • Note any risks related to supplier performance

Once you have collected feedback from previous projects, asked customers to rate supplier performance on a scale, assessed supplier performance based on customer feedback, reviewed supplier’s past projects for quality and compliance, considered past experiences with supplier, and noted any risks related to supplier performance, you can check this step off your list and move on to creating effective RFI questions.

Creating Effective RFI Questions

  • Ensure all RFI questions are clear and concise
  • Consider the resources and capabilities of your suppliers when crafting questions
  • Make sure the questions are relevant to the project and supplier capabilities
  • Ensure all questions are written in a neutral, unbiased manner
  • Make sure the questions are phrased in a way that allows suppliers to provide answers in a range of formats
  • Think about the information you really need and make sure the questions are focused on getting the answers you need
  • Review the RFI questions to make sure they are all necessary and that the answers you receive will be useful
  • Have a third party review the RFI questions for accuracy and clarity

When you have completed this step, you will have created effective RFI questions that are clear, concise and relevant to the project and supplier capabilities.

Clarify the purpose of the RFI

  • Determine the purpose of the RFI – what information are you looking to gain?
  • Make sure that you only ask questions relevant to the purpose of the RFI.
  • Brainstorm the types of data or answers you need from the RFI.
  • Once you have clarified the purpose of the RFI, you can create the questions that will help you gather the necessary information.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have clarified the purpose of the RFI.

Design questions that elicit useful responses

  • Research the subject of the RFI to get a better understanding of what is needed
  • Brainstorm possible questions to ask that will gather the information you need
  • Draft a list of questions that are specific, and will get the most relevant information for your purpose
  • Evaluate the questions you’ve drafted and make sure they are measurable
  • Prioritize the questions that are the most important for your RFI
  • Reach out to other stakeholders to get feedback on the questions you’ve drafted
  • Make revisions to the questions if necessary
  • Finalize the list of questions you will ask

You will know when you can check this step off your list when you have a finalized list of questions that are specific and measurable.

Create questions that are specific and measurable

  • Break down the question into simpler, more specific questions
  • Make sure the questions are worded in such a way that the responses can be objectively measured
  • Avoid using broad, open-ended questions that can lead to vague responses
  • Utilize a range of question types to capture data (e.g. yes/no, multiple choice, ranking, etc.)
  • Review the questions and ensure that they are clear and concise
  • Once the questions are finalized, you can move on to the next step of evaluating responses.

Evaluating Responses

  • Create a system for evaluating responses that you can implement with your team
  • Set criteria for what constitutes an acceptable response, and use it to grade the responses you receive
  • Follow up with vendors if their responses are inadequate or need clarification
  • Compare responses to determine which vendors best meet your needs
  • Once you’ve evaluated the responses and made your decision, check off this step and move on to reviewing and analyzing responses.

Review and analyze responses

  • Carefully read through each response and make notes of any questions you may have
  • Identify any standout responses that offer the most comprehensive answers
  • Highlight any areas where the answers differ significantly
  • Make sure to note any discrepancies or inconsistencies in the responses
  • Take the time to compare each response to the criteria you set in Step 2
  • Once you’ve analyzed all the responses, you can move on to Step 3 and compare responses on the same criteria.

Compare responses on the same criteria

  • Use a standard form to compare responses to each RFI, which should include criteria like delivery time, price, and quality
  • Create a scoring system for each criteria and assign a score for each response
  • Compare the scores across all responses to determine which one is the best fit for your needs
  • When you are done comparing all the responses, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

Evaluate responses against established criteria

  • Review responses against criteria established in the RFI process
  • Check off any responses that do not meet the criteria and discard
  • Analyze remaining responses to identify the most successful in meeting the criteria
  • Score remaining responses against the criteria
  • Sort responses by score and make a list
  • When all responses have been evaluated, you can move on to the next step: Making the Final Decision.

Making the Final Decision

  • Compare and contrast the responses from each supplier to determine which one best meets your requirements and needs
  • Analyze each supplier’s response against the criteria you established for the RFI
  • Consider the pros and cons of each supplier and their responses
  • Make a final decision and inform each supplier of your decision
  • Document your decision and the reasoning behind it
  • When you have made a final decision and informed each supplier, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Consider the pros and cons of each supplier

  • Identify the pros and cons of each supplier: consider factors such as quality, customer service, cost, and turnaround time.
  • Make a list of the pros and cons for each supplier and compare them.
  • Make a decision based on the pros and cons of each supplier.
  • Once you have made a decision on which supplier to go with, you can move on to the next step.

Compare the costs and benefits of each option

  • Examine the costs and benefits for each supplier, including the cost of goods, shipping, taxes, and any other associated costs
  • Compare the cost and benefit breakdowns between each supplier and make a note of any differences
  • Consider the impact of the cost and benefit differences on your bottom line
  • When you have a clear understanding of the cost and benefits associated with each supplier, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Consider the impact of the decision on stakeholders

  • Identify who will be impacted by each option and its decision
  • Assess the potential impact of each option on all stakeholders
  • Create a list of stakeholders and their respective needs
  • Evaluate the consequences of each decision on each stakeholder
  • Determine the most equitable and beneficial outcome to all stakeholders
  • Once you have considered the impact of the decision on stakeholders, you can move on to developing a system to track and monitor progress.

Developing a System to Track and Monitor Progress

  • Assign individual tasks within the RFI process to each stakeholder
  • Create a tracking system to monitor progress, such as a spreadsheet or project management software
  • Set up a system of check-ins and updates to ensure that tasks are completed on time
  • Monitor the progress of each task and provide feedback to stakeholders accordingly
  • Once the tracking system is established and all stakeholders have been assigned tasks, you will know that you have completed this step and can move on to the next one.

Create a timeline for each phase of the RFI process

  • Estimate the length of time for each phase of the RFI process, including research and analysis, evaluation, and negotiation.
  • Create a timeline for each phase, including start date, end date, and any milestones.
  • Identify any potential roadblocks or delays that could impact the timeline and adjust accordingly.
  • Once the timeline is complete, review it with stakeholders to ensure it is feasible, and make any necessary adjustments.
  • When the timeline is finalized, you can check it off your list and move onto the next step.

Establish a tracking mechanism to monitor progress

• Determine the best tracking system for your RFI process. Consider the type of data you need to track, the frequency of updates, and the resources required to maintain the system.
• Create a tracking form or spreadsheet to capture relevant information during the RFI process, such as the RFI request, the date it was received, the date it was responded to, and the outcome.
• Set up a process for regularly updating the tracking form or spreadsheet.
• Test the tracking system to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
• Once the tracking system is established and tested, use it consistently for all RFI requests.
• When all of the above steps have been completed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify resources and personnel needed to support the tracking system

  • Identify the personnel and resources necessary to support the tracking system you’ve established.
  • Make sure the personnel you’ve identified have the skills and abilities to support the tracking system.
  • Assign responsibilities for the tracking system to the personnel you’ve identified.
  • Ensure that the resources necessary to support the tracking system are available.
  • When you’ve taken these steps, you’ll know you can move to the next step.

Leveraging Technology to Automate and Streamline the RFI Process

  • Research and evaluate the different types of technology that are available to support the RFI process.
  • Consider the features and capabilities of each technology, and decide which one(s) will be the best fit for your needs.
  • Analyze the cost and complexity of the technology, and determine if it will be cost-effective for your organization.
  • Consider the user experience of the technology, and determine if it is intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Make sure the technology is compatible with existing systems and infrastructure.
  • Once you’ve identified and selected the appropriate technology, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify and select the appropriate technology for the task

  • Identify the areas of the RFI process where automation could be beneficial and how it could be implemented.
  • Research the available automated solutions and compare the features and capabilities of each to determine which is most suitable for the task.
  • Consider the scalability of the solution, as well as its potential to be integrated with other systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
  • Evaluate the cost of the software, the cost of implementation, and the ongoing maintenance costs.
  • When you have identified the appropriate technology for the task, you can check this step off your list and move on to assessing the potential cost savings of automated solutions.

Assess the potential cost savings of automated solutions

  • Research available options including software and hardware solutions to find the best cost savings
  • Compare the cost of automation to the cost of manual labor and processes
  • Consider the long-term cost savings of automation, such as maintenance and upgrades
  • Gather quotes and cost estimates from vendors to assess the potential cost savings
  • Once you have gathered the necessary information and quotes, you can make an informed decision about the cost savings of automated solutions

Once you have assessed the potential cost savings of automated solutions, you can move on to the next step of developing a system for managing and tracking data.

Develop a system for managing and tracking data

  • Determine the best software to manage and track data related to RFI requests
  • Research and evaluate various software options, and make a decision on which one to use
  • Set up the chosen software and configure it to meet the specific needs of the RFI process
  • Train any necessary staff on how to use the software
  • Establish a system for regularly updating and maintaining the software
  • Monitor the system for any issues or errors, and address them quickly
  • You can check this off your list when the software is set up, configured, and staff are properly trained on how to use it.

Learning from Experience and Making Adjustments to Improve Performance

  • Analyze the data collected from the previous step and identify areas of improvement
  • Create an action plan outlining the changes that need to be made
  • Implement the changes and monitor the progress of the RFI process
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the changes and make further adjustments if needed
  • When the RFI process is functioning efficiently, you can move on to the next step of establishing metrics to measure performance

Establish metrics to measure performance

  • Establish what data points need to be tracked to measure performance
  • Decide how frequently the data points should be collected
  • Determine how the data should be analyzed
  • Create reports to track progress and identify areas for improvement
  • Develop a system to monitor and report on the performance metrics
  • When all of the above is complete, you can move on to the next step in the RFI process.

Track progress and identify areas for improvement

  • Analyze the data collected from the metrics established in the previous step
  • Identify any areas where the performance of the RFI process is not meeting the desired standards
  • Create reports to document your findings and provide data-driven insights
  • Utilize the data and insights to identify opportunities for improvement
  • When you have identified areas of improvement, you can check this step off your list and move on to developing a plan to address them.

Develop a plan to address areas of improvement

  • Identify areas that need improvement based on the progress tracking from the previous step
  • Create a plan for each area that outlines the steps needed to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Include deadlines and assign tasks to team members in the plan
  • Make sure that any new processes are in line with the existing processes
  • Discuss the plan with stakeholders and get their feedback
  • Make adjustments based on the feedback
  • Test the plan to make sure it works in practice
  • Finalize the plan and set a timeline for implementation

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the plan has been finalized and stakeholders have agreed and provided feedback
  • When the plan has been tested and any necessary adjustments have been made
  • When the plan has been implemented and the timeline has been set

Seeking Feedback from Stakeholders

  • Determine the stakeholders who should provide feedback on the areas of improvement
  • Assign a point of contact to each stakeholder to collect and respond to feedback
  • Set a timeline for stakeholders to provide feedback
  • Track progress on feedback collection
  • When all stakeholders have provided feedback, move on to the next step

Identify stakeholders who should provide feedback

  • Brainstorm a list of stakeholders who should provide feedback on the RFI
  • Identify which stakeholders are critical to the success of the process
  • Reach out to each stakeholder to make sure they are available and willing to provide feedback
  • Document the stakeholders who have agreed to provide feedback
  • Check off this step when all stakeholders have been identified and have agreed to provide feedback.

Determine the best method for collecting feedback

  • Review the types of feedback that need to be collected (e.g., quantitative data, qualitative data, etc.)
  • Decide on the best method to collect the feedback (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
  • Create a timeline for when the feedback needs to be collected
  • Outline the responsibilities of stakeholders involved in the collection process
  • Test the feedback collection method to ensure it is working properly
  • Once the feedback collection method is tested and working properly, the step can be marked as complete and move onto the next step.

Analyze the feedback and use it to inform future decisions

  • Compare feedback from different sources (e.g. surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
  • Identify patterns and areas of agreement and disagreement
  • Use the information to make decisions about future RFI processes
  • Identify opportunities for improvement and streamlining the process
  • Create action plans for making any necessary changes
  • When all of the above steps have been completed, the feedback can be analyzed and used to inform future decisions.

Reporting and Documenting Outcomes

  • Create a report summarizing the results of the RFI process
  • Compile a document detailing the individual responses from all vendors
  • Document the decision-making process and reasoning for the final selection
  • Store all documents in the appropriate internal system
  • Ensure all documents are accessible to the relevant parties for future reference
  • Check off this step when all documentation is complete and stored in the appropriate system.

Document and store the results of the RFI process

  • Create a folder on your computer or in a shared drive to store all documents related to the RFI process
  • List the documents that need to be stored in the folder (e.g. RFI responses, supplier evaluations, internal analysis documents, etc.)
  • Scan, save, and store all the documents in the folder
  • Ensure that all documents are organized and easily accessible
  • Once everything is stored and organized, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Create a summary report of the process and results

  • Create a summary report of the RFI process and results
  • Include the purpose, process, results, and any recommendations that came out of the process
  • Ensure the report is concise and easy to understand
  • Share the report with the necessary stakeholders
  • Make sure the report is well-documented and easily accessible
  • Once the summary report is complete, archived, and shared, check off this step and move on to archiving the report for future reference.

Archive the report for future reference

  • Save the summary report to an accessible location, such as a shared network drive.
  • Make sure to include a descriptive name for the report, such as “RFI Process Report 2020.”
  • Ensure that the report is securely backed up in case of a system failure.
  • Once the report has been securely backed up, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Example dispute

Suing a Company for Unsolicited RFI

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing an rfi (Request for Information) if they believe that their rights have been violated by a company sending them an unsolicited rfi.
  • The plaintiff may cite the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) as the basis for their lawsuit, which states that it is illegal for companies to send out unsolicited rfi without the express written consent of the recipient.
  • The plaintiff may seek damages for the violations, which could include the return of any fees paid for the unsolicited rfi, as well as punitive damages.
  • The plaintiff may also seek an injunction to stop the company from sending out any more unsolicited rfis without the written consent of the recipient.
  • Settlement could be reached in the form of a monetary award, or the company may agree to cease sending out such unsolicited rfis.
  • Damages may be calculated based on the amount of money that the plaintiff has lost due to the unsolicited rfi, or based on the amount of emotional distress or inconvenience caused by the rfi.

Templates available (free to use)

Environmental Information Regulations Rfi Receipt Confirmation
Information Is Already Accessible Letter Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Charging Advance Fee Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Closing Request Following Non Payment Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Confirming Transfer Of Applicants Request Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Of Information Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Requesting Clarification From Applicant Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Stating Information Not Held Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Stating That Information Is Being Withheld Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter Stating That Some Information Is Being Withheld Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter To 3Rd Party Regarding Applicants Ico Request Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter To 3Rd Party Regarding Disclosure Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Letter To 3Rd Party Regarding Disclosures Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Payment Confirmation Environmental Information Regulations Rfi
Response Time Limit Extension Letter Environmental Information Regulations Rfi

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