Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Step-by-Step Guide to Drafting a Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement

23 Mar 2023
20 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to protecting the interests of shareholders, having a well-crafted Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement (RSPA) in place is essential. But what are the benefits of having a RSPA and how can you ensure that it’s correctly drafted? The Genie AI team, who provide free restricted stock purchase agreement templates for anyone to use, has put together this step-by-step guide to help you draft an effective RSPA.

A RSPA is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase of shares in a corporation. It typically includes the purchase price, the number of shares to be purchased, voting rights and dividend payments for shareholders, as well as other important details. Having a clear and enforceable RSPA can protect all parties involved in business ventures by ensuring that everyone’s rights are respected and their obligations are outlined. Additionally, it provides corporations with control over sale transactions while also limiting transfer of shares - all while providing potential tax benefits.

To create an effective agreement you should begin by defining which roles each party plays - i.e., buyer or seller - as well as outlining their respective rights and responsibilities under the agreement. You should also consider any legal restrictions concerning transfers or sales that may apply to your situation; these rules will likely vary depending on the type of share being sold or transferred so make sure to research them thoroughly before committing anything to writing. Additionally, you’ll want to include provisions regarding how dividends will be paid out/received among shareholders - important for ensuring fair distribution when profits come in! Finally, do not forget about taxes; include any relevant deductions or exemptions from taxation which could potentially benefit both parties involved in this transaction before signing off on your contract.

With this step-by-step guide you can easily create an effective Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement without needing any legal expertise or paying a lawyer! So why not take advantage today? Read on below for more information on how our template library can help you draft an airtight agreement – quickly and easily!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement: A written contract between a buyer and seller that establishes the terms and conditions of the transfer of stock between parties.

Parties: Individuals or entities involved in a legal agreement.

Restrictions: Limitations placed on a transaction or activity.

Vesting: The process by which an individual gains full ownership of something over a period of time.

Applicable Laws: Rules and regulations that are relevant to a specific situation.

Tax Implications: The impact of taxes on a transaction.

Drafting: The process of writing a legal document.

Negotiating: The process of discussing and agreeing on the terms of a legal agreement.

Executing: Formally signing a legal document in order to make it legally binding.

Registering: Filing a legal document with the appropriate agency in order to make it legally binding.

Filing Requirements: The necessary documents and procedures required to legally complete a transaction.


  • Understanding the basics of a restricted stock purchase agreement, including its purpose and components.
  • Identifying parties to the agreement, including the buyer and seller.
  • Outlining the restrictions on the stock, such as restrictions on transfer or sale.
  • Establishing the terms of the agreement, including the purchase price and conditions of vesting.
  • Determining applicable state and federal laws governing the agreement.
  • Researching applicable tax implications associated with the agreement.
  • Drafting the agreement document, including any additional terms and conditions.
  • Negotiating and executing the agreement.
  • Registering the agreement with the applicable state and/or federal agency.
  • Complying with related filing requirements.

Get started

Understanding the basics of a restricted stock purchase agreement, including its purpose and components.

  • Research what a restricted stock purchase agreement is and its purpose
  • Understand the different components of a restricted stock purchase agreement, such as the purchase price, vesting schedule, and terms of the agreement
  • Read through any relevant laws or regulations related to restricted stock purchase agreements
  • Read through sample agreements to get an understanding of what a restricted stock purchase agreement looks like

When you can check this off your list:

  • You have a comprehensive understanding of the basics of a restricted stock purchase agreement, its purpose, and its components.

Identifying parties to the agreement, including the buyer and seller.

  • Identify the buyer and seller of the stock, including full name and contact information.
  • Draft language that clearly states the buyer and seller agree to the terms of the agreement.
  • Make sure to include any relevant details of the buyer and seller, such as whether the buyer is a corporation or individual.
  • Sign and date the agreement to officially seal the deal.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: After all the relevant details of the buyer and seller have been identified and agreed to, the agreement is signed and dated.

Outlining the restrictions on the stock, such as restrictions on transfer or sale.

  • List out the restrictions on the stock, such as whether the stock is restricted, non-transferable, or subject to any other restrictions
  • Note any specific rules that may apply to the stock, such as how long the restrictions will remain in place
  • Include details on any restrictions on the sale or transfer of the stock
  • Include provisions on how the restrictions may be amended or terminated
  • Make sure the agreement clearly states the consequences for any violations of the restrictions
  • You will know you can move on to the next step when you have outlined all the restrictions on the stock and they are clearly stated in the agreement.

Establishing the terms of the agreement, including the purchase price and conditions of vesting.

  • Research applicable state and federal laws governing the agreement
  • Determine the terms of the agreement, including the purchase price and conditions of vesting
  • Draft document outlining the terms of the agreement
  • Obtain both parties’ signatures on the document
  • When both parties have signed the document, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Determining applicable state and federal laws governing the agreement.

• Research your state and federal laws and regulations to ensure compliance with the agreement.
• Check the most recent version of the applicable laws and regulations.
• Consult with a lawyer to understand and verify the applicable laws and regulations.
• Make any necessary changes to the agreement to ensure compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
• Once all applicable laws and regulations are taken into consideration, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Researching applicable tax implications associated with the agreement.

  • Research and understand applicable tax laws, regulations, and policies related to the agreement.
  • Speak with a qualified tax professional to ensure all tax implications are taken into account.
  • Make note of any tax implications that must be included in the agreement.
  • Once all tax implications are taken into account and documented, the step is completed.

Drafting the agreement document, including any additional terms and conditions.

  • Obtain basic information from both parties, including name, address, and contact information
  • Draft the agreement document, including any additional terms and conditions as agreed upon by both parties
  • Make sure to include all relevant information, such as the number of shares to be purchased, the purchase price, and any applicable restrictions
  • Have both parties review the agreement and make any necessary changes or revisions
  • Obtain signatures from both parties

Once all of these steps have been completed, the agreement document should be finalized and ready to be executed.

Negotiating and executing the agreement.

  • Review the agreement document with both parties and make sure everyone is in agreement with its contents.
  • Ensure that both parties sign the agreement document and any additional terms and conditions.
  • Obtain any necessary approvals from relevant personnel or governing bodies.
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer.
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement and any additional terms and conditions, and all necessary approvals have been obtained, the agreement is ready to be registered with the applicable state and/or federal agency.

Registering the agreement with the applicable state and/or federal agency.

  • Research the applicable filing requirements for the agreement based on the state and/or federal agency it must be registered with.
  • Obtain the appropriate forms and documents needed to register the agreement.
  • Complete the forms and documents with the necessary information.
  • Submit the forms and documents to the applicable state and/or federal agency.
  • Monitor the registration process to ensure it is completed correctly and on time.
  • Once the registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation from the applicable state and/or federal agency.
  • After receiving the confirmation, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Complying with related filing requirements.

  • Understand the regulations set forth by the applicable state and federal agency for filing a restricted stock purchase agreement.
  • Gather pertinent documents and information needed to file, such as copies of the agreement and the company’s financial statements.
  • File the agreement with the applicable state and/or federal agency.
  • Receive confirmation of the filing within the required timeframe.
  • Ensure that the filing is in compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • Pay any applicable filing fees.
  • Keep a copy of the agreement and the confirmation of filing in a secure place.

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have received confirmation of the filing and paid any applicable filing fees.


Q: How do I protect my interests in a restricted stock purchase agreement?

Asked by Ashley on March 28th, 2022.
A: When drafting a restricted stock purchase agreement, it is important to take steps to protect your interests. Consider including clauses that contain non-competition agreements, restrictions on how and when stock may be sold, and provisions that allow you to terminate the agreement if certain conditions are not met. Additionally, it is important to ensure the agreement complies with all applicable laws, including any securities regulations that may apply in the jurisdiction where the agreement will be enforced.

Q: Does a restricted stock purchase agreement need to be filed with the government?

Asked by Robert on April 23rd, 2022.
A: It depends on the jurisdiction in which you are operating. In some countries, such as the United States, a restricted stock purchase agreement must be filed with the relevant securities regulator in order to be legally binding. In other jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and European Union, it is not necessary to file the agreement with a government body in order for it to be valid. However, it is always recommended to seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer in order to ensure that all necessary steps are taken for compliance with applicable laws.

Q: What happens if I violate the terms of a restricted stock purchase agreement?

Asked by Jessica on June 18th, 2022.
A: If you violate the terms of a restricted stock purchase agreement, you may be liable for damages under contract law. Depending on the specific terms of the agreement, this could include financial penalties or even criminal liability for certain types of violations. It is important to take all necessary steps to ensure you comply with any restrictions or conditions outlined in the agreement in order to avoid any potential legal repercussions.

Q: What are some of the most common provisions included in a restricted stock purchase agreement?

Asked by John on August 5th, 2022.
A: The most common provisions included in restricted stock purchase agreements are restrictions on when and how stock can be sold or transferred; non-compete agreements; rights of first refusal; and termination clauses which allow either party to terminate the agreement under specified conditions. Depending on your particular needs, additional provisions can be added such as vesting schedules or share dilution agreements. It is important to discuss these provisions with a qualified lawyer before entering into any agreement so that you can ensure all your interests are protected.

Q: What is a non-compete clause?

Asked by Ryan on October 14th, 2022.
A: A non-compete clause is a type of provision which prohibits one party from engaging in certain activities which could compete with another party’s business interests or activities. For example, if Company A is selling its shares to Company B through a restricted stock purchase agreement, Company A may include a non-compete clause which prevents Company B from engaging in any other businesses which could compete with Company A’s products or services for a specified period of time after the sale of shares has been completed.

Q: Can I negotiate changes to a restricted stock purchase agreement?

Asked by Matthew on December 29th, 2022.
A: Yes - many aspects of a restricted stock purchase agreement can be negotiated between parties before they enter into an agreement. It is important to note that changes should only be made after careful consideration and consultation with qualified legal counsel so that you can ensure all parties involved have their interests adequately protected and that all applicable laws are complied with.

Q: Are there different types of restricted stock purchase agreements?

Asked by Emma on February 12th, 2022.
A: Yes - there are different types of restricted stock purchase agreements depending on the jurisdiction and purpose for which they are used. For example, certain jurisdictions may require certain additional clauses or provisions depending on whether you are buying or selling shares or engaging in other activities related to securities transactions such as venture capital investments or private placements of securities. Additionally, different types of businesses may require different types of agreements due to their particular needs. It is important to discuss your particular situation with qualified legal counsel before entering into any type of restricted stock purchase agreement so that all parties involved can have their interests adequately protected and all applicable laws complied with.

Q: What happens if I breach my obligations under a restricted stock purchase agreement?

Asked by Jacob on April 28th, 2022.
A: If you breach your obligations under a restricted stock purchase agreement, you may be liable for damages under contract law depending on your particular situation and the specific terms of the agreement. This could include financial penalties or even criminal liability for certain types of violations such as insider trading or market manipulation. Additionally, it is important to note that any breach could also impact your ability to negotiate future transactions involving securities transactions since they involve fiduciary duties and obligations which must be taken seriously by all parties involved in order for them to remain legally binding and enforceable contracts.

Example dispute

Suing a Company Over a Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement

  • Plaintiff must prove that the company violated the terms of the agreement, such as not following the restrictions on transferability, or not providing proper disclosure of material facts.
  • Plaintiff must show that the violation of the agreement caused them damages in some form, such as lost profits, lost opportunities, or increased expenses.
  • Plaintiff can seek damages, either through a monetary settlement from the company or through an injunction requiring the company to abide by the terms of the agreement.
  • Plaintiff can also seek punitive damages, which are designed to punish the company for their actions.
  • Plaintiff must also prove that they have a valid claim for breach of contract, as the agreement would be considered a contract between the plaintiff and the company.
  • Plaintiff should have evidence, such as emails, contracts, or other documents, to back up their claim.
  • Settlement could be reached through mediation or arbitration, if the parties are willing to come to an agreement.
  • If the case goes to court, the judge or jury would determine the amount of damages to award, either in the form of money or an injunction.

Templates available (free to use)

Restricted Stock Agreement
Restricted Stock Plan
Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement
Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement

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