Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Step-by-Step Guide to Drafting a Forward Purchase Agreement

23 Mar 2023
27 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Forward purchase agreements are an important tool for businesses of all sizes and industries, offering long-term cost savings, risk management, and planning. By executing a forward purchase agreement, parties can fix the prices on goods or services to be purchased in the future; providing significant benefits when it comes to cost savings, risk management and long-term strategic planning. The Genie AI team believes that forward purchase agreements are an invaluable tool for any business looking to make investments or secure supplies of materials in the future.

So what makes a forward purchase agreement such a valuable asset? Firstly, if you successfully negotiate a forward purchase agreement then you’re essentially locking in the price of whatever you’re buying at an agreed rate - meaning that your costs won’t be affected by any market fluctuations or inflation. This is particularly beneficial for businesses expecting to make large investments - like purchasing new equipment or materials - since it gives them security over their budgeting and expenditure.

Another key benefit of using a forward purchase agreement is that it can help companies manage risk; allowing them to protect their bottom line from unexpected changes in market prices. Finally, these types of contracts give companies more control over their strategic planning; as they provide certainty about how much money will need to be available when the time comes for whatever has been agreed upon to be purchased.

At Genie AI we understand how important forward purchase agreements can be for businesses; which is why our team have created an open source legal template library filled with millions of datapoints teaching our AI what a market-standard agreement looks like. With our community template library anyone can draft and customize high quality legal documents without having to pay out expensive lawyer fees – giving both small businesses and large organizations access to top quality contract advice regardless of budget!

So if you’re interested in learning more about drafting effective forward purchase agreements then read on below for our step-by-step guide – plus information on how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Agreement: A legally binding contract between two or more parties.
Purpose: The goal or intention of something.
Terms: Conditions or provisions that are agreed upon as part of a contract or agreement.
Legal Authorities: Laws or regulations that must be followed in order to ensure a contract or agreement is legally binding.
Draft: To create a document, usually a contract, that is ready to be signed.
Negotiate: To discuss something in order to reach an agreement.
Binding: A legally enforceable contract.
Risk Factors: Potential risks associated with a contract or agreement.
Approvals: Permission or authorization to proceed with something.
Execute: To sign and make a document official.
Documentation: Official written records.


  • Outline the Purpose of the Agreement
  • Explain why a forward purchase agreement is being drafted, what parties are involved, and what the agreement will cover.
  • Identify the Terms
  • Determine the terms of the agreement, including the purchase price, payment terms, delivery date, and any other relevant details.
  • Research Legal Authorities
  • Research the applicable laws and regulations that will govern the agreement, and determine whether the agreement is legally binding.
  • Draft the Agreement
  • Draft the agreement in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and the details outlined in the previous steps.
  • Review and Negotiate
  • Review the agreement and negotiate any necessary changes with the other party.
  • Establish a Binding Agreement
  • Discuss the legal authority and enforceability of the agreement, and describe the remedies available if one of the parties fails to fulfill their obligations.
  • Discuss the Risk Factors
  • Identify any potential risks associated with the agreement and discuss how they can be managed or avoided.
  • Obtain Necessary Approvals
  • Obtain any necessary approvals from the relevant stakeholders and regulators.
  • Finalize and Execute the Agreement
  • Review the agreement to ensure it is comprehensive and accurate, and then have both parties sign it to make it legally binding.
  • File and Store Documentation
  • File and store the agreement and any related documents in a secure location for future reference.

Get started

Outline the Purpose of the Agreement

  • Identify the purpose of the forward purchase agreement
  • Determine which parties are involved
  • List out what the agreement will cover
  • Note any specific requirements that must be met
  • Check off this step once you have a clear understanding of the purpose of the forward purchase agreement and the parties and items involved

Explain why a forward purchase agreement is being drafted, what parties are involved, and what the agreement will cover.

  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement, their roles, and their objectives.
  • Explain the purpose of the agreement in clear language, stating why the parties are entering into this agreement.
  • Outline the terms of the agreement, including the rights and obligations of each party and the process for resolving disputes.
  • Describe the goods, services, or other items that are the subject of the agreement, including any special conditions or restrictions.

When you have completed this step, you should have a clear understanding of why the agreement is being drafted, what the parties involved are looking to achieve, and what the agreement will cover. This will be the basis for the rest of the drafting process.

Identify the Terms

  • Consult the agreement’s parties to determine the terms of the agreement, including the purchase price, payment terms, delivery date, and any other relevant details
  • Collaborate with legal counsel to ensure that all terms and conditions are addressed, and that the agreement is legally binding
  • Draft the agreement, incorporating all relevant terms, and ensure that it is signed by all relevant parties
  • Review the agreement with all parties involved, and answer any questions they may have
  • File the agreement and all relevant documents in a secure place
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determine the terms of the agreement, including the purchase price, payment terms, delivery date, and any other relevant details.

  • Research the relevant legal authorities to ensure you’re aware of all applicable laws and regulations
  • Draft the purchase price, payment terms, delivery date, and any other relevant details
  • Get agreement from all parties involved on the terms of the agreement
  • Document the terms in a legally binding contract
  • When the terms of the agreement have been finalized and all parties have agreed, you can move on to the next step.

Research Legal Authorities

  • Review the applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where the agreement is being formed
  • Consult with an attorney to make sure that the agreement is compliant with all relevant legal requirements
  • Research any court cases or other legal precedents that may be relevant to the agreement
  • Research industry standards and best practices related to forward purchase agreements
  • When you have a thorough understanding of the applicable legal requirements and can confirm that the agreement will comply with them, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Research the applicable laws and regulations that will govern the agreement, and determine whether the agreement is legally binding.

  • Investigate the relevant legal and regulatory framework to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Consult with an attorney to determine the enforceability of the agreement
  • Identify any potential areas of conflict and make necessary modifications to the agreement
  • Evaluate the terms of the agreement in consideration of the relevant legal and regulatory framework
  • Once you have researched and determined the applicable laws and regulations that will govern the agreement, and have determined the enforceability of the agreement, you can proceed to the next step.

Draft the Agreement

• Gather the relevant information and documents needed to draft the agreement, such as the contract, any applicable laws and regulations, and the details outlined in the previous steps.
• Develop the agreement structure and terms, taking into account the applicable laws and regulations, and the details outlined in the previous steps.
• Draft the agreement in writing, following the agreement structure and terms developed.
• Review the agreement and make any necessary revisions.
• Check for accuracy and completeness of the agreement.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
• When the agreement is drafted in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and the details outlined in the previous steps.
• When the agreement has been reviewed and any necessary revisions have been made.
• When the agreement has been checked for accuracy and completeness.

Draft the agreement in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and the details outlined in the previous steps.

  • Review the applicable legal requirements for a forward purchase agreement in your jurisdiction
  • Make sure the agreement meets the legal requirements of your jurisdiction
  • Draft the agreement according to the details outlined in the previous step
  • Include all necessary clauses and details in the agreement
  • Ensure the agreement is fair and equitable to both parties
  • Include all the details of the forward purchase agreement
  • Double check the agreement to make sure all information is correct
  • When you’re done drafting the agreement, you’re ready to move on to the next step of review and negotiation.

Review and Negotiate

• Carefully read the agreement to ensure that all the details are correct and that any changes that have been requested by the other party have been incorporated.
• Negotiate any necessary changes to the agreement with the other party.
• Confirm the agreement and any changes with the other party.
• Once all parties have agreed on the terms and conditions of the agreement, it can be signed and put into effect.
• You can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Review the agreement and negotiate any necessary changes with the other party.

  • Assess the agreement and determine if any changes need to be made
  • Make note of all questions, comments, and changes that you have
  • Discuss changes and concerns with the other party
  • Negotiate any changes to the agreement and reach an agreement on the final document
  • When both parties have agreed to the terms of the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Establish a Binding Agreement

  • Draft the agreement with the key elements of the deal, including the parties involved, the terms of the agreement, and the remedies for breach of contract
  • Make sure that the agreement is binding and enforceable and does not contain any loopholes, ambiguities, or other inconsistencies
  • Have the agreement reviewed and approved by a lawyer to verify that it is legally sound
  • Have both parties sign the agreement and have it notarized or witnessed as necessary
  • Keep a signed copy of the agreement for your records

Once the agreement is signed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of discussing the legal authority and enforceability of the agreement, and describing the remedies available if one of the parties fails to fulfill their obligations.

Discuss the legal authority and enforceability of the agreement, and describe the remedies available if one of the parties fails to fulfill their obligations.

  • Research applicable laws that will affect the agreement and discuss them with your legal counsel.
  • Make sure to consider any state laws that may be applicable, as well as any federal laws.
  • Outline any remedies available to the parties if one fails to fulfill their obligations.
  • Incorporate any applicable remedies into the agreement.
  • Make sure to discuss the enforceability of the agreement with your legal counsel.

You’ll know you can check this step off your list when you have researched applicable laws and discussed them with your legal counsel, outlined any remedies available to the parties if one fails to fulfill their obligations, and incorporated any applicable remedies into the agreement. You should also have discussed the enforceability of the agreement with your legal counsel.

Discuss the Risk Factors

  • Analyse the agreement from both parties’ perspectives to identify any potential risks that could arise
  • Consider any external factors that could affect the agreement, such as changes in the law, tax regulations, or market conditions
  • Discuss the risks and identify effective mitigation strategies to limit the potential impacts of any identified risks
  • Consider any potential risks that could arise if one of the parties fails to fulfill their obligations
  • Document any identified risks and mitigation strategies within the agreement
  • When you’ve identified and addressed all potential risks, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Identify any potential risks associated with the agreement and discuss how they can be managed or avoided.

• Evaluate all the risks associated with the agreement, such as legal, financial, and reputational risks.
• Consider the potential impact of the agreement on both parties’ operations and long-term goals.
• Analyze the potential risks and identify possible strategies to manage or avoid them.
• Discuss possible solutions with all parties involved and be sure to obtain their agreement.
• Document any possible risks and their management or avoidance strategies in the agreement.

Once all risks associated with the agreement have been identified and discussed, you can move on to the next step of obtaining necessary approvals.

Obtain Necessary Approvals

  • Check who the relevant stakeholders and regulators are and make sure you have approval from each of them.
  • Confirm the approval is in writing and is recorded in the agreement.
  • Ensure that any applicable laws and regulations are being adhered to in order to gain approval.
  • Review the agreement with an attorney to ensure it is legally sound.
  • When all necessary approvals are obtained, the agreement can be sent to the buyer/seller for signing.
  • Once the agreement is signed by all parties, the forward purchase agreement is complete and can be finalized.

Obtain any necessary approvals from the relevant stakeholders and regulators.

  • Identify all stakeholders and necessary regulatory bodies that need to be consulted.
  • Draft the agreement and submit it to the relevant stakeholders for review.
  • Gather any feedback or comments from stakeholders and incorporate into the agreement.
  • Submit the agreement to all necessary regulatory bodies for approval.
  • Follow up with each body for a response.

Once all necessary stakeholders and regulatory bodies have approved the agreement and no further changes are necessary, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Finalize and Execute the Agreement

  • Go through the agreement as a whole, ensuring that all the details are correct
  • Have the parties sign the agreement in front of witnesses
  • Make sure to keep a copy of the signed agreement
  • Check off this step from your list and proceed to review the agreement to ensure it is comprehensive and accurate, and then have both parties sign it to make it legally binding.

Review the agreement to ensure it is comprehensive and accurate, and then have both parties sign it to make it legally binding.

  • Review the agreement to ensure it is comprehensive, accurate and meets all legal requirements
  • Have both parties sign the agreement to make it legally binding
  • Ensure that the agreement has been properly notarized (if applicable)
  • Make copies of the agreement to distribute to all parties involved
  • Check that all parties have received the agreement
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, the forward purchase agreement is complete
  • File and store all documentation related to the agreement in a safe, secure location
  • Check off this step from your list and move on to the next step in the guide

File and Store Documentation

  • Create a secure storage location for all documents related to the Forward Purchase Agreement.
  • Place all signed copies of the agreement along with any additional supporting documents in the secure storage location.
  • Make sure all documents are properly labeled and organized for easy reference.
  • Document the location of the documents and make sure all parties with access to the documents are aware of that location.

You’ll know you can check off this step and move on to the next when all documents related to the agreement have been successfully filed and stored in a secure location.

File and store the agreement and any related documents in a secure location for future reference.

  • Create a folder to store the agreement and any related documents.
  • Copy the agreement and any related documents and place them in the folder.
  • Store the folder in a secure location.
  • Check to make sure that the documents have been securely stored and the folder is accessible to anyone who needs to access it.
  • Once the documents have been securely stored, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: Are forward purchase agreements common in the UK?

Asked by Abigail on April 28th, 2022.
A: Forward purchase agreements are quite common in the UK, especially in the financial and real estate industries. They are used to secure a purchase of goods or services at a set price and date in the future, providing a hedge against rising prices. This type of agreement is often used when businesses need to secure a certain amount of goods or services but don’t have the funds to pay for them upfront.

Q: What are the differences between a forward purchase agreement and a spot contract?

Asked by Matthew on October 8th, 2022.
A: A forward purchase agreement is an agreement between two parties to purchase a set amount of goods or services at a fixed price at some point in the future, typically within one year. Spot contracts, on the other hand, involve buying and selling goods or services immediately at the current market price. The advantage of a forward purchase agreement is that it allows parties to lock in prices for future purchases, providing protection against potential price increases over time.

Q: Is there any specific legislation related to forward purchase agreements?

Asked by Sarah on February 3rd, 2022.
A: Yes, there are various laws related to forward purchase agreements that vary depending on jurisdiction. In the UK, there are specific regulations governing these agreements under The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, while in the EU they are governed by the Consumer Rights Directive 2011/83/EU. It is important to familiarise yourself with relevant legislation before entering into any agreement.

Q: How can I negotiate better terms for my forward purchase agreement?

Asked by Noah on July 15th, 2022.
A: Negotiating better terms for your forward purchase agreement largely depends on your knowledge of the market and how well you can negotiate with the other party involved. It is important to be clear about what you want from an agreement and to be willing to negotiate in order to get it. Consider factors such as payment terms, delivery timescales and flexibility around quantity purchased in order to get the best possible deal for your business.

Q: What happens if I need to make changes to my forward purchase agreement?

Asked by Emma on September 4th, 2022.
A: Any changes made to a forward purchase agreement must be agreed upon by both parties involved. If you need to make changes to your agreement then it is important to contact the other party as soon as possible so that they can agree or disagree with any proposed changes. If they agree then both parties should sign an amendment outlining the changes made.

Q: How can I ensure my forward purchase agreement is legally binding?

Asked by Ethan on November 11th, 2022.
A: To ensure that your forward purchase agreement is legally binding it must be drafted correctly and signed by both parties involved in the transaction. It is important that all parties have an understanding of what they are agreeing to and that all clauses within the agreement are clearly outlined and understood before signing. An experienced lawyer can help advise you on how best to draft your agreement so that it is legally binding and meets all relevant regulations within your jurisdiction.

Q: What should I consider when selecting a counterparty for my forward purchase agreement?

Asked by Ava on January 17th, 2022.
A: When selecting a counterparty for your forward purchase agreement it is important to consider factors such as their financial stability, their reputation in the industry and their ability to meet their contractual obligations under the agreement. You should also consider whether or not they have experience with similar transactions or if they have any specialised knowledge that could benefit your business going forward.

Q: Are there any risks associated with entering into a forward purchase agreement?

Asked by Liam on May 25th, 2022.
A: Yes, there are various risks associated with entering into a forward purchase agreement including market risk (i.e., fluctuations in demand or supply of goods which could cause prices of goods or services purchased through the contract to change), counterparty risk (i.e., if one party fails to meet their obligations under the contract) and legal risk (i.e., if certain clauses within the contract are not legally enforceable). It is important that you understand these risks before entering into any such agreements so that you can mitigate them as much as possible going forward.

###Q: How do I calculate expected profits from my forward purchase agreement?
Asked by William on August 12th, 2022.
A: Calculating expected profits from your forward purchase agreement involves taking into account factors such as cost of goods or services purchased through the contract (including delivery costs), anticipated demand for those goods or services at a later date (as set out in your contract) and any potential savings from bulk purchasing (if applicable). Once you have taken these factors into account you can calculate expected profits from your forward purchase agreement before signing it off.

###Q: What happens if either party defaults on their obligations under a forward purchase agreement?
Asked by Mia on December 5th, 2022.
A: If either party defaults on their obligations under a forward purchase agreement then they may be liable for damages or losses incurred by the other party due to this breach of contract. Depending on jurisdiction this may include damages such as lost profits or an award for reasonable costs incurred due to breach of contract (e.g., legal fees). It is therefore important that both parties understand their respective obligations under any such agreements before signing them off so that all parties know what will happen should either one default on their obligations going forwards.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Forward Purchase Agreement:

  • Breach of agreement: If a company has breached a forward purchase agreement, a plaintiff may bring a lawsuit in civil court against the company.
  • Supporting evidence: The plaintiff must provide evidence of the forward purchase agreement and how the defendant breached the agreement.
  • Damages: If the plaintiff can prove that the defendant breached the agreement, they may be entitled to damages in the form of compensatory, consequential, or punitive damages.
  • Settlement: The plaintiff may be able to reach a settlement with the defendant before the case goes to court.
  • Calculating damages: In order to win a lawsuit, the plaintiff must be able to demonstrate the amount of damages suffered due to the breach of the forward purchase agreement. This may involve documenting any financial losses, time spent, and other costs associated with the breach.

Templates available (free to use)

Forward Purchase Agreement

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