Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Navigating Compliance Requirements

23 Mar 2023
36 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Navigating compliance requirements is essential for businesses and organizations of all sizes for many reasons. Compliance refers to meeting the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines that an organization must adhere to - failure to comply can result in severe consequences such as financial penalties, reputational damage, or even criminal responsibility.

At Genie AI, we understand the importance of compliant operations from our experienced team of experts. As such, compliance is not only a legal obligation but also a way for organizations to protect themselves from potential legal action and costly fines or penalties. Doing so helps to protect their reputation as well - if they fail to observe relevant laws and regulations then there may be negative public perceptions of their business.

Moreover, compliance assists businesses by ensuring that they are conducting their operations in an ethical and consistent manner with their core values. This will help them remain competitive in an increasingly competitive landscape by protecting them from any risks arising from legal or regulatory non-compliance while still upholding high standards of quality and safety.

To summarise, compliance is essential for businesses and organisations regardless of size; it helps protect against legal risks as well as maintain their reputation should anything untoward occur during operation through ethical practices. At Genie AI we provide step-by-step guidance on how organisations can ensure compliant operations without having to pay a lawyer - this includes access to our community template library containing millions of data points which teach our advanced Artificial Intelligence system what market standard looks like when it comes to compliance requirements! So why not read on below for more information on how you can get started with your free templates today?

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Jurisdiction: The authority of a court or other governmental body to hear and decide legal matters.

Regulation: A set of rules or laws enacted by a government authority.

Legislation: A law, rule, or act passed by a legislature.

Legal Review: The process of assessing the legal implications of a situation or decision.

Compliance: Being in accordance with a set of rules or regulations.

Audit: Examination of an organization’s financial records, procedures, and practices in order to assess its performance.

Disciplinary Action: A punishment or course of action taken against an employee who has violated company rules or regulations.

Corrective Measures: Actions taken to correct a problem or situation.

Stakeholders: Individuals or organizations with an interest in or concern about an issue or situation.


  • Identifying applicable laws and regulations
  • Researching and understanding the laws and regulations in each industry under your jurisdiction
  • Compiling a list of applicable laws and regulations
  • Understanding the requirements of each law or regulation
  • Understanding the scope and purpose of the laws and regulations
  • Identifying any changes to the law or regulation
  • Developing compliance policies and procedures
  • Creating a compliance policy that outlines the company’s commitment to compliance
  • Establishing procedures for implementing the policy
  • Implementing compliance systems and processes
  • Training employees on the compliance policy and procedures
  • Establishing systems for tracking compliance
  • Auditing and monitoring compliance
  • Establishing a process for regular audit and review of compliance
  • Establishing protocols for responding to any non-compliance
  • Responding to non-compliance
  • Investigating reported non-compliance incidents
  • Creating a process for addressing non-compliance
  • Creating an effective compliance culture
  • Developing a plan for communicating compliance expectations to employees
  • Establishing methods for encouraging compliance
  • Keeping up to date with changes in the compliance landscape
  • Monitoring changes in the legal and regulatory environment
  • Periodically reviewing and updating compliance policies and procedures
  • Evaluating compliance efforts
  • Measuring the effectiveness of compliance programs
  • Identifying areas for improvement
  • Reporting on compliance
  • Developing a reporting process for compliance issues
  • Establishing a mechanism for reporting compliance to stakeholders

Get started

Identifying applicable laws and regulations

  • Identify the industries under your jurisdiction
  • Research the laws and regulations that apply to each industry
  • Check and make sure all applicable laws and regulations are up to date
  • Create a list of the applicable laws and regulations
  • Compare the list to any existing compliance requirements
  • Make any necessary changes to the list

You can check off this step when you have a comprehensive list of applicable laws and regulations.

Researching and understanding the laws and regulations in each industry under your jurisdiction

  • Research the relevant laws and regulations in each industry under your jurisdiction thoroughly.
  • Read through the laws and regulations in detail to gain a thorough understanding of how they apply to the organization.
  • Make sure to take note of any nuances related to each industry that may impact compliance requirements.
  • Once you have a comprehensive understanding of the laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step.

Compiling a list of applicable laws and regulations

  • Identify the governing body that is responsible for enforcing laws and regulations in your jurisdiction
  • Gather the relevant laws and regulations that apply to the industry and jurisdiction you are operating in
  • Make sure you have the latest versions of each law and regulation
  • Cross-check with other government agencies in your jurisdiction to ensure that you have all the laws and regulations that may apply
  • Create a comprehensive list of all the applicable laws and regulations
  • Once you have compiled a complete list, you can move on to the next step of understanding the requirements of each law or regulation.

Understanding the requirements of each law or regulation

  • Research each law or regulation in detail to learn the specific requirements and any related compliance best practices
  • Take notes or create a checklist to keep track of the requirements of each law or regulation
  • Contact any relevant agencies or organizations to get clarification on any requirements or best practices
  • Double-check that the requirements and best practices are up to date and in line with any recent changes
  • When you understand the requirements and best practices for each law or regulation, you can move on to the next step.

Understanding the scope and purpose of the laws and regulations

  • Research current laws and regulations relevant to your business and industry
  • Read any relevant documents to gain a better understanding of the scope and purpose of the law or regulation
  • Make note of any potential compliance issues that may arise
  • Identify areas where further research or advice may be necessary
  • When you have gained a clear understanding of the scope and purpose of the applicable laws and regulations you can move on to the next step.

Identifying any changes to the law or regulation

  • Use the Internet to research any changes in the law or regulation.
  • Monitor industry news sources and other sources to identify any changes.
  • Consult with legal professionals to determine if any changes have been made.
  • Speak to any relevant government agencies to make sure you are aware of any changes.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you are confident that you are up to date on any changes to the laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step.

Developing compliance policies and procedures

• Research existing laws and regulations that apply to the company
• Consult with legal advisors and other professionals to ensure understanding of all applicable laws and regulations
• Draft policies and procedures that are tailored to the company’s specific needs
• Review policies and procedures with management and other stakeholders to ensure accuracy
• Finalize and approve policies and procedures
• Train staff on policies and procedures
• Implement procedures to ensure compliance

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
• Once the policies and procedures have been finalized and approved, and staff have been trained on them, you can move on to the next step.

Creating a compliance policy that outlines the company’s commitment to compliance

  • Gather all relevant information about the company’s compliance requirements
  • Develop a policy document that includes all relevant information
  • Make sure the policy document is clear and concise
  • Ensure that the policy document is compliant with all relevant laws
  • Make sure the policy document is consistent with the company’s values and goals
  • Ensure that all employees are aware of the policy document
  • Publish and distribute the policy document
  • Monitor and review the policy document regularly

Once you have created a policy document that meets all the criteria listed above, you can ensure that you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Establishing procedures for implementing the policy

  • Develop a plan for implementing the policy
  • Identify resources needed for implementation
  • Establish timelines for implementation
  • Document the procedures for implementing the policy
  • Create a checklist to ensure the policy is implemented properly
  • Train personnel in the policy and procedures
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and procedures

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have documented the procedures for implementing the policy, created a checklist to ensure the policy is implemented properly, and trained personnel in the policy and procedures.

Implementing compliance systems and processes

  • Develop a system to track compliance
  • Create systems to monitor and audit compliance
  • Automate certain compliance processes where possible
  • Assign personnel to ensure compliance processes are followed
  • Implement policies to ensure data security and privacy
  • Establish a system to review and update compliance policies

Once these processes are in place and functioning properly, you can move on to the next step.

Training employees on the compliance policy and procedures

  • Develop a training program and materials that explain the compliance policy and procedures
  • Schedule and conduct training sessions with employees who must comply with the policy
  • Document the training sessions, including attendance and any questions asked for future reference
  • Follow up with employees to ensure they understand the policy and procedures
  • Once all employees have received training and understand the policy and procedures, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing systems for tracking compliance

  • Identify the relevant compliance requirements
  • Design an effective system that can capture and store the required information
  • Implement the system by setting up the required processes, procedures, and roles
  • Test the system to ensure accuracy and completeness
  • Train employees on how to use the system and document compliance
  • Monitor and audit the system to ensure it is working as intended

Once all of the above have been completed, you can move on to the next step: Auditing and monitoring compliance.

Auditing and monitoring compliance

  • Identify which compliance requirements need to be monitored and tracked on a regular basis.
  • Develop a process to review and audit compliance on a regular basis.
  • Establish a system to record and track the results of compliance audits.
  • Schedule regular compliance audits and reviews.
  • Document the process for regularly auditing and monitoring compliance.
  • Create a system for escalating any non-compliant results to the appropriate teams.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified which compliance requirements need to be monitored and tracked on a regular basis.
  • When you have established a process to review and audit compliance on a regular basis.
  • When you have established a system to record and track the results of compliance audits.
  • When you have scheduled regular compliance audits and reviews.
  • When you have documented the process for regularly auditing and monitoring compliance.
  • When you have created a system for escalating any non-compliant results to the appropriate teams.

Establishing a process for regular audit and review of compliance

  • Develop an audit plan that details when and how to check whether you’re meeting all compliance requirements
  • Schedule regular reviews of your compliance program to ensure it’s up to date
  • Set up a system to track your progress in meeting compliance requirements
  • Create reports on your compliance status to share with staff and stakeholders
  • When all of the above have been completed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next.

Establishing protocols for responding to any non-compliance

  • Develop a protocol that outlines the steps to be taken when a non-compliance is identified
  • Ensure the protocol is updated regularly to reflect changes in the regulatory environment
  • Create a method for documenting and storing information related to non-compliance cases
  • Ensure the protocol includes a system for monitoring the implementation of corrective action and for reporting non-compliance
  • Train personnel on the protocol and ensure that they understand and comply with it
  • Ensure the protocol is properly communicated throughout the organization

Once you have developed the protocol, documented it, and trained personnel on it, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Responding to non-compliance

  • Develop and document a plan for responding to non-compliance incidents, including the steps for investigation, assessment, and corrective action.
  • Set a timeline for each step of the plan and assign individuals responsible for carrying out the plan.
  • Train staff on the plan and ensure they understand the importance of responding quickly to any non-compliance incidents.
  • Monitor the progress of any investigations and take corrective action as needed.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the plan for responding to non-compliance incidents has been documented, communicated, and trained on.

Investigating reported non-compliance incidents

  • Gather information about the non-compliance incident, including who reported it and when it occurred
  • Review relevant policies and procedures to determine if the incident is in fact non-compliance
  • Investigate the incident further by speaking to any and all relevant parties involved
  • Review any evidence or documents related to the incident
  • Document the incident and your findings
  • When you have a clear understanding of the incident and have documented it, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Creating a process for addressing non-compliance

  • Identify the areas of non-compliance and develop a plan to address them
  • Establish a process for registering and tracking reported non-compliance incidents
  • Create and implement a policy to address non-compliance as soon as it is discovered
  • Establish an enforcement procedure for dealing with violations of the policy
  • Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the compliance process
  • Educate employees on the policy and procedure for dealing with non-compliance
  • When you have created a policy and procedure for addressing non-compliance and have established a system for monitoring and evaluating the compliance process, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Creating an effective compliance culture

  • Establish a compliance team responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures for compliance
  • Identify and assign roles and responsibilities for compliance within the organization
  • Set expectations for employees, including understanding and adhering to applicable laws and regulations
  • Provide resources and training to ensure employees understand the compliance requirements
  • Implement an incentive program to reward employees for adhering to compliance standards
  • Regularly review and update the compliance program to ensure it is up to date
  • Develop mechanisms to identify non-compliance and address it quickly

When you have completed these steps, you will have an effective compliance culture in place, and you can move on to the next step of developing a plan for communicating compliance expectations to employees.

Developing a plan for communicating compliance expectations to employees

  • Determine the expectations of the organization when it comes to compliance
  • Create a policy document that outlines the expectations and the consequences for non-compliance
  • Create a training program that educates employees on the compliance expectations
  • Consider developing a rewards program to incentivize compliance
  • Develop methods for communicating the compliance expectations to employees, such as:
  • In-person meetings
  • One-on-one consultations
  • Posters or flyers
  • Emails
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the communication plan

You can check this step off your list when you have created a policy document, developed a training program, developed methods for communicating the compliance expectations to employees, and monitored and evaluated the effectiveness of the communication plan.

Establishing methods for encouraging compliance

  • Develop a rewards system to recognize employees who comply with the established expectations
  • Measure employee compliance with a system of reports and surveys
  • Identify areas where additional training is needed to ensure employee compliance
  • Use a combination of positive reinforcement and disciplinary action to ensure compliance
  • Establish a system of accountability to ensure compliance is maintained

When you have developed a rewards system, measured employee compliance, identified areas that need additional training, used a combination of positive reinforcement and disciplinary action, and have established a system of accountability, you will have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Keeping up to date with changes in the compliance landscape

  • Subscribe to industry newsletters and updates to stay informed on the latest changes in compliance requirements
  • Set up alerts and notifications for key industry groups and government agencies that provide relevant updates
  • Attend professional development sessions and seminars to learn about the most recent developments in compliance
  • Connect with industry contacts to share information and best practices
  • Have a system in place to track changes in the compliance landscape

Once you have a system in place to track changes in the compliance landscape, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Monitoring changes in the legal and regulatory environment

  • Set up alerts for any changes in relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards
  • Monitor news sources and professional organizations for any updates in the compliance landscape
  • Review internal policies to ensure compliance with any new requirements
  • Update internal compliance procedures to align with any new regulations
  • Utilize a compliance tracking system to stay up-to-date
  • Check off this step when all new regulations and requirements are incorporated into internal policies and procedures.

Periodically reviewing and updating compliance policies and procedures

  • Identify any new or changing regulations that may apply to your business
  • Review all existing policies and procedures to ensure they are up-to-date and compliant
  • Make any necessary changes to those policies and procedures
  • Communicate any changes to relevant personnel
  • Document the review process and any changes made
  • When finished with the review, document the date and submit the changes for approval
  • Once approved, implement the changes and update the compliance policy/procedure date accordingly
  • Once the review is complete and any changes are implemented, you can move on to the next step of evaluating compliance efforts.

Evaluating compliance efforts

  • Assess the overall risk profile of the organization, including areas of potential non-compliance
  • Identify any gaps between the organization’s current compliance status and the relevant standards and regulations
  • Analyze the effectiveness of existing compliance efforts and identify potential areas for improvement
  • Develop a plan outlining corrective measures and timelines for implementation
  • Monitor the implementation of corrective measures to ensure compliance
  • When all corrective measures have been implemented and compliance is achieved, check off this step and move on to the next step.

Measuring the effectiveness of compliance programs

  • Track compliance performance to ensure that compliance program objectives are consistently met
  • Develop metrics and benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of the compliance program
  • Monitor and evaluate compliance activities to ensure that they are meeting established standards
  • Establish a system of feedback and communication to ensure that the compliance program is meeting its goals
  • Utilize existing data sources to track progress and identify areas of improvement
  • Regularly review compliance reports and data to ensure that the program is effective
  • Use surveys and interviews to gain feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of the compliance program
  • When you have tracked and evaluated the effectiveness of the compliance program, you can then move on to the next step of identifying areas for improvement.

Identifying areas for improvement

  • Assess your current compliance program to determine where it’s lacking or has room for improvement
  • Identify areas that could be improved by implementing new policies, processes and/or technology
  • Develop a plan for making changes and address any challenges that arise
  • Update compliance requirements as necessary to ensure they are current and effective
  • Monitor compliance activities to ensure that all requirements are being met and that any changes are being implemented correctly
  • When you have identified areas for improvement and established a plan for addressing them, you can move on to the next step of reporting on compliance.

Reporting on compliance

  • Create a document template to record compliance checks and the results of such checks
  • Establish a timeline for reporting compliance status
  • Develop a system to ensure that all compliance reporting is completed in a timely manner
  • Establish a process to report any compliance issues to management
  • Establish a system to identify any potential risks or areas of non-compliance
  • Define criteria for determining when a report needs to be made
  • Develop a system to ensure that reports are filed in a timely manner
  • Check the accuracy of the reports before filing
  • When all reports are filed, review them to ensure accuracy and completion

You will know that you have completed this step when you have created a document template for recording compliance checks, established a timeline for reporting, developed a system for ensuring all reports are filed in a timely manner, and checked for accuracy before filing.

Developing a reporting process for compliance issues

  • Establish a system for tracking and recording compliance-related issues.
  • Identify who should be notified in the event of a compliance issue.
  • Create a process for internal and external reporting of compliance issues.
  • Develop a timeline for responding to compliance issues and reporting them to stakeholders.
  • Establish an escalation process for compliance issues to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Document all compliance-related activities, including any corrective actions taken.
  • When you have developed a system for tracking and reporting compliance issues and created a timeline for responding to and reporting them, you can move on to the next step.

Establishing a mechanism for reporting compliance to stakeholders

  • Reach out to stakeholders to determine the most effective way to report to them
  • Identify the appropriate person or group to be in charge of reporting
  • Develop a regular schedule for reporting to the stakeholders
  • Create a reporting form and/or template to be used for each compliance report
  • Provide regular updates to stakeholders on both the progress and any areas of concern
  • When all reporting requirements have been established and communicated, this step can be marked as complete.


Example dispute

Suing a Company for Non-Compliance with Regulations

  • Plaintiff may raise a lawsuit which references a compliance if they believe the company has not met the standards set forth in relevant legal documents, regulations and civil law.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence of the company’s non-compliance in order to prove their case. This may include documents, reports, or testimony from credible sources.
  • The plaintiff may be able to receive compensation if they can prove that the company’s non-compliance caused them financial losses or other damages.
  • The settlement may include an agreement to bring the company into compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Alternatively, damages may be awarded for the financial losses or other damages caused by the company’s non-compliance.
  • In either case, the plaintiff may be able to win the lawsuit if they can prove that the company was in non-compliance with relevant regulations.

Templates available (free to use)

Affidavit Of Compliance With Act 6 Foreclosure Notice Residential Foreclosures Pennsylvania
Anti Bribery Compliance Certificate Third Party Intermediaries
Antitrust Compliance Manual
Attorney Certification Of Compliance With Word Limits New York
Certification Of Compliance With Title Search Requirements Foreclosures New Jersey
Compliance Agreement
Compliance Analyst Contract
Compliance Certificate Lending
Compliance Manager Contract
Compliance Officer Contract
Compliance Reporting Policy
Data Protection And Privacy For Employees Compliance Guidelines
Data Protection Compliance Audit Questionnaire Uk Eu Gdpr Dpa
Employment Eligibility Verification Compliance Policy
Eu Competition Compliance Handbook
Ftc Consent Decree Compliance Report
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Compliance Management Plan
Hsr Act Voting Securities Compliance Program
Import Compliance Policy
Investment Manager Template Compliance Manual
Joint Venture Antitrust Compliance Guidelines
Lca Public Access File Paf Compliance Actual Wage Statement
Lca Public Access File Paf Compliance Benefits Statement
Lca Public Access File Paf Compliance Cover Page Document List
Lca Public Access File Paf Compliance Lca Filing Notice
Lca Public Access File Paf Compliance Notice Confirmation
Lca Public Access File Paf Compliance Wage Rate Statement
Medicare Compliance Plan
Memorandum On Voluntary Compliance To Board Of Directors Msa 2015
Petition To Compel Compliance With Arbitrator S Subpoena Federal
Petition To Compel Compliance With Arbitrator S Subpoena In New York State Supreme Court
Proposed Order Excusing Custodian S Compliance With Section 543 Turnover Authorizing Custodian To Remain In Possession
Request Information About Work Done For Other Employers For Working Time Regulations Compliance Letter To Employee
Retailer Consumer Product Compliance Policy For Suppliers
Retailer Consumer Product Compliance Policy For Suppliers Direct Import Private Label Products
Rule 7 12 Certificate Of Compliance Compulsory Liquidation Case
Section 644 Standard Statement Of Compliance Reducing Capital
Senior Management Accountability Compliance Questionnaire Uk Gdpr And Dpa
Standard Data Protection For Employees Compliance Guidance Uk
Standard Procedures For Governance And Maintenance Of Company Compliance Uk Gdpr
Statement Of Us Export Trade Compliance Policy
Superior Court Motion Affidavit Of Compliance Massachusetts
Telephone Consumer Protection Act Compliance Policy
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