Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Licensing Made Easy

9 Jun 2023
27 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


For businesses seeking to use intellectual property, understanding the legal issues surrounding licensing is essential. Licensing involves obtaining permission to use another’s patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets - and this process is necessary in order to protect investments and avoid costly legal entanglements. However, it can be tricky for companies to navigate the complexities of licensing when they are unfamiliar with the law.

Fortunately, Genie AI offers a unique solution: an open source legal template library that provides millions of datapoints which can teach even novice users about market-standard licenses. This revolutionary approach allows anyone - regardless of expertise - to draft and customize high-quality legal documents without having to hire a lawyer. Furthermore, by giving access to reliable information on how best to obtain licenses and how to remain compliant with the law, Genie AI offers businesses much-needed peace of mind in a time where noncompliance carries serious penalties.

Indeed, Saudi Arabia recently took steps towards establishing a fully functioning insurance industry by introducing legislation clamping down on unauthorised companies and increasing public confidence in the system; NCCI has been developed as its flagship firm at the centre of this effort and was publicly listed last month with over 800k applicants taking part in its share sale. Yukos’ ongoing dispute with Russian authorities provides another cautionary tale; while analysts are not optimistic about its chances given President Putin’s clampdown on ex-Yukos boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky (who is currently in jail for fraud and tax evasion), Yukos remains bullish about its ability to influence proceedings through litigation risks posed from abroad amidst their limited assets within Russia itself.

With such potential pitfalls at play for any business dealing with licences, it pays for companies to arm themselves with legal training that tailors itself specifically towards their needs; thankfully Genie AI makes this process simpler than ever before as it provides free access templates from its extensive library that allow users direct insight into common practice across all industries today - so you don’t have worry about hiring lawyers or spending hours researching - just read on below for our step-by-step guidance on navigating licensing protocol today!


Research: To examine and study something in order to gain knowledge.
Application: An official request to obtain a certain service or privilege.
Payment: The act of giving money in exchange for goods or services.
Follow-up: Take action to ensure that something progresses or is completed.
Renewal: The process of extending, continuing, or reviving something.
Regulations: Rules or directions that are established in order to control the way something is done.
Continuing Education: Education that is focused on a specific field of study and is intended to maintain or improve current knowledge and skills.
Fees: Money paid for a service or privilege.
Records: Detailed information that is documented and kept for future reference.


  1. Research
  2. Researching the different types of licenses available and which may be best suited for the individual or business.
  3. Application
  4. Preparing the application, including gathering the necessary documents, and submitting the application.
  5. Payment
  6. Understanding the fees associated with obtaining a license and the payment methods accepted.
  7. Follow-up
  8. Following up with the issuing agency to ensure the application is being processed in a timely manner.
  9. Renewal
  10. Planning for renewal, including collecting any necessary documents and submitting a renewal application before the expiration date.
  11. Regulations
  12. Familiarizing yourself with the regulations and laws associated with obtaining and maintaining a license.
  13. Continuing Education
  14. Completing any necessary continuing education courses or certifications.
  15. Fees
  16. Paying any fees associated with renewing the license.
  17. Records
  18. Maintaining records of all documentation related to the license.
  19. Resources
  20. Identifying and utilizing resources to help individuals or businesses with obtaining a license, such as government agencies, industry associations, and professional organizations.

Get started


  • Gather information about the different types of licenses available, such as Creative Commons, GNU General Public License, and more
  • Research the differences between the types of licenses and the rights allocated with each type
  • Understand the restrictions and obligations associated with each type of license
  • Decide which type of license would be most appropriate for the individual or business
  • Check off the step when you have gathered sufficient information about the types of licenses available and have determined which one is most suitable for your needs.

Researching the different types of licenses available and which may be best suited for the individual or business.

  • Read up on the different types of licenses available, such as Creative Commons, GPL, Apache License and more
  • Compare the licenses and decide which is best suited to your individual or business needs
  • Make sure to research the terms of the licenses to ensure they are in line with your goals
  • Take notes on the different licenses and the terms associated with them

Once you have read up and compared the different licenses and have decided which is best suited to your needs, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Gather all necessary documents to apply, such as a business license, proof of identity, and any other paperwork required
  • Check to ensure all necessary documents are accurate, up-to-date, and have been completed correctly
  • Assemble the application and submit it to the appropriate agency or government department
  • Contact the agency or department to ensure your application was received and is being processed
  • Monitor the progress of the application, and contact the agency or department if you need any updates or additional information
  • Once your application is approved and the license has been issued, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step in the licensing process.

Preparing the application, including gathering the necessary documents, and submitting the application.

  • Gather all relevant documents, such as proof of identity, proof of address, and any other required documents.
  • Make sure all documents are properly filled out and signed.
  • Submit the application, along with all the required documents, to the proper authorities.
  • Once the application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. This means that you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.


  • Gather the necessary payment information, such as the total cost of the license and the payment methods accepted by the licensing agency.
  • Make the payment for the license, either online or in person at the licensing agency.
  • If you are paying online, print or save a copy of the receipt for your records.
  • If you are paying in person, collect any necessary receipts or other documents from the licensing agency.
  • Once you have completed the payment, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Understanding the fees associated with obtaining a license and the payment methods accepted.

  • Determine the cost of the license you are seeking by researching the applicable laws and regulations.
  • Check with the issuing agency to see if any discounts or waivers may apply.
  • Find out what payment methods the agency accepts (cash, credit, check, etc.).
  • Consider if there are any additional fees that may need to be paid.
  • When you know the full cost of the license and the payment methods accepted, you will be ready to move on to the next step.


• Contact the issuing agency to follow-up on the application process.
• Ask questions about the progress of the application and ensure it is being processed in a timely manner.
• Ask for an estimated timeline for when you can expect to receive the license.
• Make sure to provide the issuing agency with any additional information that may be needed to complete the process.
• When the application process is complete and the license has been issued, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Following up with the issuing agency to ensure the application is being processed in a timely manner.

• Contact the issuing agency by phone or email to check in on the status of your application.
• Ask any questions you may have regarding the application process.
• Be sure to follow up with the agency if you do not receive a response or if you are waiting for additional information or paperwork.
• You can consider this step complete once you have received an update or response from the issuing agency.


  • Plan ahead for the renewal process by collecting the necessary documents and submitting a renewal application before the expiration date.
  • Monitor the progress of your renewal application to ensure it is being processed in a timely manner.
  • Set a reminder for a few weeks before the expiration date of your existing license to ensure you have enough time to submit your renewal application.
  • When your renewal application has been processed and approved, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Planning for renewal, including collecting any necessary documents and submitting a renewal application before the expiration date.

  • Gather all the documents necessary for your license renewal (e.g. proof of identity, passport, etc.)
  • Submit the renewal application to the relevant authority before the expiration date
  • Keep records of all your documents and the renewal application
  • Check with the relevant authority to make sure your application has been received and approved
  • Once you receive confirmation that your application has been approved, you can move on to the next step in the licensing process


  • Contact the licensing agency responsible for your particular license and request any information or resources that are available so you can familiarize yourself with the regulations and laws associated with obtaining and maintaining a license.
  • Read through the regulations and laws carefully, taking special note of any changes that may have been made since you obtained your license.
  • Make sure you understand all of the regulations and laws and that you are in compliance with the requirements.
  • Once you have a thorough understanding of the regulations and laws, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Familiarizing yourself with the regulations and laws associated with obtaining and maintaining a license.

  • Research the laws and regulations applicable to the license you need.
  • Read through the applicable laws and regulations to understand the requirements and restrictions associated with the license.
  • Make sure you are aware of the necessary steps to obtain and maintain your license.
  • You can check this off your list when you have a good understanding of the applicable laws and regulations for the license you are seeking.

Continuing Education

  • Determine the type of license you need, and the state in which you will be working
  • Research the specific continuing education courses required for your license
  • Enroll and complete the necessary courses
  • Submit the necessary proof of completion to the state licensing board
  • Receive confirmation that you have fulfilled your continuing education requirements
  • Update your license with the state licensing board with proof of completion and payment of any associated fees
  • You will know that you have completed this step when you have received confirmation of completion from the state licensing board and your license has been successfully updated.

Completing any necessary continuing education courses or certifications.

  • Check with your state’s licensing board to find out if there are any continuing education or certification requirements you need to complete.
  • Research what courses and certifications are available that meet the requirements specified by your state’s licensing board.
  • Enroll in any necessary courses and/or certifications.
  • Complete the courses and/or certifications and obtain any necessary certificates or proof of completion.
  • Submit the necessary certificates or proof of completion to the licensing board to demonstrate you have met the requirements.
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have submitted the necessary certificates or proof of completion to the licensing board.


  • Determine the cost of the license renewal fees.
  • Make sure to pay the fees before the due date to avoid any late fees.
  • Gather the necessary payment information, such as credit card, check, or other payment method.
  • Submit the payment to the licensing agency.
  • Keep the confirmation of payment for your records.

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have received confirmation from the licensing agency that your payment has been received and processed.

Paying any fees associated with renewing the license.

  • Gather any necessary documents to submit with the payment such as proof of insurance, current license, etc.
  • Contact the agency administering the license renewal fees to ask any questions you may have about the renewal process.
  • Pay the fees online or by mail.
  • If paying by mail, make sure to include payment in the form accepted by the agency.
  • Once the payment is received, the agency will review the application and notify you of the outcome.
  • You’ll know when the payment has been successfully received when the agency sends you a receipt or confirmation.


  • Gather all paperwork, including application forms, payment receipts, and licensing documentation
  • Make sure all documentation is organized and up-to-date
  • Create a secure location to store all documentation, such as a filing cabinet or a folder on your computer
  • Check with your state or local government to make sure all documentation is properly filed and updated as needed
  • When all documentation has been collected and properly organized, you can move on to the next step.

Maintaining records of all documentation related to the license.

  • Make sure to keep copies of all documents pertaining to the license and its renewal, such as invoices, contracts, and other forms.
  • Store these documents in a secure, easily accessible location.
  • Keep track of the license expiration date and take necessary steps to renew it in time.
  • When you have maintained records of all the documentation related to the license, you can move on to the next step.


  • Research what government agencies, industry associations, and professional organizations are available to help with the licensing process.
  • Make a list of the resources that are available, and the services they provide.
  • Reach out to these resources to determine what steps need to be taken to obtain a license.
  • Make sure to have all necessary documentation and records on hand.
  • Once you have identified the resources and have all necessary documentation, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying and utilizing resources to help individuals or businesses with obtaining a license, such as government agencies, industry associations, and professional organizations.

  • Research government agencies, industry associations, and professional organizations that can provide assistance and resources with obtaining licenses.
  • Identify key contact information, such as websites, phone numbers, or email addresses, to contact those agencies or organizations.
  • Reach out to agencies, associations, or organizations to learn more about the different types of licenses available and the requirements to obtain them.
  • Utilize resources offered by agencies, associations, or organizations to help with the license application process.
  • Check off this step when you have identified the resources to help with obtaining a license.


Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of License Agreement

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a company for breach of license agreement if they believe the company has violated the terms of the license agreement.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence that the company has violated the terms of the license agreement, such as not paying licensing fees, not following the usage guidelines, or using the licensed material beyond the scope of the license.
  • The plaintiff may be able to seek compensatory damages, such as lost profits or additional licensing fees, or punitive damages, such as monetary fines or public apologies.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek injunctive relief, such as a court order for the company to cease using the licensed material, or the court may require the company to comply with the license agreement.
  • Settlement may include the plaintiff dropping the lawsuit in exchange for the company complying with the license agreement and/or paying a certain amount of money as compensation.
  • Damages may be calculated based on the extent of the breach, the length of time in which the breach occurred, the harm suffered by the plaintiff, and the potential profits lost.

Templates available (free to use)

Api License Contract
Api License Contract Clickwrap
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale California
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Florida
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Georgia
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Illinois
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Massachusetts
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale New Jersey
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale New York
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Pennsylvania
Assignment And Assumption Of Contracts Warranties Permits And Licenses Commercial Property Purchase And Sale Texas
B2B Content License For Website Customer Friendly
B2B Content License For Website Publisher Friendly
B2B Linking License
B2B Photograph Licence Pro Licensee
B2B Photograph Licence Pro Licensor
Clickwrap Software End User License Contract Eula
Clip License Licensee Friendly
Clip License Licensor Friendly
Collaboration Agreement 2 Negotiate Ip License
Collateral Assignment Of Contracts Licenses Permits Plans Construction Loan
Consortium Agreement A Mutual Non Exclusive License
Content License Agreement
Content License For Digital Content B2B
Content Licensing Agreement
Copyright License Contract Licensee Friendly
Copyright License Contract Licensor Friendly
Cross License Agreement
Data License Agreement
Data License Contract Licensee Friendly Simple
Data License Contract Licensor Friendly Simple
Database License Agreement
Development License Agreement
Due Diligence Summary Template License Contracts
Evaluation And Option Contract For A Patent License
Evaluation License Agreement
Event Space License Contract Licensor Friendly
Exclusive License Agreement
Exclusive License And Distribution Agreement
Exclusive Licensing Agreement
Exclusive Patent License Agreement
Exclusive Trademark License Agreement
Film Composer Contract License
Food Business License
Game License Agreement
General License Agreement
Grazing License Short Term
Image License Agreement
Index License Agreement
Intellectual Property Cross License Contract Carve Out Or Spin Off
Intellectual Property License For Advertising Licensor Friendly
Intellectual Property Rights License Agreement
Intercompany Copyright License Contract
Intercompany Intellectual Property License Contract
Intercompany Patent License Contract
Intercompany Trademark License Contract
International License Agreement
Landlord License To Tenant For Commercial Change Of Use
Landowners River Lake Or Pond Fishing License Catch And Release Only
Licence For Manufacture And Sale Of Luxury Goods Pro Licensor
License And Distribution Agreement
License And Royalty Agreement
License And Services Agreement
License And Technical Assistance Agreement
License Assignment Agreement
License Contract For Leased Office Space
License Contract For Owned Commercial Property
License Permitting Commercial Underlet Of Part Of Property
License Purchase Agreement
License To Charge Where Landlords Permission Is Required Under Lease
License To Evaluate Software And Nda
License To Occupy For Mutuals Cooperatives
License To Share Leasehold With Third Party
Licensor Consent To Assignment Of Intellectual Property License
Licensor S Termination Notice
Limited License Agreement
Master Development Agreement Appoint Licensee For Development
Master Software License Agreement
Materials License Licensee Friendly Audiovisual Work
Materials License Licensor Friendly Audiovisual Work
Merchandising License Contract
Mobile App End User License Contract Eula
Music Licensing Agreement
Music Synchronization License Contract Motion Picture Use
Name License Agreement
Non Exclusive License Agreement
Nonexclusive License Agreement
Open Source License Agreement
Oracle License And Services Agreement
Oversailing License Tower Crane
Patent And Know How License Agreement
Patent And Know How License Contract Licensor Friendly
Patent And Know How License Contract Simple
Patent License Contract Licensee Friendly
Patent License Contract University Licensor Licensee Friendly
Patent Licensing Agreement
Perpetual License Agreement
Photography License Agreement
Product License Agreement
Product License And Commercialization Contract
Product Licensing Agreement
Production License Agreement
Program License Agreement
Program License Contract Licensee Friendly
Publishing License Agreement
Quitclaim Intellectual Property License Contract Work Of Authorship
Sample Patent Knowhow License Lambert
Scaffolding License Adjoining Property
Service License Agreement
Simple B2B Linking License
Simple Music Publisher Synchronization License Agreement
Software Acquisition And Grant Back License Contract Buyer Friendly
Software Distribution License Agreement
Software Evaluation License Contract Long Form
Software License And Maintenance Agreement
Software License Contract Licensee Friendly Long Form
Software License Contract Licensee Friendly Simple
Software License Contract Licensor Friendly Long Form
Software License Contract Licensor Friendly Simple
Software Original Equipment Manufacturer Oem Contract Licensor Friendly
Software Value Added Reseller Var Contract Licensor Friendly
Software Value Added Reseller Var Contract Licensor Friendly Simple
Source Code License Agreement
Standard License Agreement
Standard License Agreement For Video On Demand Content Vod
Standard License For Alterations
Sub Underlet License Whole Or Part Of Property
Sync Licensing Agreement For Film Soundtrack
Technology License Agreement
Technology Licensing Agreement
Trade Name License Agreement
Trade Secret And Technology License Contract
Trademark License Contract Licensee Friendly
Trademark License Contract Licensor Friendly
Trademark License Contract Simple
User Software License Agreement
Video License Agreement
Web Content Licence Licensor Friendly International
Web Content License Contract Licensor Friendly

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