Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

How to Draft a Release of Interest

23 Mar 2023
28 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Drafting a release of interest is an essential part of transferring property interests. It’s a document that outlines the rights and responsibilities between all parties involved, clarifies obligations and helps protect everyone’s interests should disputes arise. A release of interest is so important that Genie AI, the world’s largest open source legal template library, provides free access to their community template library – giving individuals and organisations an easy way to create their own high quality documents without paying a lawyer.

So what exactly is a release of interest? Put simply, it’s the document used when one individual or organisation no longer wishes to be associated with a particular property. It sets out who has ownership of the asset and gives details on any changes which need to be made – including timelines for certain obligations being fulfilled.

Rights and responsibilities are also clearly outlined in this document so each party knows exactly where they stand as part of the agreement - ensuring that should any disputes arise, everyone has been fairly informed from the outset.

Furthermore, having such documentation can help reassure both parties involved in the transfer by adding an extra layer of protection for their interests and property rights - making sure each side feels secure about how things are progressing and what could happen in future if anything goes amiss.

All-in-all drafting a release of interest is key when it comes to transferring property interests: it ensures everyone’s rights and responsibilities are clear; safeguards both sides’ interests; provides timetables for certain obligations being met; while our free community template library makes creating top quality documents easy without needing to contact lawyers or go through complicated processes. Check out our step-by-step guide, below, today for more information on how you can get started using Genie AI’s template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Release of Interest Document: A legal document used to transfer the rights of a party in a property to another party.
Deed: A document that provides evidence of ownership of a property.
Title Documents: Documents that provide proof of ownership of a particular property.
Notary Public: A person authorized by the government to witness and certify documents.
Recorder: A government office responsible for the recording and filing of documents.
Transfer Taxes: Taxes imposed on the transfer of title to a property.
Local, State, and Federal Laws: Laws created by different levels of government.


  • Overview of the Release of Interest Document
  • Define what a Release of Interest Document is
  • Explain the purpose of a Release of Interest Document
  • Gathering the Necessary Information
  • Identify which documents are needed
  • Collect the documents needed
  • Check the documents for accuracy
  • Preparing the Release of Interest Document
  • Fill out the Release of Interest Document
  • Have the Release of Interest Document signed and dated
  • Executing and Filing the Release of Interest Document
  • Verify the document is properly filed
  • Record the document in the public records
  • Other Considerations
  • Check for any applicable fees
  • Ensure all applicable laws are followed
  • Conclusion
  • Review all steps taken
  • Summarize the process and results
  • Follow up
  • Check with the applicable authorities that the Release of Interest Document was received
  • Ensure that all parties involved are aware of any changes
  • Documentation
  • Create a copy of the Release of Interest Document
  • Store the copy in a secure location
  • Review
  • Allow time for all parties to review the Release of Interest Document
  • Completion
  • Confirm the Release of Interest Document has been completed correctly

Get started

Overview of the Release of Interest Document

  • Understand the purpose of a Release of Interest document
  • Learn the legal implications of a Release of Interest document
  • Research the specific laws and regulations related to the document
  • Familiarize yourself with the standard format and language of a Release of Interest document

When you complete this step, you will have a good understanding of the purpose and legal implications of a Release of Interest document.

Define what a Release of Interest Document is

  • A Release of Interest Document is a legal document that transfers the rights and interests of one party to another
  • It is used in situations where a party wants to transfer its rights and interests to another party or relinquish them altogether
  • Examples of Release of Interest Documents include contracts, deeds, mortgages, and other documents that involve the transfer of rights and interests
  • A Release of Interest Document should include the names of the parties involved, a clear description of the rights and interests being released, and the date of the document
  • Additionally, the Release of Interest Document should be signed and dated by both parties for it to be valid

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have a clear understanding of what a Release of Interest Document is, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of explaining the purpose of a Release of Interest Document.

Explain the purpose of a Release of Interest Document

  • Understand why a Release of Interest Document is necessary - this document is designed to protect both the buyer and seller in a real estate transaction by clearly defining the interests of each party
  • Understand what the document entails - the document should include the parties involved in the transaction, the property in question, and an official declaration of the release of interest
  • Identify the goals of the document - the document should clearly indicate the seller’s relinquishing of interest in the property, and the buyer’s acquisition of said interest
  • Recognize the importance of the document - this document serves as the official acknowledgment of the release of the seller’s interest in the property, and the buyer’s acceptance of that interest

Once you have a clear understanding of the purpose of the Release of Interest Document, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step: Gathering the Necessary Information.

Gathering the Necessary Information

  • Collect information on the parties involved in the release of interest, including their names, contact information, and addresses.
  • Collect information on the property or asset that the release of interest applies to, including its location, size, and any other relevant details.
  • Gather copies of the original deed, mortgage, or other document that the release of interest is referring to.
  • You will know when you have gathered all the necessary information when you have all the documents you need and all the information about the parties involved.

Identify which documents are needed

  • Research the laws in your jurisdiction to find out what documents are necessary to release your interest in a property
  • Check with a lawyer to confirm that all the documents you need to file are included in the list
  • Contact the local property registry to make sure there are no other documents you need to include in the list
  • Once you have a complete list of documents, you can move on to the next step of collecting them.

Collect the documents needed

  • Gather all the documents needed for the release of interest, such as the deed, title, and other related documents.
  • Make sure to check that all the documents are in order and have all the necessary information.
  • Verify that the documents have the right signatures and dates.
  • Once all the documents have been collected and verified, you can move on to checking them for accuracy.

Check the documents for accuracy

  • Gather the documents needed to complete the release of interest
  • Read through all documents to ensure they are accurate and complete
  • Check all documents for accuracy, including name, address, and other identifying information
  • Verify that all signatures are present
  • Ensure all dates are correct
  • Double-check that all terms and conditions are accurately stated
  • Make any necessary corrections or modifications
  • Once all documents are accurate and complete, you can move on to the next step of preparing the release of interest document.

Preparing the Release of Interest Document

  • Read and understand the document thoroughly to make sure that you understand the content and implications of the document
  • Gather all relevant documents, such as the deed of interest, related paperwork, and any other documents related to the release of interest
  • Make sure that all parties involved in the release of interest are present and have signed the document
  • When all of these criteria have been met, you can move on to the next step of filling out the Release of Interest Document.

Fill out the Release of Interest Document

  • List the parties involved in the Release of Interest and record their contact information
  • Enter the property address and legal description
  • Identify the deed of release that is being given up
  • Indicate the consideration for the release, if applicable
  • Sign and date the document
  • Have the document notarized, if required

When you have completed this step, you can check it off your list and proceed to the next step: Have the Release of Interest Document signed and dated.

Have the Release of Interest Document signed and dated

  • Have the grantor sign and date the Release of Interest Document
  • Obtain a witness signature and date the Release of Interest Document
  • Once you have the grantor and witness sign and date the Release of Interest Document, you can move on to Executing and Filing the Release of Interest Document.

Executing and Filing the Release of Interest Document

  • Obtain the original Release of Interest from the signer
  • Obtain the necessary filing information from the court, county, or other relevant office
  • File the Release of Interest with the appropriate office
  • Obtain a receipt for filing the Release of Interest
  • Keep a copy of the filed Release of Interest for your records
  • You will know that this step is complete when you have the signed and dated Release of Interest and a receipt for filing it.

Verify the document is properly filed

  • Contact the court clerk’s office in the county where the document was filed to make sure it has been received and recorded.
  • Ask for a copy of the document with a stamp verifying the filing date.
  • Once you have received the stamped copy, you can be sure that the document has been filed and you can proceed to the next step.

Record the document in the public records

  • Contact the local county recorder’s office to determine what the filing requirements are for a release of interest
  • Visit the recorder’s office and present the document to the recorder’s office for filing
  • Provide the recorder’s office with the required filing fee
  • Receive a receipt back from the recorder’s office
  • You will know when you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have received the receipt back from the recorder’s office.

Other Considerations

  • Check that the legal description of the property is included in the document
  • Review the document for accuracy and completeness, including spelling and grammatical errors
  • Make sure to include the names of all parties involved in the Release of Interest
  • Obtain the signatures of all parties involved
  • When all parties have signed the Release of Interest, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Check for any applicable fees

  • Consult the applicable statutes and regulations to identify any fees that must be paid when drafting a release of interest.
  • Speak to a lawyer if you need assistance.
  • Research the applicable fees that you need to pay and include them in the release of interest.
  • When all applicable fees have been paid and included in the release of interest, this step can be marked as complete and the next step can be followed.

Ensure all applicable laws are followed

  • Research the laws in your area relevant to the release of interest.
  • Consult with a lawyer if you have any questions about the laws.
  • Make sure the Release of Interest is compliant with all applicable laws.
  • Once you are sure that the Release of Interest is compliant, you can move on to the next step.


  • Read through the entire Release of Interest form to make sure it accurately reflects the agreement between parties.
  • Sign the document, and have all parties sign it as well.
  • Make a copy of the document for your records.
  • Once all parties have signed and a copy is kept for records, the Release of Interest is complete and can be filed with the appropriate state or county office.

Review all steps taken

  • Review the steps taken to ensure you have followed all necessary protocols and procedures for the release of interest.
  • Make sure all parties involved in the release have signed the appropriate documents, if needed.
  • Ensure all the necessary paperwork, such as the title to the property, has been transferred to the appropriate parties.
  • Review the release of interest document to ensure all information is accurate and complete.
  • You will know you can move on to the next step when you have checked and rechecked all steps taken, ensuring all parties have signed the necessary documents and paperwork has been completed.

Summarize the process and results

  • Write a concise summary of the process you took to review all steps, and the results you obtained
  • Include the main points of the process and how it was successful
  • Ensure all key details are included in your summary
  • Read the summary over to make sure it accurately reflects the process and results
  • Once you are satisfied with your summary, you can check this step off your list

Follow up

  • Review the Release of Interest Document to ensure it includes all necessary information
  • Send the Release of Interest Document to the applicable authorities
  • Follow up with the applicable authorities to confirm that the document was received
  • Once the applicable authorities have confirmed that the document was received, the follow up step is complete and you may move on to the next step.

Check with the applicable authorities that the Release of Interest Document was received

  • Contact the applicable authorities to ensure that the Release of Interest Document was received
  • Ask for a confirmation from the applicable authorities that the Release of Interest Document was received
  • If the applicable authorities confirm that the Release of Interest Document was received, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensure that all parties involved are aware of any changes

  • Contact all parties involved in the Release of Interest document to ensure that they are aware of the changes made.
  • Ask each party to confirm in writing that they have read and understood the document.
  • When each party has responded in writing to confirm they understand the changes, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Gather the original documents associated with the Release of Interest, including the deed of interest, the title, and any other related documents.
  • Obtain copies of the documents and make sure that they are properly notarized.
  • Ensure that all parties involved have an original copy of the Release of Interest Document.
  • Check that all of the documents are properly filled out and that all the details are correct.
  • Once you have gathered all of the necessary documentation, you can check this step off your list and move on to creating a copy of the Release of Interest Document.

Create a copy of the Release of Interest Document

  • Obtain a blank copy of the Release of Interest document
  • Fill out the document with the appropriate information, such as the name of the parties involved and the date of the document
  • Sign the document
  • Make at least two copies of the document
  • You will know that you have completed this step when you have multiple copies of the Release of Interest document, signed and dated by all relevant parties.

Store the copy in a secure location

  • Make sure to store the copy of the Release of Interest document in a secure location.
  • This could be a physical safe, a digital safe, or an online cloud storage service.
  • The important thing is that you make sure the document is safe from prying eyes.
  • Once you have the document stored in a secure location, you can move on to the next step.


  • Carefully read the Release of Interest Document to ensure it accurately reflects the agreement between the parties
  • Ensure the document includes all the necessary information regarding the release of interest
  • Identify any errors or omissions
  • Have all parties involved review the document and provide any feedback
  • Once all parties have provided feedback, make any necessary changes to the document
  • Once the document is finalized, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Allow time for all parties to review the Release of Interest Document

  • Provide all parties with a copy of the Release of Interest document.
  • Give them a reasonable amount of time to review the document.
  • Ask them to provide any questions or feedback they might have.
  • Make sure to address any questions or feedback that comes up.
  • When all parties have had a chance to review and provide feedback, you’ll know you can move on to the next step.


  • Ensure that all parties have initialed each page of the Release of Interest Document
  • Obtain the signatures of all parties on the document
  • Secure a copy of the Release of Interest Document for each party
  • Verify that all parties have received a copy of the Release of Interest Document
  • Check that all information has been filled in correctly and all parties have provided their signatures
  • Ensure that all parties understand the agreement outlined in the Release of Interest Document
  • Confirm that all parties are in agreement with the terms and conditions of the Release of Interest Document
  • When all parties have initialed, signed, and received a copy of the Release of Interest Document, the completion step is complete.

Confirm the Release of Interest Document has been completed correctly

  • Verify the document contains the correct information
  • Check the document for typos, formatting errors, and other inconsistencies
  • Make sure all parties have signed the document
  • Ensure the document is dated correctly
  • When all of these steps are completed, you can move forward with the release of interest.


Q: What is a release of interest?

Asked by Elsie on April 7th 2022.
A: A Release of Interest is an agreement that legally terminates an existing interest that one party holds in a piece of property or a contractual agreement. It serves as a document that officially releases the parties from any further obligations related to the agreement. In short, it is a form of legal document that effectively ends the relationship between two parties.

Q: How do I draft a release of interest?

Asked by Jack on June 18th 2022.
A: Drafting a Release of Interest is not as difficult as it may seem. Generally speaking, it involves preparing a written agreement in which both parties agree to release each other from any further obligations related to the original agreement. The document should clearly state the parties involved, the specific property or contract being released from, and the date on which the release will take effect. It should also include any provisions for indemnifying either party for any damages or losses related to the agreement.

Q: Are there any specific laws I need to be aware of when drafting a release of interest?

Asked by Charlotte on August 9th 2022.
A: Yes, depending on which jurisdiction you are operating in there may be specific laws or regulations you need to consider before drafting a Release of Interest. For example, if you are operating in the United Kingdom then you should be aware of The Law of Property Act 1925 and The Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989, while in the United States you should be aware of The Uniform Commercial Code and state-specific contract law. Additionally, if you are drafting an international Release of Interest then you may need to consider applicable European Union regulations and other international laws.

Q: How do I know if I actually need a release of interest?

Asked by Ethan on November 15th 2022.
A: Whether or not you need a Release of Interest depends on your specific circumstances and situation. Generally speaking, it may be necessary if you have an existing contractual agreement with another party that you wish to be released from or if you have an ownership interest in property that needs to be released for some reason. It is important to consider all relevant factors before deciding whether or not you need one so it is recommended that you consult with an experienced lawyer or legal advisor before taking any action.

Q: What does it mean for something to be ‘released’?

Asked by Ava on January 28th 2022.
A: When something is ‘released’ it means that the parties involved no longer have any further obligations related to that particular thing or agreement. In other words, they are free from any potential liabilities associated with the thing being released and can no longer claim any rights over it either. In legal terms, this means that the thing being released is no longer valid and cannot be enforced by either party involved in the agreement.

Q: Are there any special considerations I should make when drafting a release of interest in regards to my industry/sector/business model?

Asked by Logan on March 12th 2022.
A: Yes, depending on your industry/sector/business model there may be certain considerations which must be taken into account when drafting a Release of Interest. For example, if your business model is based around Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) then you may need to include additional clauses in your document regarding intellectual property rights and data protection regulations; whereas if your business deals with technology then you should ensure that your Release of Interest includes clauses regarding copyright and patent infringement protections. Additionally, if your business operates within a certain sector then there may be industry-specific regulations which must also be considered when drafting your document.

Q: Is there anything else I need to consider when drafting my release of interest?

Asked by Emma on May 24th 2022.
A: Yes, there are several additional factors which should be taken into account when drafting a Release of Interest document such as ensuring that all details regarding the agreement are included in the document (e.g., names, dates); considering if either party needs to provide indemnification for losses; ensuring that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account; making sure that both parties understand the terms and conditions; and ensuring that both parties sign off on the document before it becomes legally binding. It is also important to ensure that both parties understand their rights and obligations under the agreement so it is recommended that they seek professional legal advice before signing anything off.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Involving Release of Interest

  • Plaintiff must provide proof of the release of interest through legal documents, such as a deed or contract.
  • The release of interest must be proven to have been done in error or with malicious intent.
  • The plaintiff must also prove that they suffered financial loss as a result of the release of interest.
  • Settlement can be reached through mediation or arbitration, or the case may be taken to court.
  • The court will consider the evidence presented, and if the plaintiff can prove the release of interest was done in error or with malicious intent, damages can be awarded to the plaintiff.

Templates available (free to use)

Employment Termination And Release Agreement
Mutual Release Agreement
Mutual Rescission And Release Agreement
Settlement And Mutual Release Agreement
Termination And Release Agreement

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