Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

How to Draft a Program Participation Agreement (Loans)

23 Mar 2023
29 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Program Participation Agreements are an integral part of the loan process, providing the framework for a successful transaction. It is essential that these legally binding documents outline the terms and conditions of the loan and define both parties’ rights and responsibilities clearly. To ensure this, it’s important to craft a comprehensive agreement with language that is precise, concise and legally sound.

The Genie AI team understands this importance, and provides free program participation agreement templates to help you get started. Our expertly crafted documents cover all angles, with provisions for late payments, interest rate increases and other potential issues. They also include any additional paperwork or documents - such as loan insurance or repayment plans - that may be necessary components of a successful loan transaction.

By taking the time to draft a program participation agreement in line with our template library, lenders and borrowers can ensure mutual understanding of their obligations under the law. Through discussing any potential issues in advance - such as changes to terms or conditions - both parties can stay one step ahead of unexpected problems during the life of the loan.

At Genie AI we believe our community should have access to simple solutions when drafting legal agreements; we want everyone to have equal opportunity when conducting business within their legal framework. That’s why we provide free program participation agreement templates to help guide you through your next loan transaction – read on below for step-by-step guidance on how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Loan Process: The complete set of procedures required to take out a loan, including understanding the requirements of the lender, determining eligibility, submitting an application, and signing a loan agreement.
Loan Agreement: A legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions of a loan, including the loan amount, length of the loan, interest rate, and any other fees associated with the loan.
Default: A situation in which a borrower fails to make payments on the loan.
Acceleration Clauses: A clause in a loan agreement which outlines what will happen if the borrower fails to make payments on time.
Prepayment Penalty: An additional fee which must be paid if the borrower makes a prepayment on the loan.
Dispute Resolution: A set of procedures outlined in a loan agreement outlining what will happen if the parties cannot resolve their dispute on their own.


  • Overview of the loan process
  • Outlining the Terms and Conditions
  • Understanding the Legal Documents Needed for the Loan Agreement
  • Identifying the Parties Involved
  • Establishing the Loan Amount
  • Setting the Loan Duration
  • Defining the Interest Rate
  • Defining Other Fees
  • Explaining What Needs to Be Included in the Loan Agreement
  • Repayment Schedule
  • Default and Acceleration Clauses
  • Prepayment Penalty Details
  • Dispute Resolution Information
  • Discussion of the Loan Agreement and its Components
  • Explanation of the Conditions of the Loan
  • Overview of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Parties Involved
  • Explanation of the Loan Repayment Process
  • Reviewing the Loan Agreement
  • Verifying the Information Is Accurate
  • Ensuring the Document Complies with Local Laws and Regulations
  • Confirming All Parties Are in Agreement with the Terms
  • Finalizing the Loan Agreement
  • Obtaining Signatures from All Parties
  • Finalizing the Loan Agreement in Writing
  • Potential Issues to Be Aware Of When Drafting a Loan Agreement
  • Limitations on the Ability to Repay
  • Potential Collateral Requirements
  • Risk of Default
  • Usury Laws

Get started

Overview of the loan process

  • Gather relevant documents and information from the borrower and lender
  • Understand the terms and conditions of the loan
  • Determine the repayment plan and timeline
  • Establish the interest rates and terms of repayment
  • Review the agreement and make sure all parties are in agreement
  • Sign the agreement and submit it to the lender
  • Once the lender reviews and approves the agreement, the loan process is complete

You’ll know you are done with this step when you have reviewed the agreement and all parties involved have signed it.

Outlining the Terms and Conditions

  • Review the applicable state and federal laws and regulations that surround loan agreements
  • Consider the borrower’s financial goals and objectives
  • Discuss the conditions of the loan agreement with the lender
  • Outline the duration and repayment terms of the loan
  • Detail the interest rate and any additional fees
  • Determine the collateral that the borrower will provide
  • Draft a written agreement that outlines all agreed-upon terms and conditions
  • Obtain signed copies of the agreement from both parties
  • When you’ve completed the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Understanding the Legal Documents Needed for the Loan Agreement

  • Review the applicable laws and regulations that govern the loan agreement
  • Determine the documents necessary to comply with the applicable laws and regulations
  • Determine the documents necessary to accurately reflect the terms and conditions of the loan
  • Create the documents necessary to reflect the terms and conditions of the loan
  • Ensure that all documents reflect the terms and conditions agreed upon by all parties
  • Make sure the documents are dated and signed by all necessary parties
  • Review all documents for accuracy and completeness

You can check this step off your list when all documents have been created, reviewed, dated and signed by all necessary parties.

Identifying the Parties Involved

  • Determine the borrower and lender, and confirm that both parties are legally capable of entering into a loan agreement
  • Gather contact information and mailing addresses for both parties
  • Have each party sign a statement of agreement to enter into the loan agreement
  • After both parties have signed the statement of agreement, the step of identifying the parties involved is complete and you can move on to the next step of establishing the loan amount.

Establishing the Loan Amount

  • Determine the loan amount requested by the participant
  • Review the participant’s creditworthiness and financial statements
  • Consider the size of the loan request in relation to the purpose of the loan
  • Establish the maximum loan amount that will be approved
  • Set the repayment terms for the loan
  • Record the loan amount and repayment terms in the agreement

You’ll know that you can move on to the next step when you have established the loan amount, set the repayment terms, and recorded the loan amount and repayment terms in the agreement.

Setting the Loan Duration

  • Set the loan duration by determining the number of payments, the payment amounts and the due dates of the payments.
  • Consider setting the payment amounts to be equal, as this makes it easier to keep track of payments.
  • Decide if you want the loan to have a balloon payment at the end, or if you want it to be paid off in full by the end of the loan period.
  • Make sure to include the exact time period of the loan in the agreement.
  • When you have determined the loan duration, have both parties sign off on the agreement to make it official.
  • You can check this off your list once you have the loan duration established and agreed upon by both parties.

Defining the Interest Rate

  • Identify the type of interest rate that will be applicable to the loan
  • Calculate the interest rate based on the type of loan and the borrower’s creditworthiness
  • Include a statement in the agreement outlining the interest rate and how it will be calculated
  • Ensure the interest rate does not exceed the maximum allowed by law
  • When complete, check this off your list and move on to the next step in the loan agreement process, defining other fees.

Defining Other Fees

  • Determine the other fees that need to be included in the Program Participation Agreement.
  • These fees will be used to cover other expenses associated with the loan, such as origination fees, late fees, and prepayment penalties.
  • These fees must be clearly stated in the agreement in order for the borrower to understand the full cost of the loan.
  • Once all of the other fees have been determined and included in the Program Participation Agreement, you can move on to the next step of explaining what needs to be included in the loan agreement.

Explaining What Needs to Be Included in the Loan Agreement

  • List out the key terms and conditions of the loan agreement, such as repayment schedule, interest rate, late payment fees, and default terms.
  • Describe the purpose, structure, and scope of the loan agreement.
  • Ensure that the agreement states that it is legally binding and enforceable in a court of law.
  • Include any other information that is necessary for the agreement to be complete.
  • Once you have finished listing out all of the key terms and conditions of the loan agreement, you will know that you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Repayment Schedule

  • Decide on the repayment terms and conditions, including the amount and frequency of payments
  • List the interest rate, if any
  • Specify the repayment period
  • Include payment due dates
  • Include any other details related to repayment

Once the repayment schedule has been established and all the necessary details have been included, you can move on to the next step which is to include default and acceleration clauses in the loan agreement.

Default and Acceleration Clauses

  • Draft clauses that clearly specify the repayment terms of the loan, including the applicable interest rate, payment frequency and duration of the loan
  • Specify the methods for calculating and paying the interest, including any applicable interest rates
  • Add a clause that outlines the consequences of a default and the rights and remedies of the lender, including the right to accelerate repayment of the loan
  • Describe how the lender can accelerate the loan, including any required notices and/or notices of acceleration
  • Spell out the timeline and procedures for the borrower to cure a default, including the right to cure
  • When you have finished drafting the default and acceleration clauses, check them off your list and move on to the next step, Prepayment Penalty Details.

Prepayment Penalty Details

  • Identify what types of prepayments are allowed and the conditions that must be met in order to make them.
  • Specify whether a penalty will be assessed if a prepayment is made.
  • Specify the amount of the penalty, if applicable.
  • Specify the duration of the penalty, if applicable.
  • Identify any limitations or exceptions to the prepayment penalty.

When you have completed this step, you will have a clear understanding of what prepayment penalty details are in the program participation agreement and have noted them in the document.

Dispute Resolution Information

  • Identify the governing law for dispute resolution.
  • Specify any arbitration or mediation procedures that will be used to resolve disputes.
  • Include a clause establishing the jurisdiction and venue for dispute resolution.
  • Include any applicable limitations on damages that might be awarded.

You can check this off your list when you have included all the necessary information related to dispute resolution.

Discussion of the Loan Agreement and its Components

  • Discuss the purpose of the loan agreement and why it is important for all parties involved
  • Review the agreement to ensure it includes all the necessary components, such as loan amount, repayment terms and conditions, interest rate, collateral requirements, and other pertinent information
  • Ensure the agreement identifies all parties involved in the loan, including the lender, the borrower, and any guarantors
  • Confirm that all parties understand the loan agreement and agree to its terms and conditions
  • Make sure the agreement includes any applicable restrictions or exceptions that may affect the loan

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all parties involved in the loan agreement have agreed to the terms and conditions and have signed the agreement.

Explanation of the Conditions of the Loan

  • Outline the terms of the loan including the amount of the loan, interest rate, repayment schedule, fees and collateral requirements
  • Set out any other obligations of the borrower, such as providing financial statements, maintaining insurance and ensuring the loan remains in good standing
  • Explain any restrictions on the use of the loan proceeds, such as limitations on how the funds can be used or restrictions on the transfer of the loan
  • Make sure the agreement includes provisions for default, late payments, and acceleration of the loan
  • Have both parties sign the agreement, ensuring each party has a copy

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the conditions of the loan are outlined and agreed upon by both parties and all applicable documents have been signed.

Overview of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Parties Involved

  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Describe how each party will fulfill their obligations
  • Include any other necessary details, such as the timeframe for each party’s responsibilities

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have provided a clear and detailed description of the roles and responsibilities of each party in the program participation agreement.

Explanation of the Loan Repayment Process

  • Understand the repayment process for the loan. This typically includes the number of payments and the amount of each payment
  • Understand the repayment schedule and any late fees or penalties for missed payments
  • Understand the interest rate and any other costs associated with the loan
  • Clarify any conditions that must be met before the loan is disbursed
  • Once you understand the repayment process, you can start to draft the program participation agreement
  • Once you’ve drafted the agreement, review it with the other parties involved in the loan
  • When all parties have agreed to the terms and conditions of the agreement, you can move on to the next step of reviewing the loan agreement

Reviewing the Loan Agreement

  • Carefully read through the loan agreement to understand all the terms and conditions
  • Make sure the interest rate, loan amount, collateral requirements, and repayment terms are all accurate and match what was agreed upon
  • Pay special attention to the repayment schedule, fees, and any other costs associated with the loan
  • When you are finished, take the time to review the entire agreement to ensure that all the information is accurate and complete
  • Once you have verified that all the information is correct, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Verifying the Information Is Accurate

  • Review the loan agreement for accuracy and completeness
  • Contact the borrower if any information is missing or incorrect
  • Ensure all data entered is correct, including the loan amount and repayment terms
  • Confirm the borrower’s identity by collecting the necessary documents
  • Double-check all of the information to make sure there are no mistakes
  • Once all of the information is accurate and complete, mark this step as complete and move on to the next step: Ensuring the Document Complies with Local Laws and Regulations.

Ensuring the Document Complies with Local Laws and Regulations

• Read and understand the applicable local laws and regulations that apply to the program participation agreement.
• Ensure that the document is compliant with all local laws and regulations.
• Make changes to the document as required to ensure compliance.
• Notify all parties of any changes you have made to the document.

You will know that you have completed this step when you have verified that the document complies with all applicable local laws and regulations and all parties have been notified of any changes made to the document.

Confirming All Parties Are in Agreement with the Terms

  • In order to confirm that all parties are in agreement with the terms of the document, send them a copy of the loan agreement with a signature sheet.
  • Request that all parties involved sign the signature sheet and return it to you.
  • Once all parties have signed and returned the signature sheet, you can be sure that they are in agreement with the terms of the document.
  • Check that the information provided in the signature sheet is accurate and matches the terms of the loan agreement.
  • Once you have confirmed that all parties are in agreement and the information is accurate, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Finalizing the Loan Agreement

  • Review the draft agreement for completeness and accuracy
  • Make sure all of the parties have agreed to the terms of the loan
  • Make sure the loan is structured in a way that will help all parties meet their goals
  • Ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable
  • Have a lawyer review the agreement to make sure it is compliant with all applicable laws
  • Make any necessary changes to the agreement
  • Obtain approval from all parties for the final version of the agreement
  • Once all parties have approved the agreement, you can move on to the next step of obtaining signatures from all parties.

Obtaining Signatures from All Parties

  • Have all parties to the agreement present for the signing ceremony
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the agreement that is signed and dated
  • Ensure all parties sign in the designated areas
  • Collect all copies of the agreement
  • Verify that all signatures are present and all copies are signed
  • Once all signatures are obtained, you can move on to the next step: Finalizing the Loan Agreement in Writing.

Finalizing the Loan Agreement in Writing

  • Ensure the document includes all pertinent information and signatures from all involved parties.
  • Check that the document includes the names of all parties, the loan amount, terms and conditions, repayment schedule, and any other relevant details.
  • Ensure that the document is clear and precise so that any legal disputes can be avoided.
  • Have all parties read and sign the loan agreement.
  • Store the document in a safe and secure place for future reference.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once all parties have read, signed, and the document is stored in a secure place, the finalizing of the loan agreement is complete.

Potential Issues to Be Aware Of When Drafting a Loan Agreement

  • Make sure to include a repayment schedule that is both realistic and achievable for the borrower.
  • Include any conditions or contingencies that must be met before the loan can be disbursed.
  • Ensure that any default actions or remedies are reasonable and in line with local laws and regulations.
  • Make sure all parties understand the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.
  • When all parties have agreed to the terms of the loan agreement and signed off on it, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Limitations on the Ability to Repay

  • Review the financial information and documents provided by the borrower to analyze their ability to repay the loan
  • Include language in the loan agreement that limits the borrower’s ability to take on more debt or otherwise limit their ability to repay the loan
  • Place restrictions on the borrower’s ability to make distributions to shareholders, such as requiring prior approval from the lender
  • Determine if the borrower is a closely held business and impose limits on any distributions made to shareholders
  • Specify any limitations on the borrower’s ability to make investments, merge, or acquire other businesses

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have included language in the loan agreement that limits the borrower’s ability to take on more debt and place restrictions on the borrower’s ability to make distributions to shareholders, as well as any other limitations you deem necessary.

Potential Collateral Requirements

  • Determine what type of collateral is necessary for the loan.
  • Assess the value of the collateral and ensure it is sufficient to cover the loan amount.
  • Draft the agreement to include the collateral requirements, the value of the collateral, and the conditions of the loan.
  • When the agreement is drafted, check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Risk of Default

  • Identify and analyze the potential risks of loan default
  • Determine whether a loan guarantee or other type of security will be required
  • Consider the creditworthiness of the loan applicant
  • Determine the terms of the loan, such as the interest rate and repayment schedule
  • Outline any penalties for default in the program participation agreement
  • When all risks of default have been identified and addressed, this step is complete and you can move on to the next step of the guide: Usury Laws.

Usury Laws

  • Check the relevant usury laws in the jurisdiction of the participant to ensure that the interest rate, finance charge, and other fees comply with all applicable laws.
  • Consider incorporating an interest rate cap, an annual percentage rate cap, a late payment fee cap, and a loan origination fee cap.
  • Be sure to explicitly state in the agreement the interest rate, finance charge, and all other applicable fees.
  • When you have finished ensuring compliance with usury laws, move on to the next step.


Q: What are the key differences between drafting a program participation agreement in UK and US jurisdictions?

Asked by Sarah on April 19th 2022.
A: The main difference between drafting a program participation agreement in the UK and US jurisdictions lies in the regulations, laws, and specific requirements of each jurisdiction. In the UK, program participation agreements are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), while in the US, they are regulated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Additionally, program participation agreements in the UK may have different requirements than those in the US due to differences in taxation, consumer protection legislation, and other legal requirements. It is important to ensure that any program participation agreement is drafted according to the relevant jurisdiction’s laws and regulations.

Q: Are there any specific requirements for drafting a program participation agreement for technology companies?

Asked by Tim on June 3rd 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain specific requirements for drafting a program participation agreement for technology companies. Depending on the nature of the technology company, it may be necessary to include special provisions regarding intellectual property rights and ownership of software or data. Additionally, technology companies may need to include provisions regarding data privacy and security, as well as liabilities related to software or hardware malfunctions. It is also important to consider whether any special regulations or rules apply to technology companies in terms of access to customer data or other sensitive information.

Q: Are there any common pitfalls when it comes to drafting a program participation agreement?

Asked by Jessica on August 6th 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain common pitfalls when it comes to drafting a program participation agreement. Firstly, it is important to ensure that all parties involved fully understand the terms of the agreement and any potential risks associated with it. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all parties agree on who will be responsible for any losses incurred as a result of non-compliance with the terms of the agreement. It is also important to ensure that all parties sign off on the agreement before it is finalized and put into effect. Finally, it is important to make sure that all relevant regulations, laws, and other legal requirements are taken into account when drafting a program participation agreement.

Example dispute

Lawsuits Referencing Program Participation Agreements

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit that references a Program Participation Agreement (PPA) if they believe that their rights or interests were violated or infringed upon by the organization with which they signed the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may need to provide evidence that the organization violated the terms of the PPA and therefore caused them harm.
  • Possible violations of a PPA may include failure to comply with the obligations outlined within the agreement, such as providing services or goods in a timely manner, or using the funds provided for the intended purpose.
  • The plaintiff may also need to provide evidence that they were damaged or suffered losses due to the violation of the PPA. This may include lost wages, medical bills, or other damages.
  • The court may decide in favor of the plaintiff, and may award a settlement or damages to make up for the losses suffered. The amount of damages will depend on the specifics of the case and the amount of harm that was suffered.

Templates available (free to use)

Program Participation Agreement

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