Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

How To Draft a Non-Refundable Deposit Agreement

23 Mar 2023
25 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Non-refundable deposit agreements are a cornerstone of real estate and other business transactions, providing clear terms and conditions for both parties whilst guaranteeing the security of each side’s money. At Genie AI, we fully understand how important it is to have a legally binding non-refundable deposit agreement in place; that’s why we provide template libraries with millions of datapoints so you can draft and customize high quality legal documents without having to pay an expert.

A non-refundable deposit agreement sets out the terms and conditions of a payment transaction between two parties, often between purchaser and seller; such agreements must be explicit in order to protect both sides from any losses that may occur as a result of financing or leasing deals falling through. It is essential for sellers to ensure they receive their full amount should the deal not go through as expected - thus, having this agreement in place guarantees their protection against potential losses.

From the purchaser’s point of view too, such an agreement is beneficial - it gives them the assurance that their money will be returned if circumstances beyond control prevent them from going ahead with the purchase. Furthermore, having such an agreement highlights any rights or obligations that either party may have agreed upon prior to entering into said deal; this information can prove invaluable should either side choose to contest any part of the contract later down the line.

Last but certainly not least, non-refundable deposit agreements also help reduce fraudulent activity by providing clarity on each party’s expectations throughout the transaction process. This helps ensure all involved can rest easy knowing they’re dealing with reputable businesses - something vital when entering into large financial commitments such as property purchases or leases.

At Genie AI we believe strongly in empowering individuals to make informed decisions without breaking their bank balance; our open source template library provides users with access to highly market standard non refundable deposit agreements at no additional cost - allowing anyone regardless of expertise or experience level create legally binding contracts tailored specifically for them using our step-by-step guidance toolkit today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Non-refundable Deposit: A payment made by a buyer or tenant that is not returned in the event of a cancellation or breach of contract.

Legal Implications: The consequences that come with a legally binding agreement.

State and Local Laws: Regulations determined by state and local governments that must be followed.

Non-refundable Deposit Agreement: A legally binding contract that outlines the amount and terms of a non-refundable deposit.

Signing and Notarizing: An official process to make a document legal, typically done by having it signed and stamped by a notary public.

Refund Policy: A set of conditions that must be met in order for a deposit to be refunded.


  • Definition of a Non-refundable Deposit
  • Benefits of Non-refundable Deposits
  • Potential Legal Implications
  • Research State and Local Laws
  • Draft a Non-refundable Deposit Agreement
  • Items to Include in a Non-refundable Deposit Agreement
  • Amount of the Deposit
  • Timeline for Payment
  • Terms of Deposit
  • Refund Policy
  • Signing and Notarizing the Agreement
  • Sending a Copy of the Agreement to Both Parties
  • Obtaining Payment for the Non-refundable Deposit
  • Finalizing the Agreement and Storing a Copy

Get started

Definition of a Non-refundable Deposit

  • Understand the concept of a non-refundable deposit: A non-refundable deposit is a payment that is made to secure an agreement between two parties. It is not refundable, even if the agreement is not fulfilled.
  • Identify what you want to cover in the agreement: Non-refundable deposits are typically used to secure the purchase of goods, services, or real estate. The agreement should include details such as the amount of the deposit, the terms of the purchase, and any associated fees or penalties.
  • Research state laws: Each state has its own laws governing non-refundable deposits. It is important to be familiar with these laws before drafting your agreement.

You can check this step off your list once you have a good understanding of the concept of a non-refundable deposit, identified what you want to cover in the agreement, and have done research on state laws.

Benefits of Non-refundable Deposits

  • Non-refundable deposits can be beneficial to businesses by securing a commitment from a customer to purchase goods or services.
  • They can also be used as a form of liquidated damages in case of a breach of contract, which can help ensure that the seller is compensated for any losses incurred as a result of the breach.
  • Non-refundable deposits can also provide an upfront payment that can help cover the cost of materials and labor needed to fulfill the agreement.
  • Once you are familiar with the benefits of a non-refundable deposit agreement, you can move on to the next step of potentially exploring any legal implications associated with the agreement.

Potential Legal Implications

  • Research any legal implications associated with the non-refundable deposit agreement, including any state or local laws that may apply.
  • Make sure you are aware of any regulatory requirements and ensure they are met before proceeding with the agreement.
  • Contact a lawyer or legal advisor to discuss any potential legal implications associated with the agreement.
  • Once you have researched the potential legal implications and consulted a lawyer or legal advisor, you can move on to the next step of researching state and local laws.

Research State and Local Laws

  • Research state and local laws related to non-refundable deposits to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • Look into any restrictions or limitations that may apply to the agreement.
  • Consider any potential tax implications that may arise due to the agreement.
  • Check with a local legal counsel or an attorney in the applicable jurisdiction to ensure that the agreement is compliant with all applicable laws.
  • Once you have researched the applicable laws and regulations, and have consulted with the necessary legal counsel, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: drafting a non-refundable deposit agreement.

Draft a Non-refundable Deposit Agreement

  • Consult a lawyer to ensure the agreement is legally binding.
  • Include the details of the deposit agreement, including the amount, when it’s due, and what it covers.
  • Specify any additional terms for the deposit, including how the deposit will be handled if the deal falls through.
  • Be sure to include the signatures of both parties to make it a legally binding document.
  • When the document is complete, save it in a secure place.

Once the non-refundable deposit agreement is drafted, you’ll know you can move on to the next step.

Items to Include in a Non-refundable Deposit Agreement

• Include the date of the agreement
• State the full names of the parties involved
• Include a brief description of the goods or services being purchased
• State the amount of the deposit
• Specify the payment method
• Explain the conditions of the deposit
• Include any limitations or restrictions
• Outline the consequences of defaulting on the payment
• Include a statement of agreement from both parties
• Include a signature line for both parties to sign

Once all of the above items have been included in the draft non-refundable deposit agreement, you can move on to the next step of determining the amount of the deposit.

Amount of the Deposit

  • Determine how much you will require as a deposit. This should be a reasonable amount that is proportional to the value of the services or goods being sold.
  • Document the amount of the deposit in the agreement. Include the dollar amount as well as a description of how many payments will be made, when they will be due, and how much each payment will be.
  • Make sure to include language in the agreement that states that the deposit is non-refundable.
  • Once you have determined the amount of the deposit and documented it in the agreement, you can check off this step and move on to the next one.

Timeline for Payment

  • Set a timeline for when the deposit should be paid. This can be a specific day or a certain number of days after the agreement is signed.
  • Decide when the deposit should be made: upon signing the agreement, within a certain number of days, or by a certain date.
  • Include the timeline of when the deposit is due in the agreement.
  • When the timeline has been agreed upon and included in the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the Terms of Deposit.

Terms of Deposit

  • Gather all the necessary details, such as the amount of the deposit, the due date, the parties involved, and the purpose of the deposit
  • Draft the language of the agreement, clearly stating the agreed-upon terms of the deposit
  • Include a clause specifying that the deposit is non-refundable
  • Have all parties involved sign the agreement
  • Store a copy of the agreement in a secure place

Once you have gathered the details and drafted the language, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step, which is outlining the refund policy.

Refund Policy

  • Determine what type of refund policy you would like to include in the agreement. Consider whether you want to allow for any partial refunds, or if you want to make the agreement completely non-refundable.
  • Outline the refund policy in the agreement in clear and understandable language.
  • Make sure the agreement is properly signed and dated by both parties.
  • When you have completed the refund policy section of the agreement, you can move on to the next step of signing and notarizing the agreement.

Signing and Notarizing the Agreement

  • Have the parties involved in the agreement sign the document
  • Make sure that the parties have valid identification with them and are of legal age
  • Have the document notarized by a notary public or other qualified individual
  • Make sure that the notary public completes the notarial certificate included in the agreement
  • Make sure that the notary public verifies the identity and signature of the parties involved
  • Once the document is signed and notarized, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Sending a Copy of the Agreement to Both Parties

  • Scan a copy of the signed and notarized Non-Refundable Deposit Agreement
  • Email a copy of the signed and notarized agreement to both parties
  • Receive confirmation that both parties have received the agreement
  • Ensure both parties have read and understand the terms of the agreement
  • Once both parties have read and confirmed they understand the agreement, you can move on to the next step of obtaining payment for the non-refundable deposit.

Obtaining Payment for the Non-refundable Deposit

  • Request payment of the non-refundable deposit from the buyer.
  • Make sure the payment is sent to the seller’s secure payment account.
  • Ensure the payment is for the exact amount stated in the agreement.
  • Collect the payment and provide a receipt to the buyer.

You’ll know when this step is complete when the payment has been collected and the receipt has been provided to the buyer.

Finalizing the Agreement and Storing a Copy

  • Have the customer sign the agreement and make sure to keep a copy of the signed document for your records.
  • Make sure to store the agreement in a secure place and keep a digital copy of it.
  • You can check this off your list when the customer has signed the agreement and you have stored both a physical and digital copy of it.


Q: What are the legal consequences of creating a non-refundable deposit agreement?

Asked by David on June 10th, 2022.
A: Non-refundable deposit agreements are legally binding documents and must be drafted carefully. In the case of a breach of the agreement, both parties may be subject to civil or criminal legal action, depending on the jurisdiction. It is important to consult a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before drafting a non-refundable deposit agreement to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account.

Q: What are the differences between US, UK and EU laws regarding non-refundable deposit agreements?

Asked by Michael on January 6th, 2022.
A: There are differences between US, UK and EU laws regarding non-refundable deposit agreements. In the US, there are no specific laws governing non-refundable deposits; however, many states have consumer protection laws which may apply. In the UK, there is no specific legislation governing non-refundable deposits; however, consumer protection laws may apply. In the EU, consumer protection laws may also apply, but there is no specific legislation governing non-refundable deposits. It is important to consult a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before drafting a non-refundable deposit agreement to ensure that all relevant laws are taken into account.

Q: What types of businesses would need to create a non-refundable deposit agreement?

Asked by Jessica on April 1st, 2022.
A: Non-refundable deposit agreements can be used by any type of business that requires customers to make a deposit in order to secure goods or services. This could include real estate agents and brokers, service providers such as plumbers and electricians, retailers selling expensive goods such as furniture and electronics, travel agents offering pre-payment for bookings, and many more. It is important to consult a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before drafting a non-refundable deposit agreement to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account.

Q: Are there any other types of agreements that can be used instead of a non-refundable deposit agreement?

Asked by Jason on August 31st, 2022.
A: Yes, there are other types of agreements that can be used instead of a non-refundable deposit agreement. Depending on the business model and sector in which you operate, you may opt for an escrow agreement or payment plan instead of a non-refundable deposit agreement. Other options include installment payment plans or deferred payment plans. It is important to consult a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before deciding which type of agreement would best suit your business needs.

Q: What should be included in a non-refundable deposit agreement?

Asked by Matthew on July 12th, 2022.
A: A non-refundable deposit agreement should include details such as the names of both parties involved in the agreement; the goods or services being offered; the amount of money being paid as a deposit; details of when and how the balance will be paid; and any special terms relating to the goods or services being offered such as delivery timescales or warranties. It is important to consult a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before drafting a non-refundable deposit agreement to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account.

Q: How does an online business create a legally binding non-refundable deposit agreement?

Asked by Kristen on March 15th, 2022.
A: An online business can create a legally binding non-refundable deposit agreement by ensuring that all relevant information is included in the document; this includes details such as the names of both parties involved in the agreement; the goods or services being offered; the amount of money being paid as a deposit; details of when and how the balance will be paid; and any special terms relating to the goods or services being offered such as delivery timescales or warranties. It is important to consult a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before drafting an online non-refundable deposit agreement to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account.

Q: Can I use an online platform to create my own non-refundable deposit agreement?

Asked by Sarah on November 25th, 2022.
A: Yes, you can use an online platform such as LegalZoom or Rocket Lawyer to create your own non-refundable deposit agreement. However, it is important to bear in mind that these platforms do not offer personalized advice from qualified lawyers or legal advisors about your particular situation so it is advisable to consult with an expert if you have any questions about your specific needs or circumstances related to your agreement.

Q: How long should I keep records related to my non-refundable deposit agreements?

Asked by John on September 5th, 2022.
A: The length of time you should keep records related to your non-refundable deposit agreements will depend on your jurisdiction and industry sector; however it is advisable to keep records at least seven years after they were created as this is generally accepted as best practice for most businesses in most countries around the world. It is important to check with your local jurisdiction for specific requirements regarding record keeping for your particular situation and industry sector before disposing of any records related to your non-refundable deposits agreements.

Q: Can I impose late fees for overdue payments related to my non-refundable deposits agreements?

Asked by Jennifer on February 9th, 2022.
A: Yes, it is possible for you impose late fees for overdue payments related to your non refundable deposits agreements; however these late fees must be reasonable and proportionate with respect to both parties’ interests in order for them not to be considered usurious under applicable law so it is important to consult with a qualified lawyer or legal advisor before doing so in order ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are taken into account when deciding upon late fees for overdue payments related to your non refundable deposits agreements

Q: Are there any restrictions on who can sign my company’s non refundable deposits agreements?

Asked by Joshua on October 1st ,2022
A: Generally speaking there are no restrictions on who can sign company’s nnon refundable deposits agreements provided they have been granted authority from their employer (the company) under relevant law so it is important check with your local jurisdiction for specific requirements regarding signing authority before signing any contracts including those related to non refundable deposits agreements

Q: Is there any additional paperwork associated with creating my company’s non refundables deposits agreements?

Asked by Ashley on July 29th ,2022

A: Generally speaking there is no additional paperwork associated with creating company’s nnon refundables deposits agreements beyond what has already been outlined in this guide but it is important check with your local jurisdiction for specific requirements regarding additional paperwork associated with creating these types of contracts including those related to nnon refundables deposits agreements

Q: What should I do if I am asked for more information than what I have provided in my company’s nnon refundables deposits agreements?

Asked by Christopher on May 8th ,2022

A: If you are asked for more information than what has been specified in your company’s nnon refundables deposits agreements then it is important that you consult with a qualified lawyer or legal advisor who can help you determine whether you need provide this additional information and what rights both parties have under applicable law relating this matter

Q: Is there anything else I need consider when creating my company’s nnon refundables deposits agreements?

Asked by Andrew on December 14th ,2022

A: Yes there are several additional factors which need considered when creating your company’s nnon refundables deposits agreements including but not limited too; potential changes in interest rates over time; potential currency fluctuations over time; potential changes in taxation over time; potential changes in legislation over time; potential changes in customer demand over time; potential changes in technology over time; potential changes in industry standards over time and potential changes in market forces over time which could impact either party’s ability fulfil their obligations under these contracts

Example dispute

Suing for Breach of Non-Refundable Deposit Agreement

  • Plaintiff may bring suit for breach of contract if the defendant did not adhere to the non-refundable deposit agreement.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant agreed to be bound by the terms of the non-refundable deposit agreement, that the defendant failed to fulfill the agreed upon terms, and that the plaintiff suffered damages as a result.
  • The plaintiff may be able to prove the existence of the agreement through a witness, emails, text messages, or other documents.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to recover damages for any losses suffered as a result of the breach, such as lost profits or any out-of-pocket expenses.
  • The court may also award punitive damages if the defendant’s breach was intentional or reckless.
  • The court may also order the defendant to return the non-refundable deposit if the plaintiff can prove that the deposit was not used for the agreed upon purpose.
  • Settlement may be reached if the plaintiff and defendant can negotiate an agreement outside of court.
  • If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may go to trial, where the plaintiff may be able to recover damages if the court determines that the defendant is liable for breach of contract.

Templates available (free to use)

Non Refundable Deposit Agreement

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