Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Get Started with Consulting

9 Jun 2023
28 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Navigating the complexities of the legal industry can be daunting, but consulting is a powerful way to identify and mitigate risks, while also gaining specialized knowledge. Founded in 2017, Genie AI’s open source legal template library has millions of data points to inform users about market-standard consulting services. By providing access to a highly qualified expert and developing their skills in a focused manner, consultants are able to give clients the guidance they need to make informed decisions, as well as build relationships of trust.

Consulting offers an immensely valuable service for those looking for insights into the potential legal implications of their decisions or actions. By being able to explore all facets of the law, legal professionals can gain greater insight into how best to protect their interests and those of their clients. Consulting also allows for better problem-solving approaches that go beyond what may already be known on a certain topic.

For business owners or entrepreneurs needing help with complex decisions that could have far-reaching consequences, having access to an experienced consultant is invaluable - giving them assurance that their needs are taken care of in an informed manner. Furthermore, by using Genie AI’s community template library anyone can draft and customize high quality documents without having to engage a lawyer - allowing them access to more knowledge while saving them money at the same time.

Saudi Arabia recently sold 7 million shares in its flagship insurance company NCCI - reflecting change within its industry as new legislation seeks clamp down on unauthorized companies selling insurance products and make insurance requirements more stringent - boosting public confidence in the system. Similarly Genie AI provides free consulting templates for anyone looking for step-by-step guidance or wanting information about how they can access our world class template library today without needing a Genie AI account at any time - aiming only to help those interested with no strings attached!


Liability: The legal responsibility for any damages or losses caused by an individual or a business.
Incorporate: To form a corporation or other legal entity.
Incentivize: To provide encouragement or motivation to do something.
Subcontractor: A person or business that is hired by another person or business to do a particular job or provide a service.
Entity: A business or organization with its own legal identity, separate from its owners.
Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA): A legal contract between two or more parties regarding confidential information.
Scope of Work: A document that defines the tasks, deliverables, and timeline for a project.


  1. Setting up a business
  2. Understanding the legal aspects of setting up a business, such as obtaining business licenses and registering with the government
  3. Researching the competition and the industry
  4. Choosing a business structure, such as LLC or sole proprietorship
  5. Opening a business bank account
  6. Establishing a bookkeeping system
  7. Determining pricing strategies
  8. Understanding how to calculate fees and set prices for services
  9. Identifying the costs of goods and services
  10. Researching the competition to understand pricing trends
  11. Developing a marketing plan
  12. Understanding how to create and implement an effective marketing strategy
  13. Identifying target audiences and their needs
  14. Developing a budget for marketing activities
  15. Networking
  16. Learning how to network and build relationships with clients and potential customers
  17. Researching networking events and organizations
  18. Crafting an elevator pitch
  19. Building an online presence
  20. Understanding the importance of having a website and social media presence, and how to use them effectively
  21. Creating a website or blog for the business
  22. Developing an online marketing strategy using social media platforms
  23. Understanding the industry
  24. Becoming familiar with the industry, market trends, and best practices
  25. Developing relationships with industry influencers
  26. Setting goals
  27. Identifying and setting realistic goals for the business
  28. Tracking progress towards goals
  29. Improving customer service
  30. Learning how to develop customer service processes and procedures
  31. Establishing customer service standards
  32. Creating customer service policies and procedures
  33. Developing customer feedback surveys
  34. Building a team
  35. Understanding how to find and hire employees, and how to manage and motivate them
  36. Developing job descriptions and job postings
  37. Creating an onboarding process for new hires
  38. Developing skills
  39. Improving business, communication, and presentation skills to better serve clients
  40. Taking classes or attending workshops to enhance skills
  41. Learning how to use software and technology to streamline processes

Get started

Setting up a business

  • Research and determine the legal structure of your consulting business, such as a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation
  • Determine the name of your consulting business and make sure to check if it’s available
  • Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Register your business with the state or local government
  • Open a business bank account
  • Apply for any required licenses or permits
  • Establish a record-keeping system

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have all the necessary documents for the business structure you have chosen, the business name is registered, and you have obtained the EIN and any required licenses or permits.

Understanding the legal aspects of setting up a business, such as obtaining business licenses and registering with the government

  • Research the legal requirements for setting up a business in your area
  • Look into obtaining any necessary business licenses and registering with the government
  • Contact a lawyer to help with any legal paperwork or questions
  • When you have all the necessary information and paperwork in order, you can move on to researching the competition and the industry.

Researching the competition and the industry

  • Research the competition in the consulting industry:
  • Analyze the types of services they offer
  • Identify the prices they charge
  • Learn their target market
  • Analyze their marketing strategies
  • Assess their strengths and weaknesses
  • Research the industry:
  • Identify trends in the industry
  • Analyze the needs of the industry
  • Learn about the opportunities in the industry
  • Understand the current and future market demand
  • Research the customers in the industry
  • Once you have gathered the necessary research, you can develop your own strategy for your consulting business. You will know you are ready to move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the competition and the industry.

Choosing a business structure, such as LLC or sole proprietorship

  • Research the pros and cons of LLCs and sole proprietorships
  • Consult with a lawyer or accountant to understand the implications of each
  • Decide which structure best fits your business
  • File the paperwork with the state or local government
  • When you are done, you will have an official business structure in place that you can use for filing taxes and other business-related activities.

Opening a business bank account

  • Choose a bank that suits your needs, such as one with low fees, convenient locations, and online banking options
  • Gather all of your business documents and identification
  • Check with the bank to determine what documents they’ll need to open your business bank account
  • Visit the bank to open the account, or fill out the necessary paperwork online
  • Once the account is open, you’ll need to sign a signature card and receive the account information
  • You’ll know you have completed this step when you have received confirmation that your business bank account has been opened, and you have all the necessary information.

Establishing a bookkeeping system

  • Decide if you are going to use an accounting software (such as QuickBooks or Xero) or use a spreadsheet.
  • Set up a system that allows you to record all financial transactions such as invoices, expenses, payments, and deposits.
  • Track your income and expenses on a regular basis and make sure to record every transaction.
  • Ensure that you’re aware of how to comply with tax regulations and keep records of all financial activity.
  • Set up a system for tracking your billable hours and client payments.
  • You’ll know that this step is complete when you have a system in place to track all financial transactions and billable hours.

Determining pricing strategies

  • Research pricing strategies and industry standards in your field
  • Choose the pricing strategy that fits your business model, goals, and services
  • Create a pricing structure and set rates for your services
  • Test your pricing strategy and adjust as needed
  • When you’re satisfied with your pricing structure, you’re ready to move on to the next step of understanding how to calculate fees and set prices for services.

Understanding how to calculate fees and set prices for services

  • Calculate the cost of overhead expenses such as rent, utilities, software, office supplies, etc.
  • Consider the time it takes to complete the services you are offering and set a rate accordingly
  • Take into account the cost of materials and labor, as well as the amount of money you need to make in order to turn a profit
  • Research the market to determine the going rate for similar services
  • Adjust your pricing model as needed to remain competitive
  • When you have determined your fees and prices, test them out to make sure they are viable
  • Once you are happy with the results, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next one.

Identifying the costs of goods and services

  • Identify the cost of goods and services you intend to offer as a consultant
  • Research the price of goods and services offered by the competition
  • Take into account the cost of labor, materials, and other resources that go into providing the goods and services you offer
  • Calculate the amount of markup you will need to make a profit
  • Calculate the price of goods and services you will offer
  • Compare your prices with the competition to ensure you are able to remain competitive

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have identified the cost of goods and services, researched the prices of goods and services offered by the competition, and calculated the price of goods and services you will offer.

Researching the competition to understand pricing trends

  • Identify the competitors in your field
  • Analyze the pricing of their goods and services to get an idea of pricing trends
  • Compare the quality of their goods and services to yours
  • Compare the features and services of your business to theirs
  • Research any other factors that might influence pricing in the industry
  • When you have a good understanding of pricing trends in the industry, you can move on to developing a marketing plan.

Developing a marketing plan

  • Analyze your target market to understand their needs and preferences
  • Develop your brand identity and key messaging
  • Identify the marketing channels that will be most effective for your target audience
  • Develop a budget and timeline for your marketing plan
  • Put together a comprehensive plan that includes creative, messaging, and tactics
  • Have an internal review of the plan to ensure it meets the goals of the business

When you can check this off your list:

  • You have completed the research phase and have a well-defined marketing plan in place that meets the goals of the business.

Understanding how to create and implement an effective marketing strategy

  • Create a list of marketing tactics that can be used to reach your target audience
  • Research the best approach to take with each of the tactics you’ve selected
  • Consider the cost and ROI of each tactic and determine which ones are most effective for your business
  • Develop a timeline for each task, including deadlines to ensure that all elements of the strategy are completed on time
  • Monitor the performance of the marketing strategy and adjust as needed
  • Evaluate the success of the marketing strategy and make changes if necessary

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have completed the research, developed a timeline, and monitored the performance of the marketing strategy, you can assess if the strategy is successful and move on to the next step.

Identifying target audiences and their needs

  • Identify the customer segments you want to target
  • Research the needs of each customer segment
  • Develop a customer profile for each segment
  • Analyze the characteristics of each customer segment
  • Test and validate the customer profiles
  • Use the customer profiles to inform marketing messages and activities

Once you have identified the customer segments, researched and developed customer profiles, and analyzed the characteristics of each customer segment, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Developing a budget for marketing activities

  • Determine how much money will be allocated for marketing activities
  • Evaluate the best strategies that fit within the budget
  • Research the cost of marketing tools and services
  • Consider the cost of hiring a marketing consultant or agency
  • Review the costs of advertising and other outreach activities
  • Estimate the return on investment for various marketing activities
  • Create a plan for tracking the results of marketing efforts
  • When you have a budget that is allocated for marketing activities and a plan for tracking the results of marketing efforts, you are ready to move on to the next step: Networking.


  • Research potential clients and industry contacts
  • Join relevant professional networks and groups
  • Attend networking events in your industry
  • Reach out to potential contacts and introduce yourself
  • Connect with people on social media
  • Follow up with contacts you meet

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have a list of contacts and have reached out to them.

Learning how to network and build relationships with clients and potential customers

  • Identify the types of clients and potential customers that you are interested in working with
  • Reach out to people in your network and ask for introductions to potential clients and customers
  • Connect with potential clients and customers on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook
  • Schedule meetings and interact with potential clients and customers to build relationships
  • Ask for feedback from clients and customers on what kind of services they are looking for
  • When you have established relationships with clients and customers and have a good understanding of their needs, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Researching networking events and organizations

  • Identify relevant professional organizations in your area
  • Research upcoming events in your area related to consulting
  • Check out online resources for networking events and organizations
  • Join a few relevant groups on social media
  • Attend at least one networking event to develop relationships with potential clients and customers
  • Once you have attended at least one networking event, researched relevant organizations, and joined relevant social media groups, you can move on to crafting your elevator pitch.

Crafting an elevator pitch

  • Brainstorm ideas and key points that you want to include in your elevator pitch
  • Outline your pitch to focus on the most important points
  • Practice your pitch out loud until you are confident in your delivery
  • Consider the tone and language you use in your pitch
  • Test your elevator pitch on friends, family, and colleagues
  • When you are happy with your pitch and delivery, you can move on to the next step.

Building an online presence

  • Register a domain name and create a website
  • Create social media accounts on the main platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Develop a content strategy for each platform (e.g. types of content, frequency, target audience, etc.)
  • Design a website and social media profiles that reflect your brand and message
  • Learn the basics of SEO and leverage it to improve your online presence
  • Monitor your online presence and adjust your strategy over time

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when your website and social media accounts are set up, and you have a content strategy in place.

Understanding the importance of having a website and social media presence, and how to use them effectively

  • Research the best web hosting services and decide which one to use
  • Register a domain name and set up hosting
  • Choose the right platform for your website (e.g. WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.)
  • Design and develop your website, including selecting a template, customizing the design, and adding content
  • Create social media accounts for your business and design an effective social media strategy
  • Monitor and track your website and social media performance to measure success

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when your website and social media accounts have been set up, designed, and content added, and your social media strategy has been established.

Creating a website or blog for the business

  • Decide on a domain name, and register it
  • Choose a hosting plan and web builder
  • Create your website using a web builder or hire a web developer
  • Add pages and content to your website
  • Test the website for functionality and speed
  • Make sure the website is optimized for SEO

Once you have the website up and running, you can move on to the next step of developing an online marketing strategy using social media platforms.

Developing an online marketing strategy using social media platforms

  • Research your target audience and the platforms they use most often
  • Create a plan for how you will engage with your audience on social media, including what kind of content you will share and how often
  • Create engaging content that appeals to your target audience
  • Utilize social media advertising to reach a larger audience
  • Monitor analytics on each platform to make sure you are making the most of your efforts
  • Evaluate the success of your social media strategy and adjust as necessary

You’ll know that you have completed this step when you have developed a social media marketing plan that you can use to create engaging content, advertise, and monitor analytics.

Understanding the industry

  • Research the industry and get an understanding of how it works, the consultants in the industry, and the most successful consulting businesses
  • Learn about the different types of consulting services and offerings, as well as the challenges consultants face
  • Attend relevant industry events and conferences to get a better understanding of the market
  • Speak to current and former consultants to gain insight into the industry
  • Read industry publications, blogs and articles to stay up to date with the latest news and trends

You will know when you have completed this step when you have developed a comprehensive understanding of the industry and the challenges it presents.

Becoming familiar with the industry, market trends, and best practices

  • Research the industry and its key players, including industry experts, leading companies, and competitors
  • Identify and track industry trends, both current and emerging
  • Read relevant industry publications and blogs
  • Attend industry conferences and seminars to network and gain knowledge
  • Join relevant industry associations and organizations
  • When you can confidently discuss the industry, its major players, and current trends, you can move on to the next step.

Developing relationships with industry influencers

  • Research influencers in the industry and identify key people who have a large following and wide reach
  • Reach out to influencers and introduce yourself to start building relationships
  • Use social media, email, or in-person networking opportunities to connect with influencers
  • Incorporate influencers into your marketing and promotional strategies
  • Offer incentives to influencers to collaborate and promote your products/services
  • Measure the success of your influencer relationships
  • You can check this off your list when you have built relationships with at least 3 key influencers in your industry.

Setting goals

  • Brainstorm a list of goals you want to achieve through consulting
  • Prioritize your goals based on importance and urgency
  • Outline how you plan to measure success for each goal, including key performance indicators and metrics
  • Set a timeline for achieving each goal
  • Create an actionable plan for achieving each goal
  • Once you have a list of achievable goals with a timeline and plan for achieving them, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying and setting realistic goals for the business

  • Identify the key areas of the business that need to be addressed and what success looks like in each area
  • Set realistic goals that are achievable and measureable
  • Take into consideration any external factors that may affect the business’s ability to reach its goals
  • Make sure the goals are clear and concise, and that there is an actionable plan to achieve them
  • Determine if these goals are aligned with the overall mission and vision of the business
  • Once the goals are set, create an action plan to achieve them within a specific timeline
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have set achievable goals that are aligned with the mission and vision of the business, and an action plan to achieve them.

Tracking progress towards goals

  • Set up tracking systems to measure progress towards goals, such as customer surveys and analytics software
  • Create a timeline of when you expect to achieve each goal
  • Track progress on a regular basis, be it daily, weekly, or monthly
  • Make adjustments to goals and tactics as needed to ensure success
  • Evaluate the success of each goal and adjust strategies accordingly
  • When you have achieved your goals, you can move on to the next step of improving customer service.

Improving customer service

  • Research best practices for customer service, such as responding promptly, being polite and friendly, and going the extra mile
  • Develop a customer service policy that outlines expectations and procedures
  • Provide customer service training for all employees who interact with customers
  • Monitor customer feedback and reviews to identify areas for improvement
  • Make sure customer service representatives are aware of any changes to company policies or products

Once you have researched best practices, developed a customer service policy, provided customer service training and monitored customer feedback, you will have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Learning how to develop customer service processes and procedures

  • Research customer service best practices and industry standards
  • Develop processes and procedures that align with customer service best practices
  • Create a customer service handbook that outlines all processes and procedures
  • Have the customer service handbook reviewed and approved by management
  • Once the handbook is approved, you can move on to the next step of establishing customer service standards.

Establishing customer service standards

  • Identify customer service goals and objectives
  • Examine customer service best practices
  • Determine customer service standards
  • Develop a system to measure customer service performance
  • Create and implement customer service standards
  • Create a customer service feedback system

Once you have identified and created customer service standards, you can then move on to creating customer service policies and procedures.

Creating customer service policies and procedures

  • Create a list of customer service policies and procedures that you want to have in place.
  • Set up a system to ensure that all customer service policies and procedures are consistently enforced.
  • Draft customer service procedures and have them reviewed and approved by the appropriate manager or team.
  • Train customer service staff on the policies and procedures.
  • Monitor compliance with customer service policies and procedures.
  • Once all of the policies and procedures have been created, reviewed and approved, and staff have been trained, you will know that you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Developing customer feedback surveys

  • Brainstorm possible survey questions that will give you insights into customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction
  • Determine the best way to deliver the survey to customers, such as via email, text message, or post-purchase
  • Create a survey that is short enough for customers to complete, but also provides you with the information you need
  • Test the survey before sending it out to customers to make sure it is accurate and easy to complete
  • Send out the survey to customers and collect responses
  • Analyze the survey results and use the information to improve customer service policies and procedures
  • When you have collected and analyzed the survey responses you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Building a team

  • Research and decide on which team roles you need to fill.
  • Write job descriptions for each role.
  • Develop a recruitment plan, including where to find potential team members.
  • Conduct interviews and decide who you would like to hire.
  • Create a team environment that is motivating and productive, with regular check-ins and performance reviews.
  • Provide training and resources that help team members stay up to date with industry trends.

You’ll know you have completed this step when you have hired team members that are suitable for the roles needed and have the necessary training and resources to carry out their work.

Understanding how to find and hire employees, and how to manage and motivate them

  • Research the best methods to find and hire employees, such as job boards, recruitment agencies, and referrals
  • Research best practices for managing and motivating employees, such as offering incentives and rewards, encouraging open communication, providing feedback, and creating a positive work environment
  • Create a recruitment plan that outlines the process for finding and hiring employees
  • Establish incentive programs and structures to motivate employees
  • Put processes in place to manage and mentor employees
  • You’ll know you can move on to the next step when you have a solid recruitment plan and incentive programs set up, and processes in place to manage and mentor employees.

Developing job descriptions and job postings

  • Determine the essential skills, knowledge, and experience required for the position
  • Develop a job description that accurately reflects the duties and responsibilities of the position
  • Outline the desired qualifications and requirements for the position
  • Post the job description to job boards, professional sites, and social media
  • Review applications and resumes for the position
  • Set up interviews with qualified applicants

When you’ve completed the above steps, you can move on to creating an onboarding process for new hires.

Creating an onboarding process for new hires

  • Create a checklist of onboarding tasks for new hires
  • Create a training plan for new hires
  • Develop an induction program for new hires
  • Set up a mentor system for new hires
  • Create a resources page for new hires
  • Develop an onboarding timeline for new hires

Once all tasks on the checklist have been completed, the onboarding process for new hires is complete and you can move on to the next step in the consulting process.

Developing skills

  • Establish a goal for the skills you want to develop for consulting
  • Identify the skills needed to become a successful consultant
  • Take relevant courses or classes to learn the necessary skills
  • Attend workshops or conferences related to the skills needed
  • Read books or online resources to develop the skills
  • Practice the skills in real-world scenarios
  • Seek mentorship from experienced consultants
  • Evaluate your skills regularly to measure progress

When you can check this off your list:

  • You will have a clear understanding of the skills needed to be a successful consultant
  • You will have developed the necessary skills to provide quality consulting services
  • You will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the skills needed for consulting

Improving business, communication, and presentation skills to better serve clients

  • Read relevant books, articles, or blogs on business, communication, and presentation skills
  • Take online courses or webinars that are related to the topics
  • Practice writing business emails and presentations
  • Make a list of questions to ask your colleagues or supervisors who have experience in the topics you are learning
  • Ask for feedback on your writing and presentations
  • Join a local meetup group or networking group that are related to the topics
  • You will know you can check this off your list when you can confidently explain the topics to others and apply them in your work.

Taking classes or attending workshops to enhance skills

  • Research relevant classes and workshops that can help you develop your skills further
  • Reach out to experienced consultants and ask for advice on which courses and workshops can help you
  • Sign up for courses and workshops that focus on the skills you want to develop
  • Dedicate time and effort to learning and mastering the skills taught in the courses and workshops
  • Once you feel like you have a strong understanding of the topics and have learned all you can, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Learning how to use software and technology to streamline processes

  • Identify the software and technology you need to use to make processes more efficient
  • Research the different software and technology options available and decide on the best option
  • Take online courses or read tutorials to understand how to use the chosen software and technology
  • Practice using the software and technology and experiment with different features to learn how they work
  • Test out the software and technology to make sure it works as desired and adjust settings as needed
  • When you feel comfortable using the software and technology, you can move on to the next step.


Q: How do I know if I need a consultant for my business?

Asked by Samantha on May 5, 2022.
A: Consulting can be a great way to bring in new ideas and strategies to your business. It depends on the nature of your business, what you need help with, and what level of expertise you require. You should consider whether you need a consultant if you are entering a new market, developing a new product or service, or trying to break into a new sector. If you are looking for more specialized advice and guidance, such as for legal or financial matters, then consulting could be a great way to expand your knowledge and ensure that you are making the right decisions for your business.

Q: What qualifications do consultants need?

Asked by Ryan on August 8, 2022.
A: Generally speaking, consultants should have experience and qualifications in the industry they are providing advice in. Depending on the specific consulting services they are providing, it is likely that they will hold relevant qualifications such as degrees or professional certifications. If a consultant is providing legal or financial advice then they may have additional qualifications such as a law degree or certified public accountant (CPA) certification. Additionally, consulting firms may require their consultants to have certain industry experience or knowledge in order to ensure that they are able to provide the best advice possible.

Q: What kind of services do consultants provide?

Asked by Emily on December 20, 2022.
A: Consultants can provide a variety of services depending on their expertise and experience. Common services include research and analysis, strategy development, project management, process improvement, training and development, legal and financial advice, market research, and more. Consultants can also provide valuable insights into industry trends and help businesses to stay competitive in their market.

Q: Are there any special regulations I need to be aware of when hiring a consultant?

Asked by Matthew on April 19, 2022.
A: Depending on your jurisdiction and where the consultant is based there may be special regulations that you need to be aware of when hiring a consultant. In the UK for example you may need to obtain permission from HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) in order to use the services of an overseas consultant. Additionally, if the consultant is providing regulated financial advice then there may be additional regulations that apply. You should check with your local regulator before engaging with a consultant to ensure that you comply with any relevant regulations or laws in your jurisdiction.

Q: How do I find a qualified consultant?

Asked by Madison on June 24, 2022.
A: Finding a qualified consultant can be challenging but there are many resources available that can help. The best place to start is by asking friends and colleagues for recommendations as this can be an effective way to find someone who has the right expertise for your needs. Additionally there are many websites and directories that list qualified consultants such as LinkedIn ProFinder and Upwork Pro which can make it easier to find qualified professionals in your area or industry sector. It is also worth noting that some consulting firms will offer free initial consultations which can be useful for assessing whether they are the right fit for your needs before committing to working with them long-term.

Q: What questions should I ask when interviewing potential consultants?

Asked by Joseph on March 15, 2022.
A: When interviewing potential consultants it is important to ask questions about their experience and qualifications as this will help you assess their suitability for the job at hand. You should also ask questions about their approach to consulting such as how they develop strategies or how they work with clients day-to-day. Additionally it is important to ask questions about their rates and fees as this will help you determine whether they are within your budget. Finally it is also worth asking questions about how they handle conflicts of interest which may arise during the course of their work with you as this will help ensure that any conflicts are managed appropriately and professionally from the outset.

Example dispute

Suing a Consulting Firm

  • Research relevant legal documents, regulations and civil law that could apply to the situation.
  • Identify the information provided or actions taken by the consulting firm that led to the lawsuit being raised.
  • Consider potential settlement agreements that could be reached and review any potential damages that could be calculated.
  • File the complaint in the appropriate court, detailing the specific facts and claims against the consulting firm.
  • Prepare to present evidence and arguments in court to support the plaintiff’s case.

Templates available (free to use)

Consulting Expert Budget Template
Consulting Letter Agreement
Consulting Services Contract
Executive Consulting Agreement
Form Of Consulting Agreement
Healthcare Consulting Contract
Investor Relations Consulting Agreement
Marketing Consulting Agreement
Master Consulting Services Agreement
Real Estate Consulting Agreement
Sales Consulting Agreement
Short Form Consulting Agreement
Software Consulting Agreement

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