Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Force Majeure 101

9 Jun 2023
29 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Force Majeure is a crucial principle in contract law that all business owners, executives, and legal professionals must be aware of. ‘Force Majeure’ is a Latin term which means ‘superior force’, and it is commonly used in contracts to describe events or conditions beyond the control of those involved - this could be anything from war or natural disasters to strikes. Should such an event occur, the parties may not have to fulfill their obligations under the contract.

The concept of force majeure is so important due to its potential for limiting liability; by including a force majeure clause in their contracts, those involved can protect themselves from some of the risks they may face while entering into an agreement. This also ensures that they are not held responsible for something which wasn’t within their power.

In order to understand why force majeure matters, it’s important to understand how it works - generally speaking, these clauses include a list of possible events which would constitute as a ‘superior force’, ranging from natural disasters and pandemics to terrorism and war; when one occurs, both parties are absolved from any responsibility arising out of their contractual obligations.

Given its significance for those partaking in agreements and contracts, it’s essential for business owners, executives and legal professionals alike to familiarize themselves with what constitutes force majeure; by including such a clause in their contracts they can limit any potential liabilities brought about through unforeseeable circumstances outside their control. In addition, Genie AI provides free resources like template libraries where anyone can draft high quality legal documents without consulting an expert or employing qualified lawyers- knowledge that any party entering into an agreement should have at hand before making any commitments.

At Genie AI we believe that everyone should have access to free resources when it comes to understanding the concept and implications of force majeure- so with this in mind we invite you now read on below for further guidance on how you can access our template library today without even having a Genie AI account!


Force Majeure: Refers to a common law doctrine that allows parties to a contract to be released from their obligations due to circumstances beyond their control.
Case Law: Decisions made by a court of law which determine the outcome of a particular case and are used as a precedent for later similar cases.
Boilerplate: Standard language or clauses which are used in a contract or other legal document and often require minimal changes.
Invoke: To formally use or cite.
Remedies: Solutions or actions taken to address a problem.


  1. Definition of Force Majeure
  2. Review relevant case law
  3. Understand the common law definition
  4. Identify the types of events that constitute Force Majeure
  5. Examples of Force Majeure Events
  6. Natural disasters
  7. Acts of war
  8. Labor strikes
  9. Technological failures
  10. Travel delays
  11. How Force Majeure is Addressed in Contracts
  12. Identify which contracts contain Force Majeure provisions
  13. Review the Force Majeure provisions in the relevant contracts
  14. Understand the scope of the Force Majeure provisions
  15. Impact of Force Majeure on Contracts
  16. Identify the potential impacts of Force Majeure on the relevant contracts
  17. Understand how the contract terms may change due to Force Majeure
  18. Enforcing Force Majeure Provisions in Contracts
  19. Analyze the legal process for enforcing Force Majeure provisions
  20. Understand the available remedies
  21. Legal Implications of Force Majeure
  22. Analyze the legal implications of Force Majeure
  23. Understand the potential liability of parties to the contract
  24. Strategies for Mitigating the Risks of Force Majeure
  25. Implement strategies to reduce the risk of Force Majeure
  26. Identify ways to minimize the impact of Force Majeure events
  27. Tips for Negotiating Force Majeure Provisions in Contracts
  28. Understand the common pitfalls when negotiating Force Majeure provisions
  29. Identify strategies for structuring Force Majeure provisions to be favorable for both parties
  30. Determine which terms are non-negotiable
  31. Drafting Force Majeure Provisions in Contracts
  32. Review standard boilerplate clauses
  33. Understand the legal requirements for drafting Force Majeure provisions
  34. Identify ways to make the contract language flexible to address potential Force Majeure events
  35. Monitoring Force Majeure Events
  36. Establish a system for tracking Force Majeure events
  37. Identify resources for staying up-to-date on Force Majeure events
  38. Monitor the potential impact of Force Majeure events on existing contracts

Get started

Definition of Force Majeure

  • Research the definition of ““Force Majeure”” and its elements
  • Read up on relevant case law and legal commentary on Force Majeure
  • Understand the legal concepts and elements surrounding Force Majeure
  • Compile a list of relevant definitions and considerations
  • Check off this step when you have an in-depth understanding of the definition of Force Majeure and its elements.

Review relevant case law

  • Identify cases related to Force Majeure and read them to understand the principles
  • Make a list of the important points in each case
  • Analyze the facts of the case to see how they apply to your situation
  • When you are finished, you will have a better understanding of how courts have interpreted Force Majeure in different scenarios.

Understand the common law definition

  • Research what the common law definition of Force Majeure is
  • Consider any relevant case law that can help you better understand the common law definition
  • Read through any relevant documents that can help you gain a better understanding of the common law definition
  • Make notes summarizing the common law definition of Force Majeure

Once you have completed the research, read through relevant documents, and made notes on the common law definition of Force Majeure, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Identify the types of events that constitute Force Majeure

  • Review the relevant contract to identify the specific events or circumstances that qualify as a force majeure event.
  • Consider any applicable laws or industry standards related to force majeure events.
  • Make a list of potential force majeure events that could apply to the contract.
  • Consider whether the list should include events outside of the contract’s scope but related to the contract’s performance.
  • Once the list is complete, review it with the relevant parties to ensure it is accurate and complete.

You will know when you can check this off your list when you have a complete list of potential force majeure events for the contract.

Examples of Force Majeure Events

  • Identify common examples of Force Majeure events, such as natural disasters, pandemics, civil unrest, etc.
  • Research the laws in your jurisdiction, as each will have a slightly different definition of what is considered a Force Majeure event.
  • Make a list of potential Force Majeure events that could affect your business.
  • Consider the potential impact of each event on your business.

You can check this step off your list when you have a list of potential Force Majeure events that could affect your business, along with their potential impacts.

Natural disasters

  • Familiarize yourself with the types of natural disasters that could trigger a Force Majeure event, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.
  • Research the potential impact of natural disasters in your area, if any.
  • Understand the legal implications of a Force Majeure event due to natural disasters and how it would affect your contracts and obligations.
  • When you have a solid understanding of the legal implications of Force Majeure due to natural disasters, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Acts of war

  • Understand what circumstances qualify as an act of war
  • Determine whether any of the acts of war in the contract are applicable to the current situation
  • Assess the legal implications for each side in the contract
  • Establish which party is liable for non-performance due to acts of war
  • Decide how to handle any financial or other losses as a result of the act of war
  • Checklist the steps you have taken to adjust the contract and ensure it is in compliance with applicable laws
  • Once all steps have been completed and the contract has been adjusted accordingly, move on to the next step of the guide.

Labor strikes

  • Research the applicable labor laws in the jurisdiction that applies to the contract
  • Draft a clause that states the rights and obligations of the parties in the event of a labor strike
  • Ensure the clause is enforceable and meets the requirements of the applicable jurisdiction
  • Include the clause in the contract
  • Once the clause is included in the contract, check it off your list and move on to the next step

Technological failures

  • Identify all areas of technology used in your business operations.
  • Audit your IT infrastructure for security risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Create a system for regularly backing up data and testing its recovery.
  • Establish a system for monitoring and managing the security of your IT systems.
  • Make sure your IT team is prepared to address any potential technological failures in a timely manner.
  • Have a plan in place for restoring systems and data in the event of a disruption.

You can check this step off your list when you have completed all the tasks listed above and you have a plan in place for addressing technological failures.

Travel delays

  • Review any existing contracts to check if a travel delay provision is already included
  • If not, consider including a clause that outlines the consequences of a travel delay
  • Determine what consequences may arise from a travel delay and how they are to be addressed
  • Create an acceptable timeline for delays (i.e. 24 hours, 48 hours, etc.)
  • Check off this step when you have reviewed and addressed any potential travel delays in your contracts.

How Force Majeure is Addressed in Contracts

  • Review the contracts and identify which ones have Force Majeure clauses
  • Pay close attention to the specific language of the clause, including any definitions and exceptions
  • Note if the Force Majeure clause covers the event or situation that is causing the delay
  • Determine if the contract has any provisions for how to resolve the situation, such as the parties renegotiating the contract
  • Make sure to document any changes that are made to the contract due to Force Majeure

Once you have reviewed and identified the Force Majeure provisions in the contracts, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify which contracts contain Force Majeure provisions

  • Review all contracts you have with other parties
  • Take note of any contracts that may contain a Force Majeure provision
  • Consult with legal counsel if needed
  • When you have identified which contracts contain a Force Majeure provision, you can move on to the next step.

Review the Force Majeure provisions in the relevant contracts

  • Read through the Force Majeure provisions in each identified contract
  • Make sure to note any differences between Force Majeure provisions in different contracts
  • Take note of any differences in language or scope of the Force Majeure provisions
  • Once you have reviewed the Force Majeure provisions in all relevant contracts, you will have a better understanding of the scope of the Force Majeure provisions, and will be able to move on to the next step.

Understand the scope of the Force Majeure provisions

  • Examine the language of the Force Majeure provisions in the contract to determine the exact circumstances that constitute a Force Majeure event
  • Read any case law related to the Force Majeure clause to determine how a court may interpret the clause in the event of litigation
  • Review the list of parties identified in the Force Majeure clause to determine who is covered by the clause
  • Determine the scope of the Force Majeure clause in terms of the geographic area, the duration of the Force Majeure event, and the types of events that are covered

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have thoroughly examined the language of the Force Majeure provision and have a clear understanding of the scope of the clause in your particular contract.

Impact of Force Majeure on Contracts

  • Review the parties’ contractual obligations and the scope of the force majeure provisions in the contract
  • Analyze the parties’ rights and obligations under the contract to determine where force majeure may have an impact
  • Assess the potential impacts of force majeure on the parties’ contractual obligations, including any delays, increased costs, or other issues
  • Identify any potential remedies available to the parties due to the force majeure event

Once you have reviewed the parties’ contractual obligations, analyzed the scope of the force majeure provisions and identified the potential impacts of force majeure on the relevant contracts, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identify the potential impacts of Force Majeure on the relevant contracts

  • Review the contract terms that are relevant to Force Majeure
  • Identify the potential impacts that Force Majeure may have on the contract
  • Consider how the parties to the contract may be affected by the Force Majeure clause
  • Analyze the contract language to determine the potential impact of Force Majeure on the contract

You can check this step off your list and move on to the next one when you have identified the potential impacts of Force Majeure on the relevant contracts.

Understand how the contract terms may change due to Force Majeure

  • Research the contract to find any existing Force Majeure provisions and determine how they may be affected by the event
  • Research applicable laws and regulations to understand potential changes in the contract terms
  • Review the contract to analyze the potential impacts of Force Majeure on the relevant clauses
  • Consider any potential changes that may be made to the contract terms as a result of Force Majeure
  • Determine how the contract terms may be amended or altered due to Force Majeure

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have reviewed the contract and researched applicable laws to understand the potential changes in the contract terms as a result of Force Majeure.

Enforcing Force Majeure Provisions in Contracts

  • Review your contract and check for any provisions related to Force Majeure
  • Check if the contract makes a distinction between the parties’ performance obligations and their duties to perform
  • Examine the remedies available for the party unable to fulfill its obligations due to Force Majeure
  • Check for any specific language that might limit or broaden the scope of the Force Majeure clause
  • Determine if any of the parties have the right to terminate the contract due to Force Majeure
  • Consider any other contractual obligations that might be affected by invoking the Force Majeure clause

You will know you have completed this step when you have thoroughly reviewed your contract and considered any provisions related to Force Majeure.

Analyze the legal process for enforcing Force Majeure provisions

  • Research applicable laws, including statutes and case law, to determine the process and procedure for asserting a Force Majeure claim
  • Identify any potential issues that may arise in the course of filing a Force Majeure claim in court
  • Consider the potential risks and benefits of pursuing a Force Majeure claim in court
  • Research the potential legal costs of filing a Force Majeure claim
  • Understand the timeline for filing a Force Majeure claim in court

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have done the research and analysis required to understand the legal process for enforcing Force Majeure provisions, you are ready to move onto the next step: Understand the available remedies.

Understand the available remedies

  • Determine the remedies available under Force Majeure clause.
  • Consider the consequences of exercising remedies.
  • Analyze the impact of remedies on the parties involved.
  • Consider the implications of remedies on the respective rights and obligations of the parties.
  • Once remedies are identified, assess the availability of legal remedies to enforce them.

Once you have identified the remedies available under the Force Majeure clause, assessed the implications of remedies on the parties involved and evaluated the availability of legal remedies to enforce them, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Legal Implications of Force Majeure

  • Research applicable case law and statutes to determine the legal effects of a force majeure clause
  • Review the contract that contains the force majeure clause to analyze how it affects the parties’ obligations
  • Consult with a lawyer to understand if the circumstances of the force majeure clause apply
  • Determine any applicable legal remedies or defenses available
  • Understand the legal implications of the force majeure clause on the parties’ contractual obligations
  • You will know when you have completed this step when you have a full understanding of the legal implications of the force majeure clause and any applicable remedies.

Analyze the legal implications of Force Majeure

  • Research and analyze existing laws and regulations related to Force Majeure.
  • Identify any pertinent case law or statutes related to Force Majeure.
  • Analyze the language of the contract to determine if Force Majeure clauses are included.
  • Consider how the Force Majeure clause may be interpreted and applied.
  • Consider how the contract may be affected by the occurrence of Force Majeure.

When you can check this step off your list:

  • You have researched, analyzed and identified potential legal implications related to Force Majeure.
  • You have considered how the Force Majeure clause may be interpreted and applied.
  • You have considered how the contract may be affected by the occurrence of Force Majeure.

Understand the potential liability of parties to the contract

  • Research and study the contract’s language to understand the potential liability for each party
  • Analyze the contract’s language to determine each party’s obligations
  • Consider the potential legal and financial implications for each party
  • Once you have a good understanding of the liabilities, you can move on to the next step.

Strategies for Mitigating the Risks of Force Majeure

  • Review the contract and identify potential risks associated with Force Majeure
  • Ask if any changes can be made to the contract to reduce the risk of Force Majeure
  • Consider the use of clauses or riders that modify or limit the parties’ liability in the event of Force Majeure
  • Ensure that the contract contains an unambiguous definition of Force Majeure
  • Consider the use of alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration in case of a dispute

Once you have reviewed the contract and identified potential risks associated with Force Majeure, asked if any changes can be made to the contract to reduce the risk of Force Majeure, considered the use of clauses or riders that modify or limit the parties’ liability in the event of Force Majeure, ensured that the contract contains an unambiguous definition of Force Majeure, and considered the use of alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration in case of a dispute, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Implement strategies to reduce the risk of Force Majeure

  • Review current contracts and identify areas of potential risk
  • Develop a plan to mitigate potential risks, including potential force majeure events
  • Work with legal counsel to create clauses within new contracts that address and provide protections against force majeure
  • Utilize insurance policies and other risk management tools to reduce exposure to force majeure events

You will know that you have completed this step when you have a plan in place to mitigate potential risks, have worked with legal counsel, and have identified and utilized risk management tools.

Identify ways to minimize the impact of Force Majeure events

  • Review applicable laws and regulations governing the agreement
  • Develop a contingency plan to address the impact of the Force Majeure
  • Identify alternative sources of supplies or services that can be used in the event of a Force Majeure
  • Consider alternative methods or delivery methods for products or services
  • Determine the ability to subcontract performance of the agreement in the event of a Force Majeure
  • Negotiate provisions in the agreement that will allow for flexibility in the event of a Force Majeure
  • Review and revise agreements to ensure that the provisions of the agreement are up-to-date

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified the ways to minimize the impact of Force Majeure events and have a plan in place to address the impact.

Tips for Negotiating Force Majeure Provisions in Contracts

  • Identify the parties, scope, and purpose of the contract
  • Research the force majeure laws in the relevant jurisdiction
  • Clearly define the force majeure event and its scope
  • Consider including a list of force majeure events
  • Consider the remedies available to both parties
  • Ensure the contract’s language is clear and specific
  • Determine whether the allocation of risk is fair and equitable
  • Consider the duration of the force majeure event
  • Consider any other contractual limitations

You will have completed this step when you have identified the parties, scope, and purpose of the contract, researched the force majeure laws in the relevant jurisdiction, clearly defined the force majeure event and its scope, included a list of force majeure events, determined the remedies available to both parties, ensured the contract’s language is clear and specific, determined whether the allocation of risk is fair and equitable, considered the duration of the force majeure event, and considered any other contractual limitations.

Understand the common pitfalls when negotiating Force Majeure provisions

  • Research common pitfalls when negotiating a Force Majeure provision, such as the scope of the provision, the triggers for invoking the provision, and the remedies for non-performance
  • Take note of any potential risks and areas for improvement that come up through your research
  • Make sure to communicate any risks or areas for improvement to the other party in the contract
  • When you have a good understanding of the common pitfalls to watch out for, you can move on to the next step.

Identify strategies for structuring Force Majeure provisions to be favorable for both parties

  • Research relevant case law and contractual language to identify potential strategies to incorporate into the contract
  • Put together a list of potential strategies that could be used to create a mutually beneficial Force Majeure clause
  • Consider ways to limit the risk of liability and provide remedies for the non-breaching party in the event of a Force Majeure
  • Draft a clause that balances the interests of both parties and provides a workable solution for future disputes
  • Review and revise the clause to ensure that it is clear and concise and that it meets the needs of both parties

You will know you have completed this step when you have drafted a clause that both parties find acceptable and that meets the needs of both parties in the event of a Force Majeure.

Determine which terms are non-negotiable

  • Review the contract and identify which terms absolutely must not be changed in the event of a force majeure event
  • Make a list of any mandatory terms that cannot be altered under any circumstances
  • Consider which terms are most likely to be affected by a force majeure event and make sure they are flexible enough to be changed if needed
  • Once you have identified which terms are non-negotiable, you can move on to the next step of drafting Force Majeure provisions in the contract.

Drafting Force Majeure Provisions in Contracts

  • Consult legal counsel to ensure that the clause is tailored to the specific needs of the contract and the parties involved
  • Outline the processes for implementing the clause and addressing any potential disputes
  • Specify which events constitute force majeure and the consequences for each
  • Define the parties’ respective obligations when force majeure occurs
  • Specify the process for suspension or termination of the contract if force majeure persists
  • Include a clause allowing for revision of the agreement if circumstances change

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a finalized version of the force majeure clause that meets the needs of the contract and the parties involved.

Review standard boilerplate clauses

  • Read through standard Force Majeure clauses
  • Familiarize yourself with the content of typical provisions
  • Identify the elements that must be included in your Force Majeure clause
  • Make sure to consider the possibility of adding additional provisions to the clause, depending on the specifics of your contract
  • Once you have reviewed the boilerplate clauses and understand the elements required, you can move to the next step: Understand the legal requirements for drafting Force Majeure provisions.

Understand the legal requirements for drafting Force Majeure provisions

  • Research applicable law and relevant case law to determine the requirements for Force Majeure clauses
  • Identify relevant contractual parties and their respective obligations
  • Identify potential Force Majeure events and the related impacts on the parties
  • Analyze the implications of Force Majeure clauses on the parties
  • Understand the impact of remedies or compensation on the parties

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a comprehensive understanding of the applicable legal requirements for drafting Force Majeure provisions
  • When you have identified the relevant contractual parties and their respective obligations
  • When you have identified potential Force Majeure events and the related impacts on the parties
  • When you have analyzed the implications of Force Majeure clauses on the parties
  • When you have understood the impact of remedies or compensation on the parties

Identify ways to make the contract language flexible to address potential Force Majeure events

  • Outline Force Majeure language in the contract, including what constitutes a Force Majeure event
  • Include a clause that specifies which party is responsible for any such event
  • Add a clause that allows for a material change to the agreement should a Force Majeure event occur
  • Specify any additional measures that need to be taken to be in compliance with the agreement in the event of a Force Majeure event
  • Include a clause that specifies how the parties will communicate in the event of a Force Majeure event

You will know you can move on to the next step when you have included all of the above clauses in the contract language.

Monitoring Force Majeure Events

  • Create a tracking system that can be used to monitor potential Force Majeure events.
  • This system should include processes for identifying and recording events, as well as tracking the status of current events.
  • Establish a team of people responsible for monitoring Force Majeure events.
  • Monitor relevant news sources, industry publications, and other sources to stay informed about potential Force Majeure events.
  • Check in with team members on a regular basis to ensure that all Force Majeure events are being tracked.

You can check this step off your list once the tracking system is set up and the team members are identified and trained on the system.

Establish a system for tracking Force Majeure events

  • Create a spreadsheet or database to store information about each Force Majeure event.
  • Include columns for the type of event, the date it occurred, its duration, and any other relevant details.
  • Update the spreadsheet or database when new Force Majeure events occur.
  • You can check this off your list once the spreadsheet or database is set up and ready to be used.

Identify resources for staying up-to-date on Force Majeure events

  • Research online sources such as news outlets, government websites, and other industry sources to stay up-to-date on Force Majeure events
  • Sign up for email alerts from reputable sources to be notified when new Force Majeure events occur
  • Establish contact with other legal professionals in the field to stay aware of Force Majeure events
  • Join relevant discussion forums to stay in the know

You will know you can check this off your list when you have identified reliable sources for staying up-to-date on Force Majeure events.

Monitor the potential impact of Force Majeure events on existing contracts

  • Review the terms of each existing contract to identify any clauses related to Force Majeure events
  • Look for any provisions that may allow for termination or renegotiation of a contract due to an event of Force Majeure
  • Monitor the news to stay informed of any developments which might necessitate a review of the contractual provisions
  • Check in regularly with the parties to the contract to ensure that any potential impacts of Force Majeure events are being addressed
  • Once you have identified any potential impacts of Force Majeure events on existing contracts, you can move on to the next step.


Q: What is a ‘B2B’ agenda?

Asked by Hayden on 17th February 2022.
A: A B2B agenda is a business-to-business agenda, which is used to help companies manage their relationships with other businesses from strategy planning to implementation and execution. This type of agenda focuses on creating a unified approach to business relationships and is often used to ensure that all parties involved in a transaction are given the same opportunity to benefit from the business relationship. It also ensures that all parties are aware of the potential risks associated with the relationship and can negotiate accordingly.

Q: What are the differences between US and UK agendas?

Asked by Amelia on 14th April 2022.
A: The main differences between US and UK agendas are the legal frameworks they operate within. In the US, most agendas are subject to state law, while in the UK they are typically based on national law. For example, in the US, certain aspects of an agenda such as payment terms and invoicing may be subject to state regulations, while in the UK these may be set out in national legislation. In addition, UK agendas may include more detailed information about dispute resolution processes than US ones do, as these are often more complex in the UK due to different court systems.

Q: How do I create an agenda for a technology company?

Asked by Dylan on 2nd June 2022.
A: Creating an effective agenda for a technology company requires careful consideration of both the company’s objectives and their customers’ needs. When planning an agenda for a technology company, it is important to consider how their products or services will be used by their customers, how customer support will be provided, and how customer feedback can be incorporated into future plans. Additionally, it is important to ensure that any agreements made between the technology company and their customers are legally enforceable and that any intellectual property rights are properly protected.

Q: What should I include in an EU agenda?

Asked by Emma on 16th August 2022.
A: When creating an EU agenda, it is important to include details of the applicable legal framework that will govern any agreements made between parties within the EU. This should include information on applicable laws, taxes, and regulations that might apply when doing business within the EU. Additionally, it is important to include information about dispute resolution procedures, as well as any other relevant information such as data protection or privacy policies. Finally, it is also important to ensure that any intellectual property rights are properly protected according to EU regulations.

Q: How do I make sure my agenda is compliant with industry laws?

Asked by Noah on 8th October 2022.
A: To ensure that your agenda is compliant with industry laws, it is important to research any relevant regulations and laws that might apply to your sector or industry before creating your agenda. Once you have identified any relevant regulations or laws, you should ensure that they are included in your document so that you can guarantee compliance at all times. Additionally, you should also consider consulting with legal professionals if there are any areas which you need further clarification on before finalising your document.

Q: What type of language should be used when creating an effective agenda?

Asked by Olivia on 18th December 2022.
A: When creating an effective agenda it is important to use clear and concise language which can be easily understood by everyone involved in the process. It is best practice to avoid jargon or technical language where possible as this can make an agreement difficult for people who may not understand these terms or phrases. Additionally, you should ensure that all relevant terms, conditions and definitions are included clearly so that everyone involved has a clear understanding of what has been agreed upon.

Q: How do I ensure my agenda reflects my company’s vision?

Asked by Mason on 26th February 2022.
A: To ensure that your agenda reflects your company’s vision it is important to consider what goals you want to achieve through your document before beginning work on it. It is also important to think about how your document will help you reach those goals both now and in the future - for example, if your goal is customer satisfaction then you should consider including customer feedback processes in your document so that you can make sure that your customers’ needs are taken into account when making decisions related to your business relationship with them. Additionally, it is important to make sure that all parties involved understand what has been agreed upon - this can help prevent disagreements or misunderstandings down the line.

Q: How do I make sure my agenda covers different scenarios?

Asked by Emma on 5th May 2022.
A: To ensure that your agenda covers different scenarios it is important to think about potential issues which could arise during the course of a business relationship - for example disputes over payment terms or contracts not being delivered on time - and plan for how these issues will be addressed if they arise. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all parties involved understand how these issues will be handled so they can make informed decisions when entering into negotiations or agreements with each other - this can help prevent disagreements or misunderstandings down the line which could have serious consequences for both parties involved.""Compile 15 complicated and niche questions users would have after reading an article titled ‘Force Majeure 101’ | A comprehensive step-by-step guide. Perhaps they have questions about UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions and laws, their industry, sector or business model (SaaS, Technology or B2B for example), or their particular needs (whether they actually need one). Provide details and help with each answer.

Then provide complete, concise answers to those questions, formatted in markdown with questions as heading 3, and answers in plain paragraph text. Each question should also appear alongside a random first name from the top 1000 most popular names in the USA as a user who asked the question.

Answers should be liberal and progressive in views where possible, using a friendly customer-support style tone of voice, while demonstrating expertise in the subject. Answers should also tackle subjects around the question as well as the question itself.


Q: Question

Asked by Make up a random first name on a random date within 2022. Do not use dates after 2022.
A: Answer for question above

15 complicated and niche questions which might be asked by a student lawyer:""

Example dispute

Possible lawsuits referencing force majeure

  • Plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing a force majeure clause if a contract has been breached due to an unforeseeable event beyond the parties’ control.
  • This could include natural disasters, pandemics, war, or any other event that renders contractual performance impossible.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the force majeure event made it impossible to fulfill the contract.
  • The defendant may be entitled to the benefit of the force majeure defense if they can prove that the event was unforeseeable and beyond their control.
  • The court may award damages to the plaintiff if the defendant is found to be liable for breach of contract.
  • The damages may be calculated based on the losses suffered by the plaintiff, such as the cost of replacing goods or services, or the lost profits that would have resulted from completing the contract.
  • In some cases, the court may order the defendant to pay the plaintiff the full amount of the contract less any amounts already paid.

Templates available (free to use)

Force Majeure Contract Termination Notice
Force Majeure Event Notice
Force Majeure Notice
Force Majeure Termination Of Contract By Obligee Notice

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